8 Huge MMOs on the way! One of these will likely overtake WOW!

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this is my favorite upcoming MMOs video I've made yet because we have recently received so many huge updates to some of the most exciting MMOs on this list and some of these MMOs are coming out in less than a year 2024 looks insane right now ashes of creation will release its persistent Alpha thrown in Liberty and multiple other MMOs are going to be releasing their games in 2024 multiple AAA Studios will likely officially announced MMOs we already know that they're working on and that's just scratching the surface of what 2024 has to offer so let's get this list started and if you want to be kept up to date on any of these MMOs be sure to melee attack that sub button for each of these games I'm going to tell you about the latest updates as well as their release date and if they're going to be paid to win or not because I know for a lot of you that's a make or break Factor now for Arch Age 2 coming to PC and console this is definitely one of the MMOs with the highest chance to do something special but also perhaps the highest chance to smother that special game to death with over monetization Arch Age 2 is developed by XL games based out of South Korea and is scheduled for release right around the corner in 20124 there was some fantastic information tucked into the recent quarterly earnings report for caca games it tells us that a closed beta test will start in the first half of 2024 we also found out that arch2 will be a radical departure from its predecessors moving away from large scale PVP between factions and instead focusing on single player content and Guild vers Guild content now the coolest thing about Age 2 is that it has some features we don't really see in other MMOs right now such as sea Warfare which if Done Right could be a ton of fun you may have noticed by the graphics this is going to be another MMO built on Unreal Engine 5 there are a lot of ue5 MMOs in development right now but none of the big ones have yet been released archage 2 also plans to allow players to build entire towns and customize them so far we know the game will feature humans and elves and I'm looking forward to seeing what other the races make it into the game according to the developer the game is is going to feature a seamless open world and if you've been following the progress of Ashes of creation you'll see some familiar features in archage 2 as ashes of creation has drawn significant inspiration from arch1 the developers say they plan for Arch 2 to have action-packed combat and so far from what we've seen it reminds me a lot of BDO they also said it's important for the game to have AAA visuals to take advantage of Unreal Engine 5's capabilities and based on the early footage it looks like they're really succeeding on that front they're putting a lot of time and money into telling an immersive and compelling storyline this time around and they're aiming to have a less linear progression and focus on more personal storytelling than archage one did the story of the game will portray auroria when it was first discovered and people were first starting to settle there the story will involve discovering and solving the mysteries of an ancient civilization that had been forgotten for thousands of years leaving it to blend with the natural environment like I said last time this kind of reminds me of the dmer from the Elder Scrolls franchise the developer went on to acknowledge that archage 1 had trade runs that were enjoyable but had many flaws so in archage 2 they plan to bring that system back and greatly enhance it players will be allowed to participate in these both alone or in teams like I said this will probably remind you of Ashes of Creations Caravans which they just revealed and that's because where do you think ashes got that idea from they also pointed out that housing was a popular feature of the original title so this time they'll be improving that and adding more customization as well as allowing players to live in towns with their friends and create their own towns with their Guild members we are now wrapping up to 2023 and stepping into 2024 and this game is slated for a 2024 release date Clos beta is scheduled for the first half of 2024 so very soon and more big news about the game is going to be announced at gamescon 2024 I'm really excited for this one I just hope they don't ruin it with monetization now bear with me a second imagine it's 3:00 a.m. it's pitch black you're lost you're naked and you're afraid your phone has 5% battery left what do you do that's right you'd play rage Shadow Legends the sponsor of today's video they're giving away Monkey King legendary Sun Wukong for free raid almost never gives away Heroes like this for free so whatever you do don't miss out he's got special abilities like ones that allow him to steal all Buffs from all enemies before attacking them or my personal favorite his passive that fully revives himself according to Chinese mythology The Monkey King is known for his ability to turn into 72 different things including a tree look I don't know why he can turn into a tree either but I do know you can play rage Shadow Legends for free using my link or by scanning the QR code on screen right now to get insane bonuses that are only available if you use my link by using my link you'll get two epic Champions first is the light sworn the strong and epic champion from the sacred order his kid allows you to keep a team alive with an increased defense buff and a Revive on death skill and second is epic Juliana after reaching level 15 if you need bosses deleted you want Juliana she is from the sacred order and a great attack type Warrior after downloading with my link use promo code Monkey King to get the third Champion legendary Sun Wukong for free this promo code is only available within the first 72 hours of registering after downloading the game using my special link to redeem raid Shadow Legends promo codes tap on the tab on the top left side of the screen when in the Bastion and then select promo codes option type the promo code Monkey King there don't miss this incredible opportunity to get not one but two epics using my super exclusive link and receive the legendary Monkey King with a promo code this legendary champion is an absolute Game Changer setting you up for an unbeatable Head Start and raid thanks for listening now let's get back to the video this next MMO is one of the most likely candidates to be a dominating force in the future of the MMO genre the game is currently called ghost and is being made by the United States base studio called pixel fantastic castle or no is it fantastic pixel castle that's a mouthful we'll shorten this uh we'll call it Fab Castle there we go fixed it according to the developers this game will not be pay to win now Fab Castle's new game has a ton of potential but I do have one point of concern and one red flag to discuss but before we talk about those let's talk about what the game game is going to be the developers have said the game will feature the Holy Trinity they think it works and it isn't something that needs to be reinvented and I agree with this an MMO never feels like an MMO when it doesn't have the Trinity so many core components Ball by the wayside from teamwork to strategy without the Trinity it always ends up feeling like there just happens to be somewhere in the same instance as you killing things at the same time as you as opposed to you defeating your enemies as a team Bap Castle plans for ghost to feature significant account-wide progression so that switching between all its feels good right now they are thinking of having more skills on your bar than League of Legends and less than wow so somewhere between 5 and 50 skills on your bar map Castle says they don't really want to do freeo play with microtransactions the three largest MMOs right now are sub to play for a reason it works and if you think free tolay games cost less than sub toplay games boy do I have some graphs to show you now let's talk about one of the things that Fab Castle said that I didn't agree with and that's that they are planning to have no auction house this one scares me I played Lineage 2 you had to set up a shop to buy buy and sell things and leave your character there EverQuest had something similar in the early 2000s this is something I don't miss and I think they're overthinking this one auction houses are not only okay but they're great as long as they aren't a shortcut to the best gear that's pretty easily solved by making most best in slot and pre- bestes in slot items find on pickup you don't need to get rid of the entire Auction House bab Castle's art style won't be as cartoony as wow and they're going for a more mature look but not so realistic that it doesn't stand the test of time as the game ages they said that they're looking to have a hybrid tab Target action combat system and the next fact is really interesting they plan on the game having 20 to 50 classes Yes you heard that right 20 to 50 but it sounds like the depth of those classes would be kind of like saying classic wow has 27 classes rather than giving one class three specs they'd break that class into three different classes so 21 classes in ghost might equate to seven or fewer classes in WoW B castle wants the game to be alt friendly and they expect a lot of content to come from replaying it on different classes they plan plan to have a Shard system where there will be blue shards and red shards the blue shards would take you to a more private zone or instance for you and your friends and would play more like a survival game with a bit of procedural generation sprinkled in to make sure you never see the same blue Shard twice the red shard would be more of your standard MMO Zone with a more traditional MMO feel these would be handcrafted and contain World bosses and raids most everything about the game sounds great right up until The Shard system which starts to make the game sound like it's going to be a hub-based multiplayer game instead of an open world MMO I'll be really bummed if they had the Hub route I prefer seamless zones and MMO RPGs like in WoW or in New World and we have no shortage of Hub based games to choose from already but let me ask you humble viewer yes you is your dream Momo a seamless open world or is it one with load screens between each Zone let me know in the comments as for races in the game it sounds like they want to move away from elves and Orcs to something new and different I don't mind elves and Orcs but I'm also fine with new and different as for the potential red flag Fab Castle's website says and I quote don't worry about excessive gacha mechanics endless loot boxes pay to win or the light now it doesn't say don't worry about gacha it says don't worry about excessive gacha it doesn't say don't worry about loot boxes it says don't worry about endless loot boxes are these qualifiers the innocent result of poor wording or are they intentionally leaving the door open for gacha and loot boxes to be part of their DNA after all they are being financed by netes Greg gives off The Vibes of someone who meant the for and not the latter but I've been hurt by so many MMOs before I couldn't help but notice the wording now perhaps the most important bit of information when will this game be released ghost crawler said MMOs typically Take 5 to 10 years but he is hoping for fap Castle to make ghost in 4 to 6 years suffice it to say it's very early all of this is subject to change and if you have an opinion on something say so give your feedback loud and clear now while it's early in development and they can still pivot as for me my two cents as a longtime MMO degenerate we the MMO players don't need anything revolutionary we just need a modern version of a classic seamless open world MMO you create that with pure monetization where the rewards are in the game and not the cash up and you literally can't fail if for no other reason then there isn't a single other studio with the confidence to try it next up we have Arc 2 coming to PC and console this game is not going to be Pay to Win In fact wildcard Studios is actually known for hating pay to win and hating microtransactions so hey that's awesome initially scheduled for 2022 but now planned for the end of 2024 Arc 2 is yet another game that is right around the corner this game is coming from Studio wildcard based out of the United States take the release date with a grain of salt though as hitting their deadlines isn't exactly something they're known for as you may remember Vin Diesel is attached to this game thanks to the fact that he was a massive fan of Ark one but there's one thing Vin Diesel likes more than Ark one and that's sequels so Arc 2 and Vin Diesel seem the perfect match Vin Diesel will play the protagonist Santiago who was ejected from an exploding spaceship onto the alien planet that Arc 2 takes place on Arc 2 is planned to feature substantial changes from its predecessor for example they plan to feature Souls like melee combat where you can Target lock Dodge combo or stagger your enemy apparently arc2 will also have a heavier focus on primitive only weaponry and is changing from first person to a strict third person view for character traversal systems such as sliding swinging free climbing mantling parkour and more Arc 2 is set in a massive new alien environment with Dynamic world events you'll be able to craft weapons and tools with tons of combinations between the appearance and their function arc2 developers say they're going to fully support the modding scene as they've determined that some of the best content arc1 had to offer was the content the community created Arc 2 is planned for PC and Xbox and is slated for Game Pass I wouldn't be surpris if we saw it head to PlayStation after a short exclusivity with Xbox but we'll see we have seen very little of the game outside of trailers so there's still a lot of unknowns for a game that's scheduled to release in less than a year I hope they hit their release date of 2024 but due to how little we know I'm not totally optimistic that is going to happen next up we have tus L coming to mobile and PC is it going to be paid wi you betcha this one is an interesting one that popped up from Chinese developer level infinite the game is surrounded in controversy right now as it has decided it was no longer going to be free of pay to win going as far as removing all promotional material that said the game would not have pay to win another decision that won't be received well here in the west is that the game is also intending to feature a mobile inspired stamina system where the amount of things you can craft is time gated and if you want to do more crafting you've got to swipe your credit card to do so I think this game May do well in China and it may even do well on mobile here in the west because there aren't a lot of quality modern mobile MMOs on offer what do you think is this one that you're looking forward to next up we have Lord of the Rings coming to PC and possibly console it is unlikely this one will be pay to win and while it's very early in development for this one Amazon game studios based out of the United States will be developing this one this might sound familiar because Amazon had previously tried to develop a Lord of the Rings MMO but that fell through when some of their agreements with another publisher fell through Amazon has said that they plan to be authentic to the source material and that it will be made by the same Dev team that made New World which does make me wonder about New World's content schedule going forward but that's a topic for another video it sounds like they plan to make the world massive and seamless just like new world or wow and that is great news for me I'm getting tired of load screen simulators that call themselves open world and yes they will be using the same asso engine that new world uses but they do plan to evolve the engine considerably so that it will not feel like new world with a Lord of the Rings paint job this is honestly fine with me I thought new world did a lot of things really well climbing mantling Gathering Zone design and scale all without a load screen as you run from one end of the game to the other there were a lot of positives to be had in New World though I do hope we see the ability to swim added to the engine for Lord of the Rings if I have to watch my elf walk on the river floor when this game launches in 2032 I'll be big sad if you're worried about this game ending up like new world I think the biggest thing to keep in mind is that new world was initially developed to be a survival game it was never meant to be what it is today and it was a turbulent path to Pivot the game in this direction at the last second before it scheduled launch that pivot is why the game felt so unfinished when it did finally launch in the end they did succeed in turning new world into a pretty good MMO so this has me excited for Lord of the Rings if they have a Clear Vision for the story and the questing and the Dungeons and raids from the beginning and they spend the entire development cycle working towards that end I think this game is going to be a home run a massive open world MMO in a seamless world without load screens and heaps of Lord of the Rings lore it's just going to be really hard to fail here unfortunately this is very early in development but there is a silver lining because it's an experienced team and they are reusing the aoth engine its development timeline should be significantly reduced still an optimistic timeline would be to see a playable beta in at least 4 years so thank God for the other MMOs on this list if you like the video consider liking subscribing or leaving a comment it helps way more than you know thanks hope you enjoy the rest of the video next we have Quinn fall fall coming to PC pay to win well we don't know there's not a lot known about this developer yet cuz it's brand new Quin fall is being developed by a Turkish Studio founded in 2021 and for a game that is so young it looks to be impressively far along in its development maybe we'll talk about that in a moment it's an open World sandbox M Mo with an action combat system built in the unity engine in Quin fall you will visit Dungeons and explore the world to uncover its Mysteries it sounds like you'll have to solve puzzles and look for hidden paths the game is planned to include 11 different professions that you can level up you'll be able to plant seeds and farm the land the professions will synergize with one another cooking will provide meals that give you special powers for various Fields you can fish or tame animals or extract resources from trees plants ores throughout the world you can level up hunting by hunting animals you can improve your mounts by finding better ones or by breeding mounts together you can build homes and decorate them you'll be able to build a ship and sell out to se while at se you'll be able to encounter and battle sea creatures or other players seasons are going to affect gameplay with floods and droughts among other things it sounds like you'll be able to choose if you want to play in a PVE or PVP server we just found out that they plan to launch a closed beta on January 30th 2024 although they did say that it would be limited to select players whatever that means now all of this looks good for a studio that was just founded 3 and 1/2 years ago but when I look at the fact that the game features time travel in this Medieval World also has a steam engine airships and Mech robots and the entire arcage sailing system I don't know I've seen too many MMOs with these kind of promises that ended up delivering a disappointing mess so for right now I'm going to keep an eye on this one but I'm not expecting too much from it just yet I'll be surprised if the game is able to deliver on everything it's promised in a meaningful way way but it sounds like we'll find out very soon all right next up we have Odyssey from blizzard this is going to be a massively Multiplayer Survival RPG 5 years into development now this one is going to be more of a multiplayer survival game than a traditional MMO RPG but it is going to have a lot of MMO elements and a deep story attached to it it seems like it would have been an easy home run to make a online survival game in the warcraft universe but I have a feeling blizzard didn't be because they seem acutely aware of the fact that perhaps the only thing that can kill wow is Blizzard itself so it's unlikely they'll release anything remotely similar to wow until it's no longer the most popular MMO RPG in the world which makes sense why compete with yourself I guess so what do we know about this massive Multiplayer Survival game it's said that the game will be multiplatform and with Microsoft now owning blizzard that means it's coming to PC and Xbox it sounds like this game will be a combination of survival games like valheim and rust but much more of an emphasis on the story also unlike valheim it's going to take place in a permanent online World it sounds like it's very much going to be a firstperson shooter oriented game or at the very least feature firstperson shooter elements their hiring Pages looking for people with a love for survival based games and Shooters in general other hiring posts asked for someone who would lead the team to build a AAA firstperson shooter open world multiplayer space their posting said they want to ensure it feels amazing to build things together with with other players the growth of shared social spaces as aspirational and satisfying and that the result of what players Build Together is a beautiful reflection of their accomplishments so basically it sounds like building a base together is going to be a massive part of this online survival game perhaps most interestingly among the MMO elements slipping into this game is that it will have Dungeons and raids so while it sounds like it's going to be a firstperson shooter Survival game it's also got these signs of a mm RPG woven into it so at the very least it's going to be an MMO light the game of course plans to feature Survival game Basics like chopping down trees for materials in their job posting they asked what would blizzard grade tree chopping entail and how would they make it fun for 10,000 hours I'm just telling you right now there's pretty much no way you're going to get me to chop trees for 10,000 hours just a heads up blizzard the game is absolutely going to contain PVP it sounds like there will be PVP style spaces like Battlegrounds as well as open World locations where PVP encounters will take place naturally as players Clash over valuable resources considering it's a blizzard title we can expect the game to be by to play with a season pass and a cosmetic shop they'll probably make you pay $99 to play the game on launch date while the people who buy the base game start the game 3 or 4 days later similar to how they handled the launch of Diablo or the next Wild expansion the Silver Lining is that while Blizzard's monetization has been getting increasingly more aggressive they have avoided going full-on pay to win in their gam so hey at least there's that they have not yet officially announced Odyssey so my eyes are on BlizzCon 2024 or even perhaps some kind of 2024 Xbox event seeing as how Microsoft owns Blizzard now as soon as we get any more information about this game I'll be sure to post it on this channel so be sure to subscribe next up we've got Horizon online from NC soft and Sony which is going to be coming to PC and Playstation will this be beta win I don't know it's got NC soft who is typically P to win these days and then it's got Sony so I'm not sure how monetization is going to land when those two make a game together to say the least it's fascinating to me that Sony and ncof are working together to make a horizon online video game right now it sounds like this is going by the name project H these two teaming up could be the perfect marriage and seesoft stated that they have an internal development team working on the title negotiations on this have concluded and development has begun so it sounds like this is actually happening you have to imagine that since this is an important franchise for Sony Sony would keep the monetization of the MMO let's say above board more so than NC soft titles have come to be known for in recent years which means we could see a title that has NC soft quality Sony lore and Sony monetization that's a combination of things I could be on board with the Horizon franchise has been heralded as one of the best out there and its world really does lend itself to an MMO type setting seeing as this MMO was just announced a year ago I'm going to assume that it's probably at least a Solid 5 or 6 years from release but but I've got to be honest I didn't see this MMO or this partnership coming but in a lot of ways I think it makes perfect sense and I'm excited to find out more about it next up we have project llll from NC soft will this be pay to win well it's NC soft so it's definitely likely although that hasn't been confirmed yet the footage of this game so far looks a lot like Destiny meets Titanfall meets some kind of Alien Invasion we finally got some new gameplay footage of this beautiful Unreal Engine 5 game and that's what you're seeing now this game will feature PVE and and PVP encounters as well as Dynamic events throughout the world the game looks like it's got a really dark and gritty sci-fi side to it which has definitely piqued my interest it was also announced that the game has a vast open world in which more than 30 square km of land is seamlessly connected to a single environment the developers have described this game as having much more of an open world feel as opposed to its primary competitor probably Destiny which has a lot more of a Lobby based feel to it and to put 30 square km into perspective that's about the same size as breath of the wild or Grand Theft Auto 5 based on the gameplay we saw there appears to be a lot of sci-fi and horror elements grotesque enemies a mega boss of some sort that appears to be made of a thousand arms I didn't see any quote unquote magic like you'd see in a traditional MMO more so we saw a character utiliz Rockets fired over his shoulder from a backpack Gadget a jetpack for jumping to higher places and even some kind of shield to protect him from incoming enemy fire but by far the most common weapon used was the the rifle which was used to take down 90% of the enemies in the video so it looks like this is definitely a shooter first and foremost given that it is an MMO I do wonder how many classes it might have will it have abilities is it entirely gear based will we have passives there's a lot to learn still all in all I think this is a pretty cool world it looks like it's got a dark and gritty feel to it the gun play looks like it feels solid and it looks like it's very much in a playable state which means we'll likely see this one release a lot sooner than most of the MMOs on this list next up we've got soul frame from digital extremes this game is coming to PC and console will this game be pay to win I'm not sure yet my best guess is that they'll monetized it a lot like they do Warframe which is the sister game to this game we didn't know a lot about this game until Tenon this year which showed us about 17 minutes of actual gameplay I watched it live and it was amazing the combat looked exciting and well paced the visuals were fantastic but the music the music really stood out as something special it looks to me like it'll be an MMO in the way that Warframe is an MMO perhaps more Co-op than massively multiplayer but we'll have to wait and find out the plan is for it to be a fantasy magic heavy MMO RPG much more of your typical melee and Magic type of universe than Warframe sci-fi gun heavy Universe the fight that they showed us had old Dark Souls Vibes to it kind of eerie mysterious and beautiful all at the same time it sounds like you'll change packs in Soul frame and the way that you changed frames in Warframe doing so will change your skills the world and the dungeons that we've seen so far look stunning and I really can't wait to see more it's worth noting that I haven't seen anything in the way of the Trinity that is tank healer and DPS so if this ends up being a game where everyone is a DPS I think Soul frame is likely going to scratch your Warframe itch a lot more than it scratches your classic MMO RPG itch like while Final Fantasy ESO or Guild warts as of now they've given no indication of what the monetization model will be other than that it will be free to play so if they monetize it like they do Warframe that means it'll be pay to advance faster with pay for Cosmetics Warframe was a game that that has a lot of Polish and some incredibly outlandish ideas that really paid off digital extremes was never afraid to try things that I had never seen in any other game before of all the games on this list this is easily one of the most likely to succeed and Thrive because of the team that's working on this and their familiarity with the engine and the quality of what we've seen so far I'm expecting really big things from this game I'll definitely be posting more updates about this one as we find out more next up we've got a dune MMO from funcom this one's going to PC and console so you'll be able to play this on Playstation Xbox PC and it's being made in Unreal Engine 5 will this game be pay to win I don't think so back in 2019 funcom announced that they were working on a dune MMO but this year we finally got more information about what it was going to be the director of the game describes it as a survival open world massively multiplayer game players are invited to explore the world of Dune and involve themselves with politics Intrigue and finding a way to survive together on the most dangerous planet in the universe sounds epic he also says that when Dune Awakening begins you're a Castaway in the Deep desert and and all you'll have is a knife that you crafted from scrap metal you'll have to use this and only this to sneak up on enemy camps and eliminate enemies to better arm yourself by the time you hit endgame you'll be part of a big Guild that has a fleet of vehicles such as ornithopters sand bikes and tanks that you use to head out to collect Spice in the desert which is where you'll undoubtedly clash with enemy guilds and where there's noise in the desert there are sandworms while playing Dune you'll have to learn how to survive sandstorms and manage your precious and Incredibly limited water supply ding Awakening combines the grittiness and creativity of survival games with the social interactivity of larg scale persistent multiplayer games to create a unique and ambitious open world survival MMO this is the developer that made Conan Exiles which is described as an online multiplayer survival game with mounds and mounted combat set in the lands of con and the Barbarian and there seems to be a lot of overlap between these two games it sounds like Dune is going to be the more ambitious version of Conan Exiles that takes place in the dun Universe instead of the Conan Universe instead of dozens of play players on the server Dune will have thousands it's going to be interesting to see how this plays out in a game where you are meant to gather materials and build a base to defend yourself from other players and the Wilderness right now I'm totally picturing a guild Centric rust but in the desert with a giant sandworm roaming around trying to kill me the best materials and ingredients I'm assuming will be deeper into the desert farther from the safety of my fort so I'll likely spend a lot of time upgrading my vehicles and my still suit to venture farther into the desert without dying of course the primary resource in this game will be spice which you'll spend much of your time seeking out but remember as mentioned earlier the sandworm won't be your only threat much like rust or con and Exiles other players will also be seeking out these valuable resources and will likely try to kill you to take yours if you do manage to succeed in your hunt for spice you'll be able to consume the spice to conquer your senses and acquire powerful abilities we still don't know what these abilities will be but that is something I'm very curious about fittingly if you consume too much spice you'll become addicted to it but we don't know what the consequences of of that will be yet beyond that you'll also be able to hone your crafting for financial gain as well as construct a fortress in the style of your choosing I love that they're describing it as a fortress this means that whatever you're building is going to be massive Dune looks like it's going to be a real solid entry for players looking for a PVP Centric MMO so far it sounds like the PVE players mileage might vary with this one but we'll have to wait and see what kind of PVE the game has to offer and if there will be enough of it to keep the PVE player engaged throne and Liberty pay to win likely it's NC soft throne in Liberty is a AAA mmrpg set to be released on PS5 and PC in 2023 in the East and 2024 in the west NC soft recently partnered with Amazon game studios to have them publish the game here in the west throne and Liberty has had about as a turbulent a development cycle as you can imagine this thing's been in development for something like 13 years and when it came into beta it was meant to have autop pathing Auto playay offline play and pretty much every bad idea you could imp Implement into a single MMO this seems likely the result of the fact that early on there were plans for this game to be playable on mobile but that's been scrapped for now as of right now thrown in Liberty will be a PC and console MMO Auto playay and offline play have been removed all of these changes are the result of a horribly received beta and I mean it didn't go well player reaction to the game was so bad that even the stock price of the developer took a hit but to NC softs credit they listened to the community and they have made some massive changes to the fun fals of the game as a result of the player feedback now all of a sudden the game looks like it could be pretty good and they've said that they're choosing a non-pay to win monetization model and they're thinking of doing something like a battle pass if thrown in Liberty ends up being a solid MMO and it's not pay to win I can see a lot of players enjoying this in the East and in the west which is exciting to think about throne in Liberty is the spiritual successor to Lineage 2 in fact Thor and Liberty was originally going to be the next lineage game but in writing the story for the game NC soft realized it would be best served as an entirely new IP as someone who put quite a few hours in Lineage 2 and Lineage 2 classic I'm really looking forward to giving this game a chance especially if it's not pay to win the game will feature non- instance dungeons that you can head into and explore alongside groups of other players I absolutely love the amount of Mobility that it looks like they've integrated into throne in Liberty between the grapple hook the gliding and the Transformations getting around the world should be a lot of fun the game plans to play differently between day and night as well as when it's rainy or sunny even skills and abilities will perform differently based on the weather throw in Liber looks like it will feature Siege battles these Siege battles look like they will be a significant part of the game much like they were in the 2 apparently even Siege battles will be impacted by the rain for instance certain passages into the castle will not be available if it's raining because they'll be flooded back in the Age 2 the guilds that would win The Siege battle would end up controlling the castle and the town for a week or two usually profiting heavily until it was allowed to be sieged again at which point they would have to defend it to maintain it it was a mass massive part of the game and the spreadout nature of the siege schedule allowed for a nice balance between PVE and PVP content it's going to be interesting to see how much of the PVP and throne in Liberty is inspired by the lineage 2 Siege system and that's something that it's going to have in common with ashes of Creation in this game the players going to be highly mobile with the ability to Grapple onto objects and surfaces of varying Heights this should allow for excellent verticality in the zone design and should pair brilliantly with the ability to use gliders NC soft has the ability to make great MMOs but also finds themselves succumbing to that sweet sweet temptress named over monetization that's given NC soft a bad reputation in the west over the years so here's hoping they can change that reputation with thrown in Liberty if not there are a lot of other great MMOs on this list that players will be more than happy to play instead one such game might be ashes of creation will this game be pay to win no is it going to mobile no slated to release sometime in 2075 this MMO is looking very promising okay I'm joking it's not slated for 2075 or is it we don't know because they still haven't provided any kind of timeline for the game's full release this game is being developed by Intrepid a young studio located in the United States this MMO got some exciting news this year when they announced that Alpha 2 would go live in 2024 until now we didn't have a firm date for that we don't know exactly what day it's going to go live in 2024 just that it'll be in 2024 this is significant because Alpha 2 will be persistent so servers should be kept up all the time and as I understand it it will not be under NDA so will be able to share their experiences with the public during Alpha 2 ashes of creation is definitely one of the most exciting MMOs on the horizon it's a massive MMO featuring a beautiful seamless world and is set to release on PC with no current plans for console and definitely not coming to mobile as of right now we've got no official release date but despite that we know a lot more about this game than almost any other game on this list because the developers have been so transparent in the entire process of development and unlike a lot of the games on this list ashes of creation already had a very public and very successful alpha 1 back in July of 2021 where players were allowed to play and stream and make content about the state of the game so far this year they showed off Mage gameplay which looks fantastic by the way it also had a big freeold update which is the real space housing system in the game you can craft Harvest and do all sorts of cool things in your Freehold recently they showed off the Caravan system which looks like it's going to be a fantastic way to encourage player vers player altercations that keep the PVB Community busy so far it looks like this MMO has a far better chance of turning out to be real than a lot of ue5 MMOs being announced as of late ashes of creation defines loot boxes XP potions and inventory problems as pay to win as I always say when I'm talking about ashes of creation it's a massive breath of fresh air it looks like the monetization of Ashes of creation is going to be 100% above board this is just one more reason I think it stands a fantastic chance of succeeding where its predecessors have failed and is one of the major reasons I'm rooting for it the best Skins are going to be earned in game and if I understand it correctly weapon cosmetics won't be sold in the cash shop you'll have to earn your weapons by playing the game the game will be sub toplay with no box purchase necessary combine this with a beautiful world traditional MMO design and ambitious scope and you can instantly see why ashes of creation is currently one of the most anticipated MMOs today it will feature the Holy Trinity of tank healer and DPS combat can be a make or break feature for this genre but after seeing the Archer the Mage and the cleric gameplay I'm incredibly excited to see what they have planned for the rest of the classes AOC isn't simply building a better version of what came before but it's also got some Innovative features including things like plans to have Dynamic world that changes based on player Behavior specific nodes can be upgraded to unlock new content and new resources based on player activity in that area which means that every server could look completely different from another server which nodes have metropolises on them and which nodes are Wilderness is going to be decided by the players if a community upgrades a node enough they might uncover a dungeon or Raid that previously wasn't available I really hope that in spite of this game's open production they managed man to hide some of the mystery so that it's not a solved puzzle when it releases as of right now ashes of creation is a long way into its development but I'd guess it's still at least 3 years from being complete it's worth noting that it really does feel like input has ramped up their progress over the last couple years with one incredible live stream after another and lots of details to complement those streams ashes of creation is one of the more unique and interesting and most follow on this list but it's always on PVP is going to break a lot of PVE Hearts when it comes out next up we have riots League of Legends MMO will this MMO be pay to win I don't think so but we don't know a lot about this one yet one of the few details that's been made public about this MMO is the fact that Greg Street has left he was the lead on it and he quit and then started his own Studio to make his own MMO does this mean his vision of what a great MMO would be and Riot's Vision were not aligned I guess time will tell when we eventually see the two final products it's exciting to think that any of the MMOs on this list could be the next one to capture the genre the way that wow did in its prime but Riot's track record so so far definitely suggests that is one of the most likely candidates to succeed one interesting thing of note is that while Riot and Fab Castle are both studios located in the United States they're both owned and financed by Chinese gaming Giants 10cent in net e well we see Chinese monetization models leak into these MMOs time will tell one thing is for sure Riot's MMO will launch to massive audiences as its fans have long been waiting for another reason to dive into the League of Legends Universe a lot of what we know about the game was taken directly from the Twitter account of Greg Street AKA ghost crawler in one interview he mentioned that he felt like he could make the free-to-play model work over at his new studio he said he was leaning towards a subtoplay model this might be one of the fundamental differences in the design philosophy between Fab Castle's MMO and Riot's MMO because we know that Riot most likely wants to make their MMO free to play and as I said from the beginning I do wonder how Riot will offer an MMO with a compelling in-game reward structure while also making it free to play typically the rewards are the first thing that the cash shop cannibalizes in free to playay MOS and and for that same reason they almost never last very long first the cash up adds a cool weapon skin then it adds the best weapon skin then it adds a cool Mount then it adds the best Mount it's been a long time since I saw a new MMO avoid this Pitfall and I'm really hoping to see Riot avoid this mistake if they do go free to play as he seemed to insinuate in his discussion it'll be fascinating to see what Innovative approach they take here it's confirmed that Runa will have raids and dungeons a significant PVE presence does not mean a lack of PVE however as ghost crawler confirmed that PVP will be in the game and they do see a future that includes epic PVP battles and possibly even Esports the MMO genre in general has struggled to create and maintain a PVP scene for some time now so it'll be exciting to see how aiot approaches this piece of the puzzle one of Greg's most interesting comments from January of 22 was when he asked about tab targeting and he said that he thought combat in the genre was dated and if we combine that information with a job posting seeking an action combat designer it looks like riots MMO is going to feature action combat you can also expect the MMO to feature a lot more cartoony or stylized Graphics than ashes of creation and it's confirmed that the game will have the Holy Trinity oh and don't worry fishing was also confirmed as of March 22 they said the dungeon party size would be six this sounds pretty healthy as it allows for a tank A Healer as well as four DPS which would be great for keeping the DPS Q short if you've ever queed a DPS in almost any MMO you know how long those weight times can be Greg said they weren't trying to reinvent MMOs they want to make something familiar while innovating a little little bit where it makes sense Ryan's MMO plans to make races Cosmetics so that you can focus on making your character look the way you want it now remember this doesn't mean that you're losing a choice it just means that that choice is going to take place somewhere where it doesn't dictate how your character looks as of right now we have no idea when riots mot will be released but based on other games in the category a 4 to 7year window seems reasonable which would make it due to release sometime between 2025 and 2028 every year I talk about that game it's getting a little bit close next up we have Z's new MMO RPG will this one be paay to win unlikely is it going to be on mobile also unlikely this one's pretty interesting zenax online Studios the developers of Elder Scrolls Online is working on what appears to be multiple projects and one of which is an MMO we still have hardly any information other than what we've been able to scrape from their job hiring page all we know is that their creative director has worked on multiple games including Battlefield and a space game and that their lead level designer Colin camp worked on games like Mass Effect Andromeda Star Wars Battlefront and Jedi fall in order we also know that zenx put out posting asking for people with experience building all types of MMO systems their hiring page says that they learned a lot making ESO and that they're planning to make an entirely new IP now does this mean it's a new IP for Zas or does this mean it's an IP that literally didn't exist before this project that's an important question and we'll talk about why in a second all we know so far is that it's definitely not going to be eso2 one of the positions they had listed was a vehicle specialist so it seems this MMO will take place in an era where vehicles of some sort exist now let's jump into the rumor mail because it's pretty fascinating there's rumors that zos was working on some kind of Star Wars project but those rumors were never officially confirmed what we know is zamax online Studios the makers of Elder Scrolls Online has been working on a new unannounced project since at least 2018 and it was confirmed in 2019 that's about it they've recently reiterated that they have over 200 people working on the game spread all over the world with a team of 50 working directly under the game director Ben Jones they have described it as Grand and massive and benefiting from their experience making ESO the game will have vehicles they have hired people with experience with space themed things and the Rumor Mills are suggesting some kind of space related game they are now about 6 years into their development so with the average MMO taking 5 to 7 years to develop you can assume that they'll be announcing this MMO any day now and 2024 is looking like a prime time to do it it's already going to be a big year for zos as they'll be celebrating the 10 year anniversary of Elder Scrolls Online this MMO from zenax is definitely one of the most likely to succeed and I can't wait to find out more about it but I better wrap this video up here I have a few more MMOs that I was thinking about talking about on this list but this video is already really long but the rest of these MMOs on the list were going to be MMOs that were coming to PC and mobile and as we know when an MMO comes to PC and mobile it's usually a mobile game ported to PC not a PC game imported a mobile so maybe I'll make a separate list for mobile MMOs in a separate video so that this one isn't too hours long what do you think which MMO are you most excited for which one do you think has the best chance of doing something great let me know down in the comments below and of course don't forget to like And subscribe if you enjoyed the video and you want to be kept up to date on the development of these MMOs massive shout out to my YouTube channel members for supporting the channel so that I can bring you the best quality content possible if you want to become a member for channel badges access to private private Discord channels and behind the scenes footage click the join button down below and don't forget to check out the sponsor of today's video raid Shadow Legends be sure to use my link in the description for exclusive rewards if you're not sure what to do next consider one of these MMO videos popping up on screen right [Music] now he
Channel: Lucky Ghost
Views: 357,989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best mmorpg, best mmo 2023, mmorpg free to play, best new mmo, new mmorpg 2023, new mmo 2024, new mmorpg 2024, top mmorpg 2023, top mmorpg 2023 pc, best new mmorpg 2023, best new mmorpg 2024, best mmo 2024, upcoming mmorpg 2024, mmo coming out soon, mmorpg coming out in 2024, best mmorpg 2023, best mmorpg games, archeage 2, soulframe, throne and liberty, ashes of creation, odyssey, runeterra, ark 2, tarisland, quinfall, ghost mmo, dune awakening, lotr mmo, wow mmo
Id: Dk37sZzfg6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 30sec (2550 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2023
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