Shotguns for Home Defense

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[Music] hi and welcome to old english outfitters youtube channel i'm alan so here we are on a beautiful fall day in october 2020 well since about march of 2020 we've been selling a lot of guns to people who are looking for home defense weapons and one of the most popular home defense weapons we've been selling in all different types is the shotgun always a good choice shotgun's been around for a long time multi-purpose weapon you can use it for hunting you can use it for home defense you can use it for all those sorts of things clay pigeon shooting so it's a really interesting weapon it's a nice home defense tool because it delivers a lot of power against an unarmored target at close quarters usually when you go for something like that because there's lots of shotguns out there as i'm sure you know hunting shotguns will have long barrels 26 28 inches usually on a defense type shotgun you want something about this size this happens to be an 870. it's about a an 18 inch barrel 18 20 inches 18 and a half right around that range is usually where you see people using these things for home defense purposes the other thing normally that you put on a home defense shotgun is a cylinder or an open choke because you want that shot pattern to not be too tight because you're going to be shooting at kind of close quarters you want it to open up a little bit now hollywood hasn't done us any favors in this right we've all seen the movies somebody pulls out a shotgun airplanes fly out of the sky ships sink earthquakes it's a little less dramatic than that in real life but it can also be more traumatic in real life to the target you're shooting at so we thought it would be kind of an interesting thing so many of you have bought shotguns or ammunition for the shotguns you already have to talk a little bit about that ammunition that you might buy for use on a target in a home defense situation first thing to think about in that is how far do you expect to shoot home defense you're probably not going to be shooting 50 yards right unless you got an awfully big house you're probably going to be shooting pretty close quarters so typical shot loads is what you're going to go to now a lot of people have hunting loads this happens to be seven and a halfs how big is a piece of seven and a half shot yeah it's roughly a tenth of an inch a little less okay so there's a lot of them in this this is primarily a hunting lug okay it's primarily for use against actually two targets live birds or clay pigeons it's normally what you use something like this for okay so what we're gonna do is we're gonna because you might have this round we're gonna shoot it at this first target so you can get an idea what that looks like we're at uh oh roughly maybe 20 feet little less about the distance across a room that you might have to use something like this all right let's walk up and take a look at this there's a lot of really small shot in a seven load of seven and a half this hole right here is made by the wad that comes out of the back of the shell that's carrying that the shot is kind of cradled in when it's in the shell that's what that hole is okay uh we might i don't know what that might be maybe that's the wod hole anyway what we end up with is a lots of small holes those are those holes that are roughly a tenth of an inch in diameter once again what is this shot intended for it's intended for birds it's not really intended for shooting at larger animals okay it's intended for birds so you have really small light shot now that's not a huge pattern and one of the points i want to make is if you're not pointed straight at the target when you shoot you can miss you know hollywood wants us to believe if you point it down the hallway that shot paddle will go from wall to wall and ceiling to floor and anything out there is dead not necessarily if you're not pointed straight on you can miss this really small shot will make a really nasty wound right there but you know what it won't do it won't penetrate really well let me say that again those really small shot pieces won't penetrate really well they're made to penetrate on birds not so much on larger animals like a person if you're defending yourself okay all right so we're gonna back up and put another round on this other target so we're gonna contrast this just a little bit those pellets are about a tenth of an inch in diameter right here every one of the pellets in this is actually about 33 caliber so really you're shooting all you're shooting close to a nine millimeter or 380 size bullet in diameter only they're round balls so they're a little bit lighter i'm going to bring this into the camera where you can see this you can actually see the shot stacked in that particular load there's uh i think 12 pellets in this particular load normally double o buckshot comes in nine pellet loads there are some eight pellet loads out there this one happens to be about 12 pellets what you're going to notice is we're going to get bigger holes on target this is designed for use against larger animals common round for use against defense or for defense in what bear country this could work on bears to stop them there are places where this is legal to use not in ohio but in other states legally used to hunt deer so you can use it on larger animals that makes it a very effective load for anti-personnel use against a a bad guy right so let's see what this looks like on our next target all right let's walk up and take a look 33 caliber holes each one there's the wad one two three four five six seven eight nine maybe it was only a nine pellet load again nine's the most common you see some twelves i thought this was twelve looks like it's nine i want you to notice the size of this pattern that is not a very large pattern this is a cylinder bore an open choke gun not a very large pattern once again even more critical if you're not pointed at the target you can easily miss another factor to consider with double o buckshot if you're using it in a house those 33 caliber pellets will retain a lot of energy you miss and you hit a wall or something behind the target those things are going to get through that wall or at least some of them are obviously that depends a little bit on the construction of the house you got an old house that's got last strips and plaster it's gonna have a more of an effect on those than a simple uh sheetrock house but if this if the walls are lightly constructed that's gonna get through and then you got some downrange hazard on the other side of that wall even more critical that you pay attention to where you're shooting okay all right so still talking 12 gauge here we're going to go up to one more round on the other target so we can take a look at that another really common defense or anti-personnel load in 12 gauge is number four buckshot number four buckshot is a nice compromise between the two that we just did with double o buck you got 33 caliber pellets about nine of them with uh number sevens or seven and a half's what we got over there you got pellets that are really small you got a whole lot of them okay here you're kind of in between this particular load has i think 24 24 caliber pellets in it so we got a few more pellets than we do in a double low load not as many as we have in a seven and a half and in between in terms of weight so let's take a look at that on target number three and see what that pattern looks like wow walk up here this is very interesting this particular load number four buckshot recommended for use inside a house didn't spread hardly at all in this look at this we got the wad and we got the shot load going right through the center so all 24 pellets go right in there is that even more critical to make sure you're pointed directly at the target yeah absolutely or you can easily miss still a good compromise load because these pellets being lighter than 33 caliber if you miss even though they're kind of clustered together those individual pellets won't have the down range energy if you penetrate a wall that bubble buckshot will once again think about the contrast here that's not a very big pattern at all that's like one hole boom right through the center very effective but you got to make sure you're pointed with any of these three targets if you look at these patterns you've got to be pointed on the target you can easily miss number fours and double o's are the two that are usually recommended because they're designed to work on bigger targets right you get the idea seven and a half shots are for small animals number sixes usually you see those used on game like squirrels rabbits these two double o buckshot and number four buckshot are the ones that are normally suggested for use against people or larger animals okay so we were talking about 12 gauge shotguns you could use any shotgun for defense 12 gauge 20 gauge they work fine sometimes recoil from a 12 gauge recoil from a 20 gauge may be too much for some people so sometimes folks go to a 410. we happen to have this one available to us with a pistol grip we usually suggest you use more of a full stock this requires a little understanding of technique to use effectively okay but when we talk about shotgun shells 12 gauge gives you double o buckshot number four buckshot readily available you can always find them good anti-personnel rounds in 20 gauge you don't find double buckshot you do find number three buckshot which is only just a little bit smaller number three works pretty good out of 20 gauge but what if recoil is just absolutely something you can't handle 410s don't kick very much and in the current day and age we have 410 loads that are designed to use in things like the taurus judge revolver the smith and wesson governor revolver the bond arm series derringers those types of things so you end up with things like this this is a two and a half inch triple o buck shot i'm going to bring that into the camera so he can see that so we were talking shot sizes we got like about a tenth of an inch in number seven and a half we got uh 33 caliber in double o we got 24 caliber in number four buckshot here we have a 36 caliber round ball now they're not a lot of room in that shell so we don't have a lot of shot there's only three individual 36 caliber round balls in this shell okay that doesn't mean they're ineffective we're going to put it on this last target here so we can take a look at what the pattern looks like walk up here now unless i'm completely blind that looks to me like one hole those are three 36 caliber round balls roughly nine millimeter in diameter each one that are traveling right behind each other so they're making essentially one hole is that even more critical that you're pointed straight at what you want to shoot absolutely we don't have much recoil here so if recall's a concern it's pretty manageable with three of those things traveling basically one behind the other at this short range they're not going to spread obviously you're going to get a lot of penetration off of them you got to get penetration against a determined adversary the seven and a half shot will make a really nasty wound will it stop most people probably i nobody i found this morning volunteered for us to shoot at it shoot at them with it right but that doesn't mean it's necessarily going to stop somebody who's determined double o buckshot number four buck shot those triple o's out of the little 410 you get a lot of penetration you get a lot of terminal effectiveness out of those loads so that's what we wanted to talk about a little bit today since so many of you have bought shotguns or bought ammunition for the shotguns you already have at home critical points to take away from this number one use some good loads that are going to penetrate in in 12 gauge number four is a good choice always is for ins inside close quarters okay in the 410s the triple o's worked pretty good there are other loads but we stuck with the triple o this morning the other critical point to keep to take away from this you have got to be pointed directly at what you're going to shoot these patterns clearly show they're small enough in some cases really small but if you're not pointed at right exactly what you want to shoot you can't easily miss just because it's a shotgun doesn't mean it's going to sweep the whole place okay all right that's all we got for right now thanks for watching until next time i'm alan for old english outfitters [Music] you
Channel: Olde English Outfitters
Views: 59,691
Rating: 4.9390135 out of 5
Keywords: shotguns, home defense shotguns, home defense, home defense guns, 12 gauge shotgun, buck shot, 12 gauge home defense, best shotgun
Id: yBoMqcbB-mM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 15 2020
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