WORST Food I’ve Tried!! SHOCKING African Tribal Food of the Datoga!!

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i'm not doing this to be sensational or to be crazy or to impress people on camera this is how people eat here so what they do i'm gonna do last time on our tanzania tribal adventure i got more than i bargained for eating within the side i did it no i caught it now it's my last day to experience a rarely seen and rarely tasted side of africa meet the datoga tribe a tribe with clothing culture and cuisine like i've never seen before why do they put milk in its mouth i had to travel here to this remote corner of tanzania to find one of the world's most revolting oh gosh that was such a big piece nearly uneatable foods please don't vomit together today i'm on a mission to leave my judgments at the door and take in whatever's offered to me like that with an open heart no that's mine and an open mouth it all starts here good morning from tanzania in all we will have visited four tribes and today we'll be finishing with the toga people out here there's a way of living different from anything we've seen so far in tanzania or on this africa trip today as i enter the village i'm gonna do something i've wanted to do for a long time and that is to gift them a cow i hope you like it all right come on oh boy [Music] bringing an offering or a gift as a guest is an expression of goodwill all right here we go here we go whether it's a bottle of wine or something slightly more substantial oh there they are i see the villagers the gesture shows that you've come in peace and as a friend what to bring depends on the tribe and what they value for the da toga people a chicken or a goat will do but if you really want to make a good impression no no no no wrong way well a cow couldn't hurt try to destroy the house oh [ __ ] okay it's free it doesn't know it's free there's a bunch of villagers over there and it's not going that great look at that they're clapping for me good good good girl here we go [Music] i've brought a cow yeah yeah yeah [Music] you're welcome it was nothing it was very easy to bring in here considered by some to be the oldest tribe in tanzania occupying the northern region around manyara with a population of about 30 000 their village and their houses look different from any i've seen so far in tanzania multi-room compound structures built with sticks mud and manure topped with dirt and grass as pastoral semi-nomads they depend on their cattle and their cattle depend on them to seek out and find fresh grazing land when one area is depleted they pack up everything move and start again with all the care they require the cattle also give back they can be sold or traded their skin is used to make clothing and their milk is used for sustenance this is breakfast prepared by the women of the tribe today as with most days we'll go with porridge [Music] corn is ground down to a fine powder using a heavy stone add corn flour to hot water while constantly mixing to avoid any lumps finally add fresh cow milk mix until it's bubbling hot then served in a handmade gourd i love the bowls here all the bowls are made from gourds and then it has a leather strap to hold on to i want to try this out [Music] it's very hot i'm not going to taste anything for days she told you like you have to do like this to make it cool down i gotta wait a couple minutes on this this is a village where you grew up yes and at what age did you leave the village when i was 26 26 yosef was born and raised in this datoga village wanting to show the world his people's unique culture he devoted himself to learning english and becoming a guy today he'll be the bridge between me and a culture i've never witnessed before she said porridge is good in the morning they used to drink so you feel hot and also it's nice for the small baby what about a big baby okay here we go it's almost like a really hot milk with some corn flour mixed in it's very nice though and it really warms you up i feel good is this something they usually eat for breakfast yeah every day is it just quick yeah quick easy that makes sense everyone likes a quick easy breakfast even here so people can get started with their day i'm curious about some people have some marks and scars around their face how old were you when you got the scarification here everyone receives a scar on their forehead and eyelids at birth it's believed these scars will protect eyesight and prevent headaches she has a gorgeous tattoo right here i'm a big fan i'll try to get my wife to get a tattoo like that when tribe members reach the age of 15 they can get tattoos or further scarification of their choosing was this painful did that hurt she said his hats a lot because they take their needle and then they cut it [Applause] before migrating to tanzania the datoga's origins are believed to be in southern sudan or the western ethiopian highlands going back 3 000 years timeless tribal traits can still be witnessed today [Applause] i'm curious about the way they dress themselves up for example everyone has like these big ear gauges from what age are they expanding their ears 15 years so they make the small hole and they make a bigger bb yeah because it takes time to stretch out oh can i put my finger in there okay i can fit two whole fingers in her ear hole that's pretty good you know she can get three fingers she got three of her own fingers in there oh she gives it a little bit of a spit she shines it oh wow very nice oh okay oh yeah give me some time i think i can get there yeah so she said no problem you just take the knife i'll consider it women are tasked with taking care of children cooking everyday meals making clothes and jewelry so this is some of the leather that they've made here oh wow it is heavy i mean this is like four or five pounds you will not find that at h m maybe forever 21. as for the men not right now but sometimes they have important tasks too like protecting the village from enemies or building houses daily life centers around tending to the cattle this is also man's work walking with the cattle for miles in search of grazing lands on the occasions when they do sacrifice an animal for consumption the men are also tasked with dispatching [Music] why do they put milk in its mouth they put the milk in the mouth to wish to have a lot of cows [Music] it is essential that the animal's blood be kept inside so rather than bleeding it out and wasting precious calories they instead opt to suffocate the creature using sticks and applying pressure to its throat the chef prays until the animal draws its final breath in most tribes i visited the work of slicing dicing and butchering is left up to the men but not in the case of the da toga there is no doubt that this is a messy laborious task but that doesn't mean it's without its purse so here traditionally the women are the ones handling all the butchering skinning retrieving the blood what that means also is that the women get first dibs on this blood looks tasty now we all know that i've tried blood already i tried it with the maasai people and it was outstanding yeah yeah you eat that right so i don't need to do that again but this is really the first time for me that i've seen the women drinking raw blood i've seen it many places with the men especially with the messiah men but here the women they've got the blood all to themselves oh i'm so full i just had lunch at first i just saw the blood and i thought well i just had blood yesterday i don't need to try it again i know what blood is like here they're doing something new something i've never seen before so they have all the organs raw raw liver raw heart and this is the bile from the animal can i see that oh god why am i doing this [Music] this revolting green liquid is a combination of gastric acid and bile squeezed out from the small intestine of the animal this is going to be mixed oh actually she's mixed it already here she has some blood gastric acid and there might be liver in there too it's hard to say i don't really want to finger around in there but this is kind of a delicacy here oh gosh that was such a big piece [Music] yummy so give it a little bite oh [Laughter] oh where's my jack daniels the taste it's a very unique texture you've never had anything like it you can feel your teeth tearing the tissue apart slowly as you run your mouth through it it is a creepy interesting unique texture i've not discovered anywhere else finish it up let's go let's go we didn't come here to play around [Laughter] it's just like drinking stomach acid yeah have a little bit of a sip please show me d-way what i just saw someone dip it into pure violet this is the last thing i'm gonna do i'm not doing this to be sensational or to be crazy or to impress people on camera this is how people eat here so what they do i'm gonna do can i have some of the beef all right i put it in the blood in bile and then i put it in just a bile you can see it's green please [Music] luckily no one knows what i'm saying that is easily the worst thing i've ever eaten in my life that was just raw bile straight from the cow the way we perceive flavor has a lot to do with the food we consume as we grow up oh my gosh just mere moments ago this child spit out a twizzlers what she wanted this whole time was raw liver can you believe it this is something so fascinating to see children come here and ask for a soup give me some blood give me some bio mommy that is crazy it just tells you so much about people right life is whatever you're exposed to [Music] [Music] meat is chopped into various cuts larger portions are stored and smoked inside the house for future use when it comes to cooking the remaining meat it's done two ways the men's way and the women's way lucky for me i get to try both these savannah warriors grill the meat positioning specific cuts on wood frames and staking them close to the fire season with a little bit of salt all the meat is roasting right now you can see it's cooked much the same way as the messiah was cooking their goat okay that one's done for sure the only big difference here is uh that this is all beef but it's very quick very efficient they put it all around the fire and then it roasts until they think it's done over here is the eating area i'm gonna head there now the eating style here very similar one person has the meat they are the pit master they slice it off piece by piece and they hand it out i love it it's very communal style yeah exactly i don't know what piece i'm eating but this requires some really strong teeth the taste is good they put salt on it whoa we've got a new piece right here this looks like a beef rib to me they've cracked it a few times let's see if this is any more tender okay yummy baby fairly juicy incredibly tough here's the thing people here don't really mind the chewiness you know not every place is like where i come from there's a lot of cultures out there that really appreciate chewy meat [Music] the women cook inside their kitchen whatever wasn't eaten raw or grilled by the guys is thrown into a pot to boil intestines leg meat beef fat ribs tenderloin shoulder front and hind quarters all of it is here season simply with salt and let it simmer for an hour while waiting for the food to cook the ladies show me their own special way of passing the time i did not know this was a thing you could even do you can sniff tobacco what is going on here they have ground tobacco in this little bitty bottle she taps some onto her hand she spreads it out and then she gives it a little bit of a sniff right up in there yeah that's right can i try a little bit here's the problem i'm scared of tobacco because when i was younger i tried chewing tobacco and then after five minutes i went behind the tree and i vomited like that [Music] is burning why do you put it there oh it burns so bad i feel like i snorted chili powder i'm gonna sneeze do i feel high yeah i do feel a little bit spinny i feel some of the tobacco effects i feel like my heart rates speeding up a little bit my eyes are watering my head's a little bit loopy my official initiation i'm one of the ladies now all right good stuff thank you [Music] lunch is ready and i'm opting to join the ladies oh yes let's eat ladies let's go the food is shared by all this concept of considerate and almost compulsory sharing runs deep in every tribe i visited i'm curious the men grill the meat the women boil the meat why the difference it's the way they eat the men prefer to make a barbecue but for the woman they like to put some small portion and they give to it so we have a couple different things here on the menu we have the ugali boiled beef a greenish broth hey why is the broth a little bit green yeah from the bowl oh thank god what is this one this is a cheese oh it smells like parmesan here all right grab some of the bugali here make a ball and then you give it a little bit of a dip and then try it out that's legitimately delicious oh that's awesome it's like butter that tastes like parmesan cheese it's so awesome that's so delicious it is like the ranch sauce of this village you can dip anything in there that's really nice here i've got a piece of boiled beef yeah she's eating it right off the rim oh gosh it is still quite tough let me try it out wow it's real chewy do people here like the chewy meat yeah because it's tasty so when they cook rinse off they're gonna feel the taste really yeah so they want to chew it and suck the liquid feel the taste that's what i thought that might be the case it's like the flavor release crystal it's an extra gum the taste is good it just happens to be very very chewy oh hello oh oh that's mine no that's mine i touched it whoa all right [Music] oh wow jesus christ who cleaned these out the intestines taste somewhat clean it's like i could handle it but i just had ptsd from eating that raw gastric acid and that's what it tastes like inside here maybe i'm doing it wrong because yes the intestines are quite intense but everyone here they take the ugali and they kind of cut the taste with that here she just handed me the broth now this broth is from basically the boiled innards boiled beef all that together oh that's actually quite nice that's really good really salty tons of animal fats it's just like a deep delicious beef broth the broth with the ugali combination that is pretty awesome it's quite delicious probably my favorite thing so far today this place the differentiation and work between men and women it's fascinating to me because in most tribes i go to the men would slaughter the cow they would skin it they would butcher it but after the slaughter here the women jump in right away and the women seem to do a lot of work here for example you know a long time ago men had different traditional roles a hundred years ago men were hunting animals men were protecting the village from lions do they still do that they still the man protesting the village you can see the animals face there so the men they just sleep near to the fair really the men sleep outside yeah they sleep outside to take care of the end what about when it rains they have their cow skin is very strong to protect them yeah oh my gosh me it looks like you guys have everything here all the basic needs are met but what's missing uh for us now just only by call but if we need it we take the cow we send to the local market we sell it then we buy corn so there's nothing missing no that's beautiful sometimes people watching this show mistake my casual way of interacting with locals for a lack of irreverence or outright disrespect she knows the ministries reality can i put my finger in there i'm never forced to put on a fake display of deference for the simple reason that i don't pity these people i've seen people here like smile and laugh more than almost any other place i've gone in my life so it's really remarkable it makes me happy to know that places like this still exist in the world [Music] [Applause] [Music] their lives are measurably different from my own in almost every conceivable way but that doesn't make it worse or better it's just different out here there's a beautiful sense of community a sisterhood where people are truly connected there's fresh air mild weather and one hell of a backyard view this is my last day to experience tanzania and the only thing that makes me feel pity is that as i go i can't take a piece of their lifestyle with me [Music] best ever food review show is a small team of independent creators and everything we do here works because of you guys click the link in our description to join our patreon and receive exclusive benefits can i help you can i help you there you go it's an honor to be here i'm very excited for what's going to take place today we're going to oh yeah it's good that's good right can i show you my markings [Music] this is actually the bed itself made out of wood i will never complain about a bed in a crappy hotel ever again this one's real hard guys that brings us to the end of our video here with the datoga people thank you so much for watching i will see you next time a piece all right now i'm gonna hug one of these donkeys
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 5,372,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best ever food review show, befrs team, sonny side, tanzania, africa, african food, tanzanian food, traveling in africa, tribal food, CHAGGA VILLAGE, Chagga tribe, banana, ROASTED GOAT, exotic food, rare food, Cow INTESTINES, BLOOD & CLEAR SOUP, eating blood, raw blood, raw kidney, Datoga, Datoga tribe, Datoga people, nomad food, Datoga VILLAGE, raw liver, milk porridge, remote life, BBQ beef, boil beef and intestine, raw bile, raw gastric acid
Id: D9yZDOqIt1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 4sec (1324 seconds)
Published: Wed May 11 2022
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