Power Hour: SharePoint Usage, Analytics, Performance

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[Music] hello everyone i'm laura rogers and this is power hour welcome everyone this is a show we do wednesdays at 11 central and we do various topics in microsoft 365. i have an admin background i was a server admin back when sharepoint was all on premises but all of my all of our topics we do here are not really super technical they're mostly geared towards business users in microsoft 365 and all just all the different products in the microsoft 365 suite so we talk a lot about sharepoint powerapps powerautomate web parts things like that today you all voted on sharepoint site usage and analysis um the day before power hour i send out a newsletter and i let everyone vote on the topic so this is the topic you all selected and i so there's there are a lot of different things we have that we can look at that we'll dive through in my little demo environment and we also have the live chat so everyone say hello we're using teams so wherever you are wherever you're watching this i've put a link below it that you can fill out a form i have to manually invite everyone to teams as an external user um but i have a form that you can fill out to be invited and then once you're in teams then we that's where we have the chat going you can watch the youtube streaming in there and chat um while we go and that's the fun part is you never know what's going to happen and we just have these lively discussions and questions throughout so let me go ahead and get my screen share up here and i'll show you first i'll show you teams so you go once you're invited you go into our teams you might have to click your name at the top and switch your organization to uh the one that says iw mentor power hour and then in here you'll be a member of this team called power hour and you go to the general channel and then on the general channel we'll have just real quick i have um pinned the resources so i always pin the resources for today in this one little discussion thread so we these are a bunch of links that you can click on to get the resources for whatever i'm talking about and then you go to today's tab today's 512 and then if you don't see this little pop-out chat you can click this little button here that says conversation and so then you can watch the video and chat and there's everybody saying hi so hey everybody okay so let me move this back over here and we've got i've got a long list of kind of things to talk about having to do with sharepoint site usage and analysis so here is a site this is my iw mentor dot sharepoint.com homepage now that for those of you who are ultimate students ultimate members in our training at iwmentor.com you've probably been to this page before but i'm using it as a good example because it's got a lot of variety of people visiting it and because i've got all of you as students in here logging into your student account and going to this site so i do have a couple of different tenants i'm going to be demoing like my wonderlara tenant is one that i use just for pure demos and it doesn't have a lot of users in it so i'll probably be switching back and forth and looking at different ones okay so first of all we have you might have noticed this little analytics button that is showing on pages in sharepoint now if you don't see sometimes you don't see some of these settings you might not it might not have rolled out to your tenant yet so this is something that we experience sometimes in power hour because i'll just i'll just demo things right when they come out but it hasn't rolled out to everyone yet so that's just up to kind of uh whatever ring your tenant is in as far as how new they the newest updates that they get so you go to analytics now this is for the page that i'm on so i'm on a page and when i click analytics on the page this is not my site analytics this is just for that page so then i've got the number of viewers has gone up i can toggle to 30 and 90 days here and then um that's the that's the people and then i've got the page views that i can look at the number of views it's had 129 and the average amount of time spent per user it's pretty low it also in their documentation it says that the 90 days is not available so it's got a 90 days button here but it's not going to work so i have my 30 days now people are not spending much time they're spending 1 minute 19 seconds on here because most of the time people go here and they just they're going to have a link to their own student site and they're just going to go to their own student site where they do their labs and things so they're not spending that much time on the home page they're just clicking away so that's the average time spent per user and then my page traffic by time so this is pretty cool it's uh the traffic at like the time of day that they're using it so it looks like we have you know a couple of different people using it it shows kind of the number of users and then the days of the week and that is just for that one page alright so that's the page usage and then we also have site usage so that the way you get to that that that one hasn't changed you can go to site contents and go to site usage here and then if you are on a hub sites then you're uh it's automatically going to take you to the hub usage data so kind of pay attention to that because you might want to toggle you might really just want to be looking at the site usage data so we're going to talk about site usage first all right and then so here is my site usage analytics i've got my overall traffic and it's got this is the third 7 30 and 90 days reports that i can look at so i've got and it even tells me the 90 day figure isn't available for this specific metric right here so it's giving me the 30 days so it's my unique viewers my site visits and then the average time spent per user and again the 90 day figure isn't available for that one popular content again i don't have a lot of different pages on this site that people are going to they're clicking away i don't have any news posts so but i do have documents that i've been working on and i have my usage insights so most site traffic is coming from the desktop so consider optimizing site content to offer a great experience on large screen devices so not only is it telling me that a hundred percent of my site visits are from the desktop they're in the browser on their desktop it's giving me a little suggestion just letting me know that um you know when i'm designing this page and putting web parts on it just kind of i can use the whole you know broad real estate of the page and not have to worry about how it looks on mobile devices as much and it tells me monday at 8am is when most people have accessed your sharepoint site in the past 12 weeks so that's pretty interesting that maybe that's when people start working on their labs when they're going through their training so monday at 11. and then it's showing me a couple of things that i have shared with external users so my external users report down here is interesting you can get very specific and look down here at what is going on with each of these so if i want to know well who you know who is this shared with i can go click this little ellipsis and click view permissions now if i've given it permission to a specific external user their name is actually going to be listed down here like i had one when i first pulled this up you know before i got started i had one that was an external user that was listed here and i was i was like wow that's i gave this person access to this file you know three years ago i didn't even realize i had that you know that they were still in here so you can go in here and quickly be able to remove people if you want but this particular file i've i've created a sharing link and i've shared it with somebody via a link and this is showing me exactly who i shared it with and so she is um you know helping me she's working on these files with me so i shared the link with her so you don't have to just see this link and then kind of wonder mysteriously like oh i wonder who's using that link you can see their names here and then i can share it again and i can even get a copy of that hyperlink to that file if i want to go give someone else the link and share it okay and then oh and i can click stop sharing if i just want to completely stop and if i want to get rid of when i see details of the link i can go you know add people to it but i can also go change if they can edit or view and get very specific about what i'm doing with that external user on that specific file all right another thing having to do with the um the site usage is you have let's go ahead and go to my my modern demo and look at this one let's see site contents and then site usage this one's just going to have a little bit of different data it's got more pages on it than the last one and see it's got news posts see it's got more content that i've been clicking on of course less users all right and then um i've got and this one notice that what i want to show you is this one doesn't say that it's a hub site it doesn't even have that drop down at the top right and that other one that i was on it has this drop down see so it's got the ability to toggle over to the hub usage data because it is a hub site parent and the other one wasn't so you're not even going to see that drop down zach says if you click stop sharing can you start sharing again with all the permissions remaining as they were yeah sure you can start sharing again because i noticed that it doesn't disappear from that little report immediately when you click stop sharing so you'll you'll be able to easily get right back into that little sharing pane just from that same screen at least for a few minutes um so i've got my hub usage hub usage doesn't have as much um but it's also it's got popular content so this is all um not just content from the site that i'm on but in the whole hub these are popular these are actually sites that people have been going to so these are the most popular content in the last 10 days and i can even toggle it between unique visitors and the actual visits so it's got of course unique viewers is just a handful but then the actual times that they're hitting the page is there it's way more and then i don't have any data about site pages in this one i have documents so these are documents that i've been working on and i can toggle it between unique viewers and visits i've been working on my powerapps advanced class i've been updating that lately so i've been working on that a lot that's why it shows here and let's see now another thing that we have is um we looked at the file statistics and we looked at the site usage there's another setting though speaking of the site so let me go over to here and show you where that setting is so go to site information site settings so you have the ability to collect the names of your viewers so i go to this did a little search on the page just ctrl f to go find viewers so here it this is a site feature that you can turn on on any site called sharepoint viewers and sharepoint viewers is activated so you just click the activate button if it's not activated but what you get is the actual it's logging the actual people's names who were viewing things so let me show you what that gives you it's pretty interesting so then i can go to a document and i can say um go to this little hover card and look at this it not only tells me how many views it has it shows me exactly who has been viewing this isn't that neat so all i um i haven't even clicked anything i'm just hovering over it so now so this is uh joelle of course you can't talk you're not on audio but this i feel like this is something that people have been kind of wanting for years is to know you know you publish news and you put it out there for everybody in your company to read who is actually reading this so now you have the ability to see um we have a time to read which is interesting but you can actually see the people's names who are viewing each individual file in here so i can even edit my at a glance so this actually this actually took um some data from this file 20 years of research and it took some data out of the file and added it to that little at a glance that little hover card this has nothing to do with really site analytics this is just kind of diving into what i we just saw on the screen and it lets you edit what um it has when people hover over a file so that's that's very specific see this little um at a glance that's that's a blurb from the file itself pretty cool okay and then we also have um so we we went to a page in the pages library so let me just go to the pages library again you can always go to site contents and cite pages and of course we were on a page earlier and we clicked on it and we saw the site analytics button at the top but you can also go here and you can get that you know that data about who exactly has been viewing that page so all i did was hover over the name of it and it's telling me who the who the viewers are so just these four people have viewed this page 197 times yeah oh cool yep so that's what you can do for um for your pages let me see what else i had um file statistics i'll just go to details over here oh yeah so when i click 197 views so i'm on the page and i go to the little information panel over on the right let me do that again so you can see what i'm doing and i um basically i just turn on this little information panel and i have this page selected and then i can click right here where it says 197 views and look at that it's got a little chart that it's showing me of all the views over time and exactly who the viewers are for that specific page now it doesn't give you this file statistics thing little panel for documents i noticed this is just for pages but usually the pages are what people mainly um you know are interested in with when it comes to to the statistics is what's on the it page so i've got analytics see the analytics tells me like the number of page viewers but then to get to let me go back over here to get to that data i go to the panel and go to view viewers here so it looks like i'm the only viewer of this one so interesting there's kind of like little stuff here and there right it's kind of buried in different places um that is lisa lisa said you have to turn this on for every site collection or you can turn on the hub level it looks like it is a site feature but i think that it's automatically going to be turned on these are kind of older sites but i can go check um let me go to the admin center real quick and just look at maybe like a newer site that i just created maybe in the last power hour or something and just look to see if that um if that features are just already turned on for a given site sharepoint admin center and active sites and i'll just go sort it by the most recently created one and then i'll know um go look at that and and i know that i didn't mainly manually go turn that setting on on this fairly new site so let's go to the settings site information site settings and then um oh am i not an admin on this one let me see that is weird i don't oh wait they moved it over here sorry so the site actions was over on the right on that last site that i was on and then it was on the left on this one so i thought i was missing it okay so i'll look for sharepoint viewers okay so no it is not turned on by default so and that is a per site now as far as whether you can turn that on um automatically well i know that with um when you do page site designs and we've talked about site designs before and past power hours when you build a site design in the design itself you can tell it which features to enable so i know that you can do that in a site design i don't know about you can there's probably a way since it's just a feature there's probably a powershell way if you wanted to go write a script and go iterate through all your sites and turn that on but i don't know if there's a way to make it be turned on for all just generic sites that get created i'm not sure that's a great question um hub level would be nice says jennifer yeah yeah well the in that and that would be nice and but the hub unfortunately doesn't have anything hub level having to do with the sharepoint viewers i guess that's why so yeah that would be good if you weren't still on the classic version of pages now i i don't know if that setting still might work since you don't have to be on the modern interface to be able to get to that screen that has the number of viewers and you don't have to be on the monitor interface to turn this feature on you might still be able to get the number of viewers count on a classic page but i have not tried that jonathan says the features just enabled to the members of the site it is on by default for site owners well the feature itself is a site feature the feature isn't like per certain people um but yeah this is for the people viewing this is what counts and gets the names but yeah so the people's names that you see as far as people who have viewed a file it are you saying jonathan that it's just gonna show sight owners names in there unless you turn this setting on that would be weird that it just wouldn't show everybody else's names um zach says this features specifically of files and pages but what is what does the analytics show without it on um this feature is not it doesn't show in the analytics the analytics screen just had like counts of people and it had the number of views and the number of people but those little specific dialog boxes i just showed you on the individual files and pages those are the ones that show you the view the viewers names and that's what that feature does is it gets their names for you and the people who have viewed this page little thing okay cool ann just said she um just tried it on a classic page and it seems to work the same cool mandy says have i had a session on all these site features no most of these are not something we use anymore back in the old classic days these are very important and these were things that we had to kind of know about and turn on and off all the time and i had a whole section in our training about this stuff but it's when as microsoft move has moved more to modern they they tend to rely on a lot of these features a lot less so i was actually kind of surprised that this was something that you like that you had to go into the list of site features to do because it's not it's kind of it's pretty rare and a lot of these are very obscure so we've talked about like some of these topics here and there in power hour but it wouldn't be worth the time to go try and like go through every single thing and what it is since so many of them are very old um okay oh okay um let's see jonathan's saying when you go to site pages and view a page you'll see the page viewers if you're an owner without having to enable that feature cool all right yes zach said just watch all the power hours alright so we looked at the file view on hover card the hub usage and site usage you can run a report of external users so now that we've looked at some of like the pretty charts let's go back to the go back to this one and i'll go not on the hub on the hub usage notice you don't have the external users concept on the site usage reports that's where you are seeing the external user's name and this is actually a separate report so you can run this report down here separately from downloading site usage data so once you are looking at these pretty screens and then you want to take that information in a spreadsheet and you want to do something else with it or send it to somebody and you can take your site usage data and just click this little download button could have sworn i just click little download let me refresh this oh there it goes i just clicked it twice okay so then when you download the site usage data this gives you a spreadsheet so it's telling me you know some of the numbers and then it's giving me all these very specific dates and hits and then that's my overall traffic and then it gives me my popular content which are it's got a news post and some documents that um people that we click on a lot and the number of clicks and it's got usage by device so this is going to tell me for every single day how many desktop visits mobile visits and things we don't get any mobile app visits apparently and then the usage by time so this is all the details of all the times of day if you really want to drill into that so that is that is the site usage download and hub usage data notice doesn't have that so let me go back to it keeps toggling back to hub usage oh because i refresh the page okay so then separately so that that spreadsheet that i just generated didn't have the external users in it so this is a separate report so then you click to run the report for external users and it asks you where you want to save it and i created just a folder called reports or i could actually create a new folder if i wanted to and then i already did this so i'm not going to click save so then it puts the file in the document like the main document library in whatever folder you told it to go to it doesn't let you pick which library it just assumes that you're just using that main documents library and so this is the one that i generated this one a couple of years ago and here's the new one that i generated lisa says how do you get 90 day data um for some of those the ones that say the 90 day is not available it's just in the documentation that they don't have 90 day at all like it's just not something that they're providing yet they haven't added that to the product yet i don't know why this is taking so long to open come on excel okay so now we have this is the detail detailed list about the external users report so this is very very detailed it's telling me not only external users but it's got all these different user names here and it's telling me exactly what thing is shared with who and at what permission level so that's again just a very detailed report and it tells me see it says external here so external is going to point out all the external people and what they have access to she has access to the power user training file all right and she has access access to this old file um but yeah but she's not external she's internal anyway so a detailed report about that which is again separate from the rest of the all the different reporting you can do on that screen all right now we can get to let's see what other questions we have um yeah and um those links that i shared with you um over in the post the all the resources about the site usage and the page usage and all that they have in their descriptions they tell you kind of all that stuff we also have page diagnostics for sharepoint have you all seen this this is cool this is a a google chrome add-in it's probably an add-in you can do an edge too i just happen to be using google chrome so i can go to a page and i can go to this little add-in page diagnostics for sharepoint i put a link to this add-in in in the list of resources let's go look i'll just go look at my extensions here i'll go to more tools here and choose extensions and i can see that i've installed page diagnostics for sharepoint and again you just go to that link that i shared with you and then you can install it too in your browser and then once you've installed it it's not automatically going to show in these little buttons up here so what you need to do is go man click manage extensions right here oh wait sorry not manage extensions see this little extensions little puzzle piece they make this kind of odd to get to the extensions puzzle piece you click this and then that's where you can do the little pin and then when you pin it that's what makes it show across the top so what happens when i do page diagnostics so it's telling me okay page diagnostics for sharepoint i'm on the page so this is the page that i'm analyzing and i click start and it's taking a few minutes and then i've got another one let's see if it messes with my um my broadcast it might because it's actually doing network analytics too so i'll go to another um i'll go to my modern demo site here that i've got a lot going on on this site and i've got a web i've got a powerapps web part on it and stuff so then i'll go to page diagnostics for this one and start it too i'm really taunting the demo gods aren't i okay so look at that so this one's finished public cdn is not enabled now when we had the power hour where we talked about the organization assets library we talked about that content that concept of cdn so this is going to give me more information about what that is that gives you the ability to cache static assets so you have the ability to really fine tune it's something you have to turn on via powershell but you have the real ability to fine tune and make sure that especially images and things are going to be coming across in the most efficient way you had them you have them stored in a certain place like in your organization assets library i am not giving you a very super technical description of this but i'm going to take this link and copy it and i'm going to post it in that little list of resources there there we go if you want to turn that on so i don't have that turned on so it lets me know let me go back to my little report here and microsoft web parts are impacting load time any built-in web part that takes longer than 2000 milliseconds to load impacts page performance so my highlighted content web part it's calling it out so it's saying that this one is taking too long so this i think this um i have a couple of different highlighted content web parts on this page this one on the right is probably the one that it's talking about um and then it's got all of the things that i did right that it's not fussing at me about so i have all images on the page are smaller than 300 kilobytes each yay me and then fewer than 25 sharepoint requests page white weight is smaller than 500 kilobytes no web parts that use iframes that's good no extensions take longer than a thousand milliseconds to load no structural navigation detected fewer than five extensions used so that's good so i don't know what every single one of these things is but if you had something wrong with it it would give you a link a little helpful link and it would give you more information and like with the one that i had wrong it shows me takes me to the page telling me how to fix it let's go to this other page that i ran it on so oh this page contains one large image so the link to um get site logo whatever image that is i have to figure that out and go you know maybe take care of that go down get that image and go compress it um i'm not sure off the top of my head how to be able to tell that could potentially just be this site the site logo here like literally this thing i might have just put a pretty big picture that i uploaded when i just picked something off my computer to upload as the site logo so i think that's probably what they're talking about this one and then one or more web parts using iframes and yep powerapps so my powerapps web part is using iframes which it just says it slows down page performance so that's something to note if you ever want to put insert powerapps on your pages using the powerapps web part kind of keep that in mind that it's going to slow your page down when it comes to the powerapps web part what i've found is that what i i usually like to do is instead of embedding power apps on a page in sharepoint and having people go to it that way i'll usually just get the url to the power app and then put just a hyperlink on my page in sharepoint to take them to the powerapp which will just open it in a new tab or just open it up like in full screen and that way first of all you're not slowing down your page and then also you're not um confusing the end users because i've seen them you know fill out something in a power app and then try to click maybe buttons in other places on the page in an attempt to submit a form or navigate around in the power app so if you open just the power app by itself on a screen you don't have to worry about the end user not clicking the right thing in the power app because all they're presented with is the power app and you have more control over where what they're going to try and click zach says and i thought my diagnostics was themed in red so that's about that and then i've got um this page is using the content delivery network so on that previous power hour where i talked about the organization assets library i actually did the power shell and turned on the cdn and ran that so you can feel free to go back and look look for that power hour was a few months ago and then it's it's just giving me all these little green checks letting me know that most everything is fine and then also has a network trace um if you're really super nerdy you can dig into your network trace which i'm not sure what i would need to be doing with that so sorry and i can export my network trace to json anyone think that's interesting or why you would do that okay all right so that's page diagnostics for sharepoint so everything that i've talked about so far these are all things that are geared towards just regular old site owners business users just all things just in your sharepoint site that just um most people will be able to get to now um i'm gonna go ahead and switch gears and show you all a little bit about more high level what do you all think any other questions about things on the pages and on the files that i've been talking about just let me know but there and i've done other power hours where i talked about logs and analytics and did just pure admin stuff so now this is just going to be a kind of um both um nick said when did that extension start working with modern sites yeah i don't know when but it's good it's good to have right um and i think you can do that extension in edge because i think all chrome extensions can be done in this new latest version of edge okay so now that we've talked about um all the page stuff i'll go ahead and go to add to the admin center i think i oh i already had it open let me go here okay so you may or may again most of the things that i teach in my classes and empower hours are geared towards business users and when i start showing you things in the admin center then even if you're not an admin at least you're kind of familiar with what's available in there and what's possible so that if you know who your admin is you can go ask them and you know you'll be able to tell them exactly kind of what page to go to or what report you need maybe so you'll have that um leave that knowledge all right so i have two different things this productivity score is from what i can tell it's an extra cost so i'm not going to delve into productivity score um yeah this is pretty new so i'm mostly going to be talking about usage here but productivity score is the combined total of scores for people experiences and technology experiences so this is again this is brand new we might have to do like a whole other power hour about productivity score but i'm not even going to go there because i've literally never seen it usage is good old usage reports that we're kind of used to seeing that microsoft's rearranged this a little bit over time but it's a lot of the same concepts it's always been so i can look at my active users and all these different products just they're just a few things you can see on this main dashboard like the number of users and the number of files stored and the number of sharepoint files even some forms that i can look at that's going to be microsoft forms we have no skype for business activity which is good and it even tells you what browser if people are using edge and i'll show you power bi in a minute too so the one i usually go to i usually just click view more here and this is going to give me activations and and it gives me specific names these are all my like little fake people here it gives me microsoft 365 apps usage and it gives me like the names of these different apps like outlook word excel powerpoint onenote teams and um platforms like windows versus mac versus mobile mobile we've got none and then i can export and these are this is all the details so i can see all the people's names and i can export these and then i have active users i look at this a lot over in my iw mentor tenant to see how many people have in there working on their labs and things so this is where again i can see active users in specific products and then i can see daily activities and services and i can export this and i can get all the details about every single person and every single service and the last time they logged in and you know their login dates their usage dates and all that kind of stuff in excel and if i want to do something with that and then i've got my groups activity and these are my microsoft 365 groups and i don't have any multi-geo distribution so um yeah so those are my usage reports any questions about usage reports let me see what else um i have in here oh here's my team's usage reports user activity and i've got my licensed users and it tells me kind of tells me um what they're doing in here like chat meetings and things like that so if i go to my other tenant let me see i'm going to pull this up because it might have um some more interesting data in here boards usage and then um teams and then i can so i can see i got my student names down here and what they've been doing and you can see there's more activity in here because joelle and i we have all our meetings in here and things like that the other one is just a demo tenant but now i can see i've got mostly we use chat and i can expand this out past 90 days and again you can just see specifically what they're doing in teams and are we using teams on our you know what kind of devices are we using we're using the web a little bit i have an iphone and joelle has an android phone so you can kind of see um nobody has linux and then you can export all the details um larry says their connector to power platform to get data in apps and bi um let's see if uh usage it has microsoft 365 apps so no these are just the like outlook and word and things like that um let's go see because i'll show you the power bi report next but i don't see anything about um power platform stuff in here all right so let's go look at power bi okay so i'm gonna go to power bi okay so let me show you how i got to this so when you go to power bi now you may or may not have power bi license but so if you don't have that higher level license you probably like you have just an e1 or something you probably still have your my workspace so you can create you can get um you can do reports and things just you can't share them with anything they would just be in your own workspace so that's kind of the limitation so i just created this in my own workspace and what i did was um i did home and i did um i just did this kind of right before we got started i did get apps see this is the one that i found microsoft 365 usage analytics so um right here ty graph is awesome by the way that's um john white um and microsoft family mvp buddy of mine that i downloaded some apps of his before for analytics as well they have all kinds of stuff that they do but this is the one that i clicked on microsoft 365 usage analytics i have an old one that was called office 365 adoption or something and that one's out of date it doesn't it's not even called office 365 anymore it doesn't report doesn't work anymore but the microsoft 365 usage analytics is the one that you want so you click here and it takes a couple minutes and you click to install it and i did install it so since i have it installed now i can go to apps and i can click on it and i can get now it starts off with just some fake just sample data when you go in here and then it'll have a little bar across the top saying this is just sample data do you want to collect it connect it to your own tenant and then you click yes and then you're prompted to tell it what the um the guide of your tenant is and um and then you just paste it in a little box and click ok and then it just takes a couple minutes and it generates this whole thing so it's got all these tabs so it's got my executive summary and you know executives love to see pretty charts and dashboards and things like that um oh right yeah nick you're so right we haven't done that in power hour yet the um the power platform center of excellence starter kit and that was something you might have noticed that i had put as something to vote on a couple of times when you know before power hour but we just haven't done one about it yet but yeah the power platform center of excellence kit is what is going to give you a full suite of all your usage specifically around the power platform thank you nick for reminding me about that um yeah it's just separate from all this other sharepoint and teams and onedrive stuff okay so we've got um the executive summary that like is clickable so when i click on something in the executive summary it'll take me to these pages so i've got my adoption tab and my it's even got it down to month i've got my usage this is so pretty this is amazing looking look how cool that little ribbon thing is i've never seen a chart that looks like that before so that's pretty neat i like that so it's got this cool i wonder what that's called i'll have to dig into that and crack it open and see what that um that um what's it called what's uh what are all the different types of graphs called help me remember i know i know y'all are on a delay um lori said how do you know your tenant's guide i feel like it might be one of these um goods up at the top but what i did was i just the way that i know to do it and again it's probably in the url i was just on but i went to powerapps and i went to just an app and went to details and look at this it says tenant id equals and that's where because i know that's the tenant id so i went and got that guid and just copied that and then pasted it in so that's a great question visualization thanks marie okay so my um go back to power bi okay visualization i'll have to go see what that visualization is called that is really pretty so again it just and i've got communication and this is just and i love just digging into these when you go in and crack it open and start editing it and figuring out what the visualizations are and getting ideas because i'm not very creative but anytime i need to create something in power bi i kind of have an idea of what i want it to look like but i'm not creative enough to be able to just kind of think of something cool like this so um i sometimes i'll use just like this kind of out of the box microsoft report to just get as a just creative just to be able to get ideas for how to do things in power bi and see how they did things and yeah so yes i've got all those tabs and i've got activation licensing which has got activations and then licenses assigned that's another very pretty one and then product usage which is got a tab for each product so i can go to sharepoint and i can see how many sites i have teams that's pretty cool and then user activity again this is all my little fake users so i can see the user's using exchange onedrive sharepoint and it's by by product here department adoption that's an interesting one i like that it users inactive and all of office 365 most of them because they're just fake users and then um it tells me people that are in exchange onedrive sharepoint and teams and i wonder what happens if i click on that oh when i click on it it just kind of filters it yeah so that's a good one i like that and then i can okay so this is coming from the department column in so when you're filling out you know your we always talk about your active directory user information and all of your um your user profiles and having an active and accurate to you know your department column and your manager column and all of your user profile information kind of keeping that up to date in active directory so that's going to be really helpful when you are running a report such as this where i just want to be able to see well let's look at the it department that is where that comes from that is from the user profiles so that's how i can narrow it down to look to see how well the it department's doing and then i can say well i'm in alabama so that pretty much narrows it down to just me i'm in the i'm the only one in the it department who's in alabama so um i can go back up and select them all and look see there's georgia that's where joelle is so pretty cool right um oh nick says it's called a ribbon chart go figure it looks just like a ribbon awesome yeah um that just about wraps it up any other question that is so cool by the way i love this report this um power bi report really really neat and so many things that you can click on too because you can you can click and filter it by pretty much anything you click on on any screen will filter it down um and kind of change the graphs and things like that it's all interactive oh art said how did i find the tenant id i went to a power app and i just went to the details of a powerapp and it says tenant id equals in there so it's like 9 d 3 c c e e 1 whatever which is probably i don't know i don't see it i don't see it up here that same one in the actual power bi on that screen so yeah i went to the i went to powerapps that's just because i know that's where it is and i know that it says tenant id equals so that's my go-to place i'm sure there are lots of places you can get your tenant id all right um ann says in the business application event last week they mentioned a tailoring of permissions hope that means local admins get more insight like this um you have a concept of roles now i don't think that's going to apply to power bi but more in that main center in in this reporting admin center you have roles so i've never fully tested this i'm always just me the global admin but i'm pretty sure that there's a role that's just somebody who look who can look at reports like a report viewer i feel like we've talked about this but i don't remember off the top of my head let me let me just search that didn't help oh see look see it lit up the word reports so insights business leader that is a very fancy role name so um that's gonna let that person read some kind of reports so yeah they all it looks like some of them have give you access to different reports oh here it is right here at the top reports reader so you can make somebody a report reader if you want somebody to be able to see these but that is completely unrelated to what they probably were talking about in the business application summit because that was all about power platform so we'll have to dig into that coe the center of excellence kit pretty soon um thanks yeah oh report viewer rule so lisa says she uses that so yeah there you go and this is this is even more granular it says they can give them they can read usage reports and pro productivity score but they don't give them the access to the all those user details that we saw at the bottom so if you want them to have like a more high level and only the high level view that's pretty interesting yeah okay let me see you can make them feel really important by telling them they're an insight business leader or whatever that was okay let me close that and go back to all right now that kind of wraps it up so that was a really good one we went through a whole lot we went through all of the different kind of different levels so we had file level and page level reporting and analytics and then at the site level at the hub level and all the different kind of granular versus high level details that you can look at in all those different places and then since we had some time at the end i went ahead and went to the admin center we looked at some reports there and then we looked at power bi which had like the absolute prettiest reports so that was a fun one i think we um i think we got a lot covered so thanks everybody for coming and we will vote on something to do next week i'm not sure we'll see what it is so sign up for uh to get our newsletter to be able to vote for the next topic and thanks everybody for coming over and out oh next week um sorry next week i'm teaching my online interactive three-day powerapps two days of power automate class and it you can go to iwmentor.com and click the schedule button and that's all week next week so you all check it out and see if you want to attend i am still having power hour too though see y'all next time
Channel: Laura Rogers
Views: 1,044
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Microsoft 365, Office 365, SharePoint, Site Usage, Analytics, Page Performance, Reports
Id: XfJKwJ0G9Pw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 10sec (3490 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.