SharePoint Power Hour: Adaptive Cards with Teams & flow

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[Music] hello everyone I am Laura Rogers and welcome to SharePoint power our this is our show on Wednesdays at 11 central where we've been doing this for about over six years now talking about out of the box things you can do in SharePoint office 365 without having to be a programmer just cool out of the box see kind of business user slash citizen developer type of fun things and when you join my newsletter you get to vote on the topic so you all voted today for to talk about these new teams actions that have been added in power automate that what they do is you can run these actions from power automate which in a flow which will send an adaptive card to teams which can be a form or button something you want somebody to actually fill in or respond to and then the flow will actually sit there and wait for their response and then you can do something with their response after that and so before you could post adaptive cards but you couldn't really get a response or do anything with the response or know necessarily what the response was unless you just looked in the flow log so actually the flow wouldn't wouldn't record their response their response didn't go anywhere it was just in teams so now the first punch go somewhere and now you can do some fun interactive things now this is a very creative thing I have mentioned before I'm not the most creative person in the world so I there are a lot of sort of templates out there though and so as we kind of talk about this but the fun thing about having this be live and us having a chat is that we can start brainstorming and thinking of cool ideas because sky's the limit with flow there are hundreds of different connectors and cool stuff you can do so this is just kind of expand your mind as to all the possibilities of what it's going to be capable of and so we do slack for our chat and so there's a little forum a little link in wherever you're watching this video to fill out the form to join for the first time or otherwise if you've been here before it's slack IWM intercom and then that is that's where we have this conversation the whole time all right so I'm gonna go ahead and dive into a little bit more about this topic so we've we've had a Power Hour about teams and adaptive cards before so this is just again this is more able to get an actual response when you send something to teams as opposed to just sending some lovely graphic or something cool-looking to teams you can actually ask for a response so adaptive cards are it's kind of done in code but they do have a nice little visual designer so the first thing I'm going to do is I'll share my screen I'll show you just an example of something that I have been doing something that I'll just kind of show you a test of what I've been trying out and I've got a couple of different accounts in here that I'm logged in as that I'm kind of toggling between them all right so I'm going to first of all I'm going to kick off this flow and then I'll show you the flow and how it works but I just want to show you kind of the end result of something that's possible alright so this is going to be a travel request form and I just real quick you can manually kick off flows from within teams you can go in here and get and go to flow and it's to install this little app if you haven't installed it yet and you can actually list flows here and any flows that you have that are manually trigger triggered on a schedule you can just say run flow whatever and give it give the number I think that the reason the flows I created today or not aren't showing here's maybe just this hasn't been refreshed but they're all set to run manually so just wanted to show you that that it button does exist in that flows is an app in teams and you can actually do additional things with your flows just directly here in teams okay so this is the flow I just kicked off it's a travel request form so I say where are you going and why are you going there and when I've got a little date picker and submit and then I'm actually doing just everything in team so Garth is my manager so Garth is going to get a little pop up in teams as well so here is I'm logged in as Garth here see Garth Garth is in teams and he gets a little pop up directly in teams and it says travel request to Hawaii requester Laura it's got the date it's got the little text that I typed in here when's the start date what type of trip is it and then I can approve or reject I have it so that when I click approve I just for fun I wanted to show you how you could put additional fields in here so I just said well when they approve just pick the date you want them to return I know that's not the most logical thing but just so you can have something something specific you want to know from them when they click approve and then if they reject it it actually closes it doesn't ask them because I wanted to see how to make it so it pops something out if they click approve but not if they click reject so if you click reject it just submits it and you're done and it had it so that if you click approve it asks for more information pretty neat right so now it's been approved and so you know whatever you would want to do next in your flow you want to send something to SharePoint send somebody an email whatever you want to happen so let's go look at first of all the designer let me see start from scratch with this designer sorry but so many windows open I get the right thing here okay so you have all these samples and I put the samples page in the chat so I have these adapter cards io / samples and as you click through each sample it shows you on the right what its gonna look like so a lot of them are really cool-looking and have maybe some conditional formatting here's one where you're picking different types of foods and depending on what you pick it actually asks you different questions below so that's gonna give you some of that logic and then here's just an image gallery now this is a good this is an input form so this is kind of what I used for the travel request we're ahead like the little company logo over here and stuff about the travel request and different fields and then in just a submit button so that's nice it's a nice simple form to be able to get to kind of see what some of those look like and then here this one's just called inputs and it's got just a whole bunch of different types of inputs so you can see what they look like and again we kind of talked about this last time we did this it's just got a lot of little interesting looking not all of these are forms that are asking for information but this one could be like that's pretty cool that's an expense reprove 'el so that's the full expense report that body is submitting and this may be pop up for the manager and then the manager look look how it's got approve but if they click reject then they have to type something extra but if they click approve they don't so you'd be able to kind of learn and get the logic out of that so again just a lot of great little samples you can try so let's go ahead and just go to any of these you can click try it yourself so I'll go to like an input form and I've got my resolution cranked up really high so this is kind of awkward looking but here's where and Joelle's not here so I'm trying to kind of keep an eye on the chat window what do you all think so far you all can see me and hear me and have you seen these before is that is that something that you think people people who are working in teams that it makes it easy for them to just be able to fill out forms right they're in teams and what do you think about all the little cool ways that you can make them look now this is kind of Cody but it does have a nice little interface so for example here's the title I could say for my title I can click on the ones they already have in here and I could just you know call it something absence request form and then fill in this request and then let's see Crixus any permission limitations well we're not putting data anywhere yet so mm-hmm whoever the flow runs as if you wanted to like send data to SharePoint then you just have to make sure that the person the flow is running as has access to SharePoint but the flow is running as whoever triggers it so that depends on your trigger Craig so because the person that's interacting with the form in teams the data is just in teams and then flow is where you define where you want the data to go so the flow whoever triggered the flow that's who it's running as it's not running as like the person filling out the form necessarily or their manager oh yeah can you build an adaptive card using outputs from data operations yes you can so that's why I wanted to show you two different adaptive cards so the first one I showed you in that example was the travel request and then the second adaptive card was sent to the manager and that was showing data from the other adept the other adaptive card or it could show data from anywhere and then it had their you know dynamic data and they can approve or reject it so but this is kind of nicer than you know there is that cool approvals action that gives them an adaptive card gives them approval reject but you can't customize the way the adaptive card looks or what it does when they click approve or reject so this gives you a little bit more customization no this doesn't have any kind of different licensing these actions are not any kind of premium actions these are just new actions just regular actions and inflows so so what you can do is customize this and I'm like disclaimer I don't need that and then like this little thing that says properties title this is going to be whatever I want the first question to be so like absence description because that's just a text box and then this little property 0 placeholder thing that is the that's sort of the hint text going to that it's going to show them description of why you're absent and then so each of these little titles that they have in here you can edit it over here in this nice little visual interface and you even have things like spacing separators alignment and so you can change all these over here in this nice visual interface and that will change the code and all the code that it's generating is down here at the bottom so and I can even you know since I'm customizing this I can just delete these and I can say like absence reason and then instead of having this little text box this is the text box right here I can go pick some other kind of container so I can just this is just a drag-and-drop interface that lets me pick different types of little containers so this is a input choice set that I'm putting here and then I can have a placeholder if I want to and then here all my choices so I can say sick and then this is just like what the data is going to say and then what the way the data is going to be stored if you want it to be to like a display name and a system name for each piece of data I'm just gonna have them be the same so and another choice so you get the you get the picture so I'm adding different reasons here and then I can even do rich text I can insert this that's got like a little image that I can insert this could be dynamic dynamic image if I want to if you're doing an image and an adaptive card the image needs to be a URL to something that already exists like in SharePoint so it's going to need a URL you can't actually upload your image into the adaptive card itself but notice that I just have all these different types of things that I can insert here like a date a date picker even a time picker and numbers and different you know I've got a whole bunch of different things and then I can give them names over here like this um this ID is gonna be helpful when you're looking at your data that people have submitted so like this ID by default it said my name I'm going to call it my destiny or let's say my description and then I'm gonna say my reason I'm gonna put an ID in here and say my reason and that will be like what the data the name of the data when we start dealing with flow and then my date of course you might want to have two dates in there if it's an absence request and again a whole bunch of other little types of controls just like you saw in a lot of other little little samples okay so then what we do is we go and get all this text all this just code down here at the bottom and I'm just going to copy that to my clipboard so then I'm gonna do a really simple flow and then I'll do you know we can get more interactive with it and that's what I want to kind of start getting you all thinking about what you would want to trigger this I'm just doing manual triggers so far but what you would want to kick this off this thing that's popping up in front of someone do you want it to trigger from somebody doing something in SharePoint or happen on a certain day or what kind of get thinking about your scenarios there okay so then when I manually trigger this flow I'm just going to show you this really this action in a really simple way before I start and a bunch of other stuff to it so I'll go ahead and narrow this down and show you the adaptive card actions this is just posting an adaptive card to a user posting adaptive card to a team's channel and wait for responses wait for responses the part that's new so you already had the ability to post it to a user or post to a channel and that's we talked about in our last that Power Hour where I showed how you could just take some kind of piece of news and post it and make it look pretty in a in a channel but again that was just somebody was just viewing it they couldn't take action on it so the ones were you can wait for a response these two new ones those are the ones where you can take action so you just have to decide if you want to post it to a channel or post it just to a specific user now since it's just me and I'm testing this I'm just gonna put my little admin account in here so it pops up for me so you can see it and then this message is where I paste all this code that I just copied now here's where you can go in here and make it dynamic so I could say let's see the only dynamic data I have right now is just about the thing getting triggered so absence request sent by and I'm just gonna show you a way that I can have dynamic data in here and then this is just gonna have like the name of the person that kicked it off today so you would go through here and insert all of your different pieces of dynamic data in in here now this one needs to be an image this was that one that looked like this thing that needs to be an image so it has to be a URL if it's gonna if you're going to put an image in there so I just have a URL over in my clipboard of just this little some little version of my logo that I'll stick in there and that is in SharePoint so that is in a SharePoint site that people have to have access to that so whoever is looking at this adaptive card does need to have SharePoint permissions to where the images are that I'm referring to and then you have a lot a lot of little additional pieces of information so this is once they respond to the adaptive car like they click the button and they click Submit whatever it is what do you want it to tell them so thanks for responding they say something like that and then should it update the cart so when I responded to that last little test that I did let's see let me go find that one see we're not when I responded to the flow I clicked I filled out my form and I submitted it this is whether I wanted to change the card if I don't say that I wanted to update the card then the card still looks exactly the same it still just looks like a form it doesn't change at all so I do want it to change and I'm actually putting the name dynamically putting the name of my manager that it's submitting this to so let me go back to this and then the summary is what its gonna show over on the left and I'll get to your question in one second when I get this chat this is what its gonna say right here I think is the little summary let's see then is it an alert and that will make it actually show as an alert in teams which will alert them to it otherwise they won't know it's there maybe so yes I do want to alert them so this is just really simple I'm just gonna manually trigger it and it's gonna go to me and it's just gonna have these questions and I'm not even doing anything with the answers to the questions I just want to show you this sort of in its most simple form so I'll just um kick this off run it and then I'll run it and I'll answer your question so it's saying I want to connect two teams yeah okay now your question was is the adaptive card in the flow apps section to access or is this a separate program in the office so sweet what I'm not sure what you're talking about Craig so the action that I was just using is just two new actions in here to post adaptive card and wait for a response the little interface where you build the adaptive card that is at [Music] adaptive cards dot io / designer it's got little samples here and I put that link in the in the general channel already does that answer your question so it is completely there's no link to this adaptive card designer in flow this is just a separate Microsoft site so that's why I gave you a link to it over there cool so now let's go see what it did it said it posted yeah so Zack just put adaptive card the thing is when you go to adaptive cards dot IO that one's kind of confusing because it takes you here and then you just have to know to go to the samples so if you start end up getting all lost like scrolling through here trying to find the samples that's what I do half the time you just have to go no to go click on the samples up here to get to where out what I was showing you and then you click try it yourself to get to the designer cool um I don't know anything about the colors mark I have not tried anything with the colors I have no idea I would just dig into the code and see what they look like and try them out I definitely have not even delved into that ok so let's go look at what it did ok so this is the one that I just kicked off so it pops it up in my chat so if I was over here or something it would actually I would see the little alert and it takes me over here so this is the form I just created so sick there's my description sick and then I've even got a date picker no I didn't put notice remember when it in a little designer interface I didn't put a piece of text above my date picker so you can't even tell what it's for so that would have helped to have a little piece of text above it and then I submit it alright so then I remember I typed thanks for responding and then that is so that's the little response that they get after they submit it let's go back to the flow so now it ran let me go look at we ran it ran ok it's a ran successfully okay so this is kind of what I do need to know this stuff so I've got this this is the data that it was that it gave me back okay so I'll just kind of keep in mind that that's where that is I'm just gonna copy that you see um this is just regular power automate flow yes this is just flow and you probably have these new actions too okay so then what do you want to happen so what I noticed let's go ahead and go into a couple of the the ones that I created to show you how I did like this travel request alright so let's go ahead and dig into the actual travel request so you can see how I built it and then we'll talk about some gotchas so I ended up not needing trying to figure out how to get the user photo but I finally figured it out and I'll show you where that is okay so I am getting there manager I'm doing an action as soon as the flow gets triggered to go get somebody's manager and that's just going to be the manager of whoever triggered it and you might want to have maybe a flow that has an input that asks you someone's name email and then go get their manager but it just you know depends on what your business process is so I'm just getting this person's manage or just for fun and then I've got this this is my action where I'm going to do my travel request so let's go over to my adaptive cards designer let's see where I've got my travel request I close that I've got too many of these open now travel requests there we go okay so I just put requester : I put created and then this godless little description placeholder with just just a text block and then this is a cool little it's called a fact set so actually this is the this is the one that goes to the manager I'm sorry this is the one that goes to the manager telling them about the person that just submitted a travel request to them this is the actual absence request that I just created good lord sorry one of my travel requests go you know what I can do is I can go back into my flow and just go grab it and just go grab that um cuz it I just left all these little windows open okay let me go grab this and just put it back and there just in the little travel in the little designer and that way close some of these I gave you all these links here in the general channel by the way okay this is the actual travel request see I lost my work in the designer here but then I just went back into flow and grabbed the code out of the flow that I had already created and just took this and copied it and pasted it over in this bottom part and now I'm I've got my my form again here that I'm designing so you don't ever have to go design it directly in that big long ugly thing in flow you have this nice visual designer so I have my destination where I'm going my reason start date and then have my little multiple-choice and that's one of those input choice sets and yes you can write this to SharePoint and the idea is you can put it anywhere you can write it anywhere you can get you can start from SharePoint before you send the card to flip the adaptive card two teams and then after they respond you can go take the data and put it in SharePoint so sky's the limit all right so here's what I did is it's got this submit button built in already in that little input form that I that I used as my template when I started so all I did was I went in and labeled and just gave these better descriptions and then copied and pasted that code over into flow here so that's the one that goes to the person that's going on the travel request and I did replace I've got this URL in SharePoint to the little company logo that it's displaying at the top of the travel request alright so then I'm giving them in my update message this is the first piece of dynamic data is remember I got my manager so I'm just saying travel request submitted to and that's where it told me travel request submitted to Garth fort so it's telling me that I submitted to him so then the next card I'm doing another post and adaptive card to a team's user and wait for a response and that one I'm sending to the manager so that's how you know who it goes to next and this one has dynamic data in it so it says travel requests - and this is where I put I got my destiny remember how I labeled those over in here remember I said labelled it and called it ID my destination so that's what those are going to be late those labels are going to show over and flow when you're dealing with that raw data so that's why it helps to give them a good little ID over there so I said travel requests - and I put the desk whatever destination the person before had filled in and then this little magic right here is is going to show the person's picture it's going to show the person's picture when they I'll go ahead and just run it again so you can see what I'm talking about the person who's submitting the travel request I just kind of hacked into one of the pages in SharePoint to figure out what the code was just to show a user photo and then so that's what their picture is and I'll uh I'll put that in the chat it is over in the second one so this is just going to show the picture on the travel request to the manager it's just showing the person's picture who submitted it [Music] and then I'll put and the the part in the asterisks is the part you would want to replace we're just copy and paste that in there just in case you all want to play that and then so what I did was so I'll take that words got email and then that's where I'm saying I'm getting the email from the person who filled it in which in this case is just the same person who kicked it off so that is going to have that dynamic data in it to show their actual picture ok so then I'm telling the manager who the requester is I'm telling them when it was created and then it's telling them their reason when they plan on going to the trip what type it is so in all these little pieces in the adapt adaptive card so this is the one that's showing to the manager so it's going to tell them the information the person had submitted so this is a this is what's called a fact set so if you just want to quickly list a bunch of fields and just say this column name this value this calming this value this comment this value and you don't need to have them list it all in some fancy way down the screen you can just use a fact set and you just type the name of each column and just keep adding new facts so I just put their start and type start date here and type and type trip type here and then over in the flow see I'm putting the actual value of for start that's where I'm putting my dynamic data so I sit says start : and the value is going to be the actual start date that they're going on the trip that's dynamic from the person who filled in the form and then the type is my type so that's why it helps all those little the way I gave them all little good names in that ID property that's why it helps to have good name for them that makes sense all right I don't think there's anything else in there that's dynamic and then I did notice so the part where it asked them additional question if they click approve but it doesn't ask them if they click reject that was already in this little sample that I picked so let's see they let me go back to the samples see when you're trying out all the samples this one's call it activity update and notice that this one pops something down and this one doesn't so I just use that same code to make mine so that when they click approve it asks them something additional and otherwise I have the reject button just rejecting it so let's go back to flow Oh so go back to the designer because when you click approve and it pops that other little thing out that part doesn't show here it only shows in the code so I had to just kind of that this part was kind of hard so it's this is gonna be like kind of more advanced level so I went in here and they had a little thing that said pick a date and type of comment so I just all I did was change theirs to my field name and called it return date and just changed it to say pick a date and add a comment so I didn't change much about it but apparently when you have those little hidden things you have to just edit it directly in the code because there isn't like a visual interface for it when it's hidden I don't know maybe you would do it in the visual way and then hide it later or something like that that that is going to be definitely like a couple of hours of your life to figure that out if you're not a if you're not a JSON writer programmer and then reject is just a regular button that's gonna do action dot submit so action dot submit is what actually finishes what they're doing and and submits the form and then they're done so that's that's what those are doing all right so let's go back over to my flow so then this is what goes to the manager now what do you want to happen next so let's see email do you want to send something to SharePoint or send somebody an email about it so I'll just say maybe send now I could post another adaptive card to the person who submitted it and letting them know but just for fun I'm gonna mix it up and do something different I'll do an email instead so I'll just say I want this to go to the person who triggered it and what do I want the subject to be so travel to and then I can just put that destination that I had originally filled in up here and let's see so what is the response from this person I don't know see I have note so this is what I came across pretty quickly in trying this out is that sometimes and I'm not sure if it depends on how far down in the flow you are or what action you're using but sometimes your response information is not showing here so this one I rename this action I called it adaptive this one is showing this is all the initial data I submitted but this one that goes to the manager it's not showing anything I'm going to rename it call it manager and but there's no data so there is a way to do that though and I'll show you where how to get to that data so let me go ahead and save this and run it one more time and show you how you can get to it oh you'll have so many ideas let me see I'm using flow to take an email with a menu as an attachment and post it to a specific channel for the cafeteria where this week's menu an adaptive card yeah so so yeah so that sounds like fun so this just is going to be ramping that up too if you want them to actually click something on the adaptive card to say like what's my favourite meal or something and you click on a piece of food so ok so just save that and I'm going to test it again so that one's already got a test running so let me go I don't want to have too many of these ok so it I ran this and it says submit the travel request to your manager now I think I just changed this okay I don't know if there's a way to do any kind of required fields in this by the way I haven't seen anything off the top of my head about that so that would be kind of important to know huh ok my travel request was submitted to garth fort and then i have to login as garth fort over here now this is what i was talking about with the picture so that's that code that i just posted in the chat that dynamically shows me the picture of whoever the person was that submitted it so that's the code that i use that so now the manager actually sees my picture and then the manager can click reject and so notice when they reject it just goes away and then let me run it one more time and then I'll show you again when they approve and we'll go look at that raw data and show you how you can get to the raw data even when you can't see it and that's like pro level flow kind of stuff like digging into the code so I tried to start off pretty simple by just showing you a manual trigger and then just a simple adaptive card with a few fields in it with somebody responding to a form and then I took it up another notch with having some of the responses to the form actually generate another form that goes to a manager and then have you know get their response so now what we're doing is troubleshooting when you're doing getting an adaptive card that waits for the response and then you can't see any of the response data and we're going to talk about how you can get to that raw data to do something with it okay so now this is running and waiting for me to do my thing let's see so now see I've got this form again don't use tab and when do I want to go I'll just go to tomorrow and surprise her I'm just kidding okay so I submitted it to Garth and then Garth is my manager and Garth now sees this see it's got the dynamic data in it from whatever and then now let's see when I click approve it actually gives me so like window that you when do you want me to come back it gives me a date to pick fun okay so that's the managers response okay so now let's go look at the raw data in the flow and notice that the send email I didn't finish doing this email send email so that's fine that it aired out okay this is what I need right here this is the data that it gives me back so it's got data and return date and comment and so what I can do is I need to know what those are called so let's see responds okay so again I don't have any of that information card for some reason so this is if you ever need to get to the data and you don't see it there I did this body thing and I put the name of the action which is manager body of manager question mark yeah okay and then it quotes and then I know this is just the syntax you have to use inflow data and then another one in return date okay so I have to know that that's why I named it a short name because if it's got spaces in it they got to do all these underscores so I just did let's try it out before I I'll just put it in a compose action real quick compose action is just if I don't want to have to go actually send an email and wait for it to come I just want to quickly just run the flow and see if I can see some certain data so date and then um oops I got to put that in as an expression and then their comment then instead of return date that would be off the page comment so this is like fun with raw data and flow yeah alright saving it now let's see what that looks like I don't know what the error was I mean it sending this I guess it was just I don't even look at what the error was but okay the fun part about testing this one is now I got a test it and go to two people every time I test it so here's this form again okay Garth gets it Kurt's gonna approve it and pick a date in the 19th okey-dokey okay now this ran it failed again on the email that's fine I just wanted to see the composed okay look at that so that is my raw data that I couldn't get to because I couldn't see it didn't give me the option but now I can actually see how I can get to it now let me show you again what that formula looks like okay so I ran it once and then I copied that raw data so I copied the raw data just out of that response after the flow ran and I went and grabbed like everything that it gave me back after it waited for the response and that's this and then I could see that there's see this over here data see is because there's a sort of a section in here called data before it's got an Open bracket this is sort of like a drilling down in JSON and they go down to another level and go to return date so I think that data is always going to be what they respond with but um but again I'm not positive because I'm not a programmer I think that's where it's always going to come from from the adaptive card called data and then return date and then comment that's what the field is called and so then for comment I just did the only thing different is comment messy huh right but at least there's a way to get to it now I noticed that the response text this submit action ID just says okay let's go see where it gets the submit action ID cuz notice I don't have anything about like the actual word approve or reject because I didn't put that in that adaptive card that I designed I didn't put the word approved and reject in the data so let's go look at where that is coming from that okay because I don't want it to say okay I wanted to say something different if they approve or reject it so let's go over to my little designer surface thingy okay so here's my proven reject but the data doesn't say approve or reject oh look maybe I D see just putting my name in it just so it'll stick out from everything else and then reject is first button then there's there are two buttons because they click approve and then they click Submit because remember that part all that part is hidden so looks the action dot submit title okay I think that is gonna be approved I'm making this very descriptive so well know when it gets submitted so I'll know so how the problem now is that now I just edited the copy of it that was the like the original copy so what I really need to do is since I don't want to lose all the stuff that I already did in here is I want to go take this stuff I see I've got all this dynamic stuff in here that don't want to lose that so my options are to copy all this over to the little design surface and then redo it and then I have to reinsert all of these or I have to go in here and just try and type my you know my little response is all in the right place so I'll just put improve right here so yeah the title of it is approve it's when they submit it that one says approve and that one says reject so that's what that's what data so it just say now prove instead of okay when it comes across okay so the thing I just did over here is not making a bit of difference because I didn't feel like starting all over with this thing I didn't use this code okay so let's go test that and wait I'm not sure why the test failed with the email though make sure I save that oh man I've only got ten minutes left it's gonna try some just fun more creative things oh I hate that error usually when I get that error it just means I need to like export my whole flow and re-import it and like start a new one because it's just corrupt or something okay I saving it and testing it yet again and I just want to check that the data says approve in it so that I'll know which button they clicked you can see how this could take much longer than an hour okay so this one's gonna be my asking me to fill in blah whatever I just skipped a couple of them yes time flies when you're having fun that is right Craig and those of you who are in our ultimate ultimate members on my site we have our office hours meeting at 8 a.m. central tomorrow morning so you all have had a lot of great ideas I'm looking forward to digging into those ok so now I go as Garth the manager and Garth will reject it and let's go look at the data one more time so let's see oh yeah see submit action ID reject so that is how I would know I would just go use that data to be able to tell what he did now one thing you can do is see it's got kind of little levels in here so notepad plus plus is going to be good for being able to drill in and see kind of what the levels are like that so these are all sort of at the top level so submit action ID reject is the only thing that came in is their response so let's see so then so let me I don't want to get to in the weeds of that but what you could do next is you could do a SharePoint action so if you have a SharePoint list of travel requests you could go create an item in a list or update an existing item like it maybe the first thing that's in a that's a trigger in here is an item getting created in SharePoint and that's going through all these steps or getting approved and then you want to just maybe do an update item action and go update it and say that it was approved or maybe even use the built in content approval so just all the other concepts and flow that you can think of you could use those to you know talk back and forth to various other services and I showed you how you can use dynamic data and how you could go dig in even when you can't see the data so one more thing that I was going to try and this one was Oh another thing to keep in mind is that these there is the possibility that these could timeout just like things in flow timeout when you're waiting for stuff just it happens clothes don't last forever so you might want to do a parallel branch in your flow and while you're doing your waiting for your adaptive card go ahead and do a parallel branch and have something happen so you'll know if it timed out or if you wanted to do something again and there go send somebody an email or whatever you want to happen this is where you can say if adaptive timed out then go down this other branch and define what you want to happen so but keep in mind these will timeout because you'll have people that aren't paying attention there aren't in teams or they're on vacation or something that'll timeout and then then it won't be waiting for them anymore and then whatever happens next it won't do the next thing so definitely important to keep that in mind and then another one which is what I was trying to do oh yeah I was trying to do something dynamic with and this is gonna be like one of those trial and error as we go live type of things but I was kind of ramping it up and I wanted to see if I manually trigger a flow and fill in I have a bunch of hotels I can pick from and then the person triggering the flow can just check one or more hotels and then that's going to ask somebody to pick out of that list of hotels so let's go I tried I ran I ran it because I wanted to see what the data looks like and that one's actually waiting for something I'll just cancel whatever it's waiting for okay so when I get this data about whatever hotels that I pick this is what it looks like the two options that I select in the multi select thing so this is what the raw data looks like so I need to know this because I need to know if I want to be able to have some dynamic list of stuff presented to somebody in in an adaptive card I need to know this is how I need to know how to structure the data so let's go look at let's see I cancel this so it shouldn't still be sitting there waiting but okay let me go edit it so let me copy this this syntax real quick and edit that okay so this is actually one of the templates that I picked the little it was a little template that said pick a hotel but instead of just having this list of hard-coded hotel names like it had I wanted to make it only give the person the choices that I picked up here so now I'd have to figure out how to structure my data so that it looks like that I don't know if I'm gonna be able to do that just in four minutes but this is hopefully a good lesson in flow and being able to dig into the raw data and dig into how like being able to put your dynamic data in the adaptive card being able to have sort of an approval process that doesn't it's not restrictive like the out-of-the-box approvals now the how the box of approvals action is cool because it actually lets them it puts it in the approvals list with just all the approvals from every there everywhere that are waiting for that person and it has it in the whole approval system so if you're doing the post and adaptive cards and even if you're asking people to approve and reject that's one thing that you're going to be missing is having you be part of the approval system I found it in the real world with people using approvals they don't ever look at that anyway unfortunately I I don't know I don't know why but so I'm not sure it might not be a priority for you it might not matter that it's not using the that that actual approval system but it does give you that little rich interface where you can provide somebody a form to fill out and collect all their responses and even have dynamic data in the form which you know that's that's a pretty complex concept but it's easy to just kind of place the dynamic data in there just directly in in that flow interface oh let's say great now glad you're getting a lot of ideas I really want to hear your ideas because again I'm not very creative so I just see all these little cool templates that it provides and I think about all these hundreds of connectors that exist in flow and just all the massive amount of possibilities of cool stuff you can do but you can't think of anything in particular so yeah we'll see no there isn't like a keepalive function in flow you would have to have it so that it goes somewhere and does something that might trigger a flow again or like create an item in SharePoint that maybe will go trigger the flow you'd have to kind of finagle it to make it do whatever you want it to do next there isn't just a way to go loop it back up to the top yeah cool thanks everybody for coming and next week so there's a new Joelle told me about this she's going to be doing this next week so we're not going to have voting because there's a new powershell function that gets that basically gives you the capability to save a whole site as a template so remember they took away like a while back a year or two ago they took away the ability to save a whole site as a template so now we have the ability to use this new powershell function to sort of get an entire site and to be able to have it as a template to then use in a site design and be able to apply that site design and have that whole site template sort of appear populate so that's that's pretty huge that's a power shoka man I think they announced back at ignite that it just now came out so Joel's gonna be doing that next week fun stuff and remember up my office hours for those of you who are ultimate office hours that's tomorrow morning at 8:00 and I'll send an email about that shortly all right thanks everybody for coming and that was pretty fun right bye over and out
Channel: Laura Rogers
Views: 7,719
Rating: 4.9555554 out of 5
Keywords: SharePoint, Microsoft, PowerApps, Office 365, Power Automate, Teams, Power Apps, Microsoft 365
Id: WzsOpyct-GI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 34sec (3634 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2020
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