Should You Play ESO in 2024? (Elder Scrolls Online)

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ESO is an open world action combat MMO RPG developed by zenmax online Studios it originally launched in 2014 which means 2024 is its big 10year anniversary so we're expecting a pretty big year it's one of the only MMOs that you can play without a sub that is also not super pay to win that's an extraordinarily rare combination the general pitch for ESO from the developers is that it's an MMO where you can go anywhere anytime thanks to its horizontal progression some of your best and Slot gear might come from a dungeon that was released yesterday and some might come from a dungeon that was part of the base game 10 years ago there's some definite upsides and downsides to all of this that we'll go into more detail on so should you play Elder Scrolls Online in 2024 well you've got someone here with thousands of hours to help answer that question as well as any other questions that you might have so feel free to leave them in the comments below ESO is probably most similar to Guild Wars 2 if you're looking for another MMO to compare it to but I would say ESO separates itself from other MMOs in a lot of ways the most noticeable of which would be its combat ESO is an action combat MMO and this deviation from the popular tab target formula that has worked so well for games like wow and Final Fantasy 14 has made eso's combat a polarizing topic for players that try the game out some players absolutely love it some hate it and not many land in between I can't say which side of the fence you'll land on but if you're burnt out on all your favorite tab Target MMOs Yo's fresh take on combat might offer the change that you're looking for just be prepared for a little bit of a learning curve fans of the combat call it fastpac and skill-based while naysayers will accuse it of feeling floaty personally I found mastering to be a lot of fun especially in the difficult content like the hard mode dungeons and trials this all ties into what I would say is one of eso's largest strengths and that's the amount of player agency it provides classes aren't tied to rolles so you can choose any class and then build that class to fill any role be it a tank A Healer a DPS or some hybrid of the three on top of that you can make that Templar tank or that sorcerer healer that you made into a vampire or werewolf or simply stay humid and your build customization doesn't stop there after that you'll unlock skills with different variations you'll unlock passives and you'll unlock Champion points as your final step in fine-tuning your character's performance this will allow you to end up with a character unlike anyone else's or if all of that sounds like too much work you can follow a pre-made build that's posted online just like any other MMO now let's talk about the world that ESO takes place in because that's a massive part of how immersive an MMO can feel ESO takes place in Tamriel which consists of regions like Skyrim marwi wind Oblivion and more to get a sense of the massive scale of eso let's look at the map here you can see a map of the town that we're standing in if we zoom out you can see the zone that the city resides in then if we zoom out again you can see the continent that this Zone resides in and if we zoom out one more time you can see the planet that the continent resides in with access to various dric Realms along the Outer Perimeter it's huge and if you're a fan of Elder Scrolls titles and lore there is a lot on offer here first let's talk about the solo content because no matter how much we enjoy good group content there will always be those days where quality solo content is exactly what what we're craving or all we have time for now before we continue let me ask you an important question did you love the Devil May Cry franchise of course you did and if you've never played it I've got great news nebula joy and Capcom have teamed up to create a brand new high-quality DMC experience like never before in this new title you'll be able to dive into the DMC Universe all over again and unravel a brand new plot based around the original series Devil May Cry peak of combat features characters from the previous titles and you'll be able to revisit countless iconic scenes from the world of Devil May Cry best of all it's available on mobile so you'll be able to experience the fun of the Devil May Cry franchise anywhere anytime heck you can download it and play it right now Link in the description below revisit devil make rry locations such as bloody Palace and Skyfall well while solving Mysteries that surround you the game features stylish action combat that allows for high-intensity epic Triple S tier aerial combos bringing in unparalleled action game experience and you'll be happy to hear the PVP in Devil May Cry peak of combat is not pay to win in this Fair Arena skill and strategy are your only allies so if you enjoyed DMC in the past or if you never had a chance to play it before download Devil May Cry peak of combat right now for free using the link in the description below if you download the game using their official website you get perks like enjoying greater resources for the same price limited time discount coupons don't miss out check out their site Linked In the description below for these unique offers to elevate your Devil May Cry experience it's fun and it's free so what do you have to lose shout out to nebula joy for sponsoring this video and supporting this channel thank you so much for listening now let's get back to the video eso's solo content has some major pros and cons for the pros there's an absolute ton of it ESO has been alive and thriving for 8 years now and it's shifted its focus onto its solo experience long long ago every single Quest is voice acted by incredibly talented voice actors like Nolan North Kate beckin cell and John C eso's quests also offer you a lot of freedom you can go to any Zone at any time and do any quests in any order yo is very much a play the way you want to play type of game and it's best enjoyed when you treat it that way the side quests are often quirky and fun stories that leave a lasting impression on you and are often times some of the best parts of the game that's not something a lot of MMOs can say about their side quests the questing isn't doing anything particularly revolutionary it's still your usual MMO questing experience of kill this monster or talk to that person but it does a better job of executing that formula than most thanks to the Monumental effort put into the storytelling while we're talking about questing it's worth mentioning that ESO makes it easier than any other MMO to join up with a friend and Quest together you can share quests and Quest progress making questing with friends very smooth on top of that you can be multiple levels or multiple years apart in your journey because the game is built with the mutual understanding that it doesn't know what order you'll complete the content in will you be heading straight to Skyrim or will you be stopping by marwin first they've designed the game in such a way that it's up to you and they recognize that it's really hard to play through a game at the same speed as someone else so I'd say this is a huge Plus for the game if you and your friends tend to dive in into MMOs together and then move at different speeds it's worth noting questing content does not get harder when you group up with friends so if you found the questing content easy before you grouped up it's probably going to be even easier now with your group of friends the difficulty of the questing content or the lack thereof has been my only major gripe with it as a result it's best to expect questing to be a relaxing storytelling experience and then go ahead and jump into group content when you're looking for a challenge quest rewards are something the game has gotten better at over the last year even going as far as adding a solid earnable amount through completing neom something that was previously not possible in eler Scrolls Online it's no rating Apex Mount but it's a massive step in the right direction if ESO has had one Achilles heel in the past it's the reward structure so it's exciting to see them starting to address that now let's talk about group content group content is what really makes an MMO an MMO it's what separates Elder Scrolls Online from Elder Scrolls 1 through 5 ESO adds multiple new Dungeons and a new raid called the trial every year right now it has over 40 Dungeons and 10 raids and thanks to horizontal progression every one of those is still relevant and being run by the players today in terms of quality eso's newest dungeons are right up there with a big MMOs like Final Fantasy 14 and wow in fact I'd say a lot of times ESO dungeons are even better eso's raids are called trials and are somewhere in between the size of Final Fantasy 14 trials and wild raids you can expect the trial to take around 30 to 45 minutes it can go faster if you do it on easy mode and longer if you're progging a big hurdle for all MMOs and one that is Loosely tied to group content is it can be easy MMO expansions to start feeling very formulaic where you know exactly what the MMO you play is going to release with every expansion before they announce it it's a complaint I hear across the communities of many aging MMOs but it seems in 2023 zos was determined not to fall into that trap with ESO when they surprised Everyone by releasing not only all of their normal stuff but also a new class and an entirely new type of group content endless archives is a two-person dungeon with roguelike progression that you can fight your way through with a friend the longer you're in there the harder it gets and the better the rewards are endless archives was a great signal to the eso community that this MMO is not done innovating this is especially important at a time when Zas is working on a new unannounced MMO behind the scenes and the community's been wanting reassurance that ESO wouldn't be forgotten if you want to be kept up to dat on that MMO and all MMOs be sure to subscribe to the channel and like the video for more content like this the group content is some of eso's best content it's the main thing that held my attention for so long the fast-paced Dungeons and trials with several levels of difficulty ATT atted ensured that any player could participate in this content if they wanted to if the lack of challenge in the solo content bothered you the group content is going to be the thing you enjoy in ESO and there are plenty of challenges to be found group content has three tiers of difficulty normal veteran and hard mode normal is perfect for new players while hard mode is perfect for players that want to be challenged and punished for not mastering their mechanics the new dungeons in ESO are especially noteworthy taking you all over Tam real with one of my personal favorites being an abandoned DW facility deep underwater the game has long had a party finder for dungeons but Zas recently added a pre-made group finder for trials and other types of content as well making it a lot easier to find groups for trials than in the past I tried it out and I'm really impressed with how well it works here you can see a group filling up for a trial right now the days of having to sit in kagor and Shout for a trial group are over what about the population health of eso ESO has nearly 10 years of group content for new players to enjoy but none of that would matter if no one else was playing the game right well fortunately ESO still one of the biggest MMOs out there and you will have no problem finding people to play with if that's your aim I would even go as far as saying it's one of the only MMOs where you never feel alone in any Zone thanks to its Mega servers these Mega servers are one of the best parts of eso as they allow every player to play on the same servers so all of North America is on one server and all of Europe is on another server for example this has spoiled me as it's always frustrating when I try to play another MMO and realize my friends can't join because they're on a different server the days of fragmenting the MMO population into doz dozens of servers should be behind us the technology exists and fortunately ESO was one of the first to implement it though it is worth noting that ESO is not crossplatform at least not yet and unfortunately you cannot transfer from one platform to another so if you plan to play with a friend make sure you both purchase ESO on the same platform PC cannot play with Xbox cannot play with PlayStation PC will be the best experience as add-on makers have created a lot of add-ons that provided some very welcome and massive quality of life PC also has the largest population with all that said the game is still great and has a healthy population on Console if you or your friend don't have a PC next up let's have an honest talk about PVP and ESO ESO has three forms of player vers player content you have the massive open World battles that take place in cidel where you can see battles with dozens of players on each side trying to take control of a castle keep you've got the much more intimate small scale battles in the Battlegrounds where three teams of four battle it out to see who can get the most kills or capture the most flags then you've got Imperial City which Falls somewhere in between with battles ranging from 1 V1 to 10 V10 PVP in ESO has an incredibly High skill ceiling you will get stomped your first time but if you stick with it you will undoubtedly be stomping the new players down the road not because you have better gear but because you are a better player player skill is massive in PvP it's everything really like in all MMOs server performance during large battles in cidel can really struggle to keep up this is mostly a problem during peak hours and is something the developers have been working to resolve on the flip side performance in the Battlegrounds is great performance in Imperial City is also fantastic but finding other players there can be difficult as it's usually pretty quiet in Imperial City outside of the two PVP events per year that push the PVE players there like Lambs to the slaughter if you're into small scale PVP action 1 v1s 4 v4s or 1 v3s you will probably love ESOP PVP as that's where it really shines next let's talk about monetization because as we've all seen too many times you can have an amazing MMO and horrible monetization can ruin all of it ESO is a buy tolay MMO with an optional sub description you can usually pick up the base game for between $5 and $20 which in my opinion is a fantastic deal considering the insane amount of content on offer there's no way you won't get your money's worth at that price as the base game is going to come with literally hundreds of hours of content that does beg the question though of what do you miss out on if you choose not to purchase that optional subscription we mentioned as of right now to put it plainly you'll lose access to the newest half of the game including half of the Dungeons and most of the raids fortunately even just half of the game is huge and you'll easily still have hundreds of hours of content to enjoy without the sub as Veterans of eso will tell you the toughest part about not having the eso subscription won't be the lack of content it'll be the lack of unlimited craft bag ESO has hundreds and hundreds of crafting ingredients over 500 different types by my last count it also has hundreds of sets and without that craft bag inventory management is definitely rough if you do elect to Geto plus it's a solid deal for about 15 bucks a month it gives you access to nearly all 10 years of content and it gives you a STI typ of crowns every month that you can save up to buy the DLC classes expansions Cosmetics or anything else you want in the cash shop ESO used to have a mandatory sub but it dropped that shortly after launch the upside of eso switching away from the mandatory sub model means that players can play the game without a sub it makes it easy to step away and return without feeling like you have to log in every day to get the most value out of your 15 bucks every month the downside is it open the door for loot crates to be added to the game fortunately while the loot crates do tend to contain the best cosmetics don't contain any pay to win as always with loot crates in video games if you buy them do so because you want to give money to the developers and not because you think you're actually going to get something you want out of them the drop rates on the good items in the eso crates are exceptionally low and we're talking about a sub 1% drop right here I do have some good news here though after Microsoft's acquisition Zas added the Endeavor system that allows players to grind out dailies and if you do these dailies six to 7even days a week for about a year you'll be able to earn yourself one of those radiant Apex mounts without having to get gamble for it in the loot crates now that is a lot of dailies but fortunately most of these dailies are things you'll do on accident just while playing the game anyway like opening a chest or running a dungeon and over time they'll eventually snag you one of those sweet sweet radiant Apex mounts monetization brings us to another common question about any MMO is ESO pay to win this is a complicated question to answer about any MMO these days because every player has a different definition of pay to win because we the players have been forced to move our Line in the Sand bit by bit year by year no matter what I say here someone will argue so I guess let's rip off the Band-Aid my answer to the question of whether ESO is paay to win or not would be no not relative to other MMOs not unless you think wow Guild Wars 2 or old school RuneScape are pay to win and it's totally fair to think that the wow token and old school RuneScape bonds and gu War II gems and the like are pay to win and I'd agree with you to a point but if we use that definition of pay to win then unfortunately every single MMO out right now is pay to win and the term fails to separate the sort of pay to win that exists in L Arc and Diablo Immortal from the pay to win that exists in WoW Guild Wars 2 and ESO there's a bit of a sliding scale happening here and it's important to make the distinction between them we almost need a new term for MMOs that allow you to spend real money to get worse gear than you can earn for free in game but that's a topic for another video so yeah pay to win is kind of everywhere to some degree right now and we just have to sort out whether each of these MMOs versions of pay to win is negatively impacting our time in the game and in eso's case it didn't significantly impact my experience at all if you are a housing main or someone that enjoys housing eso's housing system is the best of any MMO I've played the game will let you choose up to 700 items out of a list of thousands to decorate your house with players have made everything from mazes to spaceships to well pretty much anything you can imagine so yeah people that like decorating their houses as a chill relaxing activity are sure to enjoy eso's housing system in conclusion ESO is a solid AAA MMO it's got an incredible backlog of voice- acted quests filled with amazing writing that take place inside of the incredible lore filled world of Tamriel you won't really find a huge challenge in the questing experience but if you enjoy the story you probably won't mind if you find yourself seeking out a challenge you'll need to jump into group content eso's voice acted questing is amazing but it's the group content where the combat really has a chance to shine as for PVP it hasn't been the focus of eso for a long time and it's fair to say that the PVP Mains in the eso Community have felt neglected in recent years that said this is more of a problem for the people that have been playing the same PVP matches for years without much of a change than it would be for you as a new player combat in ESO is the most controversial topic it's fast it's fluid and it's very skill-based this means that you can very easily use player skill to outperform someone with better gear inversely it also means that you can have the best gear and still lose to someone with worse gear the combat is a refreshing break from T Target MMOs if that's what you recently burnt out on getting good at the combat and seeing your DPS go up can be incredibly satisfying as mentioned cosmetic customization is one of the game strengths ESO allows more types of customization than perhaps any other MMO I've ever played between being able to change your character skin your personality your tattoos and everything else you're used to being able to change the game has hundreds if not thousands of earnable Cosmetics with the only downside being that the very best of them will probably be in the cash shop as for the population Health ESO is still one of the most popular MMOs around and thanks to its Mega servers it feels more popular than almost any other MMO while you're playing it because all of the players are in the same couple Mega servers this is where it really shines as an mm Mo you never feel alone in the open world even when you're off in some remote corner of the most random Zone you'll see another player run by to open a chest grab a flower or Sprint by on their own Journey players are always playing the game and the game does an excellent job of getting them out into the world where you're going to run into them ESO housing is second to none I haven't seen another MMO come close it's got a thriving housing community who will tell you that housing is the endgame 2023 was one of the best years for ESO content so far they added all of the normal content as as well as a new class The Arcanist and an entirely new type of group content in the endless archives the year was a great reminder for the eso community of Z's commitment to developing yo for years to come I would say that if you've never played the game before there is a lot of great content for you to play through and a decade's worth of questing Dungeons and raids if you've been away for a long time it's worth coming back to check out the new class and the new endless archives on top of everything else being added in 2024 not only that but 2024 is the 10 year anniversary for ESO so it's going to be a big year for the game what do you think of eso let me know down in the comments below hopefully this video's presentation of the pros and cons of el Scrolls Online has helped you come to an informed decision if you're curious about eso's population and where it stands in comparison to other MMOs check out my video Linked In the description where I sort every MMO in order of their player base size and discuss why they might be rising or falling thanks for watching be sure to sub for more in-depth MMO reviews and MMO news massive shout out to my YouTube channel members for going above and be on to support this channel if you want to support the channel click the join button below for perks like behind the scenes footage emotes and access to a members only Discord Channel if you're not sure what to do next maybe check out one of the MMO RPG videos popping up on screen right now don't forget to sub thanks
Channel: Lucky Ghost
Views: 200,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elder scrolls online, eso, the elder scrolls online, eso gameplay, elder scrolls online gameplay, eso necrom, elder scrolls necrom, should i play necrom, is necrom worth it, is eso necrom worth it, eso necrom builds, eso necrom guides, eso beginner guide, eso new player guide, velothi ur-mage’s amulet eso, velothi ur-mage’s amulet, eso review, eso review 2023, eso necrom review, should i play eso, eso 2023, eso 2024, is eso worth playing 2024
Id: l6nC0fobzK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 25sec (1165 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 10 2024
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