She Let Me Upgrade Her Surron!

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this is min she commutes 20 m a day on her suron and it's pretty sweet it's got a massive 72v battery 14 KW controller and my first ever set of wheels these 17-in super motos but it's also got a loose chain fingertight sprocket mirror and headlight dangling Twisted bars stock pegs stock brakes no swag and it's filthy this is Pimp My siron today I'm turning my girlfriend siron from a disaster into a master peace a [Applause] [Music] masterpiece [Applause] [Applause] what exactly now [Music] is [Applause] for [Applause] than h [Applause] for me I do for for [Music] [Music] he [Music] have a good day [Music] [Music] here we go this is our first time seeing the bike ooh the new lights I see oh that's pretty sick I like that a lot oh did you add the sticker too yeah we can take the stickers off if you there oh backpack you see how they fold back so they're like super lowy oh this is sick all blacked out P I like this wait it comes with this too yeah so good eye you're really noticing it all so cool yeah walk through it let me know what you what you notice is different well I definitely see the lights first so okay I like it it's super bright and super cool but because you're riding Street most of the time I I think we should make it white so you don't stand out more than you already do really cuz the Amber that's not a street color so I think that's one thing we'll need to change but definitely add some personality I think it looks way better I think black and yellow is nice but I definitely like these oh yeah give them the squeeze can I yeah ooh I need that isn't that nice my brakes have been so loose and you see the you see the cable management here you see how low key how how clean it is so clean the mount for the handlebars is also upgraded so when you drop your bike it'll never Twist on you it'll always stay you know I be dropping my bike sometimes ooh that's so clean see clear here isn't that nice that's so nice used to be so annoying like coming out here kind of dorky like sticking up in the front are these new Wheels that's a new tire yes Tire okay isn't this exciting I want to ride and then just a couple more things this thing oh so it used to be like all silver this triangle mhm and this linkage are also upgraded I wouldn't expect you to notice that okay I didn't know you don't but it's clean c as fck you have thank you [Music] so right so exciting you look so cool oh I'm so sorry I don't have a front break I went for it and it wasn't there oh my goodness hello doggy oh bye-bye doggy [Music] o you look so cool man here she goes oh she's she's fast I got to tell her to slow down more than I have to tell her to speed up for sure I like the feel of this I know it's such a small thing you like the peg I like the peg I was like no it's not a small thing it's like one of the two things you touch or the grips the P wow oh ah [Applause] is it dead it says fault six oh it just went away fault 6 okay it's fine now has that ever happened before no fault 6 so your lights are still on let's just turn everything on and off it's good now okay let's cross our fingers that's weird super nice neighborhood oh I think it's the regen it's too high it's too high I I bet that's it I haven't touched the power train but I changed the chain so maybe that changes how much the regen is yeah oh no it cut out again so dangerous it just stopped right there what's going on fault six oh motor over temp if it's motor over temp it must be that regen we did have it at maximum I literally didn't touch any of the power train it's room temperature I bet it's the controller over temping maybe so it said we were at 200° and now it's saying we're at 40 within like 3 minutes so I feel like that was a glitch or something I hope we get there in time for a little bit of sunset it's one of my favorite spots in La up here what was that Hollywood Sign from this side cuz we only go up there I know isn't that cool you can see it from here that's so cool we'll kick him out what's up back wheel I don't have front brakes so we're in the Hollywood Hills and there's all these conspiracy theories about what the Hollywood Elite are doing all the time if I've ever seen a conspiracy theory it would be up here you've got a view of the Hollywood sign and there's always some crazy Rock patterns this is a smiley face this isn't menacing but sometimes there's like all sorts of like satanic stuff up here a lot of spikes yeah the spikes are coming watch out we might get some Flats out here ready boom wow you got the balance neither of us have kickstand but we can rely on each other looks like they're holding hands as always thank you so much for watching on my own
Channel: Sur Ronster
Views: 2,945,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: surron, girl, she, her, electric, bike, ebike, upgrade, suron
Id: l452yP_OzWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 5sec (1025 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2023
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