JAR #29 | ONE HOUR Before Fajr | Ustadh Mohamad Baajour

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[Music] no [Music] my dear beloved respected brothers and sisters i ask allah with the best of his names to keep us steadfast on his deen till the day we meet him when is the best time of the night the best time [Music] at night is the last third of the night how can we calculate the last third of the night check what is the time for maghrib and check what is the time for feature and divided by three for example let's say that the maghrib is at 7 00 pm and the fajr is at 5 00 am or let's make it easier uh 4 am that is 5 and 4 9 hours right divided by three three hours so four minus three from one to four for example or your phaser is at your place is at six so divide it between maghrib and feature and you can find out the exact last third of the night why this time is so special it is very special the last hour before fajr because rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam told us the one who only speaks the truth told us and the hadith is in bukhari lend me your ears my beloved brothers and sisters rasulallah said our lord the blessed the superior comes down every night to the nearest heaven when the last third of the night remains and allah will say is there anyone who is making dua so i can answer his dua is there anyone to ask me so i might grant him his request is there anyone seeking my forgiveness so that i may forgive him my brothers and sisters allah azzawajal descends to the first heaven in a way that befits his majesty and he is asking what do you want i have already spoken about qiyam in a full episode in the past but this specific episode is about the last part of the night my brothers and sisters every single one of us is going through some kind of hardship some of us are going through financial hardship some are having problems at home some are having physical issues some are going through difficulties maybe with their spouses some are having problems with their children some are having problems with their parents every single one of us have some kind of hardship and allah is there one is there anyone asking for anything so i can give him allah is asking the qadhir the one who can do anything the all-rich the almighty the all-powerful the all-wise is asking so my brother my sister if you are serious about your request then you have to you must come at that time you must get up at that time and beg allah to answer your request imagine if you were told that there is a rich man that is coming at 4 30 a.m and he will grant you whatever you ask for you will be you will be there for sure we're not asking about we're not talking about a rich man here we're talking about the rich himself we're not talking about a major doctor we're talking about the shaft he himself is asking brother my sister when allah subhanahu wa is asking what do you want so i can give you let him see you my brother let him see you my sister raising your hands at that time crying and making your request say ya allah you are the only one who could see me right now yeah allah you are the only one who could hear my whisper right now ya allah you are saying right now is there anyone asking so i can give him so yeah allah i am asking ya allah i am asking and then you mention your request ya allah you are asking who wants anything so i can give him ya allah i'm asking you to cure my father ya allah i'm asking you to guide my children ya allah i'm asking you to grant me the highest place in jannah ya allah i'm asking you to forgive me whatever you want allah is asking allah is asking my brothers and sisters remember that the one whom all his sins are forgiven the one who is guaranteed jannah he used to get up at night until his feet are swollen he used to get up at night with one air and cry and cry me and you full of sins and me and you have no guarantee to enter jannah and we are snoring and we are sleeping and we are complaining and we have so many requests so the one who's better than me and you is up thanking allah for all the islam so my brother and sister get up get up in the one hour before the best hour and start asking allah azzawajal from the of the dunya and the of the ayahura make sure that our between reading quran between making dua and salat divided you could make it by itself or you can make it during your salat in your sujud or before your taslim these are the best hours of the night the best time of the night just like when we go to a doctor complaining about some kind of physical illness and he tells us take these pills two in the morning two at night and then check back with me in ten days in two weeks my beloved brothers and sisters if you're going through any kind of difficulty get up one hour before feature and beg allah for whatever you need and don't do it just once and say oh nothing happened no no no allah loves the one who's consistent keep knocking at the door the door will open keep knocking every night const consistently today tomorrow every single night until your requests are all answered and when they are all answered do not stop make more qiyam to thank allah who is the one who made it easy for you to get up in the middle of the night it is the same one who wants to answer your request he made it easy for you to get up so he can answer your request who inspired you to make this dua it is him and subhanallah when he inspires us to make a dua wants to answer our dua so my brothers and sisters the best time is the time one hour before federer two hours before feature but because we are weak let's just take one hour before half an hour before fissure and perform our tahajjud and make a lot of what allah himself is asking what do you want so i can give you i ask allah azza to make us from the people who pray to hajjut i ask allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to make our last deeds our best deeds and our last words i love you all for the sake of allah foreign [Music] me
Views: 162,744
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: East Plano Islamic Center, EPIC Masjid, East Plano Masjid, EPIC, Yasir Qadhi, Imam, Nadim Bashir, Ustadh, Baajour, Hafiz, Sajjad Gul, Allah, Quran, Islam, mosque, masjid
Id: v_ZBndYBPls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 8sec (668 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 09 2021
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