SharePoint Power Hour: Large Lists

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and welcome I'm Laura Rogers and this is SharePoint power our SharePoint power our is a show that we do every week every Wednesday at 11:00 central and Power Hour is about all the things that we can do with SharePoint and Office SharePoint Online with office 365 I'm just not having to write code and not having to you know be a server admin this is all just all those other topics business user power user topics and today's topic on Power Hour is going to be large lists and throttling my blog is wunderbar calm and I just wrote a blog post I think yesterday sometime this week asking you guys what our topics should be this week or this summer actually and I put just a long list of power our just possible topics to go over and just to get everyone's votes and I'm gonna use those just throughout the summer just kind of used some of the top ones and I'm actually gonna schedule out the power hours and put put it on my blog and put a schedule out so that you'll for the first time ever will actually have a list of things that are coming up I think it did that I used to do that whenever we first started doing Power Hour it was very organized about it but I'm gonna try and put a list together so there will be an agenda and then we're gonna cover what that's pretty helpful and so you can go under Laura comm it's just my most recent blog post so you can go vote I think the poll is up for that's it's running for about a week and we have a good yet you've even had the ability to click view results to see what other people are voting on so this concept of large lists and throttling was one that had was one of the top ones that you guys had voted for and so that's what I'm going to cover today and in case you don't know we have a slack channel if you haven't been looked at power out in a while I created a slack channel called iw mentor which is name of the name of my new SharePoint training company and so the way I created it was that in the see in the description of the Power Hour I think I remembered to do it in this one or it would be in the last it's in the description in YouTube it's got a link to fill out the Google Form to just say you want to join Power Hour because the way slack works is you have to be invited so I figured out a create a little form for everyone to fill out and then when you fill it out it sends me a message and then i personally invite everyone individually to slack so is you're not going to get it instantaneously and a lot of the times i get a lot of people filling it out during power hour i can't it can't go sit here invite people while i'm talking but that's kind of where everybody is so if you guys are hopefully you use slack and you've installed the app the app is really fun and and there's a webpage there's an app there's a computer app there's a there's an app for your phone your iPhone Windows Phone everything my my phone is actually going nuts right now because so many people are responding on Twitter so I'm going to like turn my phone off so that it stops beeping all right so I've got um the slack channel running over here and we've got Cory here who's going to introduce himself in a minute so between Cory and I we're going to be you know kind of getting a heads up whenever there are questions and talking through all your questions and just doing what we can to chat in in the little power our little hashtag power our channel in slack so hopefully the video is running smoothly today I've got a green screen as I might have mentioned to you guys I bought it this giant green screen that I bought and it just takes up you know because you have to you have to get like way in front of the green so you're I can't even see that there's something behind me that's like one of the little clips on the side of the green screen is showing over there but you have to get way in front of it for the lighting to work and I'm getting the lighting finally sort of figured out and I realized why it was being so weird the last couple of times where I couldn't figure out what I was doing differently and it was the it was a camera setting for the webcam so I think that ironed outs finally those drug me crazy so get that ironed out it's been fun kind of figuring out the whole green-screen thing I'm gonna have to get like some crazy like pictures to put behind me or like you know make it look like I'm in the Millennium Falcon flying through space or something I don't know so but I've got my little company I'd have you mentor my little logo up in the corner for now Corey let me go ahead and let you introduce yourself who the heck are you as some may have heard my name is Corey I am also a SharePoint developer I do a lot of the out-of-the-box stuff too along with some administration I like playing around with the backend stuff as well trying to learn some of that that's that's my cat I'm doing SharePoint for about 11 years 12 years now yeah just come in you know hanging out on Power Hour mmm all right and again Corey and I have been on projects in the past where we had to deal with large lists and throttling and issues and kind of all the different options available for that so we're both gonna have a lot to say about that so Corey you know that I talk just in a continuous stream so feel free to interrupt me at any time or also just keep talking don't worry I will okay all right so hopefully you guys hey everybody in the chat window I see you enjoy slack it's a lot of fun you can do if you do if you have a backslash it'll give you all these little options that you can do like I do backslash if e-cat like that then it shows like just some random yeah off the internet okay so you can do these new fun stuff like that in there and that one's adorable feel free to chat and ask questions and just have a good time in there it's that's that's why we do it live it's fun all right so I did I had my VM turned on so that I would be able to have an on-prem SharePoint 2013 installation and settings and everything to show you while I'm you know doing this demo and my VM with Google Hangouts and everything running at the same time it just my computer did not like that and it was just going nuts so I had to go ahead and shut off my VM and we're gonna some of this we're going to talk through in office 365 and some of it we're going to talk about like refer to some tech night tech net articles that at least show you what it looks like in on-prem with large lists all right so we're gonna start off with just some basic concepts and so you might have noticed I'm not sure if you've ever got in this situation where in in any kind of in any SharePoint environment you have you might end up with a list or library that has thousands and thousands of items in it like I'm talking over five ten thousand items and once you get to that point and you might not even realize that something different happens when you get to that point once you get to that point you're you're gonna come across some issues now as far as right now today and things that are being done and changed and 2016 or 2016 in office 365 they're working diligently to improve that and to make that not be an issue so I'm not today I'm not going to talk about things that you're gonna get in the future with 2016 and office 365 I'm going to talk about problems that you might be experiencing today in your environments that could be 2010 2013 office 365 so that's what I'm going to cover and it seems more realistic to do that than to say guess what you are gonna look forward to so um alright so once you get to this limit it's it's you're throttling limit then what it's actually a limit that's that's built in at that's at the webapp level I believe pregnant um wrong it's I used to be a server admin I haven't done that in a while but it's a web app level you get to set a throttling limit and that's I think the default is 5,000 items and that means once your list or library reaches 5,000 items then once you are trying to look at a view like the all items view and that has is trying to show you everything in that list or library that's more more than 5,000 items and you're gonna get a little error at the top of that Lister library and users are going to get an error site collection admins or not which makes it a little tricky and users are gonna get an error saying that they are not being shown the most recent set of items and Cory's like posting links and he's getting links together from TechNet like kind of showing some examples of these things while we're going that's going to tell them that they've reached their limit and they're not seeing a list of all the items so that's it's a big yellow error across the top of the list your library so so you know today we're going to talk about what to do about that and how to ground it one thing that I've seen people do unfortunately this is just like a knee-jerk reaction from server admins y'all chime in if you if you've seen this happen is the user start complaining about the list being too large and the admin just goes and finds the throttling settings in Central Admin and just increases it they just go like bump it up to 10,000 15,000 they're like okay we're good oh no that is not necessarily the best practice right you don't just want to have a knee-jerk reaction and increase that because that's gonna affect the performance of your server it's gonna affect the way the performance can sequel I'm not going to talk super technical details about what it effects but it's not a good idea to just include just increase the throttling so what I'm going to talk about today is the way that you can get around it and what your options are for dealing with your throttling limit whatever it happens to be so in your in Central Admin your setting is going to be at your and though it's a web app level and it's going to be when you when you're looking at your list of all your web apps web applications and I'm you click on one and you look at the settings that's you go in the ribbon and you click on the settings for that one that's where those throttling when the throttling limit is gonna be so and then the end users are going to see the the air and that was this is really tricky wasn't it Cori when we had to deal with this because and users were seeing the error but we were site collection admins it's one of those things that you you don't necessarily realize this happen until somebody complains and then all of a sudden it's you know panic reactive just trying to fix it as quickly as possible yeah which is always fun so of course one option you have is to clean up the list or library and I actually have a blog post I wrote actually a couple of years ago about the workflow history list and where we and I think that this was standoff with something that you and I came across in an environment we were working in were the workload history remember it would like called it workflow history one or something yeah it was billions and millions of items because for some reason when we created this the workflow workflows on the site it created the workflow history as not the normal name of the lipid workflow history it had put the one on the end of it so I wrote a blog post about the I don't know phone if you can go find that and post it in the home and the chat window but it has to do with like errors in the work I don't know workflow history error or issues or something that there's a clue mystery but it but I also addressed the large list thing in here so that's just one type of large list another list that we had just that's a common one that gets really big is a task list and especially so in this situation it was a business solution that was like it was a customer onboarding site where we had all these different you know things that needed to happen every time a customer got on boarded and several tasks it was probably like 20 different castes at least would get generated for every customer chillydog daddio has a question I don't think there's a good answer to get alerted regular users are getting throttled oh that's a great question don't worry they'll tell you somehow you'd have to know you'd have to get alerted once the list reached a certain number yeah I don't know off the top of my head what the logic could be because then what you couldn't create like a workflow and every listing library in your entire environment so right the only way to really do they're only two really real ways to do alerts in SharePoint it's either list which you know only does changed items or you know the default built-in stuff or a custom approval or a custom workflow alert but you can't really write a workflow to check how many items are in a list yeah so this wouldn't have to this wouldn't be something that you could do as like a site manager or a site collection item entering if you under receive alerts it sort of at that level that would almost have to be something that's done at the server level like there are server alerts so there's actually a whole console that server admins have with alerts in them so it would it would have to come from there but getting it as an email that's a whole other story I'm not sure that that would have to be some kind of fancy PowerShell or some something extra that would have to be done because server admins don't typically get an email alert about something happening on the server unless you've done something you've gone out of way out of your way to do something special right so um so one option you have is to just clean it up so in in that blog post I wrote about some PowerShell that I think Todd helped me with that just basically I we just blew away the whole list and just we were able to you know and it actually wouldn't let me delete the list because it was so large like I was getting errors everything that I tried so the PowerShell did something like either we you know basically deleted all the items in the list or something like that and just purged it out so that's one option you have another option you have is to do something where you are moving the data or archiving the data are moving it somewhere else or deleting it on a regular basis or archiving it to maybe a sequel database on a regular basis and those are all just extra things that you have to go out of your way to do so if you want to actually keep that data you have to decide where you want to keep the data now if you want to keep the data in a list that if you want to just archive it off and put it in a list that no one necessarily like needs to go to and see a list of all the items then you are just a sequel table then you can do that but think about some of the newer things that are coming out so first of all you have you know have seat was not super easy to move stuff from SharePoint to sequel but we have this new remember a couple weeks ago we talked about this new Microsoft flow so Microsoft flow really made me think about the way it makes it like a super super intuitive interface to be able to communicate with a sequel database that made me really think about the possibility of having a workflow having this flow on a list that you know is going to get really big and having just peer a lot of here actually move things away another thing that you can do if you just want to keep it cleaned up and delete things that are maybe older than six months or something like that and you can use an information management policy so we did a whole other power hour about information management policies but we you do is you go into the the Lister library settings then you click information management policy and you create what's called a retention policy and you say when this date arrives like created date plus six months or modified date plus a year or whatever it is then do what and you could just say do what just delete it permanently that's another way you could keep it cleaned up so those are ways that you can get the stuff out of the list but in a lot of cases we need to have it there like the users need hey do well users need that data and they need to be able to readily be able to go find what they're looking for and and still be able to get to it and still be able to sift and sort through that large list your library so that's usually more sort of the situations that we see is as the business saying no no no we need to keep all this and we need to be able to sort through all of it so then then what happens is what Cory and I ended up doing for this particular situation is that what you have to do is you have to create filters and all filtered views so you can't have an all items view of your list or library you have to create all of your views as filtered and so what you do is you just go to that listing you have to know you have to know a little bit more about what the business is doing with that list or library to know what they commonly look for and what they commonly just look at in that list and how they commonly find things and you kind of what you know is there a is there a column called category is there a column called Department like what's the first thing that a user clicks on to narrow it down just see what they need you know to look at you know when they're looking that was so and that's gonna be different in every case right hey Joelle how are you thanks for coming I can't hear you yeah we can't hear you oh well just just keep trying to talk and I'm going to keep talking until I will let you know when we can hear you but hopefully oh I'm gonna put Joelle on the spot and see if she has anything to say about large lists but so what you're gonna do is on that list do you have to find out from the business what their common like top you know filtered column is going to be and then you have to create all filter views so for example if we have you know thousands of company policies I use company policies as an example all the time because that everybody has those right I don't cuz I have my own company now anyway I can do whatever I want everybody's got company policies so what you would do is say alright company policies are probably gonna have a department that they're associated with so like HR policies etc so this is going to be maybe what you could use so then what you would do is create a filter do for each different Department and then but every time if a new department came along you would have to know to create a new filter view for that department so you're gonna create views just saying you know do you know creative you say review name is HR and then decide what columns you want in it and just say ok the filter is going to be Department equals HR and then when you go create another new view you're going you can just use that first one you created us just go off that one and then call the next one accounting and then say filter policy Department is equal to accounting so that's that's kind of the first level of what you're going to do is side what the users need to kind of narrow it down by and then filter by that and then you know sometimes we can and I think Cory we even came across this where that wasn't even enough like there could it like we filled it a filter by HR but there were over 5,000 HR policies not that that would be a good example for policies having that many but you know what I mean and so we just we had to narrow it down even further right so Joel I think we heard you but I think you're just muted in the Google hangout now Oh No maybe not okay it's her face popped up so I thought she was talking minded that too so I usually use my little Yeti microphone that's awesome and I don't know if I broke it between now and last week but now I'm using the microphone in my camera so hopefully that one's not too bad are you cool so Joelle this is Joe Farley do do you uh you know I'm not you don't have to answer right this second but feel free to chime in and let us know your experience with large lists and modeling Laurie okay see that's oh I'm sorry what it might be making me okay cool so it doesn't echo when I'm talking to you Cory but it echoes when Joelle's talking interesting I think if you don't have an assert that it's coming three years speakers okay yeah we're gonna go yeah okay I wonder if it's echoing when you're talking so guys in the chat room does it echo and Cory talks is you and I wouldn't know that if it did and while they're answering Maroun has a question does the number of columns in the list matter I don't think it does right no separate issue no never doesn't matter okay well I'm gonna try and remember to myself each time you talk just in case there's echo oh she said yes okay sorry about that okay we're getting so close I'll get there eventually it's hard when you don't use a headset so now you're gonna let me know when you're about to talk so I can yeah although it's gone now I don't know what you did but now it's gone okay I'm gonna keep talking about large lists now all right real quick I might have a demo okay okay then we got to do is create all these filtered views so but but what you have to do is not only create filtered views but you have to index whatever column you're doing the filtering on so that's another step so let's go ahead and I'm gonna do a demo and I'm going to show my screen I'm I'm not gonna have a large list here I'm just gonna just have a list that I'm going to at least be able to show you what some of the things the things are alright so here's the example of just pretend this is a you can see my screen right okay just pretend this is a large list and I'm going to say I want to create a filtered view for each region so if I have you know thousands of these and that's the first step is gonna be creating a filtered view actually I don't think that's a very good example because that's a lookup so I don't want to add any complexity to what I'm doing here all right I'm going to find one from some of these late latest examples that I've done that have um okay Ross said the echo only started when they could first hear Joelle oh okay so that's that is that is Joelle and not main cool all right I'm going to use this list okay so I'm gonna say create a view and I'm gonna say senior view and this is an office 365 this applies across the board though this right here can be done in 2010 to 2013 office 365 so I call this South and saying my here's the filter that I was you know text is equal to South actually because your face o reagent-x is equal to South okay all right and then so now we have this if you call the South and then some of some of the other regions that we have are I'll just do one for the West so then what I do when I create another new view is I can just use the South one as my template so I started from an existing view and I'm gonna move that up so you can see it instead of trying to rearrange my face I'm just gonna call it West and then all the only thing different I have to do is region see what's your West so it's a lot quicker to create the other filtered views once you do that all right so then so now I have my filtered views so then the next step and once you've hit the throttling limit you're gonna have issues trying to do this so if you've already hit the throttling limit and you're trying to do what I'm doing right now the indexing you're going to get an error so what we had to do right quarry is that we had to go into Central Admin and temporarily increase the throttling limit so that we could just go turn on this indexing and then put it back down so I'm gonna go to you just go to the columns for whatever list you're on you see right here indexed columns that's important okay and then I don't have any index columns yet so I'm going to create a new one and what can't what column do I want to index and remember this is going to be whatever ones that they commonly filter by in that particular situation so I just choose region text and click create so now I've got an index column so now so just creating the filtered views and having people go to the filtered views is not going to be enough they're still going to get the error but then once I make it so that this region text column is indexed that and then they're going to the views that are filtered by that column then the error will go away so it makes sense all right let's see Jewell said this is the first time I killed the party that's so funny alright I have you guys come across this any issues or questions so far just let me know alright so then another thing that we came across was wasn't it in in a webpart quarry that it was still giving the error it was like it was like a custom date of you web part I'm gonna mute myself now if you're talking okay I still can't hear Cory I don't know what happened to me guys I'm usually the one with all the technical difficulties all right so what we did was no snow can't hear you what we did was we had a webpart was a custom dataview web part that we had put on like a little dashboard that was just showing the filtered tasks for a certain issue for a certain customer that was being on boarded and instead of showing the pretty little yellow error that you get when you go to a list that's got throttling issues it was showing um just a big ugly like dataview web heart error like this date of you web we know this item can't be shown or just some really ugly error so then it actually we had to kind of dig a little bit to figure out what it was because it wasn't obvious that that's what the issue was so then we had to make sure that whatever filters we were applying in that web part like whatever we were filtering by it was like the location ID first on like location for the company that was associated with this customer and Joe was just very specific to that solution then we had to go in and make sure location ID was an index column so you might have to just keep you know just keep getting you know it's kind of high maintenance once you get to that point you keep working on it just that a screen is blurry is everybody's screen blurry or is just just I don't know I have my um I have my resolution turned way up because that's sort of the best resolution for being able to watch this on youtube later but it doesn't look worried to me so I'm not sure about the yeah okay so yeah okay so that everybody else's side looks good I guess okay Oh Jackson is a slurry too and you're watching it on YouTube and it's blurry okay um yeah I don't know doesn't look flirty me so you got another thing to figure out I'll have to go watch this later and play with it and spend some time tweaking it to see why it's blurry has it been flirting before yeah are you watching it on youtube or on the Google hangout it has been blurred before okay alright so what I'm going to show you next is remember I was talking about being able to clean up a list and be able to like kind of keep things purged maybe you don't need the older items then what you would do is you would do an information management policy to delete them so I'll go ahead and show you where that is I go to list settings just watching it on YouTube okay see if you can if you watch it on the Google hangout if it makes a difference that would be interesting alright then I go to information management policy settings alright and then I have to click on what content type I want to apply this to so you can actually have different retention rules for different content types yet another awesome reason to use content types and all your solutions okay so I go to click on the content type that I want to create this policy on and see it's kind of buried in here it's not really obvious but you would choose enable retention yeah the link to the Google hangout is going to be right on top of the YouTube it's like a yellow link on the YouTube okay so once I check enable retention I click add a retention stage and then this is where I can define it so I can say well so every field that you have in your Lister library that is a date field is going to show here to pick from so in this case the only I don't have a bunch of date fields I have the creative date and I can say you know pretty much the last year of content in this situation is less than 5,000 items so and again if your list is and people are adding items late at a crazy rate you might have to lower this to six months or three months or something like that but then you're going to say when this time frame arrives automatically do what move it to the recycle bin or permanently delete it one of those things or some of your other options are going to be now we did a whole Power Hour on information management policies which is what we're looking at right here but we also did a whole other Power Hour about this in two locations concept transfer to another location and and so these are a lot of these things are going to be ways that you can keep that content cleaned up so if you have another location you're using this just an archive you can move it there and then another thing that you can do is if you're super fancy and you know about Web Services is that you can use your SharePoint designer 2013 workflow and you can use the call web service action in there so if you have another database and you have a programmer that's with written a web service that lets you interface to that database then you actually have the ability to do a web service call and say go ahead and you know move this content over you know create a create an item over in the in the database that entails some programming though that entails like having a developer in and understanding how to do the syntax of that web service call so that's a little more complex the most of the stuff that I'm going over is going to be telling you that the complex things exist and showing you what you can do with however much control level of control you have in one environment so if I do now when I did this when I did power our about Center locations JoEllen quarry see if you remember this I think I might have said that you can't do it in office 365 and I think that I maybe at the time that was the case but I have found it in office 365 fairly recently so you never know in there if it's just appeared there if it exists now for the first time we're if it was there all along and things keep getting rearranged so I'm not sure but I'm gonna go ahead and show you where that is just since I didn't cover it the first time so I'm gonna go ahead and say after created it plus one year I can move it to the recycle bin and click OK and so now I've got a retention policy on my on this particular list so if I have a bigger like it's sort of a bigger picture concept where I have I'm using this content type maybe it's a timesheet or maybe it's a tasks or something like that I'm using the same content type in multiple places and share points I can go create the retention policy directly on the content type at the site collection level if I want to so that way it would just apply and all the lists and libraries and you wouldn't have to go to each one to do that um I'm not full screen anymore what okay let me see let me check out my little xsplit broadcaster thing resolution 1280 by 720 um yeah I know I'm not fullscreen it's because I'm sharing this screen I'm gonna have to go look at this later and see what you guys are talking about yeah okay so yeah and I'm not sure why it's blurry in YouTube so I'll have to test that but thanks for the feedback oh I need an intern for the stuffs figure it all out oh there oh they're asking to hide your faces well I like zoom this is a more interactive power an hour where it's not just me doing like the full demo the whole time so I kind of like Joelle and Corey's faces in here because we're having more of a conversation Joelle did you have any feedback about your experiences with large lists and throttling oh she can't talk yet can you hi sorry forgot your microphone doesn't work Corey can you talk can you try again I didn't do it alright I don't know um okay so the next thing I'm going to show you let's go ahead and go over to Central Admin so I'm go to admin here and I will go ahead and minimize their faces that way see how's that is that better okay alright so I'm going to Central Admin and we're gonna go to kind of where some of these different settings are going to be and this is just in my little test test office 365 accounts alright and I'm gonna go ahead and go to my SharePoint admin center down here share points a lot of all the new things that they're adding and changing in here and it's just so awesome now it's just and you know how they made all those announcements back on May 4th about all the new stuff in SharePoint and office 365 and 2016 and everything well they just made a whole bunch of new announcements yesterday so check out the office blogs I'm gonna have to start retweeting some of that stuff but a lot of new announcements came out yesterday so all this whole new look having to do with with libraries is now there the same thing is going to apply to lists as well so that's gonna be another thing that's gonna be rolling out soon all right so I'm going to go ahead and go to believe it was under settings okay maybe I can watch this okay there we go so I just increase my browser resolution I mean my browser zoom my zoom level so now it's really really big okay so you have a whole bunch of options here in settings it's not in settings now in the green it's in apps there was in a weird place that didn't make any sense you think we're broadcasting in a lower definition than 720 um yeah I'll have to look and see if Google Hangouts actually has any settings around that because it doesn't usually give you an option as to what you're broadcasting at so it might be the Google hangout I have to look and see if that's what the setting is okay all right so you guys um maybe I'll just have to broadcast directly to YouTube and not use this crappy Google Hangouts thing but then I couldn't have Joelle and Cory in here that would be much more complicated all right so um just um look at the settings again this do you guys experience this sometimes to where you find something in office 365 and you say oh that's where that is I was wondering where that had gone and then you can't find it again when you look for it oh that's a great question powerful for an information management policy is the content type if the content type is a document set does the policy also apply to the content types inside the demo I'm in set I wouldn't think so I'm Joelle don't know if you can type maybe the answer that if you've come across I know Joelle's name using documents that's a good bit more than I have but but because it uses a document content type inside of there so I would think that that policy would only apply to the document content type I mean to the content type itself which the document set is kind of like a folder you know so this drives me crazy yes okay Varun thank you yes next time it's not there because I found this and I'm so excited oh here it is records management now that makes sense now when you think about it because sin 2 means you're you're managing records you're defining like where you want them to be sent and setting up policies as to how they're gonna get sent there right so it makes sense that it is records management so now I'm going to like put my little circle here showing you guys this records management in SharePoint admin center yeah all right so that's where it is so this is how you do it in office 365 is by creating these new sendto connections so you say what do I want to call it I want to call it like an archive and what you have to do is unlike kind of what we covered in the whole the Power Hour where we were I think Jo L did this one where we talked about the sin - I think both of us did this one is that you actually could go turn on the content organizer feature in that site which creates a special library called the drop-off library and then that's where you're going to that's the URL that you're going to use is the send to URL so it would know to send it to that particular drop-off library in that site where you turned on on the content organizer so then you just say what you want to do copy move leaving like so that's just another option that you have for keeping your lists cleaned up and sort of keeping them smaller there isn't Joell or Cori do you guys know off the top of your head what I think the limit is just five thousand for throttling in office 365 because an on-prem of course there's a way that you can go change that because you have Web Apps and it's a web app setting but in in office 365 you don't have an interface to do anything with Web Apps you just have your site collections so there isn't going to be like a throttling setting for a site collection so like see here my site collections I've got properties and I've got just some information about it and I've got owners sharing stuff like that this is a storage quota but a storage quota is not the same as throttle as the throttling so Cory did you paste that link to the to the TechNet oh joy said it she transferred the entire document set oh that's a good one we should test that huh yeah all right well that would be that's really cool if it would actually do that so transfer the whole thing um so okay so now this is where I'd like to have some of you guys feedback I love the question about the document said that's a really good one but I'm going to go ahead and switch this back over away from demo mode too full screen all right so now the next question is how do you guys come across large lists and libraries and you know had it had users experiencing that error and has this been helpful like sort of explaining and showing what the filters are and where and how to create them and how to know what to filter on and being able to create those filtered views um another common one that you're going to probably want to create an index on fields that you're going to want to index are going to be those like modified and created date fields because a lot of the times you like to have just like a default view maybe that's called recent items or recent time sheets or whatever and have it only show just you know a filter of is greater than today minus 30 and that would just show the last month so filters on dates are really easy so that's a really common one that you could do just keep in mind that if if you have more than 5,000 within that month or whatever then that's where you're going to come across an issue so the trick that so one of the one of the problems that people have is think about that user experience if they're used to being able to go to that list or library and just quickly see everything and just use the column headings to filter what they want they're gonna have they are gonna have to be retrained because a lot of times people don't want to do this they just want to increase the throttling limit because they don't want to have to interrupt with what the end users are doing but for them to have to go to different views instead that is going to be a different experience so one thing you can do is you know you can have all your filtered views and still let them go to the list and teach them about how to go to those views instead and just start from there instead of starting from all items another thing you can do is create a custom search experience right so we could have a an entire like giant list of a thousand you know whatever it is timesheet timesheet entries and it's got you know all these thousands of timesheet entries and you can do is create a custom search experience for people searching just that thing right so we can have especially if it's a content type that's going to be an easy way to do it and I wish I could get Joelle unmuted somehow that would be awesome because Joelle has really done a lot of this stuff but what you're going to do is create like a custom search experience for people just searching that thing so you can create a custom search center that it doesn't even have to be an entire search center sub site but it can be but you could create a custom page that does this but a search center experience would makes the search center sub-site would be a great way to do it because that's going to kind of give you you know this familiar sort of already set up little interface with all the sort of all the refiners down the left side and stuff like that so what I can do is I can go to acorrea you'll have to be careful with syntax when filtering by people fields yeah that was interesting wasn't it yeah yeah oh so Marissa is transferred to another SharePoint or another you can transfer to another site collection using the cen - yes I don't know if one of y'all can find that old power our on the SharePoint rx channel when we used to work at Rackspace linked it in here okay so I mean I'll go ahead and create a search Center for you guys so I'm going to say like we already have a search center that's like the main search experience and I've got 11 minutes I'm sure I can do this every 12 minutes right so I'll go ahead and create some I go to site contents I'm going to create a new search center experience just for this one particular like what is it Brock states no broad yeah Brock States text that's the one that we were yeah the one we did our filters on I'm going to use Brock State to test the text as my example to have an entire pretend it's a really large list and I have an entire search experience around it so go create a new sub site and I'm going to call it state search or something like that and then um remember used English words with underscores and your site names too and then for my template I'm going to use Enterprise Search Center I'm not sure if I'm going to have time to build out this whole thing in this session but we also did a couple of other power hours on just the search Center in general Steven did those alright so now it's creating my sub site so then what I'm going to do and there are several different ways you can kind of slice or dice this is that I'm going to have to create a filtered interface inside of this search and there are a lot of different sort of directions I could go with how its configured but you know you guys have probably seen the content search web part we've done multiple power hours where we reference the content search web part two if you've seen the content search web part then using the search Center and using the search results in there is going to be very familiar so if you can see my screen now I went ahead and just click to create a new sub site and just chose Enterprise Search Center so now here I'm starting from scratch and the search results is really the main thing that I'm going to be configuring so I'm gonna go I'm just going to type just anything right here just so I can get to the search results page on my new search Center that I'm going to customize now that built in little search page that you get on a site if you don't have a search center you can't customize that at all that's why search centers are the bomb thank you yes I'm showing the screen oh I almost forgot okay so then I'm and the whole time I was talking really it was like just creating the site was taking a few minutes all right so now this is a search page now my search results web part is just pretty much just like a content search web part so this is where I would go say you know what do I want this specifically to show now another thing to keep in mind is that see how it's got this everything people conversations videos you can even customize that too so you can have like you could spend a good bit of time like making this your own like just for that specific solution for that specific list and having a whole interface around it that's just a search page for people to narrow down so remember how I mentioned company like departments for company policies and that would be like maybe the first thing paper fold people filter by you could even put those up here like HR accounting or you know corporate versus you know it could be wouldn't want to have too many because it would get too long but the main top-level things could be done here and that's those are actually separate pages in a pages library because this is a publishing site so that's again that's a whole it's a whole other level and I'm pretty sure we did it in a power hour if we didn't maybe we can do another one on just customizing the search Center but this is just another way that you could customize the way people get around in your in your environment in that one list okay so I go to customize the web part and I'm going to move my face because it's in the way now need to do I'll just do that and hide nothing yeah there's the one part okay now I'll go do my career very change my query great so I have to say okay what is my query my query needs to be not just whatever word someone is typing and showing them all results from SharePoint it needs to be that specific list right so what is that specific list I have to go get the URL to it flash project yeah yeah that'll be awesome if I can do finish this in 8 minutes you know I didn't think I had that much to talk about with large lists but of course I'm always pushing it at the very last minute oh thanks for you for posting that one did you already post the one the one about the sin too and the one about information engine policies those are good ones too all right um okay so here's my URL to my list okay so now I'm gonna say I could switch to quick mode but I'm going to do path and then I don't need the all items and all that stuff path starts with that and oh look at that see there all my items and I just happen to know its path and you've got like different other little filters and things like that path is probably going to be somewhere in this list but anyway so that's the path now again you don't have to use the path to the specific URL if you're using a content type you can say content type equals and then just put whatever you know contoso company policy or whatever your content type is because it might be across your whole SharePoint environment you might have these everywhere so might not just be one list you might have a lot of large lists but anyway this case it's just one list okay so then I put my path so now this webpart is just going to show the items in that list so I go ahead and and I can even pick my display templates and stuff these are all just going to be using generic item display template alright so when I click OK there's probably going to be nothing in the results because I typed the word test as my search you know before I got started okay so I can also do refinements now for refinements this is where it helps to plan ahead it helps to have site columns as what you're using so that's why again it helps to plan in SharePoint so that you can plan out solutions and lists and things like that before you build them so that you'll have these as content types and site columns because guess what when we go to choose refine angers the refiners lets you pick from things that our site columns and that allow you to allow them to be refined now this gets a little more complicated so to you know make it very specific and make it have what you want in here so I can do is say I can remove some of the ones that are out here like file type content class these are all going to be the same content type I don't need that as a refiner which are the little links down the left I don't need web template because I already it's all in the same site so I've got author last modified time I can do created move it up I can do if I have I'm using tagging it's got you know like keywords I can do tat do tags and so there are a lot of things that are going to be in here automatically but there are a lot of ones that are not going to be in here automatically that you have to go through some extra steps to do so I'm you can even change what it says for each one like this one is called tags and what if I wanted to say like keyword something like that none of these items are gonna have tags so it's not going to matter all right um I'll go ahead and click okay thanks yeah I'm floating on top of my SharePoint page um now I'll go ahead and save that alright so now I've got my search center so I can type like il and it's going to show things that have il in them it's gonna I'll type like North this is very basic you know you'd have to spend a lot more time on this to make it have like the filtered down to exactly what you want because you know I'm not sure why the word North is bringing up some things that are in the north so that has to do more with the search itself and sort of what you know where it's finding that word right um so oh you know why it's finding those because I think when you go click on the item um I was thinking it might be showing those because it shows like the names of the views or something like that up at the top anyway alright so let's go back to my custom search page alright so then let me just give you we've only got three minutes left but I'm going to give you some background on what these are real quick so if you go to site contents again that the enterprise search you have to have the publishing feature at the site collection level turned on to even be able to create an enterprise search site using that template because it uses all these publishing features so if I go to look at pages in my search center you'll notice that it's got its results that's the one I was editing but the people results the conversation results those are all the separate pages that are narrowed down by people conversations etc so what you need to do is you would create a new and there people have written blog posts about this everything people you create a new page that and that you're gonna give it you know a search results page layout and then you're going to put all those have all those web parts and basically filter that search results web part to only show that content type of like in this case it was conversations or or for people etc um another thing to know is that when I go back over to this site that my list is actually in and I didn't create that as a site column I actually have to go to Joelle and Cory have done this multiple times as well I wish I could hear them but what you have to do is you have to go into your schema your search schema here and it's so I can go find like the ones called refine double string again core Joelle did an entire power hour about doing these customer findable strings like this they've done that spell it right double string credible date I'll just do the fungal string they have a whole bunch in here so what you do if if you don't have access to the search Center in Central Admin to do this from a central location which you can do you go to search schema in your search and your central and men and your earning your office 365 and then but if you don't have that then you have to go in here and start customizing your own refine double strings so then I would say alright I need people to be able to filter by the name of that region and I need that region to be refine about in the refiners state all matches the terminology matches oh it's my cousin's know about alright um so what you do is you don't you can't edit like it's still just going to be called refine double string that I can make it so that it's and it's already searchable I can make it retrievable make it refine about all these things I can't edit the alias because I'm not at the root level of the site collection anyway so what you're gonna do is you're gonna do you use this little sort of this interface here and you're going to it lets you search and find your column that you created and go included in here so then we're final string 0 0 would be that region field or whatever you map it to so I would go do this if you can if you have control over it first of all great thing things of site columns if you can go to a central admin and do this and the search center as you can and then try to remember to go to the root level of the site collection see that's why I can't and it edit anything cuz I'm not at the root level with a site collection and do it from there and do your schema from there or else you can't edit it okay so again we did a whole power our I don't have time to go into that I've gone over about one minutes but I'm gonna go ahead and flip back over just when I'm getting used to the green screen and getting that all smooth and then we're dealing with a blurry screen in YouTube so I don't know to figure that out but thanks everybody for coming thanks for posting those links guys I appreciate that and keep in mind sharepoint saturday atlanta is this weekend or well and I will both be presenting there I can't wait to see Joelle because we are we're doing a for our pre conference a half-day workshop at SP tech on in a couple of weeks at the end of June and we are going to be like putting that together this weekend and so that'll be really fun getting to collaborate on that it's going to be all about it has to do with somebody has to do a search a lot of it has to do with managed metadata so it's like managed metadata good times and fun and enterprise keywords and things there's not what it's called but um hopefully if you're in this area I live in Birmingham Alabama hopefully you'll be able to head on over to SharePoint Saturday and Lana go register SPS events org is where all the SharePoint Saturday's are and I guess over and out and I will see you guys next week on power hour and I am going to try and post what all those different topics are going to be thanks everybody
Channel: Laura Rogers
Views: 11,580
Rating: 4.6065574 out of 5
Keywords: SharePoint, Office 365, Large Lists
Id: f6U-WM6u7Iw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 15sec (3675 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 08 2016
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