Shocked Tesla Owners Discover Their Car’s True Value

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Reddit Comments
  1. Clickbait as hell.
  2. A car is not a hedge against inflation.
👍︎︎ 34 👤︎︎ u/EnhancementShaman 📅︎︎ Jan 29 2023 🗫︎ replies

This content is absolute garbage. These Tesla influencers are some of the worst. Never seen this guy’s stuff but literally every titled video is a rehash of tweets and what’s been posted a thousand times already. But kudos to these folks making some money off this unoriginal content.

One guy in particular has been posting about CarPlay in teslas for years. Just posted again 5 days ago “huge announcement… telsa CarPlay” and has 30k views, he swears it’s not clickbait. Lol

Yea I won’t watch, like, or subscribe but they’re not hurting anyone so make that money.

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/AutoBot5 📅︎︎ Jan 29 2023 🗫︎ replies

I’m not clicking on that

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/kaisenls1 📅︎︎ Jan 29 2023 🗫︎ replies
Tesla's recent price changes shook up the entire car market for Teslas and you actually won't believe what Tesla's trade-in estimate is for my 2018 model 3 and even for my new 2022 model y now I'll share those details later in this video but now let's talk about what you should know about current Tesla car values as an owner or buyer now Tesla's price cuts of up to 20 on certain Vehicles happen literally overnight which is unprecedented and for many recent Tesla buyers this news was infuriating because the car they just bought a month before can now be bought for thirteen thousand dollars cheaper as in the case of a Long Range model y but it's not just recent buyers who are angry many Tesla owners who have had their car for a while are upset at these price drops but I thought we as customers always wanted lower prices right so why are all these people so mad because it reduced the value of their Tesla a recent model y buyer even went as far as saying she felt like she got duped by Tesla because of these price drops now to that person I'd say I'm sorry and you have the right to be angry that you missed out on the lower price but you did not get duped see when you buy something from someone else the terms are quite simple the seller offers an item at a price and if you as a buyer agree to that price then that is solely a decision made by you the buyer the seller never forces you to buy something that you don't want to but as an adult buying a vehicle you have many different options you can buy from a long list of makes and models you can buy used if you're on a budget and in this case that person not only decided to buy a luxury vehicle but she went a step further and bought a performance luxury vehicle making it even more expensive than it already was and she spent 77 000 on it now I don't know about you but as a model y owner myself I can tell you right now there's no way I'm paying seventy seven thousand dollars for that car I don't care how fast it is it took me months to decide to buy my Long Range model y for fifty five thousand dollars but it made sense for me and my family to get it at the time so we did and we have no regrets and when buying a high dollar item like a Tesla you have to do your due diligence and research back in 2010 I bought a used Pontiac for twelve thousand dollars because that's all I could afford and I spent months researching to find the best car that fit my budget and I still had that car and the next car I bought was my Tesla Model 3 in 2018 and I treated that buying process the same way I bought my house I saved money for years and did not buy it until I knew for sure that that was the car for me and that I could afford it so when buying a Tesla if you do your research on the price history you would have seen that Tesla had steep price increases over the past two years now you'd all also know that Teslas have very few physical buttons on the interior but today's sponsor lets you change that in a very cool way the sexy buttons by enhance are a unique accessory that you can get for any current Tesla Model these small buttons are bluetooth enabled and only take about 10 minutes to set up using the free app they can be configured to do a wide variety of common tasks on your Tesla in a safer and quicker way instead of fumbling through the touchscreen for example you can configure a button to open the glove box with a single press or set up one of many smart actions like enabling your car's max power now my favorite is the features hidden from Tesla's main screen like off-road mode regen and activating creep in motion I also like the option to turn on the rear seat heating or toggle the rear fan on or off with the touch of one of these buttons that way my back passengers can do it themselves without needing me to do it while I'm driving and hence was kind enough to give a special 10 discount to all of my viewers so click the link link below to see all the features their buttons can do and get yours today now when people come to me and ask me for advice for buying a Tesla I usually tell them the same thing do not buy a Tesla or any other new car for that matter unless you absolutely need it right now and you can afford it and you plan to keep it for a very long time I bought both my Teslas with a plan to keep them for at least 10 years and I think more people should have that long-term mindset when buying a car also remember all new vehicles Tesla or not depreciate about 20 as soon as you drive them off the lot so to speak and sometimes they depreciate up to 30 percent within the first year of ownership this is especially true for luxury Vehicles now if you're a Tesla owner I know that's hard to digest because Elon told you differently back in 2019 when he said he believed that if you buy a Tesla today you are buying an appreciating asset not a depreciating one and that reason he said was because of the hardware that comes standard on all Tesla vehicles that will hopefully run level 5 full self-driving software in the future the funny thing is he was right sort of for a while at least but it wasn't because of fsd's Hardware or software it was mainly because of the shortage of vehicles the past couple years and along with Tesla's steadily increasing prices in fact Kelly Blue Book is still saying my 2022 model y that I bought for 55 000 last year is worth more than that if I sell it used right now but that is all about the change and it already has changed after Tesla's price Cuts CarMax had a fire cell and sold over half of its Tesla inventory in 24 hours and now Tesla itself is seeing huge demand for new vehicles this has created a crash for used Tesla values my 2022 model y that KBB said was worth 58 000 last month well now Tesla's estimated trade-in offer for that is 39 000 that's nearly twenty thousand dollars less well actually that's right on par with with the common 30 depreciation rule after the first year but what about my model 3 which is coming up on five years old I bought it for 58 000 after accounting for the price of FSD and now Tesla's estimated trading value for that is nineteen thousand dollars and that estimate includes the value of full self-driving which is currently being sold by Tesla for fifteen thousand dollars so that means my model 3 is only worth about four thousand dollars in Tesla's eyes talk about a still now I'm half joking because first of all Tesla is known to have pretty low trade-in offers and it's almost always better to sell privately to get the most money but I still think it's funny that my car has a software feature that is technically only getting better with time but Tesla is basically valuing that feature as worthless during the trade-in but it doesn't matter to me what my car's values are because I don't plan to sell them anytime soon and I know that cars are depreciating assets you cannot expect cars to appreciate no matter what anyone else tells you the car's value simply should not matter in the short term unless you are trying to flip it for a profit which I would not recommend anyway but if you plan to keep it for a long time like me it shouldn't bother you what the estimated values are because over time nearly all cars values go down it just so happens that this price drop happened quickly overnight instead of slowly over a few months and the price drop is actually a great thing when you think about it it's bringing in more customers which means more people going electric which goes back to Tesla's mission of transition in the world to sustainable energy and as someone who is a true fan of electric vehicles I don't see how you can view this as a bad thing but I also don't want you to think that I'm not empathetic to how some of these recent Tesla buyers feel I know it's frustrating to have a car that you could have saved a lot of money on I know this firsthand because it happened to me I bought my single motor model 3 in 2018 then less than a year later Tesla offered a better dual motor model 3 for ten thousand dollars less than what I paid for my single motor so I totally get it but I also didn't care what Tesla prices were because I already had my car and I was happy with it so try to be grateful that you are fortunate enough to own one of the safest and most fun cars ever made on the other hand this similar situation happened with Chevy and they actually offered refunds to buyers who bought a Chevy bolt before the price dropped so Tesla could technically do the same thing but I doubt they do their business after all and they need to do what all businesses do increase the bottom line and please shareholders but if Tesla did decide to offer something for the recent buyers I think either free supercharging or one year worth of free FSD subscription would be nice because that wouldn't set Tesla back that much to do that especially if it means keeping loyal customers which is also very important for any and all businesses what do you think about all of this did you suffer or benefit from these price drops let me know in the comments below thank you for watching if you enjoyed this video give it a thumbs up share with others if you want to see more Tesla and Tech videos in the future make sure you subscribe my name is Andy thank you for watching I'll talk to you in the next one
Channel: Andy Slye
Views: 114,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tesla, tesla news, tesla price, tesla price cuts, tesla prices, tesla value, used tesla model 3, used tesla, tesla model 3, tesla model y, model 3, model y, tesla model s, tesla 2023, tesla model x, model s, model x, tesla used car prices, tesla used, tesla new vs used, new tesla, new tesla 2023, 2023 tesla, tesla cybertruck, tesla cost, tesla price drop, cybertruck, tesla model 3 2023, tesla model y 2023, tesla fsd, tesla owners, tesla ownership, tesla car, roadster
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 53sec (533 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 25 2023
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