hey everybody it's Kay and I have my friend Ally with me because it is her first time ever flying in a small airplane like Lil Red we're going to San Antonio Riverwalk we'll see you in the sky here we go clear [Music] pop okay put the microphone pretty close to your mouth remember I told you you're going to get lipstick all over the headset that's okay don't worry that looks good to me does it feel like this in the air no it feels worse no it right now we're at a very low RPM setting so the more power that I input see how it gets a little bit more relaxed over with the numbers for departure to the Southwest might seem like a silly question but I don't want you to be like who are you talking to halfway through the flight but they don't hear us not yet no we have to hold down this button good afternoon Sugarland ground Cherokee 7738 November like to pick up IFR to Sierra Sierra Fox TR Trot please check 773 November sugaring ground cleared to SI Fox right airport VI industry one departure industry Marks One arrival to Stenson climb 18 2000 expect 6,10 minutes after departure 12 3.8 Squad 46 36 okay clear to Stenson Municipal via industry one depart industry marks one and then direct to Stinson CL maintain 2,000 expect 6,000 within 1 Z minutes frequency 23.8 squat 4636 for 7738 November 38 November reback correct advis R taxi I'll advise 7738 November thanks and ground turkey 7738 November just verifying are we using 35 today 3 November 35 and current wind Roger appreciate it 773 in November this is the quietest I've ever heard Ali be to be honest I'm I'm so nervous you're going to be fine this is going to be really fun I promise all right this is where you are going to make your first radio call we're going to do a quick intro okay wait wait you going tell me what to do yeah here's what I want you to say so we are Cherokee 7738 November so you're going to hold your button down whenever you're ready and you're going to say Sugarland ground Cherokee 7738 November with the numbers ready to taxi okay so say it so Sugarland ground Cherokee 7738 November we are ready to taxi is that what you said yep with the numbers Cherokee 7738 November we're ready to fly ready okay what are you saying Sugarland ground Cherokee 7738 November we are ready to taxi with the numbers perfect nailed it okay you got this you're ready okay okay ready land ground first okay cuz I do I have to wait till like beeps or anything or just press and hold start talking yes okay Sugarland ground Cherokee 7738 November we ready to taxi with the numbers 7738 November on ground Runway 35 taxi V foxtrot alpha say taxi via foxtrot alpha 35 taxi via foxtrot alpha 35 7 738 November 773 of November perfect excellent he basically told me he loved me I love that I love that that's what you got out of okay watch your knees arms hands leaks all that things because I'm going to be moving this back and forth oh baby oh wow she really gets out there okay so did you see how I closed the door yep exactly if for whatever reason we do have to make an emergency landing as we get close to the ground you are going to be prepared to open up this door you always unlatch this first then you're going to pull hold this handled all the way down and push the door out thatch down out exactly any other emergency that we handle if I ask you to do something and you need clarification please do not be afraid to ask the biggest thing that I will tell you is if we are in an emergency situation no non-essential conversation okay am all right problem is in um high pressure situations I usually get my mouth that's okay worst case scenario I can mute you if I need to shut up good morning everybody it's K we're in the airplane I've got my friend Ally and today is Saturday our first time in a small airplane also that also that how do you feel nervous excited mostly nervous she's going to do fine she's already made a few Radio Calls she's killing it it is currently 79° outside and that temperature is rising rapidly we filed for 6,000 ft and we are on our way to San Antonio to have dinner at Riverwalk so we'll see you up in the sky soon here we go Sugarland Tower Cherokee 7738 November holding short 35 ready for departure 7738 November Sugarland tower hold short AIT N4 release hold short 7738 November five Runway heading maintain 2000 Runway 35 C take off fly Runway heading maintain 235 cleared for takeoff 7738 November thanks everything look good there two Mike one squ four five 3 Z finals clear runways clear got a few birds that we'll keep an eye out for Runway heading is bugged route is in frequencies are sets the floor in full power air speed's alive all gaug is in the green all right are you ready I'll take that as a yes actually going to watch this bird here oh you got him so easy you didn't expect that oh my gosh see it's not that bad [Music] huh whoa oh she's silent only because I am thoroughly impressed good oh I don't like that I'm trying to keep my mouth shut during this cuz I know she's focused you're fine to we have quite a bit of wind so we're going to turn this way just to the 1500b number all G is in the green electric fuel pump off Landing light off make sure it's still full Rich there we go November contact Houston depart have a safe F good day good talking to you again have a good day over to departure I'll talk to you again soon 7738 November thanks th000 ft to go switching to departure frequency M go ahead mik is autopilot on heading mode active and continuing that climb at about 100 how you feeling you're doing okay good I'm laughing because whenever you watch this video back there's a lot more facial expressions that I'm catching myself doing that I'm not I'm glad I'm excited to see him number 38 whiskey are you on was that for 7738 November number 7738 November hou departure radar contact CL maintain 4,000 turn left heading 280 4,000 left heading 280 7738 November once we get up above 4,000 ft it should be smooth again okay it's just because of how hot it is sorry it's okaya just exactly what I was trying to prevent you're navigating this extremely well like you're so like Smooth with it like I feel like it's interesting is it a bad time to talk right now you're okay I love that you asked though thank you I'll tell you I'll put my hand up if I need to hear something you're good put me on mute I'll just be yapping over here asking all these questions yeah like it's interesting watching because I can kind of see like how you're steering right CU in front of me no 38 November maintain 5,000 I maintain 5,000 7738 November sorry go ahead okay yes ma'am yes Captain yes Captain you're just like navigating it well I mean I don't know anything about flying but looks like you're doing incredible well I appreciate that thank you very much November 3 November proceed direct Mark direct mark 773 November thank you that saves us some time so quick check in our cylinder head temperature is 385 all gauges are in the green we're currently burning about 10 1 12 gallons of fuel at RPM 2400 level at 5,000 ft which is looking good temperature dropped to 50° so it's going to stay nice and cool in the cockpit for us we like that however I am going to lean it out just a little bit to save on some of that fuel now that we are looking good really just blows my mind that humans thought of the idea of flying I know right it's pretty cool though and a long time ago like when there wasn't technology I could read all this stuff so how do you feel a lot better than I thought I was going to see it's almost anticlimactic you know you're scared of like the actual takeoff itself not scared you're more nervous anxious a little bit and then once you do it you're like oh that's it yeah like you go off the ground so fast and not like speed wise but like we were on what it felt like on the runway for like 10 ft and then you could feel the lift and I was like wait why are we hurling at 500 mph like a United flight just to be like it's funny CL maintain 6,000 7738 November thanks I guess that's a much Bravo traffic I seriously think that's hilarious why do you think I looked at you and I said are you ready cuz it was time to go yeah just wanted to make sure you were prepared especially with it being your first flight in the small airplane so once we get up to 6,000 ft and we get away from like the busier airspace where we are right now and the frequency gets a little less busy too I will disable autopilot and that'll be your opportunity to fly a little bit we won't be able to make any twist and turns right now because we are on an instrument flight plan so you're really just going to try to focus on holding altitude as best you can and I will walk you through all of that don't worry you'll be fine and if you have fun then we can start doing VFR flying together which stands for visual flight rules where we can still talk to air traffic control if we want to but we'll kind of be doing our own thing at that point does that make sense she's like information overload okay I just say yes ma'am yes Captain yes ma'am okay so we're going to lean this out again so I want you to watch so I'm pulling the throttle down until our RPMs which is right here get down to 2600 so right about oh two there we go okay right about there see that now if you look here where gallons per hour is or burning 13 and half gallons per hour that's a lot more than a second ago yeah we don't want to burn that much so we're going to pull this knob down until the engine starts to run a little bit rough and then we're going to increase it so give me your hand you're going to do it you'll be fine okay ready it's like a it's like a lever or like a knob you're just going to pull it down just do it nice and slow and I'm going to tell you when to stop that traffic up 3:00 now my navigation no back you can go a little f keep going okay so you're going to see this continue to drop and our RPMs are rising so I'm just going to pull a little bit more of that power out here and keep going it got a little bumpy so it's okay keep going yep don't stop 60 Bravo turn 10° left okay that looks good now I want you to push it forward a little bit like like back where I was going yep exactly November 87 Zulu how much further on that heading did it move and we went from 13 and 1/2 down to about 9 and 1/2 oh so we're going to save 4 gallons of fuel per hour just by doing that one change that is so interesting on approach 12 4.22 12 4.22 have a good one 38 November okay what did they just tell you so we are switching frequencies to talk to a different Tower so I'm going to put that in this frequency here mil east of colum and this is where you're going to make another radio call okay you're excited you're fine so all you're going to say is approach Cherokee 7738 November checking in 6,000 so approach I just blacked out you're fine approach what confuses me cuz I look at it is n i want to say November cuz that's the other you can you can totally if that makes it easier for you you can totally say November 7738 November if that's easier for you that's totally fine then why do you say Cherokee so we are a Piper Cherokee 180 so it's just ID to find the type of aircraft that we're flying so you do still want to say Cherokee but if you also want to say November 7738 November you can it's totally up to you so approaching approach approach approach Cherokee 7738 November 6000 Roger you don't have to say that if you ever get the point to say Roger I will let you do it I promise deal yeah okay so what are you going to say approach Cherokee 7738 November you go am I missing a word correct huh am I missing a word you can but that's that works so I'm good with that you're giving him all of the information that he needs okay so like right now even though he they talking just wait until he doesn't have any Communications you can go now now you when approach or approaching approach she's like what back you're already killing it so don't be nervous you got this cop you got to be quick on the draw yeah spicy spicy out here I love it 74 what's your destination well this is a way busier frequency let's go back to the other one can we do that don't we have to talk to this guy we do yeah negative that was for November 7 tow November 7738 November heent a preure you here affirmative 7738 November checking in 6000 7738 November thank you Easter wood Tim 3014 3014 7738 November I'll let you do the next one he asked a question this time I'm sorry no I figured I was taking too long practicing no no no it wasn't your fault at all it's cuz he was busy but he wanted to make sure we were on the right frequency yeah yeah so you will do the next one and it'll be the exact same thing approach Cherokee 7738 November and then whatever altitude we're at realistically 6,000 information Victor hello are you okay do you want me to see if we can climb um is it too bumpy for you it's totally cool well if it's bumpy does it stay bumpy or is is can there be just like little pockets at bump there can be Pockets but it also just might be this full altitude so it's totally up to you I mean maybe but is that a lot of work no you have to tell them yes oh but if it makes you more uncomfortable that's fine it's not bad okay if it starts to to get on your nerves or whatever or it makes you uncomfortable in any way we can always try to climb anytime I do an audible response you know that was a pretty good rock anytime I have a silent response that's how you know I'm nervous you ever jump on a treadmill treadmill I guess the gym is on my mind you ever jump on a trampoline for like a couple hours the fact that you were tring a trampoline trampoline I mean the other way around I I don't know I don't know but you know what I'm talking and you like finally get off the trampoline and you're chilling and you still feel like kind of bouncing honestly no cuz I thought you were going to use the the metaphor of a boat and you went with TR oh okay wait that's that works too well I've only been on the boat a few times give me more time I'll go by a boat and then and then we can connect on that perfect but anyways but it feels the see see how it went calm cuz we hit a couple of big pockets and now we're in just very calm air now we're cruising Okay so we whisper so that we don't make mother nature mad we're going to stay at 6,000 as long as it stays relative like this so you haven't noticed I'm going to point it out to you and now you probably will our time has not changed from 1 hour and 15 minutes for like 5 minutes now I thought so cuz whenever you said that a second ago I was like has it really not been that long yeah so what I'm going to do to fix that is since we're in a little bit calmer weather right now I'm going to increase those RPMs to 2650 because we have plenty of fuel on board for the flight okay so I did top off the tanks we have 5 hours worth of fuel on board for today's flight 25 and 25 which is perfect and we've only burned 5 gallons which is roughly 30 minutes and let's see how that dropped wow this is crazy all the little people all people 000 and you can squat 4661 what's your favorite part about being up in the air my favorite part probably the freedom just because you know I despise driving with an absolute passion because of being people who cut you off and run stop lights and stop signs and all that stuff and I don't really have that problem here you know I still get to travel and I still get to go and do all of the things and see destinations and meet new people and try new experiences but I get to do it above all of that BS traffic that's down below so I'd say definitely the freedom aspect that makes the world feel really big up here oh see I think it makes it feel small oh CU right now we have technically 10 statute miles of visibility so when we look out we should be able to see 10 miles basically oh but I mean if you really look out it's a beautiful day we can see hundreds of miles out getting annoyed again stop it I'm not loving that she's so funny I was telling her earlier that I was going to have her do some radio calls she goes what if I mess up then we'll do it again it's all good gu it's fine well really killed me I don't know if the camera was on at this point but you're like who's telling me what to say and she was like okay say with the numbers and I was like what like she had already told me the uh what is it um um um 7 38 November yeah so I'm like I did I did say that so we practice again she's like okay say it with the numbers and I'm like am I missing what you told me he didn't say any numbers other than 7738 anyways turns out she wanted to hear the words with the numbers do you have to have parachutes is that cuz we're not high enough no the reason why is because in an airplane like this the best thing for you to do is to try to get it down to the ground to try to control the airplane as long as you possibly can cu realistically you could like it's the easiest seems easy I don't know I mean it's relatively easy so the airplane will basically turn into a glider if we lost our engine right now if you see this ring around the airplane this is actually our glide ratio so anything inside of this circle we can get to yeah and right here how it says private riverfield yep that's a private airst strip so if we lost our engine right now I could try to get us to that airport and get us to land safely if we lost our engine we put on parachutes and we jumped out of the airport then the airplane will crash we have no control over where it goes so that would just cause harm to anybody now there is yeah exactly now there is the Cirrus which is a really really cool airplane it actually does have a parachute that will deploy 6,500 wow interesting huh I guess that makes sense though but I feel like the at least most stories I've heard where people are parachuting like their planes going into like a mountain like there's no other option yes you know I don't think it would make sense we're over wherever we are in Texas right now oh Columbus was going to say there's Lake something lafette fet whatever something fville that's what I was looking for I think they call it fville oh shoot okay fville fville if you're from fville I apologize for saying the name incorrectly but yeah so right now if we did have an emergency I would look for an airp to land at as we get closer to this one for example if we had a problem I could try to get us here especially if we didn't lose our engine but something went wrong Austin approach 12.8 look 12722 2722 12722 have a nice day 773 November did he say what was he telling you huh what was he telling you so he had me switch to another frequency this is Austin approach so you're going to say approach baby Austin approach because now we have an actual name for it but that's right maybe don't say the word baby I mean if you're feeling flirtatious and it makes you happy so you're just going to say Austin approach Cherokee 7738 November 6,000 Austin approach Cherokee 773 November 6,000 exactly so get your finger ready go Austin approach Cherokee 7738 November 6000 Cherokee 7738 November off approach 3013 3013 773 everything okay we're officially under the 1 hour mark so quick check in how you feeling good I feel great oh she's she's hype she's like yeah let's go I might just buy a plane oh okay buy a faster one we'll take my slow one some places and your faster one what are the little M with the little eyeballs mountains oh you ready like what was that sound she is nervous look at how giddy she is you got this all right so go ahead and put your hands on the control Yol for me okay all right ready yes your flight controls my controls you have the flight controls so let's do a small teeny tiny turn to the right and let's pull that control Yol towards you a little bit cuz you're in a small Push It Forward just a tad just a teeny teeny teeny bit that looks really good so you see how your yellow lines are just barely above that Horizon uh you have a small climb so just you're good you're good I don't like that no you're totally fine here do I need to be like holding it steady like keeping it balanced so that's why I was saying with those three pink lines so pull back just a little cuz you're in that descent again now turn slightly here to your right uh keep going going keep going keep going keep going perfect little bit more okay and now more to the left okay oh God you're good we are flying around like when go karts now pull the control Yol back towards you a little bit more and let's do another small turn here to the right right sry that all right my flight controls they controls I have the flight controls I'm just going to get you back on course y my pink lines they're so offw three information Al you're doing just fine we literally turning left I mean right that's just to get us back on course really quick before atc's like what's going on we're still staying within our minimums and everything though so we're still perfectly fine all right so keep in mind I have five years of experience doing this too so you're doing really shows and she was so patient like I wish you could almost screen share with everybody watching like The Arrow she's talking about because it's like two that are like on top of each other so it looks like one Arrow it does makes a lot of sense when she was describing it to me anytime I looked over there when I had the controls literally thre like a clock it was not that bad you did really really well we'll try again here in a little bit I'm just going to let you relax I'm going to get the airplane back up and set up and all that good stuff okay yeah my blood pressure is through the roof oh goodness she's fine so how did you feel did you like it or not at all somewhere between okay I didn't hate it did you have fun I didn't love it I didn't love it it was something I could do without I think it's just such a surreal feeling to like especially when you're hands are on the what do you it's not a steering wheel what is this called control yolk control yolk like an egg it's spelled differently but yes like an egg control and like obviously I was training a little bit too much it's just hard to tell one how hard to train because I know it's little and then two you can see the plane move and there's something surreal about like holy crap I'm 6,000 ft up and I'm in full control of this metal bullet thisy okay I like that's okay but not in a bad way I really want to tell you you were doing pretty well with holding your altitude once you got into a a little bit seeper of a turn though I think just you would you'd stop applying that back pressure so one thing that I always did when I was an instructor is I didn't introduce what we call trim until you had positive control of the airplane electric trim which is right here on my control yolk there's also a trim wheel in between the two seats oh if you move this back a little bit it can actually help you with that pressure that you feel when you pull that control yolk back to make it more comfortable and easier to hold altitude that's a little overwhelming for somebody who's just learning how this all works yeah but because you were having difficulty holding that altitude what you could have done was apply a little bit of trim had I told you about it which obviously I didn't cuz I just wanted you to fly and have fun it was fun I did have fun I don't you think I didn't cuz I did okay not enough fun to do it again or just you want to process for a little bit I'm going to think about it okay fair enough you did well though and it was really fun and the air stay just keep saying that because I I really didn't notice how bad it was until whenever you took the controls back and we were literally turning a corner that was not that much of a turn you cracked me up I guess though because you don't you didn't make me feel like I made that happen I only noticed it happened once you corrected it and I was watching it too and the only thing is is because we're on an instrument flight plan I have to give like I can't let you give I can't give you as much good gracious English I can't give you as much leeway as I could if we were just doing our own thing because air traffic control like if we were see how we came off that's what I did that's funny I wish our friends could see this4 I'll show them W I won't show you don't get to see I will tell you people can actually see this if they want to though oh well so join in on the fun and everybody's going to be like never goodness so well done I don't want you to be discouraged because you did very very well that's your first time flying an airplane and not her last she may not know it but not her last also what's weird is I feel like you fely a lot on feeling cuz it's not like like in a car you're like obviously the road is right in front of you but there's no there's no like reference point when you're in the air you're just like so that's an interesting concept so flying by feeling SP I don't think that's literal you don't want to do ever you do want to make sure you're watching all of your gauges so one of the biggest things you know how I talk to you all the time about flying in clouds and I love flying in clouds when you fly in clouds you have to ignore what your body is telling you there are times where you may be flying straight and level and your body will tell you you're in a turn so you will turn the opposite direction San Antonio Cherokee 7738 November 6000 drop nailed it is it he supposed to answer he might be busy we'll try again in a [Music] second is that another airport 738 November San Antonio approach welcome C Quebec is current depart March Direct sens v o r for 7738 November we have picked up the weather yet but you said go ahead and join marks for what now 3 November your currently direct marks correct affirmative for 7738 November 3 November after marks proceed direct to the senson V let me know when you get the weather Roger afterm marks proceed direct to senson V 7738 November we'll let you know when we get it okay St Tower information Quebec n53 Zulu 208 guess 16 visibility 1 sky clear temperature 26 2.04 out 3013 Vis apprach ining Runway [Applause] 14 between Runway 927 and hold Bay Runway 32 closed Stenson V not monitored okay information Quebec San Antonio approach Cher 773 in November has que back 3 November R [Applause] [Music] ssf what's up3 traffic currently about 4 miles south your position Northbound out indicates 4,500 Roger I'll be looking 773 Deever thank you we're also probably going to start our initial descent soon so let's do a quick checkin obviously this video has been a little bit different but I think it's been really fun it's been fun to like kind of show you and be able to talk about all the things that I love obviously to talk about our cylinder head temperature is 378 de RPMs are still at about 2600 we're now burning 11 gallons of fuel per hour I think the winds are affecting that a little bit so I'm glad we're going to be getting on the ground around here soon all gauges are in the green and here in about 6 minutes or less we will be switching fuel tanks so that we land with the fullest tank questions comments concerns no you did so good though it is so impressive seeing you in your El what do you call it it's a word for it I like this though in your yeah I love that exactly well I'm glad that we got to do this and the fun thing is is we're going to do it again tomorrow to get home done right we are unless I scare her too badly and she jumps in an Uber and says see you I'm driving no it's been fun it's been real it's been real fun I'm glad so we have 27 minutes until we should be on the ground so roughly 30 because it's always a little bit longer than they actually say yeah 73 traffical Factor I'm going to be at 6,000 for a while I got multiple VFR Targets in routs to a Stenson but they all appear to be low level and I just want to verify you want the visual approach to uh sent in full St affirmative for 7738 November right that was a lot of information and I agree with all of it so we're going with affirmative that time so here you can see we've been level of 6,000 ft right if we were flying VFR the visual flight rules rules we would have to be at 6,500 so whatever your altitude is that you're flying if you're VFR you're 500 if you are IFR you're at that thousands so 5,000 6,000 ,000 and then it's all based off of the direction you're flying so if you're on heading 0 through 179 then you're going to be odd for V uh for IFR so 5,000 7,000 9,000 if your VFR 5,500 7,500 and that just gives us enough separation with IFR it's a little bit different because we are talking to air traffic control now if we were through heading 180 through 359 then we would would be even I did not like that B I told you I was going to keep her distracted I've diding a pretty good job though yeah I feel like you have me a little bit when I'm like whoa that's pretty funny so information overload but yeah very interesting that's kind of how all that works you're very wise I haven't done an accent in a whole minute let me do an accent real quick oh oh you kind of Switched SC too not planned not planned any and all of alli's reactions today were 100% in the moment and hopefully you know with all of those turbulent bumps that we hit earlier you didn't make too many funny faces I'm over here like breathing deep through in through my nose out through my mouth he like so this is what we're doing now and I'm like please she's like just get me back on the ground no I had a much better time honestly than I was expecting I thought it was going to be a little more I don't know in my head about it but yeah it's been so freaking cool 38 November heading number 180 descend maintain 4,000 1 180 descend maintain 4,000 773 in November you reach 4,000 proceed back to the sson V upon reaching 4,000 I will proceed back to sson V 773 thank you cool we are totally good so that loud beeping sound once again indicates that we are 1,000 ft away from our selected altitude which in this case is 4,000 and as soon as we get down to 4,000 ft we are going to go direct back to that V which is Sierra Sierra Fox TR see if I still know how to land I'm just kidding that was a good time to tell me 11:00 3 miles westbound indicate 6,500 Roger looking for traffic 7738 if ever good afternoon approach turkey 773 at November checking in 4,000 7 738 November San Antonio approach welcome to C maintain 3,000 maintain 3,000 38 November all right so we have about 11 minutes or so 19 nautical miles until we get to our destination RPMs I'm keeping it around 24 to 2500 we're burning 10 gallons of fuel per hour tht is 355 so that's looking fantastic indicated air speed is 120 ground speed is 115 so a little wind affecting us but it's not really that bad doesn't seem like it's going to be super busy at the airport so once we get the field in sight we should be able to be on the ground pretty quickly and I had a lot of fun so hopefully you did too and if you did don't forget to smash that like button hit subscribe so you never miss a video and if you want to see what we did after we landed then make sure you check out my other channel K's great getaway C direct to Stinson I'll advise as soon as I get the field ins sight 773 in November thank you Roger 773 in November I've got the field in sight 38 November is cleared visual approach Stinson Airport contact ston Tower and have a good day over to Tower and cleared for the visual you two 7738 November thanks that field yeah if you see right in front of us here I just wanted to make sure that was it going to make that call hold in one second okay 4245 Runway 14 1701 cap 4245 C good afternoon Stenson Cherokee 7738 November is checking in November 773 November cson Tower got new in left uh base for Runway one FL Al 30 0 1 0 you said enter a left base for Runway 14 three November affirmative left base for Runway 14 Roger enter a left base Runway 14 7738 ever Runway 141 170 at matter gust 18 clear to land Runway 14 clear to land thank you for the wind check 7738 November this is where I am going to ask you to shut up okay no you can talk to yourself just don't talk to me I'll do this there we go okay electric fuel pump Landing light rotating beacon on pedo heat carb heat off mixture full Rich primer is in and locked within that white AR first Notch of flaps 10° field is in sight wind check was good and here is our left base now we'll keep losing that altitude nice and easy again remember it might get a little bumpy down here but we are good okay okay I was going to say you can say something if I say something to you just no chitchat all right so we're officially on that left base here second Notch 25° keep losing that altitude we're going to have a little bit of wind when we come in here finals clear looks like runway's clear 200 ft until we reach our selected altitude which is traffic pattern 1,600 is winds do not want to let us descend nice and easy traffic up 11:00 as a Cherokee turning the left base for final R for 1,400 side remain clear M separation visoke 3 November traffic uh TI left of the tour helicopter they have you inside maintaining visual they're northb Roger I've got the chopper inside as well maintain visual separation 773 November thank you bring a little bit more power [Music] now speed's coming down all gauges are in the [Music] [Music] green [Music] [Music] there we go that was the smoothest Landing I have ever experienced turn right onto Runway 27 right at Bravo contact ground off point7 right onto Runway 27 and then right at Bravo and then I'll contact ground 773 November thank you okay this looks pretty good all right awesome bfr turn everything off and we made it you did so good don't forget to subscribe bye guys [Music] bye