Should We Cancel Celebrities for Their Crimes? | Middle Ground

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what's up guys this idea started at the office when I was talking about Kanye I love him and you hate Kanye so we were like we should do a cancer culture middle ground yeah we thought it was really important to bring other topics like pop culture to middle ground so let us know in the comments below what you want us to talk about as always enjoy the episode r.kelly bye I'm done with you get out of here like but that's in your opinion I'm not saying I've got for our our Kelly I just think if you support him you're a dick right yeah and then it's better to be a dick hello my name is a deep Kadir I have a computer science degree and I'm a product manager in the tech industry hi I'm will Court I'm a music student at USC hi I'm joy Villa I'm a singer-songwriter and I am anti cancel culture hi I'm Lindsay rebelling I'm a consumer insight specialist and I'm Pro ich cancel culture more on the site but I'm looking forward to this conversation hi I'm Seth Fowler a law school graduate and teacher I am pro castle culture hi my name is Alana I am a student a history student and I'm proconsul culture I would buy an artist's work even if they committed a violent crime humans are a series of impulses on a spectrum of time like we are constantly changing we're constantly evolving have any of you have honestly never not told a lie in your life of course we evolved so are you a liar today no so that moment that you told a lie you can't be blanketed as a liar the rest of your life I think the issue with canceled culture is it's kind of like this like you have a cut on your arm let's just chop the whole arm off when you bring up the amount of people that work on some of these projects like think of like a Harvey Weinstein movie right he did terrible things I wouldn't want to port support Harvey Weinstein but most of his victims are people that were in his movies by not supporting a Harvey Weinstein movie are also not supporting his victims so it's kind of like you're in a weird spot but you can't bring down the kingpin without bringing down the organization that he built so he said something very interesting to me about like the whole cutting off the arm and to fix a cut and I feel like the exact opposite because when you talk about how like oh if you're canceling people bond they have good inventions it's like there's so many smart people that aren't toxic and it's like when you cancel someone that is toxic it's sending the message to other toxic people you cannot get away with this here's how I think of it like I have the right to stop this and if other people want to do that also and we bond together like the powers in our hands and I feel like for me I'm doing my part by not choosing on to like mess with that person anymore yeah I was gonna ask you a question though do you feel like you should be the one making the decision or do you feel like YouTube or Spotify should make the decision for you and take down people who they feel like offended a certain segment of the population I think it's it's it's two separate things like I think I should have the power to make that decision of course that's a very personal thing for me but music should be continued to be sold and available I personally don't think so just don't listen to don't buy it you yourself yeah absolutely every individual has the right to say hey I don't like this and you can even tweet about and saying no but then to start a boycott that's what yeah boycott people are different morally I personally have the right I withhold the right I think all of us do to not go and support these people we don't believe in I would never tell you wait I'm gonna go see X Y Z movie and you have to - if you say no you have that right what cancel culture does is saying I'm not gonna see this person because I don't like this person and nobody else should either and that's why I hate it cancel culture is out of control when it started I think it was a good thing it's like the me to movement a good thing but when you get the court of public opinion involved I tell you it becomes so horrible I am an artist I've legitimately hit number one on Billboard people think oh I don't run my social media I absolutely do I read comments I respond even negative ones when people say I hope you die somebody should kill your family you should get raped so that you you have a baby a legit mean you can I mean it is online bullying cancel culture rationally is overall a net positive I think but there are sects of cancel culture like the toxic people that issue the death threats and of course those need to be excised cancel culture originated out of compassion the voice for the voiceless being able to vote with your wallet make a stand yeah your little retweet your little like turning things viral that one gets seen this is something that like strikes fear in my heart right now what's happening now is you know people are essentially choosing for you whether you should be it's like it's like let's say you wanted to boycott coca-cola or Nike or something imagine if stores started taking Nike shoes out of the store before you could even make the decision as a people to buy it or not buy it and we need to have the right and in the option at our love I don't think that they're trying to make you not buy the product I think that they're saying as a company we do not agree with this so we're not gonna sell your product here when record labels stop playing their music or whatever I feel like it's justified specifically for victims because when it gets out that that person did something like that their music skyrockets and for the victim seeing that they're getting so much for that and then once the cases are over it's been sure you could play their music more if they are innocent but it's also like the justice system isn't always right honestly I've said this before like I think the pendulum has swung the other direction and like yes maybe it's getting a little string but I also think sometimes that's necessary for a change for so long we let everyone get away with everything and there was only one voice as part of the conversation right it was mostly like white men back in the day versus now we have a platform where everyone can share their opinion you're like hey that makes me uncomfortable and I think some people are going to have to be made examples of in order to set precedent and what's acceptable for us our generation and the society today the public should hold celebrities accountable when the justice system fails our Kelly is the first name that comes to mind because he has sex tapes that show his face and people are still like didn't do it we love our Kelly he would never and most of the time when it's a celebrity being convicted they can always buy their way out that's exactly we came to mind for me too immediately I was just like oh like first of all how many times how many times in like the United States justice system have we seen guilty people get off innocent and you find off years later that that happened if the justice system doesn't come through we as a people shouldn't just take that and be like okay well I guess he's innocent like no he did that and let's take away his platform and we will take that power away from him the justice system is so it's just so imperfect it's unbelievable and I think that situations like Jesse Smollett I think that the justice system in those situations have failed if we don't support the justice system a little bit then it's kind of anarchy but at the same time I think that it's an individual decision as the individual as the right to kind of I don't not not support them or you know to do whatever they want to do ya know extreme extreme if the justice system fails what's important and what's happening now is that we do look at replacing whether it's the district attorney or whatever the system is that's causing it to fail people should go and address this so the next million people that go through that system go through a just system I think we all completely agree with that like the justice system needs to be fixed but I do think the reason canceled culture started and when it originally derived was because like to be 100 I like that takes so long like for our entire government and justice system to like evolve until you're idealistic view of it is not happening next year where I think we're making change I think it's happening but I think our generation that spawned canceled culture was like you don't have time we have the same problems with canceled cultures we do with the justice system there's a lot of people that got they got the death penalty right we're giving people the their careers of the death penalty by public you know and kicking them out forever and saying we never want you back right are we because I've canceled the NFL since but what if we're wrong it was a countable culture I'd be on that side cancel when I cancel you you don't exist delete it by get out of here no more money we're done with them cancels this imperfect as the justices are Kelly by I'm done with you get out of here like but that's in your opinion I'm not saying I'm before Kelly but I still don't want all his music erased like all of a sudden it's like he's guilty before a court of law even people I don't support I still want them to go to the justice system because fairness matters we've already been through this throughout history I just think if you support him you're a dick right yeah and it's all right to hate them counsel culture it runs I would say codependent ly with activism and as activism has changed we're able to operate quicker and mobilize quicker in this digital space it's almost in some senses it's like digital activism but I like compassionate canceller culture if you look at the history of somebody and you look at how somebody responds when confronted and you make your decision based off of whether they've seen any type of error and applied any type of value judgment then I think it's totally your right whether or not to support them we have too many options yeah and I love that you said it's your right I just think what's most important about anything is that if you're going to stop listening to someone stop supporting someone you know do your research and make it make the moral decision for yourself of whether you want to support them or not and that's that's all you can do as an individual it's an individual decision we all kind of have the same opinion on a level for the most part we think that people deserve consequences but I feel like we think it good I thank you guys so much for watching this episode a lot of times middle ground is very tense but we love bringing people together to have healthy dialogue nonetheless yeah now so we're very active on social media so make sure to follow us on Instagram and do blue media we're also thinking of completely revamping the ground so you've got cool ideas of like what we can do next or like anything like that leave a comment DM us as always we'll see you guys next time
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 2,140,468
Rating: 4.8716412 out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, live deeper, blind devotion, love language, middle ground, spectrum, jubilee middle ground, middle ground cancel culture, cancel culture, cancel r kelly, jussie smollett, cancel celebrities, should we cancel celebrities over their crimes?, jubilee cancel culture, celebrity crime, james charles, james charles drama
Id: V5ePvuDm5Is
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2019
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