Should you learn Ai and Machine Learning?

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just a quick commentary about AI and machine learning it's interesting I think it's an interesting field I think AI machine learning are there could be a lot of money thrown into that over the next many years so that means if you get into AI and machine learning coding which laws does Python then there could be a lot of money for you in terms of jobs working for companies larger companies and so forth I don't think you can apply and small businesses are going to be looking for AI programmers not at this point anyway and so if you're looking to become a freelancer then you don't want to look at AI machine learning because there's not going to be any freelancer jobs doing that that being said ai machine learning are really big these days it's a good it's an interesting field to be sure but I think that it's going to be incremental process it tears that there's a guys at Google has spent a lot of money on this and it's getting cooler it's getting really cool with the Google assistant when you talk to it understands content context so if you say give me flight prices from here to California it would tell you and then you can say Hubble in March and then they will know that you're talking about flights to California and it shows you prices in March cetera chatter so that's a nice step that's where it is right now that has taken Google years to get to so it's going to be a very incremental process which means the AI coders machine language coders of a beard and demand for a long long time but understand when you do that kind of coding you're going to be working for bigger companies later on and I think you're starting to see a little bit was I believe ibm's watson project you be as freelancer you may be able to go in there for smaller companies and hook into AI based API is where you basically pay IBM X amount of cents every time you be sent there ai a question it gets back response so maybe that if you may be able to plug that in to certain small gigs or small businesses and I can't think of any examples of the off the top of my head but I'm just here to give you context about how understanding the Beast basics of AI machine learning sooner or later will be able to be used in even small games by exposing yourself to api's and then using the services from these API it's kind of like if you were to use Google Maps and somebody's website instead of using Google Maps you use ibm's watson which is their AI but again I think at this point in time AI is encoding is much more much more for bigger businesses so if you like that idea of going to work for a big business to work on these big AI projects then you know you're going to go Python it's all the buzz now these days machine learning and AI and it's interesting it reminds me of times past when certain technologies came involved and then they made a lot of money initially and then they fall out of favor it's like iOS development with object of C the first several years the iPhone because of the growth of the App Store it's a good huge money be hiding don't get me wrong still money be had with iOS development but I I think that the big boom is I imagine it's over as mentioned in other videos you're not going to make monies unlikely to make money building apps that use your own apps which you'll sell on the on EA App Store there's just too many apps it's just too many apps it's been going on for years where you make money and iOS development is actually building apps for other businesses whether it be small businesses or large businesses yeah again as I talked about in all my videos what coding languages and frameworks you choose to learn should be taken into consideration this choice should be taken into consideration depending on the type of work you want to do anyway when it comes to the boom that we see today in AI machine learning there's a lot of buzz on a boom that some experience or several other cycles lots of opportunities there'll be a lot of brick walls companies and the these models will hit meaning they will not be successful that's okay as you as a developer you can make a lot of money offering your services along the way so don't get me wrong nothing everybody drop everything to AI it is one other route that could be viable but understand that it's kind of you know this gold rush for apps and apps app development in terms of businesses it's kind of like the gold rush in the California Gold Rush general 1800 silver was the people who made the most money were the people who were supplying the services and the equipment to the gold prospectors so the people may matter the people selling the people that the Picts is the pictures the pics that are the pics and the wheelbarrows and all the all the stuff that you needed all the equipment that you needed to go prospect for go to go digging for gold mostly people went digging for gold never found gold in the mirror never made it but the people who made a lot of money were the people who were selling this the gold diggers the equipment that they needed and you see that was the startup culture where a lot of rich people are willing to spend you know millions of billions with other tens of millions of dollars on conceptual businesses the startups and the way they work is also put they'll have a pool whatever a billion dollars 100 million dollars and they'll spread that out between 30 companies or 20 companies or whatnot with a full expectation with 80% of those companies with this fail the product will never worked and then they make all their money in the last you know five percent or ten percent of the companies actually do 50 times your money or 100 times their money so that's their model but the good thing about this model it's like those other 80% of those companies would actually go to nowhere they're paying coders they're paying coders big money to write the software to get the idea up and running so that they can see whether or not it's actually a viable business so you're going to see that a lot I think with AI and machine learning case you see that a lot in any emerging sub sector within development where a tons of money thrown at it and then we actually see where everything settle and where the opportunity really lies in terms of long term you know earnings for everybody anyway I hope this is useful to you bye-bye
Channel: Stefan Mischook
Views: 54,221
Rating: 4.8069253 out of 5
Keywords: Ai jobs, machine learning, machine learning jobs, jobs in AI
Id: 8qCvT49Fs_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 48sec (408 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 17 2017
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