SharePoint Power Hour: New Web Parts, Vertical Sections

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[Music] hello I'm Laura Rogers and welcome to power hour this is our weekly Show Wednesdays at 11:00 and we've got cover topics having to do with just a lot of different things SharePoint office 365 I'm not a programmer I'm weak so we cover pretty non-technical topics but there is always a lot going on and a lot changing and updating even before you know SharePoint Online was a thing and we were using SharePoint on-premises we still did these every single week and there was there's just so much to SharePoint so much to cover so um this week oh and also if you are a member of my newsletter that I send out before Power Hour you can vote on the topic so I usually just put like three different topics to click on so I've started doing that in the last three weeks or so but the topic you all voted for overwhelmingly today was the new webparts and vertical sections on sharepoint pages so we'll be going over that and let's see Joelle let me see I have Joelle Jobson here as well but Skype is not behaving so it's always something with this technology so Skype is not behaving but she's in here she's in the chat so you all say hi and we use slack for our chat and so that's one of the things about the fun things about it being a live show is that we it's just ad hoc and it's live and you know we just kind of chat and talk and people ask questions and things all throughout in the little power our channel over here in slack and so I will go ahead and get started new web parts came out so it's not just a few new web parts it's a few new web parts and a few updates and updated web parts just and a few things just here and there so I put a link in the general channel to the Microsoft host blog posts that's was talking about all the new webparts so over in the general channel is usually where i just put like general links and things like that having to do with power our and then the power our channel that's where we chat and so i put a link to it but i'll go ahead and do a demo of somebody says why aren't our and I using teens well I've been using slack since before teams existed and I just hadn't switched over and it just seemed like quite an undertaking and slack is always just work but maybe at some point I'll if I have some spare time I'll switch us over to using teams for these but I don't know I kind of like the ability to I don't you know I've got what like two thousand people or so in this power our channel so at first I was kind of like I didn't want to have two thousand guest accounts in my tenant so that's that's the first reason for not using teams for this it just seems like it seems like it would be a mess but so that I don't know I like the ability that y'all have to just kind of log in to slack anytime you want and may not have to worry about having to manage on it in it so I don't know maybe all right okay so webparts let me go ahead and switch over to share my desktop yeah it behaved this time alright so there's my desktop so here is the link that's that blog post about all the new webparts so I'll move that out of the way and then we will go to SharePoint so one of the things that I had for you all to vote on was this concept of this site swap and a few people didn't know what it was it I just kind of briefly mentioned it in in the email that I sent out with the voting was that the site swap is having to do with the route site like a your route site of your ten like this this is my tenant what's called wander Laura so the root sight is I've had this tenant for years like at least six years so this was an old classic site but there wasn't so these new communication sites came out and you usually want to have your internet done as a nice lovely communication site but up until now there hasn't been really a way to switch it out and actually replace your whole root site so that was what I actually did that on here on my on this tenant and I replaced my root site with just a brand new and so this is actually a brand new site doesn't even really have any content in it so I was going through you know trying out some of the web parts on this one so yeah all right so this is a page and this is the first one I started with now the countdown isn't necessarily a new web part but this concept that it has on it is this call to action so there are a lot of different settings let's see I can a description this is about there are a lot of different settings of course in the web part settings it tells you what you want to count down to you have a call to action so this concept of a call to action as a new it's not a new concept but it's a new thing that they're adding in a lot more places in a lot of the web parts so the countdown has a call to action I actually do have a live class coming up and this kind of startled me and I realized oh yeah it's 11 days that's not very far so that's coming up pretty soon my my live advanced class so you have the call to action text and call to action link and a lot of places that we'll talk about so this is kind of neat how it has the overlay color and it reminds me of my website my I to be a mentor website that web platform has a lot of the same concepts like call to action so okay so this web part is a button this is one of the new ones it is it just sticks a button on the page so it's really really simple and I'll show you what it looks like when I go here to add a webpart you can see you know the whole list and you can search them so I can see button and call to action those are two new webparts so there are two separate things that I'll show you all right so button is this webpart and it's really simple it's just going to put a button and you just say you tell it what you want it to be a link to and then you just type what you want it to say and you put it and you line it that's it and then the button colors based on the site theme account so watch this this site theme accent color so watch this when I move it or when I change my background color it actually changes it to you know have a good contrast there so when I change the background of the section it changes the color and then if I move this webpart to another section that's white background it changes back to a dark color so that's the button web part and then the call to action is this one the call to action is where's more to it than just a button it's just more like a fancier button but it gives you the ability to have a background which is going to show all the way across and type what you want the button label to say so the button label is you could put like click here something like that and then the button link is where do you want it to take them and they click on it and you can align the whole thing and then for this text right here you actually type it in the web part so it's a little a little awkward that it's this what text is in a different place than the other text this is extra stuff so you can only the only way you can really tell when you look at it that one is a button is by is when you hover over it obviously you can tell the cursor changes so you could make your button say something like click here which makes it more obvious so yeah no image option for button but the thing about buttons is and images is that the image webpart can do the exact same thing so why would you need an image for a button so a couple of other options which you would be that you could just have an image and I'm going over this because important to kind of see what your options are when it comes to just Y to use different webparts so let's see I'll put this picture and this is a very large image and actually automatically filled itself up in whatever section that I put it on in the page so if I make my section smaller but but it you can do a link so if I want a an image that is a link I'll just do an image web part or another way I could do the exact same thing is the Quick Links so Quick Links give you the ability to do its got it like a hundred different ways that you can do the settings and the Quick Links web part so and one of them is going to be give you the ability to do or some clicking around really fast do you add your links and then you can make each link be an image too so that's another way to do images so just because the button doesn't give you an image doesn't mean there isn't a way to make a clickable image alright so that was the that's the call to action that I just went over and then world clock is another one let me go over here and add it over here and then I'll talk about the vertical section thing in a second world clock and let's see this is where I live and then you can put multiple locations and then I also have world time which what's the difference not sure well we will see world time looks more like a clock and it just gives you the ability to pick a time zone so I'm in Central Time interesting all right so yeah so the world clock gives you multiple locations the weather also gives you the ability to do multiple multiple locations like that let me put this in a different web part let me see take this weather and move it over here so now they're kind of going across so duels over in Atlanta Atlanta Texas no all right so then you can add multiple weathers so you can have locations and times and you can put multiple locations you can have just a clock you can have weather stocks was another once the stock one if you remember it we had a power error where we went over the share points starter kit the starter kits had some extra webparts in it too and it actually had a stock ticker that was one of those kind of similar concept webparts all right and he Jamie said can we do anchors now Joelle am I missing any question wait let me see anchors what do you mean by anchors I'm not sure off the top of my head with that is that like a bookmark kind of concept all right um few more other changes button real clock with her okay so the hero webparts got some updates so i went ahead and added a hero web part because i went through the trouble of just you know putting all the images and links for everything so that's kind of tedious but i went ahead and added this hero web part as you can see and they've added a slightly new change to it so when i do five tiles and you might have noticed this this was already in here when i have like this big image over here it has this call to action so look so I added five so I actually have to add two more links to it but it's got a call to action on sorry I keep scrolling down on the big one so call to action link so there's that call to action thing again so you can actually make your call to action link do something different and that to me that's a little confusing I'm kind of curious what you all think that the call that they're each tile is a link but then the call to action can be a different link so I'm gonna see I'm going to test this really quick so to me that would be odd that one thing would happen when you click on the image and one thing well a different thing will happen if you click on that specific link down there so now I haven't put the call-to-action link in it yet so when I click on this image it just takes me to this other page which is fine and then go back and then this call to action oops it doesn't the call to action doesn't have a link on it so when I clicked it it just took me to the same page but if I go in here and go edit my page again I keep having to scroll down don't this one again this is the hero web part and I can edit each little image in it then when I go to the call-to-action link I can add that there and then when people click on the tile versus the link they'll get they'll be taken somewhere different so like I click learn more and it just takes me to Bing so you could put a different link which I don't know if y'all can think of what the yeah I'm not sure what the use case would be Craig said could you have results on one page and a call to action to vote I don't know that it just seems I mean it's just another option that you have I guess it can't hurt but that is what that does is the call to action does a different thing but the new thing is not that the new thing is so let me show you what when you have five in my hero go back down to my hero all right when I have five links each of these other links does not have a call to action right so watch this when I change it I'm going to change my hero web part settings to only have three tiles and now with only like the bigger tiles so all of my bigger tiles now have the call to action link on it so I can put additional text at least and possibly in another link if I want to for those yeah so that's a don't down yeah so that's the change to the hero web part let's see and then we have that there's a thing called LinkedIn elevate that they mentioned in this blog post which sounded interesting I'm not sure how it fits in with the web part concept I tried to go to the site and tried to try it out and it was it was a little odd because it didn't actually give you away just try it out or sign up for it or anything like that it was just it was it was weird so it looks intriguing like an interesting concept where you can have news from somewhere else maybe showing in SharePoint but I'm not I'm kind of not really sure I guess it's on this Microsoft blog post because it's just some another new thing to add to the list of new things all right so we also have our news web part so I'll go ahead and do you know what so it doesn't keep scrolling and scrolling I'm going to create a brand new page and just put the news web part on that one so the news webpart basically has a new layout so I'll go ahead and pick I'll just pick recommended for current user just so it'll have some data in there and then the new layout is tiles so you can make your news web part now look just like the hero web part huh what do y'all think about that yeah Cassie that's that same link that I just posted over in the general Channel yeah um I'm not sure Susan why your uh why power hours blocked a lot we can look into that later not no I don't think it's ever done that yeah all right so that is a lovely way to have so in you know up till now to be able to have this nice pretty hero web part look it was always just using the hero web part and it's all just static images so instead of having to always have static images now you can actually use the news web part and have it look like the hero but those are actually dynamic and those are pieces of news so that's pretty interesting same all the rest of the concepts are the same things that the news web part already did just like being able to reorganize things and change their order but it's just a different way of looking at it like you can change the number of tiles like that just like the hero do you all like that is that something that to me that seems like that's something that was needed because people like I mean just to be able to have more dynamic content show up at the top of the homepage without having to go edit the homepage just have the news change up there all right yeah I like the new news okay so I'll go ahead and say that and then I'm going to flip over to let's see I've got we've got another web part to talk about or two but I'm gonna flip over to this concept of the new vertical section alright so I just created this page and there's nothing on it and I'm going to make sure I delete everything so there's nothing let me delete everything on this page delete delete and we'll start all over and we're just going to just use this bare-bones page just so that you can see this concept of the vertical sections and I think I'll notice the new foot or - that's I think finally rolled out - a good bit of tenants the footer that you can edit Doh beena it was the news web part and it was the it was just a different layout of the news web part that was think it was called I think it was called tiles or hero something I don't even remember what it was called it's in the article - all right um okay so here's we already have the ability to add sections full now I'll show you a little buggy thing that I found so one of the first thing I tried was a full width section because you sometimes you want to pull it put a full width section to be able to have something like the hero web part at the very top of your page but the weirdness is that when you have a full width section on your page you can't do a vertical section at all so if you see this grayed out on your page it's probably because you have one of those not not just the one not just the one column but the full width and the one that goes all the way across the entire screen so I'll delete my full width section I can just put a regular one column section like this and I'll just add something really quick to it they're just stuck a highlighted content web part on there with all sites there okay just so we'll have something on the page okay so then we have the vertical section is also here when it says add a new section and that will where did it go that will disappear when you do it oh no oh that is so weird look what it did it put it down here that's not supposed to do that hold on let me know I think I might have confused it with all my adding the full width section and removing it and all that stuff I think I confuse the heck out of that vertical section so it was supposed to be vertical not horizontal that was odd okay I'm gonna try that again or I might create a new page we'll see okay new vertical section who did it again that's fun huh Joelle so it's brand new so maybe it's still a little buggy but if it goes across your page it's not supposed to it's supposed to go vertically oh it's doing it on this page too that is so weird yeah Joelle and I tested this and it was not doing that before maybe it's because I've got my um my no my browser I thought maybe it was like my browser was a full screen or something odd like that that is so weird does that happen is that happening to anybody else I go back to my home page where news articles stored those are when you create new when you go new and you do news posts and those are all just in the site pages library alright I'm going to remove my countdown I might just I mean if this doesn't if this just keeps acting up because that was one of the main things we wanted to demo this keeps acting up um we might just demo it in a different tenant because it is being very weird let me just go to a different site they did add a new concept you'll notice this new concept where you can actually it's got a little copy button where you can copy entire sections and copy web parts as well which is a big time-saver okay I'm going to go over to this other sites okay so this is another this is sites slash item um brand so let me see if it's misbehaving too yeah that is so weird it wasn't doing that literally an hour ago and Joelle and I were planning this out so this is the vertical section except it's supposed to be vertical wonder what happens when I put something in it could see that this is verb it's supposed to be showing down the side of the page I wonder what will happen when I update it if it will put it in the right place gotta love live demos know it just put it it just put it down here I'll just go to my other tenant okay let me see good thing we've got I've got a bunch of these things okay I to be Minter okay let me go to my little test site in here remember what it is sorry about that and Joelle I'd be curious to see if that same thing is happening to you on that same tenant yes I know it wasn't doing that before all right I'll go to my some random site in here and this is not a communication site no it did it to look it's a different tenant and it added and added it a vertical section horizontally there's gotta be something it's gonna be something with my browser or something like that maybe it's my you think it's my resolution I'm gonna test that out because that's the what you know what's common between what's different between what I was doing it earlier and it was working and now this is fun troubleshooting right alright I'm going to put my resolution back to what I had it at before when I was when it was working I don't know why the resolution in my computer would make a difference but now let me stop do all I'm gonna hang up that Skype call there yeah so that's what I'm gonna do okay go back to yeah okay so now i'm back to my regular resolution oh yeah look it's over on the right now it's over on the right so it was because i had mike my actual computer monitor resolution cranked way down there's just for screen sharing purposes cuz now you can't do all can't really read anything or see as much of what's going on with it like this but yeah that's what it was very interesting okay i'll go back to my root sight go back to the page I was on change my monitor portrait mode I'll just take the whole monitor and just turn it okay that was fun okay so now I'm going to go back to that other page that I was originally going to show you this on okay end of the page and add a section okay so you can see that this is the vertical section I added earlier so I'll do it again you can only add one vertical section so the horizontal sections you can keep adding going down the page and activity I don't have any site activity but the vertical section you can only add once so I add a vertical section and then it puts it over here and then I can so then what would be awkward would be if you had a so this is my vertical section the only thing I can do with it is change the color but will be awkward if you had a regular section like this let me go edit that one I don't want to edit the one on the right I want to edit this one and then having one of those sections it's got three columns in it and then having the vertical section that one seems like it looks a little weird do you think you'd want to just have the one column section and then the vertical section so I can change the color these are going to be the colors from just my own theme just like all the other you know just like the section colors have always been and then so then that color is gonna go all the way down so even if I add more sections down the page that vertical section just follows and goes down the page just and it's always going to be on the right of all those ones that I stack down the page yeah so the vertical the only option is on the right and the only settings are to change the color of it and delete it and just keep adding so you're just going to keep adding webparts going down it's like here's one of those new button web parts I'm surprised that this one didn't change to white like it did a minute ago when I was testing that oh yeah there did so once I put an actual link in it it changed to white so that makes sense okay so then you could put you know a list of Quick Links down this the side or anything like that so then so now I have this is a section that's got two columns this is a section that's got three columns so then really I'll have four columns but then all the web parts are gonna stack just down vertically down in each of these little sections so you're not gonna you're not ever going to be putting web parts next to each other you're always stacking the web parts down one on top of the other down inside of each section yes the vertical is global to the whole page and not vertical per each horizontal section yeah and you can also duplicate web parts now and duplicate entire sections which seems to be like it'll be pretty time-consuming I mean time-saving to be able to do that and I can just go and web parts just here and there Bing Maps there's my big map there's my all it cites it that's not new that's one that I don't think I use often enough but um it seems useful for the logging user to just see a list of the sites they're following maybe you're followed sites could be put over here on the right but probably people will use Quick Links a lot for listing stuff down the page like that so quick links are going to be the best one for that I don't have a I have one configured somewhere I have a one a demo that we did when we were talking about the lookbook a few weeks ago and we did the lookbook and we talked about all those different templates that they have and you just go Bing it the SharePoint lookbook and it shows all these examples of pages and a lot of pretty ways that people use the Quick Links web part all right now it's time for the new content query web part yeah Lisa I guess the vertical sections responsiveness is to add itself to be horizontal if your resolution is weird like mine I'll go ahead and publish this they also noticed that they added an undo button up here so you can also use control Z so undo is not something that's ever been on web pages um I guess maybe in a wiki page if you were typing on it and the old kind you could click undo but now there's actually an undo for you know whatever changes you're making to the web part page yeah the vertical section definitely drops down below everything when you're when your resolution is odd okay so let's talk about this is a pretty ugly site so far let's talk about the changes to the highlighted content web part and dwell actually there's a lot of insight it's frustrating we couldn't get the audio to work in Skype you just call you on the phone or something I'm wondering if no see would never the skypes the only technology we've ever used for you know having you talking in power hours so I'm not sure any other one would you know pass your voice across but we were chatting about this before Power Hour and the highlighted contents got a new concept so I'll just show you really quick this is kind of you know the web part that you can use to show content across multiple sites and from one site to another and your your roll-up web part highlight contents really really powerful and so right now I just said in all sites show me all documents I can add filters to it and I can say you know maybe show me the most popular documents and all my sites and show them as a list and you know decide how you want to see them I had a customer yesterday that it was pretty funny he said you know have this webpart similar like like this on one of their pages that it's just it's just a bunch of like financial documents so they're not that interesting looking so it was kind of it was I was just telling her well you know Microsoft thinks that everybody has the all these really lovely files and all of their document libraries that so that's the default is to have them be these big pretty tiles okay thanks Joelle Joel's giving me some tips let's see I'm reading what Lisa Joe said just updated patrons putting a powerups web part in the vertical the class description registration process oh nice so she put a power app web part over here as a little over on the side for people to register for something that's pretty that's a that's pretty slick that's a good idea the 1/3 write layout is different because the 1/3 right I'm answering another question the 1/3 right didn't ever go all the way to the right so I'll kind of show you I'll visually show you this let me delete this one and I'll change this to be 1/3 right you just you lose a bunch of real estate so let me go ahead and put my like my Quick Links over here okay so here's my that's my 1/3 right layout you lose a lot of real estate right that is dif that is definitely different than what it looks like when you add a vertical section so when you add the vertical section it puts it way over to the right and you gain more real estate on your page so you gain at least like I don't know an inch or two over here so I can take this and move it over here and then I could just switch this to be back to being just one column I could do what happens if I do yeah so if I do one third left then it kind of has three columns across but again you get more real estate across the whole page when you use the vertical one thanks Steve for putting the link to the lookbook out there and we did do a whole tower hour about it yeah and valerie yet you're right okay all right so let me go back to my one column and talk about the highlighted content web part so that's you know that's these are the settings we've already we've always had in the highlight content web part but there's a new setting have y'all seen this the custom query this is very very advanced so the custom query where did it go is kql so this is I'll go ahead and send you all the link to this is the highlighted content web part link and I'll put that in the general channel where I put links and then this thing is the keyword query language syntax reference this thing but that in the general channel to that is very advanced that is for those of you who might remember doing the the old content query web part and being able to look at the code and see the query language that it's using when you're building out what specific very specific things that you want to see in your web part then that it's just enter your query text and it has to be that specific syntax so if you are familiar and use the content query web part before and know what this is then and you're advanced then that's what this is for so first of all it's the source to be able to pick all sites or so that's where are you rolling up your content from so and even when you select sites it lets gives you like some little check boxes if you want to do that so notice it says this site and it even says that it's got built in this is the keyword query language syntax that it's already building in for you and it shows it to you when you pick this site that's like the gooood of the site but if I change it to be a document library or a page library on this site look what happens look at this it's a camel query I'm going to change my resolution back because I'm sure this text is really really tiny for you all because we're not using the vertical section I don't care about the vertical section anymore I there we go probably you can see it better now okay so notice that when you pick a document library or the page library on their site you have camel query which is a completely different syntax so if you know if you already know if you are only doing you know the query query of the content on that page and I'll give you the the query schema for that one too and you know camel query better than you know you know the other one then feel free to use it but I think that I personally Joelle and I like kql better it's an easier syntax and we're not developers that's the thing that's why I said this is very advanced because you have to know a certain syntax to be able to configure this so the cool thing is I can still narrow it down I can't so if I change it to a document library page library library on this site I can't I'm doing camel query but all the other ones I'm doing kql so and Joel and I were kind of playing around with trying different syntax in here to still make it point to a specific document library let me see so I'll show you so path is going to be Joe all figured out of course so let's go to the other document library where I have some content that I wanna see I'll just go to some other document library I think I've got some files in here yeah alright so this is another document library and I just want to show the files from this one over in my so even if it's a document library on your current state or if it's a document library in a completely different site you can use that path syntax to point to that specific library so I put all sites so that I can use kql and then it says trending pages at the top I can just you know call it roll up or whatever I want to call it but now see is coming from field office 22 and it's coming from that specific library so if you want to do a specific library and you don't want to have to write camel query and you will like kql better than using the path syntax is what is going to help you out for that that makes sense I mean it only makes sense probably if you've ever done it but for those of you who are familiar with that and then also there is all things like some basic stuff that it shows you let me go over to here it shows you some basics on this webpage like author and file type so if I do I'll do I'll do file type so I'll go back over here and I just do so it did path colon that thing and then a space and then file type colon do see X and then hit apply and yep there go so now look at that I'm filtering by just that one library just documents so it's a pretty simple syntax you just have to know all these little the names of all these different sort of properties that you want to query by so like author altitude to Joelle so now I narrowed it down to only show from that one library only files with the author of Joelle and then I don't see what is this let's see what is this oh so she okay so Joelle also said that there is another property called OWS tax ID tax keyword we copy that she's done like a hundred of these so she'd probably be more eloquent and explaining what this is but this is gonna be for metadata so that's managed metadata right so let me see what this link is it sent me oh that's just a link to okay that's just a link to where the shared documents were just Skype was trying to thought you were trying to send me send me there okay all right so then if I want to do a keyword if I'm using managed metadata then I can do that but I off the top and Joelle was gonna do demo off the top of my head I don't know any keywords that I'm using in here that I would I might have one like policy that I know I have managed metadata set up in this tenant but so I don't have anything in that specific library and that specific author in that file type with a keyword of policy but let me take off some of these filters and I'll just say anything that's a document with the keyword policy and look at that I actually do have a couple of things using that managed metadata so this is gonna be a really good way to get back to using managed metadata because now you can do roll-ups with it so did anybody kind of get frustrated and maybe stop doing as many things with roll-ups with content query web parts and manage metadata and using managed metadata at all when you know ever since these modern pages came out because you couldn't do as much with it if y'all were anybody feel like they were kind of stuck like that yeah so that is gonna definitely give you the ability to at least get back to what you're doing and Joe what Joelle and I were talking about is hopefully that there's hopefully there's a good kql editor out there somewhere because in an actual the actual old classic content query web part it actually had a visual UI that lets you you know drag and draw and kind of pick what fields you wanted and pick your filters and stuff in a nice user interface and then it generated this query text for you so if we could have that back they'll be great Terry said can you explain the stack overflow what does that mean oh yeah okay so what am I missing here all right I think I got ya so that's what Joelle said to use this keyword share point now what if I want to use two key words do I do policy comma SharePoint or do I do this whole thing twice it looks like I can do the whole thing twice it doesn't seem like it's the most efficient way but yeah so she tagged these with a keyword of SharePoint so now I'm seeing them all rolled up very cool so we have like seven minutes left let me see any questions user selectable features that choose filters um no because did the other one happen no that would be just going to a library for now oh maybe maybe with search results would be more of like a user selectable feature I can kind of picture what you're talking about but they added that you know the filter pane in library list and libraries so you can just go to any list in library and click to show the filter pane and be able to quickly check little boxes next to what you want to filter which is a huge you know huge improvement and then and that's been in there for at least a year or two but I don't know Joe well I don't know if Joel knows but this query text concept it would be nice if hopefully we'll be able to you know modify the search results page like you have a custom search results page do you all go to search explain com that's Agnes she's a another MVP she her entire business is around Microsoft search and and all this she knows yeah a ton about this this is all she does all day every day so if you are into search and you want to learn more about search go to search explained and she's all just right on the bleeding edge of everything going on with search and the updates and kind of ways to do things and ways to do probably a lot of kind of customizations and queries and things yeah you used to be able to edit refiners let's see I said there's a stack overflow icon oh let me say what is that um there's a stack overflow webpart that might be one of those ones and this is one of the things we talked about last week or a couple of weeks ago we talked about the connector webparts that are only in office 365 groups so this particular page that I'm on right now is not an office 365 group it's a communication site but office 365 groups have a whole bunch like the one that you're mentioning like stack overflow which just again it's just a ton of different third-party services and sites and things like that that I'm not going to get in a communication site I am gonna get in a office 365 team site yeah um let's see I wonder if I have just the last 4 minutes I wonder if I have like just an old classic page that I could go to that I have I could go look at an old classic web part on let me see this is an old demo site I think it's even got sub sites remember those sub sites the old days oh yeah look at that lovely ok don't those seem so ugly to you now and just so like old-fashioned okay I'm gonna add a webpart and add the cut or is it search search driven oh my gosh I don't even under word is content crew content I don't even remember where that oh you know what you had to turn on did you have to turn on publishing to get the content query web part was that a thing I don't even remember that can't be right search trimming content search probably just search results right okay alright so edit the web part it's like riding a bike right I had to do InfoPath the other day it was so weird and I forgot where half the stuff was embezzling yeah it's like riding a bike okay change query so this is the button I was looking for so this is the old interface for generating your kql so see it lets you pick C this is the query text right here so you could type in the query text or you could base it on you know lists and sites and different things anyway whatever you do your search on it will generate your query at the bottom only return to sites so you want to add that it said it adds this content class STS web so that would tell the query to only return sites and then F adieu author let's see file type contains or equals do see X then it goes file type equals do see X so there is a difference in the colon and the equals to in the syntax I don't remember off the top of my head but so basically this gives you the ability to do a bunch of stuff refiners and sorting and stuff like that and it all just adds it to your to this query texting and that's that would be exactly what you need that's your kql that you could use over in the in the highlighted content web part so you could just go create or use one of your old classic sites and just throw a page together and use this webpart for now in the meantime to be able to have sort of a UI for generating your your kql all right so that wraps up the demo Oh y'all I did something fun last week I volunteered for this program it's called Microsoft teals tals it's a volunteer program let me get the link to it real quick it's for volunteering in high schools and so I went to my child's high school that was fun right I put that in the general Channel so I signed up for this program and I volunteered so basically Microsoft decided that there aren't enough computer science teachers and so they put they created this volunteer program so that computer science professionals that's me and you all of you watching can actually go teach computer science classes and go volunteer not have to teach every class but go volunteer every now and then take turns with the other other volunteers demonstrating things teaching them about kind of what you do in the real world and demonstrating what you know whatever the topic of the day is so that was fun so I got to go to my child's high school and follow her around and eat lunch with her which I think embarrassed her but um but anyway so I the topic was HTTP protocol whoo that is so fun right that was what they were learning about last week oh my goo so I just went in and kind of just introduced myself and told them about me in my career and what I do and stuff like that and that I actually don't have a degree in computer science and I maybe I should have that I didn't go to that field though but anyway but then I we talked about talked about the HTTP protocol and how just some day-to-day things that are useful like how do you how to ping how to use ping plaughter how to use fiddler and like hit f12 and the browser and look at the developer tools and look at stuff like that so that was interesting so I just yeah I just went to high school just all day and hung out with the computer science teacher and it was a lot of fun so I might do that some more probably I want to show them power apps I wish I could teach them power apps I think they like it I don't think the school has that kids all don't have office 365 accounts or anything though so that's yeah but anyway y'all check it out if you have some spare time to go to your local high school and help with the computer science it was a really fun little program so any last questions you all heard are gone you've you've exited Oh again we have new t-shirts and people that sign up for our live we have a live online class in two weeks the advanced power apps and flow check it out iw intercom and hopefully also I will see you at Microsoft ignite in in November this year over in Orlando and I'll be giving some of these t-shirts out cool thanks everybody for coming that was a fun one except for the weirdness with the resolution good troubleshooting though yeah they do seem to want to teach Python but they're definitely a lot of there's a lot there a lot of fundamentals they need to learn before they even get to the programming but they definitely are that's what the kids want to do they want a program as long as they learn logic and concepts like logic and conditions and actions and all that it'll carry across to where you know whatever direction I go oh yeah ignite sold out all right thanks everybody bye
Channel: Laura Rogers
Views: 4,136
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: SharePoint, Office 365
Id: rUOCeWWywmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 12sec (3672 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 11 2019
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