She's blind. I'm blindfolded. We're going to fly a plane.

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this video has optional audio description available in settings on supported devices i'm with lucy edwards who makes stuff for youtube and tick tock uh if you've seen any of the videos about this is how a blind girl does x yeah i'm the blind girl i am that i am her i'm glad you said that not me and and you've invited me to an airfield i have and we're going to blindfold you today till it's going to be interesting very interesting this is not officially a competition to see whether a blind person or a blindfolded person is better at flying a plane it might be though not so sort of it is exactly that yes yes it is i love it this is what we need to do i'm very competitive we're going to do this i have sort of flown a plane for about 15 seconds before i've like held the control stick and been told exactly what to do but that's it i've got i've got no experience uh i i also have no experience being blind which seems an obvious thing to say no fair enough fair enough yeah i've been blind since i was 17. and uh i just feel like it's incredible how all of your other senses take over and i'm going to use all of those skills today to hopefully like impart that knowledge on to you i feel like you have one skill i have the other and we can work with this tom right let's go talk to someone who knows what they're doing how how are we able to fly i i didn't i didn't know this is a thing we could do what's what is air ability what what are we doing it does sound like a dangerous contract but ability is a charity which exists to give disabled people regardless of what that disability is the opportunity to throw at our aircraft have you ever flown with a blind person before harvey we actually have not me personally um but we've had a few blind people come through and they they really enjoy it it's an immersive experience yeah it really does work how do you adapt the playmate i'd say our aircraft are adapted in a few ways we use a touchscreen as a preferred setting for radiation navigation i because for me with my hands they worked everything well it's a lot easier we also have a hand control which controls the water pedals apart from that we have instructors to develop status techniques um and anything else we can do we do can you plummet or like nose dive no comes back i'm happy we're gonna have an instructor right i'm just it's not gonna be like radio like there's gonna be someone there doing like you have control i have control yeah yeah he qualifies about an hour ago and you you got your license here as well right i did so i had a favorite flying uh bowls are an interesting becoming a pilot i decided over time that the interest that way to say they came here to conquer that failure and now i've envisioned being instructor one day when i grew up so you're going up first yeah i'm not going to be in that flight because if i go up and kind of get hints it's not really going to be it's not a competition no tips but it won't be it won't be fair yes not a competition this is the thing and and then i'm going up and you're joining me on that one right yeah and then the competition truly begins because i'm going to be like what is he doing is it better than me is this going to be you know no honestly good luck [Music] watch your head oh yeah so if you sit on that seat yeah it's very it smells very leathery it is leathery right so i'm going to jump in as well yeah very good quality leather are these like the pedals and this is the control column okay so that's right that's left and that's forwards and that's back backwards yeah so if we make the plane go down okay let's make it go up oh right okay see so if you go like that then we're going to plum it yeah okay don't do that right are we ready everyone okay we're just going to taxi to the start of the runway put your feet forward on the road so you're gonna take off and then i'm gonna sort of fly in this guy and then you're gonna do you're gonna do my challenge that's right okay cool so there's a really slight movement gonna move it really down on my is it like really let's see how he gets on it's 2 000 feet like what would you see when you're looking at the floor like what will be ants or yeah here we go just climbing [Music] the smoother it gets oh okay right we are flying at uh 1800 feet we're doing 130 miles an hour okay let's explain oh with that new experience okay i'd like to keep it in a straight line as possible okay for the next two minutes okay yeah okay okay i think this is straight i feel like i'm going left actually going left hello what do you think we're doing um oh my god okay i don't even know why i think it's just because i just can't see me vomiting i'm like oh okay okay ready okay so we're gonna go to the right first we're gonna count to three and we're looking for 30 degrees up back okay so here we go to the right okay oh one two three same thing one two okay one two three really all right okay you feel like your ears are popping it's such a weird ball oh i know i think it's gonna do when it's coming i'm like it's anticipation from now okay i feel a bit sweaty i think it was that descent what could go wrong hey i was okay because i was screaming but you were laughing so i was like it's fine mike's okay it's all good mike is okay i just played with lighters did you will you he just flown the plane oh it's slightly wobbly that's terrifying okay okay because this is this is unnerving now i can hear things moving yeah i was like oh my gosh you can feel the red ball you can smell the leather when you first get in the plane i i do feel like i felt the descent and the left and right a lot more than you feel going up but you'll have to tell me okay man i i haven't been nervous for a takeoff in a in a long time it is oh yeah i'm not gonna lie i was shaking and i did i did sweat a little bit maybe that was too much information we've just met oh yeah okay i totally know what you mean i think day to day trusting passengers sisters getting on and off trains other humans that you've only just met i think it is something to adjust to um also you know grabbing my guide dog harness and my first time with an adjustment oh we're going we're going are we okay i don't know all i know is the rudder moved a lot mike what are we doing we're just attaching to the end of the runway all right i'm assuming that you're going to do the taking i am going to do it i'm correct hey here we go ready you'll be glad to know lucy that hey we're now airborne are we yeah wow i know i other than a very slight angle change like yeah slightly i could okay now now it's a bit of bouncing now we're going up and down a bit but yeah yeah that's what it's that's so weird that i felt that as well my ears just popped so yeah but oh there was no difference between runway and airborne there for me now we're just climbing out to the north west we're doing a thousand feet a minute climb we're gonna go to two thousand feet okay that felt like leveling out we're just left we're at two thousand feet that's gonna reduce the power okay tom just to say every little movement you do on the control is a lot that's that's the one thing i the one thing i know is that i need to make gentle movements i've held the planes control stick for about 10-15 seconds i was just told whatever you do slowly gently carefully yeah okay well we're at 2000 feet now i'm going to hold you just hold the controls lightly as lightly as you can okay what i'd like to do is maintain this heading for me so you have control i have control oh i have no idea i this is terrifying i have absolutely no idea i i don't think so yes we are we're going down we're going down we're going down okay well i pulled slightly back but i don't but not to the extent that i did i literally plummeted and screamed okay but you're doing really really well i feel like we're feet well done okay so so the altitude was good but we started turning yeah we were turning straight away okay right so hold it like you're holding it too tight relax your pressure okay i'm holding very tight all right okay so just relax the pressure ready yep no one two three three stop stop that was a very fast one two three i'm never gonna go level again so one two three stop so that's turned third degrees both ways now are we level we are okay so you have control and i want you to turn to the right one two three straight so that's about yeah we're turning about 10 degrees okay yeah almost level and we are going slightly up now okay oh now i feel like that was that was to get now that's that's now a level oh okay so you feel the g quite yeah but honestly when we were turning it felt like we were straight i i just okay oh right we're now going to uh return back to blackbush you have control no you're gonna stay in control uh black burst this is gold sierra in the united we're about three miles to northwest to rejoin lucy i appreciate the cheerleading but i feel like i couldn't tell what was level like it's it's not a contest mike but who who won well for the most exciting descent of the day yeah i think for the 30 degree accuracy turns lucy did very well right uh i thought you did very well with your level even though we turned almost 180 degrees yeah but uh yeah it's great i'll take that i'll i'll take the altitude lucy thank you at this point i would shake your hand but i don't feel either of us are really going to be in a position to do that thank you so much tom you're such a good sport lovely sky by the way oh touchdown i can stay level you can say straight between us we're a good pilot between them you
Channel: Tom Scott plus
Views: 801,986
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tom scott, tomscott
Id: rs1WF2SkjuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 13sec (1153 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 05 2022
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