Shawn Jones TBN Interview

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- goes and around the world it's time to praise [Music] praise the Lord covers the major Christian events in America and across the world from the heart of Europe to the tip most Africa [Music] from the Centers of Asia [Music] you're part two the world's largest prayer and praise gathering join us on praise the Lord from Alabama's capital city beautiful Montgomery Alabama as we bring you anointed pastors evangelists teachers authors and other special guests with testimonies and teaching to encourage and inspire and music to glorify God as we lift up Jesus Christ as [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] praise the Lord praise the Lord I'm so excited to have my my next person here Pastor Shaun Jones of impart of them a new thing empowerment Church Harbor in Alabama you just heard him sing he's also the belief singer and founder of the group Sean Jones and the believers I'm so excited please help me welcome him here how are you sir I'm doing well man thank you for having me on the show oh man the pleasure is all mine yes sir I'm so excited because one of the things that that's so important in the body of Christ for us today is to understand that God is still speaking it's important that if we're going to reach people where they are it may take a different approach in ministry it's the same God right the same Holy Spirit that that that speaks to us the same Jesus Christ that redeemed us from our sins but sometimes it needs to be packaged slightly different absolutely the Bible says that old things have passed away and behold all things have been made new and that that that we have to be careful if we want to reach this generation it may not it may not work with this generation the same way that it worked for us in our generation I say more about that well I think the name of my church is indicative upon that we named our churches a new thing in Parliament Church of course a new that stands for itself new thing isaiah 43:19 says behold i'll do a new thing and so the mission of my church is to embrace what the the churches we know may cast aside okay um I thought about it coming coming here he commanded us to be fishers of men and so but many time in that church we're not catching fish with swapping fish and so so so so so so and so comes from Bethel and joins new things because fish happen that's it yeah yeah yeah so I didn't catch that fish I just swapped that fish but the truth is there's some there's some fish doesn't never been in nobody's pawn that's one more Church new thing the church has an incur Franklin just came out with an album called losing my religion mm-hmm and I think that is a powerful thing religion has done a lot of damage religion will look at me and if I don't look right if I'm not dressed right if I smell like alcohol religion says you're not welcome in my church and so new thing church is a church that I want to be open to everybody that no matter what you've done no matter what your past is no matter what your present is I'm not focusing on your past or your present it's my sign meant to empower you to get to your future amen amen I think I think there were there two things I want to talk about first you know when David sees Goliath Goliath is taunting the children of Israel and and and the children of Israel at this time are afraid of the giant that they see when he approaches Saul finally a Saul says to him he says hi if you're gonna go fight put on what I got mine and go fight him ah when David attempts to try to fight this giant he's unable to while in Saul's presence because he realizes what's been placed on him is not who he is but if he's going to do what God has called him to do yes he's got to go with what God gave him yes he says to saw literally he says which you have worked for you I'll put it yeah it won't work for me absolutely I'm not I'm not downgrading or dissing what you've done yes because you are a king yes but if I'm going to walk in my place of destiny Wow I've got to go with the garments of the tombs God gave me Wow and I think oftentimes in church where we grew up we grew up and it was pounded beated and grinded in us that XYZ has to be the case like and oftentimes one or two things would happen either you'd win someone or you'd run someone but I think what you're proposing is I'm not here to to condone your sin I'm here to love you out of sea absolutely I love the person but I hate to say absolutely and I'm not here to beat you up about your past but I'm here to tell you that what God has in store for you requires you taking off some old gone yes sir and yes some new God yes sir who was it Isaiah he said he said he said give me your yo yo yo yo yo yo yo your burnt garment yeah give me your dirty garments for Ashley yes sir and I'll give you new glosses and when I hear new thing I think well I think God Wow I want to reach I want to reach the alcohol Wow I want to reach the hole that's right that's right I want to reach the hormone section that's right I want to reach the liar and the stealer but but I want to reach them with God's love and let God's love do a deep work love love that our criticism our rejection I hate that is tied to people can't reach Wow pastor Paul I knew I was in my assignment I move to the location I'm in now I started my church like six years ago we started in a conference center in over we got a building and Opelika stayed in that building in Opelika for about three years and then God opened up another spot for me back in Auburn the place I'm in in Auburn it's it's a wonderful Church and it's in a harvest field neighborhood so my church sits here and right next to it that's the projects and then right behind it there's the projects and then right in front of it that is that's where the the urban university campus students live it's a prime time location for harvest I knew I was in my in my in my assignment and doing what my purpose is my first three months there in a given Sunday I would come out of the church and there will be beer cans the church there and I noticed them a couple Sundays and so one Sunday as I said dick why are these beer cans at the steps of the church huh he said to me pastor you remember that that dude that came in today yeah he got saved today he came to the so well when they came up him and his friends came up and they had their beer in the hand and we told him you can come in the church but you got to leave you be right there saying you can get you bid when you leave Church but you can't bring it in watch this watch this they can't they left that beer with the intention of coming back and get it uh-huh but like the woman with the wit at the whale she came for water but the Bible says she left the plug yeah yeah yeah yeah they came met the god of our salvation and and walked right past the beer that they planned on getting but instead of a beer they picked up the Bible that did it for me man that did it for me they won with it with the whale she came for water but when she met Jesus Jesus says if I give you this what I got you're never thirst again Bible says she left her pots and when I'm tired and said come to your man you know you're in it when you encounter people and they put down their old stuff I never think to pick it up again rev Rev what you just said taking your same passage was literally see the beer gave them a buzz ma but but when they encountered my put the pot yeah she was looking for a recess watch this and a hole in the ground Wow Wow often times when we look for stuff to satisfy something that's only designed to meet half I need as we look for love in all of the wrong places we look for wholeness through drugs happiness through through through weed our friends why only to discover that's the hole in the ground yes sir Jesus was saying he said what you need for me is living water you can't get living water off something you can hold in your hand what if you drink this water yes sir this water will change your mind it'll change your walk and demeanor and here you say they left their beer and you had to ask question why is this beer sir because it was an indication like you said that you own a sign mom threw a trip light does its best shining Wow in dark places God no it's all right Oh God Oh God yes sir yes sir yes sir my god my god so so what are some of the challenges as a church planner and as a gifted in an anointed musician and singer that you've encountered and winning the area or reaching the area that you're located in let me see the challenges of being a church planter in an unto itself is a whole different ballgame I know yeah yeah you know what I'm talking about it is totally different I was in Tuskegee pastoring a traditional Baptist Church for six years when I left Tuskegee a great number left with me and we started where I am now and so I've been on both sides both the call pastor and the church planner and but there is a freedom I mean to do what God has called you to do in a church that you plant right as opposed to being in a traditional situation for instance I love the church I was but if you wanted to if it was hot and we needed to buy new fans but you just couldn't go by he had to go yeah they had the second in motion it you know and so it kind of handcuffed you to do the will of God so so that that that that was really no chance my greatest challenge in church planning was I thought and God had to took some time to get past it I thought that everybody who came with me well sign and stay with me yeah yeah yeah yeah and and and so God had to show me that that people are here for a reason and for Caesar and when that reason is over in that season is up you can't hold what God has put in the Western and so that was my greatest challenges is to understand I mean never get sore test at anybody that it tears you up when they leave yeah yeah yes and so that was my greatest challenge is I thought everybody who came with me was assigned to stay with me so now now in the area of reaching new people who are reaching fish that's never been caught what kind of baby do you you mad transparency okay the generation we have now you they detect fate a mile off that's right yeah my young generation they gonna play with you if either you're a real dealer you're not yeah and my greatest drawing card has just been Who I am you know I don't want suits all the time I'm I'm my preaching sungjae's and a t-shirt you know and and that has and and that shows because in my area again I'm in a college town and I don't want them to feel that if you don't have Stacy Adams or Gators yeah I think no no no no no except no no no that that's one of my drawing card and then the revelon sea of preaching I've reached all kind of messages though I mean I've done that you know the rap have what's called a mixtape right I've done mixtape sermon series turn down for what sleeping with the enemy oh man I saw my father you if you're saying you would we call it it's a post modernity time yes sir literally meaning I understand the voices you're listening to salute and in order for me to capture your attention I gotta speak in a language that you understand man I'm taking the gospel and I'm packaging it I'm not changing its potency I'm not taking away from what it says but I'm saying it in the language of our times it to reach the people where they are that's so so for an older generation I could say something like hallelujah or I could say I could use some of the church' words that unless you've been in church you all know the definition absolutely absolutely that's the barista sermon entitled can I get a refill yeah yeah no I put it out Saturday night on my Instagram I'm preaching can I get a refill and I played a clip loved the actual song I'm gonna get refill all right I got my church thoughts at 11:15 I got the church about 10:45 when I tell you I kid you not cars walk up and down the road on both sides around the projects people were walking I mean from as far as you could see at 10:45 my service of thought till 11:15 all because I put out there tomorrow meeting insurance I'm preaching can I get a brief and play the tune then they know so maybe they didn't hear what I said I'm preaching right when they heard that familiar tongue I had I said it the same takes a woman at the at the at the will and I said I'm preaching tomorrow when I met Jesus you would never defend your saying yeah but it's because the bait that you requires that and you know so it's important that you understand you understand that at the times you're living is you've got to reach PDS sir where they saw you can't expect them especially if they had been inundated with church for them for for them to understand what I preached a sermon call step in the name of love and and I appreciate from the prayer but I took that same concept and applied it to the context of text now after they heard the sermon they never looked at that song the same way absolutely but just like me when they saw the woman at the well they never listened and associated that song with alcohol but they associated with like the guys with the beer sir this is what I need a drink last one you know x2 uh-huh and when the Holy Spirit fell and then on down there there was some devil some opposes that says these people are drunk yeah and then Peter said no they're not drunk as you suppose in other words I said name not drunk right he said then I drunk as you suppose he said but this is that which the Prophet spoke of your sons and your daughter my flesh you know spirit among all flesh they said it was wrong I preached the sermon don't blame it on the alcohol man listen that's what he was saying he said it's only 9 o'clock in the morning it's another form the beers run on what y'all think don't blame this on alcohol no this is another type and so that that that is the the premise that is what I stand on that term if your revelant in in your proteges does not change that's what the method does and so you cannot Joseph Walker said that you cannot be an eight-track ministry you know iPod generation that's right it's work that's right that's right and but that that's phenomenal and then out now that's preaching in a in a postmodern world yes sir it's understanding that that if I'm gonna reach you I gotta know what you listening so if I'm gonna move you where God wants you to be right Jesus found them where they were Wow well he didn't find them where he wanted him to go he found them where they were yes sir he used everyday things around Peter on the boat he said cast out into the deep Wow Peter was like brah I've been out here all night we ain't caught nothing mom what i'ma cast I'm too deep for he's it but but he's it at your word I'll do it yes sir now he doesn't put his nets up he doesn't come to consolation that ain't gonna happen mom but he launched out into the deep and when he dropped his net Wow he found what he was looking for Wow why I'm glad you asked me not so thoughtful of you with Peters boat it was Jesus's water God although it was Peters net it was Jesus's fish mom and when the net hit the water in the water and the fish sauce all saw the net Jesus already spoken of the fish fish that already gave high fighters mom he said they say where you going to say I don't know mama but the Lord has yes and so you gonna catch what you've never caught before out you got a goal where you've never gone absolutely absolutely so what kind of team do you have around and I've got it is so multiplex I've got young I've got old and your chairs told me something that I had never read in the Bible and that is that old men are for for counsel young man awful war mm-hmm oh man got the strength but the old man knows how you know to do it and so I make sure that I have there was people older that that's been why I am then maybe they came they don't have the strength to run as fast as I think God they can tell me go in that direction and I use my strength to run but I just need their finger to point and so I'm never right there yeah I make sure I've got some older people who will kind of guide my ship and then the young people will help me run this race and so it is it's phenomenal man it's much more than I deserve Wow yes sir so how does how does your your singing impact your pastoring man they work hand in hand they work hand in hand I'll say well over 200 of my members have come because they knew the singer Shawn Jones so they were coming you know to church he don't sing you know quartet singers who pastor many of them have the stigma that they're not strong in word but they're gonna do some good singing and so many come to my church because they know me as a singing but when they come in here the word it transitioned yeah you know I can keep saying whatever but I want to hit his word I packed a CD yes yes yes it's the word I like to sing but I love the preacher okay yes sir so now if we wanted to hear you or find you how would we find you well you can go to my website it's called WW dot new thing empowerment church calm you can go to Facebook every social media from Facebook Instagram your the era scope yeah okay yeah I'm right there amen so so so Rev rep if you had two minutes if you had two minutes to talk to someone okay to empower them okay look into the camera and they're in just two minutes as a piece in Mathew 6:31 and 34 just cut straight to it says therefore do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself 20 years ago that was a movie called The Lion King 20 years ago I can't believe it's been 20 years for 20 years ago the lion 20 years ago we fell in love with similar we fell in love with Mufasa we learned about the jealousy of scar scar was his uncle who was jealous of what Mufasa had in it something how people will be jealous of what you have until they actually get it and when they get it they came home to what you had 20 years ago I learned that that that that similar runs until the wilderness he runs into the jungle in the jungle he meets a lot of things there are some snakes in the jungle snakes don't say a lot but if you get too close they'll hurt you now some people in your life they they're gonna talk they're not gonna tell you they're gonna bite you but when you get close enough you'll get some harm there's some crickets in in the jungle crickets make a lot of noise until you get up close and when you get right up on them they don't say anything you see where I'm going with that there's a lot of stuff in the jungle and every person you find yourself in a jungle but he met two characters Timon and Pumbaa Timon and Pumbaa taught him a Swahili song Hakuna Matata it means no worries for the rest of our date it's a problem-free philosophy Hakuna Matata I discovered that Timon and Pumbaa didn't come up with that I heard Jesus saying the same thing he says take no thought in other words don't worry about what you're going through if God takes care of the fowls and he closed the fields and they closed the the flowers certainly he can take care of the faithful if you be faithful to God don't worry just worship and worship we'll handle what you've been worrying about bless his name please remember our prayer lines are open one eight eight eight seven three one one thousand you may need some Hakuna Matata in your life our prayer warriors are standing to administer God's version of it one eighty eight seventy three one one thousand Sean Jones and the believers are going to be coming back and sharing with us standing [Music] send something like this I'm standing on the promise of God sometimes it is [Music] Oh God [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] you gotta beat that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] praise the Lord praise the Lord Sean Jones and the believers reminding us standing and don't be moved pastor it was for now it it was phenomenal hearing you talk about the power of the Lion King yes here's what I found so profound in that the fact that scars recognized whose symbol was before Simba saw kingship in himself a Simba was the King's kid but didn't realize there was a king and the magnitude of that that scarves do so Rev how do you handle talk to us about how to handle the scars in our life Wow pastor Paul that often times your enemy enemy can see in you what you can see in yourself pastor Paul just said and that was a revelation straight from God that scar recognized in symbol what symbol didn't recognize it himself and the truth of the matter is when you've got favor on your life huh sometime the favor is so intense that you are the person that is own but you're too close to the mirror to see it and you wonder why you've got so many enemies you wonder why people talk about you who've never talked to you you wonder why people don't like you and don't even know you it is because the enemy has the spirit of discernment and they might not even know why they don't like you themselves but the thing that's inside of them hates what's inside of you then they can see that there's per that's destiny and there's favor on your life when you talk about favor the the epitome of favor is a boy named Joseph Joseph but he didn't quite understand the elements of favor that when you've got favored you got to know how when to hold them and know when to fold Joseph had a dream and because he was he was he was kind of naive in his dreaming he thought because he had a dream and he was excited that everybody he told will be just as excited Joseph found out that just because you're excited about what God is doing in your life won't make other people excited the Bible says when when Joseph told his brothers they hated him even more all right so they took this jacket this jacket represents the favor of his father they throw him in the pit and that you know the story Joseph goes to the pit he goes to prison goes down to Egypt but the truth is they took the jacket and they took it back to this day and they said a beast ate Joseph up and so they took the jacket thinking they took his favor listen the jacket went back to his father's house but favor went to eat so you can take my stuff but you can't take my favorite faith you can take that the evidence of favor but if my favor is authentic I'll get it all back I'll show you again when he goes down and into Egypt land he's blessed whenever God is with you no matter where you are you're gonna be blessed he's so blessed that Potiphar sees and recognizes that the hand of God is on this guy and anybody that the hand of God is on I'm not gonna hate I'm gonna celebrate and participate that's a good word right there never hate celebrate and participate he brings joy in his house he said because Joey the hand of God is on you I want you in my house that God's gonna bless my house but whenever God begins to bless the devil will always start a mess don't let the mess do to you from the blessing that's on your life miss Jobe looks at him she sees and she says I want you I want you for myself he says no way I can do that he says my master is too good to me he's giving me everything in his house besides you he said I wouldn't touch you if my life depended on it the Bible says that she took his coat Joseph ran out house he's determined he's gonna keep the favor you've got to do what you got to do to keep the hand of God on your life he runs out his wife takes the coat I said I said to God God what is it with Joseph and he can't keep coats God sent her to me I want you to understand that the coat represents the favour of man but when you've got the favor of God you don't have to worry about the favor of man and that's what I want to tell somebody who's listening to me now don't seek the favor of people God has a way of taking you where you can never go on your own and they may not like it but the Bible says I'll prepare a table before me in the presence of you in watch this not for your enemies to eat you're gonna be the one eating he says I'm gonna make them sit there and watch you eat I want to pray the favor of God on your life that no matter what you come up against the favor of God will bring you out if I could pray just for my father I thank you for every person that's watching me now I thank you for the favor that rests upon their life I pray dear God that in this moment that you're beginning to show them that you're beginning to stir up the gift that's inside of them and show them that they are Kings kid sure who they really are and cause us to walk into the purpose into the plan that you have for our life and we won't wait till the battle is over but we're gonna shout and we're gonna praise you right now in the name of Jesus I decree and declare that blessings are coming our way in Jesus name Amen amen if you just heard that prayer and you want to give your life to Christ you want to make a donation or you just want someone to connect with you because someone snatched your coat a favor please remember to call one eight eight eight seven three one 1000 our prayer warriors are waiting here to share Hakuna Matata with you and give you clothes back so that you can get where God wants you to be and do what God has called you to be because God has plans for you and Shaun Jones is gonna come back and share with us one more time Shaun Jones and the believers depending because all of us are depending on God [Applause] [Music] [Applause] in my [Music] [Music] I'm so glad today I can truly say [Music] [Applause] I'm in in listening to me tell the law that sometime [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] I'm so bad today I can truly say [Music] [Applause] every now and then everybody's here the Dean tell the law that every now and then [Music] [Music] my chains get shanked [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and amen praise the Lord for shan xiongxin the believers reminding us that our dependence our strength comes from the Lord and depending on the Lord is the key to everything I'm so excited
Channel: Paul Gourdine
Views: 37,060
Rating: 4.8726482 out of 5
Keywords: cb rogers, praisegodtv, shawn Jones, NiceMiMi, PaulGourdine
Id: z7_Zk_IE11U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 14sec (2294 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 27 2019
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