I made a Shotgun Injector in Noita. Insane damage!

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blimey double-dip Noah what is this late 2019 Jesus let's flip it on over and have a very quick and cursory look today what do we got there now new game and thank you for joining me folks okay let's see what the old alchemic stuff says Oh grass fungus blood and pheromone that's not really doable is it fungus blood I don't know what that means no idea no try and sort that out possibly I think we will quite honestly and hello did you watch she how's it going hello hello lieutenant my speakers he was I can't hear nothing oh there we go now I can it's just cause it's quiet here here on a Wednesday hey you don't normally get dogs Rock biome one what is this madness even that's an incredibly rare seed with a generation no idea hungers blood is just a liquid the pause when you destroy fungus okay is there no one else in this toxic rock on the first level methinks we'd better be careful cuz I think there's some strangeness of brewing on this seed hmm so buyer beware indeed ya know via in the many hours we've played this game interesting Wednesday madness one could say I do you see a little flask up there that I'm very excited to go and grab hang on is it really worth using a bomb for that I don't think so to be honest you have seen toxic rockin by on one before right I don't think I've ever seen it quite honestly and hello muggins how's it going mate hello hello hello good to have you with us pal how goes it down there in funky town does having a quick little annoy to run see you know we're going to get today I didn't mean to play another game but I didn't change the twitch category but it is what it is funny enough why was I just edited yesterday's nor too video and we didn't get a god run so we might be able to squeeze one in you never know depending on are in Jesus will allow us or not if we die early then we're head on over a Hydra near today folks let us pray this would be a good one who knows so far so good run into any trouble it missed your lovely little face good you should always miss your servo it's good to have you with his muggins and everyone else of course as I always say coming to enjoy it a big cheer once again there we go there we go there we go cool stuffs are brewing down there we'll let them fight it out I think I will pick up the pieces quite literally the gold pieces ideally there's a lot of critters down there can I just get on the edge on the edge on the edge on the edge oh I am on the edge I think I'm sliding Oh careful now I would Chuck a bomb down there but I don't want to waste my bombs wasting bombs is a crime because we sure as [ __ ] need them drop something on a more yeah I could have done couldn't I but I don't think there was nothing to hand there is a nice juicy bomb there ah green ones right give me energy sphere are in Jesus or green bubbles ah I think I've ever had a lightsaber on level one although it's not working could that be a manner situation huh the stop is that go hex on victor has a much lower cost lower gains a lot of spread okay mmm-hmm now you can go to the flask near the talks rock ah ah I could do we might be there all day trying to get what is probably polymorph to be fair pretty strong dig in one yeah you know what that means right by him - hello I do like with a biome - dig in have a little look-see nothing going on there but the rent I directly see a glimmer of wand I did yeah it might be a little bit troublesome this finger to spread on well [ __ ] that's a gold wand I would very much like to take it off your hands buddy that seemed quite powerful whatever was on there hey didn't get a chance to see what it was I'm oiled careful now ah magic arrow oh that's very nice that is very nice I do like a nice little gold wand [ __ ] magic arrow working wonders is this the cousin this is the one that's really good for cast delay so if we could the man is quite low isn't he I don't think we can make this into a lightsaber wand you see when we get to the temple if we do we might run into an alchemist that will instantly acid us like it did yesterday who knows so far so good magic arrow again again referring to yesterday we found a magic arrow and started using it and I forgot how good they are they're very powerful they're very accurate depending on the wand it's do a good job you know I just ignored them for so long and I I don't have a good reason as to why and before whoa careful don't want to take any damage from these little scumbags not on a Wednesday steady on let's get a bit dilutions old down the right mouse button folks pour your flask out I will just change over to number one because number four doesn't feel right to me Oh careful if detox ototoxic juice toxic sludge little bit of I think that's a recharge delay isn't it there little pause there in firing that's fine well [ __ ] there's a shotgun boy just sitting there holy smokes oh yeah it is blood there do I need blood no I don't okay I'll take it oh just well fire fire I have from his fingers I'm going left which is not not like me Oh money boys already Wow this is extremely risky how did I not sustain anything there Oh God Oh triple God jetpack juice management like a pro dare I do say so myself Wow that was that was nice and do I see a worm how I do interesting I could have taken no no whoa whoa whoa God what am i doing jump into the oil the best of both worlds hello mr. worm we'd better deal with him before he starts ruining the temple more importantly I don't think that's a health dropping worm it's too small are too small nice doing some decent damage there's some fire down ere get some kills on that mother Oh a little bit slow dissing isn't it then the manor is gone number three what's on number three old a lightsaber right do not kill my temple and ruin this run oh that's not good is it you've scared him off well nope unless that's another one go demo we need to take this guy out Casas man we need a life bar big time there we go all good you could actually test out a new worm blood effect which I haven't seen yet if it has been changed careful it seems to be about the same maybe it's just the fungus that's been changed I don't know I don't really new nice one muddy boy down in a bit of worm juice helping us out to have a little look around here are so far so good you're on a witness day and free is our lightsaber green for Luke Skywalker let's remember that with the absolutely insane spread mod on it's quite interesting the black holes put it on a spike bolt tree when it was owed P who does it now it's really it's a really cool perk I'm so glad we don't have to use mods to get those quiet Opie perks but I think the game needed them didn't I just a little bit cuz you play this game to think what's this run gonna be like that is the beauty of this game isn't it the never knowing it's what keeps me coming back now I shut up I should be dead tired of this game but it just has enough chance and randomness to pull me back in so I'm glad those have been added a little West Bend here normally a chest or something up here hopefully there will be no hmm oops so we don't have to swim through again I will just cut this open it might take us all day long but it is what it is and I squeeze through and hello met hello hello hello how's it going I think I do need to actually turn up my screen brightness a little bit there we go now we're all good all good did you do it there we go and a little therapy hello Lulu you don't learn who always cast you you have to put you have to take off all of your spells on and off no sorry no that's not true no do you always cast one in vanilla he a random one isn't it so hmm it's the chance you take isn't it it could be always cars black hole you never know I think it's it's not like telev the teleport Isis perk where it's always gonna be game breaking there is a chance always cast it's that nice element of risk which is true nor in my opinion this lightsaber might poke our eyes out I know it's it's a bit of a travesty it's got the heavy spread finger on so that's why it's looking so mental and hello Patsy how's it going may as well see a sneak in there doo doo doo doo welcome everyone I'll say it again because I didn't mean to play no today in case you're wondering why I'm doing it two days in a row I didn't change over to twitch category it's a high engineer and everyone is like yeah that all-nighter so Stan this for a bit no doubt this run will be a free hour epic but if it's a short one we will bounce over to Hydra near which is a equally as fun game and that is that is polymorpha oh man I don't expect we're gonna do any of the alchemy recipes anyway but you never know for copper swamp and cement and grass fungus blood and pheromone I don't think it's gonna be happening quite honestly glad to be here hello gruff how is everyone we're all good hopefully halfway through the week one day closer to the end so happy days oh and a hell fart boom and a shotgun boy blown to smithereens excellent right this little magic arrow wand is quite cool it's not the greatest thing in the world but it's doing the job which is all I can ask for can I please free there come on you know there's an opening but as fire there we've managed it is like a magic arrow shotgun which the gold wand if you can get a fast firing spell on this gold one day is a very capable shotgun oh and there's another health app nice gonna wait for full mana recharge on this cuz there is a fiery mine or that be so bold there's two of them this is catching out of hand now they are too loved in Jesus are you having me on that thing I'd used to play warframe map the grind got to me I did all the levels that I did all the quests all of it on streamers my it was my first game on Twitter where I started seeing Grove and it was good it was good then it kind of reached a stage of it lost all of the fun for me I can never play it again I don't think oh Sh I don't have any water do I that is not all prayers have been answered anyone yeah warframe it's an interesting one isn't it a lot of people are addicted to it but there are fewer addicted to the grind sort of thing I don't think I could ever play again I did try to play a couple of months ago and I was doing some like exterminate mission and I was just like yeah I remember why stop blindness it needed st. like more random like RNG like deep rock galactic it keep saying it because I am ever so lucky to have you folks come by my streams I still remember when I first started twitch I had no one come by there I stuck to it and now I have you everyday and don't ever think I don't appreciate it because it's true it's kind of funny and it's not a rag on anyone I go I'm going into a little thing here when I first started uploading the NOI two runs in that initial stage people were like oh you should have to cut out your chats and stuff and it's like well I'm constantly chatting to him of viewership I can't so what do you want it's literally impossible I love my viewers now never deny and deny is you know you make all of this super fun so yeah I think you I really do in hello dr how's it going it's a jetpack bar from goki's things know it's a mod from the Steam Workshop you can it's called the flying gage GA u GE you should be able to find it relatively easy it's really good to be honest I don't pay no attention to it at least I don't think so I think I still look up at the riot it's just muscle memory from 300 plus hours you know so I will just have a little look around now I'm a little bit invested in this run because I've got to he'll fobs which is you could go in there that they've locked down the right hand or by sector I think I might go wee wee t much explored everywhere haven't we for the most part but yeah possibly I'm sort of not really in the mood for it I will check it check out debug that I click to see the updated stuff if any I think the only thing they're releasing is the cosmetic what do you call it the armors I'll keep an eye out because it's it's coming out today isn't it it's the 13th of May possibly possibly right what do we got though here in the shop five hundred dollars so we can afford everything ah shot gun that could be good not the one but the spells pretty good three hundred dollars the best thing in the world on the gold wand are quite strong they do fall off in usefulness as we proceed on with the levels and the shotgun can dig mm-hmm don't know the mana drain of a shotgun versus a bubble because the gold one doesn't have that much manner let's check the perks oh god here we go again [ __ ] perks again I think I'm gonna I'm not gonna spend any money I'm gonna buck the trend here I'm going to pick up the more health and I'm gonna grab the shotgun I have faith in this thing they will be half decent with the gold wand I think I've used it before and I'm even going to put a double on and what it's not going to work very well because it's a shuffler and then I all about freon it's interesting yeah thank you Matt for the kind words they're making exactly it's all it's all about us isn't it's all about our community entity is release day however the release time is exactly on stream star and we don't want to take risks that's why we stream tomorrow Portland's free is the game for us yes I thinking about Borderlands free actually because therefore enough Borderlands 2 I never liked in reddit post sort of it I never see anyone talking about Borderlands free did it was it [ __ ] I I enjoyed Borderlands 2 I didn't love it like everyone seems to it was okay I could never play it again because it was all set levels and I don't think you'd gain anything from it and you know boom boom boom that lightsaber is reasonable let's check it on the gold wand because that green one we picked up might be a better shotgun possibly hmmm it's slightly better hello fair review when I check out terraria journey's end possibly we had questions about that as well I've never played terraria and I have been looking to play on the stream so possibly when is this update out therapy because I know it's soon so it might be an interesting time to start I'd rather start with after a big update it's this weekend and well possibly next weekend we'll have a little look yeah possibly possibly I had no promises I've got to be in the mood to play my games on the stream but you might see it on it right let's chuck her onto the green wand they're a little bit concerned about the manner sustained but this might be good we're not gonna have to know I think this will be okay so we're going to leave that as is that's going to be number one and number two will be the lightsaber for cutting through and we'll keep the magic arrows just for the hell of air oh no what does it look like with the doubler on and without that's wrong it was always a great choice don't do the whole YouTube thing hey guys it should boy Simo Simo with another terraria video top five tips on terraria so I've got no I need a new one of those new area flat caps and pink background with fairy lights and stuff then I'd be a proper youtube anyway I think this is fine and we'll get to it smash no you've always got to do to seven yet hey smash still did I go to youtube school for that I don't know where does it come from well another green one hello point five in 27 that's quite tasty for a man who may enjoy a saw blade or two no spread or your is have a lawyer that could be a new number what no no no no no no no no no don't get rid of it did I say get rid of it you [ __ ] so plop that in today yeah to three octaves higher hey you know it God could you imagine Jesus too that's the one there are there any who ninja blades dangerous but temp didn't and it's reorganized these that's very fast firing and no spread ninja stars I do like a ninja star oh no we've got two hundred and thirty phooey health even I'm gonna go to the fungal caverns this is gonna be good against those Robocop's one would say possibly although by him to has a habit of cutting us off but thankfully we do have a little lightsaber to help us along the way he oh nice that's why I like me some no spread ninja star mmm-hmm get a few down there kill whatever's around giving him little shotgun boys off screen it's a little too quiet for my liking well it helps us that's why didn't injure stars rip it dangerous as well oh I'd just as well hundred and seventy nine was still in this could have entirely have been avoided we're not using ninja stars or using a shotgun on him we could have turned to fight Wow nice could have turned the fight on its head there oh wow wow wow that's what you want oh no at least dick de neige number two in actual fact number one will be the shotgun this does dig yeah see oh well hello just try it please don't bounce very risky doing this but Oh one right there just bouncing back as Jesus look Oh God there we go cool don't get injured don't get injured we need all the help we can get for the fungal caverns and we are here on one of those exploding boys Shh mushroom fellows it's it's not the best weapon but if we can get in close we can hopefully kill things before we get for a gettin range of firing sorry I was scratching my leg there and reading chat for a minute forgive me take the wrong thing my bad oh my god sorry for the loudness there Jesus foolish so half health already before we've gotten to the fungal caverns very sloppy work we'll have a quick look around incredibly sloppy work in fact oh no not these things oh no no no come on shotgun there's like a little lag I think it's the recharge yeah it's very slow to recharge come on come on come on come on keep it together I see Oh what do see more importantly don't this is getting a bit dodgy now isn't it a little bit dodgy it's gone from strong to hmm that shotguns let me down a little bit we need a little bit more lesser recharge trying whoa I'm I can die in here there's an invisible fella no I don't think so need to try and vent some of this down on gas than me it's not really going planned all no dick with the shotgun can we do crews still [ __ ] fruit god damn still here no it might just be damaged decals oh I Oh blast ninja stars there we go ah just delightful delightful destruction when causing ping do a horrible ah did I just saw that right at the last minute there did you imagine if that was acid we would have been in a good position there no no see that's really gonna scoop up feelings now because I'm gonna have to get I have to get tech ticked here no fungus man who is the word of the day and after very carefully if these ones of crap I I guess I'm gonna bounce you know just to spread really and hello mirror yes we're doing a quick bit of noise too today I did mean to play something else totally didn't forget to change a category and I'm snagged in place and getting talk'st to death it's not looking very good see when we need to be very you we're here cuz I can [ __ ] this up early on I don't necessarily want oh ah that friendly little fellow there don't think that's too big to dig through isn't it so I'm gonna go around oh they're not friendly in ain't no friendly no more limey is something down it I don't trust there we go have a volley right this was the stuff that killed is yesterday wasn't it so I'm gonna wait for this to pass yeah it's far too big of a English slice true we will literally be here all day doing this possibly and I think that's toxic juice so we might get another another little flurry in the face there I don't recall toxic gas being a thing oh man I guess it must have been whoa oh no it's one of these fellows no I don't think so this guy killed us as well yesterday enough they are really nasty and the scale of toxic boy on over yeah there's toxic juice there and I think the best way through I would have been toxic again I think I'm just gonna go this is far too dodgy for my liking and I don't want to start again because we've got to health ups whoa that's a lot of poly god sake be careful red ones ooh can be good they have been good in the past 99 mana recharge heads that's pretty okay alright yeah we take that all right then and please be a help up or was it a mimic oh I don't like the look at that it's a mimic never trust a mimic hey oh oh we we could be stun locked to death here man a jet pack juice please be suing us out yeah we've got to go we have to go we came out of top didn't we Jesus that's bound mmm teleport you boy down there very much be happier when all of these fellows are dead easy boy older fungal Kevin fellows are just ruling the roost here don't even think about it I think we're clear Tommy Boy no no no the gold we're gonna need it hopefully spells there was a teleport fella around to that way G honestly reflections there what's the word reflexes oh no oh no that could have been it there might not have been one pellet wouldn't have killed us but a blast certainly would have mental ice God say get us home only so we can find some elf ups but unlikely please don't beat up it down oh no it's those little things again [ __ ] it emergency volley if that's gonna if that's not gonna kill him I don't know what we are I'm not feeling confident and that's never a good thing is it there we go let's get some of that in there marvelous yeah so wasp you boys down below nice hopefully just the one don't rush don't rush jetpack juice be damned s always a one bit of one ditch here therefore don't be biome to and focus oh no this number four has got there's no fire ball thrower mmm I don't think so covering fire there and a bit of shotgun digger we do Wow you missed it too Jeff oh look at that fantastic and we killed the wand bearer - oh hello - 45 that said outright better chain saw bigger isn't it number free yes oh what a thing to find on level two holy [ __ ] nice I don't think I've ever found a ready chain saw wand on this level like that that's cool man well I do need to go but never pass up the opportunity to get free gold of twenty nine health why the hell not it's not the best in the world so I'll just grab a beer because the manor is getting a bit chunky here I'm stuck on something to piss off and hello honey badgers how's it going men which doing it very quick bit of no answer today well what is well I was a car a cart with a tea interesting oh how wonderful it's not because it's not the best a little bit of pocket money in the back pocket err why the hell not [ __ ] Oh watch out for that shotgun boy Oh am i disconnected oh yeah chainsaw goodness just have to be careful though don't know that did get to my head trying to get to the end of this goddamn level Wow I love it when it cuts through powders like that mm-hmm and if it were here Jesus what do we got triggers for it's a non shuffle one it's not the greatest thing in the world tempted to take this you know ninja stars are good very deadly thinking and thinking I am going no I was gonna replace the shotgun wand no I don't think that's a good idea I did I did forget also the shotgun does dig do yeah I'm just thinking about the trigger possibilities you know or even replaced a ninja star wand it's just it's a shame I don't have them on that's non shuffle to ninja stars I think I'm gonna go we try and cobble something together if we can even get to the end quite honestly cuz we always what the [ __ ] is down there there is stuff brewing what on earth is that is that one of those purple bomb fellas for God's sake make sure we can get out of here safely I'm very happy I've got a shotgun right now so I will say yeah snagged on scenery that's the worst thing to be oh no no no no hmm love is gonna be a bit troublesome isn't it okay let's go through to soft rock here see clear why is that so dark I don't think it is oh no it's a wand right and kill me that's a big boy um reasonable stats I think great on it to be fair all right let's get out of here before we get killed because we got a nice pool of health after the snow zone I didn't pick up that trigger one did not it did cool right come on mm-hmm Lance Ivan used a lance for ages holy God I like the Lance is a good spell that's gonna come in perfect erna shield haven't seen Burma shield for some time ah and a sigh of relief just a little bit for snow zone right so are we thinking some kind not going to use poison arc ever spread maybe on this big one some kind of inject he what's the inject II gizmo here it's triggering to shotgun no we want trigger into into spread shotgun is that right something is always something to do with a spread isn't it these trigger injectors I call them is that right of interest what does that look like manner wise Oh reasonable sustain a suit that's right I would like to think so if it's spread double boots fast are cause it adds cast delay it deer deer deer or shoot it's the same yeah nice double shotgun in chainsaw ah okay all you mean on the end sorry the old wrap around it snowy yeah so we've got a nice little shotgun one there mm-hmm interesting light is generally pretty useless a chainsaw really good to have now we need this on the lowest caste does that look like on number four it's always good to have a chainsaw oh no that's shite it still recharge time isn't it of course I guess keep it on that one then and even do double oh look at that thing holy God that is godly that is very strong look at that big dense mspaint marks there holy [ __ ] and just for the hell of it I would say who have these cuz these are always good even though we've got a chainsaw just good to have blasty blast e on this level make it two shotguns with chainsaw on the end for better sustain and speed have a look then real quick hmmm a little bit I don't know I'm thinking of not having that at all quite honestly just for a bit of sustained sound good I don't know I don't want a situation where I'm out of mana when I'm running away from the EC death squads etc etc chain and triple alright do shotguns chain in triple wait well why am I taking off one shotgun double cast are right what before or after it's on the end okay with the chainsaw let's have a look aha okay that's pretty good then it's pretty quick this hopefully will kill stuff on sight so but a chainsaw in place of the shotgun doesn't really matter where the thing goes but the chains on the double spell and no change if you want a hack stuff you've got to put it on the end as it wraps around or something oh no hang on of mocs up again oh no that's definitely wrong there we go nice I've just have to be very aware of what I use quite honestly if MANOWAR's but just give it a couple of taps and a hold it down in an emergency cool alright then and how others are chainsaw loved by itself hmm it'll do it will do but shotguns gonna dig anyway so we should be fine any spells there Oh [ __ ] sake let that Landon sin really troubles from the past couple of days so we've got special gun never trigger I think we can go twelve to be honest I'm gonna replace stuff I don't know I want a lance we'll pass it out I really want one we'll find out on a big wonder fifteen spells on alright and the snow zone Burma shield against the shotgun injector hopefully Oh oh yes yes antastic ok this is the power we need needed yesterday cuz we got to the jungle we never got to Duvall Wow nice what's happening there folks is we are shooting and in basically scattering on here after that trigger and it's doing the double shotgun there so really really strong every pellet is hitting the enemy so it's basically a sniper shotgun that's excellent nice no that was an electric fella - that's awesome good [ __ ] he a number free for chainsaw I can't dig through there can we that is interesting I was gonna go for the gold there hello Naz I welcome welcome welcome Wow dirty slime boy and he's ticked us off got damn those slime boys then most though they are the worst enemy in the game cuz they always always stain you without foul sorry second worst enemy this is the humble one honestly I hate them so much I'd rather have ten easy death squads on me blimey I want that ones that is fine as [ __ ] really good my shotgun is a better digger than my chainsaw it really is nice that's gonna help a little bit of backup chainsaw get rid of the Oh somebody needed any ground-up rattle we got some here nice Oh bit of a cheeky bounce there happy days well I see a wand below damn man oh this is very satisfying hmm the shotgun grinder God it doesn't even need to hear does it do some damage here wow I do like a good trigger injector they're just so fun to use a pulley wool bit of ice there careful now I think you just took something out there's a turret up there be careful you can vary health up [ __ ] off Toxie boy no one likes the Toxie boys goodness me just a meat grinder man whoa this is gonna be the true test now easy buyers easy boys at three o'clock watch that shield watch out for those 30 damage grenades bounce thank God for this shield bounce yeah absolutely being saved by this shield nice and there we go really good to be even take out the goat the goat man the goat man cometh mmm I love this thing off screen turrets methinks of the gold all just missed it there these ones generally speaking are always pretty crap I'm gonna blow it up actually [ __ ] is not digging with a scrub we'll be doing that in a minute pretty reasonable wand actually it will take that for bombs what's it doing scattering and lateral firing everything that's gonna matter for Oh droppable bomb oh where is that little [ __ ] bag my Oh stun locked careful now bit of a flask we do need some stuff for alchemy bye I don't think we're gonna make it quite honestly but for the blood god indeed horizontal path is awesome on trigger for damage oh really I don't know the pulley boy and the blondie Buster's are pretty rough too this is true pretty much all of the enemies are trolls in this game let's face it to a degree hmm Oh No a little bit of stuck each dare don't need an ink we're not into that right now do i mate take a lazy boy route blow up this stuff you have 40 of these magic grenade wires I was up for a bit of extra navigation certainly on the snow zone mummy it's keeping from the electric folk oh I got rid of that light saver didn't I [ __ ] course well we'll take a detour in oh by mr. sniper you [ __ ] nice mmm and hello Sam how's it going welcome to the injectable shotgun round where we are blasting stuff on trigger death nice bigger just ticked myself for some frozen gas there that was on the roof of the cavern unfortunate but only a couple of hit points mmm a turret to boot livin la vida loca there Jesus Christ I didn't mean to say living a dream I don't know why Ricky Martin song came out of my mind but there you go that one's free from me on the planet mr. far here Jesus there we go watch out for that toxic rubbish I'm not getting dick today injectable shotgun how to kill kovaydin one easy step okay I like it mmm yeah good corn this sir [Music] well that's done it goat you boys still alive I was meaning to say before I got overwhelmed by the heat see my eyes there we go yeah thank you grub man if you are everlasting support if we do have a turret here as well oh it's just wiping up Wyatt ping up folks I really hope you don't get anointed today because this is a stellar run so far keep an eye on my manner oh well hey thank god I've got a chainsaw what I could have shotgunned out of that as well hmm a little bit of gold missing out on blood well we're em short of finding short of farming more money from these enemies and finding them better wand or alpha I'm quite happy with this we can certainly deck the easy base to take the heat sea bass with boughs of blood I love doesn't quite work does it more bombs oh yeah we've got bombs on this thing Evan we might as well use them boom hello hello dog yes sounds it going mm-hmm little parcel of love here you go blast as well more worm blood all we'll have a bit more of that please game I'm stuck let me [ __ ] out of this place [ __ ] off goodness me get rid of the ice yesterday please game yikes Oh ice allowed I I wish deep not collecting all the best cuz that game deserves to be the number one co-op game on Steam quite honestly it's [ __ ] phenomenal the fact that not many people play I think a lot of people don't choose to play because it says early access a lot of people draw that line early access but now I hope it's going to get all the love it deserves they've worked ever so hard on that game oh no sorry looks at that didn't I tell [ __ ] down there to boot let's go and grab that oh hey why's that magnetizing oh it's one of those things right got to be careful of my fing then oxygen nice inhale Oh J mighty warrior how's it going power you know we're here with noise Regan folks in case you're wondering I set the wrong category on switch so I thought [ __ ] it would do a quick noise to run but it's turning out to be a pretty good one because we've got this injectable shotgun that's previewed booting proving to be rather nice providing us with fine entertainment is it so quiet were wiping up wow there's a couple of fellas there just no chance is there just absolutely no chance yes our updates been released already has it sensor interesting nobody in the mood for deep not quite honestly and I'm sure everyone else is extreme in it today so I'm in no rush to Playa yeah wish them all the best boom watch out for that just get it blown up that's gonna do us we were to get him ticked by the little flakes whoa oh you scumbag that's against the Geneva Conventions going after a man who's scratching his back and not got his hand on the mouse and those easy boys absolute scum ah that was very satisfying whoa Electric fellow I think we've just killed him - possibly okay did you just gets tired what a mug oh look at us killing on the snow Basu careful and waste any hit points this thing is delightful it really is I'm getting too confident though Opel tiddler generally speaking pretty [ __ ] quelle surprise load it up get a bit of clearance here I'm just farming gold quite honestly you can tell how much we've been killing I've got 1,400 in the back pocket here you know what that means that means money for rerolls and you know what that means good perks hopefully a man can dream although if that worm keeps up it might not be a temple to go to so only a worm blood though we'll have some of that all right I think I'm I think we're good to go quite honestly we're sitting here killing not really finding anything so let's have it what have we got here and all good thing I've got loads of money oh that's a pretty good wand for general use I don't think that it's better than a f---ing is it 0.5 and 48 that's a little bit slower well there might be a good thing cuz this is good cuz it's fast me it doesn't hold up for long so if this if it was a little bit slower we're talking microseconds here was how much mana as this Scot oh it's actually got 400 Manor oh [ __ ] okay then my bad lesson okay ignore that then pretty weak offering isn't it what do we got oh yes that's the sign of a god run folks melee immunity [ __ ] hell did he s 100% and extra slot would let you put horizontal path on the shotguns chain for 35 plus damage do we really want to only be limited to horizontal plane though his shooting look sets if there's something diagonally diagonally ass or would that be furtive just a shocked gun I've been you I've never used lateral where is it who's on a wand wasn't it it wouldn't affect the trigger I also secta flee speak in the pellets when hitting an enemy would almost be like a shrapnel to our enemies in our vicinity he see base would be the level to try it if any I mean I've got enough money would we keep it and sit on it the next level also makes a shotgun more consistent but it's less money mana though isn't it so bear that in mind we'll take it to the committee we'll keep the spell I won't get rid of it oh no do we keep keep that spread because I understand spread or the hexagon is quite good for doing what we're doing but with a bigger wand if we had more shotgun suppose we could have 10 if we have all six I believe and we'll use subscription emotes you have them in your emo section now make you happy little trumpian buddy face I believe so I'm not rich subscriber I'm the one doing it but yeah just dead in the bottom right if you're on the desktop I'm not sure about mobile and let's get to it and I think right so inject your shotgun key see base I suppose the main objective it's going to be to find a bigger template wand to expand this shotgun if we can because it's quite tasty horizontal path is more damage yeah that's why I'd like to try out at least the world hello Roman goodbye yeah dig dig dig dig right boom oh that's one perfectly it will edge whoa that's not a little edge for us to enjoy that's quite high I'm get it blown up get it out of the way whoa oh I've been targeted Wow oh yeah ha goodness me fing God or my shield today big respect to the shield that saved harassed many a time there is that sniper downrange isn't it oh no no I'm not nice come on shotgun oh my god I'm between a rock and a hard place here where is that sniper die already dude I noticed spark does vanish I think I may have gotten him there there's a turret Wow I'm not feeling this way I'm really not she would come in and clutch today big time I was on pointed to two minutes as well well it's three days in a row I've guessed the correct time well hello didn't see you there what can I say I am just a master of time and space oh hello and a sustained there we go working wonderfully there I would like to get that money if I can oh very risky doing that but it's always worth it always water yourself up folks ah delightful delightful shot and goodness and we goodness and we're goodness how many times but I'll keep saying in a minute oh oh oh my god oh man this is just a dream a real dream in the making here it's the death squad holy [ __ ] how am I not taking any damage here remarkable jeez Louise look at that gold down there there's a mine Wow and Debbie dozy tastic one would say oh you've got a one have you see mr. crack been slow and recharge fair manner yeah we'll have some of that they're random spells that sorry too random mines basically shooted mines they'll just but they just blow up I think they can be relatively easily destroyed I think they'll just take general damage as well I keep shooting them I did find a way it may have been another weapon I had but they're pretty easily dispatched now but nothing really to worry about in all honesty nice very nice and that was a bit of electric cast there too they don't blow up if you walk by they don't do they ah oh they're just doors are they ah so they'd they're just more than an obscure ins obstacle is the word an obscure ins there's an obscured sin the force there we go watch out for that gas canister there ah this is this wonderful this is a nice is nice this time I've had in the heezy base for a long time hello mr. medic watch out for that canister ah shield why you know do your job just took 30 damage ever that's fine got a full complement of health and now ISO cleared away or big simulation there yeah some of that powder shall we there we go been issued your Wanda not placed oh this is working out nicely you only exploded and destroyed ah yes and avoiding the electricity there as well could have got stun locked in feda foul there look at that double tag just remarkable stuff nice so if I walk through them is it literally just decoration then or a stack of stock lateral thingy Bob there get rid of them yesterday that all turrets are really deadly surprisingly so you think the turrets are a pushover at times with those ones when they do trigger date a don't shoot at or they just shoot you off-screen they're really inconsistent I've found a phone commonly get through anywhere simulation indeed it's gold mmm having a good one folks I can't believe isn't it the random day I choose the plain oyster we have a good run what a concept there's the explosion of the gas they're just like the bulkheads on the Titanic oh it's a shuffler ob wand or b wand kenobi do I really want timer orbs oh I do like a good or but not for me electrified what it's done before look like in terms of digging standard I think is what it is oh goodness me buckshot buckshot is on the menu today nice well no I think we've done the heat sea bass look at the old sumo sumo martini they're the old-style sumo brand in oh my god look at that it said quick quick get out away boys anyone wants a drink I've destroyed it a bit that looks cool they've even reworked that nice that's really awesome I wonder if they base it on their favorite noise of players emotion I think so purely a coincidence that's cool man nice always take a bit pink or purple whatever that is yeah if you'd replace one of your two shotguns with horizontal path you would do five more damage per shot because twenty five less damage per cast less mana was that sorry okay interesting hello mister what I'm rocking here is a trigger trigger spell into a spread into two shotguns a chainsaw and a doubler it's pretty good it's pretty pretty powerful pretty mediocre in terms of weight looks like but it's the injecting effect the trigger injects every pellet on hit so very strong very deadly nothing this nothing has stood in our way which is very reassuring I'm really looking out for a new template wand to expand upon this idea I'm it bounces around as well it's a room clearer quiet as a shotgun should be I suppose hello Betty you okay dogs come to join us folks whoa farming the money I must have quite a lot yeah 2,100 her mommy-to-be we bought that $600 as well so we're doin fantastic but honestly I hope we can keep this out Oh what I love not totally on point but good enough we'll take that mmm I'm not gonna grab that gold goodness indeed you just walked through a mine by the way I want one of the doors good that's good than an 800 cent confirm they don't kill us yeah I was gonna say I think there's gonna be brick there only thing is less shitty spells unless edits per cast indeed certainly were for lookin to configure eight this thing but at the same time that's let's not break what works I don't know it's always the thing with this game isn't it you think you've got something good and you'll try something else it's even better let's have a look see up here we have been here before Oh Oh midair midair ownage there does anyone take only Jenny Moore got that so 2004 hello dreams how's it going Lulu we're just having a lovely lovely time here on a sea bass as you can tell at that gold where it goes yes JPEG juice and all watch out for lateral turret yeah yes you know don't always fire those ones I don't quite understand them he pretty cool D alcohol your opponent yell God Jesus pre we back to the counter-strike days yeah when when leet-speak was the most advanced thing in the world at the time gosh and we all used to watch flash animations on albino black sheep calm funnyjunk new grounds here oh dear Oh No come and you can break that low it's got tops on that should dilate dilute even why want to get ticked at all I've got good health here back off tox juice don't drink it for God's sake don't drink it and drink the green ghoul yeah you turned as well I'm glad someone remembers you'd learned yeah it was love umand you're a man now dog my favorite you turned was Daffy sings it was basically Darth Vader someone did add a fader effect and lowered some sounds I still sing those songs today one of them is one of my [ __ ] to fly me to the moon song ah I had the they released the human sound track and I had it on my ipod when I was in school I always used to fear that someone would pick up my ipod and listen randomly like on shuffle and something like there was just crap on those soundtracks honestly just you had to be there kind of thing for good times that a dee dee today didn't stand a chance no he did not I just say stand as well oh dear stand a chance it's looking all right here isn't it God let there's no one around we've literally killed them all boom therefore patients well we could go around the opposite of patients there we go all lovely oh hey aha just it does the work for you this bloody weapon doesn't it really does I'm looking for a bloody one to be honest her deep law exactly it was good to share a bit of Simone law Wow there we go cool mmm now I will there's gonna be some changes to my life style soon enough and I'm hoping that's gonna result in more streams and a lighter work schedule so I can hopefully be with you more some kind of secondary stream to complement my main because I would love to stream more in my common current configuration of life but my work is so consonant it drags my energy down that's why I only do a short one during a day and why I don't stream on the weekend because I use my weekend to recharge even though I work seven days a week doing what I do but it tracks my energy down and I'd love to do even longer streams or have multiple a day yeah we'll see that but a change will be coming soon so I look for I look forward to that so watch this space this year folks Wednesday noisy yeah villian I forgot to set the category to Hydra near so we had a few people joining us at the gate South for our I don't want to turn him away don't want to turn to find folks away but we're having a good run here it's just as well actually because I was cutting my yesterday's night a video up for YouTube and we had all of those crapping runs yesterday but now we're having a good one so maybe it was fate I made that mistake as we found this lovely shotgun and we're having a grand old time well he's a lot there's already a bit of watering there for it to detox so we're waiting for that waiting for that wait for that hello sue cabal how's it going yes and my own idiocy resulted in more noise afore you all it was one near to start if you didn't get it yet yeah I think we I think we did look at that to be honest I think we did now and I passed up it was quick pretty crap look at our health considering how it combat we've done we've 2500 which in terms of farming that from enemies is really bloody fantastic boom boom that's gonna be enough for us to get through yes it is although I've been here already there's you can tune everything Oh drive-by shotgun fellow that we did him in as well nice are my remarkable stuff I guess I'm just cleared away is that just random terrain here we'll just leave this to something I've used all my magic missiles on oh [ __ ] Wow little Kevin we've perhaps missed do enemies respawn on this game don't think I've ever seen a biome not have any enemies because it's very quiet now we've literally killed everything the 12-gauge sheron's really does a fine job it does indeed whoa char should say careful now and I think so yeah we already we've certainly cleared this up holy smokes far right we'll have a shop oh no it's not shop there damn Nazis [Music] yeah nothing around nothing around is there a far-right shop on this definitely hurts in its shopping there in the easy base watch out for the potty and before wand orbs to dig indeed pretty slow it does the job no oh by ha here we are oh wow we found a little pocket of enemies now no oh it's lovely random pellets goodness me antastic work damage Grenada buyers oh I am just trouncing these folks I really am 2600 grab that before it goes always help up yeah let's get to that no wrong thing I didn't see you there as a wanders there black area okay let's grab this first there's a bit of polymorph locking about which I'm a bit concerned about the black area I did assume shops were random too well what am I being ticked by and yep there's one there hang on into this thing and before watch out for that polymorphic will do us in if we're not careful come on quickly now I'm not going near that way if there's polymorph involved no chance mate an easy general you got big boo big time boo engineer well Arvin have Ivan talk'st in before sumo moans about tox again Jesus we found a fresh little pocket here I'm just going around this level to be honest killing everything cause it's so enjoyable and we farming a good bit of money which we're gonna need for read potential rerolls here cut off by cut off by the man there Diddy Oh in a sec commander let's go and wreck their day shall we nice keep up the manor sustained here Ludacris is the word of the day in a good way on our side for once there's always almost a shop on a far left far right on for easy base and it's news to me then again I haven't really explored the new he's eBay sense that would be cool we found the bar as in like a bone whoa like a bonus shop shop yeah hey he just got polymorph way or the knob water knob old muggins over there that was good [ __ ] man luck is on our side well I mean because I'm on fire I thought the fire was gonna the would you call it gonna sort us out there that's all right no need to panic before you look like a cave I see do I want to bow through that fire mmm not really 4-minute yeah I know well II shouldn't have taken on a job with these easy boys it's his fault isn't it okay so his medic oh that's friendly better be friendly all this looks interesting is this the shop you're on about was this just random Guffey guff here is that thing after me now even when your friendly little green folk you are still bastards I hate them so much [ __ ] really that much damage that's poor man Oh mate oh I'm playing with fire here quite literally and that sucks oh we're on on potential danger now oh that's the greenhouse oh I see the hydroponics plays a let's see what you're up to easy buyers that looks like there's two ones Wow my reactions of a cat again careful now those ones are genuinely speaking right there is two one of those is a gold sword wand which are quite cool water though can they all do something with this fire don't think so I know how this is working by getting down there I mean a nice level yeah is that why we're getting a bit of water everywhere if this is gonna work just need to get down in there oh no no no no no no al then that one poor careful now might be enough might be enough what is that one but it's two I take one it's kind of falling the lava can't get to that one I could pick one up and what's the least used number for we do this then uh-huh risky business please be good and worth my time mmm I do have a bit of D&D in the morning for [ __ ] sake mmm I mean it's God but only it will keep that then okay what is that purple [ __ ] green slimy meat oh hey it's all in my language there's a shop apparently on the far right but we are on relatively low health wow it's a 1 there secure it down let's lock it down nothing too good slimeball Oh slow-mo take that just cause it a slimeball what is that larva to blood Oh could have used that a second ago it's the slime ball is really good for these later levels I would say you can just penetrate downwards cut through nastiness the edge of the level as in bedrock edge by the way is there I don't have my pathetic chainsaw cut through this stuff although the shotgun is actually a better digger you just have to kind of ping it around to get it where you want it already edge our acid balls it's let's let us throw the acid balls all of the acid balls we wait for it to pull itself out the worst place we want to find a he see by commander hey don't get snagged this is where this run could end potentially if I'm not absolutely perfect really oh I'm sorry blood that's interesting what do not trust that now right let's sort that out cool nice 30 damage Grenada boys not today it's blowing them away I love it shooting at the wall sort of pellets bounce back and dick careful of mana sustained here all right nasty Tariq that will do us in if we let him Oh Oh bug don't weave meat I know careful of that ticket blimey that manner ice absolutely lovely ricocheting here well careful careful careful into the depths once more goodness me $3,000 we've got men is this the Menken of a sequel to shining that could well be laughter it's an absolute massacre the massacree nice keep that manner up Jim you haven't found a nice template one to expand our wand aha it speaks you soon that's a truly terrible chainsaw Oh mate I could have been nasty Ryan oh and another one please get a couple downrange just for the hell of it don't fall in it no a massacre the ec vase I like it oh we've got a couple not wow look at that sucker how can I get in there though there's the next question so that's down it's over there actually perhaps we can asset our way down or even fly around nice Oh an alternate play doh of the acid boy I just wanted to see what would happen nice right what do we got B please be a big boy oh there is a damage heavy heavy shot heavy shot weave shotgun injector would that be something goodie perchance I don't really know I did think I cleaned the easy base blimey and hello pretty cool go in would you reckon name is that worth taking over it's a shame to give up in Chains or I don't know hmm I suppose it good especially for the temple of the art you know it would be for the minute we've got another one down here he C means I used to know what it meant everyone used to tell me but I I don't remember missed it same to do like the ghosts or something not not ghosts or or not undead ghosts something along those lines I seem to remember the opposite of low-scale for God's sake every shot is wonderful with injectors is it ok what I came over to change for one den because this is not really doing much there's not as much as I hate giving up chainsaws chainsaws have fallen off I think in usefulness since a few patches they haven't been as break game breakingly awesome boom much like the manor the manor increases spell as well that's been buffed as a sniper I can feel who's looking for this shop won't Lee the mystery shop which is yet to reveal itself well hello goodbye if we design our suffering the age-old problem of not having a digging tool Wow I really hope there's a shop here because we've come all this way mm-hmm as a wand nice Saudi Wanda ah come on be our new template it's not our new template this is pool now I'm gonna be careful of this because my shotguns may penetrate that canister Oh Oh ha ha would have been sick yeah we're just gonna hit bedrock I think okay let's get out of here we've been here for a long time I was gonna say far too long but you can never spend far too long in this level because any time you can enhance you boys is a good time so let's bounce we've got $3,000 done legitimately as well so I'm very happy with this weapon is wonder you're not weapon where is a weapon boom boom boom black hole it's a spell shop hmm I really want a black hole it kind of has to take up a whole wand useful ah this is I know it's always cast isn't it also perk lottery but remain in sectors we could take always cast you hold a wand and it gives you a random always cast it could be anything couldn't it it's not like the go keys things always cars where you pick what you want it could be earthquake it could be whatever something can Laurine and try and pick always cast as well as lori has its moments it has its moments we haven't seen any of the immunities in Nepal yet so we haven't lost them I think that's perhaps the best ode of mode of action mode of operandi how I don't know yeah dude the one first doesn't it take you're thinking of how goki's things does it the vanilla version of always cast is it you hold the wand pick the perk and it will add a random not anything you're holding just a random thing from the pool of the game we had them we had something Brent crazy glass it wasn't good it was crap so it can ruin a wand so it's the chance you take of course and so for instance if I put it on this shock on one we might get always cast the man of spell war black hole don't ever try to add a second always cast it broke the wand I'm in what way pretty cool in what way it will take black how it sees you might as well that's cheap as well cuz we're early in the game alright we wanted heavy shots so we're wood heavy shot go first although really that's gonna really chug the mana it's already quite heavy wand hard that is gonna hurt big-time though that's one actually does that mean League eight the second shotgun if it's heavy is it's one of them heavy shot in damage up one of them is not that good if this is injecting and doing heavy damage I'd like to think that does equally the same amount of damage let me know number experts I'm going to go and deal with this the packed lottery who didn't didn't get it anyway puh so you think one shotgun is fine that in damage field I sure hope so because the man is sustained is less so we're using less as 25-minute rain versus seven oh wow really is this shotgun even doing anything oh yeah sorry chainsaw it is yes and let me just see the lateral thing oh wow yeah so it's spreading out nice that's pretty cool they hang around for a while do very nice cool what we for damage per bullet well if only we had a bigger non trifle wand on off person here that's a five caster Wow mm rods will put more acid booze on that [ __ ] cool get rid of that no one wants that in their life larva to blood maybe scatter can go magic arrows can go I'll keep a couple for the hell of it a personal fire bullfrog I'm not fan I do have the worst luck in perc lottery I know we had it yesterday would you read mighty warrior when we had the [ __ ] pokes you know the sands one the powder one that kick one poke not everyone twice in a row like we've gold free perks pick a ball it's just like typical absolutely typical all we do have many immunity so let's see if this one does good damage have you shot before the spitter okay cool where we've only got one shotgun oh that's fine for now good sign for the wasps even owner only wasps sniper one hit on a sniper reassuring hey man come on with the ones oh man that's very satisfying reassuring for a flower boy you see one of those poison easy buyers to come along it's all true test of what we've got here yeah Millie immunity in the forest is probably the best thing you could ever have there's nothing other than the easy boys that have the poison things the boba fett people often can really hurt you including the dragon dragons in LA at least so we're gonna go and try that okay yeah we've won hit a flower fellow there so that's very reassuring is that talks holy [ __ ] why did we fill my water oh that is not very good at all [ __ ] their water pools in the jungle you would think there would be that's entirely ah yes there is good I'm gonna say come on jet pack Drew's doom do me a solid please right so water please all that other guff though a gaff to make that pure I'm gonna go back to there where was that talks don't get tagged by it must be up there cuz it's dripping down Oh dilute that [ __ ] get some proper water just for the hell of it yeah gonorrhea water Jesus oh look at you avoiding the bloody stuff there dirty bastard thank you for joining me folks by the way I hope you having a nice time halfway through the week folks were almost there at the weekend almost though I knew I would get greened so much goodness gracious me yeah I'm trying to top it up but it's all still a bit manky isn't it there we go go green one bean on shuffle please you bastard ten loads long recharge times oh oh good shooting good shooting Tex nice Wow that is excellent for one of those boys because they are quite tanky if we all something seven to go hang on oh you little [ __ ] dirtbag I don't think so buddy oh look at the injection of one here oh yeah man but if you're careful of this manner before I get too carried away I'm poisoned too yeah well now oh saved by the blood there's a nice little run it's in here you know nothing too sophisticated but pretty good I like it I would put the heavy shot before the triple because it will also add more safe to the chainsaw an extra 59 damage per shot ah ah oh well well well we shall see everyone all those won here in everyone to be honest certainly a double tap the old double tap always good I began a bit deep I think Oh careful careful careful there's gonna be fire oh no oh no no no this is not what I want from life Oh that was pretty cool and I have been poisoned really come on I'm better than that come on shotgun get us out of here this we're not digging anymore wasn't so lame then [ __ ] off I know I'm poisoned but I'm gonna have to take that no bed out [ __ ] off [ __ ] that's fine I'll take the loss on that one don't need to take out the spider buys because they can't damage me it's just that it's fine to do so and that would be one less spider to take out or ruin the temple as well so well if the chants worth it worth the time to do boom right after the dragon folks I think we're in a good position to do him in we've come down a bit haven't we so I think we better go up for the dragon a little place I think this may be it ah spoilers eh oh no Boulder interesting let me just lock down a oh here make sure no one's coming by spider in my room is [ __ ] scary spiders always scary I don't I don't know spiders a lot of people like have arachnophobia to Nene they have like more spiders out of their games I don't like him but I'm not terrified of him I buddy goes after him if they're well why did I just do that I'm talking on I all right anyway ignore me talk about spiders it's time for the dragon nice that's very good what please be a non shuffle [ __ ] beast it is [ __ ] yes good good good deal we was waiting for that hour in Jesus was like he is not hugged a fine one for some time and now we have given him one nice let's get the [ __ ] out of here shall we okay number four you're gonna go oh no that's got a shotgun on we're gonna want that harpy extra pulling power that is a ridiculous wand but quite a ridiculous random run so sorry acid balls yes it is a bit me especially especially when you have a big powerful one like this but let's not let it get to our heads we have to get out of here I might get snagged by fire and poisoned insert ridiculous noise her outcome I would perhaps look like to stay a bit longer to find a hell [ __ ] maybe well we do have be 70 I think that's quite reasonable let me have a quick peruse bit of extra money as well nice 3400 hello Holly I don't actually line the Lord of the Rings films that much to be honest of you there all right I just think it's a bit well get the [ __ ] away from that thing I didn't realize I had that yeah I don't really remember any of them so sorry Holly if you've all ever fought there and the one with the wizard I don't know the actors annoyed me mr. Frodo mr. Frodo I know if you wish the Frodo and I tried to watch that Hobbit film as well [ __ ] me all sitting around the table singing what is this dog [ __ ] Jesus but now I got kid for comic effect they're good films objectively I know we did actually watch them or when they was very they were very good I always like to pretend I don't like a lot of stuff but good films had the one I don't remember what it was all because we watched them all together so I treat them as one big thing so I remember is it Moria when there was all in like a dark cave I my memory is foggy this was a few years ago as well so yeah Simo doesn't have a good taste the Edit is true I II can't hot dogs so don't listen to my movie opinions all the films I like I like five and six on IMDB so what do I know how's it going Chris by the way hmm yeah I could have a drink The Hobbit novel was one of my favorites Oh granted the Hobbit movies were awful oh my there was like a in The Hobbit they went to some place there is this like big singing sack man from The Nightmare Before Christmas I was like what a [ __ ] am i watching it was lots of [ __ ] trash Jesus hello hello welcome back Grove Tombaugh Baldy anyway we've got a big old beefy wand here let's check these ones first no I think we're going to be topping what we've found [Music] reasonable oh don't show me that it's like my that's my sumos wet dream one that is mm for biome two if it was biome two next night what do we pick then well Byram unity for the vault is very useful because it's very oily down there oh my bikes forever those chainsaws will let you turn mister dragon wand into insanity okay then hmm okay so number three we'll just take will whip them mothers off will have all of them aha ooh Lala oh Jesus I have run out of space I think it's time for magic arrows to go okay don't you wish you were watching Harry Potter instead and I don't like the witch you're free as well so that is my hole can't go any deeper you're just gonna get some grub you want for much longer we're on a good run here but we're just about to go to the vault so possibly possibly grab up the TV mate and put it up to a computer he good to see you then right so that wand is at the bust isn't it although we don't need this one diver do we spark trigger all right so Oh God get rid of the spread I'm gonna put all of these spreads in one place actually got deaf crosses here this is a well no [ __ ] squeeze me it's those [ __ ] in [ __ ] spiders again isn't it right do not compromise my chances of the vowel here Steve nice good good not taking none of that [ __ ] today wouldn't a bar okay so back to the building of the wand so number four it's got all of this stuff on eating here oh go no hang on we've been compromised god damn those spiders why is this still not fixed goodness me it's so annoying thankfully you're only got one temple to go right so sorry wand comp this [ __ ] what we gonna do spike trigger heavy you should as horizontal isn't going to do us in but I'm willing to try it X again hexagon hexagon hexagon mm-hmm oh I've thrown it down there have a knife back and on I need to drop some spells don't I this game could be a little bit painful at times it really can and on acid trou bear with me aha we've grabbed it cool so we'll hang on that's fine we can't get killed by this knob but still cool um all that was without our stuff on wasn't it though hexagon five chainsaws my word to Bri you sure these necessary oh yeah well oh no no ship sorry wrong wand firstly hang on I need to do some major clearing up here I heard the spider heard you wanted to test your one come yeah I think so are we deaf crosses it equipment of all of this shite don't think we're gonna be needing deaf crosses are we all know we're yeah we're doing we're using the chain saws as an attack army yes sorry I've seen this before yeah it's very good is that what we need then for the for the one comp oh yeah I've got it on the wrong one still have an eye my bad so did got one forming here and one it's a double cast as well is there anything else to be added here look at her manner holy [ __ ] jeez and end of the trigger oh shut him put a trigger on did I I'm sorry it's there sorry I'm kind of bit excited I think eeeh so don't give any money and carve everything in their path yeah they're bastards aren't night I really are missed a little bit where'd you get all those sores it was on one of the ones in the shop and thankfully we had so much money to buy it we're all good we'll sit out generated in a really weird way it's really common to see one inside the walls yeah maybe that's the reason why they we have so much trouble with them so anything else to be had here there's a chainsaw need the lateral thing on it does add stuff doesn't it right I see also that I didn't is that Ed in 5 / then we need a known this is a spread isn't it so that's before is it the damage before does it matter we're heavy Sean lateral is have interest let me know what I may need to add to this slip we're gone is this final yes say yes to final or no this is what I'm gonna change so cuz I'm gonna be I'll be because we're on the hour but let's have a little look-see and it's a hex isn't it so um should I not want six as chat suggests double trip one Yin for the old ravage how doesn't seem to be doing too much there interesting only that works isn't it maybe take one off maybe if we just track them all on for argument's sake I think it's wise to our tricks snit it's not it's not fixing it at all isn't it we it's always a little bit of jiggery-pokery going on with that stuff in that one should do three hundred and ten damage per hit if my math is still correct Wow dressed in okay like this trying to get that rate of fire up it's always we will crack it we will know because it go boom hmm is it because it's a double car look also it's doing two casts at the same time so could we either implement some extra damage here is it maybe because it's doing to casting maybe some more multicasts or what's so put it how it was button also the shot gun or with a trigger I'm gonna slow it down though oh no it's doing - sparks isn't it oh of course that's the second trigger do I really want that though and is the question another chains or in the end we go [ __ ] hell ever touch I think take that off oh wow there's a lot of damage very limited in goodness me how much I need rain ten mana drain 2002 take off the second trigger chew in the manner that is one hell of a shotgun thank you anything out of the way wouldn't it goodness gracious me I'm trying to keep an arm where the chainsaw is landing no that has a barrage is that is that our final build den folks what you think I think so right is that you're just gonna fire it off and it's gonna land and kill stuff there the heavy shot we go wouldn't we need to Evie shots that's only gonna be affecting well how about this hang on I mean that doesn't go far does it well no we wanted after wouldn't we well how about this hang on hang on hang on hang on I don't need to go there wouldn't it oh right okay no wait hang on so it's over or we can't pick oneness chainsaw before the triple y one less Oh oh no no no no no no no no no wait how has that changed it so much that's bizarre man one less chainsaw before the triple when the heavy needs to be second okay well let's do that and then said it's I've changed all's in that chain hmm oh so it's injecting the shotguns doing the lateral thing infinite sustain again not as crazy but it's the mass of riot that trigger here is very extremely damaging but those red-hot bloody things are going to be quite damaging to these little meteors they're gonna really be a bit of trouble that's a cool man look at a sustained as well is this the one heavy shot adds 44 to every spell in the multi cast you want as many spell as you can under the same trigger ice but it's a to cast that we're getting away with this so anything else to add to this probably move on I know it looks a little a lot less impressive that's really mental if you had to double on in it goes mental let's have a look it's funny how the hackery works alright we kind of but that chainsaw back in that's crazy yeah so that is right on the end maybe doesn't seem to work alright so that's the final build den that was fun buds more meta move triple back one and add a shotgun alright okay wait what like this yeah I'll leave that on there for you two shotguns now well that's true that's true in the manner interesting that's a lot lower isn't it holy [ __ ] although burn mine we're shooting at nothing when we hit an enemy all of those pellets will be injected that's very wrong and it recharges extremely quickly so I think we're going to go for that I think that's gonna be incredible power shame we don't have that test dummy though isn't it be really interesting to see that numbers here can any mathematicians give us any numbers as the potential damage output here let me know that's really quite something I think it's time to move on isn't it I'm gonna have a drink for luck here on fire immunity in poke lottery so come on perk lottery do us proud come on is going good Aaron Jesus be kind okie our in Jesus God's sake well that's fine here we go then the vault let us move on to danger town it's fifty free damage 250 free damages there on a box oh yeah as I fought instead instead Robocop always reassuring to see nice watch out for that acid yeah for now for the polymorph mm-hmm fancy that too much always a fella still there Wow yeah we left some of that yeah I think perhaps a different route is gonna be advisable I'm all oiled up but I am fireproof so I'm not too bothered of course I am fireproof yes yes yes and melee proof - yeah the 12 gauge injector Cir God's right here we go here's a deaf squad yes Oh nicely done nice nice nice nice nice goodness me Wow stay the hell away from me man a half EEG squad is a dead he see squad the simulation is extreme I'm getting a bit of slowdown here spicy that is a lot of death jeez Louise won't even need any more ones I buy gold for days fireproof stuffs dying instantly I like it I'm trying to keep a close eye out on any acid or anything that I'm gonna miss with overconfidence here I can't even get down there there we go that has sorted out there's a lot of gold I'm missing cool oming would be nice I think homeand would work because sparks are so quick they probably would not don't know I don't know yeah shotgun Mike home correctly possibly dreamy fort nonetheless that lateral as advertised is actually quite fun there's killing stuff it's coming out of caverns and stuff even though I'm not thinking about them nice take it easy take it slow no rush here we're doing a hell of a lot of damage it would be nice homing on the homing on the spark bolts the free game on epic in a few days is GTA 5 my forts I hope you're ready for more people arrive at driving oppressor mark twos potentially Jesus but yeah good game GTA 5 I don't think anyone's not played it the online online is a horrible game but it is addicting if you let it be addicting I played it for about three weeks solid didn't I only enjoyed it due to the sense of progression and earning stuff and buying stuff then I kind of bought everything and I was like I don't think I want to play this game anymore cuz the actual game is trash in my opinion the loading screens are awful pretty much every single game mode is trash the little racing mode they're all dogs in my opinion the best thing is the contact missions and probably the heists and that's about it it's a bit of fun so you and have a chance to play that in a few days I suppose to 2013 game some surprised it hasn't happened sooner and they're going free but that means also installing the epic game launcher so your mileage may vary I won't weigh in on that debate but I know a lot of people don't like that stuff yeah cool shotgun would home very well at that speed right right the right the way to make this fast is to make sure a chainsaw is dispelled activates on the second cast of the main wand second cast okay well better in mind and we will try that in the temple next oh that's a explodey boy there boom boom boom and a lot of gold with melee immune as well so Wow but that make sure there's no acid in there yeah eyes is dreamy whoa careful now Wow look at how much gold regenerates in men what was that over there as well that was a bomb I think boom blimey jolly good too bobafet be invested mmm that's a reasonable one room arts will take it for a template not do we need any backup ones right now quite honestly it's pretty much a shooting gallery at this point I would say well as I understand it GTA 5 is linked to rockstars launcher they might be able to avoid getting the epic launcher yeah I suppose freeze free at the end of the day isn't it no matter how you get it if you want to look at it like that it's a pretty pants wand unfortunately asked to recharge spare is it yes it is yeah which I don't think it's gonna be too useful it might help us on this wand where we shall see - and just hunting for hours at a time working towards those outfits is relaxing and addicting as hell yeah hunting is a good bit of fun Fox Ted you will know because I've been playing the hunter a lot recently good game good game certainly a market for relaxing games on the PC market isn't there boom there we go nice I guess we might as well just get out of here quite honestly cuz we've proved our worth we're not going to find a better one so let's just mosey on down to get out of here town ones make sure there's nothing there might be a decent one deer I don't think there will be I what is that dress he eschewed ah what is there projectile gains a shield that deflects projectiles interesting hey there's a double spark on there could that be worthwhile to us double spark that is to spells isn't it hmm no injuries least relaxing game yeah I know right Jesus would you reckon is that well no not really I suppose I'll leave that in your capable hands chat while I look at the perks and take on Steve because we might need that money to re-roll so you'll see did we just one shot that bad that little [ __ ] nice a few days de dig dig in grab the money sweet solo grab sucks one radar sucks as as does that so we're rolling oh is that no more shuffle it is do we really need it though quite honestly I think we do you ain't gonna get better than this one I really don't think you're gonna get better than that whatever this shoot projectiles could be cool with the horizontal blocking something here want the blocking we had slow heavy projectiles more area-denial he was doing weird stuff right yeah let's have a rear oh well no freeze is gonna [ __ ] us up isn't it here we go let's gamble folks explosion immunity not really exploding it's a very good perk to take I mean we will have the trifecta melee fire and explosion wouldn't we yeah okay look at me trying to pass up explosion immunity what's wrong with me cool alright then this is the run it's the way it goes isn't it would let you have explosion explosion explosive projectiles sorry leprechaun what was that change all fix we was doing to make it go fast well it worked fine as it did didn't it well let's try this recharge thing I don't think we need this to be it's not got a recharge time all of the chainsaws would produce it anyway so add one more chain saw in the end okay mendel absolutely ludicrous it's just a machine gun isn't it although it might lead us to as long as it's always doing what it should be doing when the manner is low because we don't want to be firing just sparks if I'm panicked and under pressured though double instead of triple won't drain as much mana but this one on the end or both of them oh I only have one hmm don't think I need that much power though also even absolute self-sustaining even right at no manner because it's recharging enough mana to do the injection so and I think it's what chain as a change source parking air as well so there we go then well we'll just have to treat ourselves to this I think that's a remarkable amount of damage Wow okay then let's I'm taking this with me I'm keeping it as is anything they're done powder arc hang on i crackers on on the last triple I what is that where I got it correct yeah that's extremely overkill my crackers suck swap triple and firecrackers woof rip my PC a well it's quite spectacular isn't it I'll say that much but my MEF seems you're getting 522 damage per spark Wow thank you for doing the maths there that's incredible what's you have one gunpowder arc also it is that's technically the same thing isn't it you know what I think that kills my sustain it does just leave it be it's hard to say I think the shotguns don't proc yeah leave that off whatever we've got was fine it's a bit too visually in your face isn't it yeah we'll leave that off keep that because it's useful and number four can just go quite honestly although there's another formation finger could we double up again and that no that wouldn't work would it would it I will try for my purposes I know you're probably typing quickly you can inter twitch that and saying no but you can even over to projectiles yeah this is true okay we'll leave that beating just for a bit of fun yes of course of course Owen lippert lottery is still here let's have a rear oh sure I didn't see that electricity that's the bad one though isn't it well faster movement is good go for faster yeah that's good yes that's real good all right it's a goody runnin we're getting out of here so a path of dark flame no bed down there for the Poli boy here we are in temple of the art let's wipe this [ __ ] up nothing can stop us basically look at that that's ludicrous that lateral path proving to be rather tasty anything that's gonna stop us is polymorph and overconfidence so here we go but a final haul something simulating heavy here what is that check out a path for dark flame there we go the injector shotguns very nice well do love having extra speed it's so nice I'll put some water down just in case I get knocked down it's happened before what no way through where's me acid when I need it eh overconfidence isn't slow in insidious killer thank you for joining me on this epic run I'm very pleased that we have received one today after perhaps a pool session yesterday we're always a one-day video I don't think I'm in the market for one the [ __ ] is that shooting at me look at that lateral digging marvelous I suppose a quick and brief exit will be necessary here blue boy can't hurt us cuz we've got many immunity get rid of that just for the hell of it no I well those little purple things there reduce mana spell all that would be nice wouldn't it and I even get through today I don't think I can but I like to investigate regardless it was hard ah Drock Jesus man just a little soft soft touch they're just the cure anything is absolutely divine our porno spider-boy ders got absolutely obliterated their volume off careful saved by the shield again wow that was a thing that was a blind D boy I think so they're very hard to tell apart or two wizards on this level when I was technically freedom including a toxic fella the chest on top is there I think I've gone a bit too far there before you prize saw that chest on top whereabouts death by chicken hello s stop any downside to streaming noise series yeah possible to remember where he was haha thank you you found it honey I think just money boom cool yeah thank you for the thank you for the notification now I wouldn't have seen net stream of vision blinded by streamer vision hello bye bye it's just a delightful delightful beast this finger boom boom boom oh yeah oh absolutely making record pace as well don't even think about it as I share your head off that is polymorph sorry teleport iam leaking the actual respective juices well quite a interesting change there on a pile of gold degrees as we go through to the boss hello sue how's it going an tidbit my town was just featured on Gordon Ramsay's show mmm very nice yes very nice too Gordon Ramsay what's he doing these days television wise I wish he still made some kitchen nightmares because I they were good men the American ones I hang on it's to still with Steve he's dealt with it doesn't take long nice oh and there's projectile repulsion which is really good energy shoot that is on you as well so I think wow that's very expensive let's go and have a look at the perks first would I quite like projectile repulsion and I'm gonna grab that it's far too useful and we'll put on that shield as well onto this one time that's double isn't it yes although what's the manner it still sustains on my manacle so now we've got two shields yeah it is pretty amazing do you know how teleporting work sim oh yeah teleports us away yeah what do you mean using it to actually move around is it's based on your cursor isn't it like if you get hit by teleport I mean you're looking up you get to the ported up that is that correct I think the boss is gonna live for approximately 0.1 seconds because you don't have any orbs so he's not gonna last a moment but hey happy days a every day is indeed shame we don't have any ones anywhere sadly that'd be rather tasty hello there we go nice good stuff okay well yeah I think we're gonna leave it there folks to be honest cuz it's nothing new to see we know this one is powerful we've made it to the end I am a boss farmer even I don't pick up any things if I can get to the end of a call wand I know I've made my made my mark I join even be playing this game today - there we go another win in the books happy days there's the final one come before I die there you go brief glimpse of it there this is true this is true oh yeah I think I'm gonna leave it there for annoyed I hope you enjoyed that session folks a totally unexpected I left twitch on noise the category instead of Hydra near there I wasn't expecting this run so they go a bit of bonus noise to hear what was the final clock of the numbers there was it 500 pairs 544 damage per spark pretty mental if you ask me I mean what can I say so thank you for joining me on that one
Views: 7,292
Rating: 4.9555554 out of 5
Keywords: simosimo, simosimo twitch, noita gameplay, noita secrets, noita streamer, noita playthrough, noita commentary, best noita wand, noita tips, noita boss, roguelike streamer, noita god run, noita secret ending, noita alchemy, noita deaths, noita shotgun, noita trigger wands, noita trigger, noita god wand
Id: 2Ka4uAIe8t0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 32sec (8072 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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