The Elder Scrolls Online in 2024 | New Player, First Impressions

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the Elder Scrolls Online an action combat mmrpg developed by zenax Studios but still published by the Beloved Bethesda known very well for most of your Elder Scrolls content as well as Fallout and more recently Starfield ESO was originally released in 2014 with a mandatory subscription model before quickly changing that to a buy toplay model with microtransactions and a non-mandatory kind of subscription you can find ESO on consoles as well as PC and like many other Elder Scrolls games you can play in first or third person but if you play in first person you might be a psychopath I'm just saying the Elder Scrolls recently announced their eighth expansion which is set to be released in June of this year called gold road which will feature a new Zone West Wald a new skill system known as scribing and a new raid or trial as they're called in ESO and much more the last expansion necron was released in June of 2023 and in this video we we definitely explore a bit of that expansion and what it's added to the game but what do I expect from an Elder Scrolls MMO well probably nonlinear progression a massive World filled with unique stories a fairly robust crafting system a fun leveling experience and lots and lots of exploration generally that's what I've heard in the past that this game does well but I've also heard about a fairly mediocre combat system issues with difficulty essentially the game feels too easy to some people and also some pay to win in terms of its monetization strategy but who cares what other people say let's go ahead jump into the continent of tamel and decide if the Elder Scrolls Online is worth playing in the year 2024 with a new expansion on the horizon before we get to ahead of ourselves I would just like to quickly remind you all that channel memberships are active if you consider yourself a fan of my videos and a fan of MMOs please feel free to take a look into supporting this channel as these videos can take quite a long time to make and if that's not your cup of tea a like and a subscription really help out a lot thanks I appreciate you guys now back to the video 124 GB of content downloaded and I was ready to go enter character creation with 10 different races from lizard men to cats and Orcs as well as seven different playable classes like Dragon Knight and Templar Necromancer and the most recent Edition archinist after some careful consideration and by that I mean no consideration at all I decided on a Breton sorcerer typical of any Elder Scrolls game there is a massive amount of customization that you can participate in to really make your character look exactly how you want now wait let's pause for a minute I actually really lucked out here because Breton is a totally viable Magicka sustained filled race that benefits playing a Magicka focused sorcerer but something that you might want to know just as a heads up is your race has certain benefits and racials that can actually be fairly important for the build that you might want later on I don't love that you can accidentally make a meta decision that will affect your long-term success on your character's build in the first few moments of character creation but that being said just do a bit of research on the type of character you want to make beforehand also looking back on this now as someone who has over 100 hours of game time I really don't understand the need for a class system in ESO every character can level up different skill lines which might not necessarily fall into your archetypical class if I want to be a sorcerer that wears plate and fights with a sword I can totally do that I feel like ESO doesn't really need this class system to narrow down each character and I don't really know what the benefit is maybe they want to incentivize players to make more alternate characters and potentially spend more money I don't know but enough on character creation let's get into the game the game starts you in a tutorial where you can choose a weapon and you are introduced to a a few of the combat mechanics you can hold down your attacks for a heavier attack or spam it for lighter attacks there's a Dodge and a roll as well as blocking mechanics I quickly noticed that most objects were interactable in typical Elder Scrolls fashion any bucket or jar or desk or wardrobe can be searched for different useful items and one important thing in ESO is every bookshelf can also be searched and you can randomly find books that will increase your skill lines in various things for example you might find a book on the use of two-handed Weaponry in combat and that will actually give you experience in your two-handed skill line the tutorial finishes and places you in a room full of portals to different parts of the map completely and utterly explaining almost nothing about where the game would recommend you go if you're interested in following the actual storyline of the game and participating in events in the game in a chronological manner you might have to actually follow a guide online to find out how to do so basically everything in ESO is scaled to a certain point so you can literally start your adventure wherever you want and you can pave your own way through the game in whatever direction or Pace that you please now some people might view this as a bit of a negative an entire scalable world doesn't allow you to feel as powerful as you progress and go to new and different areas however I found this to be a bit of a breath of fresh air I can go do complete level and progress in any area of the game that I want to if one place was becoming somewhat lackluster I could just move somewhere else and finish that later on with all of that being said at the beginning I was fairly overwhelmed and I think zenmax could do a better job here explaining to new players that you can choose to go anywhere but maybe some specific zones are more popular or you can unlock this particular system if you go here I don't know all I can say is I was overwhelmed after a bit of research online I chose stra Makai which starts you in the Daggerfall Covenant storyline now graphically this game is beautiful especially considering it's going to be a decade old this year I absolutely love the user interface of eso it's very minimalistic with a compass up top that shows you all relevant and pertinent information your skills and health will fade in and out with combat and you generally press e to interact the vast majority of your screen is the game and that's always really nice to see I made my way through a dungeon filled with dangerous traps and unbeknown to me at the time I was beginning to work on my first story quests you see each Zone has a bunch of things that need completed within each Zone and it's actually really beneficial to do so from World bosses to storyline to skyshards and collectibles and other points of interest the map completion system is very similar to what you might find in Guild Wars 2 and I'm an absolute sucker for these systems as a completionist type of player there is something so satisfying about going from Zone to Zone just completing the entire map games that utilize this system really well tend to get me hopelessly addicted now it's time to really get into the leveling the max level in ESO is 50 but really that's just the beginning of your journey once you get to level 50 you're going to be introduced to the account wide Champion point system in which all of your future characters will benefit from we'll get into more on that later on but I would like to preface beforehand that I think there are power leveling methods to achieve level 50 on a fresh new character in just a few hours however I wanted to have the true and authentic new player experience so I spent most of my time exploring and playing through the story and discovering new areas which meant that it took me a lot longer to get to level 50 around level four I found the skill system essentially you're given skill points that you can assign to many different skill Lines within the game you can use these to advance and unlock abilities that are class specific weapon specific armor specific racial specific later on you can unlock abilities and passives that will benefit each of your trade skills as well as different guilds that you might join in the game essentially you're going to need a ton of skill points to be able to assign them to everything that you want to and you can get these from collecting things across the map leveling up and completing certain story or dungeon specific quests because I'm a sorcerer I unlocked my first familiar a sorcerer has access to a few different types of dra that they can summon to fight alongside them now the game starts you with a bit of an awkward camera angle which is to the side of your character as well as a fairly small field of view after looking through my settings a bit I found a camera angle that was a little bit more Central and comfortable for me personally I then made it to bnck and around level six increased my first passive with a skill point also you might notice that I've assigned a few attribute points to Maga but also Health generally in ESO you're going to pick one of these attributes or a combination of two for a specific build however the general rule of thumb is not to apply anything to the health attribute unless you plan on playing the tank role for groups later on this is something I didn't know when I started however later on it's pretty easy to rearrange and Respec your attributes and skill points at this point I came across my first way Shrine which essentially is an area that once discovered allows you to fast travel to that location for a small fee from basically anywhere on the map you do a little teleport animation and bam you're there now just as a small tip for new players if you want to avoid the travel expense you can travel from one way Shrine to another completely free of cost this is the first Sky Shard I collected there are over 500 of these scattered throughout the game which you can collect for every three of them that you find you'll be awarded with one assignable skill point it's just another collection and map completion system that I can't wait to delve deeper into the questing in ESO so far has been fantastic everything is voice acted most quests have Rich and interesting story lines that make following them actually quite entertaining I was already becoming immersed in the world in this particular Quest I was playing through a bit of a vision of an event that happened in the past which you will soon find is actually a bit of a common theme in ESO also this was when I first noticed that you can go first person for that true immersion after about 6 seconds of that however I went back to third person and I never looked back at certain points of your progression after you have used an ability and ranked it up you get the option to morph your ability which will give it an extra effect here I morphed my crystal shards ability into Crystal fragments which gives it a chance to become an instant cast and deal more damage at some point I received a notification telling me to check out my collections it turns out that I had a free Mount as well as a matching pet I'm not sure if these were acquired from purchasing the entire game up to Gold Road the pet is just cosmetic and in a way so is the mount it took me some time to figure out that I had to press h to mount up but afterwards I was pretty happy with the combo I'll touch more on mounts and how they work later on but don't be discouraged if your Mount feels pretty damn slow at the beginning of the game it's supposed to up until this point I had mostly been using a fire destruction staff but I got an upgrade to an ice destruction staff which actually changed how some of my abilities appeared and functioned around level late I made my way to glenumbra and I found an outfit station you can completely customize your character's look with different types of armor that you found throughout the game some of these armors can be extremely rare and expensive and some are not there's also a massive die system where you can change basically any piece of armor to any color that you want and a vast majority of these are all earned in game which is super cool we're definitely going to jump into the system later on after I get some more pieces and see if I can get in on this fashion at this point the game coerced me towards the harborage quest line from what I can tell this used to be the true main story of the game you would unlock different parts of the harborage quest line as you leveled up however they've changed it so the majority almost all of the quest line can be done in a row immediately it's quite awkward though as in order to trigger the next part of the harborage quest line you have to leave the harborage like teleport away and then some guy would appear and give you the quest and then you go back without spoiling it for anyone who hasn't played through ESO before this quest line introduces you to some of the more important characters I particularly enjoyed Cadwell it also takes you through Cold Harbor which interestingly enough is apparently where you used to start as a new character after completing the entire Harbridge and Cold Harbor quest line which was fairly enjoyable despite the awkward teleporting away I was level 19 and unsure entirely of what I was supposed to be working on at this point in the game I didn't really understand the difference in quests or ways that I could progress through the game and that's when I decided okay well I'm just going to work on story quests in each Zone and move from Zone to Zone and level up that way that's going to allow me to experience a ton of the worlds participate in a bunch of the story and really familiarize myself with the rest of the game I made my way back to Daggerfall and I decided to start the story there but first a bit of exploration remember when I said we would talk about mounts later on well I found the stable which acts as a riding or Mount trainer here you can pay a very small amount of gold every single day to increase your Mount speed stamina or carrying capacity each of these things can be increased to 60 and it's a daily so if you want your Mount to travel at the very fastest speed you have to wait 60 days and log in every day I have no idea why they time gated this so damn hard if you want to upgrade your Mount completely it will take you half a year one of the best parts of eso is that most things are account wide like your Champion points and your bank but for some reason mounts are not so if you make a new character you'll have to do this again you know it might even be beneficial to make alts that you know you're going to play quite early on just so you can camp them by the stable and you can upgrade the riding every day I don't know this feels outdated and it seems like a silly system but hey it's how it works afterwards I found out about daily dungeons as well as daily PVP Battlegrounds essentially every day you have an incentive to queue up for a random dungeon and Battleground upon completing them you'll get quite a large chunk of experience I thought this was an awesome way to get people involved in group content and as soon as I was into my first run the queue was exceptionally fast I was placed with three other players in fungal Grotto 1 I think this is widely considered to be the easiest dungeon in the game especially on normal mode it's completely soloable that being said I did not expect us to go through the dungeon as fast as we did I just followed the tank and within about 3 minutes we had the final boss defeated and it got me to level 20 but there are a ton of dungeons in this game with normal versions as well as veteran versions for higher level characters with better rewards later on you're going to be incentivized to run quite a lot of dungeons for certain Rewards or to acquire certain sets you also get skill points for completing the quests within each dungeon either way this was a super cool introduction to group PVE and though this first run was completely non-challenging it was still really fun now like I said you also get incentivized to join up for some Battlegrounds or PVP in order to get another large chunk of experience as well the PVP in this game is one of its massive selling points and I didn't really get to try out cidel they essentially have an entire Zone that is dedicated to open world PVP in cidel where you can join a faction and wage war against other players however the Battleground system is really really fun as well they have a few different game modes which range from Capture the Flag to carrying around a ball that continuously damages you and I actually had a great time in PvP I even managed to scrape together a few kills and actually felt fairly balanced I'm sure it's not perfectly balanced but as a new character playing a new class in a new game I didn't feel completely outmatched and that's saying something after my daily dungeon and PVP I was level 22 and ready to continue on oh and I should mention ESO features add-ons that are massively beneficial to PC players which can give you all kinds of information on the game like skyshard locations a DPS meter better mini map unfortunately these are not available for console players but as a PC player I would say they're a must have and a total benefit to your experience while playing the game so if you see my interface change around a bit or different things popping up that was just mainly me messing around with different add-ons I got myself to level 25 by questing in glenumbra and I was able to pick out a new weapon before moving on to storm Haven to do some of the story quests in that area so many times while playing this game I would stop and just look around and really take in the visuals ESO is a positively beautiful MMO and I found the world to be extremely captivating now something kept happening my inventory kept filling up you see you don't necessarily pick a trade skill in ESO you can do everything you can mine fish chopwood Taylor blacksmith create jewelry do enchanting literally everything and because of that those require a lot of resources you can gather or get drops or crates filled with resources and your inventory will be very very full now you can actually upgrade your inventory space for in-game currency at a bank but even if if you purchase all of those slots the max is only 210 and crafting items will simply have your inventory full at all times and so there is a simple solution to this problem the crafting bag which is a benefit for subscribing to ESO plus the non-mandatory subscription but I use the term non-mandatory lightly because if you really want to play and enjoy ESO well you're going to want the subscription the crafting bag is UN limited literally endless it's Hermione's bag from the deathly holos you can fit everything in there now bear in mind it's only crafting materials but those are like 99% of the items that you're going to receive which fill up your bag so I bit the bullet and I purchased ESO plus almost immediately I could feel the difference in inventory space and honestly it's a really nice feeling because essentially from this point forward I can gather and pick up any resource regarding crafting and never have to worry about inventory space you can literally fill up thousands of slots if you so please on top of the crafting bag ESO plus also gives you access to all of the DLC areas and quests and dungeons bear in mind these are different from just the expansions or chapters like necrom you also get a boost to your experience and GP more Bank space and even a bit of crowns which are the in-game stores currency along with a few other benefits genuinely you can enjoy hundreds of hours of content within ESO without paying for the subscription but Inventory management is going to become a huge problem for you and you basically have to just completely avoid the crafting and trade skills system if you were going to play this game free to play for me it was worth it as so far I was enjoying the game immensely but make the decision for yourself if you try out ESO maybe if you don't care much for the crafting system and you just want to enjoy the story that's totally doable in the base game without the subscription anyway moving on I made my way to a town named way Rest by using a way shrine and as a Creator named way dot I was feeling very welcomed in a welcoming kind of way I got myself to level 30 finished storm Haven and moved on to Riven Spire which had a phenomenal quest line might I add I kept getting completely wrapped up in the stories and characters featured in each Zone rev Spire took me to level 32 and I proceeded on to rothgar a snowy mountainous Zone with some religious conflict I had to Dawn this disguise and I actually kind of likeed the look of it I got to keep the helmet as a reward so that worked out pretty nicely I finished rothgar at level 36 and changed Direction I decided to head to Somerset as someone in the world chat had mentioned that it's their favorite zone now I fully understand that I was not following the story or direction of the game that's probably intended but in a way that added a lot to the game for me knowing that I could go in any which direction that I pleased while in summers set I learned about major Gallop that's a perk that absolutely every new player should should invest into you see once you finish your first PVP Battleground you're actually going to unlock two skill lines which are related to PVP in the assault skill line you're going to find the passive benefit major Gallop which increases your Mount speed by 30% and makes a major difference in how fast you can Traverse through the game while in Somerset I entered my first delve these are little mini dungeons that you will find in each Zone and each one has a boss fight at the end as well as a sky Shard hidden somewhere inside of it they're completely soloable and sometimes the story Quest will actually take you inside them but it's just another piece of map completionist content that I really appreciated I'm fairly certain that this Zone sumerset was actually a standalone expansion when it was released and along with it came the skill Jewel crafting it's essentially the skill that allows you to make jewelry and while questing in this area I unlocked that skill line and I was starting to find books in bookshelves that would increase my Jewel crafting level around level 30 8 I found an area in Somerset that allows you to reassign your attribute points and skills these are shrines that are actually available in most major cities and for a small fee you can change around your stats this is the moment when I did a bit of research and I found out that I should be mostly specked into Magicka and not stamina or health I took a look at changing my abilities around as well but it seemed a little bit confusing at the moment and I figured I would wait until later on when I had a better idea of the build that I was going for I also heard about a permanent buff that you can apply to your character in the form of Mundus Stones these are stones that are located throughout the world which can just apply a straight buff to your character according to what I heard online as a Maga DPS I wanted to go for the thief Munda Stone which increases your Critical Strike rating I definitely waited way too long to go and get my Mundus effect you should generally do this as soon as possible on any new character as like I said it's just a free buff anyway I I found the Thief Stone in a location known as alakir desert which is exactly why I decided to finish up all of the story quests in that zone afterwards while here I witnessed what's known as a dolman though I showed up a little late essentially they are world events where a giant dark anchor comes and takes hold of the world and you and a group of players need to defeat the monsters that spawn for some decent rewards apparently there are entire groups of players dedicated to farming and finding these across the game and it's a really quick way to level up after alak here I was level 41 getting pretty close to 50 and honestly just enjoying the heck out of Elder Scrolls the world was Lively and beautiful and full of Rich lore and Story the progression felt good and it was not fastpaced in the manner I was leveling this was taking a fairly long time considering the leveling speed of most games nowadays in the' 40s I was unsure of where I wanted to spend the last little bit of my time leveling I figured I had experienced a lot of the world so far are but the most recent expansion to the game that's currently out is necron let's see what some of the most recent content released in ESO looks like now the city of necome is found in a Zone known as telani Peninsula I was introduced to a few of the characters the constant lighting changes in and around here was definitely a bit of an artistic upgrade from some of the zones that I had seen prior but nothing really prepared me for the realization that necr did not just bring one new Zone to the game but two when I was told to go to Apocrypha which you might remember slightly if you played the Skyrim DLC Apocrypha is absolutely one of the coolest zones that I have witnessed in an MMO the realm is covered in spirits and ghosts and tentacles and books and it's just one of the most inherently evil feeling locations that I've ever seen in a game it's a total Masterpiece in my opinion and I absolutely loved playing through the story and the boss fights and the new creatures that were found here speaking of cool scenes while enjoying this particular cut scene with another player beside me I couldn't help but notice that this player had a companion with them I want a companion so I did some research and as it turns out you can have a companion that fights for you just another one of those things that would have been nice to know earlier on so I started one of the companion quest lines this one for Sharp As night which was one of the newer companions added along with the necrom expansion there are six total companions in the game and each of them kind of have their own specialty and you can level them all up though you have to unlock each of them separately the companion quest line took me into a public dungeon which is very similar to a delve except it's much bigger and has plenty of more enemies I think people often use these as grind locations I finished up the quest and it turns out you can not only have and level up a companion but they have their own skill lines and equipment and you can get them new armor and weapons to deal more damage or to heal you basically it gives you a party member to play with while you're solo it's a huge advantage and anytime I make a new character in the future getting a companion is going to be one of the first things that I do on that character anyway it's that time while doing my daily dungeon which culminated in this amazing boss fight in which me and the group had to turn into werewolves I got myself to level 50 this actually took me 58 hours of gameplay from character creation to now like I said there are methods to power level but because I went the questing route and I played through so many different areas it took me quite a lot longer now in some games people will tell you that the game really opens up once you're max level and they usually mean because you can start participating in endgame content but that's not really how it is in ESO the game definitely opens up at 50 but that's mainly because you unlock the champion point system because I just completed that dungeon I started with 13 Champion points these are essentially your level now there are 30 600 Champion points to be acquired within ESO now I'm not going to pretend to know everything or be an expert on this system but essentially you can use these Champion points to slot into three different sections of the system there is Fitness Warfare and crafting each of these have passive benefits or abilities that you can slot into your Champion Point slots and these are account wide so for example if I get this character to 400 Champion points any new character that I create will also have access to those 400 Champion points and it makes leveling them up much easier now for me personally I'm going to need to watch a guide or read up on where I should be applying my Champion points to start but once you start getting Champion points it's actually going to affect the quality and level of items that are going to drop in the game for you so for example if I have 30 Champion points and I run a dungeon all of the gear and weapons that drop in that dungeon will be considered level 30 this ends up capping at 160 Champion points so essentially until you have 160 Champion points all of the gear that you will acquire unless it's a current upgrade for your character will be essentially worthless so your main goal after hitting level 50 should really be to get 160 Champion points in order to start getting the actual highest level of gear and items to drop so that was my plan continue leveling in the way I had been prior in order to shoot for 160 Champion points but there was a couple of things that I wanted to do first number one I wanted to join a g Guild like a player Guild ESO actually does this quite a bit differently than a lot of other games you can join up to five guilds at a time you do this by opening The Guild interface and applying to different types of guilds now there are guilds for social PVE and PVP in which you'll find different groups for different activities in those kinds of guilds but one of the most important functions of a guild in ESO is a trading Guild you see the General Market in ESO Works in a fairly strange way there are different Guild Traders located in every single major city in ESO each trading Guild pays a certain weekly or monthly fee in order for one of these Guild Trader NPCs to be considered theirs as you can imagine the NPCs in high trffic areas are obviously the most sought after so in order to join a trading Guild who has an NPC in one of those areas you probably have to meet some certain minimum requirements but essentially if you want to sell things to other players in the game you have to join a trading Guild and use whichever Guild Trader NPC they have to Market your items and then someone can come along to that same NPC and purchase the items that you have put up for sale I would just like to say I hate this I think they should do away with this system and that a centralized auction house or Marketplace is in my opinion what most every MMO should strive for when it comes to the player economy as this multi- NPC dysfunctional and friction filled system in order to trade with others is rather annoying and number two another another thing I wanted to do before working towards champion level 160 was to unlock the Fighters Guild the Mages Guild and the undaunted now the fighter and mag's Guild I should have unlocked much earlier on as you can gain a lot of XP in their respective skill lines while leveling you get Mages Guild XP from finding random lore books throughout the world and you get Fighters Guild XP anytime you fight dra so that was my bad but I got them now and then afterwards I made my way to the undaunted which is a guild that's going to give you access to shoulder pieces for certain sets in the game as well as just a decent amount of daily rewards that you can get for participating in dungeons each day there are three separate daily quests that will have you complete three separate Dungeons and these change every day you can actually begin doing these dailies at level 45 when you first receive the undaunted invitation in your inventory every time you complete one of these daily quests you're going to be given an undaunted key which you can use towards getting some pretty cool gear and if you do that specific daily Quest and dungeon on veteran mode instead of normal you get two keys as a reward anyways moving on I was gaining Champion points at an absolutely absurd rate first of all you need less experience per Champion Point than I did per level prior I think it was taking me about 200,000 XP per level in the 40s and now I only needed about 30,000 XP per Champion point also what did I just get 3,000 XP for killing a couple mobs this is when I was first introduced to the enlightenment system essentially for every 24 hours that you're offline you're given 400,000 Enlightenment XP which caps at 4 million XP it's just a rested XP system and when you first get to level 50 you're granted a fully rested 4 million experience doing just one delve and a quest already got me to 19 Champion points and after finishing some of my daily undaunted quests and dungeons I already had 40 I also made my way to the Thieves Guild and started working on some of the main story quests to learn more about sneaking around and stealing things as apparently this can be a pretty decent way to make money during this Quest I was told to pick an outfit to wear to a wedding that I was about to sabotage as a male character you can pick to wear a female outfit so I did just that hard to miss you in that this is amazing I finished the Thieves Guild at 59 Champion points and I got myself to 69 Champion points the same day and I decided to call it for the night the next day boom one 100 Champion points unfortunately my Enlightenment XP was wearing pretty thin and things were going to start to slow down immensely while waiting for my undaunted dungeon cues to pop I started fishing and found out about the immense amount of fishing that you can do in each Zone you have to catch specific rare fish in almost every Zone in the game in different types of water in order to unlock the prestigious Master Angler title which is definitely something I want to go for but finally my enlightenment XP was completely gone and I think at this point I can give you all a fair review of my time playing the Elder Scrolls Online in 2024 and my plans moving forward because I'm addicted to this game how am I supposed to play other MMOs I have to catch literally every fish in this game guys I'm sorry you want videos I'm going to be fishing I am so helplessly addicted oh wait I did promise I would try out the outfitting station and see what I can come up with for my character it turns out I didn't have anything too wildly cool unlocked however I had some fun messing around with the randomized dieses and randomized armor settings I managed to come up with this amazing fit look how the dyes interact with each other and the armor just flows together so nicely it's perfect I look properly intimidating and also like a complete Noob but let's jump into it ESO is a massive game and it's beautiful every new zone is filled with lore and story and characters and completionism things you can do from delves to Sky SK shards to quests to public dungeons to trials and just catching fish there is never not something you could be working on in ESO the leveling process feels good the champion point system feels even better and the way it applies to your alternate characters makes any progress on any character feel good as you're always working towards something that can benefit all of your characters there's something about these more horizontal progression games like ESO and Guild Wars 2 that just really intrigues me in a way that most other games don't I love the world building and exploration that is so baked into the fundamental idea of these types of games and for me personally I think I just have a bit of a bias when it comes to completionist content and ESO is filled with completionist content that being said the combat in the game is lackluster at best it requires a lot of clicking and button mashing there's a system known as weaving which you will have to learn in order to parse with the best of them in the game's most difficult content if you're familiar with new world's combat it feels much the same except ESO is just worse in in most ways the player trading system being fractured into different guilds and different locations across the map really sucks I hope they change something about this in the future another thing to mention is while I never felt the need to purchase any small little microtransactions or boosts of any kind while playing I definitely felt extreme pressure to purchase ESO Plus on top of it already being a buy toplay game this is unfortunately due to the fact that the item bloat within crafting exists at least in part in order to coers you into purchas ing the crafting bag but I have to say out of all the MMO videos and reviews that I've done recently there's a certain feeling that I got from Elder Scrolls Online that almost no other game gave me the feeling of freedom and openness to do what I want when I want it the game doesn't Force you or even suggest that you play in any certain way shape or form you create your own adventure and you do what you want to do do I recommend people try ESO in the year 2024 1,000% especially with this new expansion gold road coming out in June which I will definitely be making a video on anyway folks I want to say a massive thank you to everybody who made it to the end of the video don't forget a like a comment a subscription those things help a bunch and if you really enjoyed the video consider becoming a channel member anyway I'll catch you all in the next one [Music] later [Music] a
Channel: Waydot
Views: 542,800
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: teso, ESO, TESO, the elder scrolls, the elder scrolls online, eso in 2024, elder scrolls onlines in 2024, skyrim, morrowind, Elder scrolls online, waydot, new player first impressions, new player, first impressions, eso new player, eso first impressions, eso review, eso review 2024, elder scrolls online 2024, mmorpg, mmorpg review, mmorpg discussion, waydot eso, eso gameplay, eso guide, eso new player 2024, daggerfall, eso sorceror, eso pvp, eso pve
Id: AITD9dJ8gnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 35sec (2195 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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