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hello friends wizards witches air muggles welcome back to my channel I hope you're doing really well and I'm sure a few of you are thinking cherry why are you sat in the dark well I thought that it was finally time to do my Harry Potter bookshelf tour 2.0 let's go so here we are in my magical room and this is my wall of Wizarding well things there's fantastic beasts this Harry Potter but yeah we've upgraded the shelves with lighting I even have this little puck controller which means that I can turn them off and turn them on as well which feels magical I kind of wish that my wand could do that to be fair but yeah so today I'm gonna be showing you everything on these shelves I'm not going to talk about every single item in depth but I will be telling you what the themes of the shelves are and some of my favorite pieces so let's go we are gonna start from the top now I am very small these are very tall I'm sure I need I need steps I'm very I'm not even sorry so here we have them okay so I'm gonna start up here and try not to bring the shelves down with me okay so up to the top but we have got a Slughorn hourglass which is absolutely beautiful I keep this at the top because it's very fragile and I'm clumsy and can break things but it does work when you turn it upside down the sand does run through and yeah so this is from a noble collection and it's one of my favourite replicas don't break it now moving on along here we have got my Harry Potter and the cursed child section I have seen the cursed child twice now I've been very fortunate I saw it in New York with the original London cast and then I saw it in London last year which was really really cool so I've actually got all of the ones from Harry Potter and the cursed child and they are absolutely beautiful they just look really kind of authentic this one looks like molded leather obviously it's not they're all made out of resin my favorite ones from the cursed child ones is this one because it's got cherry stones in it which is very very nice now the main kind of special thing on this shelf is this this was kindly gifted to me hashtag add hashtags bomb for the launch of the cursed child sweets album by Imogen Heap and you may notice here that it is signed by the lovely Imogen herself I met her at an event and got very shy so didn't really go up to her but she was in the same room I had a little bit of a cry when she she played The Forbidden Forest soundtrack so yeah that's all my cursed child things and I hope to see it again in the future well yeah let's move on okay I'm gonna need to go down I feel like Belle in Beauty and the Beast I'm gonna slide across the bookcases okay so next up we have got my Gringotts wizarding Bank shelf now as you can tell I'm a little bit of a hoarder when it comes to Gringotts coin bags obviously they're not filled with real coins this one is actually filled with like crinkly stuff this one's also crinkly stuff there is one with chocolate coins in but most of the chocolate coins are here obviously I'm never going to eat them I use them for display purposes this here I really like this is a replica which my friend my dear friend Rodney made for me and it's the little envelope that were was for the head Goblin at Gringotts which is given to him by Hagrid got a little wax seal just really like a good paper replica and I feel as though I've snatched it out of Hagrid's hands like it's mine now to put on my shelf so up here I've also got a gold bar I'm not gonna move it because there's a key on it I've got a few vault keys as well here is one of them this is for vault for five to six so that's quite nice and I've also got some replica Gringotts coins which you can see I have open these a lot so they've probably gone a bit funny but I have a gallium a sickle and a nut or a cannot however however you would like to pronounce it so these are from noble collection and these are still available I believe as well so yes I've got a few things stuck on the back I've got this fake Gringotts credit card which this company does it's Gringotts wizarding calm I think that was sent to my peer box a long while ago so that's where all of my gold lives and let's move over to the flourish and block shelf now this shelf up here is actually dedicated to newts commander's book now this did actually used to live down here where the Weasley shelf is which we will come to in just second stop looking ahead of yourself so this one I I really like because I like I like the idea that I could have been to flourishing blocks when he had his book worn so in the middle I have got this notebook it's just a notebook that you can just write in but it's one that I thought looked the most realistic to what his book would look like and it does have gold kind of foiling over it I just really liked it and it also says obscurus books at the bottom which is quite nice this has warped sadly you can see at the side because it's got this elastic down it but either way it lives on a little book stand up here so other things that I've got appear I have a rita skeeter quill which I believe came from the wizarding trunk year five but I really liked that it was very very nice up here hiding in the corner which I don't think I've shown before this these are pins it's a set of pins flourish and blots and you've got advance pressure making all the iconic books that you got to see in the Western world I really want a replica of Rita skeeters the life and lives of Albus Dumbledore like I'm dying for that book it's pink and green it's glorious so yep that's this is basically where all of my quills live up here I have like a bunch of them I have some of I rose and then I have actual ink well that does work speaking of ink I do also have flourish and blots ink which is usable this came from a subscription box a few years ago maybe even uh cough stone tally box it's quite old but we don't talk about them and then over here I've got a paper replica which you can probably just see which is the magazine called spellbound and it's the it's the Edition where it says new to Wed and they get confused thinking that they're getting married Newt Scamander is getting married and Tina's just like how very rude can't believe is marrying someone else that isn't me yeah okay so then the other thing that is up here I'm just gonna rotate where am I hmm this is not too exciting this is a chest which was a PR chest from Hagrid's trunk what is inside I hear you ask I don't remember to be honest what did I storing it oh I do remember these are pre-release exclusive pop Funko is now I'm not a pop Funko collector I never have been but I've kept these because they're special ones that are pre released so I've got roms petronas in here and I've also got my knees yeah it's Hermione as one as well which is the otter pop Funko I do have Harry's as well it's just not in the trunk but yes I have this tag one too so that's what secrets are hidden in Harry's trunk okay let's move down the shelf welcome to my night bus little shelf I love the night bus I love the color of it I love purple and I've got two night buses there is this one which is actually a money box which came from Primark I love that even on the back it says all destinations but nothing underwater of course you wouldn't want to bus underwater so I have that one I also have this one which I made with Vegard which you can see on my channel this is the lego night bus which does actually open if I remember yep there we go so it opens and you can see everyone inside Harry's in the top you've got the moving bed switch slides and the chandelier as well yeah it's really cool I like it a lot the other things on my night but you will notice that pierre actually i have a lot of night bus tickets and they're all gold-foiled so i made like a little bit of a display on the back and whilst i'm here we have this shrunken heads which is like dick good where he he speaks if you press him it's gonna be a bumpy ride i love him and the final thing on my night bus shelf is this little token so this just says the night bus established 1865 and then on the other side it permits one ride if stranded stick out one Dom for emergency transport very very cute I like that that came from a subscription box let's move over to my Hogwarts cool show now I love this shelf because it's got Hogwarts history on it how good's the history this I'm gonna start talking about first because this is probably the most special thing on this shelf this was made by my very good friend Jack from alarm 18 it's beautifully made he's created it himself including everything inside to look as close to the actual Hogwarts history book as possible and check this out Oh gold foiling galore it's so so pretty and it does just thinks to me it does and I just it's just stunning it's it's a it's got all the chapters and even the font she's got pictures in there oh it's lovely the dungeons there's a bookmark it's just so I love it so much I love his books and there's plenty more of these on these shelves which we will get you so I'm just gonna keep this down for a second behind where this lives there's actually some Hogwarts library cards which are also by Jack and you'll see on here that there's the names of the Hogwarts students so we've got Harry Potter susan bones we've got Hermione Granger quite a few times because we all know that she should be Draco Malfoy and it's got some notes on there some of them are actually really funny the notes we've got dumb bombs rule and my name is Gregory Goyle and I smell and they all look like they're in their handwriting's they've got the library stamps the dates and overdue Ronald Weasley of course he's the one that's overdue so yeah I've got a lot of Hogwarts library cards which Jack made and he sent them to me with this book up here I've also got a pile of letters you may remember that Dobby stole a lot of letters well he hid them from Harry and this is the pile so there's letters that Harry should have got over the summer from Hagrid Ron Hermione etc and these are them this I think what's the description box would this come from I can't remember so I'm not gonna I'm not gonna guess but yeah I love those I just thought it was a genius idea up here we've then got some of my own items which is the chess piece which is the Queen which I I still love I love that they made it look aged and then the remember which was my Christmas box I just thought they looked nice up there now behind here we've got this really nice portrait of Albus Dumbledore himself I just really liked that one I thought it made him look really really good in a good light then there's a little postcard which is a history of magic by fulfilled Bagshot I just liked it I think this was your subscription box as well and then the final thing on this shelf is a small mirror of Erised said you can hang this one up you can stand it but yeah this one was from Primark in fact one of you guys went to Primark in London to get this for me and then posted it to me so thank you so much I loved it a lot who's ready for the Luna Lovegood and honeydukes shelf I know I am it's a vibrant shelf of dreams I'm sorry this is my honey Jukes and Luna Lovegood shelf so there's a lot on this shelf it's quite busy in the middle we've got my Harry Potter honey Jukes scratch-and-sniff adventure book I know it sounds thrilling and I've got my Luna Lovegood spectra specs at which you can actually wear high I'm not going to look glasses on but those live on here I love them these are actually one of my favourite lunar items that I own and then I decided to put my chocolate frog which actually came inside of this this is the official chocolate frog replica and it comes with a chocolate for a card this is Albus Dumbledore and he does move and then on the back there's some information about him so this is made out of plastic but the chocolate frog which is up here I'm not gonna move him because it took a while to bounce him but he's actually squidgy and he sees little toes around so yeah we've got lots of candy we've got fudge flies some fizzing whispies we've got some lollipops and sherbet lemons Albus Dumbledore would be very proud here I've got one of the world's biggest mugs this is my honeydukes mug which I got from the Warner Brothers Studio tour inside I have a Luna Lovegood butterbeer clock necklace it's actually beaded as well so it's not just string and then there's a random chocolate frog eraser which lives in there as well so yes and then we have a luna in her lion headdress over here I really like these what are they called rock candies pop candy some kind of figures so I've got two of those I have the other luna lovegood one over here so I've got some other treats from honey Jukes now you may remember I showed you earlier flourish and Blatz pin collection I've also got the honey Jukes collection as well oh my god isn't it beautiful I love it the every flavor beans pin I think these are so much fun the chocolate frog pin as well ah I haven't seen these for ages this is the first time I've opened this in a long time so I'm just like you're so pretty you're so beautiful cotton cakes magic just makes me so dang happy right let me try not to ruin everything over here I've got peppermint toads which are delicious by the way if you've never tried them and then to Buttercup beans and a Bertie Botts bean candle now we're going to move over to one of my favourite shelves because it's the most nostalgic shelf on here and it's because it represents Harry's first year at Hogwarts let's move over okay so Harry's first year at Hogwarts this shelf just it really does give me a lot of nostalgia so I'm gonna start with some of the obvious things the Philosopher's Stone this is the official replica from noble collection and honestly it is beautiful if you've not seen me unbox this on my channel definitely go and find it but yes we have the Philosopher's Stone under here there she is in all her glory though it does say the sorcerer stone which is wrong there we go don't break it so what things on here that reminded me of how it's the first year we've obviously got the Hogwarts acceptance letters which were on the back there and I've got many many gold-foiled London to Hogwarts Hogwarts Express train tickets which are on there which I've collected over the years like you know what I've got so many of these I need to display them somehow so they ended up on this shelf there's also a stunning piece of artwork of the Hogwarts Express and this is a licensed artwork I can't remember why it's fun though but it's very nice I just love the Train I think the Hogwarts Express is so beautiful and speaking of which we have this tiny little figurine of the Hogwarts Express this is a metallic version it's just made out of plastic but I really liked it it's got Hogwarts Express at the front and even the iconic number which is 5 972 we've also got that on the beauty of it as well hmm so yeah we have the little train up there now there's two things on here it just makes me smile one is Hagrid's umbrella which is at the back I'm not going to move that because it's quite a pain to get out but that's Hagrid's want and it does open again go check the video out I recently did that still sad that I can't use it in the rain to be honest and then over here we have got the iconic birthday cake which obviously says happy birthday Harry this one is from Hagrid it's even in the iconic cardboard white box which he sat on but of course it was still edible Hagrid tried oh so yeah I loved that it just makes me happy on here I've also got this little Lantern which represents the ones that Hagrid holds I think you can buy the replicas to these like the big full sized ones I don't have that in my collection but they do sound cool I've also got some philosophers stones this is one that came in one of my past boxes so that lives up there don't need to talk too much about that and then we have the Hogwarts acceptance letter which Harry got in the poll summit cheeky hiding up there so this is the acceptance letter mm-hmm oh you want to know about this okay so this is this is a certificate that's made out of metal and this is a certificate of authenticity and for the Nimbus 2000 which I do actually have down here which I'll show you properly soon but there is only 10,000 of these in the world made and mine is number 237 it's by Cinna replicas and the Wizarding World so I just put that up there for safekeeping really and to kind of hide I also have a Gringotts key hiding up there and it's got this keyring which I believe came from an Ikea box and it says the leaky cauldron one Diagon Alley just really loved that I'll probably put that on some real keys in the future anyway back to the acceptance matter yes this is a paper replica of the one that Harry would have received signed by McGonagall and I just like to display that because that is where the stop the story started after all for all of us and of course the last thing on this shelf is Harry's glasses because they'd be any more I mean they're kind of similar to my glasses was that a choice was it on purpose it might have been these are really dusty whoa your girl needs to clean help and we're back but yet back that shelf the rest of the stuff on here there's some books up here next is this a little shelf of books now these aren't all magical I do have some one here though there is the dark arts book which is a movie scrapbook I love these kind of scrapbooks because they have a lot of pull outs it all hello it's daddy serious what a treat for us all yeah there's loads of cool things loads of facts in here what is in here I've got a wanted certain its commander and love Lewis kind of paper replica books we've also got a pop-up book of curiosities which I have shown before I'm not fully going to get it out but there we go we've got Jacob and Newt we've got the whomping willow it's a beautiful beautiful book then I've got a book which is just fantastic beasts and where to find them which has a very lovely dragon on the front a random book from a vintage shop then I've got Quidditch through the ages fantastic beasts and where to find them again this was actually one of the it's got all the notes in from Harry this was his copy this was one that was for comic relief I think it was one of the earlier editions then we've got a random vintage book and then we've got tale the tales of Beedle The Bard which is so beautiful look at that cover stunning that was launched for Loomis which is the charity that JK Rowling runs I've got a little book of spells and then I've got just a random book a modern day wiped witches guide and then I have a goblin dictionary this is another book by Jack from alarm 18 it's a very small book but he has literally made goblin language and you could learn it it's it's very cool didn't nearly drop it so yeah those are the books let's move down the shelf welcome to the demo guys this is my newly adopted Beast the demo guys I haven't named him yet but I will show you him in more detail very soon because I have filmed an unboxing and there's just a clock on there so that's all I'm going to talk about the Democrats are now because of the whole video coming soon we've now come to one of my most magical bookshelves on here so all of these this end are from a vintage shop I just used these as props because they're chunky and thick they're good for filming close up so those aren't really magical these are all of Danny's book covers from the Accio boxes so he is now known as the wizardry workshop or Wizarding workshop one or the other and these are the gold-foiled books and they are absolutely beautiful oh she's shiny you're so shiny Oh God that makes me so happy they're so so stunning so these are actually just covers for the American books here we have it these are all the American covers which is really really cool they're quite new to the collection oh and you go oh don't be a naughty book get on in there so I have the full set seven of those book covers I've then got some notebooks we've got magic musty evil which is there I've got a fantastic beasts book I have the tales of Beedle the bard book and advanced a potion making secret book to keep all of my secrets in clear don't have any at the moment it smells weird and then some more some more vintage books and that concludes the bookshelf of Dreams let's go okay alrighty then crimes of Grindelwald shelf I love this shelf I like the aesthetic of it there's lots of gold foiling on there there's lots of turquoise colors which I personally enjoy quite a lot so some of my favorite things on the shelf obviously this this is the blood pact between Gellert Grindelwald and Albus Dumbledore spoilers if you're not seeing it I'm really sorry but yeah so I actually wore this to the crime sequinned of old premier cuz I was very very lucky that I got invited to it so I wore that with the dress that I was wearing and just felt very snappy I won't lie so I've also got a tiny one here this one is actually from wish so this isn't an official one but it's quite sweet and I liked draping it along the book I love all the gold I love how the light hits all the gold foiling there's also this which is the postcard which says Paris and it says obviously the letter to Queen II from Tina Tina Goldstein which again this was out of a book but I cut it out which is very naughty but I wanted to display it because I really liked it it was a book that I already had a copy of so yes now one thing that I might not have shown you in great detail before is this so this is the toy that Newt Scamander got out of his case to kind of entice these owl and it's just like I hate the great dance so this is made out of it's got a wooden handle some faux leather there some feathers and this little face and some beady eyes and on the back there is the bell which helps it do a little jingle so yes he lives up here I just love that as soon as I saw it I was just like I need it that's from Etsy can't remember what the center is called just type in Zulu stick zowie wand what do you call those like a Zulu toy and or nothing so other things that are hiding on here this was my invitation to the premiere which I kept for a little memory all that squeaked and then and then we have the safe card for Nicholas Flamel safe house well his house which I love the foiling it's so shiny oh it just pleases me pleases me a lot I've also got two of the ones from the crimes of window vault which is of course we've got the Elder Wand which is Gellert Grindelwald in this and then we have Albus Dumbledore's original og wand which is very swish it doesn't surprise me that he's got a really stylish wand but they have it and then got the art of the crimes of Gwyn of old which is so beautiful I definitely recommend these book Oh it's hiding its porky this is I don't do well on boats it's the port key that Jacob and knew traveled in just hid it in the corner so these art of books are just phenomenal oh my goodness oh my goodness I'm a big lover for art so these kind of books oh my god it smells so new mmm smells very nice yeah so as I was saying the artwork in these it's just so good he go here's the Zulu and there's his toy he's like oh yeah hmm someone needs to turn that smell into a candle okay let's put you back and move on to the Quidditch and Ronald Weasley shelf bit veranda mix but go I so here we have the Ronald Weasley how dare you steal that car your father's now setting the inquiry look okay I will I'll spare you the rest of my impressions so yes this one is kind of a mishmash shelf I thought Quidditch and Ron Weasley kind of went together I mean it's not fully Ron Weasley because we've got like the membe you'll assemble Tony a plant on here but let's just talk about what's on this shelf so I'm gonna start over here I'm going to divide the magical plants you can see that I've got lots of howlers many howler replicas and they're very very nice I've got a fully open try at the back I've got this one which I bought from one of my favorite magical shops called Pawnee Jukes which you can still buy if any of you guys choose to visit there in the future um yeah so howlers I just like him I've always liked them and I've got a little bit for how lush Rhine now a howler shrine yes moving on so there is this which I really like this is new to my collection this is a little Mandrake boy I'm going to call him mmm begins a good name beginning with an M Mitchel Martin Matthews no Malcolm Malcolm the Mandrake and this is from Nova collection they normally come in their display cases but I personally like to take these out I think they look more fun out and about so here's his little don't need look weird imagine him like running towards you mmm no thanks so yeah he's in his little pot and I think that was the most realistic Mandrake so I was like yep that's going on the shelf then of course my very own min be less nimble Tony up plant which is there and then here this came from a Wizarding trunk box and I loved the idea of this part of me wants to kind of DIY it a little bit for myself because everything is perfect about this it's the Rita Skeeter beetle in a bottle and the little note which is from Hermione but the only thing that lets it down is the plastic beetle in there I want to try and find a good beetle replica a fake one of course and then put it in there because this one's just it's like out of a child's toy set and as a little bit disappointed a little bit disappointed with it but the idea was perfection so I've just left that on my shelf so that I can get round to upgrading it if you like so let's move on to the central bit so from here onwards on the shelf it's all Quidditch related so we've got my Golden Snitch clock which is from Pottery Barn Teen and it does actually open there you go obviously it doesn't work I didn't buy it for the clock I bought it because it looked awesome I also have another little Golden Snitch here which usually flaps its wings so the battery's dead we have to wait now thank you okay so then behind there I have this paper replica now this is a map of the campsite for the Quidditch World Cup and check this out are you ready boom surprise this is just cool isn't it so yeah that is all of the little campsites just liked it behind there we've got my Chudley cannons flag from one of my previous boxes and some posters and tickets these oh oh god I'm making a mess I should not be trusted I don't like touching a thing on these shells but I'm doing it for you today these are my very own Quidditch goggles don't they look cool I really really like these these are really super hard to get hold of especially in the UK so if you want these have a look around I think they're a lot easier to get hold off in America which makes sense but in England now these are a pain to get but I bought these because I wanted to do Quidditch cosplay for some instagrams which I still haven't done I will do it I promise but that's what they're there for so let's just put those back up there so all of the things that I just ruined and made fall down are some badges we've got to Quidditch badges we've got Bulgaria we've got the Holyhead harpies and my favourite one this isn't Quidditch but it went with the other badges this is Potter stinks support Cedric the real champion and it's one of those fancy badges which moves and yeah so what I've lives up there now one of my favorite things on here which is related to Ronald Weasley is a teaspoon and if you don't if you can't guess what reference I'm about to make this spoon says Ron's emotional range on it and I thought it was genius this is from a lit joint magical edition and just thought it was perfect I could use this and put it in my kitchen for our site you know what my special little tea spoon that sounded weird very sorry but that's the special Ron's emotional range gosh it's dusty okay so I think that's everything on here obviously we've got the Quidditch thing so you've got your bludgers and your waffles and golden snitches and things these do come out yeah let's move on to the golden egg shelf everyone should have a golden egg shelf and I do this is a golden egg replica from noble collection I said it before and I say again I wish they'd opened and it just went oh and it had like a beautiful resin core with the bubbles and the kind of rainbow now it's like it's definitely possible I've seen them at the studio tour like even if it costs a lot of money I would totally buy one that opened I'm just forever sad that it doesn't got a little owl on the top there which is quite nice this used to live in my bathroom for a little bit but then I'll cite you not know they stick on the shelf so it's got like a little stand which goes there it's just so lovely so cool okay moving on to the next shelf fairly simple one I've got a basilisk Fang which I had had a hat hop hop hop hop up I did have plans to repaint it just get the paint jobs like not very good I will eventually I've also got a Bellatrix dagger stabbed you stabbed yep I need a t-shirt with stabbed yourself on it but maybe not and then we've got Tom Marvolo riddle diary which is just a notebook it's made out faux leather and it has metal corners and it's just plain inside but really liked it so I put that on a book stand so that it can have it this has come like a little bit of a dark art shelf if you like let's move on to probably the most bright and fun shelf that I've got this I decided to dedicate to the twins Fred and George Weasleys Wizard wheezes and I just really like it makes me happy so these are fairly new I've had these since Christmas again noble collection these are book stands so normally there would be like that and you got to put your books in them but I wanted to display them a little bit better so that I can look at them from the front every day now you may so we've got puking pastilles girl and Bubble Boy I just love them I know that it's like well how can you love a girl that's like bombing past all's well I can I've also got another one of these pin sets which I haven't mentioned where these were from these were actually from I believe geek store there you go these are the Weasleys Weasley and Weasley ones we've got quality Weasley goods Weasley mega box so fun electric shock shakes really really fun just love those I like to keep them in their little boxes because they're just so pretty other things that are on here I've got pygmy puffs I've got one in the box though I'm not sure you would sell a pygmy puff in a box doesn't seem very kind so yeah it says the perfect pet for any student warning while you are sleeping pygmy puffs may attempt to eat your ear wax with their long tongues but I've got a pink one and pop one little fluffy puffs so all of the things that are in this corner over here are dedicated to the things that you would kind of find in the Weasley joke shop so here we have got you know poo I've never opened these as you can see they're going a bit kind of grungy and brick grim to be fair but hey oh no pop hmm no it's gone now here this candle let me tell you about this candle I got this in a lip dry crate magical edition and the smell of it does weird things to me it kind of smells like oranges and just beautifulness and I like the way it looks but the smell is why it's on here ah it smells like orange popsicle lollies in the summer every time I do that I like inhale glitter and it's worth it every time it's really worth it okay so the last thing on this shelf is this beautiful mineral so this is something that you can buy I cannot remember what it's called but it is a thing that you can search for and it was in a subscription box and it's meant to be instant darkness powder peruvian darkness powder and it's so pretty in the light it's like turquoise and pink and just loved it again genius idea from a subscription box really really liked that okay then who's ready for some hot cruxes me here we are the Horcrux shelf of dreams so this is where I keep a lot of my noble collection replicas we have got the half will puff Cup now you cut all treats Luna Lovegood earrings forgot they're in there these are some very nice little dirigible plums dirigible plus dirigible plums do you read you but either way all radishes whichever you think they are they go in there I was going to say you can't drink out of these they actually put a hole in the bottom of all of their cups and goblets which should be honest it disappoints me it really disappoints me like why can't I be at home drinking out of my Hufflepuff cup like gin shove it in there drink no they they ruined all the fun now I've also got this which is a golden egg necklace isn't it pretty and it actually opens is very very nice I love this a lot very delicate indeed let's put it now I'm sure it's already been commented by now cherry why aren't you wearing your time too I've got a microphone on today and it was like slapping it and hitting it wasn't worth it I do have to time Turner's I have one that I wear which is currently on my desk and I also have this one in here which I don't touch any more because JK Rowling touched this she she noticed I was wearing it this is my special time Turner from the video when I met JK Rowling so this is very special it's one of the most special things that I have and yeah just lives there now obviously one of the main kind of shebangs on this shelf is the Ravenclaw lost diadem and stunning lots of people ask me how do you connect the box lid up in a not very technical way I've got a hair clip that is just propping it up because professional this is so pretty it's just diamonds shine mine it my inner nefler is like screaming it's the diadem that was aggressive I'm sorry wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure that's what it says so it lives in here and now something that you guys don't usually see is what I just have kind of sitting on the back there and that is all of the paper replicas that came from the Goblet of Fire we've got Harry Potter and then we have got Cedric Diggory and then we've got Victor crumbs and then my absolute favorite fleur delacour oh so delicate the gold edges it's perfect I love it so much I just leave them in there because I like them and I didn't want to put them away into a box other things on here we've got we've got quite a lot of Slytherin lockets I'm not a Slytherin but here is where Slytherin is represented we've got the official Slytherin locket here which is actually really pretty this is a noble collection it does open but I just keep it in its display case which is currently very dusty again don't judge me people ask me quite a lot cherry dude a lot no I don't and then we've got the official that I'll take it out we have the official Horcrux ring and if you look inside you can see the Deathly Hallows logo now this one doesn't fit it's not for wearing I've tried of course it's a little bit too big for me and it's not very practical but it's still fun to try so that will live through there now I do actually have a more wearable Horcrux ring and it's one that's from wish surprisingly it's a lot smaller and more acceptable to wear anything this one doesn't have is the Deathly Hallows inside the black gem but it's still recognizable still a little bit too big for me I could probably get away with it as a thumb ring but okay then I've got some more lockets I have one which this one's so pretty this one's from lit joy crate and look at that I fell in love with it as soon as I saw it it's a it's a nice modern take on the Slytherin lock it and it just pleased me a lot and then we've got another Slytherin locket which is one from wish but and this just sits inside the crystal goblet which Dumbledore drank from in the cave and have also got a little letter yeah let me undo the origami they go so this just says truth the Dark Lord bla bla bla bla bla mortal once more or a B so that just lives behind that's the whole book chef's thank you for coming to my Horcrux TED talk okay potion time one shelf that is present in most of my videos behind me and probably the most busy shelf is my potions shelf now I have had a little bit of a rearrange because I had to take them all off to you like the shelves and then clean them and stuff even though I found a lot of dust today it looks like I haven't cleaned them I did so these are my potions the kind of Corbitt of this shelf is of course my beloved advanced potion making book which is just this is made by Jack alarm 18 go check him out on Instagram this is one of my first books that I had from Jack and I love how distressed it is the details are cray-cray here we go this book is property of the half-blood Prince and it is a full book and it's got all the notes and it's just beautiful look at all these ingredients and everything this just brings me so much joy because I feel as though this is my advanced potion making book this is straight from Hogwarts straight from snakes classroom it's stunning I need to spend time fully reading this because it's so cool really really special so let's talk about a few of the potions I'm not going to go through all of them I do have a video which focuses on that already I think the things that I'm going to focus on is this this is a little vial of filmmaking snow and as you can see it says as seen at Warner Brothers Studio tour in London so inside here is the snow that they use on the films it's very delicate I've only got a small vial they don't sell this this was sent to me as a PR thing many moons ago a few Christmases ago for Hogwarts in the snow I believe just what cute idea really really cool other things on here this is new to the poster shop please don't be broken okay we're good this is a big Oh gillyweed by hackers trunk and I love it I love it I love it I love the wax seal I love the label I love the texture of the label that's it it's wax on top and it's real life sighs I'll show you some more of the life-size potions later on let's I think that's everything on here I've got a memory vial I've got this which is mad-eye moody x' hiss hiss flap his clap yes hip flask is what I meant that just sits behind there we've got some more potions turn that around because I didn't like the label but I loved the bottles lots of flux weed lots of gillyweed we got gillyweed here here here here here and probably somewhere else so yeah that is my potion chef also actually no Skelly grow bottle which is here this is an actual drinking bottle it's made out of plastic but it is usable I've never used it but I love it because it looks legit moving on to some more books these are some of my favorite books that I have in my collection they're all of the vault books so we've got the creature vault we've got the character vault we've got the artifact vault and then I've got some fantastic beasts books some of these are so lovely this is the archive of magic the film wizardry of crimes of Grindelwald is this yeah this one is actually signed by eduardo and mira fora from mina Lima who designed all of the paper replicas and stuff which is really cool in fact both of the fantastic beast books on these shelves and mmm no not the cursed child both both of the fantastic beasts screenplays they're also signed by Eduardo and Mira flora and I've also got a case of beasts which is here let me let me move my numbers mm so one of these is also signed by them not that one of course take to associate this one nope no he was the other one take three oh man okay I promise it is signed Baker to Cherry Hogwarts will always be here or there there to welcome you home Eduardo and Mara for a super super sweet I actually went to the midnight launch of this book because I wanted it so badly okay we're so over halfway let's move down are you ready to get down so here we have got my Golden Snitch now this has been what's the word modified yes so this is actually sat on top of a light it did have a base but we decided to take it apart this used to be a touch lamp thing but it was quite cheaply made but we popped it on a light so that when I turn my shelf lights on it turns the Golden Snitch on and very cool very cool yeah that's it that's that one okay so once haven't really changed that much you've seen you know what ones they are the ones that are new to the collection I'm not gonna touch them because they they like to fall down a lot I need to find a way of securing them and before you ask these shelf things the one stands they are for the Billy bookcases and they only fit those bookcases so there's that and then we've got a Voldemort wand which is new we've got fleur-de-lis cos wand which is new sheamus's ones and that one fake fan this was bought for me and it's signed by the actor himself which pretty cool oh my wand this is my wand which is made by brown and low burn brown and low burn and it's the ones that you see me with in all the beginning of my videos it's very special wand so Brian if you're watching thank you very much it's beautiful okay so that's the ones yep this showers exciting fantastic beasts one of my favorite shelves out of all of them have I said that four maybe five of them already maybe now there is something new on my fantastic V shelf which again I'm gonna talk about in a lot more detail in another video okay I'm just gonna show you I got a teapot I haven't our community pot and he's so beautiful like oh my goodness my little baby alchemy this is made by spelunker art again I'll have a whole video on this soon but yeah I love alchemy so much okay so big things on this shelf we've got my nefler boy which came all the way from Russia oh he's so pretty we've got a lot more beasts we've also got some Cornish Pixies I've got one under this little bell jar and then I've got one over here I've got both chuckle here here and then I've got another Rock me and do you want to see the cutest nefler of all time the world's smallest knitler and you know what's funny I'm the owner of the world's smallest nibbler and also probably one of the biggest Lego nifflas in the world which I've loaned to Pawnee Jukes shop genuinely huge made out of 11,000 Lego bricks a lot of you have already visited it which is really cool so yeah other things on here we've got lots of kind of shiny things for the nefler a signed fantastic beast book I'm not gonna get it out just cuz everything surrounding it and then another one of those art books which is stunning we've got a beer mat at the back which is for people water and this is when Jacob a fantastic beast takes shot in the bar with Queenie in the Blind Pig if I remember correctly and he's just like haha bad impression but it's one of my favorite scenes so yeah absolute fantastic beasts shelf I have a lovely paper replica here which is from the first beasts and it's got gold foiling again made by my wonderful friend Rodney look how beautiful that is this is the advertisement for puff skins lose the puff skin's application by oh I just wish oh no a Daily Prophet crossword this is so special I love that yeah one of my favorite shelves I just love beasts love the little beasties are you ready to see more ones well I'm about to show you so more ones more fantastic beast ones these have not changed you've got all the good ones we've got Nicholas Flamel I got that one in New York this one is a Gellert Grindelwald one and then we've got all your favorites like newt Queenie Sarah for a picker e Theseus just really like this I like the kind of balance that I've managed to get between having ones on this side and then on that plane very nice now I'm about to show you something that I have not shown any of you guys it's a one of a kind it's a prototype and it was an idea that I had and wanted to get made which ended up not happening but maybe one day so this is one of a kind and it's your ball themed I'm just gonna show you come on down look at the glory also this is broken it's very fragile there's some bits missing so we have kind of modified this so that it sits on a light this is a full clear resin by sculpture from the goblet of fire and it's dad hanging we've got my little bottle which came from one of my previous boxes the Yule Ball invitation which is the same some paper replicas we've got professor Slughorn's Christmas party invitation and the wedding invitation for Fleur and William Weasley but yeah this is super special so this is actually very fragile you can see that some of the turrets have broken off I do still have them and I'm going to reglue them but this was super complicated to get made I'm just very fortunate that the factory still allowed me to have it which is pretty cool so that's a super special thing which I'm sure you're gonna go nuts and tell me to make maybe one day I will I'm not sure but for now it's one of a kind it's the only one in the world so let's let's get even lower we're gonna have to get lower are your knees ready I'm not sure mine are no me neither okay oh now this is from one of my DIYs which guys you at nuts on that DIY like the views were insane thank you this was from my hogwarts house point counter thingamadoodles DIY we've got Gryffindor Hufflepuff Slytherin ravenclaw you know what I'm just gonna get some more yellow beads because every time I show this people are like oh my god you hate hufflepuff I'm a secret Hufflepuff inside a Gryffindor on the outside but Hufflepuff in here I don't hate helper purse they're one of my favorite houses so yeah that's where those live if you want to go check that video out go have a look the next shelf bit of a weird mix kind of like the pink and purple shelf the Ministry of Magic shelf along with the Umbridge shelf nobody should have a numbered shelf but I do so okay so as you can see everything is kind of purply and pink this I love you can buy these kind of sets where you can make your own origami Ministry of Magic interdepartmental memos and kind of like throw them which is pretty cool this is my pride and joy my umbrage tea set I've also got some coins on here which admit you into the Ministry of Magic this one here is actually new this tea set I got from the London what about the studio tour haven't seen it since I haven't seen many people with this I've also got a lot of kitchen plates cuz Umbridge some ministry documentation things so we've got a ministry letter we've got a visitor pass if you want to visit the Ministry of Magic got an identity card here which pretty cool I love all the stamps just love purple very very cool so and then some pygmy boys I'm a little soft pygmy puffs so that's where they live I decided to spit on a stall I'm not good not good on my knees that's a lie okay so my book shrine I'm sat on the chair by the way cuz do you want to bend so we've got my original books here and this one is you know what my brother's gonna be like that's mine and it's like no it's on my Harry Potter shelves I'm sorry brother it's mine this is like so old like the pages are like getting yellow but this is the back of my first ever Harry Potter book and I'm just so happy that I picked it up one day and then this happened it's really weird if you think about it so yeah my hmm kind of small now as well because I'm a relic now because I didn't want to read these because they're my original ones I did buy another version and the covers are quite cool I really like the artwork on these ones I like the kind of modern touch I like what this gold foiling on there as well but to be fair I tend to just listen to the audio books now I've also got a book which is the anniversary edition of the Chamber of Secrets I did have the Philosopher's Stone but I gave it to a Jetta that we don't talk about my ex stole my book he ruined it yep he stole my magical chess set and my Lego Harry Potter didn't send them back anyway anyway moving on so this here is huge this is one of Jack's but look at that chunky boy again boiling I don't know if that you can see that in the Sun oh it's pretty it's very pretty there we go oh she's shiny this is the essential defence against the dark arts and he wrote the entire book because his his mad he he did the whole book and I tip my hat off to him looks like under here oh I've never taken it off before it's pretty so yep that's probably like my biggest replica book then I've got the tales of builds debarred and then a German or Netherland copy of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets which was sent to me by one of you guys just because the cover is beautiful and that's the book section let's move on to divination we are at my kind of random but divination shelfs we've got Hermione's bag which is very beautiful very detailed the beading down here is stunning the embroidery and it does open and it's made up velvet and all sorts of nice materials very very nice indeed so that lives down here I've got a random crystal ball I have a cauldron which is made out of metal and very heavy I have the prophecy orb now this is stunning it says neither can live whilst the other survives and this is from a lit joint and it's one of my favourite things on my shelf that's really cool other things on here nothing much of too much interest we've got a divination mug which is from Primark it just says my dear you'll have yeah just like that I've got little wooden box nothing since I'd there and then a magnifying glass and then the truth in tea leaves which again someone one of you guys sent this to me and designed it I think she is called Holly done yes you are there you are and you sent missed me with some postcards and it's very nice there's a little letter and I thought that would be perfect for my divination show so it lives down there next up I'm not going to talk about these really these are kind of like my books these are just my books they're not magical books they're my Law of Attraction books my crystal Bible my dream books lucid dreaming book about a moon that's it really those are my personal books not magical we're on the last row I don't think I can get down here so I'm just gonna have to talk whilst we film it I think okay so in the corner it's another kind of mysterious chest people have asked me what I do with my pin backings for my pin collection they live in here so I've got all the cards and the physical rubber clutches in here it's a bit of a mess to be fair and then I've got some repeated badges so I've got a cursed child pin in there I've got some patches in here as well because I never know what to do with them but yeah it's just a lot of mess oh and some chocolate frog cards Slytherin one very unfortunate I'm kidding of course I'm saying that I have a lost leather as it watch me okay then next these are all books that aren't magical so I'm not going to talk about those these though these are stunning they're very heavy I'm not going to pick them up but we've got the art of Harry Potter page to screen two of The Illustrated editions a history of magic and then this which is Harry Potter and the cursed child the journey I got this for Christmas and it's just everything about the play I'll show you much because spoilers keep the secrets am i right now the bottom shelves I'll be real they're a little bit of a mishmash they're all it's where things go where I don't have a real home for them yet but I still want to keep them so over here we have got some life-sized potions and one of my favorite ones is flu powder at the front I just think that's so beautiful those are by Hagrid's trunk so definitely go check them out there's some there is some nice things on here oh we have got this mystery we've got my chocolate frog dish which is from the studio tour and here lies a free elf a sad thing inside a chocolate frog thing so that's beautiful I don't think they sell us anymore maybe they do I'm not sure we've got this switch oh my god this is so old this is from a loot crate that's how long I've had this and this is of Dumbledore's sister we've got a little lamp which is to represent Hagrid that came in the PR thing and then we have got a couple this one I bought so that I could take some Quidditch instagrams it is spongy but it looks legit so that lives down there oh we're so close to the ends down here we have got two of my deluxe Harry Potter illustrate editions again I'm not gonna get them out because they're super heavy but these are quite expensive they're like maybe a hundred and thirty-five pouch painful I know but they are stunning they've got like gold pages and stuff and really cool I've got a one collector a one collection Wow words a wand collection collector's edition then I've got loads of vintage books and then behind those I've got some magazines which aren't that excited but then this and I'll end on this is quite nice actually I'm ending on the first piece of Harry Potter much that I ever bought so it's gone full circle these are beautiful enamel pins which they're quite fluffy they've been taken out quite a lot in the past they're in a wooden case with a plastic kind of glass thing I bought these from Forbidden Planet a long time ago but yeah it's one of the first things that I ever spent like money on hyppolit just pins I liked them I liked that there are a set and that I could imagine wearing them in Hogwarts so yeah I think it ends there because there's just some storage boxes on the end and I'm quite pleased to end on the first item that I purchased but that is everything that is on my magical Harry Potter shelves and I hope you enjoyed this video if you did don't forget to give it a magical thumbs up leave a comment down below what was your favorite shelf how are you doing with your own Harry Potter collections do you have one even start one I would love to hear from you guys obviously I've got more Harry Potter things Oh wait there's something I haven't shown you okay I'm gonna go get it wait there add two more things that aren't on the shelves but they're in my glass cabinet this is my star ice cabinet I don't really show this very often but this is where those lives but I got a Mandrake which is in there but that's not what I want to show you I have this this is a plushy Hippogriff which was made by my friend mr. Markin and it's so beautiful they have a replica of this at the studio tour sometimes so keep your eyes peeled sometimes it's in the section by the swinging pendulum there is kind of like walls around loads of stuff is that kind of about explanation probably but this is in there sometimes and he made one for me it took three days to make and it's just beautiful it's very special and I'm just blessed to have so many magical friends that fill my life of magic so thank you very much okay time for the actual ending this time I hope you have enjoyed this video and taking a deeper look at everything on my Harry Potter shelves I can't wait to speak to you guys in the comments down below let me know if there's any videos that you would like to see on this channel soon and I hope you will keep being good and life is treating you well and I will speak to you soon bye guys magic I told you to go you can't stay I know it's beautiful and magical but you've got to go home now are you still here
Channel: Cherry Wallis
Views: 987,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: harry potter bookshelf tour, harry potter, bookshelf tour, bookshelf, bookshelves, harry potter bookshelves, harry potter collection, harry potter collection tour, wizarding world, wizarding world bookshelf, cherry wallis, fantastic beasts, crimes of grindelwald, fantastic beasts collection, huge bookshelf tour, bookshelf organization, book collection, harry potter bookshelf tour 2020, bookshelf tour 2020, harry potter collection 2020, wizarding world 2020
Id: dpEN6BUg7Vc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 59sec (4259 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2020
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