I rented a Tesla with 100k miles on it

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what's up guys so today I am renting for the very first time a Tesla Model S and it's my first time using the Toro app so I just thought I would document my experience and I'm on my way to the place right now where I'm going to pick up the model S it's at the person's local residence so and I actually live in the same area because I'm just I'm driving to from California San Luis Obispo to Las Vegas this weekend and how much better would it be driving a Tesla with free super charging so I'm on my way right now and we're just going to kind of document that trip so initial Impressions I just got the Tesla I just got in I'm on the highway I've been driving for about five miles I got autopilot enabled so this is I don't like I haven't had this seamless of uh rental car experience in my life before it's usually you know you have to park you have to get to the location you have to wait for the person behind the desk sometimes there's people in front of you and then they have to do all the paperwork and you have to fill out a lot of information the Toro app you do everything you know one time initially and then once you uh you decide on the car you make the purchase quickly and for the this Tesla Model S the the person who owns it just sent me a text message message and said like here is the instructions they just gave me a quick link so I could connect it to the Tesla app so that's the only thing I needed I just needed the Tesla app and they said like if you need any help or anything like let me know and just text me a photo of your driver's license so I didn't have to meet with the person I just got in the car and I put every all my luggage in it and I was ready to go so this is like the quickest most seamless experience I've I've ever had like renting a car and so I'm definitely going to be doing this in the future and the best part about this is I'm driving a Tesla Model S A 2018. it has about a hundred thousand miles on it and it has free super charging so I don't have to drive my gas car and you know fill up and pay for the trip from San Luis Obispo to Las Vegas it's about it's over 400 miles and this could easily cost me uh about 200 250 dollars where with this car that's going to be free I just have to pay for the rental car so I'm saving a ton of my money by just renting a car an older car that has free supercharging all right guys so I just got back from my trip from Las Vegas to San Luis Obispo and I'm home now the biggest concern I have with this car is range right so at a hundred thousand miles I was I was pretty much at about 80 percent charge and that's that's the normal range that you're going to be getting when you stop at a Tesla charging station you're not gonna be able to charge it to 100 because you're gonna have to wait like over an hour but I was able to charge it to it about 80 in about a half hour or so probably 35 45 minutes and when I got to 80 that only gives me 170 miles or 175 miles excuse me and 175 miles stopping every 170 miles was pretty terrible experience um it took me nine hours to get to Las Vegas from San Luis Obispo and then coming back it took me 10 hours and the reason for that is the person that hosted the car he had it charged at 91 percent and that pretty much gave me 200 miles starting out so the first leg wasn't that bad because I had a little bit extra range but then after every time I charged it I was only really able to charge it to 175 miles Max and the first leg of the trip I stopped in I ended up start stopping in uh Bakersfield and in Bakersfield it was so crowded with Tesla's I had to wait in line for about 10 minutes which isn't terrible but you know every minute counts just pulled up to to Bakersfield and as you can see the charging stations are completely full it's uh it's pretty crazy um I'm noticing a lot of the license plate like the one in front of me they're a lot of just brand new cars and uh gonna see how long this is gonna take and then once I was able to charge well there's all these cars parked next to me so they're all all always using the the charging juice as well so I wasn't able to charge as quickly as I would have liked and that was pretty annoying but every time I charge you guys it was I was just charging to 80 or 75 percent and then I was back on the road and it was really giving me less than 175 miles each stretch and that why that's why it took so long so what I recommend renting a car like this for a long trip like it's really nice because I didn't have to pay for any of the superchargers but stopping every 175 miles was pretty ridiculous and it just made the trip so much longer and so much more miserable and right now as you can see it says 35 minutes it's been a few minutes already so 35 minutes to check charge a Tesla from 80 . but once I was able to get Las Vegas like that was fine like I was able to charge just once I was able to get pretty much everywhere I wanted to in Las Vegas and I didn't have to charge at all the whole time I was there and so I would totally recommend renting a Tesla if you're just gonna be in a small area or if you're just going to plan on going about 200 250 miles but anything longer than that or even 300 miles would be fine if you're going to go longer than that definitely get a longer range vehicle and I would say you probably want to get less than 100 000 miles on it because once you get to that 100 000 mile range the the ability to charge really decreases about 15 percent so this car should have got 165 miles of range but and that's at its at its Max right but it was ended up being 220 and every time I'm charging the car and using the car I'm only charging at 80 so I'm only getting 175 miles so that was pretty terrible experience and I just thought you should know about that up front all right how did the car perform at 100 000 miles the car performed excellent and the main reason was because this host they take their car to Tesla regularly to get it inspected I saw that they made a um they had a lot of things fixed I think the car had previously been in a in a wreck in the front and so Tesla actually changed out a lot of the cameras and fixed the front bumper they had issues with the trunk that had broken in the past and they had Tesla fix this they were taking the car to Tesla about every six months for regular maintenance and this kind of made the car just run like it should other than just having poor battery performance and I think this is kind of another reason why I would not recommend recommend buying uh a Tesla with a hundred thousand miles or I just wouldn't recommend buying a Tesla with a lower range like 240 miles or 260 Miles because a lower range Tesla is never going to do well if you're doing a long trip and so I would always recommend a longer range unless you just plan on just you know using the car around town or locally like a standard range or a lower range Tesla is really not worth it for this all right so how was my experience returning the car um this was the part that was super easy I had the host text me at the beginning so I had his number in case there was any issues and that was just super nice to have and then there was one point where I was charging the car right before I returned it and he tell he told me that hey the Tesla is already maxed at its charge level you need to unplug it because you are going to incur some fees and I I received a notification about that from the Tesla app but it was nice that he was able to tell me so that was the nice part it was just super easy and seamless to just pick up the car and then drop it off I just parked it next to his house and then I texted him and I was out of there like the easiest by far renting experience that I've ever had everything was just super easy because I had the Tesla app and I was able to monitor the car I was able to just use the car like it was my own car and if I didn't have this feature I think it might be a little bit more cumbersome because I'm sure there's other cars that don't have this feature where you can let the another user just have access to the app and all the features of the car and then it was really nice that he just gave me a key to the car so I didn't have to use the phone to unlock the doors or anything and so that was a pretty nice feature to have so if you are renting a Tesla out in the future I would definitely recommend giving the key fob to the customer because this just made the experience the experience so much better so anyway that's my review of my my first time using Toro and I thought it was a really good experience and I would definitely recommend using it in the future all right I hope you enjoyed this video and like subscribe and I'll see you in the next one have a great day
Channel: Cutting out comfort
Views: 158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5NZorFj0QI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 45sec (585 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 27 2023
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