SHARK stuck in Seal's Neck!

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Over the last few weeks, Naude and Denzil have rescues 2 seals with what they thought were stingray spikes sticking out of their necks. A little while ago they came across this guy on the beach, and they finally had an answer. This young male cape fur seal had a complete young St. Joseph Shark hanging from his neck! The St. Joseph shark is a member of the chimera family, and is very similar the the ratfish found in the United States. The shark has a large poisonous barb extending through its dorsal fin, and it is this that's getting stuck in the seals. The fur seals don't usually hunt this species, but because of the big die-off of seals we had due to starvation, the seals are getting desperate and targeting fish they would not usually for. While trying to break up the sharks into bite size chunks on the surface, they are getting "spiked", and because of the one-way barbs on those spikes, they often break off and stay there.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/gawduck ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 07 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

That activity is so cool. I bet you get the adrenaline from hunting but actually doing good

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Rodry2808 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 10 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
as a lot of you know for a few weeks about two months ago we had a mass seal dive for namibia thousands and thousands of pups dying on the beaches prematurely as well as well as adults and young seals dying it was very clear that these animals were all dying of starvation they were extremely thin this was obviously driving them to go and look for new food sources and one of these food sources was the saint joseph shark we caught two seals a couple of weeks ago that both had these spikes in we presumed there was stingray spikes but after finding this seal with a whole fish still in it the answer was finally clear okay we haven't been at the point now for nearly a week when one of these detached groups on the outside we've seen a quite a big one it's far off so much it's a male or female but it's quite big definitely net worthy denzel huh okay some change of plan we're going to go for a small one here first denzel keeping on the huh yeah let's go so we find the culprit [Music] we fed what we thought was stingray barbs we had two in the last week um thinking they stingray bobs this is saint joseph's shark connections hey you got it sorry we're gonna have to leave you hmm a very big cut on her chest checks out a very big cut in the chest roll over use the bottom zipper okay okay okay use two hooks this one hook huh fishing line sure didn't see any more okay close this up and we'll take it in the top it's okay um i'm gonna get out the back come on here we go so that uh weirds and joseph shark and where's the shark denzel so this is in joseph shark what we thought were were stingray barbs almost like a catfish kind of thing see a long sharp bob on his head and not the normal prey for seals but obviously with them being so hungry the big starvation at the moment they're going for whatever they can get and obviously you can see the bite marks they grab the fish shake it around as he grabbed it shook it around pegged him in the throat luckily this one didn't manage to damage the seal very much as far as i know poison on these is not as bad as like stingrays things like that you
Channel: Ocean Conservation Namibia
Views: 9,507,248
Rating: 4.9485154 out of 5
Keywords: Ocean Conservation Namibia, Plastic Pollution, Namibia, Conservation, Animal Rescue, Pelican Point, Leatherman, Walvis Bay, Ocean Pollution, Namib_Naude, Seal Rescue, Sea Lion, Pollution, GoPro, Cape Cross, Seakopmund, Naude Dreyer, Fishing line, Seal Baby, seal pup, Skeleton Coast, Seal, 100sealsfortime, NGO Namibia, Injured Seal, Ghostnet, Sea lion rescue, baby seal rescue, injured sea lion, seals namibia, pinnipeds, rescue net, stemthetide, entanglement
Id: AeZPEdcD5J4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 2sec (422 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 27 2020
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