SharePoint 2013: Getting Started (Tutorial)

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thank you for signing up for our SharePoint 2013 45 day trial I'm here to help walk you through getting started using your SharePoint site let's dig in first go to the email that Rackspace sent you with your login credentials and notice that you were given three accounts an admin account a contributor account and a viewer account this allows you to test SharePoint at three different permission levels your admin account acts as your site collection administrator and has full permissions to your SharePoint site you contribute your account can add edit and delete things that are already existing on your SharePoint site and then you have your viewer account which has read-only access to login click the link next to your route site collection you will be prompted with a login box please type your username and password copying and pasting can add extra spaces at the end which will cause your login to fail and let's go ahead and log in as the admin account great you've logged in and now you're looking at a basic SharePoint 2013 team site there are other site templates that can be applied but for this demo we're just going to stick to the 2013 team site so first things first how do I upload a document great question go to the quick launch click documents you are now in the documents library to upload a document click plus a new document brass the document you'd like to upload I will upload the HR interview questions click open click OK simple the document has just been uploaded but the great thing about SharePoint is the ability to add metadata to your documents and metadata is simply data about data which will allow you to better organize and manage those documents for users later so let's go ahead and add a column called Department click library in the ribbon click create column column named Department notice all of the different columns you can add single line of text multiple lines of text choice number currency we're going to go with choice for this one which is a very common column you'll see you have entered choice one two three they go on we're going to enter IT department HR accounting and Finance we'll leave it as a drop-down menu for the default value generally you want to leave this for the default value generally you want to make this nothing now unless you have 80% of the documents you're uploading or let's say the IT department or HR then you want to put that as the default value but for this example we're going to leave it as nothing click OK notice your department column is now there now let's tag this document to tag this document click the ellipse do not click Edit here this will open the document in Word we want to edit the properties of the document click the three ellipse next to follow click Edit properties under Department take it as HR click Save simple now our document HR interview questions is tagged as HR but how would this work for uploading multiple documents how would I upload multiple documents another great question to do that we're going to simply drag them from the desktop highlight them drag them to where it says drag files here and drop it the documents will be quickly uploaded there we go and now we have more documents our document library please understand that the drag-and-drop feature can be dependent on your operating system and your browser all that information can be found on our FAQ let's go take a look at that right now our FAQ is at SharePoint Rackspace calm under FAQ s per user sharepoint fa Q's here's a really good list of common questions that we get there are also a set of tutorials out there some of which are videos some are documents and some are both so there's really great content out there I encourage you to check it out um and right here you'll notice that there's how to upload a document but let's go back to that document library and see what else we can do okay so we still need to tag the rest of these documents now instead of clicking on the ellipse and clicking the only ellipse and clicking edit properties we're going to do it a different way we're going to use quick edit quick edit allows us to edit these documents by clicking the drop down will say team meeting notes at site e HR notes that's HR helpful web links accounting see how simple this could be but let's say you want to make all of these accounting so accounting drag it down and there you have it to exit out of this view simply click view it's as easy as that okay so now we have a department let's add one more column click create column we're going to call this one general info this one will be multiple lines of text that's all we need click OK let's say that you want to add some general info to one of these documents let's say HR notes click the ellipse click the three lips weight let's say you want to add general info about HR notes click the ellipse click the ellipse edit properties you'll notice it's our tags HR general info these are my notes click Save and now you'll notice that HR notes has general info these are my notes another great feature is the ability to quickly send a link to somebody so instead of emailing the document back and forth between people and getting confused about what the updated version is which we will go into versioning momentarily but you can simply send this link out to somebody and they will be able to edit this document if they have the proper permissions to the document library of course but still how is this beneficial well let's sort this so I could say Department and I only want to see the accounting documents now you'll see that I only can see the accounting documents or accounting an HR you get the point it can become the way that you organize and manage your data can really help users find things faster let's go look at versioning setup versioning click library click library settings you'll notice you have a selection for versioning settings require content approval for submitted items we're going to leave that as know create a version each time you edit a file in this document library you have the option to create major versions and you have the option to create major and minor versions an example to create major and minor versions would be if you have a dress code policy but then someone makes a change 1.1 another person makes a change 1.2 on so on is full so on and so forth those would just be internal to HR though you would then have the ability for HR to take all those minor versions and put them into a major version which would be version 2 which all of the user could see so we're going to just do create major versions click OK click the documents let's go edit one of these let's actually edit the HR interview questions click the document word will open little have you login password notice the document is blank let's add some text is my first interview question click save back to our SharePoint document library refresh the page notice that this was updated to check the versioning click the ellipse click the ellipse version history notice now that we can revert back if we would like each version does save a full copy so that can take up a lot of space I recommend setting your versioning to three to five documents so to do that again go to the library in the ribbon click library settings versioning settings optionally optimally limit the number of versions to retain keep the following number of major versions like I said 3 to 5 is generally a good number 10 gets to be a bit much but I'm going to go ahead and just do 5 click OK click documents and now we're back at the documents library let's go back to our home you'll notice that all of our documents are displaying on the web part but let's make this information a bit more useful to the users so we're going to go ahead and edit this page click Edit click page click Edit to edit this webpart check the box hit the drop-down edit web part we're going to edit the current view okay let's say we want to filter this so that on the home page we only show documents that are tagged HR so show items when the column Department is equal to HR click OK great now we're only showing our HR documents let's go ahead and add another web part and show our accounting documents click page click Edit this time we're going to insert a web part to insert a web part click insert click web part documents click add and now you'll notice that we have our first web part and now we have our second web part so to edit this web part do the same thing edit web part we're going to edit the current view again this time we're going to only show accounting documents click OK great now we have accounting documents and we have HR documents but it's kind of ugly it says documents 1 documents 2 so it's not very clear so let's go ahead and edit those again page edit check this box this time we go to the ribbon we're going to web part web part properties it's just a different way you can edit the web part appearance where it says documents changes to HR documents click apply boom HR documents by the other web part click the drop down edit web part appearance this one is accounting and let's also change the toolbar to no toolbar let's see what that does click OK and now you can see that there is the HR documents with the plus new document or drive files here toolbar and if you look at the accounting documents web part you'll notice there's no toolbar there great click Save and now our and our home page looks a bit more useful another question we get a lot is around permissions and who has permissions to what can I break permissions those are all great questions so let's go look for missions where they're at and how to change them to the right of your name click the site settings gear click site settings click site permissions under users and permissions you'll notice that Rackspace Dam not user 3 has read Rackspace down that user 2 has contribute and then you also have three default security groups members owners and visitors and if you go to site collection administrators remembers that Rackspace demo user one is the only user in there click OK now if you wanted to you could technically add Rackspace user to Rackspace user 3 to the site collection administrators group I wouldn't recommend it but you can do it so let's actually put this in action now let's go back to our documents library and let's set some unique permissions so from the ribbon click library click shared with notice that you have user 1 user 2 and user 3 click advanced this library inherits permissions from its parent by default SharePoint requires miniature by default everything inherits permissions from this parent but you can break those permissions to break the permissions click stop inheriting permissions it's going to ask you if you're sure click OK and it copies them here so we still need to delete the users so we still need to delete the users because they still have access so to delete their access let's go ahead and choose user 2 and say remove User permissions yes I'm sure I want to do this ok so now let's go try to login as user 2 I'm going to log out ok close out let's log back in this time we're going to login as user to notice now that user two can no longer see the webparts either because they don't have access to the documents library that's very important but let's go ahead and log back out and log back in as the administrator so we can continue on sign back in as the administrator okay and now we're logged back in as the administrator let's go ahead and make another change to our to our home page here let's go ahead and get rid of the get started with your site there we go now it's gone now there's more useful information on here the next thing we want to do is add a new app on the quick launch click site contents click add an app let's go ahead and add the calendar app let's call it team calendar click create great team calendar go ahead and open it and there you have a basic SharePoint team calendar let's go ahead and add an item let's see the 28th turkey day we're going to go ahead and say turkey day start time end time we're going to go ahead make this an all-day event so you can put a start time and end time but you wouldn't want to on this day you can notice the different categories you can add it is a holiday so we'll make it a holiday and this is not a reoccurring event click Save and there you have turkey day the great thing about this is it's really just a list you don't believe me the settings we can do everything else that we could do on a normal list with our calendar let's go back to the team counting really quick okay let's say you want to change the view of the calendar to do that click calendar in the ribbon current view let's say we only want to see the current events on our calendar turkey day so this is one way to look at it again it's your preference let's go back and change it to the calendar view there we go so that was simply how to add a SharePoint team calendar let's say we want to add that calendar to our home page you know how to do that click page click edit insert going to add a webpart team calendar click Add so you'll notice it takes up a lot of real estate on your site so what we want to do is only show current events so let's edit the web part edit web part so when edit the current view this time we one hit the under selected view hit the drop down and show you this time we want to show current events look okay and now our team calendar is only showing current events and we have accounting documents and we have HR documents let's go ahead and click Save look at that our page is looking a little bit more useful the last thing I want to show you how to do is create a sub site a sub site could be great for different departments so instead of you know creating those those columns HR IT accounting & Finance we could give them their own sub site where they could go and add their own documents and play it that way so let's go see how to do that on the quick launch click site contents click new sub site under sub sites let's go with IT let's go T we're going to keep it a team site under permissions again this is where you can use same permissions as parent or you can use unique permissions so you could say only people in the IT department have permissions to this site that's a valid option but we're going to say use same permissions as parent site navigation display this site in the quick launch of the parent site now display this site on the top like bar the parent site yes and use this top link bar from parent site I want to say yes click create and there you have it you'll notice you've created a basic IT sub site which looks very similar to what we started off with in the beginning and I can click on Rackspace SharePoint 2013 demo and get me to to get me to the top level site this has been a presentation by Jeff Taylor with the SharePoint at Rackspace team and thank you for watching
Channel: SharePoint at Rackspace
Views: 797,243
Rating: 4.7050848 out of 5
Keywords: SharePoint, Microsoft, Training, Tutorials, Free, Beginning, Enterprise Software, Rackspace
Id: FO7oq4bzuo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 5sec (1505 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 11 2013
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