Shout 2021 | Wayne Huirua | Spirit & Water | Shout Conference Unify

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when pastor sam asked me to speak the other day i thought um i immediately prayed and i felt the lord saying spirit i want you to want you to preach in spirit um the next day i got a text from a friend of a very close prophetic friend who sent me uh the scripture of jesus saying i am living water so i thought okay i'm preaching on spirit and water um and then when shout started past the same priesthood spirit and then yesterday passed a change preaching water so i thought okay what have i got left you know and i just thought actually no i just felt like um god wants to minister today he wants to minister to you today i feel a real heart of god's heart for ministry because spirit and water both speak of life of life so i'm going to get this guys to throw up um the first picture on the on the slide when i thought of water um through scriptures i am not um fluent in hebrew so i didn't think of the hebrew word i thought of the maori word because that's who i am and of course we we know that the water the word for water is why but then i thought like any good theologian i should go and look up the greek so i like any good theologian googled it and um and found that it says uh the hebrew word for water is on my i don't know how if i'm saying that correctly sorry um and it's kind of the idea of um you know the waters when when when you look in the beginning of genesis 1 it says the in the creation story that god created the heavens and the earth and it was the waters waters and then he separated the waters um and then there was the waters on the on the earth and then there was the waters in the heaven um the hebrew word for heaven or spirit is this word so it's the water but it's in its simplistic form it means second waters second waters there was the waters the physical waters then there are the heavenly waters which is the spirit interesting because the maori word for spirit is wairua the second waters it's like where there's water there's spirit there's earthly waters and then there's the heavenly waters there is the the physical and there is the spirit the when the waters were separated in in genesis 1 chapter 2 it said the spirit the waters were formless and void and it said the holy spirit brooded over the waters the sense of brooding and i never really kind of understood what that what that meant but i feel it now i feel like this the spirit of god is brooding over waters here and i don't know if people have come here and your waters have stopped flowing and they're just a little bit formless and void but i i feel like this whole time there's been this this thing inside and the spirit is brooding right now the waidua is brooding interesting because our bodies are made up of 60 of water but the spirit broods over us all without him our waters are in chaos our waters are formless our waters are void and we end up in chaos it's um what we're not told in genesis is what happened between verse 1 and verse 2 of genesis 1. genesis 1 says in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth in verse 2 it said and the waters were formless and void and so there's this thing in theology all the pastors will know about the gap theory they're saying well what happened in between 1 and 2 to make what god created into this formless void and another that same word for um for formless void in there is used in another place in the bible in deuteronomy where it means a wasteless or howling wasteland a howling wasteland and you think wait when god created the heavens and earth do you really think he created a howling wasteland because god doesn't create wastelands he creates beautiful things so god creates this beautiful thing but in between one and two we're left from from a beautiful thing all of us it's a howling wasteland it's formless it's void it's devoid of life pastor sam said yesterday he talked about michael and the angels michael gabriel and lucifer um michael we know by name gabriel we know by name but lucifer is actually not his name it's just a name that we put on there it's like satan is not his name it's actually a title thus satan satan just means adversary it just means lucifer just talks about the morning star because that's what he was kind of likened to so he actually doesn't have a name in the bible why because names are really important names carry dignity and importance and honor and it's like no when he when he's when he stopped doing what he was supposed to be he's supposed to do and that was being the worship angel his whole idea was to reflect the glory of god ezekiel tells us that he was in isaiah tells us he was made with musical instruments in him i don't know if you've ever read that he was made with beautiful jewels all over him he looked beautiful he sounded beautiful his whole whole job was to reflect the glory of god to bring worship from the universe pour it through himself and lead everybody in worship towards god but as the glory goes through him it goes i mean it goes from there through him it flows through him and on to god but when he stopped the flow it turned into when you stop the flow of water what does it do it turns into stagnation and corruption when he stopped the flow it stopped it stopped the life he lost his name because he lost his purpose and they and then god had to expel him from heaven and way through him was down here so all that stagnation and corruption he then brings to the planet and what was beautiful is now a howling wasteland it's now it's now formless and void it's just it's just a theory other people argue against it other theologians and whatnot but it's a pretty good one when you consider that that god made man out of dust when you think okay wait what's dust made of dust is corrupted flesh are your skin [Music] [Laughter] when the when the when the once thus satan came got thrown to earth and he brought all that corruption so everything on the planet then what was beautiful is now is now corrupted and we're left with dust god says well listen i've got a place in in heaven there where you you used to worship and you used to reflect the glory and pour the glory flow through through you and to me and um and now it's stopped i still need someone there to worship me and pastor sam alluded to it yesterday where he said well let's take the very corruption that you created down there pull it together form a body and i'm gonna breathe my very spirit and do it so that very body with my spirit in it can rise up again and start to worship and start to be my worship leader again and i remember hearing jensen franklin once at a conference so when i get to heaven my first question is i'm going to ask is where's the spot and i was like everybody was like what what spot he goes where's the spot where satan failed to worship so i can stand in it and start to worship god where he failed and i'm like yes satan lost his expression of glory and worship and so he pulls together us the dust to do that because when corruption comes and i'm gonna i'm gonna ask jason if you could throw that video up i kind of i was thinking about this and i thought you know when when um when flowers and plant life and stuff start to start to decompose without water they just turn to dust and i'm feeling like this today this this somebody in here even as you're watching that you're realizing man over a period of time that's what my life has been feeling like i i felt for pastors um this past year you've been leading your churches and through a really tough time we've been speaking to worship pastors overseas in all of our churches and my love goes out to all our online churches and our family everywhere because we've been really feeling for you that this has been man it's been a really tough time working through and the waters have been just hard to get keep flowing hard to keep flowing and it gets to a point where it's like oh man i feel like i'm starting to just curl up because the waters have stopped flowing maybe some of you here feel like these flowers like life has stopped although you're made of living water although you're made of water the living water of jesus isn't flowing like it used to and you're slowly drying but god the spirit of god is brooding spirit of god says no god still needs someone to worship him and so he's gathering together the very corruption left by satan forms it into a body and then breathes his very breath his very spirit into him and the lifeless dust begins to flow with living water again and the life begins with the spirit of god inside and adam opens his eyes and the first thing he sees is the face of his father open your eyes and look upon the face of your father and maori we we speak about that as tihei maori order modi order a t hey means of sneeze it's the breath modi order it's the breath that he breathed into into adam and in order to breathe of course it's like it's like a face to face you know uh resuscitation kind of kind of you know face to face notice the noise we do the honey the honey thing there he was breathing life into this pile of lifeless dust and it becomes adam and he opens his eyes and the fishy things is first thing he sees is god i feel like it's time to open your eyes realize that the father is close open your eyes and realize that the father is that close to you the very breath pastor bruce talks about it lord the very breath that you breathe is god himself can you can you start to feel it even now can you start to feel the heart of god close to you this idea of the spirit brooding over the waters guys throw up that picture of the of the waters and the heavens being split god creates the the heavens and the in the in the earth and the waters are down below there but also the water is in the heaven and it's formless and void but then um the spirit broods over the formless void that brooding sense um where it's like he's he's not happy when there's no flow formless and void water he's i can see the holy spirit saying no there's for when water stagnates then all this the corruption grows i need to get water flowing again spirit the spirit brews over the water to get things flowing it's like with electricity you know already there's electricity can sit there and and it can have a lot of power but if it's not moving there's it's not sending power anywhere you know what current voltage you know wattage whatever it is kinetic energy it needs to keep current moving and so the spirit wants to move stagnant waters today now this idea of the the um the relationship of oh no i see it's like with the father heart of the father sees this water that he's created he's saying no there's supposed to be life there but there isn't life and so the heart goes out and says no i've got to get i've got to get life flowing again i've got to get the waters flowing again and so he pours himself into a human body and calls him jesus this flow from one to another jesus then pours himself back into the father and says yeah i'm going to follow you everything i the father does nothing except what he sees the son does nothing except what he sees the father doing so there's this constant flow of the father pouring himself into the sun and the sun pouring himself into the into the father and there's this beautiful flow and it's the holy spirit in both of them that's creating the flow isn't that beautiful and then the jesus comes to the earth and says and prays for us and says father may they be one just as you and i are one unified may they be one just as you and i are one unified and it's the holy spirit in both of them that's creating this flow between father son father son when when jesus needs something he goes to find the father when he gets tired he goes to find the father and he has this beautiful love flowing all the time are you getting the picture and then as he prays for us it's like no i'm inviting you now to join in this flow when you give your life to jesus it isn't just an individual thing when you give your life to him the holy spirit invites you into the middle of that flow the father flowing into the sun the sun flow pouring into the father and you're in the middle of there and the holy spirit is the one facilitating it all that's awesome so when the waters are formless and void the spirit says no i'm not happy about this satan you stop the flow of living water from the father and the son the spirit is brooding now it's saying i've got to get things going and so he creates adam with spirit and purpose he to let those living waters flow god knows just like the heavenly flow adam needs a mate so he puts him to sleep and he creates eve out of his side he puts him to sleep takes a rib out of his side creates his bride and now adam and his bride can love each other the flow flow of living waters and they're together in this beautiful lush garden as they take their part in helping their father create the world and they speak prophetically the names and natures of each animal as god brings them before him have you ever noticed what the bible says whenever god brought an animal to adam whatever he named it that's what that big animal became there's such power in names that's why satan doesn't have a name it's it's amazing to think that god they added that god pulled his spirit into adam adam then awakes and starts to name animals that's the one job we're told about because as he's speaking as he's naming he's prophetically declaring and what he names becomes that's what you've got the same spirit that created the world as in you to create the world around you we're supposed to be vessels of the living water of god out to this planet and that's what adam and eve were when jesus was on the cross god also put him to sleep and when the roman soldier pierced his side out of his side then came blood and water and out of that water as it flowed into us he also got his bride and his bride became us the whole idea being now we can flow between jesus and his bride we can flow with living waters and out of us we can start to create we can start to flow we can start to let living waters out into this planet are you feeling this this whole idea of waters flowing through the more i looked in the bible the more i realized man there's so much of it out of the garden of eden there were these rivers again pastor shane told us about one yesterday rivers flow but we ruined it when we sinned and so we found ourselves back in the desert eventually abraham gets some water but then when he runs out of food he turns to egypt and egypt is the type of the world when we run out of food and sustenance don't turn to the world god god had to rescue him from egypt just as he rescues you from the world and the physical abraham doug wells and he digs wells in the desert and he has a son named isaac isaac needs a wife eventually so he sends a servant to look for a wife and where does he find one he finds a lovely name named rebecca at a well pouring water this whole thing of water water water water his son named jacob also digs a well but we don't hear about it until much later in the new testament when jesus shows up at a well jacob's well to meet a lady there from samaria he meets a samaritan woman who is thirsty she's sick and she's tired she's hot and she's weary and she comes out looking for water in the middle of the day because she can't go anywhere else when everyone else goes because they don't like it they've rejected her because of because of what she's done in the place we don't know about this until jesus snaps her out it's a really funny story but it's an awesome story too because we see how jesus works through us our defenses the samaritan woman is there in the middle of the day and and jesus is waiting for her which is a which is a stunning fact he's planned it he'll be there when you need him right in the middle of your need so he starts this conversation and says and says hey you could have a drink of water she says don't you know who i am i'm a woman i'm a samaritan and you're a jew and you're a male what are you what are you doing talking to me probably because she thought he was hitting on it he says um girl if you knew who i was then you'd be asking me for water she says are you are you greater than jacob who dug this well thinking you know jacob was the one with the living water he was the one with the water she's still thinking earthly water and jesus the whole time is speaking wairua and so he he says amen if you got some of the water that i've got you'd never thirst again she goes oh yes please give me some of that water here goes okay yeah yeah cool cool first go and get your husband she goes i don't have a husband he goes dang straight you don't you've had five husbands and even the one you're living with now is not even your husband she figures out oh you're a prophet the you know oh i see you're a prophet and then launches into a debate about worship how do we get from husbands to worship how do we get from water to worship how do we get from water to husbands to worship jesus knew that she's got an issue she's had five husbands clearly she's been she's not ugly which is probably why the women don't like you that's why she doesn't go out with the other woman she goes out in the middle of the day because she doesn't want to hang around everybody else because they've rejected her why because once she's hot and two she's stealing all their husbands so then she's clearly got an issue of pain she's got some something in her life which is pain and instead of looking for god she looks to find it and the only thing she's got which is it looks and looks for in the relationships and throughout all these failed relationships she's never been able to find god and instead never been able to find comfort for her pain and instead she finds herself in this hard cynical place all her defenses are up and it needs a messiah with living water to come and flow into her to break down her defenses that bring it alive again and so he starts to break these defenses down and says and starts right where she's right where she's needed right where her greatest need is physically it's water first so he says yeah no you need water i'll give you water and then and then it busts through and she's and then he snaps her out and says oh husbands go get your husband first snaps out the bigger issue she realizes you're a prophet there's something spiritual here she's got questions your whole life why because she is a samaritan she's been raised in church but there's a big big feud between the samaritan church and the jewish church that's why they hate each other and so she says my whole life i've been hearing about god you're a prophet every time i go to look for to look for church and to look for god i don't see living waters all i see is churches fighting over how to worship it's ridiculous the world is out there in so much pain and when they look at the church they still see churches fighting over how to worship oh should we do hillsong songs should we plan our shaker songs no those ones are evil we should we have the hymns should we use drums no guitars are evil right i remember hearing one guy say drums are evil because they come from africa i went to one church in america and they said guitars they wouldn't allow guitars in their church because they were shaped like a woman i thought man how ugly are the women in your church if you've got a problem with a guitar man you need to get out more it's stupid that people will go to churches and they'll and they'll fight one church will fight another one over the style of worship and so she says to jesus i see you're a prophet i've been looking my whole life for comfort from this pain i can't find it myself but when i look to god all i see is churches fighting over nothing and can you tell me the truth why which one where do i worship and he says girl it's not about worshiping this way or that way it's about worshiping in spirit and truth it's about worshiping and transparency it's about worshiping and honesty you know what transparency and honesty says open i'm open i've got to be open to receive god's not afraid of your honesty god's not afraid of your openness in fact he wants you honest he wants you open if you have to yell and scream to get into his presence yell and scream it's not like he hasn't heard it before you're not the exception to the rule he's had a little bit of practice with human beings before you you know nothing you can say or do is going to surprise him and so he's just saying listen if you just open yourself come to me and honestly all this water is waiting for you and so he says oh man and this lady says listen i can she could feel the living water coming from him but she couldn't understand it with her mind because his spirit is not yet ignited and so you can hear her say i i know what you're saying i can feel this life in there somewhere i don't understand it though but my bible tells me there's a messiah coming and he's the one that's going to explain it all to me and he says girl look right in front of you i'm right here i'm right here right here i'm right here he can do this because he's the messiah you know the messiah was prophesied way longer that pastor shane told us yesterday just how many times it's his he was he was he was destined he was this lamb that was slain before the foundation of the world and so through the old testament we keep seeing signs of the lamb that was slain before the foundation of the world the messiah that's coming to bring living waters to us you could see it all the way through one of the stories was with was when moses was leaving the people through the wilderness and the people all got thirsty because they're out in the on the desert what a perfect opportunity for god to give a lesson a prophetic lesson so he says sure you need you need you need water moses struck that rock and water will flow so he takes his rod he strikes the wok rock water flows out everyone drinks it's like this is awesome cool but like typical people you drink once you get thirsty again the next day well it happened again later on they came back to him and said and said hey we're thirsty again this time moses got angry at them says for goodness sake when are you guys gonna just stop complaining so god says to moses hey this time speak to the rock so he speaks to the rock no he's supposed to speak to the rock but because he's angry with the people he he takes his staff again and strikes it again this time water flows for sure but god punishes moses and a harsh punishment too he says because you've done this you won't be allowed into the promised land that's like man that's harsh i thought why so harsh you got angry at these people why isn't he allowed to get angry at these people and he said because it's an analogy it's a sign of what i'm going to do that the messiah is coming to flow living waters to us and he's struck once and only once he never needs to be crucified again from then on afterwards if you get thirsty you don't need to crucify him again you just need to speak to the rock speak his name and water will flow will someone speak the name of jesus in this place because i feel like he's here right now ready to flow living waters living waters into you god prophesied time and time again the prophet ezekiel if we could put that verse out it is prophesied again about what his heart to cleanse us he says i will sprinkle clean water upon you and you will be clean i will cleanse you from all your impurities and from all your idols i will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you i will remove from you your heart of stone give you a heart of flesh and i will put my spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws in john 7 this is this is the verse that my friend texted me and says then on the most important day of the feast the last day jesus stood and shouted out to the crowds all you thirsty ones come to me come to me and drink believe in me so that rivers of living water will burst out from within you flowing from your innermost being just like the scripture says jesus was prophesying about the holy spirit that believers were being prepared to receive but the spirit hadn't been poured out upon them because jesus had yet to be unveiled in his full splendor the idea where there's water there's always the spirit that we need the water to cleanse we need the water to keep flowing to cleanse us from the stagnation but then our spirit needs to be ignited there needs to be water and spirit and so jesus was very clear when after this he spoke to a guy named nicodemus and said and said hey in order to receive the kin no one can see the kingdom of god unless you've been born again nicodemus who's a teacher says what have been born again what is that do you mean i'm supposed to go back into my mother's womb he was like being like dumb why because unless you got the spirit ignite unless jesus reveals himself to the things of the spirit you can't see them and so jesus says to him very clearly truly i say to you you must be born of water and of spirit he wasn't talking about baptism he was being he was talking about being born of water means cleansed by the living waters the living flowing waters of god some of you are like the samaritan woman you've got a past and you just can't get free from it some of you have are still struggling with things from your past that you just you're still struggling with guilt each day every time you come to praise you kind of you spend the first couple of praise songs like this because you still didn't realize that the living waters are there to cleanse you to be born of water to give yourself to him an openness and transparency and just to receive those cleansing waters because once you're clean then the spirit can be ignited you know since the since adam's sin our spirit our spirits have been dormant the holy spirit broods over these waters and then he gets the waters flowing and then he is free to then flow flow flow flow the holy spirit wants to flow through you he wants to float he wants to flow through you and to others but until you're cleansed until you're born of water your spirit will remain dormant and it's time for it to be woke up woke up jesus is at his friend's house um lazarus martha mary their brother and sisters and martha is clearly the older one because she's the one doing all the work and mary is the is the younger one sitting at the feet of jesus doing nothing lazarus is kind of um he he must be the middle one because he's off doing uh being forgotten about it [Laughter] and this story anyway i i don't even know right but um the point is mary is sitting at his feet and martha is the one doing all the work and she complains to him says he says why don't you tell mary to come help me and jesus response to her is martha martha you are anxious and troubled about many things but one thing is necessary one thing is necessary martha was in the presence of the prince of peace he was actually in her house she was in the proximity of jesus himself but still managed to let his stress and anxiety rule over here how many of us are in church you're in the presence of jesus and still you're ruled by anxiety you're ruled by stress you're struggling how many in this landscape of anxiety of worry of restlessness of depression fear when we if there's ever a time we need the supernatural peace of god it's now but if you can't hear him even if you're in church if you're in the presence of god every sunday but you can't feel him you can't sense him how can you know his peace and comfort martha was right there with him and yet chose to work instead of sit there mary chose to sit at his at his feet and and jesus said no mary's chosen the good way and it won't be taken away from her mary has chosen what's better and it will not be taken away from her another translation says mary has discovered the one thing most important by choosing to sit at my feet she is undistracted and i won't take this privilege from here undistracted i think it's time for us to be starting to be i think we are distracted too much by the earthly waters and we're not seeing into the spirit enough and it's time for us to be undistracted again let's start to look into the spirit stop looking at what's around you and see in the spirit pastor helen has always there's so many sermons i've heard from pastor helens about activating the spirit man we've got to see into the spirit once you see that you'll choose the good things but if we're distracted by what's going on if we're distracted by what's around us if we're distracted by our circumstances we're probably going to choose the wrong thing and we'll end up in stress and anxiety and fear and restlessness even if we're christians and even if we're in church what that says is a choice mary chose you have to make room to experience god god can't bring you peace in a deeper revelation of his love if you don't make time to encounter him isaiah 30 says for thus says the lord god the holy one of israel and returning and rest you shall be saved and quietness and entrust shall be your strength but you were unwilling those waters are all there waiting for you the living waters are all there waiting for you the spirit of god is all there waiting for you but you've been unwilling it's not his choice it's your choice stop turning to the world to egypt for comfort and food during famine jesus said i'm the bread of life not perishable bread but but bread that will never run out we've got to make room for him we've got to make room for him can we make room for him can we make room for him right now i just i just want one minute of ministry i just want just a minute for you to make room for him i i feel like somebody has come here today and you've all this the stagnant stuff the dust has been there your life has been empty it's felt empty it's felt like the waters have stopped flowing some of you have got a past that needs to be cleansed some of you your spirit has gone dormant and it needs to be re reawakened and i just feel for a minute now it's just to minister just to impart could you do what you need to do to connect with god for a minute as we make a little room to encounter god to give him our attention yeah cool if you need to stand stand if you need to get on your knees get on your knees but let's receive healing waters flow of flowing rivers living father let your rivers flow as a church you want us to flow your living waters out into this world and so i pray now lord for the living waters to flow and cleanse to bring cleansing for those that have struggled with things of their past and they they really can't let it go lord cleanse right now in jesus name bring your healing bring your cleansing and forgiveness in jesus name for those that went through a tough time last year all the way through to this year and they've been struggling to keep that going you got up to things maybe and you're just ashamed of that lord bring your forgiveness and bring your cleansing healing waters for those of us whose lives felt like they just turned to dust and corruption because the water stopped flowing especially for leaders i feel like especially for leaders that have been leading for so long and if you've been leading out of experience you've been leading out of i don't know just you know just the title maybe but underneath you know that the waters have stopped flowing just for a second holy spirit get those waters flowing again flow living water experience living water rivers flowing in jesus name in jesus name and thank you for your holy spirit lord we pray you would in this place today reignite spirits that we will be born again of the spirit of god holy spirit that you would ignite us to do what you did that living waters would flow from us [Music] would be out there we'd be able to speak and create a world create the kingdom of god [Music] that as we prophesy and as we sing and as we speak and as we minister we would minister out of the living waters that are in us lord awaken your church awaken your churches big churches small churches regional churches of global churches awaken the spirit in your church's father let living waters flow in jesus [Music] the living waters come on as your spirit is starting to awaken receive stand and receive receive [Music] and it all starts with you making room [Music] [Music] is [Music] come on like mary did make room i may grow me here like mary did make room have all my attention give them all your attention take your eyes off this stress take your eyes off the worry take your eyes off the work give him all your attention you need his presence
Channel: Equippers Church
Views: 591
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Equippers Church, Equippers, Sam monk, Bruce Monk, Wayne Huirua, Libby Huirua, Steve Graham, Church, Jesus, Helen Monk, Esther Greenwood, Equippers Revolution Band, Who is Jesus, Christianity, Kathy Monk, Equippers Worship, change my life, transform my life, Church Online, Church at Home
Id: Qsq2G10ACCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 37sec (2377 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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