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hello friends wizards witches and muggles welcome back to my channel i hope you're doing really well so today's video is a very very magical one i have been shopping on wish which i'm sure a lot of you guys are familiar with already if you're not they sell a lot of things for cheap and they had a lot of harry potter things now as you guys know i have a really big harry potter collection and i have a lot of real replicas so i thought it would be really fun to buy the same ones but fake so it's gonna be a real versus fake harry potter replicas video i cannot wait i've got all the parcels here i have not looked at them we're going to be opening them together so let's get started if you're brand new to my channel hello welcome don't forget you can click the subscribe button if you'd like to come part to our weird magical online family but let's go right let's get started now i thought i would show you wish and i thought i would go through the things that i have ordered so i wished you a lot of harry potter things so i'm just going to type in harry potter and give that a little search and you'll see that so many things come up especially ones there's like so many ones that you can get you get five pound ones three pound ones two pound ones and they all kind of look the same so it's a bit suspicious now you can get harry potter's glasses here you can get those for free and just pay the shipping and apparently over twenty thousand people have purchased those which is quite interesting and i actually really like that chocolate frog clearing that you can see over here and it's only a pound what a bargain so yeah they do loads of stuff they make harry potter lego apparently so here's a time turner i have purchased a time turner you can get it for free and there's loads of different colors i'm not sure why you'd want pink in the middle if you were buying a replica but yeah so i just went for the normal sand gold one so another thing that we're going to be looking at today is the ravenclaw lost diadem and this says that you can get one as cheap as six pounds i think for the big ones that you would get as a replica you can get some diadem nexus as well but yeah so i've got one of those now the locket that i purchased was a slytherin locket and it's two pounds but i see here that you can also get one of those for free as well now which is quite interesting because you just pay the shipping now other things that i have got for today's video include the horcrux ring which i'm really looking forward to having a look at so here you can get those as cheap as a pound in fact no you can get them for free see there's just so much stuff on this website that you just pay the shipping for and it makes it a little bit questionable why is it free so i also got a harry potter wand and you can pick the character wand that you want and i chose queen is wand and the one i got was about six pound thirty but you can get them a lot cheaper as you can see on here so you can get them as cheap as a pound and there's 36 style which i think is quite interesting when you look on it it says new upgrade with metal core harry potter series magic wand cosplay elder wand with box and without box for a pound so yeah it has all the characters in here you can get it with or without the boxes and i chose from one of the listings when i ordered it i ordered queenie's because she's one of my favorite characters bryndelwald's pendant which is one of my favorite replicas so i had to get this now again you can get these for free right now they're exactly the same as the one that i have uh yeah there's so many for free i think i actually bought one for a pound but as i say they all look kind of the same which is pretty cool so we're getting one of those um let's have a look at this free listing so it says vintage fantastic beasts grindelwald blood league necklace hogwart potter hogwart potter owl pendant post envelope jewelry very magical so you can get that for free with two pound shipping the other things i got i also got some gringotts coins which you were going to be looking at so gringotts coins i don't remember how much i paid for those yep you can get those you can get three pieces for one pound let's have a look so yeah it says coins collect badge coin i love that they're just throwing in random words uh galleon i think they meant to write nut and put cout counternumb anom stickle gringotts coin set yes i purchased one of those for a pound which is great bargain some would say i also got a golden egg necklace now this from what i remember is actually one of the more pricier products that i purchased so let's have a look what it's saying so here we go seven pounds now the picture on here is actually of the uh re no that is that's the fake one okay so that's seven pounds that i paid for that and it just says christmas sale i mean it's not christmas anymore but fine harry potter cedric diggory triwizard tournament golden egg harry potter necklace and it's got four out of five stars apparently so i'm really looking forward to opening that one so overall we should do a lot of harry potter replicas some of them can be good finds and some of them can be really bad finds i'm really looking forward to it i've never ordered from wish before this is my first time doing it and some of the stuff looks really good so i'm really looking forward to it let's get on with it i think that's all the rep because i might have missed one or two i ordered these over a month ago so there might be a few more so let's just get straight on into it and open the first replica now i have not had a look at any of these replicas they are all still wrapped up in their portals so i think i'm going to start off with this one which i think is the ravenclaw last diadem which i'm really looking forward to because the real one which i have here is one of my favorite pieces in my harry potter collection as you can see it is absolutely stunning and there you go i can take it out to show you it's absolutely beautiful so i'm very intrigued to see the fake one considering it was really really cheap now this real one costs 130 pounds and the one that i have here cost under seven pounds and i think you can get it for about five pound 40 now which if you think about it it's a vast price difference so let's have a look i've got this parcel here let's just open it on up they've used a lot of bubble wrap okay so here it is this is the fake one and i mean the front of it is really really pretty here is the real one here but they are a completely different the shape of them is insane this one you can actually fit onto your head there is not a chance in hell that you could wear this one because it kind of goes down and out it's really bizarre and the diamond the blue diamonds are really different sizes but it's not bad for the price considering this one cost 130 pounds this one is really pretty and it would make perfect decor i'm just not sure how you would display it because you don't really get a stand with it there's i mean if you just put that onto a table it's just gonna kind of be like clunk and yeah i'm not sure how you would display this one but for the price with all of these faux diamonds in there it's not bad it's still very pretty but it's nowhere near as beautiful and delicate and precise as the real replica now one thing that there is a big difference of this is the real one here and the back of it is really nice and neat it's beautifully made and then we look at the back of this fake replica diadem it's pretty ugly yeah it looks really really ugly at the back you can definitely tell that this is the fake one so is it going to be as good as the real one no so this is definitely a case of you get what you pay for and for five pound 40 or under seven pound it's not bad it's definitely worth getting for a play kind of thing for younger witches and wizards but if you're a proper collector i would definitely advise getting the proper one because there's a huge difference in quality but this one is it's a little bit of fun i mean you should oh my goodness i just broke it wow this is terrible oh so i've just been holding it for one second and i can already the gem i could if i was really rough with this i could pop this gem out right now and it would come off uh it's not been very well glued so this definitely isn't approved by me it's pretty it'd be nice on a shelf but i'm not sure how you would display it like i could definitely snap this in half with my hands whereas i could not do that with this it's really really tough and strong but i could definitely i'm not going to but i could just snap this let's move on to a wand now i did specifically buy a particular character's wand and it was the queenie goldstein one from fantastic beasts so i have got the official one here as you can see the box is absolutely beautiful and her wand is even more beautiful it's definitely one of my favorite ones it has this kind of pearlescent shell on the end with a little bit of blue the main wand is black with some gold little feature in the middle yep so this is queen is one this is the real one am i gonna be expecting a pretty box for this one who knows let's find out oh okay okay well firstly they've actually glued the packaging onto the box which isn't a great start because i've now ripped the box and i've had no other choice so this is the fake box had that have not happened it is quite pretty it's not the same color as queenie's wand this is blue and it does have printed on here fantastic beasts but it is not gold foiling as it is on the real one but it is reflective and it is quite pretty it's a shame they made me ruin the box so let's open it on up and see what it looks like now as you can see they have tried to mimic the kind of velvet that is inside these now these are very beautiful display boxes and they have this like floaty material to make it feel very magical this one is kind of on styrofoam like polystyrene and then they've shoved a little bit of soft kind of velvety fabric on top and just shoved the wand in there but let's take the wand out and have a look now queenie's real wand this is the real replica over here this costs 30 pounds and this one over here costs 6 pound 30 so it's a lot cheaper you can definitely tell in fact the wand itself is pretty bent and wonky but let's have a look so they've definitely got the shape right of the shell but it looks a little bit wrinkly it's as if it's kind of aged itself it looks really weird but the colors aren't bad they've definitely got the right kind of turquoisey color in there and they've definitely tried with the gold bit but the paint work on this is horrendous it's really really terrible on the fake one it looks like it's been painted in school by someone that's been in a little bit of a rush yeah and it's very wonky notice how straight the real one is and how kind of bent this one is it's really bizarre but they've definitely had a good go i mean if you're after a really cheap wand a cheap version of a character wand then go for it but it's definitely not as magical and perfect as the real one if someone gave me both of these ones together and said which one's the real one and which one is the fake one there would be no contest it's really really obvious which one is fake because they just can't do it as well as noble collection can it's yeah that's no i don't really like it they've tried i'll give them a gold star for trying but that's about it before we move on i have also just noticed something which is quite funny now all ones have a metal core to keep them quite rigid though this one's quite bendy i'm not surprised it's bent um i can actually see in here inside the shell that you can see part of the metal core which is definitely a big no-no when it comes to wand that is taking some of the magic away so yeah no don't like that that one can go over there which packet do we go for next we have got six replicas left i'm gonna do a lucky dip let's have a look at what is inside this one so this is quite small i'm not sure what this could be it's a mystery let's open it on up it's a lucky dip what are you gonna be you are go oh my god are you serious wow okay so we are now comparing the crimes of grindelwald grindelwald's pendant and i bought a replica i believe this one cost me one pound though saying that i recently had a look at the prices again because they do tend to change now this is going for free so this is so small this is oh my goodness this is quite big this is like made for a fairy or something okay so here we have it grindelwald's pendant and there's some weird stuff stuck to it which is bizarre it's quite cute it's definitely not a replica it i see what they've done i i the picture was exactly the same as the official one which i will get out to show you because it's absolutely beautiful it's one of my favorite necklaces in my harry potter collection so this beauty here is the grindelwald pendant the blood pact it is so beautiful as you can see and it's on both sides it's just beautifully made now this costs 49 pounds to buy and it's one of the best purchases that i made towards the end of last year i wore it to the premiere it's one of my favorites so i was really looking forward to getting a replica of this now just for some size comparison it's about three times if not four times smaller than the replica and this was the picture when i bought it yeah not very impressed with that but they are giving these away for free on wishing you just pay for shipping but would i say that it's worth it probably not also it's kind of bent they like bending things on wish apparently i mean it is very cute it would make a very sweet little necklace but as a replica which is what it's sold as definitely not i would yeah there's just no contest they are so different this is a pendant this is a tiny little charm necklace which did they try to make it the same i'm not sure but that's what it was sold as so man i had high hopes for you and you've ruined it let's go ahead and open one of the bigger chunkier packets now i'm not sure what this is it just says necklace they're very generic with their labeling so let's open it on up oh okay so this one's actually in a little box a little black box and then it's in plastic of course oh okay so this is the replica of the golden egg now as you can see here i have got my real replica now the real golden egg necklace retails for around 40 pounds and is beautiful and it does actually open so it does work the mechanisms i wish they would do that to the big replicas that's the only reason i've not bought it yet so yeah it's really beautiful i've had this for a few years now it's really really pretty here is the replica one first things first it is so big it's about twice as big maybe three times as big i'm gonna get it out of its display case just to show you a little clearer so here we go they are side by side as you can see it's maybe two to three times bigger but the question is does this one open i'm just going to show you the real one and how this opens you give it a little twist it's really pretty and ah look at that isn't it pretty i love it so much so let's see if this one is pretty on the inside as well oh it's a little bit stiff definitely doesn't turn as well and do they open oh i broke it oh dear let's hook you back on shall we can i fix you i mean this just goes to show that it's okay i've broken one of the things off that's not good you want to be able to open these eggs and then close them back up and wear it this is rubbish it's like a really bad kinder egg which is harry potter themed um the chain itself is really long it's one of the cheapest chains i've perhaps seen it's not very pretty and considering they sold this was one of the most expensive items from the fake wish replicas this came at seven pounds seven pounds and it broke the first time i opened it and i think that that's gonna keep falling off i don't think there's a way to fix it which is quite sad because it's not ugly it's just big but oh dear yeah not pleased with that considering that's one of the most oh goodbye i do not recommend you buy this from wish it's definitely not worth the money and also the the center of this the middle of this the egg itself it just looks like a boiled egg it actually looks like boiled egg whereas this one on the real one it's more pearlescent and it's really really sweet it doesn't break when you open or close it it's just perfect so i love that i just yeah look at that i mean i could probably pull these off if i wanted to so it's just a boiled egg on a chain but i would rather not do that so yes that is the golden egg replica from wish definitely overpriced um especially as it broke the first time that i tried to use the opening mechanisms it's another case if you get what you pay for let's move on to hopefully a better replica i'm gonna pick this packet here can i guess what is inside here i'm not sure does it tell me what it is no it doesn't it's a surprise for us all so what is it going to be oh okay this is the next replica the gringotts coin collection these retail at 26 pounds you get them in a beautiful display case and you do indeed get three so you get a nut a sickle and a galleon and they're really really beautiful they're nice and chunky so that is the real replica from noble collection let's have a little look-see at these now i bought these for one pound so i wasn't really expecting much from these let's have a look i can already tell by feeling these they are really cheaply made they're really thin they're probably about half the thickness of the real coins in fact they're probably a third of the thickness but they have tried to imitate the stamp and they've actually got that quite well matched so they do look like them they're just really badly made and on this one there's actually kind of like some blue stain that's dripped down it almost looks like it's kind of started to corrode which is always a good sign when you purchase something so yeah they've got the shapes let's have a look at the sickle they've definitely got the sickle and the nut printed on those as well they're different colors the nut is meant to be a nice little brass color this is copper so they're really different but the sickle it's not too bad the design is there they've definitely done that quite well but they're really thin these feel really nice and cold and really sturdy metal the real ones and the fake ones feel like something that you would get in a party bag and upon closer inspection of the galleon if i just hold that flat it's really bent and it's almost like it's been mashed which again not very good but for one pound i guess what could i expect they're not great i'm still waiting for one of these replicas to kind of surprise me and be like yeah that's good that's worth the coins uh coins hey um so yeah these are the galleons there would be nice little prop pieces to scatter around it'd be nice to maybe buy a handful of these maybe spend 10 pounds and end up with 30 pieces of gringotts bank coinage uh but other than that yeah not the biggest fan but i will probably make use of these somehow another case of you get what you pay for this collection i definitely recommend they are absolutely beautiful i'm going to go ahead and open the larger packet that is left out of the three we're going to go through not sure what this is it should be maybe another necklace what are you okay right the next replica that we're gonna be talking about is the slytherin locket now this one from noble collection comes in a beautiful display case and it has these hooks so that you can display it beautifully and it is a really nice piece so we've got this beautiful slytherin locket on the front and it's also got decor on the back and these do open though they are usually quite fiddly there you go so you can open the locket and you could put photos in here it's got this really nice green velvet material that you do find in lockets which is really nice so that's the real one it's fantastic it's one of my favorite necklaces i have so many replica necklaces let's have a look at the fake one from wish now these retail for 38 pounds in their display boxes this is one of my replicas that i've had for a very long time and the one that i got from wish cost only two pounds here we go we have got the replica now one thing i am quite surprised at is they also have the bit on the back i thought that they would kind of cut corners there so size wise it's a tiny bit bigger but they've almost got it bang on the fake one is actually heavier than the real one and the back of these are completely different there's nothing there that's the same so that's not very good let's have a look at the front now the real locket has these really sweet little green faux diamonds in the middle this one they haven't even tried they've just painted a snake and they've tried to imitate all of the symbols inside the locket some of them have got pretty spot on the rest of them it's like they've just written some squiggles now let's have a look inside now one thing i will mention here is that these open the opposite way so this actually opens backwards to a normal locket which is quite interesting and upon opening it's just a cheap magnet it doesn't even have the nice kind of green velvet interior which is a shame but i wasn't really expecting anything good from this because it costs two pounds but it's definitely similar so if you didn't want to spend that much on a real replica i don't hate this it's just not as good but that's always going to be the case when you're paying for real replicas versus fake replicas this is probably one that's oh there's actually a bit of a mark on this that is part of the thing it's faulty it's kind of got like a cloudy it looks like it's got some tissue stuck onto it but it's actually inside the locket that's disappointing because other than that it would have been okay as a fake replica for the price that i paid for it but it is nowhere near this one so yeah that's kind of sad but it's the closest replica that we've had so far i think it's not horrible two replicas left i'm gonna pick the lightest one now there's two replicas that we haven't done yet and that is the time toner as well as the horcrux rings which is this one going to be this is going to be the horcrux ring so over here i've got the real replica of the horcrux ring here these retail for 39 pounds and it has a beautiful gem here with the deathly hallows in it it's really really pretty i love the display case that's definitely a big part of buying that so here is the fake horcrux ring and i'm just going to take it out and the one thing that i can see already is the size difference in fact there's a lot of differences so here's the size it's about two times smaller and they haven't even bothered trying to put the deathly hallows into it so this one you can actually see the deathly hallows symbol this one they've just stuck a black gem in it but they've tried have they tried to get they've kind of tried to get the shape of the ring correct the colors are definitely right and if someone gave me this i would think oh that looks like the horcrux ring from harry potter i mean this one you can't really wear because it's so big maybe i could wear this one yeah it's definitely more wearable which i'm kind of pleased about because i always wish that i could wear this there's there's big differences but it's definitely recognizable as the horcrux ring it's just not the horcrux ring but you can definitely tell what it's meant to be so i kind of don't hate that and i like that it's wearable i think that might be my favorite thing so far from the wish replicas let's move on to the final replica of course i've accidentally saved the best replica till last which is my beloved time turner now this is 24 karat gold plated and it does spin it's my favorite thing ever you'll see me wearing this in most of my videos and it's just perfect i met jk rowling wearing this so it's very very special to me and it does have a display case of its own so let's open this on up the last one this cost 44 pounds to buy the real replica and the time turner on wish you can actually get these for free now and just pay shipping i think i actually paid a pound for mine though but either way so here it is this is the fake one now i can already tell that it's a lot bigger than the real one it's also a different color and the sand in it is actually real beach sand whereas the sand in the real time turner is golden and magical and really lux so does this one spin let's have a look if the mechanisms work the same as the real one no okay so this one you can actually spin using the handles on the outside but this one they just they're just there for decoration really but it does spin but you kind of have to pat it rather than using the little spinny wheels the chain itself is actually really nice uh it's definitely got the same catch as the real one which is this bar that you put through the loop and then it just kind of does up like that for a replica i don't hate it it's definitely obvious that it's not the real one but it's still really beautiful and i would definitely wear this had i not got this one so i think this might be the winner we've saved the winning fake replica until last and it even has the engraving around the edge even got the engravings in the middle loop as well which is really really cool yeah i don't really have much to say about this negatively except it's a little bit bigger it's obviously cheaper and it's also definitely not gold plated whereas this one is okay i think we found the winner so i do recommend this you can get these for free on wish right now so just type in time turner you just have to pay shipping the one thing about all of the things from wish is you definitely have to wait for shipping times all of these replicas took up to four weeks to arrive which is very long but that's because they come all the way from china but yeah this was a lot of fun i would love to hear your thoughts down below in the comments what do you guys think of this time turner in fact i'm gonna send this to one of you guys watching and all you have to do is make sure that you're subscribed to my youtube channel give it a thumbs up and leave a comment down below and tell me what was your favorite replica from all of the fake ones that we have seen today make sure that you leave your twitter or instagram handle so that i can contact you and get your postal address because this is going straight into the outpost very soon so yeah that's it i've opened up all of the fake replicas i've really enjoyed filming this video i ordered all of these a very long time ago four weeks to be exact and it's been really really fun opening them all today it's been really exciting for me i hope you guys enjoyed it too anyway i'm gonna go now thank you for watching and i will see you guys soon bye
Channel: Cherry Wallis
Views: 1,880,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wish,, wish haul, harry potter, harry potter haul, real vs fake, real vs fake harry potter, real vs fake harry potter replicas, harry potter replicas, harry potter wish haul, 2019, cherry wallis, wish website, wish unboxing, harry potter unboxing, harry potter wish unboxing, wish items opening, opening items from wish, wish app, internet haul, wish haul review, review
Id: X8fUPZ7Jwt0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 39sec (1779 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2019
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