Shepherd’s Chapel - Gen 1 3 1 31 In Up to the 6 Day

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welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study are back in the book of Genesis Genesis being a Greek word that means generation or creation and the Hebrew name for the book is about a sheaf - which is to say in the beginning which really gets it said in the beginning what in the beginning God created this earth to be inhabited it wasn't void and without form but after Satan's rebellion as we learned yesterday in Jeremiah chapter 4 it became void and without form many people confuse this flood called the capital with the flood of Noah and when you read Genesis 4 you know it's God said I destroyed every bird every city well now in Noah's Flood we had boards right birds right aboard the Ark and the old Raven when he was turned loose he didn't even come back and all the trees weren't destroyed because the Dove turned loose brought back in Halle branch you know how long it takes to grow an olive branch longer than the so-called flood was the floodwaters and so that flood was not all-inclusive destruction as the overthrow of Satan was so again the point being made God doesn't create anything without form it always has a purpose it is man that destroys it or brings it down in this case it was Satan and those that followed him so having said that there's one thing you need to remember from the last lecture and that's what a poly sinned intent is that's the word and in verse 2 states and the Spirit of God moved that's every time you read the word and that's what it means there's a lot more men is reaching so you have to pick up on that and with that having been said let's go ahead and let's pick it up if we remain with the word of wisdom from our Father verse 3 as we continue in this great book of Genesis chapter 1 and God said let there be light and there was light verse 4 and God saw the light and it was good and God divided the light from the darkness know what is this light listen you're going to be asked this so you want to pay attention you're going to be asked what the Stars the moon the Sun hasn't been created yet well what is this light and you would really be cornered if you didn't know go with me if you would to the great book of Revelation chapter 21 verse 23 listen to it this is the eternal temple Revelation chapter 21 verse 23 and the city had no need of the Sun neither the moon to shine in yet for the glory of God did lighten it and the lamb is the light thereof the very Lamb of God being the light thereof so that's the way you explain that particular light also somebody wants further proof the great book of st. John chapter 1 remember in the beginning was the word the Word was with God the Word was God and then in verse 5 of that same first chapter of st. John and the light shine earth and darkness and the darkness comprehended not there was a man sent from God whose name was John that's John the Baptist the same came for a witness to bear witness of the light that all men through him might believe naturally that's Messiah the son of God verse 8 he was not that John was not that light but was sent to bear witness of that light that was the true light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world and he was in the world and the world was made by him and the world knew him not naturally you know and many people say well that's talking about the son of God well if we were to continue on in st. John over the fourteenth chapter what you would read is the words of Christ that would say if you've seen me you've seen the father might they're both one the Immanuel God with us he is that light and that is the light that wherever you are if you have that truth and you can see it and understand that then you don't have to worry when someone's about how can Christ sit at the right hand of God when they're one well you answered your own question if you'll stop and think they are one so having said that then you you'll be asked why is there light the light was God he lightens and covers darkness everywhere when you're in him verse five here comes another and which means and the Spirit of God moved what did he do this time and God called the light day and and and the darkness he called night and the evening in the morning were the first day and there you have the first one and God is the divider of time and light he's our all in all he is our Father verse six and there it goes again the Spirit of God said let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters and that it divide the waters from the waters and naturally the firmament was all above it protected this earth in its perfect condition from all of it some the Rays that would damage and so forth and but it came down and what did we have after the firmament came down next verse please verse seven and God made the firmament and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament and it was so there was then you had seas and oceans verse eight and God called the firmament heaven that's where it came from and the evening in the morning were the second day there we have it suddenly when we say second day what did we read in 2nd Peter in the last lecture in verses 6 7 or 8 that you were not to be ignorant of you're not to be ignorant of what the fact that one day what the Lord is as a thousand years to man so how what is the second day was it two thousand years is that wine that if you take the seven days of creation that's seven thousand years you had the six that we have now on to it four before Christ - after six thousand and that some that would be seven and six is thirteen and when we go up and we find many of these animals that were in that instant freeze our overflow in both Russia and in our tundra in Alaska it dates 14,000 years ago might think about it am I am I saying that's a fact well it is a fact that that's what the animals date and it is the fact that God told you not to be ignorant of how long the day is with him verse 9 to continue and God said let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place and let the dry land appear and it was so it was we have it all laid out now there are waters oceans and seas on earth and verse 10 and God called the dry ground earth and the gathering together of the waters called he seas and God saw that it was good and it was not chaotic it was not destruction it was good he is revamping and reclaiming this earth from the catastrophe that is to say the chaotic overthrow of Satan verse 11 and we have another polysyndeton and the Spirit of God the holy rock and God said let the earth bring forth grass the herb yielding seed and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind whose seed is in itself upon the earth and it was so that means it was perennial that means that year after year it would recede itself it would be self-sufficient it would take care of itself that's the way our God makes things kind after kind 12 and the earth brought forth grass and herb yielding seed after his kind and the tree yielding fruit whose seed was in itself after his kind in God saw that it was good God appreciates things being put in place in establishing fruit and vegetables for man because he knows already he's going to create man flesh this time not a spirit body as they were in the first Earth Age but a flesh man that will have to live from the earth because he will be formed from the earth even today if you take minerals or vitamins they they must be have must have been organic taken from the earth or you can't digest it if you're going to take on iron you've got to get it from planet whereby it is organic or it would kill you if you eat flesh of an animal it's a clean animal that has eaten grass or grain or something from the earth or it also came from the earth that's clean food and that was Father's plan and you can see it as he establishes and sets things forth verse 13 to continue and the evening and the morning were the third day there we have three times passed by verse 14 to continue another pali Cendant and in this holy rock the Spirit of God said let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night and let them be for signs what what are they for again they are for signs and for seasons and for days and years it's our time clock our solar calendar is absolutely positively correct right every year year in year out not like months or moons as people call them because months are not accurate one month is is not a full thirty day period of a solar month but when one is wise enough to understand God's calendar the solar calendar there's no problem and for certain people they go by the moon unfortunately all prophecies given concerning Satan and darkness are given in months or months all prophecies given concerning God's children are given in days solar verse 15 and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth and it was so now here now we have a different light than the light mentioned in that first day and that light being the very light from God Himself true and his guidance his power his healing hand his wonderful word that became flesh and walked among us he himself 16 and God made two great lights the greater light to rule the day that was the son of course and the lesser light to rule the night to being the moon of course as we had forced that he made the stars also he put them all in the exact place where they should be it is amazing in the great book of Job poor old job after listening to 38 chapters of nonsense of Ratchet jaws the people who claim they knew God and were Bible scholars they knew nothing but God finally would tell Joe get up from there and stand up and act like a man gird yourself up that means be ready for action where were you when I placed all the stars in the place that they are for were you when the sons of God sang for joy the little star being God's children into heavens finally he began to listen to God and God's own creation this was back even into the first Earth Age in other words God was saying why would you turn into a bunch of knuckleheads for advice when you got me the Living God the one that did all this that put it all in place why would not you come to me and that's you'll never find a better piece of advice and go to God not man that's why he sent you this letter next verse please verse 17 and God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth and so we have it beautiful 18 and to rule over the day and over the night and to divide the light from the dark and God saw that it was good not chaotic not disorder when God fixes it it is good verse 19 and the evening and the morning were the fourth day now you want to pay attention here I'm going to teach you something that I would not want to debate it but it's food for your thought listen carefully verse 20 and God said let the waters let what let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life and fowl that may fly above the earth and in the open firmament in the heaven now I must tell you that this word life as you read it in the English is the Hebrew word nephesh which means soul so he created something and I must tell you that nephesh is translated 472 times in God's Word as man's soul it is translated 282 times where it could be man or something else a soul so then the question comes well then do animals have souls well it's referred to them sometimes but what people is it this is simply food for your thoughts application what people does grow their food from the water and basically live from the sea the water the fish that that type of food we know it's wheat rice growers they grow their wheat in the water and from the water and most of their living is made from the waters and their history through their dynasties goes back much further than our history and and I'm talking history here not biblical scripture but there their history goes back many dynasties past what ours does but just just something for you to think about to ponder but many of you even your little cross-reference and your strong and your King James Bible will give you the correct translation for life his soul think about it verse 21 and God created great whales and every living creature that moveth which the waters brought forth abundantly it was fertile after their kind and every winged fowl after his kind and God saw that it was good God made waterfowl he made land fowl he made animals of the ocean and he made animals of the land and it was good God has always loved animals 22 and God blessed them saying be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas and let fowl multiply in the earth let them repopulate it 23 and the evening in the morning were the fifth day here we come to that fifth day and so it was how long again is the day with the Lord a thousand years verse 24 and God said let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind cattle and creeping things and beasts of the earth after his kind and it was so there there you had them okay 25 and God made them the beasts of the earth after his kind kind after kind and cattle after their kind and everything that creepeth upon the earth after his kind and God saw that it was good now some of these are clean some of mine clean some of them were made to partake of by man and others were made to keep fill to clean from the earth whereby you have a perfect order of things that's why it was good and that's why God always creates things good 26 and God said let us make man what day is this now this is the sixth day let us make man in our image after our likeness I want them to look just like we look in our spiritual bodies and let them have dominion over now did it say here let them be farmers no it didn't what does it say then let them have dominion over the fish they're going to be fishermen of the sea and over the fowl of the air hunters and over the cattle herdsmen and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth but you didn't have somebody to kill the soil didn't tell him that well you'll find out why in the next lecture so this sit on that and remember these people created on the sixth day were hunters fishers and that sort of thing 27 so God created man in his own image they look as they looked in a spiritual body they looked exactly the same way in the flesh body in the image of God created he him male and female created he him and naturally here who did God create in his own image Christ if you've seen the son you've seen the father okay when that time would come but here these men and persons were created and made in their exact image they looked the same verse 28 and God blessed them and God said unto them be fruitful and multiply and replenish now not plena SHhhh not the first time but replenish the earth which I destroyed from the first got it replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea over the fowl of the air and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth and you replenish it populate it new hunt new fish we still don't have a farmer don't worry we shall and so so it was I I I want you to know many people will say well God is talking to the holy spirit not the polysyndeton and and and God being one we only have one God you know and it's it's sacrilegious for you to ever think that we have two gods that will not fly we only have one but we're by in as much as he created man in his own image he included himself in our image meaning if you have seen that son you've seen him meaning he saw fit to come in the flesh body himself to show us how to get it done and that's a different story for a different time but it is a simple fact of the scripture and how it should be verse 29 to continue and God said behold I have given you every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of all the earth and every tree in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed to you it shall be for meat now again what do you want to understand we will be speaking of a different tree in a chapter hints and it is a tree which is this body this is the trunk these are the limbs of that human tree and we will have a tree of knowledge of good and evil which means Satan and we will have the Tree of Life which is Christ and after certain people are created in the next lecture then they will have to apply between that controversy continues to this day between Christ and Satan I don't know which side are you on well naturally you're on the Christian side you love the Lord and the Lord loves you but remember Satan is a deceiver and in as much as everyone has made in their exact image you better be able to tell the difference you better know how to discern spiritually but he the fruit trees that are good he gave to us to protect enjoy let's go with one more verse 30 and to every beast of the earth and to every fowl of the air and to everything that creepeth upon the earth wherein there is life there's that word again I have given every green herb for me and it was so and and so it is that we would live from the earth and by the earth now it's important that you note that our Father when he created and loving his children what did he do back in verse 27 I don't want you to ever forget this in verse 27 the image of God created he them male and female created he them in other words he created both man and woman for each of these people who were there the races of the world he created one of each race a pair from each race to populate this earth and replenish it from the first and they are made in the perfect image of what they were from before in their spiritual bodies and so it is that is a quite a step for some people and it shouldn't be it's very simple you will have certain mythologists that will come in and say to you well you don't understand there was a woman named Lilith that Adam / took out first but that's mythology there was no Lilith there was honest god-fearing hunters and fishers people of every race to repopulate this earth whereby they would know and understand I know there are not many people that teach this but then big surprise right they would rather have racial problems rather than knowing to understand that gods on the throne he's in control and he created people as they are be quietly that's the way he wanted them he created them that way in the first Earth days and and he looked then it was good and guess what as you continue on in verse 31 listen carefully and God saw everything that he had made every last bit of it okay all inclusive and behold it was very good not just good it was very good and the evening in the morning were the sixth day and there you have the sixth day creation God created all people all the races on that sixth day there I will be in the next lecture taking you into the Hebrew a little bit to show you there is a difference in the man created on the eighth day then these created on the sixth day not that it's any preference or that if they have any priorities other than it would be through that man that's hot Adam that Christ would come and through that woman mother Eve who would be the mother of all living for one simple reason it would be Christ that would come through her womb umbilical cord the umbilical cord that would give eternal life or you're not living you're going to die therefore he had this plan of salvation put in place and complete as he restored this earth from its chaotic condition after the fall of Satan whereby men could would have the opportunity to better himself and through this through his plan of salvation he saw fit himself I mean the creator of all things to be born of woman this is why in 27 chapter 27 that that God would create in our own image when you would find Adam used the first time there in the manuscripts why because he was talking about Christ it was all inclusive among the six-day creation but there's another creation coming many would disagree on this subject that's fine but the proof is in the pudding the proof is in the Word of God and you might say well I don't understand how can you say God created the races are you dense have you ever looked around in the world today where do you think they came from out from under a rock somewhere no God created all the peoples as they were from the first Earth Age and what did he say not only was it good it was very good therefore when we see you know what some would have you do is believe that certain people came from an incestuous affair between him and his mother for to uncover your father's nakedness as it is written in Leviticus chapter 20 verse 11 that that or is it 21 11 2011 that to uncover your father's nakedness is to lie with his wife his your mother or you'll see it again in eighteen eight to uncover your father's nakedness is to live with his wife now that doesn't change your race so it was Noah that drove came in a way because of what him had done to Noah's wife is and hams mother it wasn't God so it certainly didn't change his makeup because of incest but no God created with dignity all people and everyone should be very happy because with their race and who they are that is not a racial thing it is a fact of how we got here God created each with dignity well how can you keep saying with dignity because what did he say God saw everything that he had made that's all people and behold it was very good God is happy with all the people God is happy with his creation so with dignity treat each other like wise love the Father the creator of all we'll pick this up in the next lecture you need to live and to learn from God's Word because it gives you the understanding of why we are here today maybe what many of yours destiny is and what God expects from us that's why he wrote us this letter to be analyzed and to be absorbed into your own being to know and to understand all right bless your hearts don't miss the next lecture you listen a moment won't you please the epistles of John three letters written by the Apostle John that disciple whom Jesus loved the tenderness of John's writings is marked by the number of times he begins the exhortation zand warnings with my little children or little children in fact little children is written seven times in the First Epistle alone the contents of the first epistle a practical teaching and the light of the love of God God is life is light his truth is righteous is love and we have fellowship with him through the Lord Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit the tenderness and love of John's writing continues in the second epistle as he encourages the elect lady and her children to love one another he also writes this is love that we walk after his Commandments after these words of encouragement John warns us that there are many deceivers entered into the world and explains how to identify these deceivers don't miss this opportunity to study the epistles of John with Pastor Arnold mark and there we are back again let's have the 800 number please 1 864 3 4 6 4 5 that number is good from Porto Rico throughout the u.s. Alaska Hawaii all over Canada the spirit moves you got a question you share it once you do that please never ask a question about a particular Reverend denomination our organization we do not judge people we have one judge that's our Father he is the judge of all you are to spiritually discern what you are to do who you're to study with who are you are to fellowship with your first opinion usually if you have gifted if you are gifted by that great gift from God of spiritual discernment your first impression usually will tell you all you need to know about a particular person as far as fellowship is concerned that's a gift from God always thank him for that those of you that listened by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure hearing from you and your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address now you got a prayer request you don't need that number and you don't need an address why he's your father he created you exactly the way he wanted you he give you the privilege of working yourself up all the way to heaven if you love him because he sure loves you the thing he wants from you is you to return that love see that you do what you do that father around the globe we come we ask that you need guiding directly touching your shoes precious named father Thank You amen okay in question time we're going to go with Christine from Illinois okay important to me your program gives me what I have been searching for you are a church yes we are when I went to my church it was nowhere in comparison my question is but really I can I'm asking for my sister she lost her son in a car accident when he was 18 years old they are both born again she knows where he is that but it is possible his death paved the way for the rest of the family I don't think so because the only sacrifice for our sins was Jesus Christ when he died on the cross for all of us he would not use another person as a sacrificial death to help the rest of the family no not as a sacrifice no he wouldn't because the blood sacrifice is over for one in all times Christ became that one in all times Hebrews chapter 10 lo I come in the volume of the book as it is written of me he would say but however we know that we recognize our loved ones and we know in heaven that certainly our overseer if you be one of God's elect as it is written has the face of God at any time so we do have contacts and it is not something that I would want to shut out because it's something we're not totally have total knowledge and complete knowledge of is to be awareness of those that are with him other than we know that they're very aware and are able to maybe put a good word in for somebody be that as it may I would be very careful how I talked to my sister about that if she's comfortable with it maybe she does not I'm sure she does not mean but you might cover Hebrews 10 with her okay Terry from Colorado I have a sister who's two in a row with sisters I have a sister who questions your knowledge in the word that's that's nice you spoke about when Mary conceived that Jesus that Elizabeth was six months along with John the Baptist she said how would you know when he Lizabeth conceived because it's written it's written and the signs that she's never read the Bible has she that is at least Luke chapter 1 verse 36 she needs to read Luke chapter 1 verse 36 do you know what it says it says that Elizabeth was six months pregnant when Mary conceived okay so it's Scripture that's how I know Terry from West Virginia I thank you for the comment could you please explain Thessalonians 4:17 when someone asked me again I want the right answer thank you for 17 you picked a subject up in the verse 13 thus 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 verse 13 if you believe Christ rose don't be ignorant as the heathen if you believe Christ rose from the dead and I hope you do or you wouldn't be a Christian then you got to believe also as it continues on that all those that sleep in him that is to say that or did in him have risen also they're not out here in a hole in the ground as many people would say they're already gone and then it continues on there is no way that we're alive and can remain can precede the dead for the dead shall rise first meaning they're out of here they're already gone there with him but at the seventh Trump we also shall be changed into a the word is meet them in the air the word air is the enemy that is to say the breath of life bodies meaning your spiritual body we also at that Trump are changed into a spiritual body and they're all coming here we got work to do okay Jada from Illinois I am 8 years of age faster Murray is it wrong to celebrate holidays like birthdays and Christmas well thank you for studying is nothing wrong with celebrating your birthday and Christmas the birthday of Christ naturally even though he was born in September the 29th the conception took place December the 25th and as long as you have that knowledge and understand then that's the time make hay while the Sun shines that's the only time that many children your age even hear the name Jesus that's the only time they're exposed to it so always be wiser than the serpent and make hay while the Sun shines Donald from Tennessee I and several inmates being incarcerated meet every morning for prayer and Bible study my aim is in the Bible study is to share my insight and increase in knowledge however my views are not always accepted by all members of our group that's not that's that's normal ok one view that I shared was in the beginning God populated the earth with people after Cain killed Abel he migrated and met these people the second view the word Adam means mankind would you expound on Genesis 5 - and the other traditional world beliefs but you're you're fortunate that we're teaching right now in this book so I won't go to a great deal of length that you're you're in pretty good shape there we'll be covering this item by item in the next 3 or 4 lectures but Genesis 5 - simply is the genealogy of Adam Adam not Cain who you will find his genealogy in chapter 4 but it is the offspring of Adam the ancestor of Christ himself umbilical cord the umbilical cord okay good to have you with us Deenie from the end rather from Wisconsin I do have a question though and I'm glad you enjoy studying I understand we will be able to help our loved ones during the millennium my question is what will we be teaching them they have already seen Christ in all of his glory what more could they need to see or hear if they need more convincing I hope they are not my relatives for all doesn't good thought but hey what will be taught in the millennium if everybody knows the word you won't have to ask your neighbor do you understand the word in spiritual bodies you have total recall so you do know the word but it is discipline it is discipline is a hard thing for many people to discipline themselves that's what the word disciple means to become a disciple is a true follower of the Lord Jesus Christ and it is some people their their focus can drift in five minutes be drift off to the boom-boom land rather than focused on the Word of God disciplining themselves in the truth of God's Word whereby rather than being turned away from God received the blessings and knowledge from God that assist you in helping others okay that's what is taught here discipline got Denise from Canada Jennifer from know that I'm sorry name is Denise and better town I have a question and mitai IM baptized and also my husband but we were not anointed with the holy oil can we do it ourselves because right now we are not going to a church and the reason for this is because every church we visit they all preach the same way well naturally you can anoint each other and you should have an anointing wall in your home anyway it's olive oil you buy it at the grocery store pour a small vial up for yourself and ask God to bless it as anointing all of our people and a lot of people will say that that Christians shouldn't have to anoint well that's what the word Christ means The Anointed One so it is very important chapter James chapter 5 lets us know that to heal you must anoint and then the healing takes place Mary from Illinois will the appearance of Antichrist be what brings peace to the world or will peace come to the earth just before in a crisis arrived 'l the peace the one world peace movement will attempt to revive itself or to form itself but just before the antichrist returns it receives a deadly wound not to a man and not to a person but to an organization just like you might say well well how can that be how can an organization receive a deadly wound well look what just happened to acorn okay in part i wouldn't it kind of splintered and shattered but be that as it may the world peace movement will receive a deadly wound but then presto johnny-on-the-spot comes the false christ i am here i will take over and he performs miracles snaps his fingers lightning come from heaven people begin to bow and fall over them for him if they're ignorant of God's Word they won't know who he is they'll think it's Christ Donny enjoys from North Carolina I have a question that I know you can answer for me I am the only one working in the home my husband has filed for disability I haven't been tithing and I should is this a sin in God's eyes help me ease my mind to do the right will of God my lord it's not about me I realized this but it is really hard to live on waitress hours and tips well you know you have to where you're the breadwinner at this time from your family you you tithe on what you have left there may be a little love offering that I don't think you have anything left and at this time so if it makes you feel better a little love offering even if it's one dollar you know that's that would be that would be like the widow's mind under your conditions but really say that your family is fed and the medication and everything was taken care of for the time being and the father is not going to disown you he understands he loves his children cheyanne from Kansas I am from Kansas my name is Cheyenne I am 10 years old I want to know is there is there Devils angels and gods angels and if someone has a demon inside of them can it go to person to person the fact of the matter is there are fallen angels in Chains as you will read Cheyenne and Jude the little short book of Jude verses 1 through 6 they're bad angels they're fallen and they're gonna be back they're going to be kept cast out of heaven as is written in Revelation chapter 12 verse 6 and seven but there are also very good angels that love the Lord and serve Him but a demon cannot jump from one person to the other if you have Christ in you okay my grandmother and and my great grandma and my mom say if you have God in your heart and love they will not get to you me and my grandma watch you in their morning every day well god bless you it's good to have you with us no they cannot use when you love the Lord as it is written in Luke chapter 10 verse 19 he gives you power over all your enemies the evil spirits and everything else anyway in Christ's name so you've got nothing to fear you're you're a real warrior and God bless you you're gonna keep that line going Linda from our Libya from Florida I've joined several Bible studies I found myself always questioning those who taught God's Word so many questions needed answers I was left with unquenching thirst for the word it was never well with my soul not until I came across your program early one morning and when I knew that you were teaching God's true word all is well with my soul now I watch news Shepherd's chapel every morning that's great chain and change the channel and pick you up another till 4:30 well we were up there quite a bit alright and I'm gonna get to your question my question to you has to do with Christ 1000 years reign I am confused because I read that Satan would be loosed after Jesus 1000 year reign can you please explain before and after the rain well before the rain he has locked away in in the abyss the pit Satan is so that we can teach for a thousand years and then at the end God doesn't let anybody have a free ride they've got to be tested or they're not going to make heaven this is to say those that didn't take part in the first resurrection so those that do learn the truth through that thousand year period that did not have an opportunity in this dispensation of time will be taught and Satan will be loosed so they can be tested and will overcome or fall and then comes the second resurrection and then the second death which is the death of the soul II Revelation chapter 20 last verse sharing from Illinois pastor Murray how do you know how do we know if we are descendants from the Kenites and my son Jacob is 19 and is going to prison I'm so scared pastor please help me pray for my son Jacob to keep him safe and help him make it through this I thank you for helping me make through the day with your services each morning god bless and we'll be with you in prayer and and you know if it would not matter even if you I'm sure he's not a can I let me say that coming out the gate because of the way you ride but even if you were if you love the Lord you're a child of God not a child of Satan you're no longer a cannot you're a child of God because you believe that makes the difference Ken from Georgia I'm wondering what your thoughts are on the riots in Egypt well they're there or we'll have a we have an uprising not only in Egypt and Tunisia Lebanon and Jordan many other places in the Arab nations or saber-rattling or making noise and it is so it would be one that could cause consternation certainly but remember this what did God say about it always go by that God has said Egypt would always be a base nation it's not going to cease existing it will still be known as Egypt and it will still be controlled by the people because God has promised it would always be a base nation and then it always will be now naturally as there is in our nation or any other nation there can be bad elements in it but it shall remain but this is an interesting time and you want to be very aware of the saber-rattling around the world at this time it's rumors of war and so forth but it could turn to rumors of world peace mighty soon be alert this would be Rita from Canada in Romans chapter 8 verse 23 when it speaks of we groaning without within ourselves waiting for the adoption to wit the redemption of our body means that is we we receive our spiritual and immortal body on the day that the Lord when Jesus come well it's it means a little more than that it's preparing the saint set aside ones as you continue on reading down past about verse 26 it states that you don't even know what to pray for because you're one of God's elect predestined that he will intercede in your life to accomplish that that needs to be done to fulfill Scripture last part my word but back back up it isn't only way that groan for that time creation itself groan nature itself is groaning for the return of Christ because man is trying to destroy her and even she wants that time to come so what but we have work to do it is a destiny and a purpose be ready for it mark 13 tells you what it is Victor from Illinois pastor Murray where can I find the scripture as to what food is considered clean and unclean to eat Leviticus chapter 11 is one of the best places rule of the thumb to really simplify it don't scavengers only eat clean animals that evolve from grass and so forth that that have the split hoof and and you'll be and that chews it's could and you're in good shape that's deer cattle and so forth horse no they don't have a split hoof and they're not fifty you're not supposed to eat them Deborah from Georgia where could I find in the Bible the scriptures that relate to when Jesus was born well Luke chapter one I'd mentioned it earlier one from a question that how could I know six months after Elizabeth Mary conceived Luke chapter one you can go through whatever depth you are able to buy judging from the course of Abia which is one of 24 courses that Levitical priests serve and it is a date if you are unable to figure it out for yourself I have a tape titled the Christmas take it will probably teach you more than you wanted to know about or you can go to if you have a companion Bible if you go to appendix 179 it has it day-by-day you will be fine Roy from Virginia pastor Mary or there are any scriptures in the Bible that say a man must belong to a denominational Church there's no scripture in the Bible that says anything but that man should love Almighty God and that should gathering together with somebody that studies God's Word that's that's the way it is not not some particular church I'm out of time here I love you all because you enjoy studying our father's word chapter by chapter and verse by verse most of all though God loves you for it it's the letter he has sent to you it makes his day when you make his day boy is he gonna make yours we brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you you help us keep coming to you once you then bless God he will always bless you most important though you listen to me and you listen good you stay in his word every day his word is a good day even with trouble you know why Jesus Yeshua is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a tape catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chaplain to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 3 4 6 4 5 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by riding to shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 77-36 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 Gravatt arkansas 77236 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and God bless you [Music] the book of Peter here we have two books first and second Peter that are absolutely fascinating that great old fisherman telling us leading us directing us guiding us going into the depth if you would in that second book into the three earth ages giving the most accurate recorded account of the events that transpire and document that there are three earth ages that there was one before this one this one and one to come Peter the great fisherman which in his gentleness and his kindness brings us two books the books of Peter that lead guy direct even in your daily life that teach and show you how to be happy how to find that peace of mind and to know yourself the books of Peter I know you're going to enjoy them [Music] from gravid Arkansas this is Shepherd's chapel with Pastor Arnold Murray join with us now this pastor Murray takes you on a book by book chapter by chapter line by line study in God's world now here's pastor Murray all right good they tell you god bless you welcome to the Shepherd's chapel hey welcome to this family Bible study our we're gonna get into a new study today as you see there on your screen war and armor it's a subject we did many many many years ago and the old soundtrack kind of played out on it so we're gonna redo it calling it the same thing war and armor what kind of war are we gonna be fighting here in these end times and that's the war I'm talking about the war that
Channel: NCPTV
Views: 3,342
Rating: 4.9047618 out of 5
Keywords: NCPTV, Lebanon TN, Wilson County TN, Nashville TN
Id: TjfNOp7NKhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 0sec (3660 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2019
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