SHOP WITH ME: Warner Bros Studio Tour London | Cherry Wallis

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hello friends wizards witches and muggles welcome back to my channel I hope you're all doing really well so today I am here at the Warner Brothers Studio tour in London and we are in their magnificent store I've actually got the store to myself today and I'm going to take you guys around with me because there is so much to see here there's so many new sections I'm very excited and I feel like a child in a sweet shop before we get started though if you're brand new to our channel hello welcome don't forget you can commit at least a subscribe button if you like to be part of our weird magical online family for let's go because we've got so much magic - sweet I'm here in Ollivanders oh my goodness there are so many ones ah ok right I have a lot of ones myself at home I think I have nearly 30 there's so many ok there's so many of the hidden I have 30 ones I know it's a little bit of a problem there's quite a lot of ones here but I don't have yet I certainly don't have Professor Slughorn slope it's so cute absolutely a dog I don't have folds more - and either in fact I have a lot of these kind of dark hearts once they start school there's no school this is a Death Eater thorn wand it's all spiky I've not seen that one before actually it's pretty cool if you wanted to know what my favorite one was in fact I've got two favorites there is one here which is queen is wand which is probably my top fave and then there is Albus Dumbledore's wand from the fantastic boost requires a winter water yeah love those it does feel like I'm in love and that was pretty cool a little buckle Oh oh my god my very own little soft pick his little leaves band this is so cute I really want one of these oh he's so cute ah nifflas oh my goodness they've got a necklace that says expector patronum and it's got Harry's wand at the end these are new I've not seen this before so many ones so many one imagine just going to Ollivanders and be like I'm ready for my one okay so this section feels really dark arts themed it's almost like in fact I'm pretty sure it has been set to look like borgin and Burkes it's really cool I love all the things like when you come to this shop you have to look up because there's so many thing I want my entire bedroom to look like that oh it's so cool okay there's a lot serious black and Bellatrix in here oh okay nearly miss this you will always find to me but the display cases in shops like this because oh they've got all the best stuff here at the studio tour they've got collectibles they've got some of the noble collection things inside here as well they've even got Harry Potter watch with the Deathly Hallows on there and what if they got in this side huh oh this is something I've actually kept my eye on for quite a while I haven't bought this myself yet yet being the word there's a dark mark necklace I think I might end up having to buy that trinket they've even got a lucius malfoy pendant as well so much to see what's really cool about this store is that when you walk around it there is some things in here that are authentic to the set so this stained glass window for example this was part of the film it's just so good it's so big as well like absolutely drying all this but yeah so that is actually from the film set okay I really like these t-shirts that look kind of vintage in their design I've not seen this all before I need a bath gear seriously though getting a basket already and I'm not even sorry they mind if I did we all know what's going in my basket first this glorious t-shirt they've got my size in fact they've got a lot of sizes in in we go I can't help myself here okay so we've got a lot of dark mark stuff here which is cool do you like a good t-shirt they have quite a lot of t-shirts in this section actually which group oh oh look a little plushy snake hehehe yeah I need to speak Parseltongue but I'm not going to do that on camera in front of all the muggles because come on okay we have entered the creatures section we're in the magical creature section there's a lot of Hedwig's there's a lot of Phoenix's soap know what it is now oh my goodness and how can we forget pygmy puffs they've got an entire wall of pink and purple pygmy puffs and I've always been tempted by these slippers they're so soft you imagine just walking around your house with these pink pygmy pursue so yeah just right now it's fine it's a very good strut and this is how I strut when I'm in my pygmy perfect slippers okay I've actually got some of these I have a pink one and purple one on my keys not my keys for a day today I have a lot of keys actually I may as well let have my own Gringotts bankers well I do yes I have my own vault at Gringotts and mikey has a big report on it again the decor of this shop definitely take your time if you come here to look all around you because you can miss stuff really easily because there's so much to see oh my god so many Oh baby owls oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my god oh my god they've got a baby oh look they've got baby Hedwig and a baby pigeon why have they got such cute baby owls oh my goodness they've got their selfies on the back because owls definitely take selfies are they're so small on my dad would love these my dad would absolutely go nuts over this that's so cute I'm not gonna adopt you today I'm very sorry but very cute oh oh I have not seen oh I know what's in here Oh caring keyrings of Dreams Oh little Hedwig oh he's quite sweet it's going right at my basket that one what I was initially meant to look at before getting distracted by other magical goods these I really like the Cornish Pixies should I behave myself I probably should look at these long legs hang on look at those little like to tell you what he could be in vogue cat walking very cool you know what I know these probably aren't for sale but I really like these pots your deck or what a brother's good deck or I've got a bit of Aragog over here Wow okay there are so many creatures in this section Oh fantastic piece Oh baby necklace oh I need to calm down just for a moment maybe nifflas okay oh these have been popular so many have been adopted I'm gonna take all of them home all of the nifflas okay the fit the door I've got my necklace now just kidding I'm not going to adopt that really necklace I'll be a crazy nefler lady you joke you dork oh very good oh we've got a bendable both chuckle I have one of him if any of you wanted to know the boat rock or that used to be in the back of a lot of my videos he's your boy he's your Vanderbilt imposable boy that you can get here at the Warner Bros Junior Tour London okay let's move on shall we where should we go next it's like a bit of a maze in here Everywhere's all those things everywhere there's too much magic okay let's go to the stationery section I love stationery really love stationery let's see what new good is all they got clearance all they've got pins there's too much to take in there's pins stationery and I want it all I am actually going to start over here where it says stationery and have a look at the books I do have a lot of Harry Potter books in fact there's a lot that I'm seeing that I do own already so like the history of magic the creature vault also got the artifact and the character vaults down here too yeah so many things oh I've never seen these before oh my god if anyone wants to get me a Christmas card I want that one what we get a hundred of these for Christmas now these are pop-up cards which I don't believe I've seen many oh they've got haula one these are really nice they've got Hogwarts what else we've got they've got Harry's but oh my goodness okay I need to chill they've got so many good pop-up cards which I've never seen they've got the night bus Harry's birthday cake a Golden Snitch if you've got the whomping willow there as well oh happy birthday if this is the one with the cake in the middle I'm gonna have to get that for someone treat self treat someone else actually if that's not treat myself Oh they've got an entire wall of Lego oh oh okay you know what didn't realize that they sold these here they have got the Harry Potter night bus Lego set and I've wanted this for my magical you know what it doesn't even fit in a basket why do they not do trolleys here I've got the thestral and carriage from the crimes requinto vault I also have this boy here this is a very big castle I've not built him yet let me know down in the comments if you'd like me to build it for you I know that you're gonna say yes okay let's move on oh here's the extendable air that me and Vegard tested if you wanted to know this extendable air does work it really does work so you could be downstairs and your friend could be upstairs and you can hear each other and talk to it it's very very cool whoa okay that's illuminator didn't realize that this came in a set didn't want to realize I don't have the dilemma native that's very cute like okay where are we going next I think I'm gonna go into the Quidditch section the only sport that I care about the best section sorry everyone else and joking we love all houses on this channel okay so what can we see in this section we've got Quidditch everything so you can support your team got Slytherin Hufflepuff Ravenclaw Gryffindor which is me okay so I've got bobble hats I have this I own this it used to be on my old bedroom door these are really nice actually they've really nicely embroidered these look comfortable go from door shorts mmm-hmm Oh what do we got down here we've got a quaff all spongy it feels really squishy that's cool so got Quaffle got the flying snitches which we have played with on that guy's channel oh I wish I was a tiny wizard or witch skills me shouldn't be allowed in here I really shouldn't these signs are cool I've never noticed those there's a lot of magical store signs those are cool oh how cute these t-shirts all the green carts ones oh this is something that I do want I've always wanted the official shrunken head toy yes there he is he can go in oh it's very nice name to mask it so this is where you can currently find all of the green got stuff so you can get your little in got gold bars before would you go underneath it's gonna behave don't need to it would be nice to have to but I'm gonna save my Gringotts coins yeah you can even buy these tiny little bags of coins for chocolate but they're very very cute hello what are you a little green cops key a normal pin badge very nice and you could buy keyring this is actually one of my favourite caring's here at the tour I own this already it's very well-loved look ah okay I'm in my happy place no one can stop me welcome honeydukes look how beautiful it is oh I'd love to decorate my bedroom but in fact my whole house to look like this we've got sweets everywhere they look delicious oh my goodness I've got a big sweet tooth so I really do want you know what basket stay there behave yourself we've got sugar mice we've got dark mark lollipops have not seen those if they got an orange one I love orange flavored stuff strawberry flavored oh it's a blood pop I've not seen those before they're very cool oh my God look at this entire wall of chocolate frogs I own this boy these smell so if you ever come here do you like chocolate for the sniff weird things saying honey jokes but I'm sure there's been worse things said but your chocolate ones fudge five Bertie Botts every flavor beans you can get them all here this is so cute this is probably one of my favorite pieces of packaging that has been designed for the Western world is the every flavor beans and the so much Garbus so satisfying it's an entire wall of them and there's exploding bonbons lollipops you know what I'm gonna treat myself to a lollipop because okay so oh they don't know flavor oh hello not seen these before orange and pineapple now we're talking now we're talking okay so we've got blackcurrant is black cherry sour apple cherry cola but not oh my god hang on this is a peach flavored one I'm very confused okay no so this this is a peach round pot what are you found - the orange pineapple cake treat yourself twice okay this is beautiful just look up there I'm in honeydukes oh I just love the mint green color so so pretty I really do like to take my time here oh the you know clues have been popular do you like a bit of you know poo ah look at this - I just want to like run up Oh got my name up there look cherry that speaks to me on an emotional level oh that's called or the sausage ones have been popular not sure why oh look at these these are adorable I've never seen this before they've got chocolate frog decals all up the walls and they've actually framed loads of the chocolate frog cards oh those are all of the four Hogwarts founders the Hogwarts house founders up there see seeing new things every time I come here okay I need to prepare myself I need to prepare myself I've not really seen this part of the shop here they're about to go in well I could kind of see it but I've not really delved in so I'm really excited this is my favorite section - the Warner Brothers Studio tour in London shop see Hermione's dress oh my god she looks beautiful she doesn't have a head on right now but she's still beautiful so this is where they have all of the collectibles we're about to go and all they've got oh my god it's pure okay are you ready because I don't think I am I probably shouldn't take my basket in here but you know okay oh my God look oh oh they've got pictures from our they call the oil paintings okay they've got that that's an authentic prop they've got the tapestries they have to be from the films they look like they belong in Hogwarts Wow okay I need to take in the surroundings before a look at the things because it's beautiful the color theme in here nice work it's purple and gold Oh cue carpet look they've got Phoenix check out my cool shoes check out those call shoes as well Harry Potter yep daily paw that is so extra and I'm lip oh look at this hufflepuff on here we've got Raven claw on here come through Gryffindor and then we've got Slytherin over here oh my god this is so cool it sounds like hurry very cool very cool indeed okay so let's have a look in here I've not to seumas yet okay let's go and have a look at my nice dress a shall we first because oh it's Dumbledore hi professor oh my god oh my god this is so good oh hello joy oh hello you can get personalized things here I'm gonna ask about that oh you can get your name on things look at this mist Oh mister a Rickman Alan Rickman this is all my feelings these are beautiful these are brand-new to the tour I think because I've never known them to do personalized stuff oh I just love these crystal balls they're absolutely beautiful I really want the divination one and the official prophecy or but don't have those in my collection yet oh wow okay I've not seen these these are a bookend apparently of the batholiths Center and a fluffy statue I've never seen those for all those are cool got some star ice figures there you know ah hogshead pitch yeah I'm too short oh that's really cool I'm so gonna get that someday for my kitchen oh here we go now this cabinet is clearly dedicated to noble collection and I love their stuff so noble collection they do all of the official replicas for the Wizarding World and they are so beautiful there's the official Gringotts coins the time-turner oh I'm not wearing my time Turner feel naked feel nude but yes so you can get the exact time Turner that I wear in all my videos from here it just right here in the cabinet comes with a really nice display case as well things that I want still out of this cabinet I'd like the love potion I really want the Philosopher's Stone Oh doctor eat myself no I've treated myself enough today but next time I come here I'm going to pledge to myself to buy that looks very cute oh this is chest okay final challenge chest set now that is a treat yourself chess set this is probably the best Chester that you can get from here it's so pretty all of the pieces look fantastic very cool okay let's have a little I love all the details that they put into this store they've got things that look like they should have come out of Dumbledore's office oh now that is something that I recommend we have got the Gellert Grindelwald necklace in here which is the pendant from the second fantastic base film and honestly I own that and it's very very pretty it's also wearable it's really well made I definitely recommend that from here everything's so cute little crystals that they've put everywhere very nice oh oh these are new so these are leather strap house crest watches they're really classy actually they're really nice they're like rose gold and gray leather and inside they've got the crests of everyone's house yes I do like those yes I do these are really cool so these are film cells from the films they actually have them in the frames and you can buy them that is definitely a treat self moment every moment with what if is a treat self moment have some book recommendations for you this is the new cover but this is Harry Potter page to screen this is a huge book it's a very much a coffee table look it's very heavy you could use it as a doorstop but I don't recommend map this is the ultimate complete filmmaking journey and it's the updated one that you can get here now which is very cool I've not seen the updated on here before so this is fantastic if you really want to know you behind the scenes they come out all the secrets and know even more about the whistling water universe is very very cool okay forgot about this section if you like a good bag or really nice to treat yourself bag that's I'm just going to show you plum so this is where you can get kitted for your Hogwarts school uniform if you don't have one they've got everything they have got the Quidditch jumpers they've got robes they've got scarves they've got a lot of bags which are really really nice because one moment why have I not seen this it's my head gonna fit in here Gryffindor but probably should be hufflepuffs these are very soft hmm like made out suede so this is where you get all your your where's your jumpers and that kind of thing Oh Fred and George Oh Fred George Imran and Harry I have to hurry one it's very comfortable these are really nice it's a really nice oh so cute now what I wanted to talk to you about was the amazing bags that they've started selling here at the one bro studio Toyland them because these are fairly new to their store they're the Danielle Nicole bags which are quite sought-after I do have one of these myself I'm not sure if they've got the monster book of monsters out on display but they've got cool bags I think this is one I would probably get my bus so cute look at me of the night burst yeah very very cute they've got house themed clutches here's Gryffindor he's quite sweet as well I've seen these ones before they're very cute because there's a little little triangle bag a little triangle bag I just want to throw all this uniform on I wanna whip on a robe put on a jumper nice but scarf around my neck he promotes in the middle of summer okay I've just seen the mirror of everything it's not the official prop here in the store but if you go into the tour the official mirror Vera said you know it's very cool but they've got here I can see myself and it looks very happy at the corner of the studio tour in London we have a basket or dreams that's probably about right to be honest right there are other things to do here let's go Oh squeaky shoes cushions hello I've just been told something really cool I get to you know the engraving things that you saw that's happening and there's also something I haven't told you you can get stuff embroidered here if you buy a robe for free you can get it embroidered with your name what is this oh my god okay I'm not ready for this this is brand new I'm so excited oh all these people okay okay so something very exciting here which is brand new if you buy a charm or a curing here they offer engraving which is really really cool and I get a chance to show you today which is very exciting you've got the letter here so we what we do is we put your name as a format of title first initial and surname above the letter it's like ice cream addressed to you in the back I'm very excited or we've taken out this is my first time singing it I'll give it a little polish oh it's beautiful let me see Wallace everyone notice that good things come in small boxes thank you so much is it very special okay thank you this is very fun all I want on a chart I'm going to come back for the job I found myself back in the robe section because I'm gonna get one because it's not very special that we can get done but I need to find my robe first I need to find my size these robes are so cool they have wand pockets inside as well okay so here's my robe I'm just try it on to make sure that it fits magical already okay oh I'm just looking at myself in the mirror very set as well it's very very cool so the robes are really cool because they include personalization yep so here it says Katie kind of like Katie Bell yeah so I'm gonna go cherry on my robe oh it's very exciting okay I'm ready let's go get it embroidered yes I'm so excited oh my god oh my god oh it's so neat don't say that's it magical now and everyone knows my name I don't have a wonderful eye wand holder at the moment it appears like magic and now I think it's did you know that these have $1 hang on it's here ready pal gone wow that was an experience and a half I cannot believe that I had the opportunity to go around the entire store when it was empty on my own yes that feeling right there I felt like Harry did when he visited Diagon Alley for his first time that's the only way I can explain it I'd also like to say a massive thank you to the Warner Brothers Studio Tour in London for allowing me to film this for you guys because it was really really special I hope you guys enjoyed this video also the water where the studio toei London gave me some really magical things which I cannot wait to show you you'll be able to see what they are in my next video so keep your eyes peeled for that now something that I didn't get to show you guys yet was in one of the smaller shops at the Warner Brothers Studio tour in London and it's their smaller shop that is on platform 9 3 quarters opposite the Hogwarts Express they have now got a little booth where you combine notebooks and you can choose for an additional cost this is not free but you can get them personalized and you can tell them what name you want on it you get to choose what foil you get I in my case chose gold foiling because oh yeah I got a black notebook I decided not to purchase the Gryffindor one I just fancied the hogwarts one in general so I had my name in gold embossed on the front and it's the first time that I've ever seen that at the Warner Brothers Studio to London it's a nice new little thing that they've added for you guys to experience if you like stationery like I personally do so yeah I hope you guys have enjoyed this entire video leave your thoughts down below also is there anything that you would like me to show you in the future at the Warner Brothers Studio Tour in London it could be arranged maybe in the future who knows but yeah I'd love to hear your thoughts down below if you have any requests or ideas that I could do there because I really enjoy spending time there I hope you enjoyed this video if you did don't forget to give it a magical thumbs up for and thank you guys for watching and spending some time with me I will see you guys next time bye good hug what's this again just over yeah [Music]
Channel: Cherry Wallis
Views: 1,448,714
Rating: 4.9422755 out of 5
Keywords: warner bros studio tour, warner bros, studio tour, harry potter, harry potter studio tour, harry potter warner bros studio tour london 2019, the making of harry potter, the making of harry potter london, london, harry potter london, cherry wallis, shop with me, wb studio tour, wb studio tour shop, warner bros studio tour london gift shop, harry potter merchandise, wizarding world of harry potter, harry potter store, harry potter shop, harry potter tour, new harry potter shop
Id: hoNOypTwRLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 9sec (1689 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2019
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