The BEST Tech Stack for freelancing right now (imo)

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the best tech stack for freelancing is maybe not what you would expect you have to think where is the money flowing where is the money flowing online and where can i stand to get wet to take advantage of the ecosystem so when you think money you think transactions buying selling goods being exchanged and in the context of the internet that means one thing e-commerce now there's one e-commerce platform in particular that has done at this point almost a trillion dollars in transactions and that platform is shopify the mistake most people make is thinking shopify is just like a website builder but it's really not it's closer to wordpress where it's a whole on platform ecosystem that you can do multiple things on and it might even be more powerful than that so if you know a front-end web stack like you've got javascript css html and throw a framework on there too react you can do pretty much anything within the shopify ecosystem that is making themes building apps and building custom web app front ends for the shopify api so as fast as this industry is growing people are trying to get on shopify migrate they're trying to upgrade their stores to shopify plus they're trying to have custom features in their store that the competitors don't have increased conversions by adding new functionalities as well there's just so many opportunities for developers and not enough people are talking about this now adding even more fuel to the fire you have coven now what that means is if you're a store you have to migrate to e-commerce or you're pretty much screwed your in-person business is dropping people don't want to go places in person as much you might even be mandated to be closed for a specified amount of time so while the demand was high it gets pushed even higher by the pandemic okay you're skeptical i get it at best you think i'm trying to sell something at worst i'm actually getting paid by shopify to say this who knows but what i think we can both agree on is some hard data to back up what i'm saying so i'm here in upwork which is one of the top freelancing platforms you can post jobs here you can get freelancing jobs here personally i do not recommend using upwork as a freelancer they take a huge cut pretty much 20 of everything you make and as a freelancer you have almost no power if you get a bad client that they can leave you a bad review and kind of ruin your entire profile and finally there's a lot of competition which can kind of drive your rates down and you don't really own your client relationships so everything has to go through the platform or you can get banned so a lot of reasons not to use upwork and i do have a different much better strategy but anyway what it's still good for is looking at the relative supply and demand for developers in different stacks so that's exactly what we're going to do now so what i've recommended in the past to get a job or remote job is to learn react but the environment is kind of different if you're trying to do freelancing so let's just search in this box for react and see what comes up so these are all the jobs that people have posted looking for maybe people who know react so the first thing we can see is 316 jobs found these are active job postings that haven't been filled yet and this is a pretty good way to relatively measure demand so we have this 316 number which isn't great but it isn't bad either and we can kind of just scroll down through the jobs and ignoring the hourly rates because a lot of them are kind of low balling or just not accurate for one reason or another and we can see that the jobs are kind of you know potentially good for react developers but a lot of them have actually kind of custom requirements that might disqualify you so what do i mean by that well we have react native here so if you're just a react web developer then you might not know react native so you couldn't do this job this one has nothing to do with react well i guess it does but you'd be not even a developer here this is back end so i'm not sure why this is tagged with react chrome extensions kind of have their own ecosystem you need to know this one requires envision video streaming react native funny enough there's a shopify one but just scrolling down you can see that this one all the way at the bottom is kind of the first one that's like actually just legit react and node.js typescript which is kind of a standard react stack but the problem is this one has 50 plus proposals so those three factors a high level of proposals means there's a high supply of developers a 316 jobs found means there's like a medium demand for developers and most of all the disqualifying thing means this 316 is actually a lot lower and that's just because you can have different kinds of react stacks that you probably don't qualify for so let's do this same little search trick with python we'll just search for the whole language of python and see what comes up so python has almost the same as react which is 326 which is kind of surprising because react is a framework within javascript and python is an entire language and funny enough you know people are learning python the most but there's actually not that many real jobs and i've actually said this in the past but you know for whatever reason people want to learn python so scrolling down again we'll see kind of the same issue where you know you need some specialized skills to actually do these jobs just python isn't enough like this one's natural language processing machine learning is here machine learning again you could be a tutor not really a developer so again in this case the 326 is going to actually be much lower if you just know python so it's kind of same problems as react now if we search for shopify okay then we will actually see that there's over 1 000 jobs and it's very different because you'll notice instead of looking for a specific stack or a specific kind of person and i didn't even mention that a lot of these python jobs i just hit the back button they also require experience so like just scrolling down let's see this yeah a lot of them will actually say we need a senior developer or someone with x levels of experience okay i just forgot to say that before um like example b like this one experienced python developer that has built microservices in the past and then you know there's like a ton of different requirements here now let's go back over to shopify so i just search shopify we get the thousand jobs so it's got three times as much demand for developers and if we just look through these the requirements are pretty much just less skill based and more outcome based so someone has a problem with the shopify platform and they're really just looking to find someone who can actually do what they need so someone has just you know a domain they want to get their website up another person maybe just wants to optimize their seo and another person just wants to have their website created so right away we've got higher demand for developers we've got less disqualifying and as you can see these proposal counts are really low five to ten ten to fifteen five to ten fifteen to twenty but i don't see any 50 plus on the first page and i would guess that there is not on the second page either yeah 20 to 50 is the highest i see so that's all looking pretty good uh for people looking for a shopify job so the final thing i want to show you and this is kind of the craziest thing of all so hopefully you've stuck with me for this long i'm going to switch it back over to the freelancer and agency search which actually allows you to search on the other end so if i'm hiring i can search for a specific person to hire rather than doing a job post and what i'm going to do is type in shopify expert and see what comes up okay so we've got some people with a wide range of hourly rates this guy's charging 250 an hour which is pretty crazy but let's just click on this first person stephanie d right here because i think this will be accurately represent what a shopify expert is um and i want to use this person to illustrate a very probably surprising point so what we've had what we have here is a top-rated person on upwork uh who's actually been invited 37 times to be hired so there's a super high demand for this person's services and they're charging an hourly rate that if you worked full-time hours at this rate it would actually be 250 000 per year so that's pretty damn good now scrolling down we can see that on the left this person doesn't have any special education they're just general studies and it looks like they didn't even finish they're only there for three years um but here is the crazy thing i want to show you so scrolling down to the skills section we can see this person actually can't code all they really know how to do is some basic design and they know how to set up shopify websites okay now this is what i want to show you guys pre-packaged products projects are flat rate projects you can get done that are not on an hourly rate and just look at this right here template shopify website for one thirty five hundred to twelve thousand dollars now you might think okay for that price they're doing something crazy i mean look at all these things they're listing but these things are actually really easy to do when you understand the shopify ecosystem and you don't even need to code now we're not done yet so just scrolling down to the bottom custom shopify website this is a flat rate package deal twelve thousand to fifty thousand twelve thousand to fifty thousand so you can make 50k from one site which is above a yearly salary or twice a year lose salary for a lot of people and if you're doing this abroad that's basically like a king's salary all right and all this is is a template shopify site probably with some custom coding okay so if you know how to code and i'm assuming since uh stephanie d can't code she's just outsourcing the development work but if you can do this in-house you can basically be coming away with five figure deals in shopify so this is really just what i wanted to point out and why shopify is just insane right now to get into and i also just want to add that this is just for theme development and store setup there is much more you can do within the ecosystem you can like i said build react web apps build apps for the shopify app store which has an insane amount of opportunity it's kind of like the apple app store 10 years ago and much more so we're just scratching the surface with this example so anyway i'm going to send you back over to me talking and we'll wrap up this video this is the exact stack we're going to be learning in my freelance developer bootcamp how to build every different type of thing on the platform when it comes to freelancing 2 development is only half of the equation the other half is business development you're doing branding marketing sales copywriting cold outreach generating clients from leads and we are gonna cover that equally if not more than the development aspects in the program and there's going to be this environment where everyone is selling around you closing deals you can see the stats going up and down and it's just going to be an amazing environment for not only learning but making money during the program there's actually 12 weeks and these are some of the topics if you want to like pause the video it's up to you but that's every week's topic so if that sounds good check out more details
Channel: Aaron Jack
Views: 41,885
Rating: 4.9021115 out of 5
Keywords: programming, web development, javascript, react, learn programming, learn to code, coding, software development, become a software developer, freelancing, tech stack, freelance developer, how to freelance, shopify developer, shopify expert, ecommerce developer, full stack developer, freelancer, make money freelancing, become a freelancer, how to be a freelancer, shopify
Id: W5As_t_zsmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2020
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