SHOCKING Delicacy in Africa!! Herero People and the Smiley!!

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the thing I'm really interested in here you call it the smiley mm-hmm it's right there it's in a bowl it's staring at you do you see it looking at you our best ever Namibia food tour continues heading from the home of a Himba tribe to our final destination the village of the Herero people at first look you may notice something distinctly different about the people here a unique style of dress is really hot out here the dress you're wearing is it hot and a way of life you won't find anywhere else today I'm on a mission to learn more about this quickly fading culture how they live and how they eat as I understand the ladies eat separately from the menu yes why is that I'll be getting my hands dirty in order to provide food for the village look at me hey I'm eating the most unlikeliest of meals it's not the best cup I do scooped we can eat them yeah I'm biting off more than I can chew living with the Herero people of Namibia [Music] there's a place in the midea where time Stood Still a place where people are living out the history of their ancestors a place called ovo village this is one of the few remaining villages where you can witness Herrero life and this is my guide Lena okay my name is sunny yeah that's pretty easy her Selena is Herrera a group that sometimes referred to as OVA Herrera the Herero are a pastoral society their lives revolve around herding cattle life is based on the because we kept most of our food from the cow everything from the car we use it we don't leave anything but my life revolves around food so ger Selena is showing me what we're having for breakfast this is the fireplace for everyone this is where we give a wintry our meals okay this is where you eat - yes this is what we ate to do oh man what's your name yeah got a [ __ ] oh is that right yeah no [ __ ] Oh mm-hmm okay my name is sunny breakfast is on their way we've got some mushrooms because I'm on my yoga like stupid oh yes okay these are the stupid mushrooms yes are these idiot beans here jumps guys I'm doing my best I'm lacking oxygen you know in my culture we say if the smoke is blowing towards you that means someone is thinking about you Wow yeah so lots of people probably stalkers along with our slow side dishes our breakfast menu also consists of fried spinach and rehydrated built on a local jerky it doesn't have much of a smell to it sorry I'm acting like a greyhound here they make it with try also known as cow's stomach why hey everybody it's just us ladies are we gonna pray okay the first thing you may notice about Herrera women is their outfits they're called a hora cava and were brought here a century ago by German missionaries and colonizers amen is quite a little breakfast feast we've got here is that the beef that I saw like rehydrated oh that's quite good after several unsuccessful attempts to overthrow the colonizers the Herero revolts were suppressed and more than 75% of the population was wiped out with the rest fleeing are put in concentration camps by the German occupiers the surviving Herrero people adapted the dress of their oppressors applied their own symbolism and created this a sort of horned hat that represents the cow their most prized possession what else we got here mushrooms I'm gonna try some of these mushrooms oh I love these mushrooms they're so um robust they taste like canned mushrooms like they're salty and juicy these are great then here we got some spinach so I take some bread will this spinach [Music] oh that spinach is pretty sandy how they're traditionally will you make it like there's sand in there I'm comfy yes you know I'm very vulnerable in this situation anything that happens you can just tell me it's tradition and I'm gonna believe you today our journey will culminate with a Herrero feast including an exotic local delicacy made just for me the preparation will take all day and we need all hands on deck after breakfast the women will get ready for cooking while the men prepare for the slaughter aside from the cows Herrero in this village also breed goats and some of their goats even speak English cute huh unfortunately goat meat is a crucial ingredient for today's surprise dish sorry guys the meat is portion [Music] the organs cleaned and everything is boiled with a handful of salt for a couple hours while the men are busy with their goat business me and ger Selena are tasked with obtaining another crucial ingredient milk so right now our guide she's in there milking the cow I need to go in there next and help milk the cow the problem is I don't know how to milk a cow I mean first of all how do you even milk a cow that big it has horns you can try to hit me with its horns I don't think we have insurance to cover this this is super dangerous I only see one utter how do you milk that I've tried milking before it hasn't gone well I think the cows know I'm not confident I'm a bit anxious so they get anxious they see me looking anxious and then they like they suck in their milk is that possible no I can do this I'm gonna go in there I'm gonna be confident I'm gonna let the cow in the eyes in a way that makes it feel secure then the cow is gonna release the milk let it flow out go in there to be confident could I see your cow the cow milking here is done like in the olden days if you ever find yourself face to utter with a cow here are a few pro tips first you must build trust hey look at me look at me a bond perhaps I'm gonna milk you you're about to get milked next secure the animal start by gently tying its legs it's gotta be dry by now that calf sucked out all the milk persistence is key finally and most easy milk the cow that's my nipple oh holy cow we're doing it the milks coming out [Music] am I going too slow I got about one shot glass so far [Laughter] [Music] [Music] post-game analysis we have a lot of milk here most of this is from you a small fraction is from me and that's my small contribution Wenger Selena said the cows are used for everything everything from the co we will use it she meant everything our freshly collected milk can be converted into butter by putting it in the calabash and turning it for about an hour until the fat and milk separate that buttery fat is then converted to ghee also known as clarified butter an item especially popular in India your first killing this thing are you trying to kill me no no actually we give mala give it that this creamy rich mound of buttery goodness wasn't all collected today oh wow this is three weeks of butter yes we here is made by cooking up all this butter until the water evaporates helping to preserve it while changing the flavor profile and is this gonna go in any of what we're cooking today yes that's what we use in some of it we don't use anything else can I just drink a glass of that later ah if it tastes yummy it might be worth it apart from butter and ye they also sour the milk for drinking the fresh milk is always mixed with the milk from the day before so even though you mix in fresh milk there's still a sour taste to it yes once in a month clean the whole color bush and then you start the process again mm-hmm okay that makes sense I don't even this man is the leader of this tribe and this village with such status naturally comes some privileges you would be sipping it first before everyone first it has to tasted so bad to make sure that there's no person or if there was prison when you introspect affecting him before it gets is this poisoning a big problem no the poisoning part is here's the joke it is that because he's the head of the family he always has to do something before everyone's doesn't is there anything the ladies get to do first because you milk the cows right yes do you ever squirt it in your mouth like I did no no fair enough can we try it out sir could you do a little quick poison test I'm looking at it it looks white it looks poison free if you ask me but I'm not an expert I don't know for sure he's going at it very confidently now it could be a slow-acting poison what if it's a poison that takes one or two days he's handing it to me but before I indulge how many fingers am i holding up all right perfect all right sounds good some sour milk let's try it out oh wow it's almost like a liquid if cottage cheese like there's chunks in it yes this is great I'm gonna tell you I feel fine I think no poison yeah anything does one of the most impressive things about you is that you have this beautiful pink down and you don't have any stains on it you're milking cows doing heavy labor you're drinking milk no issues don't let the dress fool you the weather here in namibia is extreme and harsh which makes their choice of attire all the more impressive when we came to the village one of the things that obviously stands out most is the way all the women are dressed we talked about it a little bit but the first question I have it's really hot out here the dress you're wearing is it hot it does have the weight but it's not had we are proud of it so we we are comfortable with it we love it but when it's sunny yes in the summer season you would be sweaty yeah I think some people would look at the way some of the women are dressed here and say it looks beautiful but it also looks uncomfortable but then you go you know a lot of women wear high heels too so I think that's the price for fashion this dress is more than a fashion statement it represents the herreros ability to adapt during one of the country's most difficult periods you know I saw some pictures on Google these guys looking very dapper wearing some kind of formal uniform but all the guys here wear normal clothes they wear that occasionally usually at home they would be in their overalls because they have to look after the pedal oh you're right I see all them they're working over there yes they're planning so yes visit with a castration process so wait what there's they're castrating a bull today yes all right I want to see this concentration all right is it is it very dangerous no it's not dangerous for them what we're about to witness is a process common across the world in the beef industry the process of turning a bull into a steer by subtracting one key body part castrated Bulls grow faster and are less aggressive and in some places folks even eat the recently obtained testicles today this is one of those places these doodads are thrown straight on the hot cinders until they cook through gentlemen let me tell you we've got something in store for you yeah yeah bring the balls it's balls just as the tiddly bits finish cooking our goat is also finished and both are brought to us Wow such an honor this is some unique preparation right here nothing over-the-top fancy very straightforward is this one mine yeah the good one is you know fantastic oh it's warm still it's got a little bit of a bark on it let's try it out Cheers it tastes like a burnt marshmallow kind of that's what I'm trying to think of it's just super fatty and took pure fat goes off no I was told that there's some health benefits from eating the testicles I mean it's important that only guys eat the testicles right see on an MMO there are certain parts that are eaten by men some that are hidden by ladies I'll start with hippies kidneys are eaten by ladies and both are eaten by men Lisa believed that the strength of a bull is in its balls hey I think that what's the best way to say it here just as many other parts of Africa each part of the animal is given to a certain subset of folks in the village there are parts reserved for men women elders kids even sections just for pregnant ladies also here men and women eat separately luckily the strange outsider who has to tie his brains together with a red bandanna is such a non threat that he can eat wherever he likes even with the ladies ladies I was hanging out with the dudes over there they ate their food in about three seconds I mean you may have told me earlier they don't eat the balls turns out they do but the ladies what they get to eat is the kidneys lucky for me kidneys tripe and intestines are all organs designated for us ladies served along with bread mushrooms the same build tone we had for breakfast and the herb a real signature dish called the smiley the thing I'm really interested in here you call it the smiley the smiley is a popular dish all over Namibia but its origins are said to be from the Herero people it's made by scorching the goat's fur to remove any hair then brushing away the charred remains finally it's boiled for a couple hours until the meat is so soft and so retracted that it appears the goat face is smiling at you it's right there it's in a bowl it's staring at you do you see it looking at you smile yeah yeah yeah it's pumped can you peel me off a piece comes right off fantastic look at that Oh what it's a full cheek this is the inside of the goats mouth guys look at this texture and then this is the outside layer so you can actually see there's still a little bit of burnt hair on here that's fantastic do I just eat there yes okay Jesse they're totally clean so you don't need to worry about it all right you know it does not have a strong flavor it's just kind of fatty and gelatinous like chewy what's your favorite here among everything that's ripe really what do you like about that one it's very soft juicy and yummy you know what rip me off the piece I'll do it oh that's a generous piece you're so generous that is it's so gaming that is its own juices and its own flavor you like just that strong goatee flavor Wow okay I want to try it I would hate to compare though I would rather eat ten more testicles than another bite of this one no offence for me sometimes the stomach can be tricky because it can just be so bitter and intense I like it I like that you like it I like that you're like this is like the most powerful flavor so you're doing everything in your power to carry forward the tradition of the ovah Herrero people yes my question is what is the future of the overview I think the future is very bright because we are now kind of living with a lot of people with different cultures so obviously each and every day you are learning something from other people but I think the importance of keeping the culture in life it's much more important because you will get to know who you are what will be lost if this culture is lost if the culture is lost then you would be someone who would be like a lost person as well because you would not know who you I would not know where you came from you would not know how you came and end up where you are so obviously everything will be lost ladies you are some incredible powerful women it's been my honor my pleasure hanging out with you today and learning more about your culture so I just want to say one more time oh great back o keppa Namibia has some of the most unique cultures and food you'll find anywhere this place is famous for its vast landscapes and wildlife but I was most drawn in by the people who can do it how did their culture we are proud of it so we're comfortable with it we love it but equally willing to share it oh you saved me a 100 No hey guys how's it going with that quarantine more like borign team alright if you're anything like me you're probably stuffing yourself twice a day listen we're gonna get through this I'm not talking about the apocalypse I don't know anything about that I'm talking about this constant stomach stretching that we keep doing but if we move forward if we persevere at the end of the day we can call ourselves food coma survivors by the shirt and we're donating 25% of the profits from this campaign to feed America's Cove in nineteen response part they are assisting food banks and helping people across America who are in need so it's a cool shirt it's a great cause thank you guys for the support from researching and shooting to editing and mastering our 10-person best ever food review show team works hard to roll out the highest-quality travel food entertainment twice a week if you like what we do here please consider supporting our patreon patreon allows fans of the show to contribute a monthly sum and receive a load of extras like early video releases private q and a's and beyond to learn more about our patreon check out the link in the description box down below and if you can't give or don't even feel like it that's okay too we're just happy you're here guys thank you so much for watching I will see you next time a piece all right well that's it for this one [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 2,971,935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: befrs, best ever food review show, befrs team, sonny side, Namibia, Namibia travel, where to eat in Namibia, what to do in Namibia, Herero tribe, Herero people, Nambian food, Namibia food, Namibia cuisine, Herero food, Herero culture, Namibia culture
Id: 93kk8ugkqVI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 58sec (1198 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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