SHO'NUFF we got the BULLY Legal for More Speed! Mounting the FuelTech

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey guys welcome back to pfi speed on today's episode sean is working on the bullet and what he's been working on today is we need to get the chassis up to date um back when the car was first built uh the nhra rules were a little different and now to go as fast as we want to go we need to add some bars to keep the car solid legit and safe as far as we got to do here alright so this bar and this bar well it's kind of hammered in there right now we're not here this was just like a square opening so on the driver's side we actually have to have a seat belt lap bar which is just required in the cage we don't have to actually attach our seat belt to it but you do have to have this okay so and then we also have to have diagonals that go from here to here you also have to x braces in between the frame rails but those already exist so i don't have to add those okay so we have some stuff yeah just there's just a couple things missing so it's usually it's just the outside panels on both sides so on the driver's side it's the more complicated one so it has pretty much three bars because this long diagonal gets broke up by the seat belt bar oh okay so that just travels right on through and yeah it looks pretty legit yep yep and then this side's a little simpler those in like that i'm not going to hammer it in because i still have to put air relief hole so okay but it goes in just like that weld that one in and that completes the floor all right and then i just got a couple in the ceiling to do as well okay in the roof there's a diagonal bar that needs to be added that wasn't there so that's gonna go from the front of the funny car hoop to the passenger front corner of the cage and then that needs to be gusseted on both sides at that corner and then our other two corners opposite of the funny car cage need three quarter gussets as well so nice and then that should take care of the roof and then i have one bar to add to the funny car cage itself on the back corner okay so in the on the cage itself yeah and that's because a helmet can fit through it if a helmet can fit through we have to put a three quarter inch strap or two bar to take a close it up yep yep so all right well those will bring us up to spec nice so the floor is almost there i'm getting ready to start tacking all that in okay and i got the roof going i actually have the corner brace bar already done it's got a big long cut um well we'll just yeah we'll we'll get to that in just a little bit lower the car yeah very cool rough tough movie stuff very cool all right so here's the actual picture of the floor diagram that's the requirements for nhra these are the options to go with so i went with this option here we already have our x brace we just need the diagonals and that bar and that brings us up to spec there and then we have on the roof so we're doing one that looks more like this so this is the diagonal bar i was talking about i already got that done it needs those blue lines they're very hard to see they're number 34s those are the three quarter inch diagonal braces the corner gussets and so we need those in these corners and this corner because the funny card cage itself has so many bars they consider it a massive gusset okay yeah so we don't have to add more there cool so and then these little blue ones are showing you here that's what we need to add is just one because we just have a hole that's just too large okay perfect so now we know what you're talking about yep [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] all right well i got the passenger side all fully welded too there's the front on the passenger side diagonal there's the top back yeah this rough tough bully stuff is coming together this outlaw is becoming more legal oh yeah now we just got some roof bars to add [Music] so earlier i was talking about it so this bar goes across from the hoop over to this corner i'm not sure if you can see it but i am sure trying but that bar is next and then i just got a few gussets four gussets to do and this outlaw should be asserted to 6-0 class lead 25-1 oh yeah all right moving right along we're about ready to hit this roof diagonal bar where did i set it up it's climbing around like a monkey what did i do with it here we go losing stuff again sean where is he hiding [Music] [Music] me [Music] it's gonna be tricky tricky tricky [Music] tricky [Music] um [Music] oh that stitch going there i'm gonna go move to that side get comfortable and stitch over there [Applause] i got a bunch done on the bully today all the floor bars all welded in and i got the roof diagonal uh halfway welded in starting monday i will be able to get that thing knocked out the rest of the way get the last four corner gussets all done and then from there i just have that one helmet guard left to do and then the cage will be all up to par and this outlaw will be fully legal to go whatever the cert's good to [Music] [Applause] busting out the bully and i've been rocking on this little crx little 300 horsepower job pretty cool little car awesome for sure the crx they weigh nothing yeah great cool car man all right guys so you guys know i got a ton to do on this thing so i thought i'd start with mounting my fuel tech ft 600 now these ecu's are pretty amazing and i'm stoked to be able to have one and be able to use it in my hot rod i want to try to mount this thing you know right up inside here just a little bit something like that so trying to think of some ways what i got here to to mount it up so i may scavenge around and see what there is i want it to look pretty good in here and centered and see what we can do so let's uh get this thing off here let's get to work and see if we can't mount an ft600 all right so i traced myself up a little piece of this material i'm gonna see if i can't make something real fast it just looks good and holds it in there and see what we can do [Applause] all right so since i got my shape cut out on the this material had a lip on this side and i didn't want that so i went ahead and threw it in the break real quick and i straightened it out so what i need to do is attach this like so so that you know so the ft 600 can sit right in there but then i need to hold this down so i'm gonna change where the bend is and uh and then just fix it back here you know just make it look all cool and then and then just add my ft600 to it and should be good to go and start wiring and making stuff looks legit pretty excited about it all right let's keep going so i think i figured out what this material was this is some material javi brought over and uh and he uses for his side skirts so let's keep plugging away i got a couple little marks here i won't quit my tuning job little things like this i can knock out i used to do a lot of it i'm a little out of practice but riding a bike we'll figure it out again all right so just looking at that looking at that yeah that's looking all right huh i think so that was pretty good still got this black this film over it too so i'll peel that when we're all done um i got to cut the center out because in the middle of that p600 we've got our plugs our plug-in for the ecu and our map sensor so jamie's over here busting out catch paint on his hot rod so we're all a little bit favored tonight got my earmuffs on because everything's kind of loud still so i guess i could pull it off where is that thing all right so the ft 600 has got these plugs this is the plug-in for the ecu and then this little one's a map sensor and that's got to kind of go right in here so that'll kind of be what it looks like but i need to cut the center out so that can drop in there a little bit more and then and then just drill some holes screw it down and then we can you know either screw this down epoxy it down rivet it down we'll get to that last so we just gotta attach it to plastic so it needs to be in there secure all right so this should house the ft-600 this is something like that i think that'll look pretty cool back we can attach it down in here and up here should be plenty and yeah see if we can't get this all polished up finished [Applause] awesome so shawn just made it back to i was working on my plate and uh he's gonna work on his little crx over there and get it ready for the psca race season make some measurements and yeah get my cage plan on paper nice i'm going to try a couple of little things i haven't done on other people's cars that way i can practice on my car so then customers comes out better yeah that's it doing mistakes on my own yeah yeah that's any of us i'm just learning to do this again too much time behind a computer that's okay we'll get there i got faith looks like you're making progress i see your is this version two or three three three okay i don't want it to look like a 12 year old all right so i'm liking the way it sits right now i'm going to try to test fit it see if i got this right or if i screwed it up again [Music] all right this will look like teeth look all right the old guy still figured out eventually nice and solid yeah that's no epoxy no rivets no nothing on this yet you know that's just wedged and pinched i'm digging that hope you guys are might see it in the car in a second so you tighten these up and we'll put her in the dash and uh see what it looks like see if this thing even fits anymore yeah i need a light [Applause] all right so all right so we got the dash in that looks all right now what do you think sean looks pretty darn tootin pretty darn tootin huh no it looks good man yeah i don't know it's late so i i get weird at night yeah yeah we know it's been a long day it has been but yeah as you guys saw he worked on the bully and got some of that chassis stuff done now he's working on his own car as you heard and uh he's checking my work out now and you can be real with me because the commenters will be i like it i saw the way it holds onto the back i feel confident that it's not going to come popping out oh no i can't man it's like jamie's dashing in that that florida hit yeah and all the plugs are easily accessible and then the i ordered uh i ordered a new cable from digikey that'll come out and then i'll just put it right to the side here and then i can plug the computer in right there and that'll be kind of cool heck yeah so i dig it test this for you to sit in the car and see if you can see everything yeah yeah and i should be able to see i might have to throw these now we can just wing it hold that sean no problemo i got this thing aimed up in the car so the dash should be right about here and i think that's pretty good a lot of guys were wondering in the comments but maybe if i have a glove on i might hit the dash but i honestly don't think so i don't have these i think once it's tight and i haven't fastened back where it should be you guys can see this thing just falls out at the moment but i like that and i think with the either connection there or the connection here probably over here just so i don't ever you know or over there somewhere you know yeah i guess if you punch the dash you know you're just punching gears yeah and i wanted to get this mounted now first um well the reason i'm mounting this now is so we can actually start getting wire lengths from where it's going to be to where the things need to go so this kind of needed to be where it should absolutely so we can get going um but yeah we'll continue knock things out got a little checklist in my head i probably should write it down but yeah we'll keep knocking it out but i think this will do i just need to clean it up a little bit get the plastic off of it probably probably do all that after we're wired and like the final final yeah then make it all real clean yeah yeah final assembly but it's in there yeah tight man i approve yeah once that dash is all bolted down it ain't going nowhere yeah i haven't done anything like that in a long time so that was cool cool good job man i like it took me three tries they say three times yeah like it just can't look like a 12 year old did it 16. all right he was in shock fuss the instructor told me i had to do it again right try a little bit more all right so jamie's over here getting out of his comfort zone too and uh welding away see a little bracket you're putting together for your i got the front dog awesome so the catch pan as you guys probably know is just so when it spits guts out you got somewhere to catch the parts the fluids you know drive over them or under them and the track yeah and we're requiring them for our psca race so if you plan on coming out and being part of that make sure you guys get your catch pan on and scatter shields and whatever um but yeah jamie's been hard at it trying to be safe this year trying to be safe follow the rules be safe get out my comfort zone yeah weld yeah like he always says he's a better grinder than he has a welder and then uh sean's over here let's check out sean's car let's check out sean's project you guys haven't seen it so let me introduce it this is his what your uh i could say 88 to 91 but i was gonna be specific um you don't even know this one i think is a 90. 90. well i have actually it's a 91. unless you've done it yourself 91 came with the disc brakes i did do these it's a dx so it wouldn't have came with this okay there you go never mind um so this is sean crx right now he is hard at trying to do something i'm trying to locate a center of where i'd like to run a ball oh so you got some bars yeah so i'm going to cover all the floors a little bit i might switch to a shorter one to start it yeah all right so he's going to do some fancy cage work on his little crx this little pse eraser this one is gonna have a zc engine which is similar to the d16s but they come with a twin cam head and they were found not really in the united states uh the engine that's similar came in the 889 integra but it's still just a little different um he's gonna run this on an f fuel tech fp550 it's got the b series transmission oh yeah what turbo stuff what's your so i got a little turbo it's a garrett uh g30 900. g3900 but he's shooting for one of the psta races this year with the crx so i think the last one that is my absolute goal is to make at least the last one yeah so and we're looking to run showing off this year we're looking to run the bully this year we're looking to run sean crx jamie civic a couple of caminos and then goofy builds h22 and i'll show you guys what's up with that i think we're about ready to start fabrication he got the drive shaft all in and this thing's all ready to go the wiring is done and he just needs to make a turbo manifold an end tank here and then he's going to do another aim tank here and he may end up switching that manifold and suspension so goofy builds really close too so all kinds of stuff going on it's going to be a good year it's going to be a really good year yeah i'm stoked but it's late i think that's going to do it for me tonight got a little bit of work done uh had pretty good tune today this little crx made 313 horsepower so that was fun trying to get this uh j series to start we changed the cam and crank sensors on it but she's being stubborn so trying to work that out too and catch up time and everything so probably beyond that more tomorrow and i'll try to find another hour so on show enough and then just keep working it out and we'll just keep plugging away and eventually she'll be running and i'm pretty stoked about that so appreciate you guys watching if you like subscribe i'll see you guys all tomorrow peace out all right guys i'm gonna clown myself number one number two ugh all right have a good night
Channel: PFI Speed
Views: 78,433
Rating: 4.9737272 out of 5
Keywords: PFISpeed, BoostedBoiz, Street2Track, PFI, Boosted, Boiz, 1320, Cleetus, Mcfarland, Brent, Turbo, Sho'nuff, Honda, Civic, Acura, Integra
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 33sec (1473 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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