SharePoint Power Hour: Planner with Teams and Flow

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hello everyone and welcome to SharePoint power our I'm Laura Rogers and we have Joelle say hi hello everybody and this is our weekly ship show we do Wednesdays at 11 central and we've been doing this for over six years we are not devs we are not hardcore admins we have just been using SharePoint for probably like 20 or 25 years between us using SharePoint for over 10 years oh yeah a lot of a lot of SharePoint experience so we we talk about SharePoint office 365 everything we do nowadays is in office 365 with SharePoint Online so that's what we focus on and all the different little apps that you have in office 365 so and we have a newsletter then a sent that we send out it is ended out the day before to vote for topics so you all voted for the topic of Microsoft planner today so we're gonna talk about planner and we did we did a power our about planner probably four or five years ago so it's about that time to do one again so and honestly I think Joelle actually uses planner in the real world more than I do and we do a very small team so we don't have it I feel like a planner I don't need planner to organize a time we used to do a lot they're just like little tasks here and there but I don't use actually use planner a lot so we have a chat here in slack and you all that's the fun thing about having a live show is it's a conversation and it's live and we can just kind of talk about it and answer questions so you all let me know kind of yeah as we go just what your questions are and let me know also things that you all do in planner and what you use it for and any insights that you have as well so first of all Microsoft planner is a way to plan things and organize tasks and organize as opposed to just a simple task list of things to accomplish it organizes them all into different categories are called buckets and when you create a an office 365 group so joelle it used to be just you had you when you created a plan it was just one plan per office 365 group right and now you can have more than one yeah yeah I think I remember that correctly so you could just have one plan planner plan per office 365 group but now you can have multiple plans per group so it's usually its it kinda it's usually tied to an office 365 group so when you go to the waffle menu and office 365 planner is one of the things that you see there and you can assign tasks to people you can see it graphically like chart who's finishing their tasks and things like that so let's we'll go ahead and dig in and talk about planner and Joelle please interrupt me anytime because again Joelle has Joelle has more real like you organize projects so this a lot don't you know real world stuff I have in the past yep definitely cool all right I will share my screen and one thing if you have not used it at all if you have used tools like Trello or asana and they kind of have like those tools use like a what I would call like a very soft cotton Kanban board and that's something that like if you're a project manager in projects you probably have heard of and so the technology or the idea behind planner is very much like those other tools it's kind of Microsoft's answer so it's a better interface than just using a task list and SharePoint because it gives you buckets and it's nice and bubbly and and easy to use and so that's kind of that's kind of the answer but definitely there still is Microsoft Project though which is funny and I know that they've kind of like started you know revamping Microsoft Project and everything changes to it yeah so that's still out there but I certainly feel like most little simple team projects can be easily managed in something like planar yes it is definitely a much lighter experience than Microsoft Project which I can yeah yeah it is very sleek and modern isn't it it's not yeah okay so here we have planner and you start off on you can start off by going to your little list of apps here and the waffle menu and planner is one of the apps you can if you don't see it here you could click all apps and scroll until you see it and then you get to the main planner home screen and you can see plans that you've used recently so here's a planner plan called SharePoint Power Hour and what changes were made to one task while I was away no thanks it's been a while so here's where we have we have buckets across the screen that's the first thing you're gonna see is different and it starts off with just one bucket it gives you a to-do bucket and it kind of encourages to encourage you to create multiple buckets buckets are just whatever kind of category you want to group your tasks into so you can delete the one called to do and you can rename it or do and just make it completely something else but it's just kind of start you off with one called to do and you can use this little add new bucket and just give your new bucket a new name so you have plans and then in each plan you have buckets and then in each bucket you have tasks that you're assigning to people so I'll go ahead and click add tasks under potentials I can say like meet with it with contoso you don't have to set it a due date but you can okay I'll say Joelle do this by next week and then I can even assign it to multiple people and then just out of those multiple people just one of them has to complete it so if you want to just say hey one of you just take care of this you could do that so then I click Add so then after you click Add task it puts it in here but it just has some basic information that just whatever you initially typed in just the name of it the possible due date and who it's assigned to and then you can open it up to get all these other fields that you can populate so it tells me who it's assigned to it shows me what bucket it's in I can switch it to a different bucket like this and I can even drag them around to a different buckets just visually on the screen it's very easy so it tells you what's bucket it's got a lot of just basic fields you're used to just with any kind of tasks it's got your progress what priority is it you can put a start date if you want and then here is the description of what the task is about and within a task you can have a checklist so this is multiple levels so first you have a plan then you have a bucket then you have a task and then you can even have a checklist within that task so first do this and do this this so I just I just gave them a few things to check off as they go and I can even add attachments I can add attachments that like I could just upload a file here or I can just put a link just a hyperlink to something or I can pick a file from SharePoint which is a good idea that way you don't have to have multiple copies of things floating around in different places you're just pointing to something that's already in SharePoint which is huge I don't think it used to do this Joe al do you remember no it didn't not so that's really nice and each of these has a little option to show it on the card so you can show it on the card so that when I close it and you don't have a Save button either which is a little weird so when I close it then whatever I chose show on the card actually shows here but it's just it can't show everything so like when I check this it unchecked this it can't show both of those and then when I make updates this is more stuff you're gonna have this running list of comments that people make as they're working on it so let's see I mean I'm looking at the chat here yeah so that's the gist of it is that we've got these we've got these you know this sort of hierarchy and as that's as far as the data that's what you get is all these different fields that you can fill in and each time you add a comment to another one it just puts it in this running list of comments all right so that's pretty simple feet about the fields then you also have the ability to categorize something in some other way like I just want to put like a char it's just some arbitrary category I want to put on this thing so now I flagged it as a char so you can give all these little color codes and you can just make them say whatever you want so this this one can be i.t so whatever this is another way of categorizing stuff so you have like a couple of different levels of basically slicing and dicing this information see so it categorized this one as IT so you have the bucket that you're putting it in and then you also have these color-coded categories that you can just make up and you can just in this plan you can make all these colors have whatever names you give it so I'll say like legal or something and then that way that's going to be useful for categorizing them ok so then now that that's the information about the data so then you have all your data you have this big list of tasks you're assigning them to people and then when other people have tasks assigned to them they're going to so I'm going to log in his Billy Bob here so Billy Bob goes to planner and Billy Bob can go anybody can just go straight to my tasks so he can just go to my tasks and he can just see one big list of all the tasks from all the plans that are assigned to him and then he can go take care of those and you know check them off from here it looks like Joelle quick correct me if I'm wrong it looks like he doesn't even have to be part of that like a member of those SharePoint sites where the plans are like because he'll still see things that are assigned to him yeah I think there is a way to do that yeah from what I've seen because it integrates with um no it integrates with Microsoft to do as well look you can integrate that so that might be you know part of why they could do that is that obvious how you integrate them I don't think it's obvious I think you do it from to do if I'm not mistaken like you can go and get to your planner or tasks from there okay I'm gonna I'm gonna save that for later on in the power hour but try let's try that so I was kind of hoping that would be somewhere that I mean I kind of heard that was coming but yeah it's definitely not somewhere that's super obvious so all right so Billy Bob can see stuff assigned to him and then here's where it's really cool as far as tracking what's going on so you have charts so then I can see all the tasks and who you know they're not started I can see the buckets and how many tasks they have and I can see the priority of tasks and then I can see which members are completing their tasks like how many tasks each member has that are assigned and in progress and things like that so like Joelle has one in progress and one not started here and then I can also just see the tasks down the side when I do that and then I can look at it on a calendar view so this now I have my resolution cranked way up but for demo purposes but you can usually actually see you know what the names of the tasks on the calendar and you can even add tasks directly here from the calendar view and you can look at it so let's look at it we in week view so now it shows this is based on the tasks start and due date and it shows you your tasks alright and I can scroll from week to week alright so then you also have a way to group them so by default they're grouped by bucket and that's how you're looking at them just across the screen you can group them by who which projects are assigned to who and you can group them by things that are not completed in progress their status you know and then you can group them by due date like late items today in this week labels so here's where those labels come in handy so these ones down here don't have a label but you can see that I have things that I've categorized with labels that see that are going to show now in their little label columns so that's just and the labels can be whatever the heck you want them to be and then I've got priority two so then I can see all the important tasks together there's even an urgent level which is even more important than important ok so then I've got filtering so just like with SharePoint lists I can slice and dice so no matter which one of these little grouped views I'm on I can quickly filter it because you know especially if you have a ton of tasks maybe I only want to see the things that are assigned to Billy Bob or I only want to see things that are assigned to you know any giving user so these little and I can see who the members are these are these little the filter and grouping is really powerful and again it's the same concept of filtering and grouping that you're used to in SharePoint right Oh Ross says be careful when assigning a test to some in teams when they are not a member of the team as they get added to the team as well okay we'll have to test that too if we have time so again yeah so just good slice and dice it look at chart even when you look at in the charts and when you're looking at them down the right side it has that little list of all your tasks this is what your grouping down the right when you do that okay so now that we've kind of gone that pretty much covers it for planner doesn't it Joe is there anything like major that I missed trying to think no I mean it's just all about kind of understanding how to organize your buckets and tasks I think that's probably the biggest thing to think through when you're creating a plan especially if you're needing more organized project management or structure project management know not just to create buckets to create them to create them with actual purpose like phases that kind of thing okay Danny says our plans are pretty complex date driven by milestones we don't control oh and they use projects because it's got a predecessors feature so yeah for yeah complex plans projects definitely something to use the planner doesn't yeah that's right yeah we were having that conversation just basically that you know there are ways you can do it if you have like a more simple project management like guidelines if you will but if you're meeting very specific things and of course project is probably gonna end up being being that or you know even another tool outside of yeah like June JIRA or something okay so then we get over to teams and I put a link over in in the general channel of what this looks like in teams so you see I could have sworn I had a teens tab open make sure not have multiple ones got so many windows going on here and that's just the main welcome screen for planner okay so teams now and I'm just gonna go two teams in the browser and this is in my little demo tenant all right so you can use this is not new planners always been in teams but but the interface and planner was not optimal it was kind of it kind of useless because you have such a rich interface when you go over to planner with like the thing that I just showed you and then the planner interface and teams was pretty dismal so you have a couple of different things you can do there's Joelle saying hi to me and you can add planner as one of your major tabs down the left side so you can do that and then you can get to kind of all the the major like the tasks that are assigned to you you can go look at all of your plans here activity they've moved it to the activity and teams so when you get and also teams has built-in notifications so we new assign a task to somebody they're actually getting a notification they're getting an email that a task was assigned to them and they're also getting automatic emails about the tasks being due so all that stuff we used to do have to do with workflows if you just assign a task in in a team then they'll already get those emails about the task so let me go login as Billy Bob and I'll just show you what that mail looks like so here I've just been assigning Billy Bob a lot of tasks today so it's just from Microsoft planner oops let me allow popups and it's just letting him know that he's been assigned a task and while that takes forever and it's just saying here's the name of your task and he can click to open it and planner so and he gets one of those for each of his tasks okay so one of the new things that it does is those notifications are supposedly going to come in here as activity as note for note off' occations so he can go into planner and go to this notifications option here so have planners send me notifications when someone assigns a task to me and a test assigned to me as late do today or do in the next seven days now I don't know do we want users to be able to decide they don't want to know about their new tasks yeah I don't know Joel what do you think about that like I don't want to know I don't want to know about my tasks just turn that off yeah what's your employees doing that well though they can they can and I'll just send you all that link I'll copy that link over to the general channel too so that's that's what that's what it takes you to when you click to learn more but this is gonna send you notifications in teams supposedly all right so let's see and so here is a click on planner over on this little left thing so this is the way it looks but you don't have to that's not the only thing you can do so let me go log back in it that was as billy-bob back in is me and you can actually add planner to a tab in a team which to me seems more I don't know it's more useful so it's gonna have a better interface so I've got this SharePoint power hour and this is a office 365 group / Microsoft team / it's got a plan - so I just added this today I'll just show you what it looks like to add it and click here and then you're gonna pick planner here and you can search for it if you don't see it there all right so it gives you the ability to create a new plan or use an existing plan from this team if you already have one so this team already has a plan now this is a little confusing because even if your team doesn't have any plans already it still says this looks like this team has existing plans so I don't know if that's a bug but this team already does have a couple a couple of plans but you can just create another plan you didn't used to be able to do that again each team can now have multiple plans where I used to only be able to have just one so I can that's where I decide what to do here so I I went ahead and choose use existing and I already added and it will just add a tab that has the name of the plan on it so I'm just going to close this so I added a tab and the plan was called SharePoint power hour and I went ahead and just renamed this and I called it plan just so the tab name wouldn't be so long in here all right let's see what else yes we are gonna go into power automate to see Ross said I'd love to make buckets with a priority header and update the corresponding priority of the task yeah you can't change the priority of tasks with power automate unfortunately we're about to dig into that though cuz to me this demo is kind of boring cuz it's just planner you're just clicking around on adding tasks but so I wanted to add some automation to it because that usually in my life and my experience with what I do every day in SharePoint and planner and office 365 it's around automating business processes not having to manually go create a bunch of tasks and manually assign them to people so we're gonna be digging into flow in a minute okay so this is what the experience looks like now in teams for planners so I can look I can this tab out so this looks almost exactly like it does in inside of planner and that link that I sent you all actually has a list it has a whole chart about the exact the specific things that you can and can't do now when you use planner inside of teams it's gonna have let me just show you all that did it go sorry I thought it was just right here on this page oh yeah plan actions and teams versus planner for web so see just shows all the specific things now and there are a lot more things now that you can do in a lot more yeses here in this middle column a lot more things you can do now in teams as opposed to having to go over to the planner interface so it's just a couple of knows like marking a plan is a favorite deleting a plan getting email about tasks so that little setting I shows you with the notifications you just have to go to planner to do that alright so that is what it looks this is what it looks like inside of teens and it looks really good when you expand it out and it looks to me it's much more useful it's got a lot of these same concepts and just like everything else that we have in teens we can even have a conversation about the plan Joelle what do you think about that that's like mind blowing oh yeah it's like reception meta so then I'm chatting with Joelle about this planner plan in teams in the planner tab so that so one thing you can do is you can make comments on here so this is which would add comments to a thread on a specific task but then over here in this little comments panel that we have for everything in teams we can just have a conversation about the plan so you know this little conversation panel exists for everything else in teams why not put it in here so Joelle responded thank you cool so this is our little thread okay and I'll close that and I can close that night now I can see all of my plans again all right any last questions before we start digging into flow Robin says is Microsoft Mubi moving project functionality into planner hmm no they're gonna keep project because it's it's their nice expensive tool but I think there might be more integration though I've seen a lot of stuff on user voice just while we've been on here I've been looking at user voice and it looks like they're like two-way integration and stuff like that might be something cut and in the future between the two so that's good at least cool okay I'm gonna go ahead and dig into the flow concept so let me just flip back over here okay so I was this morning when I was digging into this and just pondering what interesting I could demo besides just adding tasks in planner then and something that I could automate I came up with this concept that it's pretty it's a pretty frequent concept that I see people wanting to build in office 365 in SharePoint and it's HR onboarding an HR onboarding workflow and I know on Power Hour and in my blog and different places I've done a lot of different kind of ways that you can build HR onboarding workflows so I'm going to show you a completely different way that we can do an HR onboarding concept using buckets and tasks and teams so again and this is just something I thought up off the top of my head so we can kind of think this as we go and I built some of it and we can kind of talk through what other things we'd want it to do and that kind of thing just all right off the top of our heads okay so before we dig into what I created here I'll I'll just show you what some of the planner actions are so this is just like a little test plan so I just created a flow that I can manually trigger that that's really easy for demos and I'm going to show you what all of the different let's show you what all the planner actions are so I'll type planner get a planner all right we can create a task add a signees to a task create a bucket get a task get task details list buckets list my task list plans for a group that would be an office 365 group list tasks and that is in a specific bucket unassigned users from a task update a task update a test version two so I think they're getting rid of this one and this is a new one and then update task details we also do have some triggers that we'll talk about to in a minute so these are the concepts that you have so unfortunately create a task is not that it doesn't have all the fields unfortunately so what we can do we can create a task it needs to know what group and what plan we're creating the task in so you give it a title you also have to tell it the ID of the bucket and give it a start date due date and who it's assigned to and those are all the fields you get when you create a task unfortunately it's not it's not all of them you don't have priority you don't have the little color-coded little label thingies you don't have the little to-do checklist so there's still a bunch missing in here and there's a user voice thing I believe out there about you know trying to get more functionality in here for assigning time but this is what you get right now so you can create a task and then you can also do update a task but update a task just gives you start date and due date and like you already had the start date and due date when you create one it gives you one additional field percent complete so that's helpful and then you also have so you have all these separate actions that you have to use just for a single task so um let's see where is it tasks update task details so in this one you give it a test and you can add a description so create a task doesn't have a description so you can use update task details to give it a description and then update a task to give it a percent complete this is so duct taped what do you think Joelle yeah that's a little stupid so I'm sorry don't shoot the messenger I'm sorry this is kind of not the best experience right now but I did figure out something cool that we can do with it so I did run this I put a let me delete a couple of these I created I added list tasks so it created a plan called employee onboarding in a site called Human Resources and I just wanted to list all the tasks and then I wanted to see it now I just want to get all the get the tasks and get the task details from all the tasks so I can just show you what that looks like real quick just what the data looks like if you're interested so it just it's just this is all just raw data so what I was looking for with some more raw data about somebody those additional so look at this it does have a category applied categories so Joelle that looks like that's the little labels yeah I would say that sounds like so I think it's just gonna have like category one through however many colors they had like eight different colors and so it's just going to tell you true or false for each of the category so that at least is a little bit of raw data so maybe there's a way to get to that raw data I don't I don't know if there's a I don't think there's a way to actually apply like set that field that value but at least you can see it so yeah and it's got who it's assigned to and just some raw data about the assigned user and whether it has a description stuff like that and then I was like well maybe I can get more information by opening each task and getting its details but it's not really none of these have a priority it's anyway it's not the most useful so what I decided to do for employee onboarding is I've got this HR site Human Resources and it has a obviously this is an office 365 group and it has a plan so I created this plan called a chart it's called onboarding and then the idea is that whenever there's a new employee you would run this flow and then you know when you have new employees in your company you usually have this checklist of all these things that need to be done for each new employee right just assign them a user account assign them a phone number or cubicle send them to orientation just probably a long list of stuff right so this is a good thing to automate so I decided that we can just kick off a flow type who the new employee their new name their name and maybe even pick who their manager is so we can divulge a little bit more information about them you know their department and things like that from that information but you're not going to have a user account yet for the new employee it's just going to be name so I'm gonna kick off a flow and then the flow is going to go assign all the different tasks to people for different things that need to be done for their onboarding okay so I'll go ahead and run I'll just run it and show you what it looks like so who's my new employee Joelle what do you think interesting character oh sorry I was typing back to someone mmm I already already have George Jetson and Homer Simpson let's say somebody we're trying my inception Leonardo DiCaprio okay there okay so and then who is Leo's manager I'll just say that's gonna be me okay so my flow is running so what is it doing it is let's go look at my HR a Mayan teams I really don't want to be in teams I just want to be in planner their employee onboarding all right look at that so I've got a new Leo DiCaprio bucket so I decided to just have the new employees name is going to be the name of the bucket and then all the tasks for things that need to be due for the be done for that a new employee are just gonna go in the employees bucket alright cuz you can do whatever you want to with the buckets the buckets are just some sort of piece of metadata right so Leo is now a bucket and an is it's her job to give them the company policies register for orientation assign a cubicle so we can see it's created all of these tasks and you can't assign the priority with the with the flow and they're all medium but you can give it a due date a start date and a due date and you and give it additional details the description of it so the person that you're assigning it to definitely needs to know who the cubicles for one thing I could have done in addition would be to put the employees name in here in the title of the task but I thought that would just create such long task names so I don't know is kind of conflicted about that so at least it has their name in the notes so yeah so there's my new task let me see looking at the chat just let me know if there's somebody asking something I know you talked about so will that add them to the HR team no so I'm not doing anything there is no user account for this new employee so it literally there's no way to add them to the team because I don't have anything pointing to their user account because they don't have a user account it's just their name so always I think she may have been talking about like if you assign the tasks to them oh yeah definitely if you did yeah but not just putting their name in there and the information yeah yeah so so if you're saying that it's going if someone in here saying that it's going to put the person in the team then you might want to have a whole separate team just for that because then you'll have a whole bunch of random employees in the team if you want them completing their own tasks but so this just does this these are really just people like an IT and HR that need to do different things and then too bad there's no way to assign labels through the flow because then you could get like what department the person is it like if they're in a major to certain major division of the company like corporate versus service versus I don't know executive or you know if you just have a handful of them you could use these these little labels and then you could kind of organize them by what kind of what part of the company the person is in if you wanted to slice and dice them that way but that is Leo's bucket so what next so now it's just a sign stuff to people and they're they're all gonna get an email so like when I log in as Billy Bob Billy Bob has been assigned a task and it says to go create a user account and it's got a link to it so what do we do next so people are gonna go in there and do their tasks and mark them off and they can also go in here and of course make comments as they go let's go look at how that works in the flow okay so what I did was I gave it a new employee and a manager as the trigger the inputs for the trigger and then I created a bucket so I'm just saying the name of the bucket is just this new employee field that I created right here so it's just gonna be their first name last name just whatever you type there and then I hard-coded I picked that specific office 365 group and that specific plan to create the bucket in and then here's my first task so let me just remove I'll remove a couple of these to kind of show you what it looks like to add it in there let me copy this formula though okay so I give the task a name and this one's just the task for creating a user account and then I have to pick the bucket ID so this is the bucket that I just created so I need the ID of the bucket and it just says idea of the bucket so that's really easy and then the start date so one thing that I can do is just use the time stamp of right when the flow was triggered if you want the start date for that task to be right now and then the due date you have a couple of different ways you can do this there are actions that you can use that do date/time that that will add a couple of days to a certain date and things like that but you could also just use a function so there's the add days and you can say how many days you want to add to some other day so I can say I noticed that my this is just a little weird sort of flow hack I noticed that my trigger date is not showing here as it as a date I can pick from when I'm in this formula so here's what I did to go obtain that I go to peak code on here they already have time stamp in there in one of the fields so I just go grab this this little trigger output thing the time stamp and then that gives me a days and I'm going to base it off of this time stamp and then I need to say how many days I'm going to add and I can just type a number there so that is what that looks like I'll take that formula let me grab that and I'll put it in here so you can see it okay so that's really simple is to just take now and then just add a day to it for the due dates doing one day and then for the user IDs you can just type email addresses that's it doesn't give you a people picker it's just text so cut this out of here so you just says semi colon separated IDs or email addresses so I literally just typed their names in here so I create a task for the user account and then I want to add a description so I said create a user account an actor directory for and that's where it has the employees name so they'll know who they're creating a user account for and then you can also say Department is and then here's where I am going to have their manager so remember when I when they first fill in this form and I asked them who the man so I could go get what Department that manager is in and I could have that as extra metadata so let's go do that let's get user office 365 users there we go and I want to go get the user profile for whoever that manager is so manager so now that gives me a lot more information about where in the company that person is going to be working right if this person is their manager then I know a lot about if usually the person is going to be on a team in that person's department so I get that user profile of the manager and then I can say get the department of the manager and just say the department is this so all this other metadata I could get that if I wanted to and I could put that in these fields so then I just copied my tasks and just pasted it and created a whole bunch of other tasks with the same exact just different task names for all these different tasks so that doesn't seem very efficient does it ok so here's kind of the next and so that you run it and then it creates all the tasks and I'm just manually doing all these actions but I thought you might want to do this in a more dynamic way right and you might want to have an easier place where you can just kind of lay it all out and control what the tasks are and when they're due and things like that so I created this is a part of Power Hour where kind of like do something on the fly that I haven't already created so in my SharePoint site I created a new list and I called it onboarding checklist so I gave all the onboarding tasks names in here and then I did a people picker where you can pick more than one person and then start in days because some of these I don't need to start right now to have the start date be now they can be later and then I can say do and how many days and then the description so then I can just loop through those right okay let's try this I get get my link to my site and go back to the flow and so instead of let me just save that I'm gonna do save as and give that one a different name this is gonna be more efficient I think what do you think yeah that's what's good idea Christy the stop sharing action is just for an item an item or a document I don't think you could I don't know I don't think you could use that all in like a whole team alright so I create a bucket and then you know I can just move this get user profile up here too and then I can go get that SharePoint lists get items and which list is it onboarding checklist and I'm just gonna get all the items get onboarding items okay so it's just gonna get all the items in that list and so then instead of doing all these separate creative tasks I can do I'm just gonna take this one and delete all this stuff out of it and I'm gonna say the title is going to be the title from here so as soon as I reference something in this list it automatically puts it in a loop which is what I want it to do I want it to do this for every single thing that's in that list so it's going to create a task it's gonna put it in that bucket that I already let's say that I created up here when I created the bucket the idea of the bucket and then the start date is gonna be in my get now it's not going to be a specific date so this I am making it a little bit more complicated so and now I need to do a calculation because remember in the start date column I just put it was start in days so I need to say I need to add that number to today basically so I need to do the add days a day's function so that little add days function that I was looking at except this number needs to be that field oh look so don't you love it when that happens so I need to go get that specific field out of this list of onboarding items so I'm have to be like do a little hacky thing here I don't see so I'm going to take this and I'm just going to select where did my word about dynamic content go I'm gonna select this is when this is when float starts being a huge time-suck and starts taking up your whole day let me just put it in here I just want to be able to see get that filled start in days there now I'm gonna go peek peek at the code where did it go oh here it is right here items apply to each starting day's copy okay no I don't need that there I need the title ok so then in my formula like this formula I need to put this thing the star today's thing for my expression for the start time that'll be the same thing for the due date so now it's gonna look at that number and it's gonna add that many days and then the due date is gonna be the other that other date field so I'm gonna go get the code so you could see let's see do and I gotta see what the name what I called that field do days no spaces okay okay so then I'm just gonna change this instead of starting days it's just gonna be do days and I'm gonna use that getting a little deep into flow aren't we all the little nuances and then this is going to be who it's assigned to so then I'm gonna have the assigned to email now if I put a sign to email I'm just plop it right in here it's gonna put a loop in here and it's just gonna put all it's just gonna try and loop through for each assigned person so I don't want to do that so now I'm making it more complicated again with the fact that I'm letting it loop through multiple people so what I need to do is for this item I need to create a string of each person's name with semicolon semicolon delimited so I'm going to do a variable initialize they're people it's a string and then I'm going to let's see gotta go into this little loop here a pin to a string I need to put this it needs to go before it I need to put this above it all right that's annoying okay so I need to take the person's name all the people that needs to be assigned to and I need to loop through them so assign to email see it's gonna put it in a loop and I need to put a semicolon so it's going to take each person its assigned to and put a semicolon in between them which will provide me then what I'll need to put in this task so let me see if I say this it'll let me I just need to drag this above that or drag it below well I need to put this below this thing I don't feel like recreating it let me just do like copy to my clipboard and then delete it and then see you put it in this here and then I'll put it here I think it's that one yeah okay so now I have my variable so that's gonna be a list of all the people that it's assigned to in this variable for that as it gets to each person who okay so then I can I can delete all these other thing I still need to do the task details though because that's what's gonna put the description in the task it is a rainy day and the dogs do not want to be in the sunroom anymore okay so update test details needs to go inside the loop now so I'm going to say remove this one's a little buggy too when you open it the description is not showing and then you open it again and then it's showing it's a little odd okay so I move that in here and then which tasks don't need to update I need to update the tasks that I just created right in this loop all right so then the description is going to be the description from from that SharePoint list item and that's gonna be and here description and then I again I can add that person that employee name for in the employee name and then manager is and then I can add that manager manager's name too anyway alright so I'm gonna get rid of that I don't I'm not sure what that's gonna look like okay you like to copy to clipboard alright I know Lisa information overload sorry about that okay I'm gonna try and run this now so Joelle what is my next character let's see I'd say we need to get the chat to answer that one Marge Simpson I'll just do that real quick since we're almost out of time okay then I'll make Joelle the manager oh yeah okay okay it's running let's see oh it failed let's see what did it fail that to create a task oh okay the ad days expects its second parameter to be an integer and maybe I didn't put in oh yeah I know what it is it is gonna be that integer the integer function so see how I just put items apply to each start in days in here you need to wrap that in an integer function if it needs to be an integer so of course right so int is integer I go and and then I do that for both of these make sure it's in there no see sometimes when you act when you edit these it doesn't make put your change in there see it's gone come on out still didn't do it I don't really have time to mess with you well alright well it needs to have an integer character in here so I could just just so I can make kids we have like one minute left just so I can make it run just delete those little dates and run it again flow is weird when you try to edit your existing expressions it's super painful okay so far so good yeah let's see if let's go look at [Music] planner Marge Simpson oh no I could well remember the other flow actually created one for her and then it didn't air it out and this one's just maybe it's confused because I already had a Marge Simpson in there let me see oh I don't know what is going on flow is just being oh it's still running a test so yeah tick-tock I don't really have time for that but you kind of saw the concept where I added two items manually and then try to do it in a loop one more quick thing to look at is the triggers so I'm creating a new flow just so we can see what the flow triggers are when a task is assigned to me when a new task is created and when a task is completed now flow planners already gonna let people know about tasks being assigned it's got that built-in email we already saw and it's already gonna let people know when their tasks are due so but this is gonna let you do triggers an actual to trigger an entirely different flow on tests so when a task is completed we could use in this one we could say if we have a special task that maybe depends on another one so you'd have to say like if the task is equal to user account is created to see it's not giving you a specific task or anything it's just in any tasks in here gets created so you could say if this specific task name gets completed then go create this other task that's baby based on that where it's something based on the user account being created then get them logged into their computer or something like that so that's what you could use that for alright it was a world where in any Joelle it were any questions in the chat that I missed when I was doing that really intense demo I don't think so there was one that somebody posted from Facebook let me go back and see if we kind of if we answered that or not to do it's like William and Facebook gasps I was hoping that the checklist a player can one day be saved as a template so I could trigger it with auto me and have a planner with those checklists and them already I think you talked about the little checklist and the tie maybe yeah and you can copy one yeah yeah you can copy a task so then it would at least already have the checklist in it but you just can't do a flow which is yeah which is super pain so maybe there's some hack way to get into that raw data and be able to do a little checklist but there isn't there's an obvious way yet any joelle do you know do we have could we be able to show the whole to do thing that send stuff to planner is that something you think is readily easy to show I think it's just shows up under planned the plant like section in to do I think that's all it really is it says I don't think have to do anything special if I'm if I'm correct as long as a tenant your to your your tasks from planner will just show in here yeah yeah okay obviously from the same tenant yeah that's different okay let me see interesting so yeah I don't know I don't those are all just like little test ones that I had in here interesting okay well I don't see it but I feel like I've seen it somewhere like an Outlook or something where I've seen planner tasks lumped together with dude I can't remember okay yeah yeah what what tenant is your to-do tie to are you logged into this is just the wander laura1 that her to do is yeah here I'm not green yet all this stuff I don't see anything so yeah on the screen so oh yeah okay it's yeah it's just a bunch of tasks sorry I'll stop sharing my screen no aerosol no it it doesn't have it doesn't have anything obvious that's from the stuff that we were doing today I can go login I know honor
Channel: Laura Rogers
Views: 3,991
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: SharePoint, Microsoft 365, Office 365, Planner, Teams, Power Automate, Flow, Microsoft
Id: BURqm1vNC38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 45sec (3825 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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