The largest telescope that will ever be built*

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There's an asterisk in the title of this video. Of course there's an asterisk. There has to be. And I'll be honest... I had a whole script ready to go here as the sun sets over the Atacama Desert in Chile. But, I've found so much more than I expected over the last day and a half. So many stories. I've been exhausted both from the altitude – we're three kilometres up here – and from dashing around with handheld cameras trying to capture everything. So, what's going to happen now is we're going to cut to a version of me in a couple weeks' time who is coherent and who's had time to process all this. [Caption+ by JS* | @caption_plus] <i>Here's the story.</i> I got an invitation to visit the Extremely Large Telescope. Scientists love giving telescopes names like that. It's a telescope. It's extremely large. The invite was from the UK Science and Technology Facilities Council and the European Southern Observatory. They arranged everything, <i>but they have no editorial control</i> <i>over what I'm saying.</i> <i>And I paid for my own travel.</i> Those flights were expensive. So there'll be an advert for NordVPN later on, because it was actually useful to me while I was in Chile. Anyway, the Atacama Desert is <i>the most desolate place I've ever been to.</i> <i>Rolling hills of stone and rock</i> <i>for hour after hour of driving.</i> <i>I'm sure there's life out there somewhere,</i> <i>but we didn't see any of it.</i> Eventually, we arrive at the base camp at Paranal. <i>Let me give you the lay of the land.</i> <i>At the bottom of the hill is the Residence,</i> <i>where visiting scientists and non-scientists stay.</i> <i>Not a hotel. Very definitely not a hotel.</i> <i>You can't pay for a room there if you try.</i> <i>It's more like university dorms,</i> <i>if university dorms ever won architectural awards.</i> <i>That's at the bottom of the hill,</i> <i>along with all the support buildings and structures</i> <i>that are needed to support life out there.</i> <i>Up at the top of the hill is the Very Large Telescope,</i> <i>built about 20 years ago.</i> <i>And a few kilometres away, a little dot</i> <i>on a flattened-off hill on the horizon:</i> <i>that's the Extremely Large Telescope, the new one.</i> <i>And that's likely going to be</i> the largest optical telescope that will ever be built. <i>But to understand why that is,</i> <i>I need to show you around.</i> <i>Our first stop is at</i> the Very Large Telescope – the VLT – up on the hill about 2km from base camp. <i>In theory, you can walk it.</i> <i>There's a path called the Star Track, but...</i> <i>I didn't feel like getting altitude sickness.</i> <i>The VLT has been operational for more than 20 years now.</i> <i>Results from it have won Nobel Prizes.</i> <i>It was the first telescope to take an actual picture</i> <i>of a planet around another star.</i> It tested Einstein's general relativity <i>by tracking a star around</i> <i>the supermassive black hole at the centre of the galaxy.</i> <i>And it's actually several telescopes.</i> <i>The four big ones are called the Unit Telescopes, or UTs.</i> <i>And we were visiting UT4.</i> Are we good to just go in? Okay. Oh, wow! <i>(laughs)</i> <font color="#FFFF00">So, at Paranal, we have four UT telescopes.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">These are the large telescopes we have here.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">Where the primary mirror,</font> <font color="#FFFF00">this thing that you see here, underneath us here,</font> <font color="#FFFF00">is 8.2 metres in diameter.</font> And that is a mirror... very, very scientifically precise, but the same kind of optical mirror that you would have just to do your makeup in the morning or something like that. <font color="#FFFF00">Um, yes, yes. <i>(laughs)</i></font> Lesson one: Do not compare the extremely expensive scientific instrument to a makeup mirror. The important thing is that the telescopes here are optical telescopes. That's the first reason for the asterisk. There are already bigger radio telescopes. <i>I was lucky enough to visit Arecibo before the collapse,</i> <i>and I recently visited Parkes in Australia.</i> <i>They're all much bigger.</i> But they collect radio waves, not light. They pick up very different frequencies, and they're useful for observing different objects and doing different science. There's stuff you can do with radio that you can't do with optical, and vice versa. Radio telescopes have to be much larger because the wavelengths of the microwaves and radio waves they pick up range from millimetres to tens of metres. But they don't have to be as precise. As long as you build a big bowl <i>that's the right shape, you don't need to make</i> <i>a perfect optical mirror finish.</i> It will still work. Arecibo's surface was just <i>kind of rough mesh, but that still worked.</i> Optical astronomy looks for visible light or infrared. The stuff we can see with the naked eye, or close to that. The wavelengths are from about 100 micrometres to 100 nanometres. <i>And so the optics have to be so, so precise,</i> <i>just like any other camera lens.</i> <i>Well actually, more precise,</i> <i>because mirrors this big have other problems.</i> <font color="#FFFF00">When you get to this large telescope,</font> <font color="#FFFF00">it's actually extremely difficult</font> <font color="#FFFF00">to keep the mirror stable and in the same position.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">It has 150 actuators underneath it.</font> It's like poking the mirror ever so slightly. That must be microns. That must be a tiny, tiny amount it's moving. <font color="#FFFF00">Yeah, and this is basically</font> <font color="#FFFF00">to take into account gravity of the mirror</font> <font color="#FFFF00">and the temperature difference we have within here,</font> <font color="#FFFF00">because when you move the mirror,</font> <font color="#FFFF00">then from gravity, then the shape of the mirror</font> <font color="#FFFF00">is also changing as well.</font> <i>That's called "active optics",</i> <i>deforming the mirror ever so slightly</i> <i>to deal with the effects of gravity as you tilt it,</i> <i>and from thermal expansion as the temperature changes.</i> That's how accurate this has to be. We'll come back to that later, 'cause I got to see the mirror and those actuators close up, but first... We've got to explain what that mirror actually does. They were getting it ready for the night, so they had to test it. Because the whole thing moves. Oh, oh! <font color="#FFFF00">We're moving.</font> That's way faster than I thought it was gonna be. <font color="#FFFF00">We basically test the rotation.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">We test all of the movements of the telescopes.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">We check for the safety of the system,</font> <font color="#FFFF00">before we're going to start the nighttime operations.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">You can't hear the movement, right?</font> This is so fast! Oh, we're going back the other way. I'm just giggling. <font color="#FFFF00">This is several hundred tons of material.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">It's moving like this, and basically</font> <font color="#FFFF00">it's kind of floating on top of</font> <font color="#FFFF00">this very small amount of oil film</font> <font color="#FFFF00">that's underneath here. Because during the night,</font> <font color="#FFFF00">when we're doing the scientific observations,</font> <font color="#FFFF00">we may be staying on one target.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">So observing one galaxy for several hours.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">Because the Earth is rotating,</font> <font color="#FFFF00">so therefore we need to move the telescope</font> <font color="#FFFF00">so that we keep pointing at exactly the same position.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">So this movement needs to be extremely smooth,</font> <font color="#FFFF00">because we don't want to add</font> <font color="#FFFF00">any additional movement onto the observations</font> <font color="#FFFF00">when we're observing our science targets.</font> <i>Rotation test complete, now the tilt.</i> <font color="#FFFF00">We're going to open the dome...</font> <font color="#FFFF00">and we want to put the mirror in such a way</font> <font color="#FFFF00">that if anything falls down from the dome,</font> <font color="#FFFF00">that the probability of that</font> <font color="#FFFF00">actually falling on the mirror is extremely low.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">In the middle of the desert, constantly you're having dust</font> <font color="#FFFF00">that's accumulating onto the mirror.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">I mean, large things falling onto it</font> <font color="#FFFF00">is extremely rare. <i>(chuckles)</i></font> I just looked over there. Oh, wow! So the light would come in from a star. <font color="#FFFF00">Yes. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Hit the main mirror,</font> which is the big reflective thing there... back to M2 just here. <font color="#FFFF00">Exactly.</font> And then down to M3 in the middle. <font color="#FFFF00">It can rotate to send it to any two at the instrument,</font> <font color="#FFFF00">or it opens to send it to the instrument that's below the M1 mirror.</font> Right. There's a lot of very bad animations out there, which show satellite transmissions and stuff like that beaming not into the bowl of the dish, <i>but to the detector, the thing that sticks out.</i> <i>And that is the wrong way round. That's really important.</i> Light bounces off M1, the bowl, <i>and gets focused onto the focal point.</i> <i>And then here it gets bounced down again,</i> <i>either to the equipment at the sides</i> or down into the basement. Light's going to come in and hit M1. <font color="#FFFF00">Yes. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">But isn't M2</font> in the way of what you're trying to observe? <font color="#FFFF00">No, it doesn't, because you have parallel light beams</font> <font color="#FFFF00">that are arriving to the M1.</font> It's not going to come across on camera, I don't think... But there is quite a little white mark just there, and a lot of dust on the mirror. How much is that going to affect the observations? <font color="#FFFF00">For any given object of a given brightness,</font> <font color="#FFFF00">as the mirror gets dirtier,</font> <font color="#FFFF00">then you'll have to observe for longer</font> <font color="#FFFF00">to get the same amount of light on your detector.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">We recoat the mirror once every two or three years,</font> <font color="#FFFF00">maintain the reflectivity.</font> <i>They do use dry ice</i> to dust the mirrors every few weeks, but that can't get everything that builds up over time. Dust on the mirror doesn't change the optics. It doesn't spoil the image. It just means that some light isn't reflected at all. So over time, the image gets less and less bright. I did get to see the mirror recoating lab later. <i>They'd just started to clean</i> <i>one of the other telescope mirrors,</i> <i>the one from UT1.</i> <i>And when I arrived at the lab,</i> <i>the first thing I saw was the structure they used</i> <i>to transport the whole thing down the hill.</i> How on earth did you get that thing all the way down the hill from UT1? <font color="#00FFFF">First, we have to disconnect the cell</font> <font color="#00FFFF">from the main structure of the telescope.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">And then we put this structure</font> <font color="#00FFFF">on the yellow part you can see,</font> <font color="#00FFFF">which is the carriage.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">And this carriage is put on top of a truck.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">And we drive three kilometres.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">This system is over air cushions,</font> <font color="#00FFFF">and we can move with the air cushions.</font> Wait, it's a hovercraft? <font color="#00FFFF">Yeah. Exactly. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">It's basically a hovercraft!</font> <font color="#00FFFF">It is exactly the same principle.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Because the mirror is not here right now,</font> <font color="#00FFFF">maybe we can go up to it.</font> Yeah, yeah. Let's go up. <font color="#00FFFF">Do you want to go up?</font> Yeah, absolutely. <i>So what you can see from up top</i> <i>is the telescope without the mirror on it.</i> The mirror, I thought, was kind of a bowl shape. But this looks flat to me. <font color="#00FFFF">The sag is not so high.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">It's 30 cm.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">So it looks flat, but it's a sphere.</font> Okay, it's just a section of a very big sphere. <font color="#00FFFF">Exactly. You can imagine that</font> <font color="#00FFFF">if we make the full bowl out of this mirror,</font> <font color="#00FFFF">it will be a bowl of 60 m diameter.</font> <i>So let's go see the mirror being cleaned.</i> <i>They'd moved it into the clean room next door.</i> <i>And to start with, it was just being washed.</i> <i>Also, I realise I look stupid</i> <i>with the hoodie on under the clean room gown.</i> <i>I mean, first, it's not a medical</i> <i>or semiconductor-grade clean room.</i> <i>They assured me it's fine.</i> <i>And second, the reason I'm always in the hoodie</i> is that we were always going out and in, so the temperature was always switching from cold, air conditioned interior to brutally hot sun that I needed to cover myself from. <i>So it just seemed like the best uniform for the job.</i> Oh, that is the mirror. <font color="#00FFFF">Yeah, so we have a small window so you can...</font> Oh, I'm scared to breathe now. <font color="#00FFFF">What you can see is the washing unit.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Basically, it's the place where we do</font> <font color="#00FFFF">the stripping of the coating and the washing</font> <font color="#00FFFF">before entering the vacuum chamber.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Right now, we are in the first step of the process,</font> <font color="#00FFFF">which is a first cleaning to remove all the dust,</font> <font color="#00FFFF">also all the stains that was collected</font> <font color="#00FFFF">during two years by the mirror.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">And then, we can start to do</font> <font color="#00FFFF">the stripping or etching of the coating,</font> <font color="#00FFFF">using this rotating arm to pour the acid</font> <font color="#00FFFF">and to have the layer going out.</font> <i>So, wash the mirror to remove the contaminants,</i> <i>then acid etch the old coating away,</i> <i>and then...</i> <font color="#00FFFF">When we have cleaned the mirror,</font> <font color="#00FFFF">and we will close this big chamber,</font> <font color="#00FFFF">do the vacuum, and deposit the aluminium.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">You have the heart of the machine.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">This is what we call the magnetron,</font> <font color="#00FFFF">and it's where we have the target of aluminium.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">99.9% of aluminum, very pure.</font> That's way beyond what you'd normally get for industrial use. <font color="#00FFFF">And by the way, there are some shutters.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">It is closed, so we cannot see the target.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">The rainbow colours are some deposition during the process.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">During years you have these thin layers,</font> <font color="#00FFFF">then it's nice.</font> How much is being added here? <font color="#00FFFF">The thickness of the coating is around 0.1 micron,</font> <font color="#00FFFF">which is very, very small.</font> And a micron is 1/1,000th of a millimetre. <font color="#00FFFF">Exactly.</font> 1/10,000th of a millimetre. You can basically count the number of atoms there. <font color="#00FFFF">It's a 1,000 atoms' layer.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">One thousand. <i>(heavy exhale)</i></font> <font color="#00FFFF">The weight is around seven grams.</font> Over the entire eight metre mirror? <i>They atomise aluminium to create the mirror layer.</i> <i>And when I say atomise,</i> I don't mean like perfume sprayer atomiser. I mean literally, they use plasma <i>to make individual atoms of aluminium</i> <i>float around in a vacuum, and then they just let it</i> <i>softly rain down onto the mirror</i> <i>until they have a coating about 1,000 atoms thick.</i> <i>Anyway, up at UT4, the dome was opening.</i> So this is going to point at the sky. <font color="#FFFF00">Yes.</font> That's obviously a lot more light than it would normally get? <font color="#FFFF00">You have the shutter in place.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">So this, you know, black curtain</font> <font color="#FFFF00">that you have here is there</font> <font color="#FFFF00">so no light's going to get through there.</font> Oh, it's just a physical blackout curtain. Okay, yeah. I can see that just there. And I just noticed the guide star lasers. I know they've been there all the time. They've been really obvious. But now it's pointed this way, I can see one, two, three, four giant laser emitters! Those are enormous! It's giant laser time! But we can only see that after the sun sets. <i>That's not the ocean, by the way.</i> <i>Those are clouds. We're above the clouds.</i> <i>Anyway, sun sets, stars come out.</i> <i>The Milky Way is just stretched out above Paranal,</i> <i>and it is so beautiful!</i> <i>I've never seen the stars this clearly!</i> <i>And they don't seem to twinkle,</i> <i>'cause there's less atmosphere up here</i> <i>to cause that twinkling, that distortion.</i> The atmosphere isn't one consistent thing. There are different temperatures and pressures of air, and the light gets refracted. It's not like wind blowing balloons around. The photons of light aren't being blown away. But it's the same reason that an object in a swimming pool looks distorted when you look down at it from above the surface. That's a difference in the medium that the light is travelling through. The different pockets of air that are constantly moving about in the upper atmosphere cause the same sort of effect. <i>That's why the stars twinkle.</i> <i>The light is slightly bending its path</i> <i>as the pockets of air move around.</i> <i>That's the reason that the telescope is built</i> <i>high up on a desert mountain.</i> <i>There is less atmosphere to get in the way.</i> <i>But there is still some twinkling,</i> even if I can't spot it myself. Enough that it'd still cause problems with observations. <i>And that's what the lasers are for.</i> <i>The lasers didn't look quite that bright in person.</i> <i>Those are long exposure photos,</i> <i>but they looked cool enough.</i> <i>And down in the control room,</i> <i>the scientists there explained what they used them for.</i> This is the laser control? <font color="#00FF00">In some way, it's like a status monitor,</font> <font color="#00FF00">where we can see the status of the laser beacons,</font> <font color="#00FF00">which are these four images we see up here,</font> <font color="#00FF00">and also what commands</font> <font color="#00FF00">are being sent to the deformable mirror</font> <font color="#00FF00">to correct the wavefront.</font> Four lasers beamed out, camera scanning exactly what's happening to the beams in terms of just position? Is it just finding the brightest dot in the sky? <font color="#00FF00">The lasers generate a point source</font> <font color="#00FF00">that we can measure with the wavefront sensor.</font> <font color="#00FF00">And the idea behind the adaptive optics</font> <font color="#00FF00">is to make that point source</font> <font color="#00FF00">as tight and as compact as possible.</font> <font color="#00FF00">So we generate</font> <font color="#00FF00">these artificial stars, the laser beacons.</font> <font color="#00FF00">We measure them,</font> <font color="#00FF00">we apply correction to the deformable mirror,</font> <font color="#00FF00">and that hopefully improves the quality of the laser beacon,</font> <font color="#00FF00">and thus improving the quality of the science image.</font> <font color="#00FF00">Every millisecond, we're making</font> <font color="#00FF00">a measurement of the wavefront,</font> <font color="#00FF00">and it's being commanded to the DSM.</font> What's the lag on that? <font color="#00FF00">It's a few milliseconds.</font> <font color="#00FF00">But the DSM is wibbling like this really quickly.</font> Yeah! <font color="#00FF00">Every millisecond.</font> That's absolutely amazing. <font color="#00FF00">Yeah.</font> Why four lasers? <font color="#00FF00">So, multiple lasers allows us to correct the wavefront</font> <font color="#00FF00">over a large area on the sky,</font> <font color="#00FF00">providing uniform image quality</font> <font color="#00FF00">across the science observation.</font> <font color="#00FF00">If you only had one laser,</font> <font color="#00FF00">you would get good correction in the middle.</font> <font color="#00FF00">But then it would degrade as you go further out.</font> And I figure they're at a specific frequency that you can then notch out in the rest of the observations? <font color="#00FF00">Exactly, yes.</font> <font color="#00FF00">This is the sodium wavelength.</font> <font color="#00FF00">On the instrument, we have a filter</font> <font color="#00FF00">to filter out that light. Also on the telescopes.</font> Yeah. <font color="#00FF00">On the guide star.</font> <i>So, in short, they shoot the laser up,</i> <i>see how it wobbles,</i> <i>and then do maths</i> to subtract that wobble from the observation. Look, I'm gonna say "they do maths" at a few points during this video, because it's the sort of calculation that people spend years learning about. Suffice it to say, they do maths, work out how the laser guide stars are moving, and then physically move and distort the M2 mirror to subtract that atmospheric distortion from the actual stuff they're looking at. So, now you know <i>how a modern optical telescope works,</i> <i>and how precise and difficult the work is.</i> <i>That's the first thing you need to know</i> to understand why the Extremely Large Telescope, the new one, is probably the biggest that will ever be built. <i>The next day, we're able to go</i> down into the basement underneath the four telescopes. Because when I said that the VLT was four Unit Telescopes... <i>Yes it is, but they can all act as one,</i> <i>called the VLTI:</i> <i>Very Large Telescope Interferometer.</i> There is a lot of competition for 'biggest telescope in the world'. There's things like the Event Horizon Telescope, which is a network of radio telescopes all around the globe. They all point at the same thing at the same time, and because they are so far apart on other sides of the planet, the astronomers can record the data that's received, analyse it with signal processing algorithms and supercomputers, and do maths, and create a virtual telescope that is the size of the planet. <i>That's called interferometry,</i> <i>because the maths is all about</i> <i>how those signals interfere with each other.</i> <font color="#FF99FF">We basically completely change</font> <font color="#FF99FF">the way that we handle the data</font> <font color="#FF99FF">the minute we start combining these beams.</font> <font color="#FF99FF">We're thinking about interfering waves of light</font> <font color="#FF99FF">rather than an image.</font> <font color="#FF99FF">And the pattern we get from the interference of that light</font> <font color="#FF99FF">is where we extract all of the information that we want.</font> <i>Radio astronomy can do that by recording the radio waves,</i> and then processing it all afterwards. But remember how I said the wavelength of radio is longer, and the telescopes don't have to be so precise? Well, turns out a lot of other things don't have to be so precise for that either. <font color="#FF99FF">Atmospheric variations are</font> <font color="#FF99FF">a huge limitation for us in the optical</font> <font color="#FF99FF">because, you know, the atmosphere is full of water.</font> <font color="#FF99FF">It's full of things that vary very quickly</font> <font color="#FF99FF">at optical and infrared wavelengths.</font> <font color="#FF99FF">The atmosphere is not varying so crazily</font> <font color="#FF99FF">at radio and submillimetre wavelengths.</font> <font color="#FF99FF">So you have— you're able to maintain</font> <font color="#FF99FF">all that phase information.</font> <font color="#FF99FF">It doesn't get completely smeared out</font> <font color="#FF99FF">by the atmospheric variations.</font> <i>You know if there's a party</i> with a really loud sound system a way away? Then you won't hear the treble, you won't hear the tss-tss-tss-tss. But you will hear the thump-thump-thump of the bass? Radio waves, and... Apologies to physicists watching this, but radio waves are the bass of the electromagnetic spectrum. They travel just fine through the atmosphere with minimal distortion. That's why nobody bothers sending radio telescopes into space. We don't need to. <i>But at optical frequencies, it's different.</i> <i>All the information that you need to do interferometry,</i> <i>that information gets smudged much more easily</i> <i>as it passes through the atmosphere.</i> <i>And that's not even the worst problem.</i> For light, there is not a computer in the world fast enough to deal with all that information. And there is not a clock in the world precise enough. Even radio interferometry requires very precise atomic clocks synchronised across the globe. But there just isn't a clock in the world accurate enough to do that for the micrometre wavelengths or nanometre wavelengths, and terahertz frequencies of light. A radio wave... You can just record it. Even before digital computers were a thing, you could just record a radio wave onto magnetic tape. Every single detail of it. Every frequency, every little nuance, everything. Heck, a boombox from the '80s can do that. When people used to tape songs off the radio, that is a very rough and imprecise version of radio astronomy. <i>But for light, there is not a computer in the world</i> <i>fast enough to record that data.</i> <i>Not with the accuracy required for interferometry.</i> <i>So instead...</i> <i>they do it physically in real time.</i> <i>Remember when I said</i> <i>that the light from the Unit Telescopes</i> <i>could be sent off to the equipment at the side,</i> <i>or down into the basement?</i> <i>Let's go see the basement.</i> So where are we headed now? <font color="#FFCC88">We are going inside what we call the coudé room.</font> Coudé? <font color="#FFCC88">Yeah, this is the room containing</font> <font color="#FFCC88">the adaptive optics system for the interferometer.</font> And coudé means... <font color="#FFCC88">Elbow. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Elbow, in French.</font> <font color="#FFCC88">In French. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Okay. <i>(laughs)</i></font> So I'm guessing from the name that this is a movable joint? A hinge that can change the direction of the light? <font color="#FFCC88">Yes. Then this, the coudé,</font> <font color="#FFCC88">for us, the coudé path,</font> <font color="#FFCC88">is what we call the nine mirrors.</font> That's a serious warning sign, that is. <i>(chuckles nervously)</i> <font color="#FFCC88">Yeah.</font> Oh! <font color="#FFCC88">Okay, we are under the telescope,</font> <font color="#FFCC88">and we are under what we call the coudé path.</font> <font color="#FFCC88">And this is really where we receive the light,</font> <font color="#FFCC88">which will be, let's call it organised,</font> <font color="#FFCC88">in order to bring it towards the VLTI.</font> <font color="#FF99FF">The light comes into each of the telescopes,</font> <font color="#FF99FF">it gets bounced around the mirrors of the delay tunnel,</font> <font color="#FF99FF">gets funnelled into the VLTI lab,</font> <font color="#FF99FF">gets funnelled into the instrument,</font> <font color="#FF99FF">and that's where it gets combined.</font> <i>So the light beam isn't recorded anywhere.</i> <i>It's just bounced into tiny tunnels from each telescope.</i> <i>And its next stop is a 150 metre long</i> <i>human accessible tunnel</i> to synchronise all the beams. <i>The delay lines.</i> So these tunnels run all the way from all the telescopes to a central point? Oh? <font color="#FFFF00">Sorry.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">Cannot cross to this side of the room.</font> Okay, my entire body needs to stay... <font color="#FFFF00">This is the boundary.</font> Alright, thank you. <i>(chuckles)</i> Sorry. Okay, so I'm not going to go near their equipment if I'm told not to. But in my head, I'm like, that's a little strange. <i>That looks like fairly heavy infrastructure.</i> <i>Surely I can't do any damage if I accidentally just...</i> bump up against it? Well, the light arrives in the delay lines <i>in that tunnel from the side.</i> <i>It hits a series of mirrors</i> <i>designed to synchronise all the beams,</i> <i>and each beam is bounced up the tunnel</i> <i>to one of the carriages and reflected back.</i> So how precise does that have to be? <font color="#88BBFF">I can show you. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Okay.</font> <font color="#88BBFF">We use the delay lines for observation,</font> <font color="#88BBFF">and you can see here the error.</font> 136 nanometres. I assumed that the carriage would be accurate to maybe a millimetre? And then there'd be some electronics and mirrors in there that would do the nanometre correction. But is that carriage accurate to 100 nanometres in its position? <font color="#88BBFF">The error that I showed you there</font> <font color="#88BBFF">is the precision that the carriage has.</font> I understand why I got told not to even get close to that line. That's incredible! The carriages can be moved with 100 nanometres of precision. 100 nanometres! <i>That's why they didn't want me near them.</i> <i>They'll have to recalibrate each night anyway, of course,</i> <i>and it'll get cleaned from time to time,</i> <i>but they don't want some idiot</i> <i>potentially bumping into things</i> <i>that have to be 100 nanometres accurate.</i> <i>Because that's how they delay the light</i> <i>and do optical interferometry.</i> <i>That's how everything is synchronised.</i> <i>No recording, no playback,</i> <i>no computers analysing things.</i> <i>It's analogue. It's physical.</i> <i>Explaining what happens in the science part of that,</i> <i>inside the freezing cold vacuum of...</i> <i>science stuff, in the rest of the lab,</i> <i>is way beyond me.</i> <i>That's the stuff astronomy PhDs are made of.</i> <i>And it's still a lot of work</i> <i>to record the interference patterns</i> <i>and work back from that.</i> <i>But, if all those beams are synchronised enough...</i> it means they can approximate a telescope the size of the entire VLT platform, <i>all four Unit Telescopes,</i> <i>instead of just the individual telescope mirrors.</i> <i>But all those telescopes, for optical,</i> have to be physically connected. So, we've covered interferometry. We've covered the mirrors and resurfacing. And we've covered the sheer scale of these telescopes. You now know everything you need to know to work out why the ELT – the Extremely Large Telescope – will probably be the largest optical telescope <i>ever constructed. And that ELT...</i> <i>is our final stop.</i> If you're wondering why I'm rocking the extremely fashionable combination of awful raggedy old baseball cap that I found in my checked baggage, and hoodie up... The altitude is about three kilometres here. The UV index is just "yes" 'cause that's one of the reasons they built here. We are as close to the top of the atmosphere as you can reasonably get. <font color="#00FFFF">Let's go, guys.</font> Oh, we've actually got named safety gear in our size. Okay, there we go. Required protective equipment up here: Helmet, gloves, high vis, steel toe cap boots, and factor 50 sunblock. <i>The construction site is 20 kilometres away.</i> <i>Down the hill that the VLT is on, up the next one.</i> <i>It is colossal, and it looks so much closer than it is.</i> <i>My brain refused to admit that a telescope dome</i> <i>could be that big.</i> <i>The construction is 74 metres high,</i> <i>86 metres in diameter.</i> And that... That is an extremely large telescope. <font color="#00FF00">The main mirror, the M1,</font> <font color="#00FF00">39.2 metres in diameter,</font> <font color="#00FF00">comprised of 798 hexagonal panels.</font> <font color="#00FF00">We will make the biggest optical mirror ever built.</font> That is... colossal! <font color="#00FF00">We are expecting images</font> <font color="#00FF00">five times sharper than the James Webb Telescope</font> <font color="#00FF00">that is in outer space.</font> Sorry, five times sharper than the James Webb? The one that's out there <font color="#00FF00">Yeah. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">beyond the atmosphere?</font> <font color="#00FF00">Yeah, exactly.</font> <i>The first reason that there's likely</i> <i>to be nothing bigger than this is sheer cost.</i> <font color="#00FF00">The cost line does not follow a linear relationship,</font> <font color="#00FF00">but it goes exponential.</font> <font color="#00FF00">So maybe you will add, you say,</font> <font color="#00FF00">a couple of metres more, and the costs double.</font> <i>There have been plans</i> for bigger telescopes. There was something called the Overwhelmingly Large Telescope, the OWLT, that was briefly planned. It could happen. But it'd cost tens of billions of euro, and frankly, the technology's unproven. Second reason: We're reaching <i>the limits of what is physically possible</i> <i>with current construction technology.</i> <i>They're engineering something</i> <i>that is part telescope, part skyscraper.</i> So it's lots of different sections all working together? <font color="#00FF00">Yeah, all the sections are working together,</font> <font color="#00FF00">and its geometry will be readjusted</font> <font color="#00FF00">through three actuators per segment,</font> <font color="#00FF00">for a total number of 2,394 actuators.</font> <i>The eight metre mirrors in the VLT,</i> <i>they sag under their own weight.</i> <i>And granted, the ELT is using mirror segments,</i> <i>not a single monolithic mirror, but keeping them</i> all aligned isn't easy, and the entire structure <i>will still stretch and warp as it's moved around.</i> <i>And with thermal expansion as the temperature changes.</i> <font color="#00FF00">This wall is basically the upper foundation,</font> <font color="#00FF00">where on top of it, the telescope will be mounted.</font> Right. <font color="#00FF00">So this is fixed to the ground,</font> <font color="#00FF00">and on top of it, there is a hydraulic bearing system</font> <font color="#00FF00">that will be moving the telescope.</font> How precise does that have to be, for those movements? <font color="#00FF00">We are talking about 100/1,000,</font> <font color="#00FF00">depending on the observation, of arc seconds.</font> <i>Okay, so what does a thousandth of an</i> <i>arc second of precision mean?</i> <i>I did some maths, and it means that</i> <i>this colossal skyscraper telescope</i> <i>will move so smoothly and so precisely</i> that if you told it to look at and track a spot on the moon, it would be accurate to within two metres! The actual imaging resolution's not quite that small. It could image buildings about 10 metres across at that distance, but again... That's a distance that can be measured in light seconds! <i>We are at the limits of what it's possible to do</i> <i>with current technology.</i> <i>And the last reason</i> <i>– and I think the most important one –</i> <i>is that at some point,</i> <i>we're going to solve optical interferometry.</i> <i>People are working on it.</i> <i>Right now, it still has to be physical.</i> <i>Computers aren't fast enough. Clocks aren't precise enough.</i> <i>But they're only going to get better.</i> <i>At some point in the future,</i> <i>we are probably going to figure that out,</i> and we'll be able to do optical interferometry the same way that we can do radio. <i>And as soon as that happens,</i> <i>the Extremely Large Telescope will be...</i> not obsolete. It'll still be useful for some types of observations, because there are advantages to the size. <i>Big telescopes let you detect very small things</i> <i>and very faint things.</i> <i>Interferometry gets you the small stuff,</i> <i>but not the faint stuff,</i> <i>because there's less mirror surface</i> <i>for the light to bounce off.</i> But odds are, at some point, there'll be much cheaper and easier virtual ways of making really big telescopes. The ELT is still going to do a hell of a lot of science before that can happen, if it ever does happen. <i>But once that's done,</i> <i>maybe in a few decades, maybe a century,</i> <i>the case for building something this big</i> kind of goes away, if instead, you can build a few small telescopes and piece them all together. <i>So this, the Extremely Large Telescope,</i> <i>will probably be the last of the great optical telescopes.</i> I could be wrong. Who knows? Maybe in a century's time, this will seem ridiculous, and there'll be a 100 metre mirror sitting high on a plateau somewhere in South America. But if I had to place a bet, I think there's a very strong chance the ELT will be the largest optical telescope to ever be built. And, as I said earlier, NordVPN was extremely useful to me. I have been using it a lot, because while I was in Chile, websites kept showing up in the wrong language. They're all like, <i>'No voy a renunciar a ti'.</i> Plus, over the last year or so, I've saved hundreds of dollars on car rental, because some rental companies charge way less just depending on where they think your computer's located. Same car, same contract, same driving licence, same everything. I went all the way to the final checkout to make sure. I just clicked NordVPN's magic button to say I was back in the UK. And suddenly I got a rental for almost half price. And of course, if you want to watch shows from back home, you can. Just check the streaming service's terms first. You can use NordVPN on six devices at the same time, across Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, and Android. And there's a 30-day money back guarantee if you want to test it out first. If you go to, click the link in the description or scan the QR code, then you'll get the best deal they're currently offering whenever you're watching this video.
Channel: Tom Scott
Views: 2,259,335
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Id: QqRREz0iBes
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Length: 29min 1sec (1741 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 02 2023
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