SharePoint Power Hour: PowerApps Customize Form

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[Music] hello everyone I'm Laura Rogers and welcome to SharePoint power our I also have Joelle Jobson here on audio she's got kind of a cold but she is here and helping me out hey guys so um today on Power Hour we are going to get into some more some power apps stuff if you are new to power our this is a live show we do every try do it every single Wednesday at 11:00 Central and the fun part about it being live is that you guys you know we have this conversation going so we have our slack channel and in you in the youtube description of this video there's a link to get to the slack channel and there's a link to get to the form to fill out if you'd like to join the slack channel to be part of this conversation and slack is a lot of fun it's got an app you can install on your desktop it's got a phone app so matter no matter where you are you should be able to chat with us in here so our topic today is going to be this brand new functionality that's still rolling out as we speak and office 365 it is the ability to just customize SharePoint list forms using power apps so before this came out if you wanted to do a power app it was kind of a separate process and not really in the SharePoint list and users interacting with with the power app it was kind of a clunky the integration wasn't the smoothest but now we had this new capability of just kind of like we used to do and remember a good old InfoPath just clicking a customize button and just going to town customizing our list forms so yeah it's it's awesome it's very exciting so yeah some of you might not have it yet in your tenant I have like three different tenants and I have it in one and don't have it in the other two and it's just it it's rolling out so you should get it pretty soon all right so we're gonna go ahead and I have some basics that I'm gonna demo and I have some like a couple of gotchas because if you're used to doing power apps and you've been doing a couple of power apps then the way that you do them when you customize them in a list form is they're actually a couple of little weird things that it helps to know about that you know because I want you to know about them so that doesn't throw a monkey wrench into what you're doing first of all when you customize a list form in SharePoint that is not a power app that you can edit with the with the power apps actual app on your in Windows and it's also not a power app that you can fill out on your phone so it is not in the power apps mobile app so when you customize a list form in SharePoint it is just in that SharePoint list and it replaces basically the new edit and display form for your for your list but at least as of right now it is not the same thing as having a phone app so if you wanted to have a customized list form and also have a phone app for that same list that would be two separate power apps that you'd have to create so you want to throw that out there so y'all are aware of that but for our demo I went ahead and created a just pretty simple form that we're gonna customize with in with power apps I almost said InfoPath we're gonna customize with power apps and I'm gonna show you some of the little special things in there having to do with the with the the SharePoint integration in the power app and how to utilize those and a couple of little you know weird things so let's go ahead and go ahead and share my screen and alright so I created a pretty simple little employee-of-the-month form because the main idea for this demo is not going to be anything fancy it's not going to be anything with a workflow just basically showing you how to get around in here yes Stewart says other views or load rules yes you'll all show you kind of some of the pieces in there because in its the concept of load rules exists in power apps already but it works the way that it's not called a form load rule think of this on start and on visible functions you can use but that works differently when you're doing it in analyst' so if you have this functionality you'll notice a couple of things you'll notice when you click power apps in a again it's a custom list and it is a it is in the modern look so if your list is in the classic look you're not gonna see this and if it is not a custom list you're not gonna see this so a couple things that heads up there all right so power apps and you can click customize form so you'll see it here also when you go to list settings you'll see and form settings and form settings has always been here but now where you used to have default SharePoint form and InfoPath form now you have this new option for use a custom form create empower apps and you can click to customize it from here as well so ok back to my list so I have started i customized it I didn't do anything yet though so I went ahead and created it though so click customize form there's also another place where you can click customize form it's on the actual new form its are like when you're actually open a form to edit an item in the list there's a customize button there as well ok I'll skip that all right this resolution that I'm using for this presentation is a little wonky but hopefully you'll be able to see that ok here is it looks pretty plain Jane and I looks pretty ugly but let me kind of show you around in here so we have just it's a mobile sized app form basically and it puts my it puts a form control on here and it puts several fields on here and it's just got this one SharePoint forum one so let's just do something really just quick and easy and I'll go change like the theme so just that's just like a little quick thing that I can do just to show you what it looks like in the SharePoint list so I'll go click Save so you can save it if you're making changes and not have to worry about the affecting people who are filling out the form because then you can click publish to SharePoint when you're done that way you can it could kind of be in draft mode so that's a big thing that InfoPath customized list worms didn't really have you just when you were done you published it and then that was it that's what everybody got so now I can go back to you can click back to SharePoint and that will take you back to your list but I'm just going to go get another tab here going with my list on the tab so now when I click to create a new look at that Oh get a golfclap so there's my customized form so that's just out of the box just like two clicks what it looks like so test and I can go pick an employee I think Joelle needs to be oh we don't have a this is like my fake tenant that has just a bunch of I really want to make the employee of the month Joelle but it has all these fake users I gotta pick one of them sure okay and then I've got just a couple of just extra fields I created and you can see it's kind of just playing and kind of ugly but that I can actually save this and that was there was all that extra customized button there too so now look isn't that huge it's just right there in the list it's just replaces the new button and the edit button so now I can go I clicked on an existing one and now I'm looking at an existing one and see again there's that customize and then I can also go when I edit it and that's an existing one so now it is replaced my new edit and display forms alright so now what are some additional things we can do and probably the first thing you guys are going to want to do is make it bigger so I'll show you how to do so you can go into back in the power app you can go to app settings and you have this screen size and orientation so you can change it to landscape and look it fills up more of like the side of the page so we change it to landscape then we when we click preview well you can't tell because we're not in the list but it's wider now so I'm gonna go ahead and zoom out but now it's still pretty ugly because it's just this one big column of information and all it did was made the whole screen bigger so probably when you make your form wider and make it take up more of the screen when people are clicking to fill out a new form in the list you don't just want to have it just fields just straight down the list like this you probably want to make put different columns in it so that's gonna be that setting in here called snap to columns so I can say maybe I want two columns and then you can see it's starting to look a little nicer and it's got a better layout now I can also change my layout from vertical which means that labels are on top of each field to horizontal which means the labels are next to them I like vertical so I'm gonna stick with that but now I can see that it looks a little bit nicer and more digestible I can fit a bunch of fields in here I also have in this form let's go look at some of the fields I have a manager notes field so maybe when people are filling out a new form I don't want the people the the people filling out a new form to be filling out the manager notes so that's going to be this concept of office use only or the concept of having different fields to fill out as the form goes through if it's you know going through some sort of process but I'm not putting a workflow in this I just wanted to show you guys how this concept would work in here so right now we only have just this one form so we have one screen by default its current form form screen new and sharepoint form one is our the only form we have so the screen is the actual like page like a view in info path and the form is this control here that's actually on the screen so and I can even rename it or it can rename these if I want to but it's only got one by default but notice it's got this SharePoint integration thing so when you go to SharePoint integration you gotta make sure and go to this Advanced section over here on the right and this is where you can point it to go to different forms on new edit view and save and cancel so that is this is where like the magic happens with the SharePoint integration that's going to tell it to go use different forms if you're you filling out a new form or edit form so let's go ahead and mock that up so we'll go ahead and now think about before I start doing this think about InfoPath and when you had multiple views so if you have you just basically take whatever's on your new view and you copy it and you create like a manager view and different views I get to the point you know using InfoPath where it gets exhausting creating multiple views and having to go and then if you ever have a change in one of just the basic fields you have to go edit it on all the different views so before you go crazy creating a bunch of different views think about keeping it simple and not doing that but I want to show you the capability of how to do it there is also the option of just if you had a certain field just like an info path you had a certain field that you want to only wanted to show maybe when the form is being edited there's other logic like that you can use with the visible property that you could do that so that might save you some time so before you start going crazy creating a bunch of different screens and forms keep that in mind as in the long run saving yourself time hey we have a couple questions from YouTube one of the questions Daniel asks can we append existing text in a text field no that well yeah we can try that that's one of those just SharePoint settings so I have this notes multi-line text field so I can see what it does if I turn that on but we'll just make a note and save that for last because that's kind of a random that's not really related to write this yeah but we'll make a note and then another question was is there an info path web powers air power app form web part equivalent to the InfoPath web part yet there is a well that you can embed it I mean I wrote a blog post on how to embed a power app on a page so you just do that even if there isn't a web part yet so I don't think there's a web part yet thank you I think I've heard about it I know that the other one Microsoft forms the little other one that I did the other power our on it's got a web part now but power apps doesn't have a web part but power apps is you can do power apps in Microsoft teens now so like if you ever go to our iw mint or if you're one of my students we have a whole Microsoft team's training class in there and I show you how to go do do power apps and different things in in teams so it's just another great place that you can like get your front form in front of people to make it easier for them to get to it and fill it out okay so what I'm going to do next is I'm going to just duplicate this screen just to keep it simple just to make a copy of it so and then I'm going to rename that so this is I think I already renamed for form screen new and then I'm going to call this form screen edits and I highly recommend renaming things in here and then this one says share point form one that's just going to be the default I'm gonna rename that too so one of them is a screen and one was a form so I'm gonna call it form new and then I call this form edits now on my form new form I'm not showing like the manager notes in here and let me do add a little bit of cute little button on here just so we'll have a we have a Save button just the SharePoint out-of-the-box Save button but you also might want to put a submit button as well so submit and some of this stuff I'm just breezing through so submit form new because now I know that you guys we've kind of covered some basics and we cover basics and all my power apps training so I'm not going over like every little basic thing at this point cuz a lot of you have been on lots of power hours already and so you can I'm not going to explain kind of some of these little things that I do like that as I go all right because I want to get through this this is really cool stuff okay so now to get to okay so let's go to my form edit screen and on the edit screen this is where we want to do something different so I have call this oh I accidentally renamed the screen so that one's called form screen new this was supposed to be form screen edit sorry screen edit and then the sharepoint form was form new and it's just format it not sure if anybody caught that okay so now i've got the screen and the form and it's important to know that those are two different things because of some of the gotchas that we're going to come across so now on my edit form i can go just you know make the form do something else i can go add like the manager notes to this and i can let's say i want this to be like edit multi-line text and close that and I can say take off a little snap to snap two columns and then once I remove the snap two columns then I can put that like bigger all right so let's go test this out file save publish oh you know what I didn't do yet though I created the different form but I didn't set the setting to actually make it use that form when they're editing their uh their their form so okay so on new its new form which is form new on edit it's gonna be form edits that's where the magic happens and I'm not going to do anything different for any of these other any of these other properties just yet alright on save submit form on cancel reset form okay so save and then publish to SharePoint again it's pretty fast so it's not too bad yes Carolyn is quicker but the power apps form with the cards on it is not unique - I'm not sure I don't understand what you said without having to reinvent a power-ups card for a list because the card thing and the form and the cards is not unique to just the SharePoint list form that we're doing alright so let's go just refresh this page and go new and look at that so again my resolution is really big because of the the resolution for the YouTube video but you can see that it doesn't look like this crazy big on just in the normal real world because I've done one of these on a real project and it doesn't look like this but so you can see that it's wider and so you can kind of see my site still over here but the form is just straight gigantic now so I can go fill something out and say so that's my new form notice it doesn't have the manager notes and I'm gonna go edit one and that so that's my test form I'm gonna go what if I click at it all there we go so now it's not on the edit form so I'm gonna show you why this is a bug though in a second cancel and then right click and edit this test form so you notice it's not doing it okay and that's this is one of those gotchas that i was going to show you to kind of make sure that you understand what it's doing behind the scenes let's try refresh the page let's try one more yeah see it's not going to that one I'm going to do and do it do a new one test3 show you some additional things that we need to do who are my test users in here let's see that's weird just put admin there we go save and then I'll go edit another one see it's not doing it okay now the X at the top of the top right is actually different let me show you this cancel button is not the same as this X so the cancel actually does the on cancel action but the X if you just close the form doesn't so that's where it starts getting kind of weird the way you have to kind of accommodate for that alright so on edit it's supposed to go to form edit but notice it's just the form edit form it's not the actual screen so it's not navigating you to the screen so let's go to edit form and then do and navigate navigate to and we want to navigate to the form screen screen edits and then we got to do a little transition okay so that's two actions edit form and actually navigate to the Edit form so let's go look at what the difference is in those and until I click publish to SharePoint it's not going to actually you know when I'm filling it out in SharePoint it's not going to look like whatever I changed so just kind of keep in mind as you're building these that the behavior and it takes a lot of testing so this back and forth that I'm doing like the stuff that I'm showing you that I'm testing I wouldn't be able to see or test if I just went into power apps and clicked play click the little preview because that's not the same thing is what the behavior is when you're actually in the SharePoint list so I go edits and notice that it actually navigated to the edit form you can see you can see my little transition go and now it's on and the here and I can see my manager notes so pretty interesting huh all right so those are just some additional things that you'll need to make sure that you do and also if I go let's see what happens if I just go do new look at that so I click new what happened in that weird it's just a form that I already had open and the manager notes so it's not doing a new form yeah so again more weirdness but what you got to do is go actually do accommodate for that in here so when it's a new forum on new you want to go to new form and navigate I think I even have to like clear it out or something navigate to form screen new none does anybody Joell does anybody have any questions no right now okay so then on save its submitting so what if I'm on save and I'm on the Edit form I guess either one that I'm submitting it still works because it actually saved my manager notes but that part's a little weird too so on view it's gonna view form but it's just going to be my form new so on view when somebody's just opening one up to look at it what do we want them to see so that's another question so we could do a whole other view you know just like a whole other screen in here for that or we could just maybe do some different settings in here to to make it look a little different if they're viewing it so let me do I'll just let me click out of here on view we're gonna view form and we're going to a firm edit like that so when they click to open one it's gonna view that form but we'll see if we need to do navigate one in there right so I'll save that Stewart sister the text fields autoexpand yes and so in an Audrey Gordon actually did a whole one of her little videos that she does on Tuesdays she did one about a lineman and and good ways to have like standards in here because and that's one of the things she taught me the other day when I was chatting with her was that if you want to have like a standard font size and a standard like like height for all of your controls and things like that what you can do is have a like a single place where you manage that and then that way you can change it in one place and every it affects everything else so for example like my title field and I'll just kind of digress into this for just a minute and this way it even accommodates for multiple screens too which could affect you know having it in multiple places so like this this text box right here and you can actually create just a special text box just for this chart purpose but I'm gonna use this one so I'm gonna say this font is like a little smaller I'm gonna say 20 whoo that's pretty small yeah so I'm going to say 20 and this control is called what so I have this control selected and I got to unlock my card unlock it so I can see what control I have selected there we go and I'm gonna call this title label so this thing is called the title label and I already changed the font to 20 so I could go basically I could go to each other control in here now it's very painstaking and painful the first time you do this but then it makes it much easier to manage going forward so I can go to each other one and I can say that I want so let's go look at what value it is here so the value in here size equals 20 so for the size for this text box I'm gonna say I'll just I'll just do a search for size real quick see instead of 31.5 I'm going to do title label dot size so now look at that so now it changed so now every single other label in here I can just point them to be that that labels size so then any you know if I change it in this one place I'll change it to like 24 and then they both change pretty cool so I guess Stewart Stewart that's a very long answer to your question but this is going to be important for you guys to know when you're building forms that have multiple screens and multiple forms and you want to have like standards across them like you can do like the height of every text box needs to be this and then you can set every text box to just point to that one control and its height all right so I'm gonna go ahead and move on and do some more and I'll go ahead and say that you definitely couldn't do that in InfoPath hanja well you know pretty useful again a pain just to initially set up but pretty pretty cool that it exists alright so now that I let's see let's see what some of this behavior is so I go click to create a new one that's gigantic but it goes so new or I think that's my fourth whatever other one and then let's see what names do we have in here I think there was like an Alex oh here we go and these are just regular SharePoint just choice fields you can see that I do have the right form okay so I submitted that and then let's go click on one just to view it so this is test three and now I'm viewing it but it didn't navigate me so remember that's what I was just checking so now I got to go back to my SharePoint integration and so hopefully like this stuff that we're having to do right now is just stuff that Microsoft's gonna go ahead and build into the product so because it's just some little extra easy steps that are just pretty standard so maybe if you're watching this video like six months from now who knows if that will still apply all right so then I'm in a view form and then navigates I want to actually navigate to the Edit form form screen the Edit form screen okay and then I'll do my fade there okay so now when I'm viewing a form it's actually going to navigate me to this form screen edits all right so we've got a few different concepts kind of covered in here now let's go see what happens when we try some other things let's go see what else we can do to kind of mess with it oh yeah great great idea Tony so yeah you could do kind of a custom theme that way and you can have all your colors instead of having to pick one of these themes which this one's like driving my eyes crazy instead of having to pick one of these themes you can actually just have your own just like little color you can even create like just an extra screen in here just have a screen where you know what he's ever going to navigate to it but it's just for you and you and on that screen you can put like a rectangle with a certain color and a text text with a certain color and a text box with a certain you know dimensions and font sizes you could just put all that in like this sort of reference place right yeah Maroun says it's crazy the deadest towards and CBS can't have multiple choices informative available yeah it's interesting that that CBS doesn't have that common data service doesn't have that functionality yet it didn't realize that okay so now also let's see we can just save that and go back here okay so I'll just refresh my list just for fun and then so I can see you've got my new other one and I click to view it and look it actually navigated me to the right forum even though I'm just looking at it and then when I go to edit it it's taking me to the correct edit form and then what happens if I click if I could click cancel it's actually going to do the cancel whatever we have indicated in the SharePoint one but if we use this exit won't so let's go see what happens I'll go do a new form I go to test canceling it and let's see I thought there was like a Molly in here maybe not okay and then I'll just pick something random alright so then I started filling out but then I'm just gonna cancel it with this X so now what happens what happens when I go click new look at that ha ha so that's not good right this is somebody else potentially went into this list and started typing something and click cancel and now when I click new there's their stuff so that's not good so how are we gonna get around this so we can't edit what this button does what this X button does well Maroun these are these all all sponsors responsive can you could you could just make the width be the percentage of the screen or something like that they're responsive so he was asking about making them responsive so yeah so you can't change like program what this X does so that basically you have to accommodate for that when you when they go to open a new forum you have to make it do something extra so back to the sharepoint integration settings and I'll show you that maroon real quick what I was talking about like you can go to a card here and I can just say and Audrey taught me this cool little trick - I can just say the width of this card is not 592 it is going to be the screen let's see what's the screen called form screen edit whatever form screen new dot width divided by three or so that why did divided by three I probably should have done divided by two or something but yeah so anyway that's kind of the concept of what you would do is like just have the width of things be like the width of the screen divided by three if it's three columns two of its two columns I'll just undo that so that's it again some of this stuff is pretty time-consuming we need to do that but it you get a better product in the end all right so now we have to go fix the whole new form thing because if somebody starts a new form we want it to actually be new and be a clear form so let's see I'll do like clear clear and then oh not clear that's for a collection clear hey Chris mm-hmm he's got his door closed he just showed me this yesterday sure well maybe you can I am him okay so it's clear Oh what is it what does that command oh it's like because you want to make sure the forum is empty basically so it's not just new form it's like you want to clear it out a reset form it's right here reset form sorry I got it okay so and this one look it says on success this is another thing that's I figured it out it's reset form to clear it all out Chris is a total power ups guru by the way he should be doing this I'm just kidding um so no not really he really is it's uh it's built in some of this stuff is built in so notice this is a non success and that's kind of like the concept of a form load rule but it's on success and this came with the form like I didn't this is not something that I had to add in here but that had this has to do with this whole form itself so on success it's gonna reset the form but we're not they're not doing in action so like they're just answering they're just closing the thing so they're not clicking the submit button they're not doing that if we're not doing anything so we have to do this reset form just when it's a new form so and then you just have to say which form look at this stuff out of the way here I try not to mess up what was already there hold on it's all getting all confused hold on I like a little red squigglies I'm just gonna copy that over to my clipboard over it here so that I can add the new thing without it getting all confused okay all new reset form just in case and then form new and then do those other things it's a reset form and then do a new form and then navigate to the actual new form screen so that's going to make sure that it actually gives you a blank form now do we need to do that on edit we can go test that and see but basically it needs a little work and so it's not just a lot of just the way it works out of the box with this is you're gonna have some weird results if you just like click customize and you just go and run with it so just kind of keep some of this stuff in mind and I'll write this all up in a blog post I started writing a blog post I just didn't finish before power hour alright so another thing that we can do is go look at some of this stuff that's built in like we were just looking at so this form screen new let's go see we have on visible on hidden on start so if you've been using power ups already and you've been using some of these concepts basically like a form load rule with the on visible and on start it's not gonna be the same constant this is not going to work the same at all when you're when you're doing this kind of SharePoint list form so that's why you've got to go do you know go to the SharePoint integration settings and actually do them all in there alright so more options there we go and so let's go look at some of the other stuff that they have built in so on forum new so look at this okay so a new forum has got its default mode is for mode edits so when it's basically when people open this it's just doing going and doing an edit form but we can go figure out in here look at this how do you know if they click to view one or if they click to just actually edit one because it's showing them all is read only when somebody clicks one to display it right so let's go see what some of this stuff is if is blank SharePoint integration dot selected and then is empty SharePoint integration dot selected and then first and then SharePoint integration dot selected so this is all the stuff that comes with it that I don't recommend messing with as far as like this basically tells it which item to use and this is already going to be in there so this is one of those things that again you might want to touch it and so the selected means which item in the SharePoint list did they select so I select this item and I edit it that's what the selected is so that's the SharePoint integration dot selected and that is that's what you're going to get in here that's not in just the regular power apps so that's how it knows which item to show you when you go and open something now let's go ahead and look at this concept of the edit screen and maybe every time they edit an item you know and this is a common thing that I did a lot with InfoPath was that when somebody fills out a new form they're filling out all the fields but then anytime anybody edits the form later like if it's going through an approval process or if like the office needs to fill in additional fields I like making all those original fields they filled in making them all read-only so we can do that in here now of course you could create a whole nother view and do that but we can do that with these cards in here and so what we can do is let's say that like this is the title field so we're going to do not visible because that would hide the whole thing but basically display mode so display mode is gonna be parent display mode which is like the display mode of the whole form but the display mode for this card I want it to be always just be read-only so just lay mode display mode dot view so now this is just a view so let's go do it on this one too and I'll do display mode and it's just gonna display mode dot view so you can do disabled too so now let's go look at the way this looks with these disabled and then we'll go and see if we can what other questions you guys have and then we'll go see if we can do that a Pentax thing which I will be that was surprising if that actually works in here but I do like that I can know where to go I can rearrange these can rearrange them just side note here I can rearrange them here like I want core values to be above notes and then there we go and then manage your notes so I can rearrange them like that and I can also drag them down like that ah I lost it again I'm trying to break it Oh every time I grab the handle on that when it like goes all berserk so I'm gonna leave that alone for now okay it's just I don't want to completely like crash the thing in the middle of a demo Maroun says can we move a form design page between apps ooh that's a great question so this concept that I was just talking about of having like a separate screen where you just define all your form designs stuff can you move it between apps I think you'd have to I don't think you could do this that with this way of customizing forms in share points but I think maybe if you had like an app our app template and you just use like this same template for that you started with for all your forms and I just had it in there maybe that's possible but yeah that's a great that's a great idea I'm sure that Microsoft had to have thought of that so maybe they're working on it I'm not sure all right so let's go look at our I'm just gonna be fresh that just for fun let's go look at what we did so now I'm going to go open an existing one and I'm just viewing it so that's just the display but then when I go edit it look at that now these two ones that I made read-only now they're read-only no matter what so if you really wanted to lock this down you could go disable the quick edit view too because people can't edit the fields here but then they can go edit them if you do have you have quick at it enabled in your list so that's in your Advanced Settings you can just go to say well quick at it and then you're really doing this sort of a way of doing security on your form let's see any other questions that are there any questions or people on YouTube asking questions sometimes people go over to YouTube - are y'all excited about this I mean this is huge this is what we've been waiting for right Joel what do you think personally about this yeah I think it's definitely exciting I mean more digestible yeah mmm cool all right so that's the concept of having some fields as read-only or some sort of different display mode depending on even if even if you're not creating a whole new form or a whole new view just having them read-only no matter what once they're editing an existing form so then you could even go out of your way to do a couple of extra things so I'm thinking I might just I will look at the append text thing but then we're going to look at like this whole concept of just this employee employee of the month thing and a couple of fun things we could add to it because we have three minutes all right so let's go oh cool sandy I'm glad to hear from you guys about that it's awesome glad you like it so we did have some stuff in YouTube so somebody asks and I'm not sure exactly if this fits in or not but it says can you show filter option how can we apply a filter to list items I don't know if that's necessarily related or not that in a SharePoint view you can put a filter in your views yeah custom ahead that's probably not what they're asking but I'm not sure what they're asking okay yeah maybe just expand there if you hear you I think it's Yogesh if you hear that just maybe expand on that question a little bit so we understand what you're asking and then another person says I think it still doesn't support uploading attachments and I think it's a major piece missing oh yeah I thought so that's why one different yeah yeah that's a great point so they let me go insert oh that was in that blog post that I posted in the chat window I just didn't get to that uh what control is that aha look at that Oh attachments so I'm glad you asked we have attachments now there's nothing attached so I'm on the edit screen right now I'm just gonna slap that on there and I I didn't even put a submit button on the Edit screen let me just throw one on there you know what instead of putting that one I'm just gonna copy and paste it from the new view where I did put and it and I just called it button what's called submit copy/paste I was so ugly okay there's nothing attached to me line that up there we go and then on the new form screen I'll do attachments insert controls attachments and we'll try that out you saw it live first here okay so glad you asked about that because I probably would have like got you know when I was done you know doing this demo and shut down power hour and then be like oh well attachments I forgot okay I'm such a nerd okay so here we go um let's go fill out a new one yeah attachments is another one of those big things and everybody was waiting for I'm just making L wait by filling out all these other fields okay oh we're no there's no attachment button okay that's gonna be something extra that I'm gonna have to do help me out here let's see this is gonna be one of those fun things that I do towards the end of Power Hour where I have no idea to do something and you got you all help me figure it out so it's uh where's the thing about attachments they announced it I just don't know where the blog post is it's not in the customize a list form documentation that I sent you guys in the chat window it's gonna be probably in there blog all right well I'm gonna poke around in here and you guys let me know if you find it in the blog but on a new I don't know new form there isn't a control it's basically just going to show me if something was attached to it it would show it there so let's go ahead and figure out how to actually put the attached attachment control to actually add attachments so I'll move this down a little move that over there we go making a little more make a little more sense there okay insert what Oh media there's a picture thing it's not am I missing here not attachments I wonder if it's media this is enabling the attachments field on your format I'm sure you do that I'm just looking at the article enabling something yeah it says you can now also display attachments connected to your SharePoint list item in power-ups by simply enabling the attachments field on your form slash app well it's usually enabled by default but let's go double check that oh yeah attachments to the list are enabled okay watch this so let's go try something I'm gonna say this publish it real quick and then I'm gonna go in here and get my list settings make sure that finish is okay you know the settings and go to my forum settings and I'm gonna flip it back to the D I'm not gonna default I mean I'm not gonna delete my custom forum I'm just gonna flip it back keep in mind with these forms also if you have external users in your tenants external users can't use power apps so you can't customize a forum with power apps that anybody external that's not in your tenant it's not you know a login in your tenant is using so that's really important to know because I was in like I was a guest in someone else's tenant the other day and I click new to fill out a form and it said basically I got a big error because I can't external people can't use power apps so that's a big tip there again important to know all right now I'm going to add an attachment just the usual way whoo where's oh here to add attachments so I don't know what that is but let's see you never know what's gonna be on my pick up file screen when I'm doing demos so there's an attachment that one's a picture I could go do a I'll just go ahead and save that so where's my attachment column add that to my view doo-doo-doo going up that's fun hi there now I can see that it's got an attachment save my view alright so this one has an attachment so I got to the part where I just added it just using the old-school form and now I'm going to go back and at least go to the power app and see if in the power app I can at least open a review or open the attachment so I'm going to use my custom form again so it's a great thing you can do when you're testing and going back and forth is just to be able to flip it back and forth between the power app and the SharePoint list form if you need to and not lose all your changes so let's just go do a new form here and of course I don't have an attachment control here but we'll go edit this one or just open it up at least and it says there nothing there's nothing attached oh you know what I add an attachment control but I didn't bind it to anything it's just this control just floating they're not like connected to any actual fields okay let's try that again alright so back to my new form and I have to attach this to tell it what control it goes with right so I have a tack I have has attachments and I have attachments so I'm gonna take this thing off that I had dropped on here and I'm just gonna go use what it gives me which is what I should have known to do that has attachments it's just going to be true or false and that's what basically makes it show that little icon on just on the SharePoint list and attachments is the actual attachments so see now look at that there's my attachment okay okay so now there's my attachment and so let's go see if it actually lets me add attachments so I can see that I can see that my attachment is there at least awesome and that was on the new form didn't do it on the edit form yet so again remember with the whole having separate new and edit forms and having to you know edit it in multiple places I'm just gonna add it has attachments just for fun just to be able to see that information move it up there what is that it's just like floating up in space oh there it is okay this is a mess by the way yeah I ended up spending kind of like you spend when you're doing power apps you spend like half the time getting it to function and getting all your logic in there and getting it working and doing what it's supposed to do and then you spend like the other half of the time like polishing it up and making it look digestible and making it look nice and making it have you know the right colors and what stuff careless is when you're editing your view is there a reason you use the arrows and not just drag it up to the top no there isn't a reason I should have just done that thanks that's Carolyn's tip of the day all right Thank You Carolyn so here's what Carolyn was talking about that I was doing which didn't make much sense so when you're going show not show huh yeah show/hide columns you can just like drag it like that which I didn't do see Carolyn says what about the repeating section or repeating table that's a that's a whole other that's really really complicated and I'm doing that and teaching that Patti next week in this webinar that I'm doing and we'll go I'll show you real quick you get a wonder Laura calm and I'm gonna I'm gonna write a blog post about this but for now if you want to sign up for this webinar next week it's right here I tweeted about it too with I'm going to do it with visual SharePoint and we're doing related lists and power-ups and that is the concept about repeating sections or repeating tables and I'm going to break it down into basics and if you're taking my four-day power ups class you're gonna learn all this stuff in very intimate way you're gonna learn it just backwards and forwards and because when you start getting into related lists and repeating tables and related fields and cascading dropdowns that gets that's like the learning curves goes way up so that's pretty complicated it's not something that I can just show in like three minutes and it's not just a setting that you flip on it's like just this whole set of logic that you got to get your head around and understand I did write a blog post about it um cool now attachments there's nothing attached that's my new item um just a little something out well it doesn't have anything to click on there let's go open up the existing one I can see oh look at that it looks it lets me open it so it's actually I clicked it three times I clicked it too many times and actually open that file up cool so actually clicking the attachment opens the attachment that's huge right and there's whatever that was just some image off my computer but yes the attachment control works at least for opening an attachment I just didn't figure the part out yet that where you want me to add an attachment so I don't think I'm gonna figure that out in two minutes unless somebody found it written down somewhere in a blog but Maroon that one is called cascading lookups or something like that yeah I just go to my blog and type cascading in the search box it's in there okay so that was that's pretty much wrapping it up we got a ton of stuff working we got a ton of stuff figured out with let me go ahead and switch my sandy says am i able to drag something into the box I'm not sure I don't really have time to do that part right now but that is definitely something we can delve into and we're gonna get very intimate into all this stuff in that four day class that I'm teaching it's going to be you're not only going to teach just like little tricks and just little quick how to do something specific when you take the class like you're gonna understand and power apps just fundamentally and understand how everything works so that you'll have the capability of you know being able to figure things out going forward without having to be told like this is the specific set of instructions to make it do this you know to mean so okay so we learned how to click the customize form button we not learned how to go into the SharePoint in SharePoint integration settings and and where those settings tell you which form it's going to open on new edit cetera and we learn the gotchas and some of the weird functionality as far as i'm having to add that navigate action into the there's little SharePoint integration settings and we also looked at how to go into one form and say this is the edit form and just have specific fields just always set to read only when you're editing something so that people can only fill those out when it's a new form and we also learned how to add the attachments controls sort of we didn't figure out the part about adding attachments like actually attaching them but we got to have an attachment and open the attachment so I thought that was a pretty pretty huge so next week I'm doing a webinar for and I just put the link let's see I'll put the link in the chat window again next week I'm doing a webinar for visual SP and it's called related lists and power apps so I highly recommend you all sign up for that and it's going to be instead of power hour because it's going to take place at the exact same time as power hour so that's where we're gonna learn it's just going to be 1 hour of specifically how to deal with related lists and SharePoint and how to do things like have repeating tables and basically pass like a parent ID to the child and all that stuff and like really break it down and it'll be a lot of fun I hope to see you all there and you guys please all go create your free accounts at IWM intercom on my training site and check it out and let me know what you think and if you have already taken my training before even if it was in the past before I got this new platform I would love it if you could go in and review all the courses that are out there because you know I started with a brand new platform and everything just starts from scratch in his blank so all like post reviews that I've had in the past all these years I've been teaching SharePoint aren't in the new system so that's what I'm kind of hopefully you guys can help me out by if you've taken my class you can help me out by putting some reviews in there all right well thank you so much everybody and oh thanks for the link mmm a moment for he basically it is just read attachments and not adding them I guess is what that what posts us so that answers my question all right cool um see you guys next time have a great afternoon
Channel: Laura Rogers
Views: 74,132
Rating: 4.8039217 out of 5
Keywords: SharePoint, PowerApps, Office 365
Id: Bse4fBO2orE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 46sec (3766 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 06 2017
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