Shaykh Yasir Qadhi | The Signs of the End of Times, pt 5 - Warfare

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SMIL r-rahmani r-rahim al-hamdu lillahi rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa salam o allah sayidina muhammadin wa ala aalihi wa sahbihi ajma'in I'm about so today's topic we discussed in our previous lectures we discussed the coming down of the Mahdi we discussed the concept of the JAL we discussed the the coming down of ISA to a great extent but I feel that there was one topic that is interspersed in all of this I referenced it many times but I never really gave a dedicated lecture to it so I felt that in fact it deserves an entire lecture about the science of Judgment Day and that is the wars or the fighting or the Armageddon or the great battle that will take place so I reference this a number of times there are many traditions that mention warfare towards the end of times and the fact of the matter is that these traditions although numerous they are cryptic as usual because we don't have a chronology we don't have or all of these a hadith talking about one war or many small wars or Wars that go over many decades or many centuries we don't know it's simply predictions of a Judgment Day and there are some Wars that simply are sorry some hadith that simply say of the signs of Judgment Day is Catan there will be warfare and the process unpredicted you will have days of Jara Jara joj they said what is Hajj he said bloodshed so there are predictions of lots of wars now does this mean the time of the Sahaba the civil war all the way throughout Islamic history where the Muslims are fighting or we are talking about only one timeframe this is where there's no clear-cut answer and Allah knows best so today's lecture will be some what a lot of it is my own HT had in terms of piecing together obviously the hadith I'm quoting you are a Hadees that no HD had there but trying to find a chronology trying to make sense out of all of these a hadith it's human HT HOD and Allah knows best it is my reading and allah azza wajal knows best that these are hadith predict firstly a continuation of wars from the time of the Sahaba an Patil Judgment Day or more to be more precise up until the Great War but secondly there are a number of a hadees' that mention civil war between the Muslims towards the end of times a massive war that will take place between the Muslims and also there is a series of hadith that mention a big war between Muslims and an ally and a non-muslim so Muslims with one group of non Muslims versus another group of non Muslims and also this is genre number two and then John Rowe number three there are a hadith about the big war in Arabic it is called al mohammed al kübra this is a prophetic term and mel hama Mihama means the disaster the catastrophe or the bloodshed mal hama just the bloodshed and this is the equivalent of the christian concept of the armageddon so there are a number of a hadith that mention a civil war that's not the armageddon that's before the Armageddon then there are a hadith that mention a big war but not quite the big war so there will be a big war but not the big war and this is all HT had because some ranima have merged them all together and then there are a hadith that mention the big war and of course the big war the mal Hama is between risa and the John that is the end the final battle that will take place after that there might not be any more wars after that as we're gonna come to later on that might be the end of all wars and then other things will happen after that so Allah knows best this seems to be the this seems to be the in a nutshell what we are talking about once again first and foremost a series of continual battles mini battles the prophecies are predicted once the sword is unsheathed from my ummah it will never be put back this is a generic hadith the Muslims will be continually fighting petty battles from the time of the Sahaba major battles took place Battle of Siffin Battle of German continuation throughout Islamic history Muslims have been fighting one another you look at right now is happening Muslims are fighting one right this is standard is gonna happen then there will come a time where there will be major wars between the Muslims and there will come a time between there will be a major war between Muslim and non-muslim on one side and one other non-muslim on the other now whether this is going to be before and after the big major war between Muslims we don't know we don't know and then it will conclude with what with the big war them on how much will Cobra so today inshallah to analysts discuss some of those traditions and get a clearer understanding of what this notion is we began with the famous hadith in so hey in the title of an eye socket which is oft quoted many times it is authentic hadith where abdullah bin hawala said we were with the prophet sallallaahu alayhi wasalam and we complained to him how poor we were and that we didn't even have clothes to wear we'll complaining to him so the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam said rejoice don't worry about that for i am not worried that you will live in poverty la la la I'm not worried that you're gonna live in poverty well la he this Ummah will be in continual good until allah subhana wa ta'ala opens up the lands of the Forrest's the persians and the lands of the romans that's the Byzantine Empire and the lands of him Europe that is Yemen so in Makkah the prophecies are predicted don't worry we will conquer the Persian Empire and that happened and we will conquer the Byzantine Empire and that happened the Caliphate and we will conquer Yemen and all of that happen then the Prophet system said you will become three armies so he said you will become this is the Ummah this is the Civil War we talked about between the Muslims you will become three armies jundiaí sharm were joined in iraq were joined by yemen an army will be in a sham an army will be in iraq and an army will be in yemen and wealth will be so much that a man will be given 100 dinars now 100 dinars maybe if i were to say in our times like five thousand dollars it's a large amount but not an obscenely five thousand is no joke 100 dinars is a good amount of money right first will be give a hundred dinars and think this is nothing this is not a good amount in other words wealth will be so much that a good amount of wealth would be considered utterly trivial even hawala said yah rasoolallah when that happens which of these three are me should I be with which of these three are me should I be with the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said I tell you to be in the army of a sham of Syria because it is the chosen of Allah as people and it is where the Fiamma will take place so the prophet sallallaahu I listened and predicted that there will be three armies an army in a sham an Army in Iraq and an army in Yemen and he told even hawala choose the army in Yemen I already mentioned and I'm sorry in a sham sorry in a sham I already mentioned another hadith I mentioned right before going for head we mentioned that when I mentioned the concept of the Madi we went over this hadith quickly it is in the six books the authentic hadith or sunnah namely maha where our prophet saws have said this is about the maha d we jump to the Madi part there was a phrase there I glossed over and that is yakitito dorinda can zaqqum Salah Kulu whom Abner Holly feh three sons of a halifa will fight amongst you at your treasures for your treasures what treasure is this some have said this is the treasure in Mecca there was a treasure buried once upon a time but the hadeeth doesn't mention makka and it is my opinion it doesn't make sense to interpret it as makka rather there will be a treasure of the ummah oil natural resource allah knows best there will be a treasure belonging to the ummah and three sons of a halifa three princes all of their fathers are royal family although their fathers are ruling so three sons of a khalifa will fight one another so these are within the ummah this is the internal civil war that we talked about and none of them will be victorious there all three gonna fail none of them will be victorious and then the black flags will come from Horus on then the mehandi and then the hadith goes on so we jumped to the Madi but where does it begin there will be an internal civil war and what this hadith shows is that the Madi will come at a time when the Muslim Ummah itself is internally fighting and the Madi will unify the Ummah from within this is pretty clear that the Mahdi will unify the Ummah the omo will need a leader the Omer will need somebody they can trust somebody whose integrity is beyond doubt and the person that they will look to and the personable unanimously go behind is none other than the Madi so there will be massive civil war but the Maha D comes and that Civil War will be finished because how can now you fight when the Mahdi is there so this is a very clear indication that there shall be a time of massive internal civil war between the Ummah and frankly when you look at what is happening now with the internal superpowers and I don't like mentioning names but you use your common sense and knowledge of politics right now there's already massive Wars going on right now Muslims are dividing amongst themselves each one of them doing its own and Muslims are being harmed in the process along with style what's even worse by the way is that these are being used by non-muslims right the problem comes the superpowers of the world are using their proxies in these regions each one of them thinks that they will be the lap dog of the big superpower in reality the superpowers never care about their lap dogs in any case I go into my tangents here what I'm saying we should be slightly terrified no we should be very terrified looking at what is happening in the world and looking at these a hadith about the end of times and Allah knows best so this is the issue of the internal war let us now move on to other wars that are predicted one hadith mentions that one of the tambaran was in Kufa and Kufa was the land of eden miss route eben was shrewd established his madrasah in Kufa the greatest Sahabi of Kufa was even Masood and he died in Kufa as well so even miss Ruth was in Kufa and one of these tabla in his name is you say to Ben job but he said one day it was very cloudy and a dark storm a dust storm came in the daytime blocked the Sun and it's seem very terrifying so a man came shouting to the Masjid or even miss Ruth oh you must rule the day of judgment is coming looking at what is happening he became terrified he's running tip-in mr. rude saying look this is qiyamah coming even mr. rude then stood up amongst the people the people are looking to him for comfort for wisdom the people are terrified they're gathered in the Masjid even miss rude stood up and he said the clamor will not come until and then he gave a series of predictions now important point before I move on whenever a sahabi listen to this as a rule whenever a companion mentioned something about in Malaya automatically what he says becomes a hadith this is a rule whenever a sahabi says something about the knowledge of the unseen if a Sahabi says that oh the righteous person will be given a white palace in jannah that has gardens if a Sahabi speaks of agenda if a Sahabi speaks of Judgment Day on the day of judgment such and such will happen if a Sahabi speaks about the signs of the Judgment Day automatically that statement gets a free upgrade goes to first class right free upgrade what is the upgrade it becomes a hadith why because how could a Sahabi speak about animal type unless he heard it from the prophet sallallaahu sir now if a Sahabi says something is Haram or halal this remains the opinion of a Sahabi because Herriman had at least he had HD ad Hanuman hell you have the right for each T hat and the Sahaba differed about Hanuman hella like all of this great scholars did if this has Haram this is hella the Sahaba different they have the right for each the ad there is Shahada has a high level but it doesn't become Quran and Sunnah but when of Sahabi speaks about Allah Azza WA JAL his names and attributes the judgment the signs of judgment automatically it gets a free upgrade in this hadith the hadith begins as a statement of administered then in the middle automatically even miss root says and then the Prophet SAS Allah said so he even proved the rule through this hadith that he's narrating what the prophet sala salam said and then in the middle of the head he subconsciously says and then the prophet sallallaahu sent him said the hadith does not begin in the Middle where he says and then the profitsystem said it becomes from the beginning because it talks about the knowledge of the unseen so go back to the hadith is interesting Hadi even mustard stood up by the way this idea since I'm Muslim I forgot to mention and it's a long hadith even mr. rout stood up and he said that I am is not gonna come until you see these signs and designs have income so this cannot be the Tama number one he said people will not be able to divide their inheritance this means massacres and death will be so profound that a person will have no family left and people will not be happy over l'anima war booty once again means there's no family and worry and this is expose mutual Karbala then he pointed towards a sham Syria he is in Iraq he points towards the land that is known as a sham and he said and an enemy will gather forces against the Muslims and the Muslims were gather forces against them a man in the audience said do you mean a room the Romans he said yes now the Romans refers to European civilization the Christian empires and there's no problem extrapolating the concept of Romans to the modern nations that look up to that Empire as being there if not biological their theological and their intellectual ancestors we all know went over this as well so the term Roman Rome can de facto apply to the majority civilization the superpowers of our times so and by the way this is interesting because again these are predictions that we are now seeing taking place so a metro said yes I mean the Romans and at that time there will be a severe fighting of fierce fighting the Muslims will send a battalion to fight to death and they will not return they will die they will fight until night neither side will be victorious over the other on the second day the Muslims will send another battalion and they will fight to death and they will not return victorious on the third day the same thing will happen and then on the fourth day so for three days Muslims are going in in in and it is gonna be massacre after massacre nobody will remain alive from the first batches that go on the fourth day allah azza wajal will grant victory to the muslims and the enemy will be defeated so there will be four days of battles somewhere in Balad a sham now is this the great Armageddon or is this the precursor to the Armageddon this is not the great Armageddon it looks like this is the precursor this is a massive war that will take place before the Armageddon now the hadith goes on and this is from the state statement this will be a battle the likes of which have never seen before this is very terrifying in human history no battle has taken place that is more terrifying and more severe than that battle that will take place towards the end of times and then even mr. rout said and this is so powerful and it's not even my sir that is from the prophet sallallaahu send them so much so that a bird that will fly over them will fall down dead now you tell me before move on you tell me no matter how many people are killed by the swords on this land will it affect a bird in the heavens no what will affect a bird in the heavens not swords get the point not sorts something's going to happen that a bird in the heavens will be flying over it will come down dead and then the hadith goes on out of a family of 199 will perish and one will survive the attrition rate in this war 99% along with style what war in human history has had 99 percent death none I don't know of any 99% the victor is given to the 1% 99% and this is when the Prophet systems that even mr. who'd said so how can anyone be happy over her Nima or any inheritance be divided in other words may Allah protect all of us if somebody were to give you a million dollars but you have no family well no hey what sane person will choose that Lee is worth more than this whole dunya so the profitsystem is saying how can anybody be happy when he gets all the ha NEMA and 99 of his family had that he's nobody left no parents no children nothing left how can anybody be happy what is the point of that Lennie MA it's all gone how will inherit is be divided when there will be no family left so this war will destroy 99% of those fighting in it while they are doing this and they are finishing the battle collecting the honey ma recovering they will hear there's a bigger calamity than this war what could be a bigger calamity somebody will shout out that that John has come where your families have been left behind so in that state tired bruised bleeding but their families are being attacked whatever is remaining in the land that they left behind balada shem wherever there is they will run they will rush back to that land and they will discover that it is a a lie it is not true and in one hadith it is mentioned that they will send their ten best horsemen to go verify that news the ten fastest horsemen and then the professor Salim said I know their names and the names of their forefathers and the colors of their horsemen the colors of the horses and they will be the best horsemen on the face of this earth now does this mean we will go back to horses and swords if there is that type of war in all likelihood we will if there is that type of war when nuclear weapons and whatnot and every side and whatnot then we will go back to those days when there was no electricity and what not we're gonna go back to this or is it possible that when the process of saying horse he means a vehicle this is also possible it's not too much of a stretch and Allah knows best so this hadith mentions now does this hadith mention the matter yes or no where but does this hadith mention the mighty no it does not but other a hadith mention that the Mahdi will be the one that will be there when the news comes that the Dajjal is around so it appears that this big war that is being referenced is a war that the Mahdi will participate in even though he's not mentioned in this in this one right so it is a war between our home and between the Muslims it is a massive war now many have said this hadith is a reference to the Armageddon it could be true because here's the point is the armor get in one battle or is it a series of battles it goes back if it's only one battle then in all likelihood that will be the John and a sub demonium but if it is a series of major battles then it makes sense that this hadith in fact is one of those big battles of the Armageddon Allah knows best the next hadith will mention which is a very cryptic one and it has been used by the terrorist group known as the Islamic state as their basis we don't agree with this group and I have very publicly criticized them and all you need to do is look at how much damage they have done a lot of times and by the way I gave many lectures about this obviously I'm new to the community still but you will know which I'll only go on subhanAllah look at what the Prophet system said about the hata Jets the Hajj he said their speech is beautiful but their actions are deadly their speech sounds good it is sweet but what they do is evil and this is exactly what these groups all of them if you just listen to snippets oh we will re-establish a las command and we're gonna do this we're gonna do that then you look at what they do and the number of Muslims that they have killed and their tactics and and and and you realize these are exactly the holidays like the profitsystem said read the descriptions of the hata jets look at what they did to the Sahaba look at their philosophy and attitude and we'll llahi you will see all of these groups they might speak that which sounds like honey but in reality they're harm is much worse than even the harm that non-muslim - and this is the reality that we see with our own eyes so this group known as the so-called Islamic state which is now on its last legs and it will inshallah be completely eliminated this this group used the hadith I'm about to quote you as its basis as one of its main bases and it is authentic hadith and it is the hadith in sahih muslim abu huraira narrated that the judgement will not come until a room will come out to fight you at a place called amok or davic now da book is an amicus close to a dabit is a city in Syria and the so-called Islamic state took it as its capital and they intentionally fought to get a small city very mid-sized or small sized city they wanted to capture that city why because it's mentioned in this hadith and we had said a few weeks ago that it is not allowed to do what do you remember I mentioned this very clearly it is not allowed to do what write a screenplay from the hadith we don't write a Hollywood drama from the hadith it happens it will happen we do not extract a drama and enacted we've seen what happened throughout history when people have attempted to do that no we don't do that it happens it will happen but you don't think you are the one who's gonna go do that we have seen time and time again people have attempted to do that and it has failed miserably and one of the most important examples this is another example of Isis and Dabba and whatnot another example we mentioned is Jew Haman and his takeover of the Kaaba and he thought he would enact all of the hadith that I mentioned but he couldn't because again you have to pick and choose just like over here in any way so the hadith goes on that the Romans will come and fight you at a land called a debauch and the best of the people of Earth from the city of Medina will fight will leave Medina and fight against them when they are getting ready for war lining up for war listen to this very cryptic the Romans will say to the Muslims leave us with the group amongst you who have forsaken their religion we want to fight them I'll explain the Muslims will say la ilahe we will never leave our brethren and will never abandon them to you I'll finish the hadith and explain so the battle will rage on the batter will rage on 1/3 of the Muslims will retreat out of cowardice and Allah will never forgive them when the battle gets tough they will flee and the profitsystem said they will never be forgiven 1/3 will be killed and they will be the best of Shahada they stood their ground they died martyrs and they will be the best of Shahada and 1/3 will conquer 1/3 will win and they will not be tested may be the test of the grave may be the test of the ark era they will not be tested Allah will bless them and they will not be tested and they meaning that 1/3 will then conquer Chris Lindley Nia Constantinople again will explain this in a while mr. long hadith when they will be dividing their aneema after they've hung their swords on the you know the trees to to be oiled then they will hear Shaitaan cry out that the jail has appeared amongst your children thinking it to be true they will march to fight that the jail but they will find it to be a lie and they will reach balada sham Syria and when they have lined up to pray fudger that is one east of an imodium will come down after that the jail has actually come and he will then lead the Muslims in war and battle and when I do all of that the judge sees resub you Miriam he will melt like salt is dissolved in water and the profitsystem said if he were to be left in that state he would die but Issa will kill him and the people will see the blood of risa on the sorry the blood of the gel on the weapon of Risa and hadith now again this hadith is very very cryptic it mentions many things first and foremost it also reiterates the previous concept of a massive war between the raw and the Muslims now in this hadith it mentions one-third only will die whereas the previous hadith mentions 99% will die as I said it appears there will be multiple battles not just one and in some of them 99% and in some of them one-third this hadith mentions that this army will conquer constantly Nia whereas the previous Hadees does not mentioned that so maybe there are multiple Wars going on in the world and that the Giles announcement will take place in all of them Shaitaan is gonna frighten the Muslims that John is here they're gonna be expecting the jail because they're seeing that how do you take place so Shaitaan will use it as a tactic so maybe multiple groups will run back to balad a sham and there they will be with de Maddie and the Mahdi will then be leading them in Salah and the jaw will actually have come at that point in time and then ISA will come down as we had mentioned another hadith that mentions all of these as well is that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom said the fortress of muslims on the day of the mela hema this is where it is mentioned the Armageddon the Mela hammer will be Allah which is a city near damaged one of the best cities in a sham this hadith is an Abu Dawood it is authentic three things are mentioned Hopa damage and belied this sham Alta is a small city it is still inhabited to this day and it is maybe an hour so outside of Damascus or I don't know exact timing but somebody maybe a Syrian brother can tell me but it's not far from Damascus when the Prophet system said this hadith demesia Ulta and balada sharm were the heartland of the Christian Byzantine Empire this is like somebody saying oh Texas California these are not lands that belonged to Islam but the prophets ISM predicted that damage and Ulta will be a part of the Ummah and that when the great Armageddon takes place I'm translating well Hama as Armageddon when the great Mel hammer takes place the fortress that the base the count of the believers will be where it will be in Houla it will be in the city of Volta in Balad ischium and of course the concept of vida de sham is mentioned many times in the hadith the Prophet SAW said hadith is another con Hakim is authentic when the fittin occur Iman will be in Balad a sham when the fittin take place when the big civil wars Iman will be in Balad a sham now let's pause for a while and look at these a hadith and try to extract a series of incidents what can we extract from all of this so first and foremost realized that bolado sham doesn't just mean syria be allowed to sham in classical arabic pre partition when I say partition don't think 1947 that's the partition of India Pakistan and what not I mean pre partition the sykes-picot agreement the sykes-picot room in 1917 and then the Treaty of Versaille Versailles in 1919 which then enacted it before the partition of the Muslim Ummah before England and France decided to carve up the o man hand gives out to their to the victors and they took up the Ottoman Empire before that bolado sham was essentially what we now call Syria and of course also Jordan and of course Palestine and of course the occupying land that I don't want to mention now the land the country that is the occupying regime so all of this was bolado sham okay this entire region is called Bernardo champ it's not just modern-day Syria yes the mesh is Vedado sham but Philistine is also Bernardo sham and the cities are fellow Stein and the cities in the modern occupying state all of them are bolado sham understand this point okay so realize this secondly it shows that towards the very end of all of these trials the Muslims will be united and they will be fighting Outsiders they will be fighting non-muslims and the people met from other lands will come like Medina they will come because they know that they have to now fight on the side of the truth so the fact that even from Medina people are travelling all the way to be fighting it shows that they recognize what is going place it is also very clear that these wars are taking place with the Madi being alive and when the melody is alive there is no civil war how can you fight when the man is on one side right so this is a war between the Mahdi and the believers on one side and the unbelievers on the other side this is a very clear issue it also shows as I said that in all likelihood we're talking about multiple Wars or maybe Allah knows best the melody himself is going region to region in one battle one-third will die in another battle 99% will die Allah knows best again we don't know they just we're just putting all of these together and the fact that the bird is mentioned shows that this isn't your typical war that chemical or nuclear or whatever seems very likely in these types of a hadith w'allahu must an also what is this cryptic phrase where the room are going to say hand us our brethren and the Muslims will say no they are our brethren what is all of this this is very interesting it appears and Allah knows best that there will be a large group of converts from balada room to the land of Islam and they will be fighting on the side of the Mahdi and the Muslims and the bolado room are going to view them as being traitors and from their perspective the right from their perspective their right they are traitors so they will say first we want to deal with these guys because they betrayed us and our values and the Muslims will say what they're not your guys they're our guys now Allah he will never abandon our brethren for you this hadith is a Muslim it's really profound and insha'Allah it indicates that they will be massive conversion so much so that the balada room remnants are angry that how come you have those people they're angry they're irritated and this also shows that these a hadith are not anti-semitic or anti-western know it is good versus evil and you will find people of all ethnicities on the side of good and you will find people of other ethnicities on the side of as well we've talked about this last week these are hadith are not anti-semitic there will be righteous people who see the truth and they will be fighting on the side of truth and that's why the other group will demand we want them back to us another hadith now we move on to other hadith and then again go back another as for the issue of the Sania we'll come back to it a very interesting narration goes back to even how abdullah bin how well he has a number of interesting narrations about Judgment Day Abdullah bin hawala the profitsystem said Oh even hawala when you see the Halawa having been descended to a laudable Makkah deaths which is Jerusalem when you see the kunafa having been descended to audible more deaths then know that the szelezon and the fitten and the balaiah are coming meaning the great wars and whatnot are going to happen and that qiyamah is closer to mankind than my hand is to you or to your head so he was hand was on you know even how well his chest or whatnot so know that qiyamah is closer to mankind than my hand is to you now this hadith tells us there shall be a Halawa but not based in Mecca or Medina not based in Iraq like the Abbasids not based in damage like the Umayyads but rather based on Modest in Anna's rattle Halawa be uttered in muqaddas now in all likelihood this is the Matti some have said maybe is before the Mandi I am highly skeptical there's too many a hadith a mention civil war and fighting and whatnot and the OMA has never been united since the time of rothman or the ilaha and Ali do you think is gonna get United again but we strive for unity but realistically it's not gonna happen until the mad he comes also our process then predicted that the falafel will come back towards the end of times from at acuña he laughs at an alum in hajj in Namur hadith is an muslim ummah then there shall be a say Nava upon the prophetic methodology in all likelihood this is Allah knows whether this which they had is correct or not but in all likelihood it seems to be none other than the man himself and the profit system is telling even hawala when the Maddie comes judgment is gonna come tomorrow and that's very true when the Maddie comes go to him be with him and the judgement is gonna be the very next day basic meaning immediately after that and that's again very clear now another point here as well another issue which is again all of these are hadith you just have to try to sift through them see if we can understand them so another issue that is explicitly mentioned is the conquest of distantly Nia Kristin linea Costanza Nia is of course Constantinople named after the Roman Emperor Constantine they were so humbled that they wanted to name cities after themselves you know so it was very common to name cities after themselves and so Constantine basically made the city his capital and he named it after himself Constantinople and Constantinople became the bastion of human civilization for almost a millennia this was the city and the land this was the really there was no competition with any other civilization up until the coming of Islam for a millennia a thousand years almost almost Constantinople was the cradle of civilization and amazingly our prophecies and predicted Constantinople be ours again we are coming so many centuries later we don't even think about this one of the most significant episodes in human history or I should say recorded human history one of the most significant episodes is 1453 and the conquest of Constantinople this is something that we just take for granted in our you know footnotes most of our kids have no clue but in reality it was the most cataclysmic the most seismic you know a disruption that happened in medieval history because it's signified essentially the end of the Roman Empire and the conquest of Islam over the Byzantine and Roman Empire and the Muslim Ummah eventually conquered obviously Constantinople of course the beginnings were with mahalia he wanted to conquer from the time that's what abundance ollie stay outside constantinople from the time of the Sahaba they wanted it multiple expeditions took place but it was left to Sony man sorry Sultana Fatih the mammoth the second Muhammad they called him the Turkish called Muhammad or Muhammad the second the solar panel Fatih in 1453 who finally conquered Constantinople and he converted it to Istanbul so Istanbul is of course what constant oh well of course you still go and you see I mean really so hon Allah personal note here I mean that the the you know aya Sophia the Hagia Sophia what an amazing what an amazing testament to human mind I mean this is a building that is Ben's it was built before the birth of our prophet sallallaahu and you sell them and we see it now in 2019 and we are in awe can you imagine the people of that time we see it now and it is massive and big and no pillars and no beams and no and the architecture and it has been standing for 1500 something years as it is I mean truly and that's just one aspect of you know their civilization in any case what is the purpose of going all there because our prophet SAS and predicted the conquest of Constantinople however good enough easy but there's a problem and that is some hadeeth mention that Constantinople they conquered excellent without any time from excellent we can take that and say Suleiman so it's filth on al-fatiha dinner starts mistletoe yeah fetish hold on mammoth ii did it no problem but there are other a hadith that mentioned this conquest will take place towards the end of times when the DeJohn is around the corner when the melody is around and this throws a huge spanner in our understanding what does that mean because Istanbul is Istanbul now what does that mean Allahu Alem I have no explicit or clear-cut or unambiguous answer the only thing that can be said is that that land will revert to being controlled by a group that is not sympathetic to Islam maybe and if they call themselves Muslims you know Allah knows best because again for a time frame Ataturk maybe it could be called that is a doddle code for government you know what Ataturk did you know but now it is not like that now is that bullet hamdulillah it is a hamdulillah Muslim land and whatnot so definitely it's not like that now but maybe things are gonna change in that land may Allah protect all Muslims but maybe things are gonna change and there will be a reconquest of Istanbul of constantly Nia also the a hadith mention that that reconquest will take place miraculously without any blood being shed that was not for the social fan Fatih Sultan Fatih it was a bloody war it lasted many months there was a siege there was a military there was a Navy there was an army there is a blockade it was the standard war many people died that's not what the hadith predicted and again you cannot enact a hadith alhamdulillah so thought about to count conquered it but that's not what the hadith predicted will mention these a hadith now of these are hadith now this is a hadith I'll quote you it is in its nourish in its chain is a weak narrator so there's a weak hadith so we're just mentioning with the disclaimer it is a weak hadith Abdullah benalmadena now said you will fight constantly near three times does he mean the city of Constantinople or does Constantinople indicate the Roman Empire ie Europeans either can be there you will fight constantly near three times the first time is that you will do well but you will not succeed the second time you will enter into a Sulha with the constant Ania so much so that massage it will be built inside Constantinople now this is really bizarre because masajid did not exist in Constantinople up until 1453 and now there are only masajid in Constantinople but this is not doesn't it seem to be reference to that again all it is recruiting so until there's a select between the Romans and their massage it inside Constantinople then you will return for a third time and you will conquer it with the takbir you will say Allahu Akbar and it will be and the prophecy listen I'm said that one-third of Costantini will be destroyed and one-third will burn down and one-third will be divided amongst you now this hadith seems to indicate a final conquest of constantly Nia and this is something that once again it is mentioned in another hadith which the majority of scholars hadn't have interpreted to me and constantly Nia and I'll mention it now now the hadith I just quoted you it is weak it is mentioned in the kitab you'll fit and have no idea how modern it is weak the one I'm about to quote you now it is authentic saw a Muslim these two hadith seem to add to some concept what is it the hadith is as follows the profitsystem asked the Sahaba is the famous audience a Muslim have you heard of a city half of which is in the water and half of it in the land or in another narration have you heard of the city part of it is in the water and part of it is in the land the vast majority of our commentator said this is constantly Nia because Constantinople essentially it divides Asia from Europe you know you have the Bosphorus straits right and you have that city that you know it's considered that it is basically one half this way one half that way so the majority of our ulema and know we have been Cathy dollars they say this is Constantinople that the process M is describing they said yes we have listened to this now the Prophet SAW said hadith is as a Muslim the Kaiama will not happen until 70 thousand of the bunny is hawk will conquer it not the bunny is my in the bunny is half will concrete and when they come to it they the bunny is hawk will not fight with swords nor will they fight will arrows rather they will say la ilaha illallah allahu akbar and one of the sides will fall down then they will say la ilaha in the low allahu akbar and another side will fall down then they will say Lanahan allah two three four times until all four sides will be fallen down and then they will enter the city and began to distribute Ezra Nima and while they are distributing Aslan EEMA the Shaitaan will call or a crier will call that that that gel has come out to your family and they will leave everything and return to their family and hadith now we've heard a similar hadith before but now we have an added detail what is that detail 70,000 of the Bene is Haqq we'll conquer Constantinople so putting all of this together it is plausible very reasonable to say that the armies of the mande the armies of the Manatee will be fighting at multiple places in this world and some of the fighting will be more severe than others and one of the very end of those battles will be the Battle of the conquest of Constantinople but in this battle there will be no war there will be no blood there will be no swords it will be a miracle given to them the people in that battle will come and find the walled gates and they will realize they cannot fight the people of the city but they will know this hadith and the Prophet system is telling them you're gonna use this tactic of mine he's telling them what to do and they believe in the hadees so they will use this tactic so they will say now in allah allahu akbar four times all of them in unison their tech be wrought and they're telling that they are going to cause the walls to fall down and they will conquer the city without any bloodshed and then the news will come that jail has come so they will flee back to be that a sham from Constantinople only to discover it was a lie then when they're in sham the jail will actually come and then they're well wondering what to do or finding him a few times and then ISA will come and then as we had mentioned before it resumes now who are the money is Haqq some ulema have said that this is a reference to the romans that they were considered to be the arabs would call them because Benny is Hal is not it's not the standard term for the yehud when the Israel is the standard term and who is Israel by the way yeah I hope not is Huck because this how cut multiple he had two sons right are you sorry you saw or recent Jakob Jakob right Esau and Jacob according to the the Old Testament right so Allah knows best some people say that the out herbs thought that some of the Romans were the descendants of Esau the second son so to say Bunny is Haq is essentially a reference to the Romans this is uninterpreted another interpretation it means the converse of the yahood and even some scholar said and I don't agree this at all but some scholars I'm just saying what they said telling you what they said some scholars said oh this must be a mistake the profitsystem said bunny Ismael and one of the narrators messed up and he made it bunny is Haq but that that's - I mean this word is so rare it's impossible that somebody would have messed it up right so a number of our ulema said this is so bizarre bunny is how it never occurs that any honey bunny is how it's not even his mine you know bunny as bunny is Haq right sorry it's not bunny October but he's right on it but he's right his money is how and it appears that Allah knows best this goes back because the term 70,000 is mentioned it goes back to the other hadith which is very clear that there are going to be 70,000 I remember 70,000 in Arabic does not mean exactly cents to 70,000 it is a broad figure you know we say in English man I called you a dozen times you don't mean a dozen right now if you say I called you seven times you mean seven right but sure I called you a dozen times or I called you so a hundred times everybody knows you don't mean it literally in Arabic seven seventy seven hundred seventy thousand this is the generic when you say seven you mean I called you a few or something you say seventy it's around that so seventy thousand basically means around a hundred thousand or fifty thousand around that much right it's not exact so many thousand so the profitsystem is saying there will be seventy thousand converts essentially this looks like we're deriving this from all of these our ID means like a hundred thousand of them have converted this not as minor amount and they are fighting on the side of the Muslims and it is at their hands the hands of the converts that Constantinople will be conquered not at the hands of the born Muslims it will be those who are pure those that have chosen to fight with the truth Allah will bless them that when they say the takbir at their tech Bharat will cause the walls of the city to fall down and they will then conquer president Linea or Constantinople by you now this is the standard interpretation I am sympathetic to it a number of scholars say this hadith doesn't apply to Constantinople have you heard of a city a part of it is in the ocean and a part of it is on land that's what the Hadees says another group of scholars says this hadith is a reference to Venice Venice canals what not and we say maybe allow Artem now what can we say maybe I can't deny it can I because the hadith doesn't mention constantly Nia however other a hadith mentioned constantly Nia no hadith mentions Venice so Allah knows best I am sympathetic to this hadith being constantinople but we cannot negate that it might possibly be that it might possibly be other cities as well and Allah knows best now we've talked about the Mahama we've talked about the civil war we've talked about the Romans on one side and the Muslims and the other we've talked about the conquest of Constantinople there's one set of a hadith also left and that is during one of these series of wars or maybe before all of this begins because we don't know chronology is not mentioned we do not know towards the end of times the Muslims and the Romans will form an alliance against a third party now this is very atypical from the other hadith because all the other hadith mentioned what that the Romans on one side and the Muslims on the other side correct so in my humble opinion and Allah knows best these are hadith apply at the beginning of the Armageddon things are gonna happen where Muslims and Romans will ally with one another and then that Alliance will be destroyed only to get worse and worse until the MIDI and the gel and Sock'em and Allah knows best and during this timeframe people would convert from the Roman side to the Muslim side okay what are these a hadith of this alliance and treaty and also these are authentic hadith this hadith is in Abu Dawood that outfit America as Jerry said I visited the prophet sallallaahu Hani he was seldom during the Battle of Tabuk when he was in the Battle of Tabuk and his tent was made out of leather his tent was made of leather so I sat in front of the tent the profitsystem gave me permission said come in yeah off so and this shows you how eager the Sahaba were that I was sitting outside and the process M saw him from the from the opening he saw how he said come in out house said he had a suit Allah all of me come in or only a part of me come in means should I just stick my head in or do you allow my full body to come in and he said Harold Sabah were so particular of the permission like what are you allowing me to come and this is your private space here rasoolallah when you say come in are you saying I fully come in or do you want me just put in my head and talk to you so the president said no could look here I know all of you come in your old body come in so I came and he said to the Prophet sorry the process I'm said to off oh I'll count six things before judgment will happen he gave him prediction count six things before Judgment Day number one moti my death I've said as soon as I heard that I was shocked and saddened spot Allah we take obviously ya need the process them not being amongst us we take it for granted were born that way for the Sahaba they could not imagine a world without the Prophet SAW Salam they could not imagine it's something their mind could not conceive of and that's why when the news came out or had what happened the Sahaba they reacted the way they did and that's why in the process him actually passed away Medina was in gloom as Anna said we had never seen that sadness in our whole lives right so they could not imagine a world with them so they never thought you know Anna you may Allah protect all our loved ones but we can never imagine living without our loved ones you know with our parents which we don't get into the world is there with them then when they go that's when the shock comes to us so the process of missing counts six things number one moti who said it was a shock to me it was what my hear mote before his mind can grasp number two three four five six come foul so he has to pay attention number two he said then and the foster son saw him shocked he said count that as number one he's emphasizing the first sign of Judgment Day is the death of the prophecy a second that's the first sign his death is the beginning of a shorter sir number two he said that he'll a Tillamook this the conquest of Makkah this has that happened yes in Abu Bakr's time subhanAllah Abu Bakr's last day of konafa was the conquest abated noctus and the first day of Romar he received the Hadassah and the court of news of the conquest on the same day Futaba Telemachus and when he said this it was impossible to even think of a term of this being in Muslim lands well la he it is one of the biggest miracles of the truth of Islam that our prophet SAS and predicted these things and they took place within a year after his death a year after his death metal noctus is conquered and if you really understand history at that time this was impossible to conceive of that this small group of Muslims in Medina who have not yet even conquered Mecca and they're gonna go conquer Bernard a sham and be led the room and Villa del Ferris it's inconceivable and yet within a year that took place one of the most unexpected historical turns for Western historians is the rise of Islam it is inexplicable they cannot explain it how could a group from their perspective of ragtag Bedouins come and disrupt human civilization destroy the Sassanid Empire carve out the Byzantine Empire create a civilization that was even more glorious than the both of the previous ones combined they don't understand how that happened so for us our process them said number two it will be the conquest of Jerusalem number three a plague that will come amongst you and destroy your children and your wealth and property and it will purify your good deeds our scholars say this is the plague of an wasps in the eighteenth year of the Hegira there was a massive playing in the time of hormonally hobnob it was the worst plague of early Islam and they say this is that prediction number four wealth will be distributed amongst you so much that if a person is given 100 dinars he would not be happy the Sahaba were very poor one dinar was a big deal a hundred dinars was a fortune to them and we're now at a time when a hundred dinars okay no big deal where we're at this time now number five there will be a fitna a trial that will not leave any of your houses except that it will touch it our scholars say in all likelihood this is the fitna of the Sahaba that every single household was affected Selene gemmell if you at all has obey allah allah aziz that fit and that first war the civil war that took place they say this others say this might yet be another fitna that will happen and then number six and this is what we're interested in number six there will be a treaty between you and the romans there will be a treaty between you and the romans and then they will betray you and march against you with 80 banners under each of which will be twelve thousand troops in other words a hundred thousand people this hadith is inhibin majeure another hadith mentions another hadith mentions that you will form a treaty with the Romans and you will fight an enemy common to both of you you will form a treaty with the Romans and you will fight an enemy common to the both of you then you will be victorious and as you are returning back one of the Romans will raise the cross on a mount and say this has caused us victory and a Muslim will get angry and destroyed that cross say Allah has caused us victory and war will break out and the Romans will break their truce and then this incident of marching against you will take place so these are only two or three hadith about this that's it but they predict another genre of predictions and that is there will be a third enemy who is that third enemy Allah who Adam but it's neither the Muslim peoples nor the Europeans there is another power on the rise may Allah protect us from all of them as well but anyway this Allah knows whether that part will be the actual one so there will be a third race a third group of people you and the Romans will join hands in fighting them and there will be an alliance between you and you will be victorious once that enemy has gotten rid of been gotten rid of then the Romans will essentially break their treaty with you because of this minor skirmish where a Muslim said no it's not the cross and it destroys the cross and it's between two people but the Romans will take that as an excuse to destroy the treaty and they will then attack you they will march against you with 80 banners now many of our modern scholars say this is must be a reference to the modern United Nations or whatever I say Allahu Alem Allah or them but eighty Flags eighty flags on one side every flag has a major ten twelve thousand people that's a major war so this is another prediction of a great Armageddon that will take place and Allah knows best now again is this the Armageddon or is it one of them again it's all cryptic Allah knows best it can also be said and this is a valid interpretation I'm not denying it at all it can also be said that the final battle between the gel and the ISA will be an easy battle not a difficult one and that the Muslims will not die and mass in that battle and that will be a gift to Allah to the believers the hadith are not explicit I'm simply saying it can be derived how can we derive this because when did the jail cease ISA was gonna happen he will scream a loud scream and flee away and dissolve Anisa we'll kill him now with the gel being killed and his followers seed the Jade being killed they're all scattering helter-skelter they're all be going and that's when the creation will say come and kill the person behind me right it could be set another interpretation of all of these is the final battle is not the Mel hammer the Mel Hema is the one before it which is this one the Romans and 80 flags on one side and the Muslims on the other as for the actual final battle it will be a gift why will it be a gift there will be no resistance from the other side you understand this point right you guys following I've given you multiple interpretations Allah knows best now before we conclude very briefly what is the Christian understanding of the Armageddon the word Armageddon is a Greek word that itself comes from a Hebrew cognate and a Hebrew origin word har Megiddo and ha in in Hebrew means a hilltop and Megiddo is the name of an ancient city Megiddo now it's the name of an ancient city that now falls in the Land of Israel dd the territories and and and whatnot and this this city of Megiddo it is close to the city of modern city of Haifa Jaffa and of Nazareth the city of Haifa and Nazareth it is north of Jerusalem and this even in pre biblical times even in ancient times this was a city that was inhabited by the ancient Canaanites has been inhabited by 7,000 years one of the ancient cities of the world and the Bible mentions the city of Megiddo multiple times and there are cryptic references in the Book of Revelations that there will be this massive war what the Book of Revelations by the way is a book in the Bible in which there are predictions for the future our artists are for them for the Christians is in the Book of Revelations the Beast 666 the Book of Revelations ok Antichrist the Book of Revelations it's very cryptic and that's why even many Christians don't read it it's not an easy texts to understand so there are cryptic references in the Book of Revelations to the big battle at har Megiddo hence Armageddon okay hence Armageddon the term Armageddon comes from har Megiddo the hilltops of Megiddo of Megiddo and there are a number of interpretations of modern-day Christians with regards to these these statements many Christians this is the default amongst the you know non Protestants many of them they just reject this these are just tales they don't believe you know again Muslims learn your Christianity if you want to be involved in Dawa not all Christians are the same just like not all Muslims are the same many Christians don't consider the Bible to be the Word of God anyway this is the default in America the majority of Christians do not take the Bible literally so there's not a big deal for them of the book of Revelation says something no big deal however some strands of Christians take the Bible literally and in particular of course evangelicals in the Baptist trend this is well known for this and so for them they have a very very particular belief in the second coming of Jesus and in the resurrection of the Dead and in the rapture it's called an indie Armageddon now now is not the time to get into this the series of events they believe in there are multiple strands within Christianity please study them if you're interested you have the premillennialists you have the post millennialist you have the a millennialist all of these are various strands of Christianity Baptists in particular are associated with the strand called pre millennialism premillennialism which believes that the second coming of Jesus Christ will be in two stages that Jesus will come and there will be a seven-year period of tribulation and the beginning of that will be something called a rapture and what is the rapture the rapture for this strand of Christianity not all Baptist but most Baptists and many Christians believe this and it is becoming very common now there's genre of literature and lots of famous books are being written that are science fiction or not science fiction fantasy and what not Christian literature and cartoons and whatnot that are watched in Christian circles of the imminent coming of the rapture what is the rapture for that for them they believe when Jesus comes down Christians will rise up to meet him in heaven that's the rapture they will meet him Midway and they believe that for seven years there will be this this battle between the forces of good and evil the Antichrist will come by the way seven years was also an Islamic literature that's there as well there's going to be forces between the Antichrist and the righteous people then Jesus will come down after seven years and defeat the Antichrist and then they will be permanent peace on this earth and then there will be judgment after that and by the way some Christian sects believe when Jesus comes again for the second time that is judgment right then and there there is no heaven in hell so the Seventh day Adventists for example that's what they believe there is no heaven and hell for them they believe the coming of Jesus is the itself heaven in hell and the point being of course and there was a survey done a number of years ago the point being we need to understand evangelical support for modern politics in light of the belief of the rapture and the belief of the coming of Christ and Antichrist okay over 80% of evangelicals over 80% that's not a small number evangelicals not all of Americans evangelical Americans over 80% say that's the creation of Israel in 1948 is in partial fulfillment of the Biblical prophecy and it is signaling the coming of Jesus Christ and that is why I said this before and again I have to get political when Trump makes Jerusalem the capital of that confiscated region of that occupied region Trump couldn't care less with the capitalists but he wants to appeal to his his base the making of Jerusalem the capital is all a part of Biblical prophecy it is all a part of what they believed before the coming of Jesus Christ and before the rapture and before you know all of this is going to take place and so you need to understand this group of Christians that support this particular candidate they don't care whether he's racist or not frankly from their perspective even if he is if he's expediting the coming of Jesus what's better than that you see there are bigger goals to them and here is the point Armageddon from their perspective who's gonna be on the other side hello yeah Gemara Muslims and Palestinians let's be brutally honest here so why would they have any love for that group of people think about it right their heart hacia temple ooh bomb because they have theology that is clouding their humanity they have theology that is clouding their humanity they're not looking at them as breathing living individuals anymore they're looking at the second coming of Jesus the looking at Jesus coming back they want to expedite that process from their perspective who is the Antichrist My dear Muslim brothers and sisters they call our prophet SAS and that title are with a villa with a villa I'm sorry to say this in a message of Allah but we are living in a land where these these theology logic beliefs impact politics we need to educate ourselves all that I'm talking about isn't just Kannamma and here saying no it is realities that impacts policies that impacts us so we need to understand our beliefs and they're radically different from Christian beliefs they're definitely not xenophobic we believe many of the Romans will confer they're gonna be the side the truth but they don't believe that they believe all of us brown skinned folk and especially Moslems all of us will be in the army of the Antichrist that's their leader so why should they have any sympathy for us that's why we need to educate ourselves and them about especially this important topic and clarify our beliefs are different we also believe in the coming of Jesus but guess what we will be on the side of Jesus you will have to make up your mind are you on the side of truth or you will you be with that 70,000 oh you'll be on the side of falsehood our time is up for today insha'Allah down I'm sorry for no Q&A but inshallah we'll try next time to give you an extended Q&A I'll see you next Wednesday jacquimo I said I'm not equal to lawyer barakatu you
Views: 100,011
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Keywords: East Plano Islamic Center, EPIC Masjid, East Plano Masjid, EPIC, Yusha Evans, Yasir Qadhi, Imam, Nadim Bashir, Ustadh, Baajour, Hafiz, Sajjad Gul, Allah, Quran, Islam
Id: 8DB51Iyj_bc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 22sec (4102 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 05 2019
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