Shared iscsi Storage - Synology & HyperV - How sweet it is! EP-151

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[Music] so how do you to bunky Joe here Uncle Joe's Playhouse today we're gonna do another video why well why not I can't so let me tell you what's going on in a minute you're gonna see that old familiar beige box of mine the one that I've tried under aid and FreeNAS and it's kind of like my test unit it's kind of core i5 processor uh 30 34 70 it's got a 16 gig of ram it's got five total serial ata ports on it two of those are serial ata three and the other three are serial ata two so what I thought I'd do is set up some tiered shared storage using an exponent X px penology software and then serving these out to my hyper-v machines override scuzzy so if you've ever dealt with I scuzzy before you know you might find this video interesting so what I'm gonna do is show you the build I'm not gonna show you the exponent all I've done that video a hundred times already so just come back and check one of my prior videos and you'll be able to figure it out and there's a really good website called x-men ology me there's got full details on how to set up an expedited expa nology I should say so I'm gonna show you the build process of what drives input in there right now I put my I took my old SSD out of my new risin build because I got those two samsung drives and I took that SanDisk and I'm gonna make that a shared drive under X phonology and make that my Tier one storage that tier 1 means really fast storage and then the 500 gig volumes will be put in a raid SHR raid giving me about 1.5 tera Heights of storage or gigabytes is true is it terabytes 1.5 gigabytes of storage for non tier 2 or 4 non tier 1 storage in other words for slower storage and then I'm going to serve them up to my hyper-v server and see how that works out so I'm going to show you the build you know putting the drives and that kind of thing and then we'll go into the meat and potatoes and I'll show you how to set up a nice cozy share under X penology or Synology they're synonymous and then I'll show you out how I'll show you how we share that out to hyper-v so let's get started had to do a little battery change there so well I have a captive audience while I have this thing open I bought a I bought a dual intel nick months ago here it is yeah I want to put that into the system because at some point I may want to combine these two NIC cards NIC adapters together so this is only a PCI card but we'll go ahead and pop it in and that way I have it for future use and I think I'm gonna disable the onboard Nick and just use the Intel dual NIC card here okay so we got the Intel dual NIC in here let's go ahead and start putting the hard drives in now I'm gonna go I'm gonna put the the serial ata they are the I'm sorry the SSD drive in on the first controller because this computer has a weird way of doing controllers and that is serial ata six controllers of the first two and then serial ata two controllers are the remaining three I don't know why they did it that way but that's the way they did it and then here's my three 500 gig hard drives those ever-present Samsung 500 gig drives have just refused to fail I used to hate Samsung when they first came out eons ago now I've warmed up to them and then I'm not gonna put anything in the remaining slot I have another 500 gig hard drive I could easily put in there but I want to wait there's the beige box drives are installed I've got the network card I got the Intel dual NIC installed maybe later maybe later we'll put a 10 gig Mellanox card in there I don't know anyway there it is alright so there you go the build is completed you noticed put the SS date I'm sorry you notice we put the SSD drive in the first drive Bay on that cert on that beige box and we did that because that motherboard only has two serial ata three connectors on it the raster serial ata - for a total of five or six no five so I've got my fastest drive which is the SSD drive on the fastest controller so it doesn't slow it down and then the other drives one is on a serial ata three and the other ones on a serial 88 - controller now what I could do or what I could be doing is just setting up direct-attached storage now that I have those H 700 controllers in those two Dell servers I can run SSD drives in there I can run drives larger than two terabytes but I thought it'd be cool to show you how shared storage works in a like they mainly use this in an enterprise level environment the idea is is you have multiple spinning platters and you get faster or what are called AI ops on shared storage so it makes it great for things like database servers and that kind of thing normally I would just use direct attached storage and we're gonna do a video on that as well we'll get some SSDs and pop them into those Dells and use them locally but I just thought it would be interesting to do a video on shared storage to show you what the potential is for using that and how it could make your life a little bit easier when running a hyper-v and multiple hyper-v hosts all right so we are on the this is the beige box we just got done building and as you can see it is running cytology X pathology and let me go out and show you how I've got the storage configured so I have to raid groups while actually there s HR raids and the first one is not even in s HR raid it is simply that sandy is Cora yes under SanDisk in anyway it's an SSD drive 240 gig SSD drive set up as a s HR without data protection so it's just a single this simple volume and this is what I this is what the industry would call my tier 1 storage this is the expensive fast storage well in theory because the SSDs get about 500 megabits per second so and then the other volume is an s HR of 3 465 or 500 gig hard drive so I get effectively almost one terabyte of storage out of those three drives now I'm going to be adding another spinning hard drive to this later because I can put up to five drives in here so I've only got four but I've got another 500 gig laying around I'm gonna put in but I digress so this is how my storage is set up so now let's switch over to MCS lab 1 which is one of those Dell servers running hyper-v and these are where I have these machines should look for me or if you've been part of the or following the Windows lab series I've got my domain controller for the lab and then a bunch of workstations set up for it all of these are now running on what I call the tier 1 shared storage off of that expand I'm gonna call this one a sand because that's what it is it's a storage area network that's why I set it up so what I'm going to do is I'm going to boot up this machine and then we're gonna go out and go over to the exponent on G sand and we're gonna monitor that screen and see what kind of you'll see the kind of information it gives me so I'm just going to go ahead and right-click on that until to start and then I'll switch over here to the to the Expo not a we're gonna go to ice cuz because that's how I've set it up so this is the this is my 2016 domain controller from my lab booting up and you see the kind of I ops I'm getting you're very I'm getting very good I ops on here now this is only one machine starting up and what it does is instead of the hard drive storage and being on the directly attached to that Dell server the storage for the virtual machine is located on this Nash or sand unit this explanation which back over to the lab again so you can see it's booting up go ahead and open that and then I should be able to in theory log into it and I'm actually gonna start up a couple of the workstations as well just to show ya they don't seem any slower to me or any faster or anything like that but there's the there's the domain controller booted up let's put up a Windows 10 Enterprise machine go ahead and start that and while that is starting we will switch over to back over to our exponential sit reads and writes from the I scuzzy drag now that's volume 1 all of these are running off of I've sent all these virtual machines on lab on the MCS lab to get their shared storage from this sand and so in effect that all they're using is the SSD drive ok let's go back to the lab and we'll see that our virtual machine is now up and running so they're they're fairly quick to run I see no I can with my own eye I can see no discernible speed difference to running these on direct-attached storage but you see the machine is up and running both the domain controller and one of the virtual machines and if I come back to the exponents and here you'll see over time this will settle down so let's talk about why I'm doing all this I don't need this in fact in in Mike circumstances and probably yours in a lab environment you would be better off with just direct attached storage that means storage whether it be SSDs spinning hard drives whatever that is local to the machine you're using right now in that Adel I have two spinning hard drives and those are SAS drives and that's what Windows boots off of and runs off of there the boot drives I have no other drives in there the plan is to get a couple of 500 gig SSDs in there and use those as the direct-attached storage for both for the virtual machines only the same thing with the other day Lars have attend the production mcs production the plan is to get to 500 gig SSD drives and use those as direct-attached storage but what I'm doing today is showing you how to use shared storage because one it's fun which is fun to play around this stuff and this will kind of give you an idea how the big guys in the enterprises use their their systems now in a in a perfect world I would have multiple spinning hard drives in here like in a raid just an array or a raid 60 array lots of platters the more platters the more I ops you get it's not so much about reliability and fault tolerance as it is about platter speed and IAP speed but now that we have SSDs it's just my opinion but anybody creating a sand that doesn't use SSD drives to give their eye ops up is just kind of you know I mean SSDs are getting very close the price to spending are drops so the route I'm gonna go with both direct-attached storage and with shared storage is eventually my shared storage this sand is gonna have all SSD drives in it and I'm gonna be able to share storage with either ESXi or hyper-v or any other virtualization platform I choose to use and then the other thing I'm going to do one on this exponent a 10 gig network adapter there at some point in the future so planning ahead but I just wanted you to know why I was playing around today with a storage area network so let's get started on showing you how to set up a share alright so if we switch over here to production to my production hyper-v unit you'll see that I've got some meat I've got several virtual machines over here let's just look at let's let's go with web one for now this is a web server for running web in virtual bin so it's a fairly small machine so let's right-click on that and go down to settings and if you look here under the hard drive you'll see it's on a local local drive here so this machine is using what they call direct attached storage and if we come down here to our folder view you'll see that drive D is directly attached to this machine this is a it's a raid one to one terabyte yeah one terabyte drives in a rate one array and you'll even see down here that the smart paging file location is above the D Drive virtual machines so what I want to do is set up some shared storage and then I want to move the storage I want to keep the virtual machine on this production machine but I want to move into storage over to shared storage so let's let's do that next so let's get some shared storage set up for for the production Nazz now our for the production hyper-v now I'm not gonna put it over here on volume one this is going to be Tier two storage because I really don't need anything that zippy so we're gonna step the tiered or the shared storage on volume two so what we want to do is come up here to Storage Manager and the first thing we need to do is create a nice cozy target now I already have one for hyper-v but what I'm going to do is create one for production so we'll call this MCS production but I think I can use a hyphen in the name now because we're in a lab environment and because we're in a local area network I typically don't use confirmation on any of this you could enable password authentication but I don't see any need to do it a local network what I do want to do is come down here to the iqn number and go click on that field to go to the end and just look here it's it's creating an what the iqn target is creating and that's 81 one hour are the numbers I'm going to pay attention to at the end of this so I'm gonna go ahead and here and click on OK and then that should create a another I scuzzy target down here and it does so this is a 8 e110 and this one is 81 1 0 so when I what I want to do is I want to remove yeah I want to remove that one because I made a boo-boo I want these IQ end numbers to be unique so what I'm gonna do is start over you see don't you just love boo-boos in progress you see how it gave it the same IQ at number I don't want to giving it the same IQ at numbers so I'm going to call this we'll call this hyper-v [Music] production just so I can keep it in in my head and then I'm gonna click on this field I'm gonna go to the end and I'm gonna call it I'm just gonna delete the zero and add a 1 to it you can create the IQ and target anything you want but I want it to be unique and different from the other one so now if we see this one we'll see that this is IQ n of e 1 1 0 and this one should be e 1 1 1 just so we can keep them keep them separate now the next thing I need to do is we need a create a logical unit or a logical unit to connect that production to so we'll go up here to hi Scotty LUN and you'll see we already have one in here for our tier 1 storage so we're going to create another one and this is going to be a I scuzzy file level LUN and we're gonna create it on volume 2 and we're going to call this production well you have production line then we're gonna allow thin provision again I'm only going to give it a hundred gigabyte that should be big enough the London type is going to be a regular foul on and the scuzzy target mapping is going to be hyper-v production so we're go ahead and click on next and apply and now what it should have done is gone out there and created the that LUN unit for hyper-v and it looks like it has all right so now we'll see art we'll see our hyper-v is connected but we'll see hyper-v production is not so now we need to switch over to the production hyper-v machine and connect up to this unit alright so now we're on MCS production on our production hyper-v machine and we're gonna click on the windows button we're gonna come up here to Windows administrative tools and I scuzzy initiator okay now it tells us it's not running and the services required to be started for I scuzzy to function to start the service now and as a service start automatically click the yes so that's what we're gonna do now the first thing we need to do is come over here to the discovery tab and we're gonna go to discover portal and we're gonna add the name of the machine now if you don't have DNS setup on your network that you'll need to enter the IP address in here I like using names so that if the IP address changes later I can always we can always reconnect to it I don't have to come back and fiddle with it I'm gonna go ahead and click on ok and then I'm going to click on refresh then I'm gonna come over here to target and you'll see here now that we have two different targets we have the one that ends in E 110 or we have the one that ends in E 111 well if you remember we made this e 1 11 our default I scuzzy connection for for this unit so all we have to do is highlight it and then click on connect ok it's gonna put the target name in there and then it's going to add this connection list of favorite targets this will make the system automatically attempt to restore the connection every time this computer restarts and that's good because if you try to restart hyper-v and you don't have your I scuzzy LUN available it's not going to see the virtual machines or where to or where to run them from so we'll click on OK and you'll see now down here it says it is connected alright well that's all fine and good but how do we use that drive now let's go into your file explorer and see if we can see it and you can see under here I've got my local disk and I've got another local disk and then I've got a couple of network discs but I've got nothing to connect well that's because there's another step we need to do so if you right-click on here and go on this PC and go to manage it'll bring up server manager we don't want to do that so we need to do is come over here we want a computer management so let's come over here to the Start menu and let's go to Windows Administrative Tools and then I'm gonna drag this under the desktop computer management create a lake so we'll double click on computer management now with I scuzzy their block mobile devices so you actually have to come up come here to Disk Management and actually create a hard drive ok and you'll notice if I scroll down here now there's a 100 gig hard drive that is not in use so it's at its offline so the first thing we want to do is right-click on it over here and bring it online now it's also not initialized so the other thing we want to do is right-click and initialize the disk and I'm just gonna use a Master Boot Record because it's under two terabytes ok so now it's online and it's initialized so now we need create a volume so I'm going to right-click and do a new simple volume follow the prompts we're gonna give it a 100 gigabyte we're gonna make it drive letter I called it s on the other one so I'm going to call it s on this one for shared storage next and we're gonna go ahead and format as NTFS and we're going to call this shared and click on next and then finish and we'll let the drive format so in the long and the short of this is that windows tree creates that ice cozy share as an actual volume that you connect to so we've formatted the volume now should be out there and be available so if we come here and redo it there we go now I'm going to create a couple of folders out here one is going to be called a virtual machines will do virtual machines and then under the virtual machines directory I'm going to create another one called VHD now that's just the way I like to do it you do it any way you want to and then I'm gonna close that window now if we open hyper-v we're gonna move that machine we're gonna move it storage anyway to a different location so we're gonna go to web one and I'm gonna right-click on it and I'm gonna choose move okay next now what I'm gonna do I can move the virtual machine and its storage to another computer I'm just going to move the storage so I'm gonna move the virtual machine storage and I'm gonna move all the virtual machines data to a single location next and then I'm going to browse to that location so I'm gonna go to my s Drive and I'm gonna go virtual machines select folder kay tells me there's a hundred gig free and the size of this virtual machine is sixteen gig so it'll fit I'm going to click on next and then I'm going to click on finish and it'll start moving the virtual machine over and if we monitor here you'll see it's actually going to do it over this connection which is fine because it's moving it to the I scuzzy storage I don't have the I scuzzy storage set up on on the 10 Gigabit LAN because I don't have a 10 gigabit network hard in that sand unit but we'll go ahead and we'll let this move and then we'll come back when it's done and see what the results were so I've switched over temporarily to back to the Synology sand unit and you can see that our data is coming over and is transferring and here's our throughput here's our eye ops that are about you know 600 running of that range 250 range which is not bad for a file booth and then the latency we're getting on the file transfer so if you'll observe some you remember when we started up our virtual machines on the the lab hyper-v machine which is using Tier one storage SSD storage we'll call it that that our high ops were much much faster on booting those machines so now this is a transfer test but what we'll do and this is why you have tiered storage some stuff you want to be fast you want to have it on that SSD drive some stuff stuff that boots up and doesn't have a whole bunch of activity on it or just runs a process in the background can go on tier two level storage or the slower spinning drive storage so we have web ones shared storage move over there let's do the same with web 2 because this is my hosting software for my websites so we'll go into settings and just verify that it is indeed on the local hard drive both the virtual hard drive and the virtual machine file are both on the D Drive and we want to move those now just remember we're going to move the storage not the virtual machine and we could even in theory we could move the gist of machine data to a different location or we could only move the virtual machines virtual hard disk so that the actual file control file for the virtual machine could remain on local storage and then the data would be over on shared but I want to move the data as well and the virtual machine settings so I'm gonna click on next again we're gonna put this on drive s under virtual machines select the folder next and then finish and we'll let it will switch over here while it's performing the move and see what kind of throughput in high ops we're getting so again it's writing to an SH our raid as it's moving that data over so our write speeds are not going to be phenomenal they're not bad they're better than they were on my own raid server when I tried it I was getting 30 megabits per second after the cache drive filled on hundred so that's why don't use under 8 and you know how I feel about Farina is just too clunky for me so it is transferring the virtual machine file and the virtual hard drive over to this shared storage so we'll let that run and it will come back and we'll try to boot up the virtual machine and let you know how that goes all right so let's see if that worked let's right-click go to settings and let's see if our yep our virtual hard drive is now over on the S Drive and our virtual machine is over on the S Drive so that's this is a web a machine that needs to be up and running for to host my website so I'm gonna go ahead and click on start and we'll make sure it starts booting and then we'll switch over to to the sand okay it's loading files so if we switch over here now to the sand will see our a ops going up and our throughput going up on the reads as it boots this server up and it looks like it is come up to the login and so it should stabilize now let's switch back over here and you'll see it is up and running it's running sent OS I'm gonna go see if I can login if I can remember bear with me a second [Music] and yes it does have the right IP address I'm sorry I brought you along with me I just wanted to make sure it had the right IP address and now I should be able to log out and then I should be able to minimize the Machine and keep it running and if we switch back over here to Chrome we can see that the production line is working fine and that and the beauty of the beauty of this managing these eyes cause uses I can monitor both one for the hyper-v machine in the lab and do we see it's still running just fine you'll see it's having minimal impact on RAM minimal impact on CPU resources it really is quite frugal with resources and the machines appear to be running fine now something we need to keep in mind is because since now we're running shared storage not only does my Dell server need to be up and running but mice expand needs to be up and running at all times as well whenever that hyper-v machine is running that's one of the downsides of shared storage is that instead of having direct-attached storage on there these machines run off of they're now running off of another physical machine so now instead of one point of failure we have two points of failure but that being said we also have the ability to be agile say for example one of those Dell servers fails I now have the ability with shared storage to quickly move it on to another virtual machine and spool it back up so there are downsides to shared storage there are upsides to share and storage the other downside is is that shared storage can be with spinning drives can be a bit slower than direct attached storage in fact you'll find most people agree that in a small environment like you know for a hundred user or less network storage share and storage is probably not the best idea because your idea because you have a couple points of failure if your array fails but that you know I mean you just have to plan ahead and think about how you're gonna do your storage for your virtual machines now this storage is separate from from you know a CIFS or SMB share you can do that with with hyper-v but you can't do it with Synology freenas or undrained you cannot use their SMB to share with a hyper-v server because you will get an error and this is a known error and it's a problem with Samba it's not a problem with Windows but the Samba implementation of the CIFS or SMB share has got a couple of flaws in it and now you know Microsoft has moved all their servers to secure connections for you it encrypts the connections between workstations and machines and that's something that samba currently doesn't support or it doesn't support very well I know because I tried it myself I thought well I'll just set up an SMB share and that'll be our shared storage it worked under Windows but it doesn't work under exponent work under FreeNAS and it doesn't work under unright I've tried it now one important thing to remember and I'm going to go over this on my Synology video as well but I want to include it in this video so that you can see it for yourself is it by default Windows 10 the fall creators update now uses smb3 exclusively so you may encounter some problems with connecting your Windows 10 units up to Synology but what you want to do is come into the control panel here and go under file services and then right here under SMB you want to go to advanced settings now you want to changes by default Synology has it on smb2 as a maximum SMB you want to change that to SMB 3 and you will see a phenomenal while you should see an increase in transfer speeds now if you're running Windows 7 and some older units you probably want to keep smb2 or SMB one enabled microsoft says it could be a security risk but i you know in a local network I don't see any problems with it so that's one thing you want to make sure and make sure your enable opportunistic locking is checked so bump that up to smb3 make sure the minimum is SMB one encryption mode left Auto and enable opportunistic locking and you will see some increased transfer speeds between Windows and Synology so there you go we have we have shared storage under hyper-v going to a Synology nas or an exponent as you can do this with free nas you can do this with under 8 they both have I scuzzy connectors that a might I'm not going to show you how to connect about here because I don't use either one of them but you should be able to replicate this and you can replicate it in Windows as well if you remember some of my really early Windows videos where I was setting up Windows drive pools you can do the same thing set up a dedicated Windows server with a bunch of hard drives in it running dry pool set up the ice cozy and connect between them now for some reason Synology won't let me use the block level of ice cozy I don't know why I've looked it up and I can't figure it out I'm going to put a ticket into them asking them why so I went with the file level I've scuzzy which is fine but the SMB using arm sorry the ice cozy using the block has a few more advantages but until I'm familiar with what those are I don't want to send you astray and tell you hey yeah do it this way so and the other thing to keep in mind like I've mentioned before is if your your sand device your Synology and ads or whatever - you're using our sand device goes offline your virtual machines are going offline as well so keep that in mind that could be a problem if you know electricity expenses an issue for you and you don't want to keep those servers running at all times you're just gonna have to be mindful hey if I bring that server up I have to bring up the shared storage because there's a bunch of stuff out there on it and you probably have noticed that I don't usually dress before I get out care well I do I don't get on camera naked or anything but I usually no dress up when I get on camera because I want to keep this kind of carefree and easygoing in fact I bar nucleuses lead and I wear my pajama pants whenever I can because I'm basically around the house and I'd like to I like to be comfortable I do keep shoes on my feet because I've done I have diabetic nerve pain so it makes a lot easier to walk on my feet when I have shoes on but I digress but I just didn't want you to think I don't care enough to get dressed up but this is who I really am my customers will attest to it my family will attest to this is what you get this is Uncle Joe I don't want to pretend to be something I'm not so I could get up and style my hair and put on a you know a dress shirt a tie and stand behind a pretty desk and really make some eye popping video but that's not the guy I am this is who I am so I hope nobody takes offense to it not that I wouldn't dress up for you guys but I do bathed on a daily basis and occasionally run a comb through my hair so just FYI anyway we hope you found this video entertaining and informative as always give us a thumbs up down below if you like what you saw leave your comments in the comment section and don't forget if you can spare a dime or two we take paypal and patreon donations all of your donations go back into great content for this channel we're now past the 21 hundred subscriber mark again something not possible without you guys keep the donations rolling in there greatly appreciated we're gonna put that money to good use we've got lots of plans for lots of videos coming and I wanted to share with you a a my Synology box my brand-new one I found a bug in the DSM software and I contacted Synology and I let them know hey I'm trying to do X over Y and it won't work and they were very responsive they got right back to me well first I tried to chat in the guy and the guy in chat said go submit a ticket because this is something out of his league I submitted a ticket I had an answer back within a couple hours and then within a day or two they finally an escalated up to a senior technician and said thank you for discovering this bug in our software and they're gonna be fixing it hopefully in the next release it wasn't fixed in the release that was just put out the other day or Synology but that's okay I will be patient but that just shows you so far how good their their level of support is at Synology so we'll see if they fix the problem because I can't do the video I want to do for you moving forward until they do and I don't want to highlight this I don't want to put a negative video up about Synology until they've had an opportunity to address the issue so again thanks for watching so appreciative for all your patronage and don't forget we'll see you on the other side [Music]
Channel: Unkyjoe's Playhouse
Views: 8,774
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hyperv 2016, windows server 2016, synology, synology iscsi, synology shared storage, iscsi, smb 3, synology smb3, lun storage, luns
Id: RvTfEwgWSh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 52sec (2452 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2018
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