Shocking Ways to Make Electricity

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you'll be amazed and potentially disturbed as some alternative ways people are making electricity let's talk about that good mythical morning remember tomorrow we have another episode of song biscuits that's when we collaborate with another creator and you to write an original song all in one sitting this week special guest is the king of music video parodies Bart Baker I'm posted in it we replied to an ad on Craigslist it looks like a real red couch look at this real red couch on Craigslist yeah so make sure you watch some biscuits every Saturday tomorrow's a special one tomorrow is special for another reason because it is Earth Hour if you're watching this today tomorrow is March 28th from 8:30 to 9:00 p.m. join people all across the globe in a show of solidarity for the earth to turn off all non-essential lighting for that hours pretty cool concept from 8:30 to 9:30 whatever time it is on Saturday March 28th turn off your lights yes we for the earth encourage you to participate and believe it or not even though this is mostly a symbolic thing a lot of electricity will be saved however a pretty cool turning off your electricity it's not a real sustainable way no to save energy we're gonna have to come up with alternative ways to create electricity and you know what we did a little bit of research and there are some people out there who are coming up with some weird ways to generate electricity and that's we're gonna be talking about today I got one right off the bat now this one is pretty awesome harnessing the power of dance to create electricity and I'm not talking about the electric slide which is mobilized many Middle American women to dance at weddings I'm talking about an actual dance floor apartment every wedding reception it is because you can get out there with your grandma or go to the electric slide you can connect your you're just really good at it a company called energy floors has created a sustainable dance floor basically the more you dance the more energy is built up and then at a certain point enough energy is built up to create a floor light show so that's pretty cool I mean you're not really creating power for anything about the floor yeah but you're not still pretty self-sustaining you're not using power how does it work you ask repeated steps and presses push gear systems that spin magnets inside wire coils that generate electricity turning motion and movement into electricity so back that thing up and drop it like it's hot and create some electricity oh that's a quote even the end part from scientists what they'll really be onto something every when you dance hard enough it raises the roof in ooh I'm glad I didn't have that joke so they can comment on you joke in the comments I think about that you'd literally raise the roof I think it's a good idea how about diving into some pools and producing some jewels in 2013 at Wake Forest University was the Sailor broker Laura who a student named Eagles did an owl sound by accident whoa I was like you've got to make some mascot is the demon Nikken so you need to make a demon town whoa that's as your demon tail they call howl or phone I call owls in now a guy named Eagle Jin the coolest name ever by the way I think it's a nickname but Eagle came up with a way to use swimming to create power basically created a turbine that sits at the surface of the water and the rising and the falling of the water creates power this is how much swimming you have to do I'm just to put things into perspective ten people swimming in the pool for one hour each day for ten hours so that's like tag-team swimming like you swim for an hour and then we all go through until there's ten people swimming for an hour each all doing the butterfly stroke which would be difficult to keep up for an hour but you guess how much electricity that produces they're very demanding I don't know enough to power one light bulb for the whole day hey but listen it's a start I mean it's real okay what if they did like the pool thing you know when we would all like jump in I remember like Charlie yes it was we could really rock the boat yeah buddy roll you probably get three light bulbs going with char chef Aaron intro and if you put those turns around the whole exterior the pool if it wasn't just one you could probably you know like like the pool everybody like so like some the pool to have a light in it now make a wave of the future joke to go with you raise the roof joke yeah this is really the wave of the future all right I got another one this is a little roof this is a little bit weird power from jellyfish now there's a specific weird at all North American jellyfish species a quarry a Victoria and I've actually seen this when I went to Long Beach aquarium used to date her they they flash blue in green light this mesmerizing I just sat there and looked at him for hours I'm glad you sit there and looked at jelly forever yeah but you were my wife my wife took a picture and made it her wallpaper on her phone for like a week oh when you went to the aquarium I missed that part thinking about Victoria Swedish researchers have found a way to harness this phenomenon by turning the jellyfish into liquid and extracting the green fluorescent protein GFP from their bodies how do you turn a jellyfish into liquid they basically throw them into a blender and make a jellyfish smoothie I'm not condoning it but it happens and which don't care it creates they don't care guys trust me they do not care oh you should hear the sound they make I've never heard a jellyfish tell me that they had any concerns about anything no they scream when when they're being belittled come on I'm joking take a drop of that GFP put it on aluminum electrodes and then expose it to UV light to create nano scale electric current so that's not much at all but it's still small enough to power nano machines that can image tumors monitor blood sugar levels power pacemakers or diagnose illnesses from the inside so maybe that's worth blending up some of your your glowy jellyfish friends Victoria has been up to quite a lot since we since we dated bring it how about heating homes using the subway you may know that the subway in London is called the tube yeah and in a residential area called Eiling ttan I guess that's how you say that I'm not real sure I'm sure I will be corrected in the comments they use the heat generated by the tube to heat over 700 homes well okay what kind of heat you talking about well these things generate heat when they break but they also generate heat because there's people in them if you've ever taken public transportation you know that not only is your body heat there can be body odor in there well they take all the the heat that's in the tube and send it out through tubes into homes and they're about to make a literally pipe body heat into homes well I hope it's radiation well no there's like there's pipes there's tubes coming from the tube what do you mean radiation yeah you don't want radiation in your house no all everyone in wanted to be killed with Ray said hopefully it's radiation yeah like like radiated heat well it's like a radiator heat it's like I got heat building up in my underarm area cuz I'm on the public transportation they somehow get my underarm heat and they get it into their homes via smell yeah great via heat radiation yeah which so I was trying to psyche away so it has nothing to do with radiation it probably doesn't stink I'm gonna go back to the animal world here electric eels now this one you have been waiting to happen as you probably know electric eels have electric organs that store power like tiny batteries they can discharge bursts of 600 volts at 600 watts for about two seconds at a time then keep doing it for an hour straight and of course it doesn't hurt them in 2010 an aquarium in Tokyo but powered lights on Christmas trees using electric energy Yola they didn't they didn't even have to blend up the eels which makes this a much better story they captured them via electric probes placed in a tank researchers believe they can put a bunch of them in a tank and use a DC inverter you can have electricity to charge people's electric cars do you have to have an e olfactory or eel farm in your house or just going to be like where the power plants are in the future you have to be a researcher oh well I am give me another but my girls are not eels they are knife fish into well in 2013 a crematorium in Durham in the UK they're doing a lot of interesting things over there in the UK with crematorium this is where they burn bed bodies up basically you know they cremate people they said we're producing a lot of heat we could take this heat and convert it into energy and so they put two turbines in a couple of their burners and now they generate enough electricity to power 1,500 televisions I don't know why they always put it in a figure like burning people to watch television that doesn't sound right grandma's really giving up her ghost rock and watch Walking Dead all week are you guys gonna participate in Earth Hour yes yeah we encourage you to do that tomorrow remember what time is not gonna be 8:30 8:30 whenever it is 8:30 in your zones thanks for liking and commenting on this video you know what time it is hi I am Ryan I'm coming I'm Kristen we're from Dallas Texas and we're at Six Flags and it's time to spin the wheel of mythicality make sure you listen to our latest episode of ear biscuits our podcast we had a great interview with Bart Baker and then remember the song biscuit will be on this channel tomorrow click through to good mythical more we do a dry run of Earth Hour turn off the lights and having some hand cranked devices human power baby Rhett is bread and Link is a French chef haha say cheesiness wore such a big piece over off here look at it it's crispy on the outside and it's it's going on inside oh all bad it's lebesgue bang bang pan-pan right right whoa look at that if I keep this go ahead you can tell a ghost story like that link but it ain't that time of year it's Earth Hour in a spooky okay
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,166,209
Rating: 4.9522142 out of 5
Keywords: Rhett, Link, Talk, Good Mythical Morning, Mythical Morning, GMM, The Mythical Show, funny, talk show, variety show, Wheel of Mythicality, Mythical Beasts, Mythical, RhettandLink2, Rhett and Link 2, Rhett and Link, Talking, season 7, Electricity (Industry), Physics (Field Of Study), Industry (Organization Sector)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2015
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