SharePoint Power Hour: Modern Lists

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here all right welcome everyone I'm Laura Rogers and this is SharePoint power our this is a show that I do on Wednesdays at 11:00 central that is it's just for fun it's just demoing different things in SharePoint and office 365 that we can we can do as I am NOT a programmer so I demo a lot of out-of-the-box functionality in SharePoint and I've been doing this for two or three years I'm a Microsoft MVP I live in Birmingham Alabama and we also have a live chat that we do during the show which is we're using slack so the channels IWM entered slack comm and there is a link in the description of this YouTube video to click to to join in so we have a lively discussion the whole point the fun part of doing this live is so that we can have chat have discussion get feedback you guys can ask me questions as I go you guys can have conversations with each other so that makes it a lot of fun alright so I'm gonna go ahead and so today's topic is the modern lists and libraries now modern lists and libraries this concept was announced last May and the big future of SharePoint event that I went to in San Francisco and it's been rolled out since then it's probably in all of your tenants and even even since they first rolled out the new modern look they've actually added a few new new kind of different functionalities and tweaks here and there and everything every now and then new things will pop up and it appears as you know new things that you can click on things that you could can do in the modern listen library so I figured I'd do just good old demo and go through this and I've kind of made some notes of some things that I wanted to point out it's been a lot of fun I had my own training company it's called I to be a mentor so we you see the logo everywhere it's been interesting you know building training materials because there's a lot of you know a lot of redoing screenshot and keeping up-to-date on what's the latest and what's been updated in there so it makes it probably pretty challenging for other training companies as well so that that keeps it fun but and I do have out of my training classes the beginner class is going to be the one that's going to impact the most because that's where you go into just the interface and how to use your SharePoint site and how to get around and get to your lists and libraries and you know views and things like that so that's the one that I really got to keep on my toes with but I'll go ahead and share my screen and I've got my good old demo site here as you can see and I've got I'll go ahead and go ahead I've got a few lists this is just an example site with customers and projects so I've got a few examples of lists and libraries that we can go through to show you a lot of these new functionalities that that I'm going to highlight so first of all I'll go - I've got a few lists in here I've got customers and that you might have your right might recognize this from some power apps demos that I've done where I have my customers and associated projects this time I'm not going into power apps I'm just showing you this modern look so first of all I'm gonna go over I'll just kind of go over the order of things that I'm going to talk about today to go over the tool bar in here the info panel and some of these things I'm not sure if there is a technical if there's technical jargon that I'm not aware of technical names for things like the info panel and then I'm gonna go over the item toolbar columns dragging widths of columns adding columns different ways to do views and how to do grouping and even dragging to grouping and the new look of the modern forms and the way that those work so yes Caroline I changed the shape of my circle or my face on the screen sharing it's a lot of fun all right so I've got the first thing that we're going to talk about is the tool bar and the tool bar is just this top portion up here that's I've got circles you can see up here and the tool bar just like the ribbon is going to change a little bit whether you're looking at the whole list of items or if you're looking at a particular item that you've selected so you'll notice a lot of things in this whole tool bar are going to be different depending on if you have one item a checkbox next to it to select it or if you have if you're just simply you've arrived at that list and you're looking at the whole list so the first thing of course is pretty self-explanatory it's going to be the new button and the new button is going to take you to create a new fill out a new form which we'll talk about a little bit later quick edit is the same thing it used to be called the datasheet view they change the name to quick edit so it's the same concept that we've always had being able to work on these items just in a spreadsheet format and being able to drag values down and sort and filter just like you've always been able to so it's that it's that concept of the datasheet view of having a big list of things and wanting to be able to get around in there and quickly make some edits without having to open each individual item all right so the next thing of course is export to excel that's always been insure point it just takes whatever view you're looking at and whatever columns you have and whatever filter you've put on there and takes that whole list and exports it out to an Excel spreadsheet not new and then you have flow which I did a whole separate power hour about that is the new sort of workflow concept being able to create automations between things and then we have depending on your resolution of your screen you have the ability to you might you know you might have some different things showing over here when you click the little ellipsis so when I click the ellipsis it says power apps and it's just got basically my stuff so it's just got whether I want to go create an app and just good old SharePoint alerts that have always been there alert me and then manage my alerts and of course when you create a SharePoint alerts you when you get the alerts you'll also have a link to get back and be able to manage your alerts later there as well all right moving on along in the toolbar we also have your views are over here now they kind of keep moving where the views are right but this little drop-down all items those are your views so that's where you're gonna see your views you're gonna see now also your any power apps that you have any power apps that you've created are also going to be in that drop-down box so these are two different power apps that I've created that are associated with that I created from in here from this particular projects list now kind of I wanted to point out that if you have other power apps that you didn't necessarily create from here that may incorporate this SharePoint list in them they're not necessarily going to show in here this list of views is not necessarily going to know all the places that this particular list is consumed other power-ups it's being consumed and these are just power-ups that you created from this toolbar from this specific list got it all right ariel says I like the portability of the modern lists and library so ever I feel it's always a guessing game whether I'm gonna get a modern view or not are there any settings on the site collection or site level that affect if modern lists and libraries are available not sure that makes sense but if I have site publishing turned on a team site for example well my modern views go away that's a great question Ariel the first thing that I usually look at is going to be the list settings and you're not now every type of list and library doesn't have the capability of doing the modern views yet so you have like just some of those out of templates like contacts lists and tasks lists and issues lists and certain types of libraries don't have don't have the modern view available but you can go into your list settings which is now of course up here it's instead of being in the ribbon you can go to your list settings and go to advanced settings right here and scroll all the way the bottom and so this is actually a setting that comes down from office 365 admin from like central admin area and then but for a particular Lister library you can force it to go to the classic experience and a new experience for example one of the things I'm going to talk about that you don't have in the new views for some reason is the totals if you in your list setting in your view settings you've selected that you want to see totals the modern view just ignores that you don't have any totals so if I want to see the totals in my view I have to flip over to the classic experience so you can go to any particular list or library and flip it over this way force it to go to the new experience or classic now if you see your list or library is on classic and it says default experience set by my administrator that probably means that from the admin level that's where that it's such a classic there isn't a site or site collection level setting unfortunately it's in office 365 so and I'll add that to my list of things to maybe go over at the end just to kind of point out where that is adding that to my list okay Carolyn says what is a view versus app our app in the view drop-down box that's a great question Carolyn all right you're not gonna be able the only way you can tell Carolyn is going to be from just the way that there's this delineation this line between them so we'll go through as we as I do this demo and we'll create some other views and we'll just kind of see how that looks but if I go and click on this just projects it's going to be very clear that that's a power app so if I wanted to I can click to make this view private so that would make it so that people who aren't me the power app creator person are not gonna see this view in the drop-down box so you might want to do that if you don't want to confuse them by having power apps listed in the view so I could click to make this view private that doesn't remove the power app it just removes the view so I can just remove this view if I want to so I'll go to project apps and I can just say remove this view see it says the power app will not be deleted all right so Lee says is there reason totals are not displayed no idea that would be a Microsoft thing maybe it's more complicated to do that I'm not sure all right so now now that we've talked a little bit about what you're gonna see in the toolbar just for the whole list we're gonna talk about these other two things in a little bit but I just really just wanted to point out these top items here now we're going to talk about the info panel so the info panel the info button is going to be way over here at the top right and you're gonna have that in lists and libraries so the info button when you first click it if you don't have anything selected you're going to get it's actually selected the first item for me so you're getting all the details about that item this is kind of like going to the forum for that item but it gives you a lot of extra information so watch if I unclick it now it's just showing me some recent activity on that whole list or library so it's even showing me look at this it's kind of like a version history right there in this panel notice so far I haven't had to go anywhere this is huge I like this about the new modern look think about people that are again that are new to SharePoint in office 365 and how easy is this this is gonna be because think of all those situations where you might have gone like you kind of start clicking on settings and going all these different screens and you kind of end up going down like a rabbit hole and you can't really figure out you know how to get back to where you came from so notice that they're keeping everything on the same screen awesome all right so the information panel when I have a specific item selected this is where I can go edit that item so I'll go to one where I can unselect that one I need to go edit this one because it's missing some information and I'll go ahead and say project end it doesn't have a value look at that so I still haven't left the screen I haven't had to go edit the item I haven't opened up the form on a different screen I'm just gonna go select project end and as soon as I click away out of that box it saves the item you guys like that that's huge I love that it makes it so easy alright and it can also instead of just kind of seeing this quick you know list of all these properties if I click Edit all that's actually gonna take me to the form itself so I click Edit all that's what opens that's another way that you can open that fold that whole form for that item in edit mode so I'll click cancel and I'll go back and click another one and go again to the information panel okay so here again this is where you can go fill out all the fields you have I have a lookup field here so as soon as I click on it I can actually go pick a different value if I want to I can add attachments right here just quickly add attachment and then save it and just you're just staying on the same screen also you have not only do you have all these fields that you can edit right here in this panel but you have the all this recent activity so this is just like version history so it's not showing you the entire version history necessarily but it's just showing me like kind of a recent update but look you can find earlier changes in version history so if I click that that's actually going to take me to the actual version history screen so let me go edit one more thing real quick here I'll put a project end on this one saved it and then notice see and then it shows me that recent edit I made is now showing right here in recent activity and then more things that I can see in this panel all about this item sharing so this is remember a bunch of those fake users I had in my tenant I have in there and some friends and people that I've shared this with so I can quickly send an email to everyone that I've shared this item with and that's gonna open up Outlook and then I again I can just quickly see a list of who can see this specific item and I can stop sharing it if I want to that's permissions though so that to me that's kind of messy I'm not sure if I would want to delve into that where I'm again I don't like to mess with individual item permissions or individual document permissions in here I like to kind of try and keep it at the library or list level but that is where you could go mess with your permissions if I go to advanced that's actually going to take me to the permissions screen and this is very familiar if you've been using SharePoint for a few years that's taking me in a new window to the whole separate permission screen just for that item alright then also I have a little bit more information about it I have what type this is the content type and I have when it was last modified a few seconds ago in the path that's interesting so it's projects and then adventureworks pride is the path to get to this so I can imagine that so when we go look at documents if you have documents in a library this is where you're going to be able to see a little bit more information about how you got there like the sort of the breadcrumb trail of how to get to that item it's all very useful information over here in the info panel I'm glad you guys like that and agree that it's pretty intuitive alright so when I have an item selected not only do I have this info panel with a lot of information about it I also have some different things here that I can do in the tool bar so I've got let me gonna move over this way with my picture here so some different things I can do in the tool bar having to do with that item I can go edit that specific item which is going to open up the Edit form I can share it which is permissions I can get a link which this they they've kind of modified the way this works a little bit kind of over the last few months and it's still a little confusing I still would like to be able to just have the URL to the item and not have to do this whole special thing so look at that see this is exactly what I was just saying that I wanted and it looks like they have provided that now so last time I looked at the whole sharing screen it gave you this sort of different special URL that it created on the fly that but look at that it's just the link to the item it's the display for mine equals 10 copy it super simple so I just want to take this get a link and maybe email to somebody or use it in a you know in a special like hyperlink somewhere but it's awesome so I can just get a quick link of that and then of course I can delete it and what else can I do with this item I can go do alerts just good old-fashioned SharePoint alerts okay so what happens when I click share and this you've seen the screen before the screen has been around a while so it's this is where you're just doing permissions basically if you click share you're splitting off that item to have stuff permissions which makes me cringe okay so that's that's gonna be what you're gonna see for list items when it comes to this toolbar let's flip over to a library and they'll go look at the same concept in a library so I don't have that many files in here but let me see if I have many more in this other one yeah got a few more so now I've got a little bit not that different but I've got a couple more things in here I can create a new file if I've got multiple content types in here it's gonna show in the drop-down but also have you guys seen this this is huge this is a new you can create a new link so remember back what you know in the old days when you wanted to just have the ability to create a link to another document and have that in your library instead of having to have copies of documents everywhere you just wanted to link to it you had to go into advanced settings enable the use of content types and you had to go add a content type you had to add the link to a document is an out-of-the-box content type that you had to know to go add that to your library and then once you add it to the library then it would show in the drop down box see I'd have a PhD in SharePoint to do that but now I can just either create a new file or create a new link look at that that's awesome have you guys seen this this is huge it's got recent files that I've worked on now that's really interesting because some of these are not even in this tenant these are just files that I've worked on just in general like for different projects that I'm on some of these are in my onedrive some of these are on my desktop but it's got recent files that I've worked on that I can quickly create a link to so that's really nice yeah so improvs says I've had issues of the new experience of getting links to images from a library yes so with images and documents I think the link to is going to be a little different which is kind of why I wanted to point that out so let's go back to this toolbar concept here and come a little trying to be fancy with my little circle here okay there we go I can upload files which this is the exact same as it's always looked I'll just do an eye w mentor training certificate for my class that I teach and hit and then that's interesting Ariel so Ariel says it doesn't show link as one of the content types in the settings so apparently wing you just this is just an out-of-the-box thing that you're gonna get now in all of your libraries instead I mean you don't it so it's gonna it's not gonna be there so you can't take it away it's just that's gonna be in the drop-down box interesting huh I'm also want to go create a new library and see cuz this one's got a special content type that I've put in it so I want to go create a new library in a second and see what else it has so upload is just the normal upload but have you guys noticed that you can select multiple items now look at that you just hold down your controller shift this is something that has not existed for years people have kind of asked about it but now you can click that single upload button you can select multiple items and of course you can still just drag the files into the library you like you've been able to do for about three years now awesome right okay so I just uploaded a couple of files at the same time and then quick at it same concept that you can do in a list is this is where you can go quickly I can go pick a project for these files that I just recently added like that and then those are those are that's a lookup field that I just used so it actually pulled over additional fields from that other project list when I did that all right so let's see me unselect this another thing that you can do you can do this with a library but not a list you can sync it which is going to be your onedrive for business this went away for a little while didn't it the sync button went away and then it just went to only your onedrive for business your actual onedrive library would sink for a short amount of time like a few months go but then they added it back for SharePoint libraries so now you know you don't have to just sync your onedrive for business down to your hard drive you can go pick any SharePoint library and sync it down to your own hard drive then of course you've got your alerts now let's go look at one selecting one item I can open it I can quickly decide what do I want to open it in word online or open it in the word program on my computer let me move this little thing out of the way and then I can share it get a link let's see what the get a link looks like because I think it's gonna be a little bit different so yeah so with a list item it just gives you the link to the item pretty simple right well with the get a link it actually gives you all these options restricted link only specific people can open this link that's gonna be a big long cryptic thing view link I have to have our they have to have an account in my tenant and then so they also have to have that for the for the create link so that I don't know it's still all pretty awkward what if I just want the URL to the thing like for example when you're creating a program and promoted links lists and you need to put images in there because you want your promoted links to reference images you have in another in an image library well you need to be able to go to the library and get the links to the images like go pick an image and get the actual just what the what the reference to it is just something something dot PNG and you need to put that in your promoted links list so that makes a little tricky so that's kind of annoying but anyway so that's how you can share it get a link download you can download your hard drive you can download multiple items have you guys seen this so when I click a few different items and I click download it opens a new window and my browser that was awkward it creates a zip file so I can select multiple files in the library and it creates and click download and it creates a zip file for me and it will put it down to my hard drive that's pretty cool right that's fairly new so also you can delete it of course and look at all these additional things you can do now I did have a separate power hour a few months ago it's probably last summer when the modern look first first came out and I did go over a lot of these different options that you see here but I'll go ahead and just kind of give you guys a refresher will I'll put my little circle over here to do having fun all right oh it's still not long enough let me see there we go pin to the top that pins this file to the top and you can see it at the very you know just kind of puts it at the top of the document library so it's highlighted so you can pin it up there that's what it does and then I can unpin it to remove it I can move it and copy it this is awesome this is also fairly new where do I want to move it to it's gonna say basically for now you're gonna get different functionality with moving and copying now moving is gonna be really useful for moving things between folders in the same library I don't have any folders it doesn't matter it's relevant but copying copy to look at that it lets me drill down and go to all these other sites that I use and groups that I have and just move it to some completely different library in a completely different site so I think that that functionality is probably coming soon to the copy but the move is is awesome now think about something where you have it in one file and you have it in one library and that's just maybe in your personal onedrive and then you want to move it to a team site where then you wanna you started it off but then you want to collaborate on that file with other people so that's where then move to is going to be really useful there so it the move I'm sorry the copy to the move - is going to be able to do that soon probably so but that's that's what you can do with a copy that you can't do with the move arrow says there's a question from the YouTube live chat these notices it's not possible to shorten the width of the name column can you yeah I was gonna get into that I'll get into that in a minute um thanks for thanks Ariel for yeah nice moderating thanks for keeping an eye on the on the chat window in in YouTube for me appreciate that alright so we also when you select an individual item copy you can rename it you can version history alert me manage my alerts kind of basic stuff when you select multiple items you can do a few less things download delete move to copy - I like that you can move and copy I noticed that you can't check multiple files out if you have a single file you can check it out you used to be able to check out multiple files so that's something maybe they need to add back in there but you can't check out hopefully you know I don't think that there's a reason necessarily to use the check out like there used to be with SharePoint if you didn't check out a file then other people could accidentally be editing the file at the same time and accidentally overwrite what you were doing and it got to be a big mess but ever since 2010 when when the whole live co-authoring thing first came out ever since live co-authoring I don't really see the need as much for people to check things out and check them in so hopefully the check in check out is not a big deal and maybe that hopefully that's just getting phased out and you're not gonna need it as much do you guys feel the same way about the that whole check out concept just let me know let's see leases can that type of move copy move be included in a flow thing what I want to do is based on a single status column and based on location category the file would move to a folder yes you can do that with the content organizer but you can all the content organizer will automatically do that and that's been around for years that's already that already does that and it even has a little checkbox that says create new folders when you get over a certain number of items we did a whole lot of power our about constant organizer but yeah you could I think you can use flow to do that I'm not sure [Music] mm-hmm I'm not sure off the top of my head what actions you'd use in flow well we'll do well so we'll do some more power hours on flow as well but yeah okay so that was getting where we talked about a list we talked about the tool bar we talked about getting around in a list in the library and getting around in the tool bar with an item selected or not and with a file selected or not in the library and also in libraries you have the information panel as well but in a library you have and a little extra thing that you have let's see if I have one that's got maybe something prettier in it see look at that that is a training certificate for my classes that I teach the if you take my classes you'll get this lovely certificate so you actually get a preview in here in the panel of the documents so you don't even have to commit to having to open up word or open up the document you can just glance at it properties cannot be displayed file not found that's interesting I'm not sure what that's about but then you've got your version history sharing information same stuff type of stuff that we had for the other one all right now let's go back to my projects list and we're going to Lee says my thought with flow is to enrich more end users I'm not sure are you saying you want end users to use flow are you saying that you want to make it dumb it down so they don't have to know what's going on gee ghuli and I'm not sure what you're referring to about pictures I posted in history what not sure what you're talking about um let's see Ariel do you have any insight as to why the quick launch doesn't seem to hold the audience when in modern view that's probably something that they just haven't gotten to yet or didn't realize that is important but that is important but yeah the audience is only in publishing sites and publishing sites have in your navigation we have the ability to set audiences on different hyperlinks so yeah that's one of those things that it's probably just low in the priority list because maybe not as many people use audiences but yeah I think audiences are awesome not sure yes sandy I'm glad you like the info button I think it's I think it's great and I think it's great that it makes it so you don't have to leave where you are and just be able to work in this screen and not have to go anywhere so another thing that I was going to mention is the ability to drag column widths so one of you was asking about the width of the name column now it's just in a weird spot see it's kind of over here but usually now I'll go over to the title field in my list but it looks like for the name column you get the little double arrow but yeah you're right it doesn't let you drag it so let's go over to projects and see what that looks like so yep my problem with the column width dragging is that it doesn't stay there so like next time I go to my list it's gonna be back where it was and it doesn't let you just kind of say hey I want you to always be this width it's really just for kind of when you're working in there and you can temporarily set it to sort of set these to certain width so you can drag them around so this is one of those things that people have asked for a lot in the past so it's kind of it's there now but it's just not the most awesome awesome because it necessarily doesn't stay there at least as I want in users to have to use to not have to use SharePoint designer 2013 so if a simple workflow based on a comma to move a document I'd like to keep it in flow and teach end-users how to do it yes I agree and flow just came out with a big new huge new announcement last week that flow is now going to have the ability to have team flows and be able to collaborate on clothes and this is one of the big things that people have been waiting for inflow because up till now it's just been always my flows my flows and every flow is just for the individual creating it but now we're going to be able to collaborate on them so I just want to point that out we can talk about that in another Power Hour though but yeah oh yeah okay yeah I see what you're talking about with the picture that's funny okay so column whit's you can drag those you can add columns so let's see I'm going to go ahead and go to this I'll go create trying to think of a cleanest way to do that let me just show you all scroll over first so I've got this list of projects I'm gonna try and it let me narrow that column down a minute ago it's not letting me do it now that's that's pretty odd refreshing it see where'd it go there go see now it works yes voice sure desire in Microsoft's user voice site so it's sharepoint user voice calm i recommend you go in there maybe somebody can type that in the chat window i think that's the right URL and that's where you can give your feedback about things like this about maybe needing to have totals in your modern views and needing to have it recognize audiences in your navigation and things like that that you're requesting that you're asking me you know if i know why i don't know why but maybe it's potentially you know these are humans they're microsoft they're humans so maybe it's something they didn't notice their take into consideration yet and it just needs to be pointed out alright so next we're gonna get into this whole new column thing so i want to show you i'm gonna go into a library where i don't have as many columns showing so see how this is kind of nice and you know a lot simpler let me try and do that with CEO let me do the width of that one anyway okay so go back to my little circle here and the circle is going to be around this little plus right here this is awesome have you guys noticed this and tried it out this is gonna be something that again you don't have to know a lot about views and complications and complicated training which I mean as a training provider it's you know I'm kind of they're making I'm gonna go out of business because they're gonna make it so easy that no one is ever gonna need SharePoint training just because it's just everything's gonna be so obvious and so just easy to do and and you won't have to figure it out you won't have to go to a class it'll just be right in front of your face that would be great right arrow says this is very nice for team sites with little to no customization definitely helps to standardize your environment yes exactly and so we have a lot a lot of these team sites everywhere that are just ad-hoc collaboration and that's what these are gonna be the best for these aren't gonna be this isn't gonna be necessarily the best interface for your more custom business solution sites like if you have a site that's got all these special web parts and workflows and things all around you know HR on bordering or different things like that this is gonna be really useful for team sites that pop-up office 365 groups that pop up and just people needing to just go and start collaborating and not have to have a big complicated process around it just we got all these millions of people potentially using office 365 and that are new to office 365 so just let them use it and not make it so that they they just stop because they can't figure it out so we have this awesome little plus button now this lets me not only create new columns but I can choose this show/hide columns let me scroll down a little bit show/hide columns right here and show/hide columns is your changing your view without having to go into view settings so yeah so I can go add which columns I want to see here and like modified modified by I don't have this is just more more standard out-of-the-box list that don't have a whole bunch of columns created in here but and I can move them up and down so I can move that up I can move it down below the other one so I'm just moving them up and down right here in this little panel and what if I want to see the dock icon let's see what that looks like maybe I want that to be that's kind of awkward to have to like chase it up to go move it to the top but see what that looks like when I I don't think that that's gonna be the most useful let's see what it looks like so click apply yeah and that's just got that yeah that's not very useful at all so I can go back to show/hide columns and take that back off click apply so simple yes Carolyn exactly rather than creating a view and having to go back and fix it a hundred times awesome ok another thing that you can do here is you can add field so what kind of field might I want to add having to do with the customers themselves let's see I've got when it was modified who modified it what do I want to know about the customer maybe I want to have a person I'll just say like project manager that's in charge of like a contact in my company that's in charge of interfacing with that customer I don't know so I'm making I'm creating a person column right here okay so I'll just say liaison just fill that right ok create all right so now I've got a new people field and now I can if I want to go into quick edit of course and put ooh look at that I didn't save my view okay so that's something to point out so I created a column I didn't save my view and I went a quick at it and it wasn't showing there and that weird so let me go you'll notice that as soon as you start changing your views in here you'll see a little asterisk to here and that asterisk is letting you know that the view hasn't been saved yet so I can go click save you like that and this is also a way to create a new view so you don't just have to save the view you're on I can do a new view I can just call it with liaison like that and whether to make it a public view and if you uncheck it it'll be a private view so now I just created a new view but there is no create view button you guys notice that so there I'm gonna go circle that have you guys noticed that in here there is no create new view it's so bat basically that's how you create a view is by editing the view and then by just clicking save you and then giving it a different name now you can still go into lists list settings like you've always been able to and add a new view there so that hasn't gone anywhere but if you notice that you want to create a new view and there is no option here that's the way you do it you just edit what you're looking at and then you when you go to click Save you that's how you do a new one alright so that's a little bit about views so now I created this one I called it with liaison and now I'm gonna go I saved it so I shouldn't have to worry about it disappearing and then I can go maybe going to quick edit and it should be there yeah there we go so I'll just say that's a little awkward there we go screen and see billy-bob this is my fake people in here and I can just copy that down coppy just so I can have maybe put these values all the way down the list yeah okay good old quick at it okay and okay so now again look how wide this column guy it's kind of annoying see it doesn't let me yeah it's a little it's a little still a little awkward with the column width thing so it put my internal liaison column way over here so it can scroll over and go to this little plus and show and hide some columns maybe if I want to narrow it down a little bit and not I hate it when it gets so wide right so I just removed a couple and then I just click apply so this is now you're not gonna see in this drop-down you're not gonna see every different it keeps going away sorry you're not gonna see every different type of field that you can create but if you want to create something that you don't see here like maybe a managed metadata field or something you can just click more and when you click more it will go to just the standard create a new column screen that we've always used em probes says what are the restrictions on a private view there are any restrictions just no one else can see them besides you that's all alright so I edited my view so I need to go save it so I'll just click Save and I could set this one as the default if I wanted to again without having to go anywhere so that was my overview of this cool little plus button that makes things a lot easier as far as just making your view look the way you want it you also have always you know you've always been able to just sort things but they've also modified the way the sorting and filtering looks have you noticed this instead of just clicking on the name and seeing those kind of those old-school options you used to be able to see you have you have a to Z like this and you have Z to a and you also have the filter by which lets you pick a specific so the filtering just looks a little bit different and then I can go to column settings so this is another way so if if you don't see that little plus all the way on the right side of the screen when I do the drop down on a column look at that I can rename a column from right here instead of going into the list settings I can move it to the right I can show and hide them which is the same thing that we saw in the pop-up box just now and I can add a new column again the same kind of interface but they put it so it's more obvious yay all right so also you have now this is let me see if it exists over here see I don't I didn't have group by customer name in here maybe it's because they're all different customer names but I have group by have filter by this is a choice field this has active and inactive as the two options so it gives me this cute little checkbox where I can filter it by one of those or I can just sort it ascending or descending and then I can do group by look how cool so I just did group by customer status and it put it in groupings just like I like to do just in like we've always been able to do in views right have you guys played around this new grouping stuff now let's see if I can get it to do this if I take adventureworks and I want to make them inactive I drag adventureworks into inactive you guys see this I think I demoed it before but you know when I when the modern look first came out but I still think it's really really cool so I went ahead and I group them and so with them being grouped I can just drag something from one group to the other and that actually changes the metadata so I didn't have to go open each item and change it to be like some other status I just dragged it into that status huge so this makes it again really easy for end users like now if I go here and look at my little information panel I can see customer status and act I can see Laura Rogers made edits less than a minute ago so that is a change that I made to that item but I didn't have to open the item or do anything yes and you don't have to go to another area and you don't have to get lost and it's awesome let me go save my view again just save the same name and I can get rid of my info panel with this little button over here I cannot believe I'm filling up a whole hour just with modern view stuff okay so I can see this cute little icon lets me know that it's grouped by customer status you can do this in both lists and libraries and then um let's see was there something else I don't know I don't think there was anything else in those drop-down let me go to a different type of different list that's got maybe some different types of columns and I can see because different columns different types of columns are gonna give you some different options when it comes to what you can do with the grouping and filtering refresh that see if it lets me drag that no I decided not to oh so if it's a date field it knows to say older to newer newer to older and then it's for the filter by it's just got specific dates and then the grouping it's just group by project start with they're all different start dates so I think that when it gives you the group by from what I can tell if it sees more than one item that has the same value like this one that's when it's gonna give you the group by like notice for the customer names they were all different so it didn't have a group by with you know group by customer name because every single customer was different I think maybe that's the logic they're using behind this so alright so I can and save my view and I can call it grouped [Music] okay so now I've got a group view and notice that see this one called just projects that's the one that's a power app so that's see it's gonna it's in a different little section here also when I do let's go do a personal view so let me go I'll just do a different sort order and it gives me the little asterisk and I'm going to say this oh it doesn't let me see yeah there we go make it a personal view in personal views historically have showed in a different little section too but notice that the personal view is now show just along with all the other ones and that power the power app one is going to be the one that's in a different little section there alright arrow says it seems you lose the quick edit when grouped yes and you've always even in the classic mode you've always lost the quick edit when grouped that's just that's just globally that's just how it works okay so I'm going to show you this other cool new option here have you guys seen the brand new filter panel can you get like do like a golfclap in the in the chat window here like if you filter alright so the filter panel this is brand new this has just come out in the last couple of months and this lets you filter by just instead of having to do it individually on each column heading look how cool active and prepaid there we go and by project start I don't have any in that also okay so the filter just depending on what type of field it is so these are choice fields it's gonna give you different options here so I can clear my whole filter you guys like the filter panel so let's go over to my customer my statement of work library over here and go look at the filter panel here so it's gonna give me oh it's got file type so I can quickly narrow it down to Word documents I can narrow it down to more recent files and then I can quickly pick which projects and projects start that I want to so project is that's coming across from that's a drop-down box so I can narrow it down by those that have a specific project start that is a field that comes across with this lookup field of project which is very cool and I see when I click see all since I've got a lot of projects that's where I can see them all look it's got contoso project list in there twice and adventure works twice so that doesn't seem them oh yeah oh and you check one it checks both of them awesome okay so now I've got my contoso project and I've got Word documents and you know you can see you can kind of play around with that very very cool so um after I filtered it I could just I could save my view if I wanted to another thing that you have of libraries that you don't have with lists is that little tiles view which is a little I've seen this kind of be a little buggy because I've seen it not like you can't turn it off but I've got tiles view and see I had one the other day where a customer said how do I get it off of tiles view and there was no option to go off the tiles view it was just tiles was the only thing here so that was a little awkward but that's where you can flip back and forth between lists and tiles so it's another one of the new modern looks you guys let me know what you think about this I personally have never had a use for seeing a list of documents as a bunch of squares or tiles I usually am skimming through a list and either looking for the name of something or skimming through like a value like the most recently modified or quickly like sorting by modified or who modified it I never I never have a use for like having to scan across the page and look at tiles I guess if you have a bunch of presentations and they're very pretty and they have you want to be able to display I'm really nice then that's a use for tiles to be able to visually what thing you need but I usually just like seeing the list of them with the names of them like that ariel says can you modify which columns are able to filter in the filter panel it looks like it's just the columns that are in the view so let's go try another one that's got so I've got customers here and have customers status all this one has is customer status as the filter but let's go to another view here and so yeah so it's gonna be what's in the view aerial so now I can narrow it down like this by just whichever ones are have the internal late liaison and I didn't have that in the other view so it didn't show here so that's how that's the what that's what it gives you to be able to narrow it down notice that if you edit a view and then switch to another view it's not gonna warn you and say that you changed your view do you want to save it that would actually be pretty annoying because if I'm flipping around between views and quickly sorting things and I just want to go find something and work on it and then I just go quickly to another view I don't necessarily want to be annoyed it to annoy me with the fact that I filtered a column a different way and then didn't save it right so Olli says visual tiles helps people who were looking at lots of documents and he says he has libraries with lots of documents but that what are you looking for visually when you're looking at them are you looking for like are there certain graphics in the documents there's there a certain way visually that the files look that's that you're trying to catch your eye or I just I don't know usually it's metadata or the name of the file that I'm looking for when I'm scanning a big list of files visually yeah I just I don't understand the cardview thing so stewart says he has users that like the card view okay it's very pretty I mean it's a nice pretty way of being able to see things like that alright so went over the filter panel went over grouping I showed you dragging to group let's go look at the new forms I have this is my customer list it's very simple and when I go fill out a new customer watch this so what I really like about the new forms is that kind of like an excel when you're typing in cells down the down the down the spreadsheet it recognizes a value that you've typed before in that same cell well that's what this is doing here so I this is not just the browser remembering some value that I've typed in a field previously in the browser this is actually SharePoint seeing other values that I have in that same column and prompting me and like it's the type-ahead thing where it's pre you know prompting me as to what I might want to type in there so that's huge I think that's really really useful for being able to quickly fill out forms and make it just low-maintenance right so I have eggs on here and I can add attachments I can save it so it's the the forms themselves are pretty super simple I can also right click on a form anywhere on the row and go edit it that's something that you can do now in the classic view too you can just right-click on a row and you don't have to do the drop-down box to be able to get to where you're editing the item which is huge I'm Stewart says you can group the cards then similar to what you did before then move a card from one group to the other and it changes the metadata ooh that sounds fancy let's go let's go try that Stewart all right so I have this grouped let's see let me do a group to view in my group by project here and then I'll switch it to tiles and then I'm gonna go ahead and say this oops by project and then yeah so it's saving it so now I've got them grouped by project and then they're showing his tiles so yeah so then it he's saying I can just drag one back and forth from one project to another like that so did I do that right let me see oh yeah I got to drag it and let go of it on the grouping name there you go so that worked yeah so and that's the same as editing a file and editing the metadata just dragging it to another group in there huge I also have if I'm looking at tiles since I don't have necessarily the columns to filter and sort them they're just showing us tiles look at this I've got an arrange button over here so it actually gives me my columns back so then I can go ahead and filter and sort them so that's a nice little bonus there let's see as far as the forms again back to the forms same concept applies to items in a library as well I can go quickly edit the properties of something like this or a much quicker way is going to be to go to the information panel that little panel on the right and then let me so go back here and it's 12 o'clock already Wow um so I went over everything that I was going to show you I'll go ahead and go over to admin real quick and show you not all of you are necessarily gonna be admins of your office 365 environments but if you want to know where those settings are to be able to say whether you get the modern experience or not now last time I looked last time I looked this is where it was let's see so if God's gonna make me a fennec eight again Stewart says can you show the groups horizontally it looks like no that didn't appear to be an option anywhere at least not that I could tell okay so under settings in sharepoint admin center I have here we go that's the onedrive so classic or new for your onedrive and then I have ooh I need to change my sync client to use a new client interesting anyway SharePoint lists and libraries experience so this is where you can set it to classic or new right here from Central Admin but it's not a site or site collection setting that I've ever been able to tell or heard about it's just in office 365 all right I'll go ahead and save that alrighty thanks everybody any last questions all right let me stop sharing my screen here thanks everybody for coming I really appreciate it I need to get back into the swing of you know doing my newsletter in my power hours then I'm just oh I got I got kind of slammed the past a couple months and um billable work so thanks everybody for coming I will figure out between now and next week what the next topic will be I'm going to be speaking at thermal SharePoint Saturday Hawaii in Honolulu on March 31st which is going to be awesome and it's on a Friday so you guys come on out to Honolulu and see me and then right after that I'm gonna be a SP tech con in Austin which is April's second through fifth I think so bouncing from Honolulu to Austin so and thanks everybody for coming and I'm looking forward to seeing you guys next week over and out yeah thanks T Robinson Annie Honeycutt Stuart improves mark Ariel yeah thanks and I've met so many of you in person now it's so much fun that like I can picture what you look like with just from seeing your names in there it's very cool
Channel: Laura Rogers
Views: 23,850
Rating: 4.8550725 out of 5
Keywords: SharePoint, Office 365, Modern Lists, Document libraries
Id: 4mh_3LK9BYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 58sec (3778 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 15 2017
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