Irish Family Swap was a HUGE mistake

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hey there friends how's it going my name is kevin and today we're doing something a little bit different for st patrick's day we're going to celebrate by watching some irish family swaps this is going to be good you're going to like this honestly tell them about my youtubes that just launched kevin oh oh okay um i'm just i'm doing something for st patrick's day so i'll i'll be with you in a while i'll just you will do it right now tell them about my youtubes that released just today there's a limited amount and the people must know okay yeah that that's a good point and my youtubes just came out your youtubes were telling them about my youtubes figure all right all right and jim pickens uh youtube's figure just came out uh along with mine yeah yeah both of them both of them are out if you'd like either of them you can find a link in the description i think they're really cool the designs look awesome both the figures and the boxes i actually really really like the box art i've got the jim pickens one which looks really really cool um it's got like an interior i think the interior looks amazing but my my one doesn't have it on it yet if you want to check them out there is a link in the description to do that um i think i'm going to take a little break because that was a bit scary and i'll be right back in a few hours oh my god why are they doing this to her no stop it that's gonna haunt her it's gonna keep her awake at night that's the sort of thing kids put up on like their tick tocks or their instagrams [Music] but at least that's their own doing these people set them up for future embarrassment that's mean don't you don't need my bag she's just robbing her mom right in front of her and she can't stop her give me money you're getting mugged by your daughter which got really out of hand and there were like seven police you're recording this they're underage drinking stop them who is the cameraman why aren't you intervening you can write a few letters if you feel like it you know all write no i'm not gonna have time yeah i'm not gonna have time to write any letters i'm not probably not gonna call you either that was so unnecessary that was so stupid she's the nicest woman ever probably not going to call you and then you can just see his eye kind of go over to the camera and he's like oh i'm i'm not going to call you guys either i i don't need parents if they make me do something i don't want to do i'll stand up for myself and i won't take it yeah we'll see about that when you get to ireland harry i know you're doing it to him too this is so unfair he kind of deserves it though mom that makes me the angriest of any anyone yeah she asked me to write a letter once i was furious once again cameraman do something don't just let them underage drink stop them you were complicit in this camera man and you set them up with those stupid cool intros cameraman's a dick no not you come back come back all right thank you i want to hear from mr pickens over here he's not spoken once this is how he went mad isn't it [Music] she's super cool with an attitude like that for the point of human contact with your parents makes you scream i'm trying to hug and kiss you i just popped you in the face radical oh they're sending them to cork fantastic we'll take care of them the traditional family big on old catholic values oh very good mary's gonna slaughter him i could see it in her eyes the rules are quite straightforward that the ten commandments oh john is not gonna take any [ __ ] from them these are okay there's no artificial coloring oh god the the other two are not going to fit in with their kids at all do a cool intro for these kids they deserve it like in a nice way not not a mean way prince oh i thought they were not feeding the other kids outside you have to earn your place in the house once i just said dammit dammit dammit anyway my parents got so angry with me and they said you have to go outside and eat your dinner with the dogs because you're speaking like an animal they made her eat outside because she said [ __ ] in hell i got to be careful if john and mary see me watching this and i've already swore oh i'm so i'm so screwed there is no such thing as a bad child you need rules you need guidelines he stole that out of pokemon there is no such thing as a bad child john isn't as good as he seems i think i reckon for this family to try and change me they're gonna have to try pretty [ __ ] hard dude you're gonna be eating with the dogs with words like that i like how they didn't bleep the swear word by the way but they blurred his mouth that's the important part you don't want the deaf people lipreading that sort of thing yeah they're not gonna frisk you what okay he's hiding bottles in his pants john's gonna beat the [ __ ] out of him welcome to our house thank you guys if you don't mind i'm just going to give you a quick frisk to see if you've any bottles in your old pantaloons beat them over the head with it probably look at this in harry house the cameraman's going to snitch on you he's not as cool as he seems or maybe he is maybe he's like fitting in with them now he did film them underage drinking to be fair five euro reduction from allowance when not up to the mark per mum and dad oh my god there's fines yeah try saying that to john and mary i think they'll get a bit of a shock at the start um but hopefully she almost swore i could tell she was about to say they're going to get a [ __ ] shock but you realize that this is going to be on camera and the cameraman is a snitch they're gonna go horse riding and everything they're getting rewarded i'm gonna snitch on them i'm gonna tell big john where your alcohol is sit up straight now emily put your shoulders back i feel like even i should take his advice horse made me look like an idiot yeah yeah the horse did that yeah don't kick [ __ ] at me like literally don't kick [ __ ] at me no we don't say anymore oh the cursing he's furious he's boiling inside and i did literally mean [ __ ] but i accidentally said it it's even the horse is pissed welcome to ireland did you remove that pier those two piercings they're gonna take out your piercings oh that's fantastic sure mary isn't that one of the ten commandments there'd be no piercings on the body or face chase you might be right on that one john let's rip them out try it our way for the week so if i was in that position i would just take them out no the sister is talking down to her she's like second in command i need you to slip out to buddy piercing give it to me but if i just wear the plastic he's gonna take it and put it in himself i mean if you just knew how hideous it looks no he's just making fun of her they are my decisions i have to wear them in my face none of the people from our house will wear things like that going to school it hurts us do you represent our family like to be fair i'm kind of on the kids side on this one like it's her own piercing she comes from a different family that's her style she's already done it it's not like she's gonna get a new one just leave her wear her [ __ ] piercing sorry john where are where her flipping piercing looks worse with just the hole that's okay no it's definitely piercing's gone ah she looks got it he looks delighted he's a good thing i didn't come on any piercings oh about that tattoo though john will come over with the laser harry doesn't talk much he's going to blow up i feel like it's all boiling inside him and he's slight thing he tries to get a bit of power back they just immediately shut him down we want your runners and i want your phone uh-oh uh-oh phone's going oh he's getting really angry he's about to blow up we won't have a repeat performance yes he said yes but no he's plotting having to clean [ __ ] out of a horse stable it's kind of a bit harsh wait they're making them shoveled [ __ ] oh god he's gonna have a breakdown he's getting so angry i can see with emily that her priorities are changing body piercings it's day two jon how did you do it maybe you're planning up something for some smuggling drugs oh she is searching them now should have started doing that from day one they wouldn't have got alcohol into your home harry oh god what have you found on harry please oh um that's a paddling wait he's running away harry this is ireland there's nowhere to go there's only fields once again the cameraman just follows him ditching school mary's on the prowl she's gotten worried that cameraman snitched for sure i don't know what if i can't find him at all well i mean just ring the cameraman ridiculous really it's ridiculous this is ridiculous mary you're right i'm looking for a 15 year old boy blonde hair green uniform saint aydens [Music] he's going to phone the police there's some woman there looking for a 15 year old boy sure ain't that illegal oh my god i thought that was mary coming in the car behind him because i didn't run him next time stay in school he'll have to deal with more than just disappointment with these parents but what are they gonna do to him is the death penalty legal in court but if that wasn't enough mary's just discovered the bottle of wine emily stashed under the middle oh no oh no and emily was just getting on their good side sorry i'll give you my full attention now mary she'd be furious if she saw me on my phone that's ridiculous you know there's rules in this country about alcohol i'm going to have to turn you in emily it brings us straight to the bellies i want you to learn from this week and and learn that you don't need crotches like this to keep you going love i don't think she's using it as a crutch she's like 16 this is not a typical irish family a typical irish family would not pour alcohol down the drain if they just want to have a shower and just think jesus cameraman leave her alone she's going to the shower john isn't the only one ready to see a change in harry his mum julie has written him a letter why did she bother she knows he's not gonna write back he probably won't even call her probably not gonna call you either how are thou are dearest harry what the hell this mom is great dad and i want for nothing more than for you to be happy she's so nice i wonder what her husband is like i think he's legitimately not said a word oh he's gonna say something oh no he changed his mind there's something right on the cusp of his lips about to come out and then he said no maybe later see you soon my has a kid oh that's dramatic look at that it's really sinking in oh my god it's worked i don't think of myself as a horrible person maybe they just need to communicate in letters from now on it's like a [ __ ] disney movie or something like one instance just changes the entire character she's telling the truth that she did drink it on the way over here and didn't drink it while she was here let's give her a benefit of the doubt if you've asked her about it if she said that is the case well let me believe her well that's very mature i thought they were just going to beat the [ __ ] out of her to be honest oh no now she's getting a letter emily you took my bottle of wine please bring it back oh my god the written word is powerful is it working i love you oh gee she sounds so nice i bet john and mary just wrote these letters and they're manipulating them into being good they're always one step ahead it's really hard to hear your mom talk like that what did they love you i wouldn't know emily's already on the path to change it's been like three or four days i'm not sure i believe that harry really knuckled down and happily more denying today and he did it without a break and he did it willingly and didn't stop until the job was finished i [ __ ] take that job too just get away from them for a while yeah it's like bittersweet like i want to see my family but i want to stay here so she's loving it john and mary are your new family look at this like she's changed her life entirely because of that letter we only got like seven minutes of the video left come on wrap it up fix harry next now aussie teenagers will begin their long trip home what but you didn't fix harry he's still got a bit of a troublemaker in him he probably still has that bottle in his pants he never took it out from day one he's too afraid he'll get found out like she did here's your piercings back in the morning top of the morning they've all been watching a bit of jacksepticeye i see thank you my god she's breaking down it's such an impact on her meanwhile harry's gone running away again where's he going she's a super guy but what about harry please fill me in on what's happening with him good man harry have a good day okay there we go a little handshake no but seriously what about her piercings are you gonna give him back is john gonna be wearing them as he waves them goodbye [Music] wait hold on a second did they have a little sign up hold on welcome home harry his parents are the best [Music] you want to say hi to your son wait i think he said something hold on is that hello harry oh that's that's really nice i feel like all the loose ends are getting tied up they don't have any sign up for emily god way to get shown up i like it like a surprise like oh my god she's here meanwhile the cameraman's in the living room waiting for her to open the door they were fantastic they were like the greatest family they were so good hey hold on now don't talk them up too much like your your own family might get a bit jealous then i decided that i didn't want them no hold on hold on you fought two to nail to keep those piercings what john just wanted them more he was more passionate about it and appreciate what i do have not whinge and fight with you about what i don't have they're only being nice because the cameraman's there and he's got so much dirt on them as soon as he leaves they're gonna go back to normal she's kept up horse riding and still doesn't have her face piercings well that's cuz john never gave him back i couldn't put the ending better myself watch more of call me kevin and subscribe we did learn that the written word is extremely powerful so i hope you take that on board uh we're gonna leave it there i hope you enjoy this has been a bit of a strange video but i really really enjoyed it if you want to see more stuff like this do let me know i'm sure there's plenty for us to watch together god that was 40 minutes that flew past but yeah i hope you guys enjoyed i appreciate you watching as always folks and that's about it bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 1,652,166
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kevin, callmekevin, kevin1811, funny, moments, gameplay, lets, play, game, cmk, clips, irish family swap, irish videos, irish reaction video, callmekevin reaction video, irish family swap reaction, callmekevin irl, funny irish videos, ireland videos, callmekevin irish video, callmekevin irish tv, callmekevin irl video, bad irish videos, irish memes
Id: ssamRU9x_Ew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2020
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