Shark Facts for Kids | Classroom Edition Sharks Learning Video

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[Music] in this video we are going to learn about sharks AHA sharks this is a video so many of you have asked for its time it's time for the shark video sharks are an amazing type of fish in the ocean isn't that interesting sharks are fish sharks are amazing fish now the picture most of us have in our minds when we think of sharks isn't always the case you see there are 440 types of sharks and they can be quite different from one another for example the whale shark is the largest type of shark it gets over 40 feet long Wow but the dwarf lanternshark is the smallest shark it is only about six inches and can fit in your hand wow this is not what most people picture when they picture a shark but the dwarf lanternshark is just as much a shark as the whale shark is remember there are 440 types of sharks so they don't all look like this guy here's the thing even though there are so many different types of sharks all sharks have certain things in common for example sharks don't have any bones the skeleton of a shark is made of cartilage that goes for all sharks sharks don't have bones and it's interesting because most other fish do have bones but sharks don't okay so the skeleton of a shark is made of cartilage but what is cartilage what does that mean what is cartilage okay this is gonna sound weird but touch your ears and move them around with your fingers that rubbery material in your ear is called cartilage it's not amazing there's some cartilage in your body just like there's cartilage in the body of a shark the skeleton of a shark is made of cartilage which makes a shark very flexible kind of like your ears right your ears work rubbery and flexible when you touch them that's the way the skeleton of a shark is which helps a shark move around in special ways it makes a shark very flexible hey you want to know what's not flexible sharks - sharks teeth this is interesting a shark uses its teeth to bite but not to chew whatever they bite that goes into their mouths sharks swallow whole we use our teeth not just to bite but to chew but a shark only uses its teeth to bite and a shark can have a lot of teeth in its lifetime now here's the crazy part a shark may have as many as 20,000 teeth during its life there are rows of replacement teeth that in case of tooth gets broken or false often gets lost a new tooth emerges [Music] now we've already mentioned there are 440 types of sharks in fact you're probably sick of hearing the fact that there are 440 types of sharks how many types of sharks are there how many four 440 all right we're gonna just show you four of our favorites there are a lot of other cool sharks we're missing a lot of them we're gonna show you four sharks right now so that if you see these sharks in the future you'll be like I know what type of shark that is the first shark is the whale shark and we've already talked about how the whale shark is the largest shark in the world but what's cool about whale sharks they have these white spots and they're very gentle so even though they're huge they're very gentle in fact some whale sharks have even let divers sit on top of them how would you like to ride a whale shark what next we're gonna show you the great white shark perhaps the most famous shark of them all this is the shark that most people think of when they think of sharks and the great white shark is really intense 23 feet long and they eat all kinds of things dolphins sea lions whales seals and even other sharks next is the hammerhead shark which gets its name because its head looks like a hammer which it kind of sounds like a mean name like you know some of the other sharks were like hey hammerhead it was like hey but you know the name kind of stuck the hammerhead shark it's interesting that's actually an advantage for the hammerhead shark it helps with the swimming and also helps with the eyesight the eyesight of the hammerhead shark is much better especially a gauging distance than other sharks finally there's the thresher shark the thresher shark is a very strong shark known for its very very long tail and that tail can be huge in fact the tail of a thresher shark can weigh as many as 300 pounds or more Wow the thresher shark those are just four amazing types of sharks we left out so many but just understand sharks are incredible creatures and as humans we need sharks a lot of people don't realize how much we need sharks you see sharks have an important job a very important job and it's not babysitting fish because Fred I don't trust you with Henry I really don't I really don't think that you can be trusted with Henry because I think what we're looking at here is a snack time all right and you're just not the best babysitter okay I don't really trust that Henry's gonna make it okay so what is a sharks important job what do sharks do here's their job sharks balance the ocean ecosystem the ocean just wouldn't run as well without sharks and there are a lot of ways that sharks balance the ocean ecosystem we're gonna give you one specific way just so you can see how important sharks are so here is our example sharks feed on herbivores that eat coral reef and you might say well how does that affect us how is that important well in places where there aren't enough sharks coral reef has been wiped out and it's replaced with this gross nasty algae it's not just coral reef that gets affected all different types of creatures in the ocean would be affected by that the balance is held together by these amazing fish called sharks with the skeleton made of cartilage work hard to balance the ocean even though they don't realize what they're doing they're helping maintain the diversity and the beauty of the ocean [Music] now here's the sad part 100 million sharks are killed every year by people think about that 100 million sharks are killed every year by people thankfully there are organizations that are working to protect sharks we need sharks sharks aren't bad they're not mean they're not evil they balance the ocean ecosystem they have a very important job and they need to be left alone and they need to be protected one final note before we leave you know a lot of people misunderstand sharks and think that sharks are mean but sharks don't like biting people when a shark bites someone it is because they think that that person is a sea creature in other words sharks like to leave us alone and they want to be left alone we can protect them you know they have an important job to do and let's be honest they're super cool we appreciate you watching our video on sharks and we hope to see you next video [Music] thanks for hanging out with us you are awesome in the middle of the screen you can see there's a button you can click to subscribe to our channel or you can click one of these two boxes to watch a different video but don't stop learning now go ahead click you
Channel: Homeschool Pop
Views: 82,823
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Keywords: shark facts, sharks for kids, sharks, shark, shark learning video, shark learning, animal facts for kids, shark facts for kids, shark video, kids
Id: ARhGF4owUmk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 14 2018
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