HUGE Power Upgrades on my DREAM SCOOTER

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in this video I'm going to be doubling the power of my 50cc scooter and I'll show you how I did it every step of the way now you may be wondering why more power low CC two-stroke scooters are some of the most Nimble and lightweight bikes you can get your hands on but unfortunately they all suffer from the same problem they're slow now don't get me wrong these bikes offer quick acceleration off the line but their top speeds often resemble that of a school zone which honestly makes them dangerous to take on most roads so today I want to fix that I'm going to going to be modifying upgrading and installing the necessary components to make my scooter more capable and powerful than I could have ever imagined so let's go back to the beginning this Scooter's been stocked the entire time I've owned it and it's ran really great until recently this time it's going to start for me see this is normally what happens right but then it'll die watch no guarantee you it won't start again that batter's dying all that turn her off so the bike's been having this problem for a while now where it'll start up run for a couple of seconds but then it'll die and it won't start again and as this issue is most likely due to a small fuel delivery problem like a dirty carburetor your average mechanic would roll this bike into the shop and have it running like new again in 30 minutes but I'm not your average mechanic so instead I ordered a box full of $675 worth of amazing scooter parts to hopefully double the power of this Honda Elite I'm pretty sure this is an exhaust that's hot boy and we got the goodies in there put this down I'm not even a scooter guy so I really don't know what all this is this is a 70c kit and then right here it looks like we have a variator bell a clutch Bell something like that and we have a Pini variator and then looks like we got some sort of gear primary gear thing I don't know belt we got Jets this is like a spring thingy for something more springy thingies for something I'm guessing for this this has got to be like the clutch right looks like we got some shims right here we're going to be running a Mosi 70c kit basically I asked my friend on Instagram who knows a lot more about scooters than I do to kind of hook me up with what he thought was good and this is what we ended up with so so here we were back again ready for another build but this time on a type of bike I have never worked on before that being said I have worked on my fair share of motorcycles and I've been told that scooters are some of the easiest to work on so I began tearing into this bike with confidence that I had the skills to get the job done but in typical two-stroke J Fashion it didn't take me long to realize I wouldn't be able to do it without some [Music] help [Music] so there I was standing over a partially deconstructed scooter staring like a deer caught in headlights and this is when I had to face reality I do not know what I'm looking at but luckily someone else did I'm Batman see earlier in the day when I was feeling more ambitious about this project I posted this Instagram story and just as I had lost motivation and was about to give up my good friend toaster SSO responded toaster was one of the first guys I saw doing wheelies on a 50cc scooter he's the guy that made me want to buy one of my own and he's the guy that put together the upgrade package that I'm installing in this video so yeah he's sort of an OG and to my luck we dm'd back and forth the rest of the night and he gave me stepbystep instructions on how to install every part of this build and he assured me if I follow every single step then this bike will run and ride great with no addition additional tuning needed so with all that being said I returned to the garage with confidence that I now had the knowledge I needed to finish this build and I was going to follow these directions word for [Music] [Music] word now that I had an idea of what needed to be done the first step was to tear the bike down and clean it as much as possible that way I could start the build with a clean [Music] slate with the plastic shrouds already removed I can now remove the carburetor along with the CVT cover and all of the [Music] internals [Music] [Music] the scooter is also getting a new performance exhaust so I went ahead and removed the stock one well this is where things get confusing for me because this is the entire transmission of the bike and I don't know how this thing works it's a CVT system whatever that means so I'm just going to try and take it apart and see what happens I guess I don't even know how it's supposed to come off hopefully these are all normal thread let's see going straight for the impact is never a good [Music] sign M look at that whole thing just comes out as one wow fancy stuff okay I'm disassembling just completely ooh completely not knowing what I'm doing right here I think those are the weights we need those okay it's a crankshaft right there and this looks like starter gear something like that that goes like that that goes like that that goes like that such a cool Little Feat of engineering right here look at that wow who designed that man that is so cool love to see it all right CVT side done with everything now removed from the engine I could really see how badly this thing needed a wash and being that I was following toter's advice word for word he recommended a a greaser from Walmart so guess where I [Music] [Music] went [Music] [Music] what oh it's lovely in it that's definitely way better I must say did the plugs work I don't know I think so that's got to keep it dry in [Music] there glorified Razor scooter right now oh jeez let's go deep gravel hell yeah wa woo [Music] yeah now that the bike was clean I needed to get access to the top end of the motor so I removed anything else that was in the way I took this opportunity with everything removed from the engine to clean up the cases as much as I could we're as clean as I'm going to get this motor this is sort of like a dirty rebuild here but the first thing I want to do is take off this top end right here and replace it with the one in this box boom what we're dealing with here is a Mosi engine and special part made in Italy this is a Mosi 70cc cylinder for the Honda Elite af16 engine got a head right here two exhaust studs cylinder itself fire dude fire wrist pin circlips and the gasket kit right there dang too bad mine doesn't look like that huh I think we're going to start by pulling off the head right here getting this cylinder off and seeing what's underneath and then get that new cylinder put on here now luckily this assembling this two-stroke top end is exactly the same as any dirt bike or moped I've done before so I was fairly confident going into [Music] this and not even 10 minutes later the top end was disassembled and I was ready to throw on the shiny new MOSI [Music] components but first I wanted to make sure that this old gasket material was scraped completely off the case that way the new top end would have a nice tight seal and next I installed the exhaust Duds into the new MOSI [Music] cylinder one of the most important parts of installing a two-stroke top end is making sure that everything is Thoroughly lubed with two-stroke oil before you put it back together next I was installing the piston rings and apparently these come prega from MOSI so you don't need to s in the Gap to the correct size or anything like that they're just ready to throw in the [Music] [Applause] bike now I'm screwed oh my legendary eyesight bro oh my gosh that could have been [Music] [Applause] bad finally I opened up the gaskets and used some Honda Bond on the base gasket to make sure there was an airtight seal and after that I was ready to install the Piston into the bike and put the cylinder back [Music] on yes yes let's go piston [Music] in look at that new MOSI top end in there like swimwear baby now while I had the rear wheel off toaster suggested to disassemble the brakes completely to make sure that everything was fully lubricated that way I could be sure that the brakes were performing as they [Music] should with the brakes disassembled I use some anti-seize lubricant on the cam pivot for the drum brakes to make sure they they wouldn't [Music] stick I'm not sure how effective this is but I use some sandpaper on the drum padss themselves to get rid of any of the glazing that may have happened from them overheating over [Music] time I also used the Sandpaper on the interior of the wheel because they were pretty Rusty and look like they could use some [Music] help that's definitely better got rid of all the rust should clean these things while I got them [Music] [Applause] off I definitely think the drum brake pivot was moving way easier now so disassembling them was probably for the [Music] best brakes check I think this guy can go back on here now so far we got the top end in rear wheel is on the brakes are situated that rear brake does feel pretty good I can't lie now I guess we got exhaust then we got the CVT stuff on the other side all the stuff in this box here after that it's going to be smooth sailing put all the Plastics back on it and we'll be in the streets it was now the third day working on this scooter and today was going to be an interesting one because I'm installing the CVT components which is something I've never done [Music] before the first thing I wanted to do was change the clutch spring which is behind here this little spring in here there should be new clutch springs a new clutch and a new spring right here a contra spring but I need to take this apart first and in order to do that you need to take this big nut off the top I went and bought this which is a 1 and 1116 in because America's a little bit slow when it comes to measuring and it's definitely not the right size and what it turns out is I thought this was 42 mm it's actually 39 mm so I need to go drive pretty much an hour to get a 39 mm socket to take this off to put this stuff on to get it on the scooter they will never understand on YouTube why it takes so long to make these videos this is why 39 on the road again back with a 39 mm and that fits just swimmingly on here all I know is that this is pressurized by that Spring right there so you want to make sure that you push down on this with something people say they normally use their feet and then you loosen it which is going to be difficult no this is so stupid my calves are burning right now bro I think I'm just rounding this out you freaking serious man the tapered edge of the socket was causing it to slip off so we ended up grinding it flat so it would fit better and I also borrowed a larger impact because the hammer method was definitely not cutting it we trimed this down so now it's flat definitely fits on there a lot better going to go ahead get the big gun try and get this off of here oh gosh here we [Music] go there we go so inside of here we got the spring the clutch itself and this thing I don't know what this is so this new MOSI clutch comes stock with these white Springs in it but the kit comes with these Yellow Springs which I think make the clutch a little bit [Music] stiffer try and clean this thing out super dirty oh look at that get up out of there I'm guessing we need this plastic piece in [Music] here so it goes this thing this thing this thing push it down get my feet on there start this nut there we go [Music] boom boom clutch back together we got the yellow clutch springs and the yellow spring in there so should be good to bolt on let's go cuz I don't know exactly what this is so next I unbox the Pini clutch Bell and variator so the Pini variator kit comes with two different weights a 6.9 G weight and A 5.6 G weight so we'll go 6.9 5.6 toaster told me that you can just alternate these and use one and then the other back and forth so that's what I did everything was prepared now and ready to be put back in the bike so I installed the clutch and the new clutch Bell next was a new MOSI belt and then a Pini variator and new dry [Music] face these shims were also included for the variator and they come in three different thicknesses you need to use one of the thickest ones and one of the medium ones in between the dry face and the variator to get the correct spacing the CVT was now fully installed and I was ready for the next stage of the build I started by cleaning up the plastic covers that cover the engine and cylinder and with this new MOSI kit I actually needed to cut a new hole in this to fit the spark [Music] plug [Music] I started day four by disassembling the carburetor and installing a new mainjet [Music] and yeah let's not forget when we're working on these bikes that this is from 1995 and this car has probably never been cleaned so you're going to want to make sure to do that while you have it [Music] apart use the 86 m jet in the naruku kit got it naruku jet [Music] [Music] kit with the new jet installed and the carb completely clean it was time to throw it back on the bike [Music] [Music] to accommodate for the larger mainjet the airbox needed some slight modifications but first I wanted to clean it up so the way that these go together when they're together basically the intake comes through here through the filter then flows into the carb but this little intake here there's like one pathway in through here and then the other one's blocked so you can see one's open right here the other one's blocked and you're supposed to be able to punch this one out I guess in order to free up more air flow so I'm going to try and do that I don't know how hard that's going to be get a little Hammer starting to come out this doesn't look scientific at all but just trying to open up this Airway here sometimes You Must Destroy to make things better boom look at that and now as you can see there's two holes flown through there instead of just one double the airflow epic with the airbox now cleaned and modified it was time to throw it back on the [Music] bike and obviously I wanted to clean up the covers for the transmission before I installed [Music] it [Music] and now it's time for one of my favorite parts of the build the [Music] exhaust oh yo those welds are sick dang this thing is fire [Music] and now with everything put back together it's finally time for the first [Music] start [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah [Laughter] oh that sounds so good bro that throttle response so much better than it was before already oh my gosh guys wa it takes off what oh my gosh oh my gosh I can't even ride it like this that's insane it seriously accelerates like three times faster than it used to that's it's impressive [Music] man wow that that blew me away man I literally just slapped a 70 kit on this thing that's all I did and some CBT work dude scooters are sick oh my gosh I can't wait we need to get the seat on here take this thing for a spin and before finally installing the Plastics I decided to clean everything up as best as I could before installing it back on the bike so we would start fresh [Music] I just realized I forgot to put the tail light on I was like why does it look so empty back here literally no tail light on it okay got to do that I wanted to bring it out to the lot though to uh open it up on a longer path because it's got so much torque now it literally power wheelies like right here I used to have to throw my whole body into it right now I was completely still right there and it power wheelies oh my gosh guys like that's hard to describe I can't believe this is the stock carburetor and it makes this much power that's insane dude it literally used to top out at like 25 it it would go 30 downhill maybe but pretty much like 25 is what you're getting so I don't know what what this is about to get here but let's see oh my dude we're still pull oh my God oh my dude I was still accelerating at the end of the lot wo I topped out at 35 like 34 of the way down the lot I had to be going like almost 50 right there that's crazy it it went to like 35 and as it hit 35 you could feel it almost into a second gear like the CVT the way it works you get up to a certain RPM and it just grips even harder pulls you even more that was wild oh my gosh this thing sick dude it's way it's way faster than I thought it would be that's actually ridiculous it's oh my gosh I I don't know I'm lost for words all these mods cost $675 guys this bike I bought it for $700 I put $675 of mods into it and I feel like I could take this thing on the freaking Highway dude oh this is sick oh my gosh I I feel like I'm cruising like oh a 40 mph wheelie or something this doesn't feel like it should be oh my gosh dude that doesn't feel like that should be allowed it's so smooth you're going like 45 M an hour and a blip with the throttle pulls you through a wheelie dude oh my that's incredible guys the last video that I mentioned this scooter in by the way got tons of views literally my most viewed video on the channel me just like saying how much I L this scooter and it was in its stock form in that whole video I'm doing wheelies at like 10 to 15 mph and now I'm on the same bike $600 worth of parts that's all it took and I'm doing weedies at 45 mph I need to get the GPS on this thing because it's fu it's so wild I'm literally swearing I don't swear in my videos ever and I know not to swear this thing is making me swear it's like deleting my filter oh my that is so wild dude I thought I liked this thing before holy crap I like it 10 times more [Music] now we're going to test the street ability of this today I haven't ridden on the street yet I only went to the lot for like an hour or so break it in a little bit and we're with a big bike pack too so this little 50cc converted to 70 in a big bike pack definitely feels a little out of place I don't know how the top speed is going to be keeping up with these guys but we'll find [Music] out [Music] yes all right can I pull it up here I really doubt it dude we're going like 35 I don't know what we're going we're pinned at 35 whatever that is that's not too bad dude you really just got to give it the smoothest amount of throttle you're Wheeling with the big boys look at this I got 450s 500s All Around Me W Hot Boys oh my gosh this is incredible guys yeah here we go here we go woo oh this is so good yo I don't think I have any problem keeping up with the pack this whole time I've been in front of everybody this is just like so good guys I can't recommend this build enough Honda Elite 50 600 something dollars of parts in it and the thing is just like one of the most solid bikes I've ever ridden it's feels so good through and through once again mind blown Street test passed it by far flying colors this thing is just incredible woo night time Vibes ladies and gentlemen yeah woo yes oh I love it scoot Central baby now all I need is all my friends to get scooters build them up the same exact way and have an Absolut Squadron patrolling the [Music] city
Channel: Two Stroke J
Views: 2,472,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scooter, build, honda, elite, moped, 50cc, 70cc, wheelie, stunt, motovlog, youtube, vlog
Id: 1rG8ojJN8BQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 6sec (1806 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2023
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