SharePoint Power Hour: SharePoint doc library & Power Apps

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[Music] alright hello everyone and welcome I'm Laura Rogers and I have drops in here on audio hello everybody and this is SharePoint power hour where we talk about just all kinds of different things you can do in SharePoint office 365 without doing anything super technical without having to be a dev so today's topic is going to be customizing a SharePoint document library form with power apps which is new just came out may or may not be in your tenants yet I'm so the fun thing about power hour if you're watching for the first time is that we have a chat where we use slack where we chat live and talk have discussions and questions just during power hour which makes it a lot of fun and then we also have just you know you never know what's going to happen because we're I'm doing demos and some of it I have planned and some of it not so today's is actually pretty simple you can customize document library forms now and you are basically basically we're gonna have a new button in all of your SharePoint document libraries so let me go ahead and flip over to my desktop so you can see my screen alright so now there is your ability to click to customize forms now this is the same concept that you would have seen in SharePoint lists let's see and then it's just going to customize the form so we'll watch what happens when you do that so it's gonna create a custom form it takes a few seconds and it's just gonna customize this is just really a basic document library with nothing special added to it I just created a document library and uploaded a bunch of files to just see what its gonna do and then you know as usual we're going to expound upon it a little bit and try to you various things so just exactly like with a list form it's created a very simple power app with all the same concepts we get the SharePoint integration little section over here on the Left we've got one screening which is called form screen one and we've got one form which is sharepoint form one and it is still creating it so now here it's very simple as to what pieces of metadata this library has I haven't added any of my own custom metadata to it so it's just very basic now there is a new so backend ignite back in November Microsoft announced this new project cortex and I have a feeling that this keypoints thing that we're seeing here has to do with project cortex with getting having this sort of metadata about all the files and that's already been extracted like keywords about it and just a quick blurb about it so that's what this is that's what this key points thing looks like it is so it's looking it's already used with the search index it's already looked at all the content in the file and it's quick giving me this little quick synopsis of the files content just in a piece of metadata in the library so that's what's what's showing here so I'll go ahead and just to make it a little nicer looking just change that to blue and then back to sharepoint save and publish and we'll see what it does alright we're done that's it okay so now it's taking me back to my library and I can even I can add the columns the metadata I just didn't see I just wasn't looking at that piece of metadata to even know that it was there but there's my key points column you'll see that it exists it'll be there for your library so there's key points and I have let's see retention label some extra stuff like that and I'll save my view okay so now here's what here's the magic basically is that we have the ability to usually you know the way I see the metadata is just by going to the information panel over here and I can see the metadata that way but now when I click Edit all that's where I'm gonna get my power app oh yay so what do you think so in this one the only piece of metadata that is actually editable is the title of the file I haven't again I haven't added any extra columns to it so that's the only thing that I can edit but I can just edit here and click Save and it just gives me a nicer looking interface than it gave me when I was just looking at the you know just the panel over here now the dog is saying all right so now had another way to get to it is I can go to details of this file when I right click and go to details and that's also gonna take me to the same panel over here so it's just the metadata about the file all right so now let's go see I'll go add some metadata now if your metadata already exists before you customize the list or library and power apps then it will already exist in the form when you click to customize it but I'm gonna go ahead and add this after the fact so I'll go ahead and mmm let's see what kind of column do I want to add and a choice no I'm not gonna do a choice I'll just do something very simple just text alright so there's my text text field called Department that I just added and I don't have any data in it yet so one quick way that I could add some data would be to Col look how huge this is would this keep oh my gosh can i I can't hide it from here yeah it's just gigantic let me go out a quick edit and just get rid of this thing hide it save there it gives me a little more breathing room there so I'll just say like I'll just fill in a couple of these okay so that's my additional metadata so this is metadata I created myself so some of you said that you do organize your files in your libraries with metadata so let's go see what that looks like so I'll go customize my form again hopefully this one won't take as long because it's not generating a new app maybe it will all right so what I'll have to do is my form control is going to need to be updated because it's not automatically gonna have that new column that I added in SharePoint so it's automatically gonna have this fields thing popped up if I don't see this I can just go like that's not selected I can select the form and choose edit fields like that so then I can add field and I can add Department and it's got you know all these other fields a lot of these are just gonna be read-only though you know in version number that's not something that you can edit but I can add them to my form and people will be able to see them all right so then there's my Department in my version number and add to see it automatically showing me that it's just going to be viewable and it just stuck them down here and then so that's another thing that I can do is I can rearrange them so I can take Department and put it right up under title and maybe I don't need to know when it was modified I can remove that so just done a couple of things to tweak it to make it look a little nicer and you could do something like kind of move this down a little bit stick a rectangle like a label up here that's got here I'll just do that real quick put a label up here that's got like a little title here document form I don't know whatever you want it to say and then the background for that can be something nice the air ok zoom in a little bit so and center it so that looks a little bit better right okay then back to share points now somebody was asking in the chat is this worth it is it you know what is it really worth going to the trouble of doing all this and customizing it when all you're really getting is the ability to for it to look a little nicer so Mandy said it's hard enough getting people to complete the existing fields then to try to teach them how to update the form so now the people that are actually designing the form hopefully would just be like site manager type people and then end users are just going to be the only real difference for end users is going to be when they click to edit all when they want to edit the properties that's just gonna look different so any users don't really have to know anything special I'm not sure if you were Mandy if you're referring to the end users or the site managers but yeah it's definitely a learning curve I mean if you're just clicking to click customize and then change the colors and then you're done and you publish it back to SharePoint that's only a couple of clicks it's pretty simple but yeah beyond that it you definitely would want to have a reason to do it and it's not just you know it's not just something you want to tell the people that manage these files to just do for fun now another thing to keep in mind about power apps is that when you customize the list form who can do this anybody who has at least edit permission level on the Lister library can do this um oh I know I'm always warning you all about this but remember that by default every time you create a site in SharePoint Online the members group just all the members of this of the team site have edit permission the Edit permission level on everything edit on everything in the site edit means they can add edit and delete entire lists and libraries they can design the forms they can customize the SharePoint list forms with power apps they can edit the the design of the customized forms with power apps if they have this permission levels so if you want to customize your form and you want to lock it down so people can't change it or lock it down so people can't customize the form if you don't want the form customized you're going to need to go give those members contribute permission instead because people have who have edit and above can can do all that they can go in there and actually change your form yep same thing for so this came out in SharePoint 2013 this edit permission level that's that I've always been on it's driving me nuts that's when it started happening so contribute is add edit delete edit is actually you're managing the entire library and you can get to all the settings in the library so y'all again I know I warned you about that all the time but be careful about that so you can do all of this if you have edit permission alright so that was just a quick way of showing you how you can go just edit the properties let's see that most of these are just to actually open the file itself so there wasn't much to it so if you all have used InfoPath in the past InfoPath had the ability to customize a document library form that was called the document information panel do you all real remembered you'll remember that document information panel was actually a panel that had the metadata in it and it showed across the top in word so then you can open up the file in word and you could still be editing the metadata directly in there in this little custom panel that you could create so if you didn't customize the panel then then you just had the metadata up at the top but that but if you did then you could make it look a certain way or rearrange the fields make it hide and show things so that's one of the nice things about power apps as you can if you have fields you don't want people editing you can just not put those fields in the form or put them as read-only in the form and then you can even in the Advanced Settings for the library you can turn off the ability to do quick edit so I could lock it down from people actually editing the metadata any you know anything you know maybe if you have metadata that's got some sort of approval status or something like that that you don't want people directly editing you could do that all right ok now so those are some basics let's go look this is a library with I had the some pieces of metadata added Department had this other library that has folders in it so that I wanted to kind of do something a little different and see what it's like with folders and I also enabled the enterprise keywords so I'll go to my library settings over here and show you where that is and if you are in enrolled in my class like an ultimate we have in the SharePoint power-user stuff we have a whole section about enterprise keywords so I check this box to turn it on and that's a one-way thing it doesn't you can't turn that off after you've done it so after I do that then I have a new column Enterprise keywords and I'm wondering if this is going to be tied in to that new project core tech stuff they were talking about it ignite I'm not sure so there are my enterprise keywords and that gives me the ability to put to tag things so training this looks a lot nicer by the way this this interface for enterprise keywords and so you pick an enterprise keyword or two and you hit enter so and then it saves it so that's how you get out of that field and save your changes is by hit in ER and then I've got this other one I'm just heading this directly before I customize the form so we can see what the difference is so I'll just call this um let's see HR don't Department and then hiring not hiring employees employment agreement there we go okay and then I just hit enter to save all those so then I have a couple of things with some metadata on them so we can see what it looks like now I'll go ahead and customize this form so remember to see the option to customize the form you have to not have anything selected and then I have a really large resolution on this so that's why I have to go this little flyout because it's just kind of getting crowded out of the out of the tool bar is it available on Davina this has been available on lists for a couple of years is that what you're asking just custom lists so the list skating thing came out a long time ago so I think it's been at least a year and a half that the lists have been have had that button so the libraries is the new one now if you're in government government doesn't have either one of these last time I checked so maybe that's why you're not seeing it if you're not seeing it and also maybe if it's not a modern list maybe that's not why you're not seeing it so the only difference that I'm highlighting today is that you've been able to do this for a list for a long time and now you just do it for libraries and there's really nothing different like I said there's no document information panel with editing a document and like we had with the InfoPath document information panel this is just the properties and editing the properties just in the library so it's not going to show them in the document but it is a better interface for enterprise keywords okay so now I've got I'll move my enterprise keywords up and I'll move created down and let's see this one doesn't have any key points but okay and just for fun again I'll go ahead and change the color theme that's very green and black let's see orange alright I think they need to add more of those okay so there's my customized thing with my color theme back to SharePoint and let's go see what the keywords look like which it'll be a nicer it'll still be a drop-down box where you can select multiple things it'll just be in power-ups instead all right so I've got my general and I'll go to this file and here's my metadata and at it all takes me to this new form now that is interesting because this one actually has metadata has enterprise keywords and they weren't showing in the form so that could potentially be not functioning yet I don't know that there might be that might be something that needs a workaround or something let's see let me go to a different one see test file I'll go add new enterprise keywords to one that doesn't have them yet okay so I just added some random ones and I'll save it and nothing looks like I found a bug yeah I didn't save him in the enterprise keywords so yeah that would be a bug so that was why I didn't do that first I'm not gonna try and troubleshoot this power-ups bugs that's probably just something that you know we can mention to Microsoft that doesn't work in the custom form all right so another thing that now that we've kind of covered just basics of what you can do with customizing the library form you've always been able to pull in a document library into a power app as another data source so I just figured I'd M oh my case management solution for you I might have demoed this before just in little bits and pieces of it in other scenarios but I'll go ahead and show you this because this pertains to having documents and power apps and kind of what you can do with it so look at this this is documents in a library and I've got I've even got a thumbnail that I can look at that I can use in empower apps so isn't that lovely now what you would do is let me go to my data sources when you add a data source you're going to pick from if you already have a SharePoint connection you don't need to create another one just pick SharePoint and then pick which site you're going to in this case I have this one my case management and so I would just put this in here there are picot if it's already showing down here and then see notice that I've got documents here so I can pick from my document library that's already in my site and pull that this is already in here as a data source though so when I go to data sources I can see that I've got documents now a little bit of background behind this is that I have a basically these documents are getting emailed in to a shared mailbox and a flow is taking the attachments off the email and putting them in a library but I wanted to try and just focus on the library in kind of the way I did a couple of filters on here to just kind of show what's possible now one thing that I did notice is so you know the concept of things being delegate still filtering some certain ways in SharePoint is not going to be delegate ball so my goal here is I want to show in this this is a gallery and power app so I want to show all the files but I only want to show files in a certain folder so when files are arriving they're arriving in this folder called new all right and I'll show you the flow sign back in of course so you can kind of see the big picture and possibly rewind this and look at all later to be able to understand kind of what all I'm doing here so I'll probably go through it kind of fast so I've got a shared mailbox whatever your shared mailbox happens to be and I you know I can even filter it to just look for certain things in the subject line so for the this is case management I could just say make sure the subject says case management before I do any of these things but all I'm doing is I'm getting the attachments and I'm creating a file so it's the SharePoint create file action and for my folder path I'm creating the file in this folder called new in my document library so I'm creating it in the specific folder and then I'm so you can't set the metadata as you're creating the file so back if you had used SharePoint designer workflows before it as you're putting a file in a library it would let you put the metadata in there too at the same time but I just have to use a separate action to update the file properties to fill in what metadata it has now somebody's just sent an email and I don't know what case with case management I don't know which case its associated with but I do know who the emails from and I do have had that file content and the file name so then I'm just letting somebody know that the file has arrived and then the second thing I'm doing is from so what I want to be able to look at this list of new files and then be able to categorize them category this is case management so really if I'm just going to the library if I'm only directly working in the library I could just select a file and select move to and I could just move it to another folder I mean it's really just easy just to move a file directly to another folder when you're in here you can even drag them so but that's not what this solution is about you always do sort of the easiest least common denominator when you're building these so if you need a file to be moved and it's easier for the end user to just go to the library and do this and click move and put it in a folder then do that but in this is a solution where the interface that they're using is this and they're looking at a list of files and then they're sort of categorizing in and associating it with a certain case for case management and then it's doing and there's moving the file for them and so you don't need to use a you know a document library and a power app in most cases so but this is just one specific case that it's kind of similar to what something that I'd built for a customer one time all right so what I'm doing and I'm having to collect so I'm going to the welcome screen and I have all my cases I'm having to collect the whole library when I first go to review the incoming files and that's not if you have thousands and thousands of items that's not something you would do you wouldn't try to collect and pull in all that all that list of files into your power app all at once if it's a large number so I'm collecting the library but you know depending on your solution and what you're trying to achieve and the quantity of files you have that's not something that you would just flippantly do and I'll show you why I'm collecting it so then I'm filtering it I'm filtering this collection collection documents where for things that don't have haven't been assigned a case yet not is folder so with a library is folder is a piece of metadata so therefore when I'm looking at like this is my data right here documents this thing is this resolution is so gigantic so this is my data I don't want to see anything that's a folder in my list in power apps I want to avoid those so I'm saying not is 4 so is folder is just true or false it's just a boolean so that's why all I have to do is put a not in front of it Larry said is safe to assume this works for onedrive for business as well mmm if you did it for onedrive for business no I don't think it's going to because like when you do flow for onedrive for business it's just using the user that the flow is running as their onedrive so I actually don't think there's a way to connect to a onedrive and pull it into a power app because a onedrive is just for one individual it wouldn't be for like a solution like this it has multiple people using it so the onedrive connector that you'll see in power apps is just to get really just to get a spreadsheet and to get items in a spread cheat yeah does that answer your question um someone said this isn't much better interface for enterprise keywords yeah until we realized it was buggy okay so it's so not is folder and then it doesn't end with EML so if I was dumping all those emails an email has annexed inch is a file extension of dot EML I would just I wouldn't want to have see all the lists of the emails to in that library so I'm just ignoring those and so if you have any particular file name that you want to see in here you could say ends with you know xlsx or something like that if you wanted to see just a certain type of files and then here's where I'm showing only the files in the new folder so folder path equals shared document slash new so therefore it's only going to show me the documents in that one library and that one folder in the library so this is a very narrow down list compared to everything in the library right alright so there is a piece of metadata and I'll show you I stuck the image let's like the image control in here so it's just this image control and for the image controls data I'm gonna go to this item it doesn't have all the metadata about this file and thumbnail is just one of the things that it gives me so I'll just put the small thumbnail to show it like this but obviously there are three sizes so I'm showing the thumbnail and then also on select it's going to launch so link to item is the link to that specific file so watch this I have this document here and when I click that button it actually opens the document in another tab I have a JPEG here when I click the JPEG it opens that over here so whatever I click it's just opening that file in another tab alright so that's how I'm people are getting to it you could also make it so that you can make this also do the same thing so that would be launched so on select launch and then link to item is the metadata that gives you that that URL to that item see okay so then this is showing me as the email comes in it's showing me who the email came from so I just sent this one earlier and then this is where it kind of gets beyond the scope of what this power hour is about and it gets to this flow that I created that moves the file and again I think I've probably covered this in another power hour maybe I was talking about flow or power apps connected to flow but so I'll go ahead and show you what that does so I have a SharePoint list cases and in the in the customers solution that this was about it was subpoenas and it was all the files related to subpoenas and each subpoena had like a certain subpoena number and they like to keep track of them all and so it was a list here like this of subpoenas so think about your solution and what potentially kind of very controlled business solution like this that what would yours be called if if that happens to come up so I've got my list of cases and this is pretty simple it doesn't have a ton of information it's just basically a little bit of metadata about the case like the status of it and who the case managers are are and things like that so then each file needs to be associated with a case so I've got this drop-down box that is a drop-down box of all the cases it's just that that SharePoint list showing me of the cases and then once I pick a case so I'll just say case 1 2 3 4 then when I save this is going to be a power of flow that is triggered from the power app that's going to move that file over to the correct folder of course I haven't I haven't done this one in a while probably since last time I did it demoed it for you so let me refresh that and see if it went all right so do y'all have any questions so far if you don't I can you know kind of just move on through this and look at you know what it's doing and dig in a little further but I you know I what just kind of wasn't sure which there isn't much to this topic today with just customizing a list form I mean a document library form so I wasn't really sure what direction kind of that you all would be interested in going in with reasons for customizing a library form and what you'd want to do with it and like I'm kind of showing you the data involved that you can see with a library in here but I just want to see if y'all have any questions before I go further use this with more controls on libraries like require check-in/check-out I haven't used this the customized library form I haven't used it at all and I don't know why I don't see people do in the check-in/check-out anymore check in check out to me that was needed back in the old days before the live co-authoring came out in SharePoint 2010 when you could accidentally override each other's changes as people people were editing the same file at the same time so you wanted to use check out and check in to make sure that people didn't do that but when live co-authoring came out and then people can all edit the same file at the same time there's been much much less use of check in required check in check out so what do you all have a specific reason where you would want to use the check-in/check-out okay I mean there are there are flow actions let me go back to my I mean there are flow actions that interact with check-in/check-out where you could potentially you know run a flow that does that or have a power app that could show you in the powerup form who it's checked out to and it could give you a button to check it out which would run a flow so you have all those capabilities but oh so Angie said I have to have it for proposals so folks can keep a document management flow so you want to force them to only have one person editing it at a time even though you do have version history and you'd know and you do have the ability to to compare versions and see who did what you still need to force them to do that I'm really curious um let's see most of their need will be securing fields to specific ad groups for sensitive content in a library oh okay so it's not you're not securing the actual content Kristy you're securing you're not securing like which files can be seen by certain people you just need to secure which columns can be seen by certain people okay so yeah that would be a good way to do that you could I mean you could potentially have your entire interface to the library you know in a in a gallery and a power app if you wanted to but yeah that would be a great way to have use logic and I think three or four power hours ago we went over logic in the form control in just different ways things you know hide and show and just tips and tricks for doing logic so Steve compares not new it's been out there for I think you're probably being sarcastic yet the compare things there since 20 2010 yeah but it's just not many people know about it it's really mean where you just go to the review tab and click comparing you just visually compare multiple documents or spreadsheet or it not spreadsheets powerpoints okay so wait what was I saying so you could use logic to look at what groups people are in there's an office 365 groups connector there's an ad groups connector the ad groups connector you actually have to be an admin to be able to use that though but yeah there there are definitely ways where you can determine who somebody is and then hide or show or make something read-only or editable for them in a power app that you can't do and out-of-the-box form let's see you have requirements where only a single person can edit a time and users are not well-versed in multi edit so well that's another question though what do you need to be versed in for multi edit what do you need to know you're just both editing it at the same time and if you happen to notice the other person's name at the top you'll say oh well they're editing it too okay but you don't have to do anything you know there's nothing extra that you have to turn on that you have to do so what I'm trying what I'm trying to get at is why are we doing check out check in and you know in some cases it makes it more complicated Joelle do you have any opinions on next I know you've done a lot with document organizing and document sort of more restrictive document libraries like that no I'm here trying to think I mean I think it just forced a junk out yeah I mean I haven't done that I will say I haven't had a need to do that in a really long time you know because we've thought of other ways for those processes to work you know without having to do that but but yeah I mean I don't know yeah I had to just kind of know this specific situation and requirement system yeah yeah that I was okay that's kind of what I was getting at so and you brought up a great point the check-in does have that concept where you make a check-in comment yet is then gonna show in the version history so it's really good it is really good to have that like sort of like a virtual post-it note where authors can talk about the changes they made so there's that and there's also now there's what's again that one's not new either there's a comments panel inward to where people can have a conversation conversations about different parts of the document as well and they can do that live on the fly while they're editing it - how many users can co-author at a time Darlene says ooh that's a great question I don't I don't think I've ever come across a limit or heard about a limit to that yeah I don't think I have either I don't know I'd have to have to have to go search that up that would that's an interesting question and said it the people that are doing the check out and check-in or the like the flat-earthers take training takes a long time when users are entrenched in their ways yeah yeah the thing is you know what the comment thing and I have seen people try to rely on that and then the people just put like updated deal with humans here yeah you know which is just yeah usually not very helpful yeah oh so Steve said the first SharePoint course I took the instructor said SharePoint is great at exploiting communication problems in groups [Laughter] hopefully teams has been helpful in solving some of that like with teams coming out with people have more sort of live I don't know a more interactive related with each other I think that's the thing is it just has to kind of be able to work for many different things and not be so rigid stuff like you know those old features yeah I my very first year Point class it was when it went from one of those like large training companies and I could tell that the guy even though I had never I wasn't very familiar with Sherpa I could tell that the guy probably just read a book about SharePoint the night before didn't know it way back in there mm but I just thought that was funny um okay well I don't want to get too in the weeds with that little just one specific solution that really had didn't really have that much to do with what we were talking about in this topic but it is interesting to see kind of what's possible when you're pulling that data into the power app so let me show you one more time and so now it's showing me an error for that flow that I was trying to run but I really am NOT going to troubleshoot that right now all right so what I want to show you is here's a trick that I had clicked format text to split this all out oh let me show my desktop again I has a clicks format text just split this all out this is the filter on the items in the gallery now you can do the little comment thing like that to comment you know your row out but a faster way to come and want to comment this whole thing out is I can just remove the formatting again and then then when I comment it out it comments the whole thing out so so wanted to show you all why this why I did the collection here so if I do try to do is blank on a particular column it gives me a delegation warning so that means it's not going to be good for large sets of items like a document library with thousands of items and then I get rid of that and then I get a delegation warning on not is folder so that one's also going to not be good to use and then when I get rid of that I can't do something ends with something that's not going to work for delegation either so then folder path equals to your document slash new that one also is going to give me a delegation warning so pretty much every single fill I had on this library to get it to narrow down to the set of files that I wanted to see we're all non-delegable filters so that's why I when someone clicks the button to go to that screen where the gallery is I'm just collecting the library at that point so hopefully that helps you kind of understand if you're dealing with the content in your library directly and power apps and dealing with like the whole the whole set of files they're like think I'm doing let me get rid of that little comment here put it back how it was hey Trevor he's asked twice I wanted to get his question in there are we able to upload attachments from PA form to a doc library now nope no and that's one of the things I was really hoping for so that's the first thing I checked for when I saw this you know this new capability is I went in there and tried to look for a way to do that because that's that would be one of the main things that I would want or expect when customizing a form is I would want to have an interface with just an upload button so that you could potentially do everything through the power app and not have people clicking upload in the library but unfortunately it doesn't have and of course if you have a list item and you have attachments enabled you're actually going to have an attachments thing here where you could upload attachments to the list item but this one doesn't even have that of course because this is for one file so you don't have attachments and you don't have any sort of built-in way to do an upload and you don't have any kind of new control for uploading a file now we can that's a good you know I didn't see it in any of the documentation but we can also kind of poke around and see if there's like some new function to upload or something like that but now there's yeah there's no control for see this is not for files there's just image video audio microphone blah blah blah there's not upload a file so yeah oh yeah alright cool well um I'm gonna go back over this oh the aunt said why do you do the folder path at the end of the filter when you do that first to reduce was pulling down yeah that's a good point that's a great point I mean go change that in this case it was just a demo mock-up so I wasn't really concerned about performance but yeah that I really should have done that that's a good point I'll go back in and fix that and yeah there's actually a new way now in there's a monitor that will actually help you with performance as well so let me show you that real quick - over on the left side this little advanced tools thing over here you have a monitor so the monitor is going to be why we're teaching our class next week I'm actually about to add all this to our courseware to be able to set in the class so this is monitoring what I'm doing in the power app so for example let me go back and I'll see this one doesn't have much in it so this one doesn't have much going on maybe this one might be more useful to monitor so male monitoring my case management one so now when I go to my welcome screen and I review incoming files and I'm just kind of doing stuff and clicking around in here and then I can see what I'm monitoring and that will so speaking of what you said about the filter this will have actually point out specific things for me to know about my specific controls in here and things that are taking so this is my response time response size so this is the one where I'm getting the rose I'm getting all the documents that is pretty big so and this is just a test library with just like probably about maybe 50 documents in it and it's bogging it down a good bit you know compared to everything else so yeah it's a good thing to take a look at to see how much that your specific properties and controls are affecting things pretty cool Oh Manny says it makes sense as you're attaching metadata to a file it's already uploaded yeah so exactly so the metadata you're editing is for a file that's already in the library so the metadata is not like it used to in the old days when you clicked upload to upload a file the metadata popped up to fill in if it was a one file it doesn't do that anymore anyway so yeah the file is already in there all right cool well we're we're gonna cut it a little bit short because I figured that would be a pretty short power hour let's see what one more questions crater Crescent listed it takes the attachment crates that are finally approved like library the metadata filled out yeah so Christie's got a good point so if you have a very specific custom solution where you need people to have fill in a request and upload files you can do what she's doing and not have the form necessarily be on the library like we're doing here she's have she's got the custom form on her list with just the out-of-the-box attachments control but then she's got the probably if she's doing with us a flood where the flow is taking the attachment from the list form they fill out and then putting in a library behind the scenes so that's that is definitely one way to do it but it's you could have done that before this new feature came out that we're talking about today but that's really a great idea and it gives you an actual like an upload button to do that but yeah but you're right it is it is focused towards pictures but the add an attachment control is not pictures at an attachment could be anything and you can just take flow and move that attachment over to a library and then and put a gallery and your power app and show the data in that library alright okay well I'll go ahead and wrap it up so thanks everybody for coming and again we're not having power our next week because I'm teaching the five-day power apps and pot power automate live online class and you can go to IWM intercom to read all about it and thanks everybody for coming and thanks for all of the conversation going on in the chat today that was a lot of fun very interactive and I will see you all next time and there's a there's actually a schedule button at the top of IWM intercom with the power our schedule bye everybody
Channel: Laura Rogers
Views: 12,537
Rating: 4.8681316 out of 5
Keywords: SharePoint, Microsoft, PowerApps, Power BI, Office 365, Microsoft 365, Power Apps
Id: KFGk_V6LVm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 45sec (3105 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 15 2020
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