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- Hello, friends. Wizards, witches, and muggles, welcome back to my channel. I hope you're all doing really well. So I may have done a thing, a bad thing. Yes, I've got a problem. (snickers) I did end up going a little bit overboard buying Harry Potter magical capsules. They are mystery capsules, and they're really exciting. I've seen these on TikToK. I've seen them on YouTube. I've never bought one myself so I thought, "Hey, Cherry, you know what would be a really good idea? Buy lots of them." (laughs) So today we are going to be unboxing or uncapsuling some of these. I'm gonna be doing wave one, and then I'm gonna do wave two in a separate video so watch out for that. And if you're brand new to my channel, hello, welcome. Don't forget you can click the subscribe button if you'd like to be part of our weird, magical online family, but let's go 'cause yeah, I did buy too many, didn't I? Okay then, so I've got series one or wave one as it's known as. I've never, ever had one of these before. Now, there are 10 of these to collect different characters, and I bought 12 because I was like fingers crossed. Now, there's probably gonna be a few repeats, but I guess we will see. I'm very excited. There's like little tiny sections to open that reveal hints, and then there's like little secret bags, and then we get to reveal which character we get. I am way too excited about this so let's just dive straight on into it because I really wanna get unboxing them. Now, just to mention one thing: you may have noticed a little bit of a sneaky camera over here. I want you guys to be able to see these in as much detail as possible when we are unboxing, so we've got, just ignore it. It's not there. What's not there? Exactly. First things first, let's clear the space and start opening them. I am so excited. Just did a bad thing. Okay then, so here we have it. A Harry Potter magical capsule for series one. I am rather excited to have one of these in my hands. So as you can see, it is a golden Hogwarts crest, and it does indeed have all of the mascots on there. So I guess we start off with door number one, and here we have it. Okay, so we start off with a clue. It says to put your thumb print over and we get to reveal what this character's house is gonna be, so let's have a little, oh I think it's a Gryffindor. Yep, I can see some red, and I just gotta, yep, so it's a Gryffindor character, so that's a good start. Have we started with Harry? That would be pretty cool. Okay, door number two. We have got a spell. So I have actually seen that these ones need to be dumped into water, and I've prepared some water in my cauldron over here. That's right, so let's give it a dip, see which spell that we get. Alohomora, which is the unlocking spell, which is quite cool. This, I've got to say it does feel magical doing these. Quite like that. Okay, door number three then. (gasps) Okay, firstly, let's have a little look at this sheet. Who can we get? So we can get nine, and then there's a mystery one as well. So we can get Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Luna, Draco, Cho, Snape, and Cedric, so that's pretty cool. And then it says the different kind of chances that you can get for each one, so which ones are quite rare and stuff, which yeah. Okay, let's get into it then. So there's loads of little packets, and then I think the character's in the suitcase. So let's go through the packets for us. How cute are these? They're like owl post from Diagon Alley. (Gasps) Oh my goodness, that is so cute. It's a teeny, tiny, little quill, a little ink pot. Oh my God, who could that be? I don't know. So Gryffindor, I mean, it could be Harry. Have we got Harry on our first go? That would be pretty cool. Oh, I was like, there's nothing in here, there is. There is the world's tiniest wand. It's a bit bent. It looks like maybe it could be Hermione's wand. Not really sure. I don't know how accurate the mouldings are. So what have we got in our third packet? What is it? (gasps) A history of magic. We've got a tiny little book. That is so cute. It's got to be Hermione. It has to be her. Ah, this is like filling my heart with so much joy. Really tiny things just brings me a lot of happiness. (gasps) We've definitely got Hermione because we have got Crookshanks! Look at that little orange, ginger boy. So cute, looking very angry as expected. So let's open it on up then and reveal what should be, she doesn't want to come out. Oh, kay. So they come in a Hogwarts trunk, which is a little bit of a choice, putting a body in a trunk, but let's have a look. Yep, here we have Hermione Granger. There she is, in all of her glory, and I think you can actually make her hold her wand maybe. I'm not sure what the other hand's for, but there we have it. Her, with her Crookshanks, her books, and her quill. That's so cool. Okay, onto the second one. Okay then, onto the second capsule. Who is it gonna be? Okay, hint number one: what Hogwarts house? Okay, let's, oh, oh, it's yellow. Could it be Cedric? Who else is in Hufflepuff in that list? I'm not sure. If it's Cedric, I'm gonna be happy. So we've got a Hufflepuff. What is the spell? Let me just dunk that in my little cauldron. The spell that we've got is Lumos, which is the light spell. Pretty cool, pretty cool. Okay, and then in the back, I think it can only be Cedric because, yeah, everyone else on here is either Slytherin, Ravenclaw, or Gryffendor, so I've kind of spoilt it for myself with that knowledge, but let's see. (gasps) Yes, it's the golden egg! Look how cute that is. That's like actually adorable how they've done that. It's so cute and so tiny! Yeah, it's definitely Cedric with that. Like how could it not be? Oh, these are so cute. Magical Creatures Hogwarts school list, very nice. What is in here? Awe, it's the tiniest little badger to represent Hufflepuff. That is so cute, and then I'm assuming, oh we've got another cheeky packet in here. So have we got his wand anywhere? Oh, "The Daily Prophet." "He Who Must Not Be Named Returns." That's nice how they've done that little newspaper. So cute, and then have we got Cedric's wand in here? Yeah, I can feel it. These are so small. I wouldn't be surprised if people accidentally threw these away. So there we have it, teeny tiny, it's the world's tiniest wand. It's probably like half the size of a matchstick, which is wild. And then, come on, Cedric, out you come, lad. Come on, there we go. Da da da da, there we have it. What a hairstyle. Why is he kind of doing some sort of jive dance? Like du du du, he's doing that. Look, he's like, just me? Either way, that is adorable. Okay, no repeats so far, which is good. I did have a bit of a fear that like, what if they've sent me all the same one? Number one then, what house is it gonna be? I hope it's Ravenclaw or Slytherin. I have a feeling it's gonna be Gryffindor, though. I've just got a feeling, intuition. Oh no, I'm wrong. Yeah, it's Slytherin, so maybe Draco or Snape. Kinda really want it to be Snape. Sorry, Cedric's just fallen down. Can you behave and stand up please? Thank you. Right, the spell we have got, let me get my magical cauldron over here for one second. So no spell and then we dunk, give it a swish around, and it says Reparo. I have a feeling that might be Draco, but I'm not sure. Let's have a look at some of the other clues. Okay, so I've got one, two, three, four little owl post bags. Let's start off with this. (gasps) It's a thestral. Was that Slytherin, or was it meant to be Ravenclaw? Is it blue? Have I got this wrong? I feel like, this is light turquoise, to be honest. I think that might actually be blue, and I was a little bit wrong. Kinda hard to, yeah, that's blue, okay. (gasps) Have we got Luna? Oh, I'm gonna like weep if we have. That's pretty cool. We are doing well for no repeats so far. The third one and they're all different. (gasps) We have, we've got Luna! I recognise her wand. Look how teeny, tiny it is. It's got like the little rosebud tip. Oh my God, yes. Very pleased about this. What else have we got in here? (gasps) We've got her spectra specs. Oh, they're very, very bendy. I'm not going to lie. They're like marshmallow kind of bendy, but either way, that's pretty cute. We like, okay, and then in here, ooh, I have no idea what is in here. It's really, really tiny. Oh my goodness, it's the world's tiniest "Quibbler" that you ever did see. Why is it so small? Why is "The Quibbler" that small compared to her glasses? I'm very confused. I'm not gonna lie, it's so small. As long as Luna's a good size, I'm happy. Come on, girl. Okay, I do like these. They're very cute. There she is. There she is, looking kind of like a bit of a gangster there. She's like, yeah. So that's cool. I'm gonna give her her little wand. Can you hold that? Yep, there we are. She is ready for magique. I'm so happy that we've got Luna. These just don't want to stand up there, so Cedric and Luna, you can have a bit of a nap. Onto the next capsule, a magiqual capsule. This is our fourth one. Let's see if we can get another new character. Ooh, okay, number one. This is quite exciting, you know, finding out the Hogwarts house. It is first, right? Let's see, what colour are you going to it? Okay, that has to be green, right? Yeah, that's definitely green. That's like a lime green. Yeah, okay, so this one should be, in theory, Draco or Snape. Which one are we hoping for? Leave a comment down below. Okay, we've got the spell. So I'm gonna reveal. Revelio! (laughs) We've got Stupefy. Okay, I have a feeling this one might be Draco, at least I hope it is. So let's open it on up at the back. One, two, three, four packets. Let's start off with the wand. Yeah, I think we've got Draco. I don't actually own Draco's wand. This was actually stuck quite badly to the packet so it's got a bits of paper all over it, but yeah, I'm pretty sure that's Draco's wand, so that's pretty cool. Right, what have we got in here? It feels quite a good size. (gasps) It's a really cute owl! Look at that tiny owl! Look at it! It's so small. It's the world's tiniest, angriest looking owl. Must belong to Draco. What are you, oh, it's the hand of glory. That's quite cool, actually. Wasn't really expecting that, but it's pretty cool, so yeah, we've got Draco. Not to spoil it for you, but, what's in here? (gasps) Oh my God, look how tiny that cauldron is! That's so cool. That's really cool. I just love all the tiny little bits and pieces that come with each character. Ooh, there we go. Are you ready to come out of the trunk? There he is. Oh, he looks angry. He does, he looks very angry. Oh, why is he, is he an owl? Why is his head like the completely wrong way? He's like that. It's really strange like, do these move? I don't understand why he looks like that. One moment. No, he is, he's just looking backwards, but he does, he looks like an owl and that he can just turn his head 180 degrees. It's very, very weird. Very strange. Either way, Draco. Okay, no repeats so far. When do you reckon we're gonna get a repeat? I feel like it might be soon 'cause we're on too much of a home run here. This is feeling good so far. Capsule number five. Next one then. Oh, number three wanted to, will you stay shut? (gasps) Right, number one: Hogwarts house. Let's see who we get. Give it a bit of a, oh it's another Gryffindor. Who am I hoping for? I want Ronald or Harry, maybe Ginny. Let's see what the spell is. Let's reveal. Da da da da. It is Reducio? Yes, the font is very strange on these. Is it Hermione again? Can't remember what spell that we got with her. Let's have a look. This is like loads of mini magical Christmases. (gasps) Oh, my God, it's so cute! It's a pygmy puff! It's gotta be Ginny, right? Look how cute that is. Oh, we are so lucky with these so far. It's so cute. Aw, I want like hundreds of these and just dot them around everywhere. They're so, so cute. Oh, that is absolutely adorable. Ah, happy days. Oh, we've got Tom Riddle's diary, and it's even got like the little stab hole there, and it's got the golden corners. I do like the detail on these. Quite cute, really do like those. That pygmy puff might be my favourite accessory that we've got so far. (gasps) Oh my God it's a love potion. It's so cute. Oh, I love, I don't know where I'm gonna put all these teeny, tiny things, but they are so adorable. I really like that. Okay, so then we've got a little wand in here. It's another wand that I don't actually own. There it is. It's really quite small, really tiny. Okay, come on then, Ginny. There she is with her red hair. Ooh, she looks very glamorous and quite surprised. (laughs) Oh, she's really cute. I love her boots that she's got going on. Very nice. I do enjoy that one quite a lot. She's nice. Number six, let's see. Come on, we've got to get a repeat. Not that I want one, not trying to tempt fate, but we're doing very well. Come on, let me in. Number one: Hogwarts house again. Ooh, now this is either going to be Snape or it's going to be a repeat of Draco. I really, really want it to be Snape so bad 'cause look, we got green. We've got a green. Everybody cross their fingers for Snape, please, and just have a moment. Manifest it, thank you Kay, what spell's it gonna be? Come on, be a Snape, (gasps) yes! We've got Sectumsempra, which we all know is a spell that Snape created himself. Ah, that was like, thank you for manifesting, everybody. You really did that work for us then. I'll get to find out what they've given the Snape. (gasps) Of course. A tiny little serpent, that's so cute. He looks, well he's actually really cute. I feel like he shouldn't be that cute, but he is, but ah, just look at his little face, it's just like, "hiss." Let's not do Parseltongue. Right, what else have we got? (gasps) We've got the tiniest little vial, that is a potion, that is very cute. It is very green. I'm just so thrilled that we've got Snape, like what? Oh oh, of course! A tiny little "Advanced Potion Making." It's so small, ah, it's so tiny. Look at it. It's like, it's as big as my nose, my little snoot. Very nice, okay. And then in here, we have got his little wand. It doesn't look like his wand, but either way we have it. Okay, I'm ready to reveal Daddy Snape. That's right. (gasps) I see his robes. There he is, man of the hour! Man of the hour! Hi, oh my God. I love that his Cape is like so swooshed at the back, like he's just giving it proper good vibes. We like that, though it does look like he's holding his little hand like he's about to say a speech into a microphone, but I'm just probably, just gonna give him his little wand. Go on, there you go, Snapey boy, you can hold your wand in front of your face like you're ready to battle. I do like him, he's quite nice even though he looks really angry, but he looks really cute as well 'cause he's tiny. Okay, number seven, let's do this. Who haven't we got yet? We haven't got Cho, we haven't got to Ronald. Can't remember who else was on the sheet. Ooh, this one does not want to open! Let me in! Are you kidding me? (snickers) Ooh, here we go. Okay, who are we gonna get? What house is it? Can you stay closed please? Thank you. I think we've got our first repeat, guys. It's a Hufflepuff. Okay, I think we've got Cedric again. I'm fairly sure of it, but we will see. Let's dip the spell into the pot. What do we get? Yeah, we've got Lumos again, the light spell. I'm pretty sure we do have another Cedric, but that's alright. I can donate him to a friend. I'm just gonna go ahead and open the main bag 'cause we've seen all the little bits that come with Cedric. Yeah, we got our first repeat. It's Cedric doing the little jive. (laughs) There you go, so we've had our first repeat. We did so well to get six without any repeats, like how cool is that? On to capsule number eight, okay. (sighs) We were doing so well, weren't we? Argh, ow! (laughs) Try not to injure myself. Right, let's see who we have next. Let's reveal the house. Do do do do do do, who's it gonna be? Oh, is it green? Is it green? Ah, I think it's gonna be another Snape or another Draco. I've jinxed it now with the repeats. Let's dip the spell. Do do do do do do. It's gonna be Draco. I think I might leave him in his bag just because I know that there are only two Slytherins that you can get. I'll have a little peek, but it means that I can gift this to someone else. So let's just have a tiny little browse into the end of the bag if we can, have a cheeky little look. Yeah, there we have it. You can just see Draco's little face popping out. So yeah, we got another Draco, but I am going to save that for somebody else to enjoy. We have got four more capsules so this means that if we want the full set, it means that we can't get any repeats from now on. Oh, okay, fingers crossed for someone new. What house are you gonna be? Oh no, it's another green one so I think it's either another Snape or another Draco. Draco, stop trying to steal the show! This isn't the Draco unboxing. Let's have a look at the spell to see if it was Draco or Snape. Let's have a little, little dip. It's another Draco. Yes he is, he's trying to just steal the show and be like, "Look at me in all the capsules," so I've gonna put that one to one side. We know it's Draco. Okay, we have got our 10th one. Come on, no repeats this time. I could see how these get addictive 'cause you really want the ones that aren't in your collection. Ooh, okay, if this is green, (sighs) I might cry. Oh my God, it's green! It's green. I don't want you. Ah, if it's Draco, I'm gonna yeet him at the door. Oh no, I've got Snape vibes. Right, let's dip and reveal. No, it's another Draco. That's four Dracos! Nobody needs that many. Guys, if anyone needs a Draco, hit me up. No, I'm kidding. If you do collect these though, and you do need a Draco, you probably don't. You've probably already had 10 Dracos yourself, but so we've got another Draco. Capsule number 11. Come on, lucky number 11. Is it lucky? Maybe it is today. These are so tricky to open. We've gone for another attack this time. Right, what's it gonna be? Is it gonna be another green? I'm hoping for Ravenclaw so that we can get Cho. (gasps) No way, we got a blue one. It could be Cho. Okay, we've got Ravenclaw, this is a good sign. What's the spell? Come on, be a new spell. I don't remember what the spell was for Luna. (gasps) It's a new one. What does that say? Diffindo? I think it says Diffindo. The font on it's very funny. So, yeah I think we've got a new, ooh. Okay, I'm quite excited about it. One, two, three, and four, okay. It's time for a new character. Let's have a look at the character wand, which I swear these are getting smaller. Look how tiny that is. It's like a little kitten whisker. It's so small. Okay, then we've got, (gasps) is it another, oh my God, that is so cute! It's like a really, really cute owl. Ah, I prefer that owl to Draco's. That's very cute. It's like, hello. (mocks owl hooting) Very good owl impression, I know. (gasps) We've got a scroll, we've got some owl post, because that's where Cho and Harry were in the movies. Let's see, oh maybe it's just some parchment. (gasps) Get out! That's so cute. It's a little, teeny, tiny cup and saucer that's either from Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop or from divination. I assume the tea shop, though. That's quite sweet. (laughs) Okay, the best part, which is character reveal. I can't get her out. Mkay, there she is. (gasps) There she is, let's give her her really floppy, cat whisker wand. She is ready for action. I do like these boots. It's making me wanna buy some black military boots, I'm not gonna lie, but yeah, there she is with her cute tiny little owl. I love that, that's so cute. Okay, we're doing good. We're back on the new character stride. Okay, the last one out of the 12 series one capsules that I got. Is it gonna be a new character? I have forgotten, who are we missing? We're missing the mystery one, We are missing Gin, no, we got Gin. Wait, one, two, oh we don't have Harry yet, do we? We don't have Harry, and we don't have Ronald, but we have everyone else except the really rare one. I'm hoping for Harry, Ron, or the rare one. Let's see which one we got. We've done so well, though, to get seven that are all different. Is it gonna end on a high? Is it, is it, is it? Oh, oh, oh, it's Gryffindor. That means it could be Harry and it could be Ron, or it could be another Hermione or Ginny, but I'm hoping, we've got like a 50/50 chance really. Well, we don't, we've got like 25% chance, but not the point. One, two, three four. (sighs) Why do I think it's another Ginny? I think this might be another pygmy puff. I've got well ahead of myself. I didn't do the spell, but it's, ah, either way it's a pygmy puff. It's a repeat. Let's just confirm that with the spell, which I will give a little dunk 'cause they are quite fun to do. Do do do. Yep, it's definitely a Ginny repeat, but I'm not complaining because I've now got two pygmy puffs, and they are so adorable. So the ones that I don't have yet: we haven't got Harry, we don't have Ron and we don't have the mystery one. So if I had those three, I'd have the entire set. I think we've done so, so well today to get all these different ones. I'm actually really pleased about it. I'm also very, very excited to open wave two. So if you do want to watch wave two, and you wanna see which characters we get in there 'cause they're all completely different, I think they look a little bit different in their design as well. I think they've updated them, but yeah, if you wanna see those, definitely subscribe to this channel because then you can keep up to date with when I upload, when this video comes out, the next one. But yeah, what do you guys think of these? Have you ever bought any of these yourself? Have you got the rare one that is the mystery one because I'm very intrigued? I think these are a lot of fun. They're definitely a bit of a novelty. I can see them getting quite addictive, especially when you're only like two or three away from having the entire set, like it's quite a smart business move to be fair, but I really enjoyed them. I enjoyed all of the little, tiny things like the little pygmy puff and the little owls. Super, super cute. I liked the thought that went behind all of the tiny little accessories for each character. I just think they're really sweet. But yeah, as per usual, I would love your thoughts below, down in a comment. I'll be sure to read those, reply to lots of those, but if you enjoyed this video, do give it a thumbs up. And if you wanna see more of this kind of video, again, let me know in a comment and I will see what I can do for you. But other than that, thank you so much for spending some time with me here on my channel today. I guess I will see you in our next video, in my next video, yes. Bye guys. So many little cute things. Look at these little pig, I've got like a pygmy puff collection.
Channel: Cherry Wallis
Views: 1,817,394
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cherry wallis, wizarding world, harry potter, mystery unboxing, mystery bag, magical capsules, harry potter magical capsules, harry potter mystery capsules, harry potter mystery wands, yume toys, series 1, harry potter blind bags, blind bags, harry potter collectibles, opening harry potter magical capsules, mystery, harry potter haul, 2021, wave 1, harry potter yume, harry potter unboxing, tiktok, tiktok mystery, mystery box
Id: b_qWHY6RkVI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 34sec (1774 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 19 2021
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