Blender's Solution For Bad Topology | Blender #13

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hello this video is sure the best way to model blended to get nice smooth clean subdivision surfaces so here's my default cubed you delete all the other faces so let's do some basic modeling I'll just press 2 to go into the any levels like this edge and just extrude it let's make a nice smooth model here let's get some nice curvature going I can hold down alt to left click on this just let this entire loop extrude once more scale and just kind of move it until I get a shape that I like alright and what I want to do is weld this vertex this one so just press 1 to go into the vertex level I'll select it and then we can simply go press n go into tool options Auto merge the default bare shoulders fine we're gonna activate snaps and actually change it to be vertex snap all right we're gonna press n again to hide the tools they can simply move this to this vertex and it will merge with that alright let's also go on to our modifiers and activates mirror I'm gonna bisect and flip to go from left to right we can minimize this and let's also add the duration surface alright so here is our basic model what I'm going to do is to duplicate this so I'll just press shift D I'm going to right click to make sure duplicate in the same position I'll double click on the duplicates name and I'll just call this base and enter and let's just turn off the visibility let's go back to our default cube make sure it's selected and let's just do some more modeling all right so let's say I want to add some sort of detail here I'm going to just use the cut tool and actually it can do is that if I press space right now it's going to turn off the cut too and I'll be back in the move tool however I can also do is in order to start your cut I can simply press E without confirming and I can do more cuts like that without having to constantly use a hotkey to go back into the cut tool so instead of pressing space simply press e to do more cuts all right and then you can press space to confirm what I'm gonna undo I just want this detail alright now we'll select this vertex and I will press X and we wouldn't delete it let's also fix topology by doing this E and then right here all right let's activate our modifiers see what we've got going here all right you notice that it's just way too smooth here so I'm going to just add some support loops now of course we can use creases if we have volume but let's all slumber how can you support loops at all because they do come in handy main situations and there are many studios that prefer support loops are supposed to just creases all right so I'm gonna use loop cut and notice how if I left click on this it a little bit lopsided if we look here you can see that the space between these two edges is small no space between these edges so we're going to add a little bit of modifier to our tool we're going to left-click and we're gonna press E and it's gonna kind of even out now it's not more even all right we're gonna make things our / not here but let's say right here all right we're just gonna sharpen things up all right there we go and then it connects out that all right we've got the intended results we made this much sharper but if you look at the mesh now we're getting some changes happening here I'm going to right click and use shade smooth let's also change our material real quick let's go into material tab and remember we all want to use this this is the render properties we want to go into the viewport display now we're gonna do is increase the metallic which makes it just kind of more reflective and maybe we can decrease the roughness make it more glossy this will help us to see errors in our model better in our mesh quality so because I insert a loop through there we are now getting sharpness here which let's say in this situation I don't want I wanted to remain smooth just like the other object smooth like this and we're also starting to get distortion here because it's apologies you have some distortion happening here alright so here's the solution this is a nice technique for clean modeling in blender we're gonna go into a modifier tab we're going to add a shrink wrap modifier we're gonna add on top you want to select the target which you can use an eyedropper and then select a mesh from your scene or you can click on the left here actually choose a name its base and there we go you can see now what's happening here is that all of the topology is being projected on to this other object so you can see how they match very well right now we can just have this invisible so it doesn't create z-fighting I remember you can even modify the properties of objects which are hidden in the situation the base object is hidden but I can still change its properties here so what we want to do is make sure they have a high enough level for a solution because if it's too low we get this kind of faceted effect because we have a more complex mesh being projected onto a simpler mesh so we want to make sure this is nice and smooth let's go at least 4 maybe even 5 and now we get this nice smoother results we have some different modes here but we'll use a default one for now and there we go so notice how all the topological issues and distortions are now gone and we get this really nice smooth mesh that's a spare if you look on this corner Oh God and we still get all the benefits of having those support loops be here we still get that sharpness however you do notice that we have some issues happening we notice we have this kind of collapsing effect these vertices are gonna collapse in on themselves which are causing some really strange issues here and here as well this is happening because if we look at our base mesh and hide the cube you will notice that it's nice and smooth here that was the original way I modeled this if we turn off so the vision this was how I modeled Ashley and that's giving us a very nice smooth result like this however if we look at the cube if I turn off the shrink-wrap notice up because in sir there's no loops I actually sharpen this area up so those loops are causing it to be sharp which means what's happening is that it's trying to shrink wrap all of these vertices onto this smooth mesh and that's why all these vertices are kind of collapsing on each other so in order to fix this what I can actually do is just copy this shrink wrap modifier and apply it we just move it up here I'm going to apply it then I'm going to re activate the copy and notice how that issue has now been solved now what you may want to do is you may actually want to go in here and just move a few vertices around so for example this one looks like it's the wrong position so I can just go here and activate each slide activate vertex lines just gonna slide it like this and maybe you can do that on the bottom left as well that's right here just kind of slide it and there we go and as you notice we don't get that strange shading caused by the collapsed vertices all right let's go ahead and add some for the detail so I'm just going to use the cut tool and let's add some more nice little details here alright ii ii ii all right just gonna check for n guns and things like that for example here I'm gonna press space to confirm what I would do here is just reactivate snaps actually it's already active so I'll just select this vertex and snap it to this one and it's gonna merge all right I want there to be a hole here so I'm gonna select these two vertices X and delete them all right let's just add some further detail here what can I actually do instead of using cuts I can just select some polygons some faces here and let's just inset let's just do a little of scale let's just delete this alright let's select this and do a little bit of vertex lighting all right there we go and maybe you want to do the same for this as well all right so let me just turn our shrink-wrap and we'll see what's happening here you'll notice that we get all sorts of terrible distortions happening here and I've received a whole lot of questions about how you can solve these kinds of issues here it's not so noticeable but because we have a lot of curve happening here and very simple topology we're going to get these kinds of really bad distortions so normally my solution would be to apply cell division so normally for example my solution would be I'll just show you all right I'm gonna start on the side normally the solution would be to not have this kind of topology increase this let's say to to apply it and then we're going to model something with this increase topology but of course that makes it more difficult because now you have to worry more about density and you have to spend more time fixed in topology here all right so remember that you're not doing anything wrong when you create these details this is a natural way the polygons behave this is when the natural downfalls are using polygons however with the shrink-wrap tool we can easily fix all those problems get a very nice smooth surface no matter what kinds of horrible topology you have so even if I were to go in here and you know sharpness area up right this would normally cause a lot of havoc all right so all of these support loops would only cause a lot of havoc and we can see that because when we activate it with shrink wrap off we get really bad results here now when you're doing free for modeling sometimes these results can actually desirable because I can help you to create really interesting crazy shapes but the situation I don't want it I want to be smooth I want to match the base shape so I'm going to activate shrink wrap and there we go it's gonna pretty much fix all the results of all the banne topology and use these really smooth services but let's say that we want to create something that does not fit necessarily on the space surface how can we do that well let's first just create that so I'm going to use cut and I'm going to cut like so right here E and when I cut here as well E and when I cut here as well and let's say right here all right space I will go into the polygon level and select these polygons all right and I'm gonna move that up here so I just want this nice little detail whatever the problem is that now if I activate our modifiers even though I don't want it to be shrink-wrapped it's still being shrink wrapped so we're gonna do is we're going to just switch the vertex level and notice how these polygons been converted to vertices and I'm gonna go into the object data properties vertex groups we're gonna press + we're gonna assign these vertices to this group we're gonna double click on here to give us different name I'm just gonna call this nope alright let's go back to our modifiers let's go back to your shrink wrap and here we have a vertex group we're gonna click here and select the note group and we'll apply all our modifiers alright notice what's happening now is that pretty much nothing is being shrink wrapped except for those vertices we want the opposite to happen so we're gonna click on this button to invert the effect invert there we go now everything is being shrink wrapped except for that vertex group all right we've got mirror you got cell division surface we've got shrink wrap let's say want to give us some thickness we're gonna apply solidify as well right let's increase the thickness on this all right and notice how all of a sudden we're getting these kind of strange results here and that's because the topology however we can't easily fix this what I'm gonna do is just go into edit mode turn off the modifiers I'm gonna go into the face level eight is left everything I'm gonna do a really small inset just really small here there we go and notice how now that problem has been fixed we can even apply another slip surface modifier on top of this to give even further smoothness so there we go nice clean purflex television services not a single distortion in sight so be sure to copy the shrink wrap modifier and apply it once for best results thank you for watching and take care you
Channel: Arrimus 3D
Views: 162,040
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, walkthrough, arrimus, 3d, blender, b3d, bad, topology, solution, fix, fast, easy, simple, how to, beginner, noob, newb, start, modifier, freeform, hard, surface, design, detail, shrinkwrap, pro, tip, trick
Id: YkUxB_bka3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 51sec (951 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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