Lesson 01: SharePoint 2013 Basics

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okay so this video is designed to be the SharePoint 2013 intro video this video is designed for those who are either new to SharePoint or maybe been working with SharePoint 2003 2007 2010 but new to 2013 what this video is really going to do is really just kind of give you a basic overview over like team site and as you know there are many different site types in SharePoint the one that we're going to focus on in this video is a team site now if you're a student of the class you actually have your own playground team site and some of the things that we do here you should be able to follow along with your playground site and towards the end I will hand out assignments for those who are students and then you will email me the link as we do with any other project just to kind of turn in your assignment towards the end okay so on the team site in 2013 things kind of look a little bit different this is all out-of-the-box layout there's no customization here now with this particular site but we will get to that very soon another thing about this site this site is hosted on Microsoft Office 365 SharePoint Online so if you're installing or if you plan with a site that someone at your organization installed for you now some of the links up may not apply you may see a little bit a different set up in on your environment than what you see here in this video and the last piece as far as differences the administrator action is only available I believe those are only available for those who are signed as administrators of your office 365 site that which is a little bit different than a site collection admin okay I think I covered all the bases I'm using Internet Explorer I think SharePoint 2013 is certified from a management perspective for all the other browsers but I'm sticking with Internet Explorer because you need some ActiveX of control some ActiveX functionality not to do certain features so my recommendation is to even though it's not it's not required my recommendation is to use Internet Explorer as you're going through these exercises for what we're going to cover today that's not a big deal but in the next module or a couple modules in the future that may apply so just one of the things to keep to avoid any errors or issues are you know things being disabled that's one of the things that you want to take a look at okay so let's go ahead and get started in this top bar there's a blue bar here it's really just kind of navigation items - here is your your SkyDrive if you have that set up a newsfeed with just a new which is a feature that's been enhanced in SharePoint 2013 they really kind of show you know items that you you've new track is kind of like tracking your accidents as a user in SharePoint and this kind of follows you regardless of what site collection you in there's the sites which is the equivalent to the my site and here the my site you can actually manage and promote different sites so it's almost like a bookmarking type deal every time you're on the site you can follow that site so if we actually go back to this playground this is going to be my playground call it teen trainer but if you go back here and click follow this is just it identifies this team trainer site and it attaches it to my site so my site is almost for those who are not familiar with the my site terminology within SharePoint look at it almost like you're you know My Documents area when you're on your your desktop Windows 7 Windows 8 machine it's almost you know where your personal things and your personal tracking bookmarks and things like that are kind of stored so that those are going to be your sites projects again this is probably something that you may not see this site collection I'm working with it's actually a product project management site collection project management server site collection for 2013 so this is kind of tie all my projects together the other piece of to this okay so let's take a look at the different navigation area so here you have the gear icon this is where this replaced the site actions a button if you're familiar with 2010 or 2007 they just have a little icon here no words no anything like that but if you click on it you kind of see some of the very well somewhat similar they kind of renamed a little bit here the edit option to edit this page if you drop it in webparts or change your properties so and so forth if you're adding the page to your site that option to add the patient that dumps it right into the pages library and an app this is what they're calling lists and libraries anything that you would do and view all content this is the equivalent to that to add an app site contents is actually actually this is the replacement for view all content this add an app just adds lists libraries different forms images like very swollen and so forth and also apps from the app store it gives you that option site contents is the one that replaces view all site content again it actually looks very similar to add an app the one piece of the apps and they're set the ability to add in sub sites change the look this is the one that actually toggles depending on which site type you're in if you're in a publishing site this one is the design manager which allows you to upload a HTML file convert it to a master page here for a change look for team sites all you can do is update themes and basic logos and things that nature this is actually something we're going to do towards the end of this video site settings this is a I think it's called the same in 2007 site settings or view all site settings the ability to edit different features and functionality of the site activate features at the site collection level with a site level term store content types library so on and so forth get it started it's actually a nice help they'll allow you to get started here with SharePoint 2013 I encourage you to explore there you can actually kind of learn a couple things on your own if you don't want to follow this course guideline that's going to take you from general overview of SharePoint really some detail specific functionality as far as you know InfoPath and so on and so forth but if you want to go off on your own training or the things that we cover if you want more in-depth or one color with different areas of it get started it's a great place to start and again this is office 365 preview settings is something that's unique only to my installation because I'm using the preview version of project server and this just allows me to manage my office 365 site now here on the Left one of the cool things at the other was ability to edit at links right here in the navigation versus going into site settings manage navigation and then you know updating the left nav and then the top global navigation and so on and so forth this is this actually becomes pretty handy this is what they call a managed metadata or metadata navigation where the navigation is actually stored in the term store and it's really used to easily add links and you can do sub length and sub level link so on and so forth I'm not sure that if there is a depth to a limit on how deep you can have child links or grandchild link so and so forth I think that limitation maybe more so on your UI than it is on a system this edit links at the top again allows you to add global navigation links that will appear at the top of each one of your sub sites are in insight and in this site collection the get started is out-of-the-box piece actually started to play around with this there is a way you can manage these and add your own get it started icons I don't know if this in heck but I can show you that in the future video again news feed this is very similar to the functionality that you have on Facebook where it actually just you know allows you to type in you know a simple message or status or posts you could actually have links to documents here in the news feed within anyone that's actually to the site would be able to see this and I think it's a great way for the team if this is a team site if you imagine yourself as part of a project team everyone just kind of adding in a quick message board or an update a wall if you will just kind of different tip that's about the project or about your status again this is going to be on the home page to anyone that comes to visit this team site so you know use it as such documents here this is nothing but a view list view web part in this case it's an app of the document library web part and it functions the exact same way as the view lists web part once you select it you will notice here in the ribbon that you have access to upload files to create a document if there's a template attached to it and as well as libraries to go in here and configure your document library views and update views modified views and associate workflow so on and so forth so that's really kind of like the general basic of a 2013 team site really out of the box so what I want to do now let's kind of dive into some of these sub menus here under the gear so let's go into add an app again one of the key and this is a terminology change where you know these were just looked at list your custom list your libraries your task list site mailboxes something that's new all these guys that already existed here they're consider apps and I think from a technical standpoint without getting too detailed with the technology behind it these are going to be more so applications within SharePoint so very similar to an app that you would use to download to your your phone your smartphone and now SharePoint is now extending its functionality instead of using codeplex to add you know web part so you know site actions or any functionality to your SharePoint site they want to encompass those as an app and one of the one of the things that Microsoft has done was rewrite all of their lists and libraries that you see may have been server-side coding to more client-side coding which is the base programming model behind an app so the to apps for but from for all intents and purposes that's neither here or there on how you know this thing is structured in the backend but just be aware of the terminology change functionality is very similar I think you will see a more rich experience because most of this coding is going to be client-side meaning that you know it's random your browser some of the messaging is instant some components are very slow and we can cover those in later module especially when you're doing bulk up uploading through the browser versus Windows Explorer things to get a little bit slower from the client side piece but again I think I'm speaking too much on that but that's neither here there but just you know apps is where you would go to create a custom list a custom library task so on and so forth you also have this link here on the Left I mentioned that you know one of the new things with SharePoint 2013 it's the ability to go to an app store and add functionality to your site this is the SharePoint Store it has you know very different apps on here it's actually pretty light initially SharePoint 2013 as of this video 3:14 2013 it's partially released in the office 365 site now that all of the SharePoint 2010 versions have been upgraded to SharePoint 2013 2013 so this you know is still new you know in things and in this arena I suspect will grow very fast as more and more developers start to develop SharePoint apps and throw their apps to app components out here ok so let's go ahead back to the training site another thing before we actually drill too deep one of the things I will recommend on your playground site and this is really for the students is to go ahead and bookmark that because one of the things that I've noticed we plant with me playing around with office 365 and SharePoint 2013 for the past 4 months one of the things that I've noticed was that it's very easy to get lost as far as losing track to where you are because behind this is a slew of site collections so one of the things I would recommend is just go ahead and bookmark this bookmark your your team your playground site in my case the team trainer so that way if you ever get real deep into something or you know if you navigating that app store long enough you would actually kind of lose track to where you are where you came from ok so we kind of looked at the apps let's take a look at site contents and again these are your same standard apps that you can know create a library create a custom list so on and so forth that still exists and then also what's new here versus the other add an app link just the ability to create a sub-site and now here you can go in here and create a sub-site you know different types again this is the enterprise version of SharePoint Online so you may or may not see all these options if you're using the publishing site template as your playground you definitely won't see a lot of these options because the only sub-site you can create our publishing type sub sites so your options are going to be very limited ok so let's get out of here so there's there's your sub sites let's take a look at site settings again this is kind of like the administrator backdoor because your playground site collection allows you full administrative rights you will see a lot of things that you know if you use in SharePoint in your organization and they have 2013 9 times out of 10 you will never see the screen because they would have it locked down depending on your level of access but you know here you know you have the ability to manage all your permissions to your site you can also manage permissions to a particular app you have all your galleries when beginner to the next module to where you actually start creating document libraries and SharePoint lists you begin to you know using columns and site content types and so forth the administrative piece if you want to change your time zone for your site collection you have all the options there to change the time zone if you want to change the language you know maybe your practice send French or Chinese and you want to work in that environment feel free this is obviously not going to translate everything for you just some of just some of the major labels within SharePoint so you have that option and then you have the sort order depending on your calendar type your work week which is coming to play for workflows and things of that nature time format so on and so forth so that's all your regional chain settings here you got other libraries and lists and RSS feeds just a host of options the only piece I really want to focus on is really three areas on the focus on and this is really trying to explain the concept of a site collection and a site now with the site collection this is going to be if you can imagine a tree view and then you have the top-level tree this would be the site collection the site collection is going to be the very top it's usually when you go to your site that's where your main homepage lives and then as you create sub sites you create a site underneath that site collection so really as the name kind of leads to a site collection it's the top-level site that is the collection of all the sub sites underneath it so your playground for the students has been set up where you are starting at the top-level site you're the administrator of that top-level site and you have the ability to create sub sites that becomes important when you look at your site collection administrative features all these features here controls everything that the top-level site will be configured to do as well as propagated down to the sub level sub sites so this is kind of like the the main breaker switch if you would for your site collection now if you're looking at the site collection features I'm not going to go into each and every one of these I actually don't know what each and every one of these do and how they have effect on you but I'm sure as we go through setting up InfoPath forms and setting up workflow we will be in here turning some of these guys one making sure they're activated but these are the default settings everything that you see here in blue is what's activated by default and as we kind of go through the other modules we will be in here making sure that these features are activated and that's at the site collection level so if I click back on the browser you have another set of breaker boxes and this is going to be at the site level and this is where you know at that top level site things get kind of blurred because there are top-level site acts as a site collection as well as a site and you can have manage features for this particular site as you create sub sites you will see this a same list of features that you can activate at the sub-site level say for example if you're creating a document management sub-site there are certain features for the document management feature to kick on that needs to be activated and you would do this here at the site level versus the site collection level okay I think I confuse you enough with that but just kind of stick with and we've covered this more and more and I think this becomes even more apparent as we create sub sites okay now let's go into some exercises here now if you're the student this is actually activity that you want to protect in and then once this is completed you want to send me a URL to your site showing that the looking field has been updated so the first thing we want to do is go into the title and description so the team trainer this is the name of the site and you can kind of see this throughout the one thing that this would do this will update the title for the site and all the other pages that reference the site title but it will not change the URL to the site that's one of the things to be aware of and actually sometimes you don't want it to change the URL to your site because you may have other people bookmarking your site and if you change the title in that and also change the URL that all those bookmarks would be broken so it's actually a good thing that it only changes the title on the site okay so what to change this to let's just call this the Sean's playground all right and you can put apostrophes in there and all this other good stuff and then the spell features correctly got that all figured out okay so now you can update the logo just get rid of this out-of-the-box logo so you have two options you can look at it from SharePoint meaning that you can if you have already have a logo up uploaded to a library so your documents library are you know some type of style library you can highlight it you can pull it from the library if you don't and you just have one on your computer as I do you can just browse your computer and find a logo let's see how much eat here or we have a local created if you don't have a logo created you probably want to search the internet and make one up I think that will be great all right so these this description text this is the text when you know sometimes you have this logo and you see a teen trainer that's the site title you can put a description on there they say this is self meds and deletions training site is a team site or 2013 okay very simple nothing earth-shattering here okay so I got my title updated and all this other good stuff alright so now let's go into quick launch quick launch controls the left navigation here this is what they consider the the quick launch and you can create you know subheadings and so and so forth so what I'm going to do on the crater subheading address I mean just called it site favorites well it's going to force me to put in a URL which is fine I'm gonna fix this up yeah and click OK alright so that's a new heading and you can modify the order if you want things to be in a particular order like if I want all my documents going on at home a notebook let's put that last site contents should be there yeah it looks good and obviously as I click OK all this gets updated and the Refresh is very minimum again this is why actually one of the powers of client-side programming versus server-side programming I think most of the interaction between your browser and the SharePoint Server that's sitting in the back end becomes more real-time and instantaneous without longer page refreshes so on and so forth ok so now let's go back to site settings now we get the quick launch and then we have the top link bar which controls this piece here again this is just a second option on how to control these links as I mentioned before you can easily click edit links and modify the top link here so let's let's actually try that so here is telling me I can drag and drop link I'm not going to trust that let's go ahead and click Add link what I want to name it I want to link to Yahoo because I always have to be in contact with what's going on there at Yahoo making sure we can still work from home and we want all these other companies getting bright ideas ok so you have the Yahoo link here and then if I click refresh and it pops up here in my sub navigation again just showing how all this stuff is interconnected and you know at share point if you use the SharePoint you understand and know that there are a million ways to do one thing and that's just another example of that and then you have a tree view and now let's go into change the look changing the look this is very similar to what you have in previous versions of SharePoint allows you to select a theme and then kind of select a color scheme to kind of match that theme so let's go here with the breeze ok and now you have a background image for the breeze you can choose a color palette the first one is going to be your background color so if you want things a little bit darker that would be that the second one is going to be your link coloring and then the third one is just going to be your general colors that may be used in several different ways so I like let's go ahead with this see green or this like I guess I called it the teal and here's another thing that's new actually this one doesn't have that I thought these for using some of the the web fonts and I'm sure they're not using the Google web fonts you know Microsoft and Microsoft and that whole few between Google but here you can just update this and if you want to change the background so you have two options you can remove it all together and then your background color becomes you know vs. are opaque or with the opposite color it's going to be solid but if you want to change that and add your own you had a freedom of doing that so let's go into the documents or whatever you keep your files save golf and I go up here and then there we go there's the SP classroom logo and that'll be a nice background so actually I'm not a big fan of dark backgrounds let's just go with this one okay a little bit lighting it up a little bit okay so first thing you do you click try it out and what this is going to do is show you a preview and if everything looks fine and dandy and in the big screen you can go ahead and commit the changes and then have that saved out for you okay yes got the fantasy flaunt there looks like we're plan which is great for playground logo good good good yes let's keep it okay so we're all set we are all set my friend okay so let's go back so you can always click the logo to go back to your team site all right so everything is now got the wacky font going one if you don't want this and this is another guided waiting as I mentioned before if you hit the gear and you go to get me started you get a bunch of help text and a lot of information that will help you through learning more about SharePoint that's one way and then these guys here as far as getting started are really designed to help guide you on different key elements of of your team site so you can actually go through there as well again so what from from the students for one of the things I would like you to do is to update a logo and if you don't have a logo just go do a quick google search and find a simple logo not one that's light and then I want you to add links to your Heather or global navigation I also want you to add custom links to your left navigation and then change the theme to your site now when you send me the link to your site you're actually wanting to click on your logo and send me the home link to your team site and then you'll get authorized for the next module okay for everyone else this has been a pleasure and hopefully this is high-level overview of SharePoint 2013 I hope you found some some value in here and just again we're just scratching the surface with this and the next module would dig a little bit deeper okay take care and talk to you soon
Channel: DeShon Clark
Views: 1,059,774
Rating: 4.622716 out of 5
Keywords: SharePoint 2013 Walk-through, SPClassroom, Microsoft SharePoint (Software), SharePoint 2013 Training, DeShon Clark
Id: hsfUNRRu0VY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 55sec (1735 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2013
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