Genesis ~ 2:1 to 2:25

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chapter 2 the great book of Genesis in the beginning we have covered chapter 1 and don't forget father in creating all things putting this earth which was born without form back in proper shape then then he did do one real special thing he created male and female this is where he created all the races and and told them to fish and some to hunt and don't forget that it's very important in verse 26 of chapter 1 he made fishers and hunters that's it to live off the land and that being very important with today's lectures we pick it up and move forward as he was recovering the earth from the destruction of the first Earth Age God did not create this earth Boyden without form it became that way at Satan's fall and here he's making it inhabitable again chapter 2 verse 1 and it reads thus the heavens and the earth were finished and all the host of them in the last verse of that last chapter he said and he looked and it was good he loved all the peoples and as they were instructed to replenish the earth verse 2 and on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made verse three and God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it he didn't make it for himself he made it for man because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made and now for the higher critic and the higher critic only I'm going to explain because they would disagree with what I'm about to say I am well aware of the fact that we're going from P to J it does not change the manuscripts first these are the generations or this is the history of the heavens and of the earth when they were created in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens that's from the beginning from the very overthrow as it was stated in verse two of that prior chapter the history of it and and and brings us on to the recovery or the regeneration into this earth age verse five and every plant of the field before it was in the earth and every herb of the field before it grew for the Lord had not caused it to rain upon the earth and there was not a man to till the ground now wait a minute that should perk your mind up just a little bit he told them to go fish on the sixth day told him to go hunt he didn't say anything about tilling the ground because he didn't create the Gentile races to chill the ground he's going to create another man when we go to the past the ninth verse I will explain this the Hebrew manuscripts are very specific and but here you know you don't have to be a wizard to understand 26th chapter one hunt and fish and replenish the earth chapter two verse five he still doesn't have a man to till the soil so what is he going to do about it verse six but there went up a mist from the earth and watered the whole face of the ground 7 and the Lord formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life infection he became a living soul and man became a living soul now many of you that are inexperienced what the word just simply translated man and he if you have a companion Bible your appendix 14 well its teach you a great deal about human kind man and it will teach you about the man the special man if Adam is what his name is we just covered it this in a moment and then I'll go to the manuscripts and teach you directly from then verse eight and the Lord God planted of being a garden eastward in Eden and there he put the man whom he had formed the man this special one okay you got it not that he because he had a purpose just like the others purpose was to hunt and fish he had a purpose to kill the ground verse nine and out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant in the sight and good for food The Tree of Life also in the midst of the garden and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and and so it is now I want to I want to show you something here I want you to go to the manuscripts I'm going to take you back to chapter 1 verse 26 and here is the word man the word in the Hebrew is Adam the leaf and the point that the dot at the bottom makes it a d a m at him there's no article and there's no particle connected with that that is the man he created on the sixth day which which he created many of them along with female don't forget that verse 26 now many of you when you begin to study for yourself you're going to find well the next time he mentions me and in twenty six and seven it is Adam in the Hebrew tongue and so it is why because God said let us create men in our he included himself himself in men form is Jesus Christ therefore the F hard-on through which Christ would come naturally that mean then when it is connected with God is also F Homme now we just finished this verse 9 let's go with we may to to the chapter 2 here on the screen and here you see that the word man has increased in size tremendously it goes from here to here Hebrew reads from right to left here you have an elite then the little three dots at the bottom of the a is e and this letter is th so this is s that's the article and here you have H a that's hot and then you have a leaf a D am at 'm s hard-on it's a totally different man underneath anyway you want to cut it any way you want to slice it you have mankind which are all the peoples of God's children and then he realized I want to make now somebody to till the soil not to hunt to fish to be to be a Karass man of the land a tender thereof and so it is that he brought forth this F far done not the same as odd dung humankind again I want to remind you if you want to educate yourself a little better on this go to your fourteenth appendix and your companion Bible and it will give you ish at Enoch and Adam because you see the word translated man here really in the Hebrew tongue Adam which means man but when you put the article and the particle with it it means the special man it's emphatic and it draws attention to this one man and quite frankly the entire story of our fathers word or the history of it has to do with this man's family that's haha done it only uses people into it when they come in contact with this man this is why we have a work titled one man's destiny it's this man and why well because the through this one would come not this first Adam that would come the second Adam which is to say the Lord Jesus Christ that is to say God with us so you see the manuscripts when you pay attention to them there is a difference only when you're reading the English translation you would never pick up on that so it becomes very important that you know and understand and of course the manuscripts that we're reading from here or from the Greens in a linear which we carry in our library that gives you one of the least expensive total copies of the manuscripts the best you can find most accurate I don't necessarily go a hundred percent with greens interpretation but the manuscripts are perfect and practically and just a wonderful work to deal with if you care to study to that depth if you don't no problem but I wanted to at least teach you that much Hebrew that the elite the three dots that's the letter E and then the letter th F and then H a ha and then ad am adam adam a special man and and again our Father has a plan of salvation he had every intention of being coming here himself a virgin conceiving and giving birth to the Lord Jesus Christ which being interpreted manual God with us his plan doesn't change from the beginning when we teach these this book of Genesis many will have never been taught chapter by chapter and verse by verse through this book really in a way if you don't understand the beginning of God's Word you're not going to understand the ending either so it's important that you follow and understand we've had the creation of all the races and you see any genius geneticist knows that not all people could come from one couple with all the races we have in this world they're the way God created them the way he wanted them they're his children they're made in the exact image they were from before and he looked and it was good with dignity and purpose for everyone but he did send the Savior and this F haha done there's the men through the woman which would come the Savior himself so returning then to the second chapter let's pick it up if we may with verse 10 then let's go with it well let me let me say something first he the Lord out of the ground caused to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food The Tree of Life also I wouldn't say that the word in the next lecture we're going to I'm going to teach you in the Hebrew also the word tree it's s e TS and and that's fruit trees you're able to you can need apples all day long if you like them peaches oranges anything that a tree that is but what is this tree of life we learn right away Tree of Life is the Lord Jesus Christ that is the tree that gives us life but what is did in this tree of the knowledge of good and evil the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is none other than Satan himself this these are the limbs and this is the trunk of the tree of life the body and the central nervous system runs up and down the backbone which is the knowledge of good and evil and Satan had both he knew how to be good because he elevated himself by by earning it the position of the cherub that covereth as we learned in the Ezekiel 28 but at the same time he had that evil streak that caused him through his senses to take pride in himself rather than Almighty God and what not to guard the mercy seat to but to sit on it so therefore there you have if you would the trees of that garden and what they consisted of created one set of people formed the next got it don't confuse it and continuing with verse 10 and a river went out of Eden to water the garden and from thence it was parted and became into four heads four streams 11 the name of the first is Python that is it which compasseth the whole land of havilah where there is gold you can find it there 12 and the gold of that land is good then is William bedroom and the Onyx stone aplenty 13 and the name of the second river is Gahan or geike on the same is it that compasseth the whole land of ethiopia and so it is this is the reason many people the with the next one that the Euphrates the Tigris the malformed things the particular River is 14 I would not want to debate that issue and the name of the third river is hit achill and that is it which goeth toward the east of assyria and the fourth River is Euphrates and there you have it and thus being the explanation and how precious it is verse 15 and the Lord God took the man and put him into the Garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it again I want to warn you not to hunt not to fish God's plan is perfect and he has a plan for all people there is a destiny for all people this man is to dress that garden and to prepare it and to tend the garden to dress it that means color vada prune it and keep it for sixteen and the Lord God commanded the man give me a guess what you think in the Hebrew manuscripts the man is it's F ha ha done the man through which Christ would come invisible cord the middle cord through the woman saying of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat in other words the Hebrew word ex you can go in there you can partake of the fruit all that's what I created them for just to sustain you in the Garden of Eden to trim those trees to take care of them prune them and they will provide for you they will yield year after year after year but that other tree the tree of the knowledge of good and evil Satan stay away from it and so and so it is do you understand this is the first law that God will will pronounce upon it is that very thing next verse 17 but of the tree of knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die no how could that be what - what does that mean well if you partake of Satan you're gonna die that's the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that's the first commandment in the Word of God is to leave the devil alone I said well what does he mean some people live 900 years old before they died well how long do you think a day is with the Lord a day with the Lord is a thousand of man's years what are you saying you mess around with that tree of the lot and good a knowledge of good and evil and you're going to die you're not going to make it past that the end of the Lord's Day and that's rather synonymous if you would with the fact that if you don't stay away from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil even after the Lord's Day called the Millennium you're not going to make it so we see the founding father as he instills and brings forth this history the beginning Genesis he tells us exactly how it is but very little is different today than it was then as far as overcoming and obeying the commandments of God lead the tree of the knowledge of good and evil alone don't even argue with Satan just get behind me in the name of Jesus Christ period you don't even talk to him and he's a sleuth and and tricky God said leave him alone and so it is that's the first commandment you break that one and you're always going to end up in trouble let me put it a little plainer any time you mess around with the devil and his you're gonna end up in trouble it will bring you nothing but grief and misery when I go there the devil has many trades and tricks that he uses on people and in that releases hurt God knew what he was talking about you're gonna die in the day you eat thereof you mess with him you're going to hell that's what it means okay then verse 18 to continue and the Lord said it is not good that the man should be alone I will make him and help me for him in other words I'm going to eat over the one he'd already back in the sixth day created female he rested he rested the seventh and now we're in the eighth day and Adam if hotdog not are done but if hard arm doesn't have a help me why wouldn't God give him one of those other females well because if hard on mister who the Sun would come but he's different verse 19 and out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every fowl of the air and brought them into unto Pepa Adam to see what he would call them and what's deliver it ha done called every living creature that was the name thereof well now wait a minute the God created things to hunt back in the sixth day and now here we arrested the seventh and now we got the eighth day and and he's bringing the what did he say was going to create help means the farmer must have livestock to perform the work of the domestic animals had to be created whereby abotu Adam could name them horses there sure weren't any news because that's a hybrid but there were donkeys and and horses cattle and things that you would utilize domestic animals that he would provide upon the farm to Chindit to take care of it to color bait it and he named them in it was good now you know it is the Word of God flows if you simply listen to the Word of God instead of sending school stories of trees and snakes and and this sort of thing which doesn't have anything to do with the Word of God you want to listen to this word as God brings it forth and as he explains it then you can have a much better understanding of life itself while we have hunters and fishers and why we have farmers verse 20 at Adam and Adam gave names to all cattle and to the fowl of the air and to every beast of the field but for Adam there was not found and happening for him there was no female there was no wife how could he produce and bring forth the Son of God if he did not have a wife that was suitable for that occasion and naturally she will very definitely be because Eve is the mother of all living for only one reason not that her womb produced all races but that her womb umbilical cord umbilical cord would produce the Son of God and urine him are you not living so she is the mother of all living because she was the mother to be of of the Lord Jesus Christ which is the savior of this world when you accept him how precious it is 21 and the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam and he slept and he took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh instead thereof now this is one of false teaching it misleads people and hands from the beginning of time do you know what this word rib is in Hebrew it's curved he took the curve from Adam that's why women have better curves than men and I just now I shouldn't do that but have you ever heard let's go deep now have you ever heard of the helix curve the helix curve is a term concerning DNA we didn't know about DNA too awful many years ago but today we know about the helix curve and we know that God took the feminine DNA from Adam and created woman it wasn't one of one of his ribs it was part of the he is curved the DNA and produced woman that is to say this helpmate and actually it is the womb through which umbilical cord umbilical cord Christ will come I know that's quite a shock to a lot of people well I just had to know but man's got one less rib that anybody man's got all of his ribs but he doesn't have all of his curves that he looks curved it's gone okay or it should here you'd be in bad shape or quite you'd be a little bit on the feminine side wouldn't you so next verse please verse 22 and the rib the curve I'm even going to add the helix curve which the Lord God had taken from Adam made he a woman and brought her unto the man happy days are here again I mean he had him a helpmate and and there would be family and how precious it is that's that's what makes the world go around but the most beautiful thing to man is here we have the mother and father which umbilical cord umbilical cord one man's history one man's life one man's destiny through him would come on her would come the Lord Jesus Christ umbilical cord the umbilical cord and that's why that God always protected that genealogy all them through history whereby that virgin would conceive rightfully so directly from this F ha done now there would be a time when we get to the 6th chapter you're gonna find that Satan will attack again and in the 4th he will attack and win but he can sure cause a lot of trouble verse 23 what's what is this supposed to accomplish and Adam that ha Adam said this is now bone of my bones curb of my curb and flesh of my flesh she shall be called woman man because she was taken out of men the DNA was taken he was formed and here we go verse 24 therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh now you got to understand that when a man and a woman marry they become one flesh especially how could that be well when the two father and mother a child both their DNA both their curve and the helix curve from both parents and so it is that the two become one a lot of seems like people forget though that when you become one flesh you leave the mother and father as for as family forming that does not mean you do not honor your mother and father but that Union comes first fine because your one your one flesh and what does not offend the other half of that flesh is fine and whatever doesn't defend that half of the boy that's fine your one and that one body originates or operates within itself they complete unit and that is good that is as it should be verse 25 to complete this chapter and they were both naked the man and his wife and we're not ashamed they were innocent they had not / taken of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil at this time they didn't they had no part of that sin we'll be getting to that though but this is how innocent it is when you go with the father's word and take wins traditions or man's traditions and throw em out the window get rid of them go by the Word of God the manuscripts use them grow by them and no one understand God's plan for his children why he loves his children he loves his people this is why he would tell Peter don't you dare call the other races of power lavalla in the greek tongue don't you call them common they're my children and so it is or they different of course they're different you're I can tell by looking but with dignity they are all children of God and there's nothing racist about it and and so it is you know many people well the scholars of the Hebrew manuscripts know there were more people in Adam and Eve so they bring forth mythology the Lilith to cover up for the fact that other people do you know why they do not want to teach the difference between odd done hew mankind and ephod on the Farmar because they're afraid people called in racist and the truth is the truth in in innocence dignity for all of God's children for it's all one family but there is that difference kind after kind and that's the way God likes it that's the way he created us and as you read the last verse of chapter one God looked after the creation of all the nations and it was good there is there are some points in history that bear checking out many might said well then they were created a thousand years before F ha well that's very possible this is why that Chinese history goes back much further than our history there's a reason for it and it's real simple to understand so always accept God's Word as it is written looking at the facts and taking those facts but most of all let God teach
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 2,609
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Keywords: Shepherd's Chapel, Murray, Shepherds, Shepherd's, Book of, Shepherds Chapel, Arnold Murray, Pastor, Arnold, Chapel, Book of Genesis, Genesis, Pastor Arnold Murray, Pastor Murray
Id: 76Vlf07TzSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 35sec (1895 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 19 2019
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