Flying My Family To The Middle Of Nowhere | Pilatus PC-12NG

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[Music] he least 133% introduce fuel to three got to light off in about 3 seconds it needs to be within 10 watching it fuel flow oil pressure NG and MP things all coming up nice around 40% ignition will go off 37 around 50 start I'll go off all right a little low bump it back into beta NG looks good MP is good generators are online that's good start and we grab the minute weather airport Goan Indiana automated weather observation 1842 Zulu wind 280 at 0 6 visibility 1 0 Sky condition clear temperature 2 Niner CSI 2. 22 CI altimeter 2 niner niner 7 remarks density altitude 2,000 600 all right it's hot other than that it's good weather here C plotus ner 21 November golf on the ground to Goan request IFR to 3 kilo 8 PL ner 21 November Golf and clearance delivery hold for release at the Go airport cleared to 3 kilo a airport as filed maintain 3,000 expect flight level 260 1 0 minutes after departure departure frequency 132.5 squawk 6231 verify holding for release and state departure Runway 921 November golf am holding for release Here Goan cleared to 3 K8 as filed 3,260 and 10 minutes departure 3205 6231 and we'll be using Runway 27 n n ner 7 one verl all right 3,6 231 and 3205 cleared as F which was just Direct that's the brakes they work yes beta it is available ocean traffic plot assigned to on November golf taxi Runway 27 Goan welcome aboard the pc12 everybody today we've got a flight out to uh my hometown out in Kansas the home airport I guess um and so we got all of my kids along plus uh my sister-in-law and her family so it's a full boat today and uh we're looking forward to spending some time on the farm got Emma up here in the front seat with me and uh looks like great weather today we had some thunderstorms roll through this morning but it's clear for us now all the way out there and looks like just uh really hot and other than that looks good to have you guys along tra King Charlie bra dep 27 South Southwest departure and clearance platus 921 November golf for number one ready go we'll be ready as soon as three Charlie Bravo is out of our way November 921 November Googer foras we continue to hold for release one November golf 91 November golf controlled airace y heading 270 and clim maintain 4,000 you were released from the Gan Airport heading 270 climb to 4,000 release forart traffic ocean 921 golf all right fat ey fly flaps are set 15 for normal takeoff annunciators uh we got takeoff config and agm1 and2 database old that's fine that is um just the charts are out of date the uh um the navigation database is still good uh trims are all set in the green we've got the pitch trim set towards the diamond since the CG is kind of towards the back today and amps are below 30 and charging and uh ACS is in Auto probes windshield Heats on light and we'll get flight out and take the runway and lights Goan traffic Pilatus ner 21 November golf departing Runway 27 Goan and we are hot and heavy today we're going to be looking at about a 2100t ground roll all right flight idle SE traffic everything looks good here we go all right power is set air speed's cominging up 83 1500 ft right at 2,000 yep positive rate on the brakes gear is coming up and over 100 KN flaps come up God a run ta Landing light off C traffic plot 92 November golf dep paring the area to the West C sk5 they just came Airborne now uh they're turning they're going to be turning Southwest off 27 here shortly so just don't go southbound continue North for 195 South B plot 92 November golf off go 1,900 climbing 4,000 heading 270 9lf departure ident climbing 8,000 8,000 one of golf one golf contact 2 mil West Airport Clemington 1000 and proceed uh direct destination 10,000 direct destination 921 no golf all right traffic on the left that web and we're on our way above 3,000 AGL 43 and uh close inertial separator we'll cool the it um down a little bit we were above 780 um already right off the ground which rarely happens to me anyway I guess some of you guys fly in these uh in warmer climates probably see it more cont November contact Chicago center3 4.87 good day Chicago 3487 one November golf s hello Chicago Center Pat ner 2 one November golf 8,000 climbing one Z 10,000 921 November GF Chicago Center climb maintain flight level 2 climb flight level two 921 go 921 November golf clim 15,000 15,000 15 15,000 one no 921 November golf traffic 9:00 1 Z miles uh Northwest reg J out of flight level 180 for 16000 watch for one November golf November golf Lev 23 level 230 921 nov golf 5384 cross Halls at 12000 number 921 November golf contact Chicago Center 18.22 Chicago 1822 one November golf good day Center patus 921 November golf 16,500 climbing flight level 230 91 November golf Chicago Center clev 2 60 climb flight level two 60 921 November golf November 921 November golf contact Chicago Center 134.0 Chicago 3402 on November golf see you afternoon Chicago Center plat Stander 2 on November golf 250 climbing 26 91 November Chicago CER good afternoon sir intermittent light should too bad Roger uh this climb has felt super slow but we are hot and it is heavy I am running the temps a little hotter than normal normally I stay at 780 but I'm letting it go up to 800 today to keep our climb rate up a little bit which is still pretty slow up here all right finally here at 260 let George fly here let the airplane speed up and we'll check in on stats and the route what Chicago C 13222 3222 one November golf so long than sir afternoon Chicago Center plot Stander 21 November golf flight level 260 number 921 November GF Chicago Center good afternoon all right we are here at 260 we've let the airplane speed up and got the power set at 26 uh PSI on torque and that's given a 793 it 385 pounds an hour which is uh pretty good here um and we are getting a little over book speed uh book here for this temperature I used 20 minus 20 Celsius is 257 and we're getting getting uh 261 so pretty good today um and we have got uh about 2 and 1/2 hours to go yet uh looking out at the route it looks uh pretty cloudless um all the way out to uh home except for right before we get to home there's a little bit of um rain and stuff to move through there this just uh to the southeast of Dodge City um so it should be a good flight all that should be moved out uh by the time we get there and the airplane is finally cooled down um or 68° up here in the cockpit and 78 or 70 back in the back uh airplane had to sit outside in the sun for a couple hours while we were getting ready and it heated up a lot so it took a long time to cool down um airplane's been running for about 50 minutes I start that timer right after start the engine so took a while to cool down even with the flood fan and everything but it's finally cool it feels really good and looks good out there nice day a little bit hazy but uh hopefully the time lapse turns out good for you guys and we'll talk to you on The Descent Dad we're so high up I know so cool we're at 26,000 ft wow really high November 9er 21 November golf traffic 4:00 for 5 miles south Westbound at flight level 2502 fly right under all right we'll be uh watching for that [Music] one November ner 21 November golf cont Kansas City Center 13315 have a good play 62 cany Center welcome break nor 9 21 November golf can City Center welcome break air shutle 6035 can City Center welcome back on course moment 921 November golf contact City Center 13462 921 November golf 21 November golf contact Kansas City Center n47 to one November golf November 9th city [Music] csas city center 1181 November golf City Center for traffic and maintain 16,000 29 all right welcome back everybody we are descending out of 23,000 or 16,000 um I did get the weather a little bit ago but I will get another updated one for you guys we're about 15 minutes out from Landing let me know if you want condition clear below 12,000 temperature 3 1 c 2 1 Al of mercury remarks density altitude 4 6 0 0 all right got everything but the wind direction ran County Airport automated weather observation 2 1 3 5 Zulu wind 1 1 Z at one one knot visibility eight all right got the weather uh about the potential icing but I did not say about the weather there it's 11:00 and about 3 miles extends all the way to KI County it's mod precipitation yeah I've been watching it and uh we haven't gotten any icing yet one so the runways at comman County are 1 180 and 360 so we will plan on Landing to the South and I'm also going to plan on doing an inspection pass this uh airport is not um used all that often it's kind of out in the country so we just going to do a low pass um not super slow but not super high speeded either um just do a low pass make sure there's no animals out there you can direct we can also double check the wind against the all right we're below the cloud deck all right hey Emma what I'm GNA have you put the tablet away now okay my discretion to 4,000 one of them golf dad what are we going down we are going down I can't wait well we're not Landing but we're close to Landing I know every one M golf maintain 4,200 4200 all right we'll maintain 4,200 one November golf I can see the ground ble yeah yeah see yeah yeah I know that's ice um it gets icy up there and then when we're really high when it's really cold um from all the water that we breathe out and so it frosts over on the inside of the airplane and then it drips out on us oh what if it gets flooded in here it won't get flooded hey don't do that please okay all right there's Pratt what's who's Pratt that's this the city over there o when is it when is it when is it all right hey Emma what we're almost land so I'm going to need you to be kind of quiet so I can focus okay okay I make an attempt at what we call the sterile cockpit what's that that's where when we're landing and taking off we try to only talk about airplane stuff only stuff about the flight okay okay but like if you see another airplane out there you can tell me okay but don't tell me about windmills or lakes okay Birds if you see birds you can tell me about that okay think I've got cold water lake in sight dad that's right north of the airport what why is it bumpy well cuz we're down below the clouds usually that's where all the thermals are what all thermals that's the pockets of rising air that are like little speed bumps in the sky or potholes in the sky that makes it bumpy when we fly through them but we're only about 5 minutes from Landing okay I can't wait I know I've been waiting this for this day for days n or 21 November golf K County it's 1:00 and5 Miles by the field we can cancel high this time one golf golf re we'll see you one golf right take a little radar radar and radio coverage rad Gonna Fly Over Wilmore here there's three towns in the county very rural area out here as you guys can see so the airport is I don't know if you guys could see the lake out there but um the lake right north of the airport so we'll uh get a look at little more here from the air I've never uh flown over and Tak a look at it so we're going to do that and then we'll go fly over the lake do our low approach to 18 Circle back and land field elevation is about 2100 ft so we use 3600 for um our uh our pattern there is Willmore Kansas there's somebody that lives there that owns a carousel that's in a little building and if they're home when you go through town you can go knock on the door and they'll I'll give you a ride on the carousel never done it got to take the kids there sometime all right so for this inspection pass we're going to just do gear up we're not going to go super low come around the north side of town here County Traffic platus 9er 21 November golf 6 miles to the Northeast we'll be doing a low pass over 18 Circle to land 18 so we'll go no lower than 500 ft on this pass make a turn around the Northwest side of cold water here this is a county seat the only town I haven't showed you is protection which is uh off to the southwest of here all right so no lower than 2500 is what we're going to do 500 500 that 500 was really loud yeah it is really loud why got to make sure you can hear it all right we're looking for animals on the runway or on the airport property here Emma okay I do not see any now let's land looks like we got Vehicles out there for us why are we going high well now we got to go back up to pattern altitude was 3600 Joy the traffic pattern come back around to land Comm man County Traffic plot Stander 21 November golf entering the left downwind 18 K County all right going to keep our speed lower here so we can put some Flaps in got some margin below 165 go ahead and go approach flaps and flaps are in we go gear down all right fuel looks good we got 15 degrees of flaps gear is down and locked commcial separator is open yacht amp to go and Delta pressure just a little bit more to go Ranch traffic PL 921 November golf left base8 County I can't wait of flaps Comm County Traffic plotus 921 R golf turning final 18 Comm County wow was so low em Emma need you to be quiet okay Landing 500 it's 1 all right gy P gear inertial separator flaps yamp is away and do pressure is good speed is good good approach path looks good wind from the left all right a bit of a tight turn so we're going to try to use all the runway here and use our brakes welcome to protection Kansas everybody or cold water Kansas I guess is kamanche County closer to uh cold water than protection was a nice flight was uh smooth for the most part a little bumpy on the approach here as we kind of went around that weather at the end but man I am uh very thankful I know my family's thankful for the opportunity to be able to fly in an airplane instead of driving this drive takes us about 17 hours and we just did it in three in this in the Pilatus so awesome what uh an airplane can get you what that um just awesome the things you can do with an airplane so again thanks for riding along if you guys want to watch more Pilatus videos uh you can subscribe to the channel you want to be notified anytime I put out a new video then uh you can hit the little bell and we will catch you on the next one [Music] out of the gate we got Matthew we got Jackson Nick and neck or hand in hand tube and tube in the lead coming in third or second place we got El we got Chris trying not to drag his butt in the sand trying not to slow himself down too much then we got the queen that gets all the Glitters and the back rest the throne to Flo in yeah hey then there's Dawson Dawson you're not in your tube then we got the slow Poes out the [Music] gate got Grant and Grayson going slow it's not over your head yet you're [Applause] good no it's not over your head 3 2 1 oh man my glider's [Music] dope 3 2 1
Channel: Grant Baker
Views: 105,531
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3yp8Yw3VBSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 13sec (1753 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2023
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