Rescued Seal Remembers Rescuers?

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[INAUDIBLE] [LAUGHTER] So we're back at Pelican Point. We've seen a seal. Looks like an adult female. She's has a very bad cut on her back. It could be a recapture. We're not sure, but we're going to take a chance. If it's a recapture, we can at least just check what the-- how she's healing up. It's always quite interesting to see the rate of healing on these guys. So she's quite calm now. Tony's back on the net. [SEALS BARKING] Woo. [PANTING] [SEALS BARKING] [WIND BLOWING] Quite clean, huh? It is. But let's just check. [SEALS BARKING] It's all right. No worries, yeah. Good space and time. All right. This was [? scary ?] Whoa. Feisty. OK. It does actually look quite clean. [SEAL BARKS] Whoa. [HEAVY BREATHING] So if you look carefully considered black it looked like it could be a strap, it's actually new skin. This would have been a really, really bad entanglement on its day. So it's probably one we've done. Careful. Probably one we've the last year. But it's free now. And this is why we do what we do to-- so that the seals can recoup. So when we see those really bad wounds, people always always worry if the seals will heal. This is a testament that they do. There are other babies lying around. Get down. It's OK. OK. Is she getting out the front? [HEAVY BREATHING] Look out for the flippers. OK. I got the flippers. [GRUNTING] Oh, oh. Whoa, whoa. [SEAL BARKS] She remembers us. You're good. You're good. I can see her. She's actually quite calm. Maybe she remembers us. Hey buddy. [? Check ?] her chest wounds. That was a ugly one. She's [? chill ?] now. Look at you. Well done. Very well done. It did show it's one [INAUDIBLE].. So this is why we would like to use tags so we can keep track of this. Off you go.
Channel: Ocean Conservation Namibia
Views: 530,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ocean Conservation Namibia, Plastic Pollution, Namibia, Conservation, Animal Rescue, Pelican Point, Leatherman, Walvis Bay, Ocean Pollution, Namib_Naude, Seal Rescue, Sea Lion, Pollution, GoPro, Cape Cross, Seakopmund, Naude Dreyer, Fishing line, Seal Baby, seal pup, Skeleton Coast, Seal, 100sealsfortime, NGO Namibia, Injured Seal, Ghostnet, Sea lion rescue, baby seal rescue, injured sea lion, seals namibia, pinnipeds, rescue net, stemthetide, entanglement, seaspiracy
Id: NBtz1vNEZXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 9sec (189 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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