I Built a Monster Chopper out of Trash

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the city it's riddled with crime well I mean according to the national average it's actually relatively low but every city needs a hero and that is where I come in hey you knock it [Music] off yo sxis wake up I'm building a monster bike I need to borrow your tires oh yeah sure there is oh no I already got him thanks so the other day I was just scrolling through my phone and I came across this picture of a really cool custom chopper and I was like wo that's really cool I want that but the problem is I am not an engineer I'm not a mechanic I'm just some dude who has no idea what he's doing now I might not have the skills or materials to build this type of Chopper but that's never stopped me before I've got two tires a bunch of garbage and a burning desire to build a sick monster bike and that should be all I need okay so the first thing I got to do is figure out a way to make these tires move but I don't have any wheels or rims for these so this is going to be pretty tough so I stood in my brainstorming position yo I think I got it remember when we built the mono wheel right I used an electric skateboard to power the mono wheel that I built and it worked great and I also happened to know where I could find an electric skateboard now it's not much but it's better than nothing and if an electric skateboard can move this giant Tire I should be able to get it to move this smaller one too but I've got one problem my skateboard is a little too big for the [Music] tire so my plan here was to just cut a bunch of stuff off the board until it was small enough to fit in the tire okay so I've made the board a lot smaller by cutting this notch in it which lets this other piece kind of lock in just like that okay so it's a bit of a puzzle getting them in here cuz I got to put them in separately so the wheels don't lock up but there we go okay the board is in the tire we are all secure this is the moment of truth let's see what happens oh yes let's go okay okay let's see how the brakes work and stop stop stop let's go that's that's so sick okay so this thing is really cool but before we celebrate too much there's one thing I got to figure out first now the tire is moving great by itself but when I put pressure on the board it flattens out the tire a bit and adds all sorts of tension so I have no idea if this is going to work when I put all my weight on it so I got to build a quick temporary front end so I can test this tire [Music] out complete okay so this does not have to be perfect cuz we're just trying something out here yeah so the whole idea here is to just put some temporary front end on this to see if this idea will even work at all okay let me just put a little bit of weight on here and see that's actually not that bad okay but now it's time for the true test will this be able to support my body weight and move me across the floor no way no way no way [Music] what what this is absolutely insane okay so this doesn't move super fast and that's not going to fly it's got to go super fast so I think the move is to put another electric skateboard in this tire too and I just so happen to have another electric skateboard in my okay that was weird uh yeah I have another electric skateboard and it of course does not fit and I can't even cut this one in half because it's got electronic pieces on both sides of the board so I'm never going to be able to finish my monster bike All Is Lost this is such a actually you know what I'm pretty sure my roommate has electric skateboard that he'd be willing to trade [Music] me let me guess you're here for this yeah how you doing that it's magic baby okay well you want to trade sure this board sucks what's going on buddy I keep seeing him every night in my dreams you're seeing whom in your dreams red dude what do you think it means I don't know I just I just know he's up to something [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right back to work here man I really hope that this monster bike situation works out for me cuz I've had to destroy two perfectly good electric skateboards now okay my second board is cut and ready to go now I just got to install it into this tire [Music] okay our second wheel is done now we got to test it out all right yes okay so our second Wheel Works now I'm going to swap it out with this one to make sure it works Under Pressure so I quickly swapped the tires over and it worked great honestly especially with me on it okay so this board goes a little faster than the other board I'm not sure why they're literally the same board but obviously it's still not fast enough so we got to put the two wheels together yeah so uh real quick um one you should totally subscribe to the channel and two you see that cool shirt I'm wearing right there you can also have that shirt in plenty of other shirts too by going to shop. jakc car.com and buying a shirt okay first of all this thing looks nuts I'm definitely going to have to build something like this in the future but for now it's time to try the speed now obviously two wheels were faster than one but there was a little problem okay now because all the weight is in the middle you can see these things start to pinch in on me but that shouldn't be a problem once I have the wheels lined up like this cuz once I have it set up like a bike all the weight should be balanced right in the center but the problem I'm facing now is I can't test the speed of these things cuz the tires aren't moving straight and there's not really enough room in the garage for a proper speed test so I'm going to go ahead and line these tires up so I can get a true reading on this [Applause] [Music] speed let's go okay sitting in the front is putting like a weird pressure on the back tire so I don't think I'm getting the amount of speed I could but I think if I position myself between the two tires like I will once the bike is done it'll probably give me a better result so let me try that oh yeah dude this is so much better so much faster see yeah I think I'm going to go ahead and move the wheel over and put put like a seat in the middle for now just so I can test the [Music] speed okay yeah so this um it it wasn't very fast like at all one cool thing is that this is the first time any of my builds have been able to successfully go in reverse so that's cool okay so I've made a few two interesting discoveries the first one being that this goes way faster in Reverse for some reason so I think when I get to the next phase of the build I'm going to turn these electric skateboards around so that way they're in reverse and then I've got to build a proper bike frame with a seat and handlebars and all that [Music] stuff thanks for meeting me here I asked you to meet me well do you have it do I have it it's a body hijacker you point that device at anyone and you can control their every move don't use it on me well what's our mission here this goofball goes by the name of sxis he's the one who's been spoiling all our plans he lives with purple dude and this Jake Carini guy I guess he's like a garbage man or something when do we strike tomorrow midday no I I can't do tomorrow midday I've got a potl with my book club it's been scheduled for weeks I all well all right how about Friday midday uh move some stuff around yeah I can probably make that work [Music] cool okay so it was back to the lab I had to fix this speed situation cuz this thing was a little too slow so I was thinking what I should do is just just get a third electric skateboard to put in the back tire okay so I got to take this whole thing apart turn the wheels around and then start building a bike frame now I'm kind of nervous cuz I've never built a bike frame before and this one doesn't count cuz it's got train it's got training wheels and a chair bikes don't have chairs yeah they got seats and you know I know that I just said that I've never built a bike frame before but I just remember that I actually have built a bike frame before when I built this motorcycle out of trash but this is a totally different animal this is a monster bike it's going to be huge I just got to figure out how I'm going to do it cuz I don't know how I'm going to do [Music] it okay so this old bed frame is probably going to work [Music] great now every time I build something I do something different that I've never done before and this here was definitely it I've never done anything like this okay so this is a pretty cool start I don't really know where I'm going with this but I guess we're going to find out and find out we shall and find out we shall sorry did a little battlecry situation there uh it was bit anticlimactic uh but yeah all right we got some pretty cool forks for the front wheel now we got to do all that again for the back wheel now with the amount of metal work I do on this channel you're probably wondering why I don't have a welder well fun fact I uh almost died welding once when I was in high school um that's probably a story for another time but yeah you know it just kind of dawned on me that it's a little ironic that this is a bed frame and now the bed frame is a bike frame but um yeah anyway so I I should really consider facing my fear and and just getting a welder anyway because look look at this look at look at the amount of drilling through metal I'm doing all right so this is coming along pretty good it's pretty cool what do you guys think it's getting there yeah I mean it's really cool it just needs a lot of work yeah yeah it definitely needs a seat and foot pegs and handlebars yeah and I'm still waiting on an electric skateboard for the back tire all right well while we wait for that let's put some handlebars on there yeah okay yeah I should have a pair of handlebars around here here somewhere but of course when I went to go looking for them I couldn't find them [Applause] anywhere yo have you guys seen my handlebars anywhere no yeah I was using them sick where'd you put them uh can can you stop I'm trying bro knock it off tell them where the stuff is I'm not doing this bro what's he doing I don't know hey knock it off uh who are you are you serious I'm yellow dude yeah and I'm red dude yeah we know who you are yeah and I know who you are and you're you smell bad why don't you say that to my face what why don't you say that to my face I can't hear what I can't hear him yeah yeah we're going to fight you [Music] now come on [Music] that's it all right now's my chance [Music] uh [Music] ow hey come on man get up get up oh no no no no I'm so sorry no it's okay I totally understand [Music] no you okay real nice guys you started it yeah well we're going to end it why were they so mean to me all right buddy let's get you inside let's get you cleaned up come on oh all right everybody's gone cool okay let's try this again where are my handlebars they're in the freezer I put all your things in the freezer thank you oh oh while I waited for the handlebars to warm up I took some time to build a bracket mounting system for The Handlebar so I could stick them to the bike all right we got handlebars now we need a spot to put my feet and I think I got just the [Music] thing and there I go drilling through metal again you know I I just need to get a welder I just got to do it all right we've got handlebars we've got foot pegs it's time for a seat and I just so happened to have a perfect seat but it was very far [Applause] [Music] away and there I was in the final hours of my monster bike build wearing a super cool shirt from shop. J carlen and I was ready I was ready for this build to be complete the only thing I was waiting on now was my electric [Music] skateboard so this was it this was the final missing piece of the whole build in my monster bike was complete I get some point yeah I get the points you ain't suck cuz you oh yeah so I yeah I forgot to mention that final skateboard there turned out to be a total dud and it didn't even work at all so I had to take it off and just roll with the two skateboards so yeah it wasn't as fast as I wanted it to be but it was still super sick it was hard to balance it was well it couldn't steer at all but the point is I got out there I had fun and I did something creative and to me that's the only thing that matters well I'm it slow down you it I'm burned down thought about it it turns out I'm Jing and wor down cuz the nothing hurts more than something I said I'm stuck in my head I'm Stu thinking it I should just slow down you C down I'm burned down it's okay it's okay boss look what they did we got to make them pay oh they will pay a lot cash so it's very inconvenient
Channel: Jake Carlini
Views: 1,514,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: monster bike, chopper, motorcycle, motorcycle build, monster chopper, chopper bike, made of trash
Id: uungtAFCrZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 49sec (1069 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2024
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