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Raw this is crazy I'm tripping out right now the biggest part [Music] okay really quick before this entire build starts I want to give a huge shout out is Prickly Motorsports they have all the components for the bike linkage triangle every component for the bike at the aftermarket you see on my build is from number two is cipher Coatings all the Coatings you see from the forks the triple clamps to the brake lever to the entire sir on the frame everything if you guys are looking to get Coatings be sure to hit cyber Coatings up I'll have them right here on the screen third is Richter Precision they're the ones who coated my lowers those things look absolutely insane I'm actually the only person in the world to have that type of lower done they invented that coating I want to give a thank you to Nathan who's the one helping me put this entire bike together if you guys are local to Southern California Menifee Temecula Marietta area and you guys need work for your sermon this guy knows how to do it all and then last but not least grit shift they're the ones who sent me the conversion kit for the 85 Forks to fit on all right guys finally the last parts that I need to code this has been such a long process we have the brakes I can't believe how expensive these things actually are but yeah this is the last of it so we're gonna go to Cipher Coatings which is who coated my bike my forks and we're gonna go coat these things up and then the last thing to do is literally put the bike together I'm gonna take you guys through the process of coating it I didn't take you through any of the process with the other stuff but I thought I might as well take you through the process of a little bit of it so you guys can kind of see like how the whole process works and stuff because it's not powder coat it's cerakote thank you what should we do black lover bronze this bronze bronze black wrong [Music] thank you foreign [Music] scattered everywhere what I thought was going to take two weeks to do took me two a little over two months to get all the parts for this dude look at those things bro look at that is insane not Tom how do they do that I don't know I'm the only person to have that apparently all right we have every single piece to this Sauron spread out throughout the garage this is definitely probably the sickest part of the serum with these lowers we have these clamps look at those things oh cerakote too but this too it's factory Nathan we are spark you're fat real hero you can see this one looks so good yeah look how dirty that thing is [Music] thank you [Music] all right so the BAC has orange on the side right here I don't think orange will look good on the bike at all so we have some carbon wrap so we're gonna try to cover that up but so far so good I could already tell that the bike's gonna look safe [Music] look at this my old Jack shaft bolt right here you see how crooked that thing is I mean I was able to get the other one in I just had to like hold it up while one of us pushed it through but that's good oh my gosh my bike was roached guys you don't even realize they look clean but like all these like look I just destroyed everything like look at all that we got the forgs on it I think it looks clean like that I like the Ford [Music] okay as we were putting the triple clamps on for the 85 Forks we ran into a slight issue here if you look these notches right here it's we have to shave that down all right we're back Anthony is day three putting this thing together this came in check this out I got new Fork stickers I got some KYB stickers I think the KYB will just look cleaner that's personally my opinion even though they're WP Forks like I don't think it matters because they're all coated and stuff so I'm just gonna throw KYB on there I think it looks a little more Factory also I got another package from guts they make seat covers actually but they actually make entire seats that they do sell so let's open this thing up so I can show you what I got oh this looks good I like that I like the red on the stitching on the side too full seat cover all black I think black just looks cleanest so that's why I went with that they have a bunch of different colors [Music] fresh pair of rentals that have been in my shed for freaking who knows all right problem number shoot we'll say 45 these bars are not big enough I thought they would work put them on oh they're the same what well these are back from the grass 125 days so what do we do here okay now these bars are definitely older than some of these people watching this video from Jerry McGrath's 125 bars right 125 or two they're from Spitfire the most anticipated part of this whole entire surround build we just threw the forks on and the wheel it looks sick dude it sucks that I have to run Fort guards and I can't just run them like that but literally if these things got any scratch or anything my seals will just get blown so we swapped Over Fork stickers we have the KYB Enzo stickers on the forks we've got the blue I think it looks insanely good yes before you guys come at me in the comments these rwp forks I dig it all right we're back Nathan had a makeshift some spacers for the brake because I forgot to get spaces for it so today hopefully is the day that this whole thing gets put together let's be running in another stupid issue there's another thing accidentally when I sold my supermotos I left my wheel spacers in so I don't have wheel spacers for the rear wheel so that's a little bit annoying one problem after another thankfully thankfully I had these 350 bars so these are stock 350 bars and would you look at that fit the clamps I got a purple rental bar pad so I have to run that ugly KTM one [Music] of the final pieces of this build these Dunlop stickers a lot of you guys paint them like you just yellow paint marker and then just paint in the Dunlop the pros like the fact people they have these right here so these are the Dunlop stickers and I think they're kind of a pain to put on but we're gonna attempt to put it on the fresh Tire because I mean honestly I have them and like why not the sermon is as extra as it gets right here purpose oh freaking oh slap her on and then rub it it's not a sticker it's like a paint somehow oh bro perfect literally perfect it couldn't have gone any better fast factors that's factory factory if you know you know [Music] this is more stressful than any other part of the bike we've done dude so it's like one shot to do it on these tires yourself with that one dude claiming this here right here right now I'm the first person to have Dunlop stickers on the CERN on first person coding yeah or coding I think I'm the first person to like full on coat everything I am definitely the first person with those lowers only person in the world actually [Music] this short looks good that thing is so long dude I feel like if it was like right here so [Music] all right so we got the side fenders mounted up on this thing with the short Fender Nathan rig this up so technically it's supposed to have the longer rear fender on it but I think it looks pretty clean like that somebody told me also we ran into another issue here I don't have the bolts for these the front number plate and the front fender lined up here we had to do like a little bit of raking because this are actually 65 front fender and front plate I thought it looked better because the 85 is like way bigger and it's stick out way more so I think that looks a little bit cleaner bro this is crazy I'm tripping out right now this has been such a work in progress I can't even explain look sorry I'm just hyped right now oh my gosh dude it looks so good what do you guys think oh I'm gonna take this out of the sun tomorrow so right here we're gonna cut two cinematic clips of this beast in the sunlight oh God damn [Music] I think it's just so unique in its own way I just wanted to like take you guys back around while everything's kind of finished up here and take you through all the parts all the stuff that's on this thing because I think it looks amazing I'm not even trying to brag but like the people I have shown have been saying that this is probably the sickest build that they have seen I want you guys to comment down below let me know what you guys think of this who I know I already gave thanks to the people who helped me but I want to give them a thanks again I want to give a huge shout out to my buddy Nathan for building this whole thing for me Bergie garage if you guys have stuff that you need done sir on work dirt bike work anything like that hit them up I also want to thank Cipher Coatings which is a major like the whole coating is on this bike that just make this bike look amazing prickly Motorsports you guys know this I've been with them for a long time all the components on the bike actually the most unique thing on this Sauron would be these lowers right here you've never seen lowers like this I know that for a fact because they invented this design on the lower and I'm the only person in the world to have it they told me that so I'll put their Instagram right here on the screen let's start from the beginning of the bike and then walk towards the back starting with the front you guys see this is a 2019 gas gas 85 front end these Forks were literally wrote it was bad had to send those off to get coded and then I had to get it all rebuilt and that did cost a little bit of money front number plate front fender this is actually off a KTM 65. you can see Nathan Bergie garage had to make like a little makeshift screw right here I wanted to do the 65 front end because the 85 front end it just looks so bulky like it would come out here it's a little bit wider eventually I'm gonna put my Baja Designs light in here I just need to make a mount for that at the moment front Excel wheel shout out to my boy Carson for selling me this thing off of his 85 here is my front brake I don't have the brake cable on I'm waiting on a couple bolts half bronze half black look at the brake caliper it is also coated so these are brembos these are off a KTM 85 they should be extremely touchy especially for the surround because these things are light my other break here is just the trp that's actually what I had on before I might get this coated this plastic piece just so it it could match and look a little more like aesthetic carbon fiber battery lid carbon fiber this and then this battery is the same but it was getting a little beat up so we had some wrap that we decided to put on it and I think the wrap actually looks sweet it like reflects off the light I think it looks clean I like it uh we have a full new seat this is a guts racing prickly brackets new prickly motor cover prickly triangle prickly Riser linkage they're purple they killed it uh the stock rear shock I threw a k lab sticker on it just because it's kind of funny and it and it actually looks kind of sick we got a new rotor cover from prickly prickly axle blocks purple purple as you guys can see I don't like the super long rear fender I wanted to keep the stock rear fender so my buddy Nathan he actually rigged this up and it fits perfect so he had to cut the Plastics a little bit rig it up under the seat and they fit flush like the side number plates there fit literally flush like there's no it's perfect you know I had to throw some Titanium on this thing dude so we got titanium rotor bolts these are just little things it's the little details right we got titanium right here come up here take it throttle titanium up there as well right here titanium can never have too much titanium I feel like so if we look at the frame the color of this bike Cipher Coatings did a mix of it's it almost changes colors I don't know if you can see it in the video I try to get Clips where you can kind of really see it change in the different lighting so it's like a blue teal a little bit of green and then purple depending on how you look at the light so it's kind of unique in its own way that's a one of one I've never seen that color it's just everything just I think tied together extremely well so if you guys are interested you guys want a 72 volt battery use my code Zay at checkout save yourself off of your order if you guys are interested in Prickly parts that you guys see all the components on this bike use code today at your checkout say 15 off I want to know you guys thoughts what you guys think what you like about the bike what you don't like about the bike what's your favorite part about the bike I feel like a lot of you guys are going to say the lowers because they just look absolutely insane I literally could not stop looking at them when I first got them yeah next video will be me riding this thing testing it out I might take it to like a bigger track because I have bigger forks I kind of want to test the suspension out and stuff like that but I think that's it guys thank you we got a package I have a sponsor for today's video from Van Powers van Powers dot bike so it's an e-bike every time I get a sponsor for this channel I get stoked because if you didn't know I don't make a lot of money off this I'll be completely transparent with you I'll put my ad Revenue right here so every time a company reaches out to me and they want to sponsor the channel I get stoked because it just goes right back into these videos you guys saw earlier in this video that was not cheap that whole build was not cheap at all so the fact that I have brands that are willing to sponsor the channel gets me Beyond Stoke yeah hopefully you guys understand and thank you for supporting the channel if you do you guys make this stuff possible so without further Ado let's open up this box [Music] oh clean comes in a gray scribbles [Music] leadership forever [Music] here's the big old front wheel look at the size of this thing dude this thing's huge yeah [Music] seeing somebody else there you have it folks the bike is all put together this is actually one of the cleaner electric Cruisers I've literally got so this one looks like extremely well put together the most satisfying thing you could do on anything new that you get right there all right before I take this thing out and I get it all dirty I'm gonna go through a few of the specs on this bike so you guys can kind of know what it is it's a bike from their mountain bike line so it's the van power's man today we have Kenda fat tires on the front and the back a king meter LCD display and then as you guys saw when I put it on we got a thumb throttle as well um I don't know how I feel about thumb throttles to be honest I'm just used to like dirt bikes and stuff so I like like an actual throttle but thump girl always works we have some rst Forks on the front for the suspension we have a little quicker right here to lock them up or if you want to use the suspension you can unlock it and then also the brakes the brakes on this bike are actually a lot nicer than most these are shimanos on this bike so that is definitely a higher end break for one of these e-bikes so this is a 48 volt 750 watt which tops you at around 28 miles an hour this is a LG Cell lithium ion battery which will get you about 70 miles on a single charge on this bike that is far I can literally ride this into the beach if I wanted to don't know if I'll do it okay all right you guys this is going to be the first ride on the vampires e-bike so let's test this thing out come on already we got it in mode one we got Matt on my other one so we're in mode one right now we're gonna test all three of these modes see kind of what the speed goes to I like these look at these boards dude these bars are the flat bars they're not like the ones that are curved back like a cruiser so about 10 miles an hour honestly let's kick it up again it will be get to shift up a gear 14 15 going 15 down the hill not bad not bad let's kicking up another one oh yeah good feel the power difference right there here we go 22 dang this thing 24. and then this is the final level right here so this is level five yeah later dude here we go so 24. four and five kind of the same speed I think five maybe just had a little more torque we got the bigger tires so like I could just rip through all this stuff oh Custom Air dude I don't know if you guys can see it it's a little rough but dude seems to be doing its job the front suspension working for an e-bike that's not bad oh oh it's a little rough bit rough I gotta watch out for snakes out here there's a bunch of snakes always and Matt's falling behind let's go up around the back and then we'll mop down that thing oh come on come on there we go no problem Frank all here we go I don't know I think the right is the rear oh yeah oh yeah oh dude chilling chilling oh so come on see we just gotta get a little momentum foreign we're handling oh oh we're handling we made it let's go all right guys we found this sweet jump I'm gonna try to catch some sweet air you ever take it off any sweet jumps [Music] oh you got like three feet of air that time [Music] let her eat dude let us know how she is brother whoa slow down there Turbo [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it's smooth though feels good yeah this thing's pretty sweet so if you guys want to check this out they will be linked in the description thank you van powers for sending over this e-bike and yeah until my next video guys my next video I'm going to be riding my surround all right thanks guys that's it foreign [Music]
Channel: Zay Solis
Views: 261,991
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zay Solis, reflex119, Motocross, MX, MOTO, deegan 38, buttery films, medium boy, surron, surron 72v, Tyler monogan, Braydon price, axell hodges, Sur Ronster, Sur Ron 72v, sur ron build, sur ronster build, carson kennedy, worlds first, $4, 000 Luxury Electric Scooter // *New*, Apollo Pro Test & Review
Id: sh1SoTC6vNc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 49sec (1309 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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