Master Booleans in Blender | Blender #8

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hello and this here I'll give you a solid introduction to boolean Xin blender so we've got our default cube here let's turn off the grid just make things less visually clutter let's go into overlays and turn off the X&Y so let's do some editing or default cube let's just select it tab we can go into the edge lo pressing 2 then press all X to activate x-ray mode that's my hotkey for we can select let's say these edges and then control B to activate bevel so we can just change its width we can press s to change the sides make it smooth you can press a again to change its width we get something like this all right now I can press 3 go into face level select this face and then I like to press W to switch to move 2 and then just move this out and then tab again or X all right so in order for us to use boolean so we can actually boolean this out of itself so we can just press shift D it's a great duplicate we can right click to make sure it's at the same position we can switch to scale and scale a little bit and scale a little bit on the X X as well all right and we've got this so let's select the first object we'll go into the modifiers add modifier and boolean and as you can see with over a lot of options here it's nice and simple so you can select an object in two ways we can click on this left box icon and actually choose it from here and press the X to get rid of that or you can use the eyedropper tool and select your object of choice all right so in order to see just our boolean algebra can press alt Q to activate no tools isolates there we are we can also select this object and activate the wires for it so it does not block the way of our boolean so you can easily see what's happening here I'll still be able to see this object so let's go into our object properties viewport display display as wire all right so now we can see the result of our boolean while still being able to see which objects involved in operation however it can be a hassle to always go into here into object properties we'd actually set this to be a hotkey so for example I can right click on this a sign shortcut let's use maybe zero for example so when I press zero nothing happens so remember in blender if something else is overriding your hotkey you need to change that so we're going to edit and then preferences let's switch us from name to keybinding so you can search either by the name of the tool or what key is assigned to and let's just enter in 0 and we're in object modes let's see by default as you can see 0 is set to hide collection let's just turn that off all right so if I press 0 now you can see it works and I can just quickly set that to be a wire so I can be for example in any of these other panels I can just press 0 and wire there we are alright so that is our first boolean we can for example right-click on this and make this shade smooth just we have the smooth moving on the inside so you want to make sure that your objects involving boolean are smooth if you wanted to have a smooth results all right so let's add another boolean let's press shift a mesh cube alright I'm just going to move this let's say up here and actually let's turn off this object that's Cuba one let's just turn off the eye for that all right in order for us to quickly another boolean we can of course go into bool in and select it here all we can do is simply click on copy press X to get rid of the original one and then let's select new object alright let me just click the I status as you can see however boolean is not working if I turn on my wireframe you can see something is happening here but it's not differencing it's not subtracting it the reason for this is because boolean and blend is not like it when you have the objects occupy the same exact face right here so you can see that when I register create this object I went ahead and move this in this direction not in this direction and because of that when I created a new cube it appeared exactly on the same position on the x-axis you can see what's happening it's perfectly even here and boolean does not like that however notice what happens if I move this object velocity scale a little bit alright notice what happens you can see blowing and still not happening notice what happens when I move this a little bit to the left you can see now it works let me just control Z let me press zero and wire as you can see it's not working I want to move a little bit to the right or left it works so you never wanted to occupy the same exact space here willing to turn in don't like that you always want to move it a little bit and there we go now at this point can press tab and start to edit this object you can see when I go into edit mode it gives the slight heated face effect which makes it easy to model so I can create this kind of scope effect I can use alt s which I've got set to loop cut so I can do this internal loop here and I can for example move this down so you can see I'm getting this interesting scope effect control be there we go control be there we are and you can hold alt says you look like on the edge to loop it control B and there we are tap to get our other mode and here is our scope we can just turn off the shade flat for now in fact let's a just like all our objects let's just every flat for now alright and I can just hide this object as well and I can always go back and edit this original object let's say for example I can select this hold ctrl lab click bevel right click to make it 0 then I can move down myself I can scale this and as I scale I can simply enter in 0 to flatten it out alright let's also activate mirror and let's make it the y-axis bisect and flip there we go so by default we'll create objects they are position where the 3d cursor is not the orange dot that's your active object but this little object around it you can see it's a funny little thing the situation where the 3d cursor is I shall need to create this kind of FPS reticle effect this holographic reticle but what you can do is hold shift and right click to position the 3d cursor somewhere else so now if I press shift a and let's say create another cube you can see how its position at the location of 3d cursor so I can now edit this object I'd like to enter things in edit mode not in object mode so I'm gonna scale this I will press tab first all right maybe something like this and then two to go into edge level in order to ring an edge to from the select these edges I can hold down ctrl alt and that's going to ring it control B and there we are and now I can do is just minimize the mirror copy this boolean X this one and then select this one select this object 0 and wire and there we are so you can going to move this object or this object so you get some interesting effects with this for example you can easily get different looking effects just by moving this object so let's say for example that I will hide this as well look at this and you think okay how can I quickly modify this to create some variants well all you have to do is just move this object and then you've got this kind of effect you can move it some more and now you've got this you can move it back and now I've got this effect so just by moving things around a little bit you can get very different interesting results you can even add things like scale to the mix as well if you scale it we get this if we scale another direction we'll get this maybe this has some value as well we can even rotate it as well so maybe we can rotate like this and maybe get some interesting looking furniture or something you can hold down control as you rotate to limit it to 5 degrees so now we've got this interesting result just by rotating it so always take the time do a little bit of moving a little bit of rotation the river scaling and just with other quick shapes you can get so this makes boolean's very interesting for iterative design and just quick variation I'll just press ctrl-z several times what I can also do is detach parts of this to use as a boolean operation as well so for example I would do is just shift D right click to make sure it's in the ritual position and I will just apply all of these boolean x' I can apply the mirror as well first I will just insert some loops all right then I will press 3 to go into face level and I will select this face hold controls like this one control I dislike inverse X and deletes the faces so we left with this and so now what I can do is just press tab and I can apply its little Phi to give this some thickness and we'll go a little bit inwards all right and actually I will also want to delete this one as well and now I'll apply this little Phi making sure I'm not in edit mode so press tab first apply tap and I can press too and I can select this hold shift left click shift left click and then shift left click and then control B to bevel this all right with the Q maybe I can move this little bits all right and now I can use it as a boolean for this object as well so I can just copy this I will just X and select this object as well and now we have this little object being used as a boolean as well so I can select it tab 8 is with everything shift D and now I have another object right here and because it's part of the same object because I duplicated in edit mode we don't have to do any further additions it's now part of the surface as well all right let's say we want to boolean with one of these surfaces so let's say for example I want to have an inset area here in the front well if I press tab all of course you've looked with this now one thing I can do is just apply all the bullying's just apply them all and then just press tab and now I can select one of these faces select select linked linked flat faces just like all this right here and now I can just inset like so and then let's say bevel but of course that gets rid of the live bullying aspect so I'll just press control Z to undo all that what I can do instead is just shift D to duplicate this right click to make sure set to zero so it's not moving at all and I can apply on this duplicate object all right now just press alt Q and now that I can deal with tab and do the same operation on this one control I delete faces may need to alt Q to make sure of ice layer a in sets there we go control I and X to delete the faces and now I look at this liking for example cut this alright so let's say I want this all rights and I can apply solidify all right so this time what I can do is to copy this but change this from difference to Union X and select this object out cute isolate and I can see that I still maintain the lie boolean aspect of this but now I can have all these duplicated shapes to add to the design so we've looked at difference we've looked at Union let's take a look intersect let's say look at how we can have some instance objects as well so I will just press shift a and let's also create Sonya let's press shift and right click for us to assign our to the cursor right here shift a mesh and cylinder and let's tab and just scale this right away and scale it on the z-axis and just kind of move this up all right so we want to cut out a hole here but also want to intersect as well so what we can do is two things I would just like this object and apply boolean and then this is set the difference and then I will select this object and then I will select this object press 0 and make this wider so now we have the difference happening but we also want intersect so what I will do is just press shift D and then right-click to make sure it's the same position and now I would just switch this one from difference to intersect as you can see we now have this mesh that is both subtracting and intersecting to make this easier to see let's change the color this object so go into material properties we'll scroll down here and we'll change this color and actually let's use a different one so what I can do is just use a plus and then new and we can do is just drag this onto your object there we go it's now concluded cell this is one object which we can isolate and this is the second one what we can also do to share a different example I'll just use a different cube here all right let's say we've got this and then I will shift a and create another one and then I will position this one up here and then like so so what I can do in this situation is I can select this object and press shift D and then right click they can select this object and press all D and right click and then I can select one of these objects and then hold shift slepen on these objects mode off to the side so here's what's happened when you use shift D that just duplicate when you use all T that's duplicate instanced which means that these two objects are no instance which means the press tab and start to modify one of them you can see that other one is also being affected I can press tab it's like this one instead tab so these are now instanced but these are not so that means with this object I can apply boolean let's use difference select this and with this one I can apply boolean choose intersect and choose this one so now you can see if I isolate these we now have this one being different and this one being intersected so now I will set these to be wire now notice a strange thing that happens here if I start to model this so let's say I select this start moving around notice how we can see the difference happening in real time on this left object but not the right out for some reason it's not intersecting properly well it will once you press tab and that will cause it to dates so don't panic if you notice this not working probably that just means need to press tab so for example if I start to babble this you can see it's not working tab and there we go so there's another way we can do this and so once you are happy with their boolean you can do for the model equations so I can just apply this tab and now let me just isolate this first I can begin to further model this you can select this polygon select slack link link flat faces get this I can start to inset this what I will do is in set a little bits and then switch to scale to scale it up more and let's say I want to create some sort of hole for this button to make it easier to press I can do so just by basic operations so a two things you can do after bullying is you can either a subdivide this by applying to the vision surface or you can apply bevel on top so I can apply bevel maybe turnoff clamp overlay maybe increase the segments and for limit method activate angle and so I can also just decrease this let's say point zero five maybe point zero two so I have two more videos and I can solve both bevel issues as well as how I can have good cell division after you apply boolean s-- you can find a link to both of those videos in last 20 seconds in this video thank you for watching and take care you
Channel: Arrimus 3D
Views: 125,375
Rating: 4.9547982 out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, walkthrough, arrimus, 3d, model, modeling, blender, boolean, topology, beginner, fast, easy, simple, how to, master, design, detail
Id: 8DVB1uGItrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 42sec (1182 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 21 2020
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