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- Hello friends, wizards, witches, and Muggles. Welcome back to my channel. I hope you're doing really well. Today, yeah, that's right, we're doing some more "Harry Potter" Magical Capsules, the mystery capsules. That's right, this is wave slash season two. So if you haven't seen the first season, go check that out, because, yes, I may have made a mistake buying so many. (containers rattle) Yes, I've got a problem. (laughs) But here we are. So yeah, we're gonna be opening 12 of these again. I'm very excited. We had a pretty good streak last time. But, yeah, if you want to know who we get in these capsules, then keep on watching. And if you're brand new to this channel, hello, welcome. Don't forget you can click the subscribe button if you'd like to become part of our a weird, magical online family. But let's go, 'cause these are so exciting! I love these. Genuinely, love these. (laughs) (cheerful tone) Ooh, right, okay, so "Harry Potter" Magical Capsules - Series 2. Again, we've got my magical camera over here, because that is gonna make sure that you can see what I'm doing. So, series two, it does look a little bit different. We are gonna get some new characters this time. The actual capsules themselves look the same, but, yes, there's still ten to collect. And I think the secret clues have changed a little bit. So let's open one up and see what's inside. Ooh, that opened really nicely. Okay, so yeah, the actual capsules themselves are the same, but I have noticed, I don't think this was on the first one where it had like a lightning bolt, number one, but, hey, they've got it there. Ooh, these aren't as easy to open. There we go. Now the one thing I've immediately noticed is that these are a little bit bigger than the wave one little crests. So they're a little bit bigger. I've also noticed that they're not heat activated with a thumb. There's a little light bulb here. And I did know this, so I do have a little torch that is ready to have a little look. So I'm gonna shine me torch on it for a moment and turn the lights off, so that we can see what Hogwarts house we get. And as you can see, we've got Gryffindor! So, maybe it could be Harry. Okay, let's see what door number two can reveal to us. Ooh, a little tiny book. Ooh, it's the water once again. So, let me grow up my cauldron of magic. So, we've got our little book, and I'm just gonna go ahead and dunk it in, give it a little swish. Ooh, we've got the spell Descendio. This is quite cool. I do like these on a book rather than like just the little strip. It definitely feels more magical. It's like a Hogwarts spell from a Hogwarts book. So yeah, it's pretty cool. We probably could fold these, but I'm not going to. I'm gonna put it back in there to dry. (laughs) Onto the exciting hatch, which is number three. Oh, they've made these a lot tighter to get into. The last ones were just flapping open on their own. I do like that they have made these a little bit more tighter, 'cause they were just like flip-flopping around. Okay, so, let's have a look at the checklist. See who we can get. So here it is, series two, and every one is different. This is very exciting. So we've got Harry, We haven't got Harry yet. We've got Hermione in her Polyjuice cat form. Bellatrix. We've got Flitwick, Lupin, Dumbledore who I really want, Sirius, McGonagall, and Hagrid, and then a mystery one. The ones that excite me the most out of these are probably McGonagall, Harry, Dumbledore, and Sirius. So, let's see who we get. Okay, start with all the little mystery packets, which are some hidden at the back this time. So, let's start with the wand. Oh no, that's not the wand. Where's the wand? Is there not? (gasps) Can't feel a wand. That's just insane. Okay, so we've got Team Quidditch. We've got a little Quidditch book. So, I mean this could be Harry. It could be Ron. I think maybe it's, out of those two, I guess we'll say... Oh, it could even be McGonagall, because she was like hunting for some members of the Quidditch team when Harry was flying around. (gasps) We've even got a teeny, tiny... Oh my God, it's so small. It's a little, tiny quaffle. Look how cute that is. It's even got the little Hogwarts emblem on there. It's so small. It's probably the size of maybe like a pea or an M&M. That's so cute. I really like that. This has to be Ron or Harry. Right, okay. Oh my God, look! What? Oh my God, look, we can put the quaffle in there. Oh it fits. This is cute. They have definitely updated these. Oh, this is squishy. (gasps) It's squishy, and it closes. What? I mean, I don't think it's meant to, but either way, it's very cute. The one thing I will say is I kind of wish that they'd put the other little balls in there as well. What are you? Is there a wand? Do these characters not get wands, or is it gonna be in the character one? Oh, I don't know. I haven't like thrown a wand away. They're very small. So I don't think they are in there. There's a stand with this one. This is exciting. Is this like the special one or? Oh, this might be. (gasps) Have we got the limited edition one already? What? I think, guys, this might be the special one that's like the golden one that's got like question marks. I just have a feeling, because it has this tiny, little stand, which I think goes in that way, and then this goes on. We have, we've got the special one. Oh, imagine that, getting the super rare one first. (laughs) Yeah, there it is. It's Ronald in his little Quidditch uniform with his little cap. Oh my God, that's so cute. Look at his little cape. And then, there's a little hole (laughs) in between his crotch, and you just kind of sit him on... Oh, wrong way. Sorry, Ron. Sit him on like that. Oh, that's so cute! Oh, are you gonna fall over? Don't do that. There we go. We've got Ronald in all his Quidditch gear. That is quite honestly adorable. (laughs) That's so cute. I can't believe that our first ever wave two, we got the special edition one. That's so cool and very exciting. Let's move on to another capsule. Number two, let's open it on up. Number one then. Let's see what Hogwart house it is. I'm gonna get my torch out. Though, you know what? I don't really need a torch on all of them. You can see an outline. It is Gryffindor if you can kind of see it in the reflection. It's there. So we've got another Gryffindor character. So that could be Hermione. It could pick a few of them, to be honest. Well, it could be Sirius. Ooh, it could be Minerva. Let's have a look at the little book. Let's have a little dunk and see what spell that we've got. So here we've got the book, and we're just gonna doo, doo, doo, doo! We've got a new spell. So it's not that one that we've got already. This is Confringo. Okay, that's cool. It's gonna be a new character. I'm happy about that. I'm hoping it's Harry, but I guess we'll see. Let's open up number three. There we are. Okay, let's get the little packets out. Ooh, they're nice and flat at the back. That's very satisfying, not going to lie. What's in here? Okay, so we do have a wand with this character. Do I recognise the wand? Ooh, whose wand could that be? I mean, these aren't exact, because they are super tiny. I have a feeling it could be Sirius, but we'll see. I might be wrong. I'm not sure. Let's have a look at this, which is... (gasps) Ay, wanted, Sirius Black, and it's a little reward, it's got Sirius with his little Azkaban sign. Yes, okay. And then there's something else tiny in this little... Sorry, these packets are just so cute. It says Diagon Alley on there. And then it says the Owl Emporium, Eeylops Owl Emporium. Let's have a little look. Aw, cute, look at this teeny, tiny, little Azkaban Prison sign. It's so small. Aw, everything in these are so, so cute. I really love that. And then last, but certainly not least, of the accessories, we've got Kreacher. That's adorable. He could be a little character on his own. Look at him with his angry, sad expression and his little, sad elf ears. And that's adorable. We like that. Okay, and then this is one that I really wanted, 'cause I love Sirius Black. I really need to watch "Prisoner of Azkaban" again soon. There he is in his little coat and his little goatee going on. That's so cute. I do like him. Have you got a hand for your wand? Is it gonna fit? Are you gonna? Yeah, there you go. Sirius and Kreacher. That's so cool. I like it. Capsule number three. Hoping for Dumbledore. Okay, here we have it. Ooh, no, we've actually got a Ravenclaw. It's a little eagle in here that I can see if I shift it around. So that's pretty cool. So this could be Flitwick if we're very lucky. I think that might be the only Ravenclaw on the cheat sheet. So, I'm not gonna be mad. I do like Flitwick. Yeah, Wingardium Leviosa, and we all know that Flitwick is the one that teaches charms. Right, I'm ready for the head of a Ravenclaw to be revealed. So I've got three little packets. Let's open the flat ones first. Ooh, it's so tiny. Why is it so small? It's a really teeny, tiny little book, but it's really small compared to some of the other books. Let me just compare that to Ronald's book. I'm a bit confused. It's definitely a book, but it's really small. Okay, might this one be his wand? Let's a little look. No, aw, that's so cute. Look how small it is. It's a teeny, tiny feather, so that he can show everyone how to do Wingardium Leviosa. So that's rather adorable. I was expecting a feather, if I'm being completely honest. And then in here is his wand. There it is. Oh my God, it's adorable. It's really, really cute. I quite like the end of it. That is very nice. Okay, and then last thing in here, his final accessory, is his little megaphone. I was like, what is that? Is that a cat? Not cat, (meows). I thought it was a little cap, but, no, it's a megaphone. That's quite amusing. And then, here he is. Aw, he's actually really adorable. I love that. And then he can hold his little megaphone in his hand, and then we can give him his wand in his other hand, if you would like to. Are you gonna hold your wand? There we have it. Perfect. He's actually adorable. I like him a lot. Number four, which is my personal lucky number. Here we are. So Hogwarts house. I will say I do miss the thumbprint ones. I feel as though they were more of a reveal. Whereas with these, it says to use a light, but you can see it like instantly, if you look. So this is a nother Gryffindor. So I'm hoping for Harry or Hermione this time, 'cause we do already have Sirius, and we do have the mystery of Ronald, but there's a few others that could be Gryffindor. So let's have a look at the spell book. What's it gonna be? Let's have a little dunk. I've gotta say this is my favourite part, dunking it into the cauldron. Ooh, it's Accio. .I'm not sure who that could be. I guess we we'll find out in just a memento. Ooh, new person. Again, we're doing so well to have had no repeats so far. Right, number three. Come on, I'd like to get in here without a tool. There we go. Have I broken my nail? No, I haven't. (laughs) Not sure who this is gonna be. Let's see what the first item is. (gasps) I think we've just got Harry and his invisibility cloak. Oh, that's so cute. Look how like pearlescent that plastic is. That's pretty cool. That's very nice. Is it gonna fit onto him? Let's see what else is in here. So he'll be in there, and then we've got all of his little bits and bobs. Okay, so, let's have a look. Ooh, (gasps) yes, we've got the philosopher's stone. Oh my God, it is so tiny. It's like teeny, teeny, tiny. But yes, we've got a little philosopher's stone, which I'm hoping Harry can hold, and then in here we should have Harry's wand. Ooh, there it is. Yep, so small. Like look how small that is. It's so silly, but so cute. Okay, and then last, but certainly not least. (gasps) No way. It is all... It's reflective. Look at that Mirror of Erised. That is just gorgeous. That's so nice. That's probably my favourite thing. Oh no, I did like the little Quidditch box with all of the things in. This is very nice. This is a close second. Okay, let's get Harry out, 'cause they can't breathe in there. Right, there we have him. So let's put on his invisibility cloak. (gasps) That's so cute. Look at him! I love that. And then he can hold the philosopher's stone. I'm not sure why he would be holding that, but either way, that is so cute, and I definitely wanted him. Look at his little cape. I love it. He can look into the Mirror of Erised, and that's what he sees. Very nice. Okay, (claps) we are on a nother roll. We've got four different characters so far. Let's see if we can get a fifth. Right, number five. Let's see who it is. Come on, I really want Dumbledore, we've got some really good characters so far, or McGonagall, such a badass. All right, I'm in. Okay, Hogwarts house is, drum roll please. (drums) That was a very good drum roll. It is doo, doo, doo. I can't get it, guys. There we go. It's another Gryffindor. Now there are a lot of Gryffindors on the sheet, so this doesn't surprise me. Most of them are Gryffindors. We've obviously got Bellatrix, Slytherin, and then we've also got... And we've obviously got Flitwick, which is Ravenclaw. I think the rest of them are Gryffindor. Let's see what spell it is. Is it gonna be a repeat? Hopefully not. Oh, it's Descendio. Is that the one that came with like the special? Have we got like another special one? I guess we'll see. My memory does not serve me, so I currently do not know. Oh my God, no way, we have. We've got another special Ronald. That's really lucky, 'cause they're like the really rare ones. And there is a one in 33 chance to get Ronald. So he is one of the rare ones. I am going to just show you that it is Ronald, but I'm gonna leave the rest of the packets intact. But, yeah, you see his cape and his flying little feet that stuck on the thing. So yeah, we are very, very lucky to have had another Ronald, but he can go back in there for safekeeping, 'cause I'll probably give that to somebody else.. First repeat, and can you believe that it's the special one? That's crazy. Number six, capsule number six. Okay, Hogwarts house is probably gonna be Gryffindor, but let's see. Yeah, we have got another Gryffindor on there. See what's spell we've got. Could you imagine if it's another special Ronald? Let's get our magical cauldron, do a little swish. Ooh, I do think it is, perhaps, another Sirius Black. So this says Confringo on there, so I think we might have another repeat on our hands, which does not please me, but it is our only second repeat. So it does mean that we could potentially still get the whole set, because I have 12. So there is space to have two repeats, but we might just be a little bit unlucky. Yeah, it's another Sirius. Here you go. There's another Kreacher. So I'm gonna put him back in his little box with that and give this one to a friend. Magical number seven, come on. Let's have a little moment for someone new. Okay, (sighs) number one, the Hogwarts house. Who's it gonna be? Who's it gonna be? Yeah, it's another Gryffindor one, but, again, there's a lot of Gryffindors on this sheet. There is a lot of them. It's mainly Gryffindors, so that's not a bad sign. Let's do the magical spell, give it a swirl. Ooh, we've got someone new. We've got a brand new spell, which is Episkey, which is quite cute. Do like that spell, always sounds adorable. Okay, I'm very excited to open this one now, 'cause I know that's someone new, 'cause we have not had that spell. Okay, we are in. Who have we got? Ooh, I've got quite a few little... Ooh, this thing's large. Not sure what that is. Gonna open. (gasps) I think I know who this is already just from feeling the packet. It's Hagrid! It's a little pink one. That's so, so cute. Look how adorable that is. That makes me happy, 'cause I really wanted Hagrid. Okay, let's see what else is in here. What is this? Is it like a Monster Book of Monsters maybe? No. (gasps) Oh, that's adorable. It's a happy birthday, Harry. That's so cute. That is so cute and small. I really wanna put that on my shelf. That is so cute. Okay, no idea what this could be. Ah, okay. This is the Monster Book of Monsters. There we have it. I quite like that they've included that. That's cute. I feel like the eyes could look a little bit more like eyes on there, but it's still cute, still recognisable. They've even included the little tongue there on the side, but that's cute. I can't wait to see Hagrid. Okay, ooh, is this Fluffy? It's huge. Not Fluffy, Fang. (laughs) I'm getting my dogs mixed up. (laughs) It's Fang, and he looks very like, ooh, he's got puppy face. Very, very cute. Aw, I'm surprised they fit a Hagrid in here. How am I gonna get you out? You're too big for these capsules. He's actually stuck. Come on, mate. He's actually stuck in it. He's too big. Hagrid, how did get in there? (laughs) I don't know. We gotta get him out. Let's do some manoeuvring. Oh, oh, I've got his feet nearly. Hang on. (gasps) (grunts) God, it was like giving birth to Hagrid. (laughs) There he is, Hagrid with his big boots, his massive beard. And then he can hold his umbrella in his little hand. Aw, I do like that. I really, really like the birthday cake. That's really, really cute. Yeah, happy with that one. What a delight. Okay, we've got five out of the 10. Capsule number eight. Got a good feeling about this one. Okay, door number one, Hogwarts house, probably Gryffindor. Yep, you can see a faint outline of a lion, so we know it's Gryffindor, but, again, not surprised. Ooh, let's see what spell it is. (Cherry vocalises) Ah, it's Descendo. I think it might... Wait, please tell me this isn't the third special edition. Is my brain being correct? That's crazy if we've got three of those. We didn't even get one special in the first wave. So if we've got three... We do. It's another Ronald. I can feel this little case inside of here. So I'm gonna keep this one closed, because I feel like it's much kinder to gift that to people when they're not open. That's so cool, though, that we got three. I mean, it's a shame that we didn't get another character, but, hey, that's what number nine is for, another chance. Another chance for another character. I just really want Dumbledore or McGonagall now, or Bellatrix. I'll be happy with most of them. Not so bothered about Lupin. Okay, door number one. (gasps) Ooh, I think this might be Bellatrix. We've got our first Slytherin. Gonna shine me light just so I can show you that we've got a Slytherin. Can you see that? There you go. You can see the snake. We've got our first Slytherin of wave number two. Told you I had a good feeling about this one. Okay, let's see what the spell is. Whoa, Cruciacia. I can never say that. Cruciacit. (laughs) Cruciassis, that's not what I was saying. Cruciatus, there we go. Yeah, we've definitely got a Bellatrix. Gotta be her. It can literally be nobody else. Okay, let's see if we can find her. Ooh, this will give it away. Oh no. (gasps) Yes, it's a little Bellatrix dagger. I mean, that's sad to get, because of what she did with it, but, still, that's really cool. I like that. I like it a lot. Okay, this is gonna be good. In here, we've got (laughs) another wanted poster for Bellatrix Lestrange Though, I will say, they spelt Bellatrix wrong, haven't they? It's two Ls. So whoever has done that, you're fired. (laughs) But either way, that's still cool. Here is her wand. Though, it's not as bent as I was expecting. I mean, I guess the handle is, but her wand should be really like that, I suppose. I suppose you could bend it into the right to position. Oh, no way, a little Death Eater mask. That's so cool. I love that. That's really cute. That's a really nice addition to have with a Bellatrix. So we've got all of her accessories. I guess the last thing that we do is open her on up. There we go. Look how cute these are, like little Hogwarts trunk. I do like it. There she is. Oh, she looks like an absolute badass. That's so cool. I wish that there was a way to like fix this to her face. I think that would have been like super cool. But you can't, sad times. I will put her wand in this hand like so. There you go. She's casting sad spells, 'cause she's not nice, but she is beautiful. I love the way her dress is kind of like wafting. Love her corset. Love the details on her face. She looks really nice. I love her like cuffs. Yes, very recognisable. It's really cute. Love the little accessories. Just wish that the mask was a little bit more wearable. Number 10. Okay, so we've got this one and two more or left. We've got three more chances. Still don't have McGonagall or a Dumbledore yet. (grunts) Let's have a little look. Gryffindor to no surprise. And then the spell. Are you ready for the magic reveal? Ooh, I think we might've got McGonagall if this is like a true spell hint. This is Locomotor. So, yup, I think we may have got her! Happy days. Might be wrong. It might be a different Gryffindor, but I'm pretty sure it's her. Let me in. So, I'm gonna start off with the bigger thing, the bigger accessory. (gasps) Yeah, it's got McGonagall hasn't it? It's a sorting hat. That's adorable. Look how cute it is. Gryffindor. Aw, it's even got a little face on it. I do like that. That's very cute, very cute indeed. Okay, the next accessory, (laughs) that's genius, is the little, what are they called, like chalices that they turn into... They're doing transfiguration, the little rats into a chalice. Really cute, like that. Let's see what's in here. What is it? Oh, it's just like a little leather-bound notebook. So that's not the biggest hint or accessory. And then we've got the wand. Yeah, that's definitely McGonagall's wand. It looks a little bit different as it's tiny and plastic, but she does have like a little gem in the end of her wand. It is round at the top, so that is quite the big hint. And I guess. we're about to see McGonagall! (gasps) There she is. Oh, she looks so cool. Look at her in her giant hat. The sorting hat is way bigger. But yeah, we've caught McGonagall. I really like her. She looks really, really awesome. And I'm glad that I've got her. So now, the next person that I really want is Dumbledore, I think, or the Hermione Polyjuice potion, cat version, but I think Dumbledore. We've got two more chances. Do you reckon we can get Dumbledore in the next two, or are there gonna be repeats? There's a very high chance now of repeats. One way to find out. One way to find out. I'm just like putting them all here, so that I've got all their bits. Okay, number 11. Just wanna get straight into it. Okay, the whole Hogwarts house is Gryffindor, as we predicted, 'cause most of them are Gryffindors. The spell (hums). It all banks on the spell. Get out of town if this is our third special edition one. This is so silly that I could get four out of 12. Like so much for them being rare. It actually seems like that's the more popular one, 'cause I only bought 12, and that means a third of them have been the one that's meant to be hard to get. But alas, I don't think it is. I'm just gonna give it a feel. So yes, we have got our fourth special edition Ronald, which is meant to be the hardest one to get, but I've got four out of 12. So I am gonna put that back in, and I'm gonna either sell it, or give it to someone else that wants it. Let's see what our last one is. If the last one is not Dumbledore, I might cry a little bit. (laughs) The 12th one of series two. Why am I anxious about this? (laughs) The thing is, 'cause I know it's not Dumbledore, but if it is, I will cry. Oh, it's a Gryffindor. Okay, good sign, good sign, and then the spell. I wonder if I just like licked it, it would reveal it. Yes. (gasps) Riddikulus! That's cool, I think this is actually Lupin. I love that that worked that I licked it. I didn't even need to like put it in water. I feel a little bit gross after do that. Don't really know where it's been. I do not advise that you just lick mystery things, (laughs) but either way, it's a good sign, because we have another character. It's not gonna be Dumbledore, which is a shame, but it's someone new. It means that we're not ending on a repeat, which is great. It does make me want to buy more of these, 'cause I do want Dumbledore, but, hey, right. I've got a packet, got another packet, which feels huge. We've got the mystery person and two more packets in the back. Okay, so let's start off with what think might be the wand. I think that might be Lupin's wand with just the ball on the end, not sure. Not sure that they're meant to be those colours for his wand either, but let's see what's in here. Okay, we've got like a little notebook, but it doesn't scream at me Lupin, but, hey. What is in here? Oh, we've got a blue vial, which I can only imagine to be a vial of Wolfsbane. So we've got that. That's actually really cute. And then last, but not least, yeah, definitely, Lupin, is his little briefcase. So that's cute. Let's see. Man of the hour, there he is. Yeah, he's actually got all of his little scars on his face, which you think is pretty cool. I don't know if that's dirt on his forehead, or part of like the artwork. I think it might be part of the artwork. I hope it is, but either way. So that's Lupin. How many characters did we get? We got seven, eight characters out of the 12, and there was like three of them that were on top of the one that we've already got, so four of the special additions, which is nuts. Like that's crazy to get that many, and I need to see if they are that rare, or if they're kind of lying about it, because getting four of those when it says how rare they are is pretty cool. So Dumbledore apparently is actually meant to be one of the most common ones to get, but I disagree, 'cause I haven't got him yet. Same with Hermione. It looks like we got quite a lot of the kind of more rare ones, the diamonds. So we did get Sirius, McGonagall, Hagrid. We also got Flitwick, so that's pretty cool. And then obviously we get four of the mystery ones, but I would like to hunt for Dumbledore, but either way, that is my first experience with the "Harry Potter" Magical Capsules - Series 2. Which ones were your favourite? I don't even know which one's my favourite. I think maybe Harry and McGonagall were my favourite, and I really loved, out of the accessories, this little birthday cake. Super, super cute. Loved that. These are just a lot of fun to open. I hope you enjoyed this video. If you did, don't forget to give it a magical thumbs up. And if you've not watched me unbox series one, wave one, also had 12 of those too, then go check it out. There's a info card in one of these corners. I never know which one it is. But yeah, I hope you enjoyed it. And leave a comment. And I will see you in my next video. These are so cute. Little Harry and his little, little bits (indistinct). They're so cute. They're so cute. (sighs) Really cute things to collect. Right, I'm gonna go find homes for all of these things. I will see you next time. (smooches) Bye!
Channel: Cherry Wallis
Views: 389,687
Rating: 4.9461598 out of 5
Keywords: cherry wallis, wizarding world, harry potter, mystery unboxing, mystery bag, magical capsules, harry potter magical capsules, harry potter mystery capsules, harry potter mystery wands, yume toys, harry potter blind bags, blind bags, harry potter collectibles, opening harry potter magical capsules, mystery, harry potter haul, 2021, harry potter yume, harry potter unboxing, tiktok, tiktok mystery, mystery box, wave 2, series 2, part 2
Id: zyXdG8YCYN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 5sec (2045 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 26 2021
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